Complementing Each Other in Relationships
"Complementing Each Other in Relationships"
"The Shadow Role"
"Experience Moves Concept into Reality"
"The Difference between Aliens and Extraterrestrials"
“Soft Relationships”
Monday, October 27, 2014 (Private/In Person)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Phil (Patre) and Debbie (Tamarra)
ELIAS: Good morning!
PHIL AND DEBBIE: Good morning, Elias.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?
PHIL: [To Debbie] Would you like to start?
DEBBIE: Yes! Hello! (Elias chuckles) I wanted to express my appreciation, and I also have a knowing that you've been with me and very encouraging.
ELIAS: Very much so.
PHIL: And I as well. Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: Yes. (Chuckles)
DEBBIE: Ah… emotional. I'm just going to confirm my stats. Viv had gotten them for me back in May. My essence name is, and I don't know how to pronounce it so I want to hear it from you: TAM-arra or Ta-MER-ra).
DEBBIE: Ta-MAR-ra. Very nice, thank you. I'm Sumafi/Zuli aligned?
DEBBIE: Which was very helpful. I liked having that acknowledgement. It's really set me in a good place. Thought focused?
DEBBIE: And also, just a note on that, it’s my understanding that that's where I want to always have my clarity, because if I was going to be distorted in any way within myself, it would be to look at my thought process. Am I understanding that? And that I’m very… Well, let's talk about my intent in this focus. It has to do, in my opinion, with very purposefully being thought focused and Sumafi; also I feel very, very, certain that it has to do with the Shift. Would that be your understanding as well in the intent?
ELIAS: In your individual intent?
DEBBIE: Yeah, in that.
ELIAS: For that is EVERYONE'S intent, whether they are aware of it or not in this time framework. Your intent is a theme that has been expressed in your experiences from birth, not merely now, but throughout the entirety of your life.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: And generally it can be identified by one word.
DEBBIE: Oh! Would you offer that?
ELIAS: What would you assess?
DEBBIE: Well, looking at that idea, I have seen that my experience has been through the idea of not having physical support, that idea that I will get myself out of anything – knowing that that's illusionary, but I've set it up to where I don't look like I have people rescuing me. I was going to get myself out of my own hole, so to speak, so there's something around that.
ELIAS: I would agree. (Debbie laughs)
Now; what I would express to you is that you have a considerable amount of expressions, and even experiences, very similar to Michael.
DEBBIE: Ah. Okay.
ELIAS: And an energy similar. In that, also being a Sumafi, thought-focused individual, and your intent in this focus is the same, which is challenge.
ELIAS: Now; challenge is not what it seems initially. Most individuals hear that term “challenge” and automatically think negative.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: But it is not actually. I would express for both of you, that although you have each incorporated considerable challenges within your lifetimes of difficulties, how you express challenge MORE so, more frequently, and more consistently, is in moving forward, experimenting, and inspiration. That you express [that] whatever you do, if it does not incorporate some element of challenge that engages you, it is not important and not worth engaging. That WHATEVER you are engaging, it matters not what it is. It can be making a sandwich, it can be interacting with an animal, it can be what you consider to be life changes – it matters not. Whatever it is that you are engaging, your perception is that it is not worth engaging UNLESS it challenges you in some manner, which SPURS you to continuously move forward.
PHIL: Ah… That's the drive. I noticed the drive about her right away when we came together.
ELIAS: Which is very strong, and I would express that it was very strong similarity with Michael, that you express a similar personality, a similar expression in challenge and a TREMENDOUS drive to move forward, to expand, and to ALWAYS be offering yourself more and more and more information. But not only offering it to yourself, but also engaging the challenge of applying it. It is not enough that you know it; it is more that you must live it.
PHIL: Well, that's certainly what we've done over the last five months.
DEBBIE: Right.
PHIL: We came together out of the blue. (Debbie laughs)
ELIAS: So to speak.
PHIL: One coming from one...
DEBBIE: … very seemingly diverse...
PHIL: Exactly. And we both immediately, almost immediately, said yes to each other, and have continued to say yes in each moment for whatever challenges came, which appeared very daunting and great at the time. But we felt all the way along we've had great support, wonderful support in driving forward, and plus we're both okay with not being able necessarily to see over the next hill, knowing that we're supported in that and being able to have that trust that what's coming is what we're looking for.
ELIAS: Excellent. I would be VERY acknowledging of each of you. And in that, I would express another acknowledgment that it's not only the trust but allowing yourselves, each and together, to recognize each day what is ACTUALLY important to you and what is not. This is a tremendous accomplishment when individuals couple themselves together, for it is very easy to become caught in all of the constructs and to make them important, and they are not.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: And to see your direction through that, and beyond it as you expressed. Even if you do not necessarily objectively know where that will lead you, trusting yourself that you are moving in the correct direction for you and that you are drawing to yourself what you want, what you require, and that you will be generating your greatest benefit, for that is already what you are perceiving as the most important. And therefore, it allows you to continuously move forward and be satisfied.
Now; let me express to you also another great acknowledgment to each of you in coupling yourselves together, for one of the most challenging aspects for most individuals in that choice to couple together is that so very many individuals express the idea – or even the ideal – that love is enough to sustain you, and in relationships it is not. You can genuinely love, and it is not enough to sustain a relationship.
Relationships require complements. Relationships require the individuals to be aware – that is, if they are to be sustained – for the individuals to be aware of themselves and aware of their directions, and also in being aware of yourselves, KNOWING what you naturally generate as an individual and therefore having the objective ability to assess if another individual complements you in that.
Most individuals incorporate a criteria list in relation to seeking relationships: “I want an individual that is spiritual, I want an individual that is humorous, I want an individual that is intellectual, I want an individual that hikes.” (Phil and Debbie both laugh) “I want an individual that enjoys Italian food – all of these criteria. And I want an individual that incorporates this body type and this appearance and this color eyes and this color hair and expresses them in this manner, and that enjoys dancing.” Those may all be expressions that you enjoy or that you like; that is not to say that that criteria list is a foundation for another individual that is a complement to you.
What is more of a list of what would be a complement would be an individual that their natural expression, what they naturally generate, is that they enjoy a tidy home but loathes doing the dishes, and their partner enjoys doing the dishes for it is meditative and does not become IRRITATED with the other individual that they do not do it, or that they pile the dishes into the sink and leave them there, and it is not irritating to the other individual to do that. Or, one individual enjoys incorporating time alone reading, or even engaging their television or...
PHIL: We've found as one of greatest excitements is we tend to drive each other. I think in that way we complement each other in that we're both very cognizant of our moving through the Shift and how we’re complementing each other, doing that by the way we reflect the other one back to themselves. And we seem to do a very good job of reflecting not only the good things but also the things that are a little wobbly that we need to look at to assimilate, to integrate, to help us move further into the Shift.
ELIAS: But you do that without attachment,
DEBBIE: Oh, yeah.
ELIAS: – and that is excellent. Meaning you do it without blame.
DEBBIE: We've noticed that, that there is no need to blame, even up to date so it’s not going to show up now, but we've been very noticing of that element not being there between us.
ELIAS: Which is excellent.
DEBBIE: Yeah. But when you were talking about complementing too, the couple of times I've gotten jammed up with the idea that I know we express differently and not trying to analyze and project forward because I – I'd like for you to talk if you want to explore this more – I feel his role is so different than mine, but I know that there's a complementary place. Meaning I see Phil, you know, being part... [To Phil] Well, your stats for example. I see his role as being very a change maker and bringing new ideas through. And you can talk more to that. And I know that me speaking publicly isn't MY forte, but that doesn't relegate me toward... it's just a different complementary position.
DEBBIE: Because he seems much more… mm, foreseeable. I see him generating all sorts of ideas with large groups of people and all, and I see me very much by his side but not generating the same. And sometimes I would get a wobble around that, like what am I bringing that's complementary at that same level.
ELIAS: Ah! That is an excellent question. And in that, what I would express to you is, now this would be an area in which you and Michael express in the reverse of each other.
DEBBIE: Ah, interesting.
ELIAS: In what you would term to be an opposite.
ELIAS: Now; in that, it is important for individuals that move in a direction of expressing themselves especially in public forums, when an individual chooses that direction to engage, if they engage in a partnership, what becomes VERY important is that they incorporate another individual in their partnership that is supportive and PRESENT with them. The ability – and this is a talent – the ability to engage relationship with another individual that IS expressive and DOES engage outwardly, especially in relation to public engagement, the ability to express a position of being a shadow is a talent and an art form. It is not one that many individuals can express, for it requires a strength. For let me express to you, shadows are what create depth.
PHIL: Ahhh.
DEBBIE: Well, THAT [inaudible, laughing].
ELIAS: Without shadows, there IS no depth.
PHIL: Well, that explains why we've had such growth since we've come together.
ELIAS: But it is difficult for most individuals to engage that role as the shadow. And in that, it is not unusual to, especially initially, wonder and question, “What am I doing? What is my role?” Your role is more important and significant than you may see yet.
Now; in this, in the physical action aspect of being the shadow, as I expressed, you would be expressing the reverse of Michael, BUT also, simultaneously, in another respect there is a parallel in that, for Michael is the shadow to myself.
Now; let this be an example to you. If Michael is the shadow to myself, notice how well Michael reflects and implements what I express.
ELIAS: Therefore, I generate the information, and Michael implements it. And in that, I offer, and engage, and Michael becomes the example. That is the shadow role, that one individual expresses and takes the position of the forefront, the figurehead, the focal point, and the other implements what the figurehead is expressing and applies it to be the example of what the figurehead is presenting. That is how you support, and that is a significant role. It requires being very present. It requires paying attention to yourself.
ELIAS: It requires not comparing.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: It requires trusting you and trusting the figurehead.
DEBBIE: Right, yes.
ELIAS: (Whispering) Which is a lot. And in that, whenever you express to yourself that doubt, “What am I doing? What is my role?,” remind yourself of this, for your role is large.
DEBBIE: Well, you can' can’t almost have one without the other if you want to generate the highest expression that we wanted to be, ongoing.
DEBBIE: And you see that as our highest, in this regard?
ELIAS: I would be very encouraging to both of you.
DEBBIE: And I felt very supportive from the get-go. We've had these ideas...
PHIL: I felt from the moment she walked in as if she had been my shadow, and I love that you use that term. Even in my dreams, that that was the unspoken voice that was right here with me.
DEBBIE: Do you have ideas to that that we… Not even in this dimension, I of course have felt the idea of my impression is we've been together many times in focuses.
ELIAS: Very much so.
DEBBIE: Yeah. And it's all we had, the [inaudible cross-talk].
ELIAS: And not only in this...
DEBBIE: Thank you, you've already told me that, but (laughing) I appreciated that.
PHIL: But I wanted to hear what she was going to say.
DEBBIE: Oh, go ahead, please.
PHIL: So please.
ELIAS: Yes, you have incorporated MANY focuses together in this physical dimension, but many others in other physical dimensions also. And you incorporate many focuses together in this dimension not in this world.
DEBBIE: Right. Right. I feel beyond, beyond, in nonphysical as well. Like we've...
ELIAS: Not merely nonphysical, and not merely other dimensions, but within THIS physical dimension, within this physical UNIVERSE, not only in relation to this planet.
PHIL: Ahhh.
PHIL: Okay.
ELIAS: You are not the only beings in your universe. (Debbie laughs) Therefore you also incorporate focuses together in OTHER WORLDS in your own universe.
DEBBIE: Yes. Is that where we go a lot of times? I mean, we use the expression “being plucked out.” We don't go to sleep. We know we aren’t, you know, just taking a rest for our bodies. We often will be plucked out together and have the impression that we’re elsewhere.
DEBBIE: Especially after sex. You know, sex isn't the 3-D ideas we've brought forward. We're looking everything as our coming together from day one as nothing as it seemed in a 3-D paradigm idea, so we've been very open to this. We know sex, being very different, is like a portal for us, for lack of a better word. Could you comment any more on that?
ELIAS: And it CAN be. And it can be a focal point. And in that, I would be very encouraging. (Debbie laughs) I'm always encouraging in that direction.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: It is natural.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: It is a natural expression. And there is so very much to explore that most of you have NOT explored.
DEBBIE: Right. Are we on the right track? Is there any… (Laughing)
ELIAS: I would express, allow yourself the freedom to merely continue to explore, be creative, be imaginative, and allow yourselves to move. (Chuckles)
DEBBIE: Right. (Laughs) Well, back, you know, to my... Now, I'm Sumafi family but Zuli aligned, which is kind of...
DEBBIE: But I think it's all tied in here somehow, because I read the things about Zuli and I'm like, “Hm...” I feel like it's something different than what I'm seeing. There's a reason I'm Zuli here and now in this focus that doesn't seem to be all about the beauty and the aesthetic idea as much as maybe the transitional time? Can you speak...
PHIL: Or the physical body changing...
DEBBIE: Transitioning...
PHIL: ... that we're going through.
DEBBIE: Right. Am I incorporating any of those new ideas?
ELIAS: Yes. But I would also express, Zuli is an interesting family, for I have offered the basic explanation of the qualities of the Zuli family, but remember, what are your two base elements of your reality?
DEBBIE: Time and space? Uh… (Laughs)
ELIAS: Your blueprint of your reality, the two BASE factors, the two BASE elements, are physical and emotional.
DEBBIE: Ah! Okay.
ELIAS: What does that mean? Emotional is communication, therefore communication is one of the base aspects of your reality. The other is physical; that encompasses EVERYTHING that is manifest.
ELIAS: EVERYTHING, including abilities.
ELIAS: For you use your abilities TO manifest.
ELIAS: And that is a base element. And the Zuli family incorporates that as an expanded expression that they are very connected to EVERYTHING that encompasses the physical, which you are. Therefore everything you do, every direction you move in, that is all involved with the physical.
Anything that is not communication is physical, which is considerably expansive. All movement is the physical. Therefore projecting, expressing in a manner of expanding limitations and moving in other forms or other dimensions, or other place, or other aspects of consciousness, that is all involved with the physical.
DEBBIE: So we are on the right track with the whole moving our consciousness…
DEBBIE: … and all that we've been playing with around that. Can you speak to that? Because I've even come up with the idea of me moving my consciousness into him, even body wise...
ELIAS: And you can!
DEBBIE: Yes. And we've been playing with that and then even taking it out and out and out. And we have all these other focuses too: playing with the idea of tapping into the other focuses, right? And we can share THEIR consciousness that... right?
DEBBIE: That they’re all mine, you know?
DEBBIE: We've been playing with that idea.
DEBBIE: And there was a quick... [To Phil] Do you want to say anything more on that?
PHIL: No, please, go ahead.
DEBBIE: Well, you know, because I didn't know if I was thinking correctly on this, that there… Like, I can tap into my other focuses. Are they collapsing into me? Am I bringing anything into this focus? I feel like something has to do with the Shift. Are they winding down? I know you know how I think (laughs), but, you know, is there that idea, because I know when a focus is...
ELIAS: What you are doing is you are expanding your awareness and thinning and dropping those veils of separation.
DEBBIE: Okay, right.
ELIAS: It is not that they are collapsing into you (Debbie laughs), but more so that you are becoming more realistically and experientially aware that they are not separate.
ELIAS: That it is all one.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: That you are one focus and unique and incorporate your own individual expression, but all of the other focuses are you also. They are a part of you.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: And in that, there is no separation of the two, or of the many (Debbie laughs). And in that, it is merely a realistic realization and an experiential realization.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: And remember what I expressed: Whatever subject you engage, it remains concept until you include experience. If you do not incorporate the experience it is not real, it is concept, which is intellectual. You may understand, but you may not have the experience of the REALITY of that concept. What you are doing is allowing yourself an experiential realization and therefore moving the subject from concept into reality.
DEBBIE: And that's part of the whole physical...
DEBBIE: ...the consciousness...
DEBBIE: ... and everything and expressing...
DEBBIE: ... and manifesting. Thank you. [To Phil] Do you have any ideas around that? Because otherwise I was going to go into...
PHIL: Please do.
DEBBIE: Yeah, we've also been open to the idea of the body and the changes and those ideas like of the hybrid program, you know, and the sense of that, and feeling that it might not be in our immediate realm as being relevant but we have a feeling that it is definitely going on and something we are involved in – right off to the side, so to speak.
ELIAS: Explain.
DEBBIE: [To Phil] Do you want to...?
PHIL: The Zeta Reticuli, Greys, parallel Earth...
ELIAS: Stop.
PHIL: Okay.
ELIAS: Let me clarify and offer you clearer information that you may move forward with.
ELIAS: These types of beings are what I have distinguished as identifying as ALIEN, which is different from extraterrestrial.
PHIL: Right.
ELIAS: Extraterrestrial is within your universe.
ELIAS: It may not be within your IMMEDIATE universe, but your universe is tremendously vast.
PHIL: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: And within your universe, other beings would be designated as extraterrestrials. Beings that occupy other DIMENSIONS are alien.
Now; THAT being expressed, you CAN interact with alien beings. You can move back and forth, temporarily, between dimensions, for that is another action of this Shift in thinning those veils of separation. BUT – in relation to… (slight pause) generating actions, or interactions, that are more than brief and temporary would require moving into another dimension, which is an entirely different process. For in moving into another dimension, it requires a complete reconfiguration of your energy to configure yourself into an entirely different being.
PHIL: Yes.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: Otherwise you will not fit.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: You can blink in and out, but it is very temporary.
Now; CONVERSELY, in relation to extraterrestrials – and there are presently at this time framework in your world five individuals that are presently doing this, only five – BUT in relation to extraterrestrials, you can develop the ability to transport yourselves – you term it to be teleporting – without a craft. You can engage other species. You are a species, and you can engage other species that are extraterrestrials. You would be limited to temporary interactions but much longer, therefore an illustration of a difference: You can move into another physical dimension. Your interaction would be very brief, which may translate into your reality as ours. Beings from other dimensions can transport or can pop into your reality, but if they remain more than hours they die, and you would too.
DEBBIE: Right.
PHIL: Oh, yeah.
ELIAS: For, you do not fit.
DEBBIE: Yeah, yeah.
ELIAS: BUT – you CAN interact with other beings in your OWN universe in your own physical dimension. Although it also is temporary, you can extend that to… (slight pause) months without having to reconfigure your energy. If you extend it longer than that, it would require some reconfigurations – not TREMENDOUS, but some. It would not involve altering your form; that would not be necessary. You may choose to do that in some capacities to FIT with other species and their cultures, in a manner of speaking, or their communities, but you can do that for a much longer time framework – and you can physically interact, and you can physically generate relationships. You would not necessarily have that ability with an other-dimensional being unless you remove yourself from this dimension and insert yourself into that dimension.
DEBBIE: Well, isn't that the idea to we have other focuses already within this dimension and those other places?
ELIAS: Yes, you do.
DEBBIE: Wouldn't an idea just be to share our consciousness and experience it through my other focus?
ELIAS: Yes, you can.
DEBBIE: Wouldn't that be cool?
ELIAS: Yes. (Debbie laughs) Yes, you can do it that way.
DEBBIE: Right. It seems that would almost be more relevant in the sense of...
ELIAS: It would be more efficient.
DEBBIE: Right, exactly. Right. But maybe it IS a question about relevancy. For what my focus is here doing, of course I want to expand in all levels and experiment and use my imagination. Is it relevant for... Maybe we should come back to what might our mission is here – mine, his and ours.
ELIAS: You ARE here. You already incorporate focuses in other dimensions. It is redundant for you to place yourself, other than individual curiosity, but you could satisfy that individual curiosity in other capacities.
DEBBIE: That's what I'm saying. At least that was very helpful by having that conversation; it actually has brought me back more into this focus and being aware of what we’re doing right now.
DEBBIE: Does that make sense?
ELIAS: Yes, yes.
DEBBIE: [To Phil] Do you have ideas?
PHIL: I wanted to ask my essence name. I don't remember what it is. I had it before, but I don't remember it. And Vold/Ilda?
ELIAS: Yes. And that you can access through Michael.
DEBBIE: Oh. (Elias chuckles) I thought maybe he'd be political, in the sense of the emotion and thought combined?
DEBBIE: Yay! (Laughs) Yeah, because he represents that to me, a nice balance like that. And Ilda being his...
ELIAS: Alignment.
DEBBIE: Thank you. And the other thing is we’re both soft?
ELIAS: And I would be acknowledging of you in that also, tremendously, for as I have expressed previously, this is the one orientation that expresses more difficulty in coupling with the same orientation. It requires both individuals to genuinely be paying attention to themselves.
DEBBIE: Correct. Which has been so helpful. Again, it's no coincidence that I physically came to be with you and everyone, with [inaudible] when we went over the constructs whole foundation, and of course it was very noticed of me when we spent time this past week how Sandra's interaction with you around the yes’s and no's in preparing for this past Saturday’s… Love those ideas and the whys, and I knew you were there with me this week, and it was very purposeful and that's where we want to go, and we've already been playing with it – not only been playing with it all along, it’s just kind of refined and defined, so we really appreciate that so much.
PHIL: Yes, absolutely, absolutely.
DEBBIE: And thank you for that acknowledgment, because we’re in all of the way and more.
PHIL: We are. We’re both very driven towards these challenges that are carrying us forward toward the Shift and in helping to elucidate the information we're getting from you and from Seth and from Bashar to help to bring that out and make it more available to others who are seeking it.
ELIAS: Excellent!
DEBBIE: [To Phil] Did you want to speak more on your intent for this life and the mission going forward?
PHIL: Well, I feel as if I'm very driven to speak and to carry the information around and to live it, to actually live it.
ELIAS: And that is important.
PHIL: Yes. Because I don't feel as if I can speak it if I'm not living it myself. And that's been very helpful, I think, in us coming together as it’s given both of us, but myself in particular, a great opportunity in cooperation with somebody to really put into practice some of the ideas that are a part of the Shift and understanding that we create our own reality and the fine points of that, and then by doing it ourselves being able to describe it to others so that they can see and feel it and at least see somebody who's in all the way, who is in 100 percent – in for a dime, in for a dollar, as I like to say – in doing it.
So it's very, very, important to me, and since I woke up five years ago, this has been... I knew the moment that this is what I was to do and found great challenges because moving out of my present circumstances of that time where I wasn't getting that kind of support, and then being surprised and delighted to have that kind of support come to me.
So the information about the shadow self is very interesting – her shadow, not shadow self but the shadow role. Although there's something in me that feels very much that there is more for her as well than to just be a shadow in that sense, that she has a great teaching... but perhaps her teaching is for me. I'm not sure...
ELIAS: That is the example aspect.
PHIL: Ahhh.
ELIAS: Implementing, being the example. Implementing all of the information and being the example which adds to the support aspect and also at times may remind you of your role and the implementation of the information and generating that anchor.
DEBBIE: Yeah, early on, I mean WEEKS together, I would get this impression looking at this guy, like I'd be getting stuff in and be sharing and then he would be putting it out. That was just one little example, you know...
DEBBIE: ...of how that was working.
DEBBIE: And I was very comfortable with that. I get ideas that we were together in so many areas, but there’s even an area where we are so far out that we’re not together in that sense, that I am bringing through from my family, for lack of a better word, THROUGH and doing something with it and sharing it, and he's putting it out and laying it out in this dimension.
DEBBIE: Would that be accurate?
DEBBIE: Yeah. So I felt very fulfilling. I didn't feel like I was, you know, in a supportive role in a more negative sense of the word. It was very fulfilling, very enhancing, very complementary.
ELIAS: I would agree.
PHIL: And how can I best continue to engage her in a way that keeps her challenge need requirement? I want her to constantly find fulfillment of her own being, so value fulfillment in that sense, so as long as we can continue to do this partnership in this way that she will continue to find fulfillment in that.
ELIAS: But she will. And I will express to you that what you can do is what you are already doing: Pay attention to you. Do not compare. Pay attention to not expressing expectations, which is important. And in that, you will complement each other naturally.
I will express one other aspect to you in both being soft, as you may be aware from information that I have offered previously in relation to this particular orientation. Soft individuals are very expressive of their passion, and their passion is expressed in many different directions. In that, with VERY FEW exceptions, most soft individuals express time frameworks in which sexual activity becomes very unimportant. It can be VERY important, and it can manifest in long time frameworks or periods of time and be a very effective avenue of expressing passion, but it also moves in directions in which there are time frameworks in which it becomes unimportant entirely, for the individuals’ passions are being expressed in other areas, in other directions, and therefore it is not necessary or it is not a need to express it in a sexual manner. And I would express that this is very consistent with soft individuals. It is expressed very frequently. In that, that can be –
PHIL: Soft having more than one meaning, I take it. (Phil and Debbie laugh)
ELIAS: – that can be challenging at times, with two soft individuals in coupling themselves together, for you may not be expressing that at the same time.
DEBBIE: Yes. We've experienced this over the last few months, again, but the key was not to be using the old energy way of taking it on as a, reflection...
ELIAS: Precisely.
DEBBIE: It was key; it was the biggest frickin’ thing I had to do, was to go to him one time when I felt rejected over something that seemingly could have been glossed over, but at least we know we spearhead through that because of all the sexual unwinding, eons under that idea that there are so many hang-ups around it, so at least we've been very open about that.
PHIL: Yeah.
ELIAS: That is very important.
DEBBIE: That is KEY, because that could have burned me down in a sense, because I'm very aware to be so conscious in this relationship of all the beliefs that we’re constantly unwinding and looking at. And I’m appreciative of your encouragement because I know that I’ve been buoyed up by having the trust that... [To Phil] And you do, that's what you offer me, that I'm not afraid to bring up anything, saying, “I felt rejected here, that's my stuff, give me a moment because I'm going to look at that: look, look, look, unwind, unwind, associations and all that good stuff,” and then it actually dissolves.
DEBBIE: I'm feeling such great… mm… completion around every act I take to look at everything that I wouldn't look at with a 10-foot pole before. Because we’ve committed to ourselves that if something pings us and triggers us that heavily we will run toward it, and always knowing that we’re going to be more evolved on the other side of it.
ELIAS: Very much so.
DEBBIE: But the sex...
ELIAS: Communication is very important and key, and not holding to energy, for that can be very damaging. But it is significant to be aware that there will be – there is not a question in that – there will be, for each of you, time frameworks in which that will not be important, and...
DEBBIE: And to be aware we might –
ELIAS: And when it is not important you do not think about it, you are not interested in it, and if it is presented to you, you are not responsive.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: That is… USUAL.
ELIAS: That is very consistent with your orientation.
DEBBIE: Thank you.
ELIAS: Therefore it is not any wrong expression.
DEBBIE: It does not influence or anything around our partnership.
ELIAS: And it is not about the other individual.
DEBBIE: Right, exactly. Thank you.
ELIAS: Which is important to know in relation to both sides of the coin, that if you are the one that is expressing that moment or that time framework – and it can be an extended time framework. And if you are the one that is expressing that disinterest in that expression and activity, it is not that you are not interested in your partner any longer.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: Therefore it is not for the other individual to question, “What am I doing wrong?” but it is also not for you to express, “I'm not interested in this individual any longer” and wonder.
DEBBIE: Right.
ELIAS: It is a natural flow.
DEBBIE: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome. (Chuckles, and Debbie laughs)
PHIL: As we move forward, we want to continue along this path. We see it unfolding pretty clearly, again not being able to see too far ahead, but yet I think the writing is on the wall as far as what type of work we're going to be doing together.
ELIAS: Which is? Or how have you designated it?
PHIL: Teaching, sharing, bringing more people who are looking for the information...
ELIAS: In what capacity?
PHIL: Examples of the information, in other words having groups such as Elias does. We are already doing that locally. We have a meetup group, I have a group on Facebook with a lot of members, so there's a lot of sharing in that way of what many people would consider to be very progressive ideas regarding the Shift. So as we are enabled to incorporate the new concepts and ideas as we get them, such as through you and through our readings of Seth, and then incorporate them ourselves, or… How can I say it, to assimilate them within ourselves and then share them with others with the idea that they may also avail themselves of them.
ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, engaging what you term to be workshops or...
PHIL: Speaking engagements, that type of thing.
DEBBIE: Yes, like traveling, yeah. Big movement, we want to go big.
ELIAS: Very well.
DEBBIE: Are you encouraging of that?
DEBBIE: Do you see that as something that’s in alignment?
ELIAS: I would express, (Debbie laughs) reach for the moon and the stars.
PHIL: Oh, thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: Not to settle, but always be spurring yourselves on to your greatest imagination. Imagination is very real, and it is inspiring. And in that, I would always be encouraging you to move in whatever direction you choose. If you visualize grand expressions, realize them; DO them. There is no thing stopping you other than yourselves.
[The timer for the session rings]
Therefore, I would very much encourage you: Do it!
DEBBIE: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are VERY welcome.
I am exceptionally encouraging of both of you, and I shall GREATLY be anticipating our next meeting. I express my energy to you each and to you both together, and supportiveness. And in that, I shall be expressing my energy in… a blanket around both of you together that you can hold and keep with you. And I will always be available.
PHIL: Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: To you each in sincere and genuine lovingness and wondrous affection to two glorious beings, au revoir.
DEBBIE: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 58 minutes 47 seconds)
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