Session 201410242

Go Forth and Build!


"Go Forth and Build!"
"Altering Perceptions of Roles in a Business"
"Peridots, Kunzites and Obsidians”
“Faith, Guidelines and Consistency"
“Being Excited About Something Doesn’t Require Action”

Friday, October 24, 2014 (In Person)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Ann (Vivette), John (Lonn) and others

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

ANN: Good afternoon!

JOHN: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?

ANN: [To John] Do you want to go first?

JOHN: Sure. I don’t know that I exactly have questions, but I did recently change my job. I think it was the last session, I was having some issues with the owner of the company and you had asked if I was going to stay there or leave, and I said that I was going to leave. So we didn't really talk about, you know, things I might be dealing with. The job got kind of consuming, and then really another contract... It was a re-compete contract, and some other company got the contract. But at the same time I liked the customer side of the job, you know, like where the customer kind of treats me as part of their team and stuff and I really get things done for them. But the contract was understaffed and everything, just a lot of work.

So then I switched to this new company, and some things have happened where... Well, a couple of people have told me that the team doesn't want to report to me, or some of them don't like me… or basically reporting to me. And so the company is trying to kind of put me somewhere where I don't have to interact with the staff. But I don't know; I don't really know too much of the details. I did try talking to this new company management, because from my opinion they really need me, at least now; there are so many things that get dropped and things. But yeah, I could just tell that will have me not interact with some of the staff anymore.

ELIAS: And what is YOUR feeling?

JOHN: I think that a big piece of it is that I'm very responsive to the customer, and so if they want something I try to get it for them. A lot of times really just what they want is information, and... But my customer is on the government side, so they vary in experience and confidence and stuff. So, I think part of it is they are the customer, they want answers to things that maybe aren't that important or that they won't understand, and the staff, I think, they know they're working on things more important (laughs) than whatever the answer is to the question is.

I kind of think that the whole staff should be pretty responsive to the customer, you know? There are so many issues right now that it's hard to just say, “Hey, leave us alone and we'll take care of that, that things will work well but, you know, just leave us alone because… ” I don’t really believe in that, but I do think that's a big part of it, and the customer really appreciates that. And it's not just that these people are thinking of questions to ask me or whatever. It's a lot from the very top. They're asking me, “Well, why did this happen?”, and I think it's down through the chain of command on the customer's side, and they want answers, you know? And...

ELIAS: Now, (pause, then slowly) why do you perceive that it is important for everyone on the staff to be responsive to the customers rather than only you?

JOHN: Um… I don't know that it's important that everyone on the staff be responsive but that... And this is what I was trying to do, that the customer feels the team is responsive, and I helped make that happen, you know? So I guess what I mean is, there's two things. One is if we make a commitment to the customer, I want to make sure that happens if it's in my power to happen. And then also they want answers. I do push back on certain things, but if I commit to give them an answer then I need that answer.

ELIAS: Very well. Now in that, would you express that the conflict is between you and the team in relation to the team's reluctance to be responsive, or is there another reason?

JOHN: Um… Well, I think there are several reasons. I haven't personally tried to explore like who it is specifically that has an issue with me and what those real reasons are, so I think there are several dynamics. One is I've been on this task for a long time, and I've been technically in charge of it but we were the prime, that the work was 100% outsourced to another company, so none of the people reported to me; they reported to someone else, but the customer wanted me there to make certain things happen that weren't happening. There's a lot of history between the company I work for and the sub, so I think that's a piece of it.

But I think another piece is, I focus a lot more on getting things done, not so much in whether something is fair or not fair. I mean, like once the decision has been made to get something done I just focus on that, and I get a lot of pushback from the team, but it’s already a commitment to our customer. So I think part of it is just I may not be that empathetic to the reasons not to do (laughs) something, you know? So I think I'm actually good at getting things done, but at the same time there's friction. I'm good from the point of view of maybe the dates not so much but the team will be on board for whatever we’re doing, you know what I mean?

ELIAS: (Pause) Therefore in that, you would express that – simplifying – that your interest is in relation to the customer and what they want and delivering what they want and keeping them informed, answering their questions, and delivering the project in the time agreed.

JOHN: Right.

ELIAS: And in that process there develops conflict, for the team that is responsible for actually carrying out the performance of the project may dispute the methods or even the time framework, and that that is more the difficulty than the factor that the team be responsive to the customer.

JOHN: Yeah.

ELIAS: But you are including that in YOUR perception, for in your perception the action of the team, or the performance of the team, is a part of the delivery of the interaction with the customer. Regardless of whether they are actually directly interacting with the customer or not, their performance is a part of the interaction with the customer and what the customer wants. Therefore, it is not necessarily that they are not physically responsive to the customer but that your perception is that they are not responsive to the customer if they are not performing in the manner that is agreed on.

JOHN: Right.

ELIAS: (Pause) There are different expressions in play in this type of a situation in relation to perception. You are combining different elements into one direction and creating one perception that encompasses several different components, which therein lies the conflict in its basic element. That is what creates the conflict, is that YOU can choose to be interactive with the customer, and you can choose to be informing the customer and be in the direction of delivery within a particular time framework, but when you include a team of individuals into that, that creates constrictions. And in that, you are generating an expectation that the team is an extension of you: they are the productive extension of you, the producing extension of you. And in doing that, that will create friction and it will create conflict, for that generates expectations of the other individuals to conform to what YOU do or what you would do or what you want to do. And in that, it does not allow for their directions and their expressions.

Therefore, there are two directions that you can engage. You can engage one direction of moving through a process of altering your perception of the team and your role with it, or you can, in a manner of speaking, divorce yourself from the team and become a separate entity from it – just as you can view one company outsourcing to another company, what they outsource to another company they do not involve themselves with, for they have delegated and therefore they are not directly involved with that outsourced company. In a manner of speaking, in that delegation they have divorced themselves from the secondary company. Now, they may continue to bear some responsibility in relation to the quality of product that the outsourced company generates, but they are not dictating to that outsourced company; they are merely interested or concerned with the final product.

Now; in a similar manner, you can place yourself in that position in which you recognize your role of involving yourself with the customer, and that is your interest, and that is what you enjoy doing, and that is satisfying to you. And in that, expressing the guidelines to YOUR outsource, which is the team, of what is the project, what is to be produced and in what time framework, and not be directing of it and not concern yourself with HOW they do it if they meet the guidelines of the time framework. In that, you can continue to be interactive with the customer, answer questions and, in a manner of speaking, you can GENERALLY oversee what the team is doing, only to the capacity of gathering information to offer to the customer but not concerning yourself with HOW the productivity is being engaged. Or, you can alter your perception significantly in relation to your relationship with these other individuals that are the production aspect of the project.

When you incorporate the perception that these individuals, work-wise, are an extension of you, what that does is that encourages you to take responsibility for what they do, for their action, which alters the situation. For then you are generating a perception that all these other individuals essentially are, metaphorically, 16 or 100 arms of yourself and that YOU are actually generating this productivity, when you are not. And therefore you begin to hold every other individual to your own standard, which will create conflict.

In this, it is a matter of choosing what is more efficient for you, what is more effective and what is more comfortable for you: to alter your perception of the team and NOT generate the expectations of them, or to generate the expectations of them but to divorce yourself from their productivity and allow them to generate the action in whatever manner they choose in relation to meeting your criteria of a timeline and allowing you to interact with the customer.

Individual people who may be being noisy, or complaining, or voicing opinions, are irrelevant. That matters not, for that is not the issue; that is not the problem or the difficulty. The difficulty is this perception of extension – not connection, extension – in which you are viewing them as an extension of yourself, and they are not. They are YOUR outsource, and when you generate that type of expectation of other individuals, not only do they receive that energy and push hard against it, they generate opposition to it, but also, in that opposition it creates additional difficulties, for in that the other individuals are not only pushing against YOU but they push against themselves, and their production lacks and becomes less, for they are less motivated. For they are more interested, and it is more important to them to fight; therefore, their attention is no longer upon the task, it is moved to the fight, and that does not serve you, them OR the customer.

Therefore, what I would express to you is that it is a matter of choice of what is more feasible to you of what you can accomplish more comfortably, separating yourself from the team and merely occasionally overseeing the team and their productivity, not to check on them but only in relation to questions that the customer may express. And in that, if you are the medium between the production line and the customer, as you expressed yourself, in many situations the customer may not be aware of what is entailed in what they want, and they may not even understand what the process is, therefore, YOU incorporate a considerable leeway in creativity in how you answer the customer. And that is your talent, is expressing that interaction with the customer. Therefore, it is not actually even necessary for you to DIRECTLY engage the team, other than an observation or perhaps an occasional question – not an order and not a judgment, but perhaps a question. And in that, you already are aware of how to express that to the customer in a manner that they WILL understand; therefore you will alter it anyway.

JOHN: Mm-hm.

ELIAS: And what I would express to you in addition to that is to practice simplifying. You express a tendency for too many words, and the more words you use, the more confusing the situation becomes, not only to other individuals but to yourself, the more complicated it becomes and the more confusing it becomes. It becomes difficult to actually clearly assess what is the difficulty, what is the problem, which motivates you to begin looking outside to this person or that person and investigating.

Practice simplifying by when you are evaluating a situation, express the question to yourself, “How can I express this situation in the fewest words possible to myself?” That will allow you to be more concise and be more directed. And in that, it will benefit your customers, it will aid you in feeling less pressure, and less confusion, in relation to whatever you are engaging or investigating. And in that, it also will aid you or help you to define whether an expression is actually important or not, and that is significant. You can become caught and distracted in the minutiae, and in that, it may not be important at all, and what is important to you becomes secondary or pushed aside, and that creates more confusion also.

In this, I would simply advise you to incorporate a brief time framework, evaluate what is the most important to you – which you already know: your customer and your interaction with your customer. And in that, you may discover the action of delegating can become exceptionally freeing. Other individuals may not carry out a task in the same manner that you will, but that is not to say they will not accomplish it as effectively; they merely may do it differently. And it may SEEM that they are not accomplishing it as well as you would, but what actually is important is what is the end product. And if the end product is the same, it matters not what method is to accomplish it. In that, if the end product is to your satisfaction, concerning yourself with how it was produced is time consuming, frustrating and not important.

JOHN: I’ve worked for a lot of people, either worked for them or had people working under me, that did kind of see decisions or problems as black and white, and I just don't (laughs). I see it all as gray, you know? I mean at work it's not like… Wait a minute, there are times that I'm confused about what to do, but usually I'm not. It's just that I still don't see it as black and white; I just see it as, you know...

ELIAS: If I were to offer you a ratio of humans that occupy your planet, I would express that likely 70 percent of all the humans that occupy your planet automatically view black and white. I would express that perceiving in the gray is much more in the minority. That is changing as individuals are shifting, but it is changing slowly, and individuals – people – have become accustomed to being instructed for millennia. And in that, it is so familiar, it is so engrained, that individuals generally do not see the gray, they do not see choices; they only see black and white, either/or, which is the reason that I discuss that so often, for it is very, very, common. Individuals are accustomed to being led and not generating choices themselves, and therefore, they are unaccustomed to seeing the spectrum of choices. This is the reason that they see black or white, yes or no, either/or.

JOHN: Mm-hm. Yeah, so I've run into situations where, for one thing, either people working for me or people I've worked for, they think black and white – I mean, to the core, and they’re very effective. I mean, I often don't agree with them, but they can make decisions for the rest (laughs), you know? And then the people are used to that, you know? – we have a logical argument or everyone knows, well, if it’s this, we should do this. It IS interesting, and actually if I could turn that on and off, there may be more situations where it doesn't matter that you can see four ways to the right (laughs), or that something is doing something different, a non-obvious approach is better or faster or...

ELIAS: But use that!

JOHN: Yeah.

ELIAS: That is a benefit to you, and in this subject that we are discussing, use that to your advantage. You CAN see the gray; therefore you do know that there are many different choices that can be equally as effective. Therefore, even if choices are being generated that YOU would not engage, or that you do not necessarily agree with, if it allows the situation to be accomplished, it matters not. And therefore that is a benefit that YOU express in not only seeing the black and the white.

JOHN: Yeah, so, I do think, though, that that's why… Like I work for a big company, and the government is sort of like this too, where they have these rules and processes that make it almost impossible to get something done, and they need something done and you can't tell them that all their processes are broken or this isn't possible because of your processes (laughs). And so, I think that is where I'm good, you know? Like in the corporate world it's a lot easier, and on the customer's side it's easy now because they already trust me, because most of the people I've worked for, they don’t understand what I think, so it's really after… Sometimes I hit it off right away, especially if they either think more similar to me – which hasn't happened too often (laughs, and Elias chuckles) – or they really do care about results, and then they can let me do it my way, see that if I say something's going to be done then, it's going to be done then, even though if they don't agree with how I do it or understand how I do it. And sometimes it's even hard for me to explain, but there's very few things that you give me that I say, well, I can't do that. I always know what can be done, so it's me kind of just at least figuring out a way and then maybe improving on that or something. Or… Like most of the stuff I do now, I can't do any of it, you know? It doesn't slow me down, but I need people (laughs). I'm no longer a technician or whatever, you know?

ELIAS: Very similar to the architect.

JOHN: Yeah. So, I don't know where I am exactly. But anyway I do think it's a strength. It's particularly a strength when the situation calls for it, but I do think I have a habit of complicating things where it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that this way, in your mind, is a little better than this way or whatever. If you can get people on board, you know, some logical thing and get it done.

ELIAS: Precisely.

JOHN: And then there's others where people just don't see it as possible, I know it's possible, and that's where it really helps, both on the customer and the team. I think it might be specific to the contracting world, we do focus more on the customer because we're paying for everything (laughs). In the corporate world I guess it would be more of a blend probably for the team and what the [cross-talk] are.

ELIAS: And your choice is simple. And in that, it is merely a matter of delegating, and as I expressed, divorcing yourself from the outsource and allowing them to generate what method is effective for them, or what they believe is effective for them, and placing yourself in the position of more of an overseer, an observer – which is what you are – and the medium to the customer and concerning yourself more with the customer than with the production, and more so merely being aware of your timelines and accomplishing within that guideline rather than the method of what is being expressed.

In that, you create much more of an ease between yourself and the production team, for you are not investing yourself with them. They are the drones, and you are not invested in the drones. You are expressing, “These are the guidelines, this is the project, this is what I want, and you build it,” very similar to an architect.

Now in that, you have the plans, you have the project, you do oversee it occasionally, and you can ask questions occasionally in relation to what is being done. But in that, it is a matter of allowing them to accomplish what they are accomplishing in the project and not inserting yourself in a position that you do not occupy. You are not part of the production; therefore, you are involving yourself in a direction that you are not involved in. You THINK you are involved in it, for you are generating that expectation that “this entire group of individuals is an EXTENSION of myself.” No, they are not. (Laughs) They are entirely different individuals. They are not extensions or clones of you. Therefore, you are not involved, and it is not necessary for you to invest yourself in them and what they do. You ARE invested with your customers, for that is what interests you, and that is what you are directly participating with. You are not directly participating in assembly.

JOHN: Mm-hm.

ELIAS: This is, once again, an excellent example of individuals’ perceptions and how individuals involve themselves in expressions and situations that do not actually involve them. You ARE not directly involved. You ARE not directly building or producing; therefore, why are you involving yourself in that? You are not involved, but you are investing yourself in an expression and an action that does not involve you, and that creates conflict. And that conflict generally leads to drama, which you do not want and it becomes frustrating, and in addition to becoming frustrating, which is more damaging, is that it becomes time consuming. It becomes very similar to a vacuum in which it is consuming, consuming, consuming time, which is one of your most valuable commodities. Therefore, you are wasting time in a vacuum by involving yourself and investing yourself in what does not involve you and NOT investing yourself to your greatest capacity in what DOES involve you.

Simplify. (Both laugh)

ANN: Want to ask about your boat? (Elias chuckles)

JOHN: Yeah, I've been...You know it's interesting… So, I've been doing a lot of research on the boat, and a lot of it is going over the same thing over and over again. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) It's something you had said last time, there is a lot of resistance to electric or hybrid or just a non-normal boat, you know? But people want to go out of their way to tell me how it won't work, and a diesel engine's better or whatever, which I do find interesting, but at the same time it's been hard to... I'm pretty locked in on at least what I want to do for the initial build, a couple of things I’m going back and forth on, but I get this feeling that there are ideas that haven't really been tried, or have been maybe attempted and abandoned too early.

ELIAS: Ahh! And I would agree with that.

JOHN: (Laughs) So now my thinking is… and some of them are just, they're too hard – not hard, but they're too... I spent a lot of time, I guess, trying to like figure out whether or not they would work, and so I almost want to now just build a boat basically along the lines that it would be considered, like I said, a parallel hybrid, but a hybrid where… Actually a zero hybrid; I’m a bit confused now, but basically an electric motor with a generator, and solar panels and some wind and things, but basically known technologies put together a little different than people are doing right now, at least initially. But then having a boat, try some of these other things, like some of the most interesting is wave energy or non-propeller kind of driven boats, and then ideas with like heat recovery and other things [inaudible] to the energy.

But I'm just thinking, I'm not kind of getting much progress just researching on the internet, so if I could just, you know, maybe get a boat, do some pieces that…

ELIAS: I would very much agree.

JOHN: Yeah, and then surround myself with people that ARE into this...

ELIAS: I would very much agree, for this is a basic principle also, in that I would not discourage individuals from engaging the action of researching, BUT I will also express that when you actually generate a step, and you actually begin to engage a direction, you draw much more to yourself – and you give yourself answers. When you are actually engaging an expression or a direction, you will spark and inspire answers with yourself, and you will draw more answers to you than you do in researching. For in that, you engage your creativity.

When you are actually engaging physically with an expression, with a manifestation – you actually express the direction of engaging a boat, or even building a boat – the action itself, in a manner of speaking, breeds creativity. The more you do, the more you inspire yourself in other directions, the more you expand what you are doing. For the more you do, the more you are actually engaging the subject, and you are engaging not only your thought process, you are engaging all of your senses, which sparks your creativity, and: remember what we have discussed about intuition.

When you are actually engaging in an action, without thinking you begin asking questions. You may not be thinking of the questions, but you are expressing questions, and what does that do? It stimulates all of your little Sherlock Holmeses. And your intuition incorporates one function: to answer questions. Therefore, in that, the more you actually engage in a direction, the more questions you express, the more active your intuition becomes, and that sparks your creativity, and you begin all of these different wheels and cogs moving that were not moving before; they were merely waiting while you were investigating and researching.

Your body consciousness is not only a shell. It engages many different aspects of YOU, and inspires and stimulates. That is part of its function, otherwise why would you incorporate a body at all? You could be a collection of neurons with no form, but you engage a body for it is a very complex mechanism that is designed to respond to stimulation of every and any kind. And when it responds to stimulation, it inspires you, and in that, your intuition does its job the most effectively.

I would very much agree with you. I would very much encourage you in the direction of, yes, you have engaged your research. You have done it considerably and for a considerable time framework – now, go build! (All laugh)

JOHN: Yeah. It's interesting, I don't know if I had this conversation, but a few years ago I went through an MBA program and we had one section on entrepreneurs, and I couldn't help but think that the biggest difference was that they did something. I couldn't even necessarily tell that they were different people than the non-entrepreneurs.

[The timer for John’s part of the session rings]

ANN: Yeah.

JOHN: But once they commit and they do something, then other things happen… (laughs)

ELIAS: Precisely! And I would express to you, my friend, I would classify you in that category most definitely, and have always. You would most definitely be entrepreneur material. (Laughs)

ANN: Looks like we're gonna build a boat!

JOHN: Yep, yep. Well, thank you for that.

ELIAS: Go forth and build!

ANN: Go forth and build. (Elias laughs) Now who’s gonna come up with a name?

JOHN: Yeah. (All laugh)

ELIAS: Very well. (Laughs) Shall we be continuing shortly?

ANN: Yes, we shall!

ELIAS: Very well.

JOHN: Thanks for that, Elias.


ELIAS: Continuing.

ANN: Continuing. (Elias chuckles) I actually just want to start asking you about a dream that I had a while back, and I can't remember all the details but the sparkly part that I remember. There's more to this dream, but the part that was fun that I liked was, it was nighttime and the moon was over to my left side, I'm kind of looking at it, and I might have been a little afraid and then I think someone was comforting me. I don't know if it was actually Leah or if it was Azura, but I felt like somebody may be comforting me or whatever. But then there was like this countdown like there is on New Year’s Eve and there's a crowd counting down like “10, 9, 8, 7…,” and then at the countdown the moon blew across the sky with all these sparkles and then landed on the other side. It was like, WHOA! And the impression I get later, even though this just happened a couple of weeks ago, I remember Bashar saying that in the year 2012 the scales kind of would be tipped more – like back then there was 51% negative and 49% positive, and then in 2012 it would flip to 51% positive, 49% negative. And I don't know if it was that, but it kind of had some kind of a feeling for me like something just flipped. Whether it was people on Earth, maybe more of an amount had further along shifting or myself personally flipping or something. Do you know what that was representative of?

ELIAS: Both.

ANN: Hmmm! (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) So we kind of had a nice little Earth shift then, right? Well, that's fun.

ELIAS: I would express you may actually notice more of those.

ANN: Dreams like that?

ELIAS: Dreams –

ANN: Or more flips?

ELIAS: Yes. For as I expressed initially, this particular wave is already and will continue to be responsible for that type of action – in a manner of speaking, jumps forward.

ANN: Oh, cool.

Okay, I'm going to just tell you, I did a little bit… Last time we were talking about I was going to see what I got from stones and tell you about them, whether or not… So one stone that's been like in my fancy lately are peridots. For peridots, like I'm happy with them. I think they're like this happy, jubilant energy. And I think I’d read like they assist in realizing your genuine dreams; I read that somewhere. So that's my impression of peridots: happy, joyous energy...

ELIAS: Inspirational.

ANN: Inspiration. So I have been wanting John and I both to carry around these peridots, and I think it's going to be helpful in the boat manifestation, do you think?

ELIAS: Ah! Excellent! Yes.

ANN: [To John] See? I was on to something, peridots. (Elias laughs)

So then the other… Actually I got this stone yesterday, this kunzite I think it's called? It's already been cut, and I think it's very prettily cut, but the thing I get for this is like poise, grace, possibilities, dreams, and it has a regal kind of feel to me. I'm not sure if it's because of the cut, but I really like this one. So what would you say with this one?

ELIAS: I would express congratulations: grace.

ANN: Grace! Nice. Did I tell you how I like how YOU’RE simplifying, giving one word? (John and Elias laugh) I like being simple. That's good, grace.

Okay, and then… All right, so this stone, I don't know what it's called, but it's an intriguing one to me. I think this one, it's like of a light cloudy blue, and it feels nurturing to me. What do you think about this? Nurturing or angelic? But I think it feels angelic because of the look.

ELIAS: (Pause) You COULD interpret that as nurturing; I would express encouragement.

ANN: Encouragement! Oh, so these three are good together. Hm.

Let me see. Then is this one...? Oh, maybe this is the nurturing. I might have got that. All right, that's enough for now. (Elias laughs)

Except I do have a question: What stones would you say would be the most beneficial for me to carry on my person?

ELIAS: (18-second pause) Obsidian.

ANN: Obsidian! Any particular color? Is that black?

JOHN: It's only black, I think.

ANN: Oh my god, I think I have one. I think I just picked it up and was carrying it around. See, I guess it's just trust yourself, right? (Elias laughs) Oh I've left it at home, but what does that do?

ELIAS: Obsidian aids in directedness and balance.

ANN: Ahhh. Okay. Thank you.

All right. I really didn't prepare. (Elias chuckles) I have a couple of other cheat sheets. Here's one for Tracy. She took a picture, whether it was yesterday or this morning, and in the landscape there's a blue dot in the side of her picture. Is that you?


ANN: Aw, she'll be happy to hear that. That's cool.

And then I just have kind of like a curiosity thing, and I might even know… Well, I know what I believe is working about the situation – how I define working – but I do have a curiosity. There is a TV show, a reality show called “19 Kids and Counting” and it's about this Duggar family. They're a very religious family, and I watch it. It's very nice to listen to them. They are very positive people. It seems like their life is really working for them, at least from the potential of the show. So, what I think is working for them is because they’re very appreciative of what they have. The parents are very nurturing and supportive of the children, so I could see how all this would be beneficial. But the puzzlement or the curiosity to me is, especially in the religious wave and being religious, part of it feels rather restrictive – you know, how they have to dress, covering parts of themselves, and they don't date but they can court and they, you know, nothing beyond hand holding and only side hugs. They’re very restrictive in how they can pursue dating, or.. And with the children, the mother, she's got to be Borledim, and she's just wonderful with these children but she's like the very soft voice but “You have to obey me.”

And I know some of this is my trigger with like obeying and control. But it's a puzzlement to me sometimes – or, not really a puzzlement because I see how it's working for them, there’s a lot of good, positive things, but I guess I'm just curious why the control, or what I call the restrictions, aren't backfiring on them more.

ELIAS: (11-second pause) What this, once again, is a matter of perception. YOU are perceiving them as restrictions. From your perspective, you perceive their choices or their directions and what is important to them as being rules or restrictions, but to other individuals these are not necessarily actually rules; they are choices with reason, just as you generate choices with reasons, that you choose certain expressions that you deem to be beneficial to you, or right, or you generate choices to not engage certain actions in relation to your own guidelines for you deem them to be wrong or not beneficial.

And let me express and be clear: You all express your own opinions, your own guidelines, which include what you deem to be right and wrong, good and bad, beneficial and not beneficial. That is not wrong; once again, emphasizing you are not eliminating your belief systems, and duplicity is one of them. And in that, what YOU deem to be wrong and an action that you would not engage, you do not necessarily view as being restrictive to yourself, and you do not necessarily view it as a rule. You merely perceive to you [that] this is a damaging or harmful action, and therefore it is wrong and you would not engage it.

Different individuals express different guidelines. And in that, they do not necessarily view those guidelines as restrictive or even as imposing rules. They accept certain expressions and certain directions in relation to what they believe. And remember: What you believe is what you trust. Believing is different from beliefs. Your beliefs set into motion, and into place or position, your guidelines. What you believe is what you trust.

Now; what I would also express, which in some capacities is coming to light in relation to this wave, that there are many, many, many, individuals in your world. The majority of individuals in your world DO BELIEVE in some form of religion, which basically is merely a philosophy but has been expressed in a capacity of set guidelines, agreed-upon guidelines. Even in this present time framework, I would express to you that many of you that do not necessarily adhere to an established religion have created your own religion –

ANN: (Laughs) What could you be talking about?

ELIAS: – in relation to metaphysics.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And in that, you also incorporate your own guidelines. AND, what I would express in relation to your nature – an extension of it within physical focus – your nature is to be interconnected, not only with each other but with All That Is. And within physical focus, as humans, to express that nature you develop rituals. And even in your present development of your new religion, in metaphysical expressions, you are developing rituals: with stones, with different expressions in relation to meditations, visualizations; you are developing your own rituals for your own religion.

It is not being expressed in the manner of delegating it to constructed sites such as mosques or temples or churches; therefore, you are not incorporating that aspect of designating specific sites to gather, but that also is understandable in this time framework that you now incorporate your computers, your internet, which does not incorporate a house and allows you to be interactive with each other throughout your world and not necessarily in physical proximity with each other. Therefore, that ritual of incorporating a HOUSE or a structure for coming together in communion with other individuals to share your rituals and therefore express that interconnectedness with each other is not as necessary, and therefore that has not been incorporated as a part of your new religion.

But in this, religions, as I expressed, are philosophies, and the alignment with those philosophies is driven by faith. You also express faith in not such a very different capacity; it is merely that your philosophy is different. In this, faith, as I have expressed, is the trust in what is unseen – that you believe, you express that trust, in what is unknown and unseen.

In this, what is, in some capacity, being emphasized in this wave, is the value of that. You have, in your infancy, in the objective expression of this shift, and even in the subjective expression of this shift in your previous century, in that infancy you have begun to express your rebellion, to an extent, in relation to established philosophies. Even WITHIN the established philosophies, there are new factions of them, there are expansions of the philosophy, not all of which many of you would deem to be good, although those who are engaging them believe them to be good. That is once again a matter of perception and how you are viewing that aspect of the philosophy, which has also, in your very recent time framework, given way to your identification or classification of terrorists. These are merely an expanded faction of religions, an expanded rebellious aspect of the philosophy. And in that, what this wave is also bringing to light is that the expression of faith is not bad; it is an asset to all of you, and it is an important factor in allowing you to move forward in shifting.

In that, faith, regardless of how it is expressed, regardless of what the philosophy is that you express your faith in, does not present itself or you do not perceive it as restrictive, or even as rules. You perceive it as to your benefit, and you even perceive it as [an] avenue of expansion that it allows you opportunities that are to your greatest benefit.

Therefore when you observe individuals such as this family that you are using as an example, their choice, which is driven by their faith to express themselves, to present themselves, and to engage socially with each other in relation to specific guidelines, they do not necessarily perceive as restrictive. Therefore, there would not be a backlash, for they are not motivated to rebel, or to reject, for they BELIEVE what they are expressing. They TRUST what they are expressing, and they trust it to be expressions of their greatest benefit. Very similar to yourselves, they believe what is unknown and unseen but that that is to their greatest benefit, and therefore they are not motivated to express opposition to that. In that, they do not view it as rules or restrictive, but more so as guidelines that aid them in accomplishing what they want.

Now; with the children, this is an excellent example of how well the expression of trust and faith allows you to accomplish. These individuals incorporate a considerable number of children, and they interact with all of these children in the same manner. All of these children incorporate the same example. And in that, they are observing a consistent example, not an example that breeds questioning but an example of “I do what I am expressing to you; I am the example of what is to your benefit. I am not expressing to you to do this and I will do differently.”

ANN: Right.

ELIAS: “I am encouraging you.” Now, in that, all of these children are observing the example that is successful. The partnership is successful. The family is successful. The lifestyle is successful. They are not wanting. They are provided for, they are cared for, they are nurtured, they are encouraged. And in that, all that is important to any of them is being expressed in action and therefore is being expressed in example.

In this also, in relation to their faith, their guidelines, they are expressing the value and the importance of every individual in their unit. No one is more important than another. No one is lacking because of another. No one receives less than another. And therefore in that, the example is consistent.

Rebellion and opposition develop when there is inconsistency and when responsibility is not being expressed in the manner that it is intended.

Responsibility, as I have expressed many times, is an expression that you generate with yourself. You are responsible for yourself ONLY. When you are responsible to yourself, you automatically, by extension – by default, if you will – the automatic byproduct of that is that you will be responsible to everything and everyone around you; you will be considerate of everything and everyone around you. For when you are responsible to yourself, first of all you recognize value of yourself and do not compromise it, and beyond that, you recognize your impact.

Therefore, even if you do not identify it or define it as your interconnectedness with everything and everyone around you, you recognize your impact in relation to everything and everyone, and therefore in being responsible to yourself, valuing yourself, recognizing your deservingness – and let me express to you very definitely, religion does not deny an individual's deservingness. They may express it in different words, but if you were not deserving you would not be worthy of being saved. If you were not deserving, you would not be worthy of being recognized as an offspring of God. Therefore, contrary to what many individuals express, religion does promote deservingness; it does not deny it.

And if you are being responsible and you are being that straight little sapling, it matters not what your faith is based in, which philosophy it is based in. The action is the same; and in that, the action of being responsible and generating that consistent example to others, individuals automatically, naturally, gravitate to that. It is as a moth to a flame. That consistency, that value, that deservingness, expresses such a brilliance that other individuals are automatically drawn to it and want to emulate it. (Louder) Even if you do not agree with the philosophy, you view the success, and you want to emulate that success. And their success is not merely in their family.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: They are successful financially, they are successful in the workplace, they are successful in their community, and they are successful in their family. They are successful in every direction, for this is an excellent example once again: Everything you do is interconnected. Therefore it may seem that surfacely one subject is ENTIRELY unrelated to another subject. You interacting with your team and your job is ENTIRELY a different subject from interacting with your partner over dinner. No, it is not. It is all interconnected in energy, and what you do in one direction AFFECTS every other direction that you engage in some capacity. And this is an excellent example of a group of individuals that are being successful in every direction.

ANN: You know, sometimes I see stuff like that – and I know this is not a helpful action or thoughts to take, and I don't dwell on them and I don't beat myself up on them – but I do have a little bit of like, “Oh, I wish I knew this when my children were little.” (Elias laughs) I do have a little of wanting to go back and do it over again just, you know, with what I know now. Then I'll tell myself that I'm just learning in different facets and different angles, and...

ELIAS: Precisely, and rather than expressing that wish for repeat, acknowledge what you know now and that you have the ability to apply it now.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: For, all that is important is the present.

ANN: Yeah, true. So, I'm not quite... I feel like I've been seeing these things or… It's interesting, so you take a faith, and I understand knowing faith and how we can use it to our benefit, and everything you've said makes perfect sense. I feel like I've been seeing little things maybe beyond that, and what I mean by that is… Okay, so if it really is what you believe in and works for you, and then there are no rules, really, that we're showing ourselves more so that… Like there is a certain comfort in your faith, in your rules, and if I do this I get that outcome, and if I do this I get that outcome, and...

ELIAS: It is a focal point.

ANN: It is a focal point. But beyond that is going to be when you realize and know that there are no rules, really when you become aware of that, it feels a little bit like you're out there in space or without a platform or…

ELIAS: No, that is ultimate freedom, my friend, for then you can choose whatever direction you wish.

ANN: So then does the faith come in knowing in yourself and your ability to create whatever you want and that's it? That's kind of where it is leading to.

ELIAS: Yes, for in that, remember: Faith is the trust in what is unknown and unseen. Therefore, it is that freedom to trust yourself and not necessarily incorporate a plan.

ANN: Yeah.

So, take this boat thing for instance. It's not the faith that we'll find like the perfect manufacturer or whatever, it comes back to ourselves; the faith is centered in ourselves knowing that we can get ourselves, or at least myself, that I can get myself in that state of being. I don't know what I'm trying to say, but it doesn't matter what happens if you're centered or whatever word I'm looking for. Do you know the word I'm looking for?

ELIAS: And your partner has expressed it himself. [To John] You expressed, “I know I can do it.” That is the faith. “I may not know how it will occur, I may not know how to do it, I may not incorporate a plan, but I know I can do it.”

ANN: And...

ELIAS: That is the faith in the unknown and the unseen. It matters not HOW it proceeds or WHAT you draw to yourself, you know you will, and you know you can.

ANN: And so sometimes… Like, I know more and more it's just more attractive and seductive for me to live life just in the moment and not even plan, or not even try to send my thoughts ahead to “Okay, we'll do this and this” and then it can be... A part of me almost feels like that's giving up, or being lazy. It's like I feel that if I don't do that, or maybe I wouldn't be focused enough, or maybe I would be scattered just to be... I guess more and more, ...

ELIAS: I would express to you that even in that there is balance.

ANN: Yeah, yeah.

ELIAS: For in that, at times, you will generate a plan.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: You will generate perhaps not as DETAILED of a plan, but you may incorporate a GENERAL plan. You incorporate a general plan to build a boat.

ANN: Right.

ELIAS: You may not incorporate the details of HOW you will build the boat, but building the boat is not being expressed in this moment; you are not actively doing it in this moment. Therefore, you are generating a plan – to an extent. Once you are actively building the boat, you may generate a plan of how to use the boat, or where to go with the boat. You may not generate a detailed plan – once again, you may express, “I want to travel in the boat to the Mediterranean, and I want to do it within this time framework.” But you may not be more detailed than that in what your plan is; you may allow yourself to be more spontaneous. OR, you may be an individual that is more comfortable with more structure, and if so, you may incorporate more details in what you plan, but you also incorporate that openness for alteration or change. In this, it is not set in stone, and you know that.

It is a matter of balance. It is not that once you are fully shifted you will never plan anything ever again. No, you will, but the planning itself is different. Even if you are detailed in it, you also are aware that it is not absolute. And in that, you will balance, you will invest when your intuition tells you it is the timing to invest, and you will not when it is not correct for you to invest.

ANN: There's a little tiny fear that I have, and it's not so much this because this... The boat thing feels more as it's his baby, which I kind of like it that way because of the fear that I have. All right, I see a pattern: Sometimes I'll get excited about something and I'll think I want to do it. I don’t think it's bad because I like the way my life is turning out, and I like my life and it's good, but I do see a pattern of me wanting to do something, getting excited, feeling the inspiration, feeling so good, and maybe taking a couple little preliminary steps and then I lose it. I lose the interest, I lose the desire. Or maybe not; I don't feel that driving force anymore. So, why do I do that?

But it doesn't bother me, because then I'm just not concerned about it anymore. It’s not like I feel like, “Oh, I really want to do this thing” and I'm not doing it; it's like I don't want to do it anymore. Or maybe I'll want to do it later, or...

ELIAS: And I would express to you an acknowledgment.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: For that is a natural expression for you.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: That you do incorporate a tendency to express excitement.

ANN: Yeah, and then...

ELIAS: But maintaining that type of excitement requires a considerable amount of energy.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And in that, a new idea may be exciting to you, but once it is not new any longer it is not necessarily exciting either.

ANN: Right.

ELIAS: And in that, I would also express an acknowledgment to you that the factor that you become excited about a subject does not necessarily mean that you must engage everything that excites you.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And in that, another natural expression for you, a natural flow, is you like the feeling of being excited.

ANN: Yeah, I do. Can't argue with you there.

ELIAS: That does not necessarily require –

ANN: Action.

ELIAS: Yes, or follow-through.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: That does not necessarily require investment. You like to BE excited, but that does not necessarily mean that you must invest yourself in anything and everything that excites you.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: I would express genuinely, you like the feeling more than the subject. (Both laugh)

ANN: Yeah, okay.

ELIAS: And that is not wrong. (Laughs)

ANN: It's like, well what do you do with that? The feelings come and go...

ELIAS: Which, I would acknowledge you that you allow that, and that you do not judge yourself or discount yourself that you are not acting on it.

ANN: Well, that kind of leads me back to… (pause) I just forgot what it leads me back to. (Elias laughs) Oh, I don't know.

JOHN: Building a boat.

ANN: No, just a... Oh! Like being seduced by just staying in the moment and not wanting to make the plan, because that's kind of how I flow. I more want to be in the feeling, and...

ELIAS: And that is acceptable.

ANN: Yeah. I do sometimes wonder… It's weird, because sometimes I feel like I'm not productive and other times I feel like I'm incredibly productive. I don't think about it too much, it's just kind of back there. (Elias laughs) I don't know where I'm going. I feel like I’m [inaudible]. (Elias laughs)

Well, I feel like I would like to just open the floor to anybody who would like to say anything at this moment. (Elias laughs) Okay, you want to say something?

JOHN: I have a name for the boat: “Shift Ahoy.”

ELIAS: Ahhh! (Laughs)

ANN: “Shift Ahoy!” Hee-hee-hee. (Elias laughs) That might be [inaudible], “Shift Ahoy.” It sounds kind of like a chocolate chip cookie, though. (Elias laughs)

JOHN: Better that than “Good Shift Lollipop.”

ANN: Yeah. (Elias laughs)

JOHN: My daily dose of silliness. (Elias laughs)

MELISSA: I had a question about a stone. I was going to wait, but...

ANN: Go ahead!

MELISSA: I have this aquamarine pendent, and I haven't been able to determine exactly what it does. I just know that it feels intense when I wear it. But I stopped wearing it, but… (Elias chuckles) What do aquamarines do?

ELIAS: Accelerate.

MELISSA: Okay. (Elias chuckles) It just depends on how I'm feeling.


MELISSA: Okay, great. (Elias chuckles) Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

JOHN: Do you want to ask what other stone [inaudible]?

ANN: Ah, yeah. So if I were… I don’t know if I want to do a necklace anymore. Maybe I was just excited about the idea of it. (All laugh loudly) Do you think this kunzite and the peridot, do you think these two stones are good together?


ANN: And I feel like if there was a third one, what would be the third one? Would it be the obsidian or something else? Okay, sorry. Would it be a green amethyst? Or a purple amethyst?

ELIAS: I would express obsidian.

ANN: Hm! Okay, so the three with obsidian, okay. And then if I were to wear these three, like have some kind of a pendant made out of them and have it rest right here, would that be helpful?

ELIAS: (Chuckles, and Ann laughs) It is dependent upon what you want to achieve. (Both laugh)

ANN: Ahh. Oh, Elias, sometimes… And then I rock back to that “nothing, just nothing matters,” you know? (Elias laughs) I don't know. I'm in a weird place right now, I guess.

ELIAS: I know what matters with you.

ANN: What matters with me, pray tell?

ELIAS: Balance and interconnectedness.

ANN: Well, I don't get you on that. On the interconnectedness matters, but balance… Do you think I’m unbalanced?

ELIAS: No! But I would express that that is an important expression to you…

ANNE: Yeah?

ELIAS: … to maintain.

ANN: And flowing. I want to flow without blocking myself.

ELIAS: Which would be a balance.

ANN: Oh! Well, then. (Elias laughs) Okay, so then if I were to wear this grace and the peridot and obsidian, would that help with balancing and interconnectedness?

ELIAS: Yes. (Chuckles)

ANN: (Pause, and Elias chuckles) Thank you. I feel weird, but anyhow. (Elias laughs) [To Melissa] Do you have another question?

MELISSA: I was just wondering, how many focuses do Ann and I share?

ELIAS: And your impression?

ANN: There's 1’s in there. There's an 11 in there somewhere. (All laugh)

ELIAS: Ones. (Laughs)

ANN: 1169?

MELISSA: I have a whole bunch of numbers flashing here. 131.

ANN: I say 1116.

ELIAS: 31 correct, 11 correct.

ANN: (Ann and Melissa laugh) See, it was 1’s, see?

MELISSA: Wow, that's a lot of focuses!

ANN: Okay, so Melissa's in quite a few of my dreams, so obviously I figure we’re connecting in our dreams, correct? And then I have to... [To Melissa] I want to say this, but I want to say this without...

MELISSA: No, I understand.

ANN: The intention is not to make you feel bad at all. It's just kind of a curiosity thing that sometimes, like subjectively I feel like we connect, but objectively not as much. I mean we do, but sometimes I think, you know, Melissa's reserved and wants to be more to herself. And I understand and I feel like I am very understanding in having her express her flow and whatever, but sometimes I like want to (makes whishing sound) feel like that, as I get a little mad at her. [To Melissa] No, I'm not mad at you; do you know what I'm saying?

JOHN: In your dreams, or...?

ANN: No, in life. I'm like, “Dagnabit.” Like if she says, "Oh, maybe I won’t come to dinner," I'm like, “Gosh darn it.” You know, I feel like that, and then I'm like, “Whatever.” (Bursts out laughing) I don't even know why I'm saying that.

JOHN: [Inaudible ]

MELISSA: I'm guessing this has to do with my little issues in certain [inaudible].

ELIAS: I would agree.

ANN: Yeah, I would agree. Because when I listened to your session I was like that, like I want to almost pull her... So the fight within myself is wanting to pull her out versus wanting to be allowing to her to express freely.


ANN: So that's the fight. Actually it's maybe not against her, it's the fight within myself.

ELIAS: Yes. And that… Let me express to you, that is very common, for that is the expression of viewing potential and expressing in relation to another individual's potential.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: And that is difficult for many, many individuals, for many, many, many individuals, if not most, move in the direction of feeling almost COMPELLED to –

ANN: To drag ‘em out!

ELIAS: – to encourage what they view as the other individual's potential.

ANN: But then it feels like it's discounting. So how do you go about that without discounting the other person?

ELIAS: You acknowledge it to yourself, –

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: – and you can acknowledge it with other individuals also.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: But also express that allowance, and acknowledge yourself in what you recognize as a potential that that is valid, but also be allowing of the other individual. For, as in this situation, there may be an issue that is being addressed to, and the individual may be moving through that and not necessarily express the ability to express that potential yet.

[The timer for the session rings]

ANN: Yet, yet, yet. So do we observe each other?


ANN: Oh, you were right.


ANN: Okay. All right, well, that is the bell, Elias. Thank you, I love talking to you as always.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: Oh, let me just ask one quick thing: I did this little meditation, and Melissa and I have been talking about doing these channeling exercises, so Daniel Scranton had walked me through this visualization. And the first time, I saw the Walton father, whatever his name was, but then the second time I did it on my own I invoked your help or I requested your help and then you came to me – was that you? And you handed me my essence symbol, as I think through the meditation, the person that comes to you offers you a gift and you offered me my essence symbol, right? That was nice. (Elias laughs)

Okay, and then… I know we have to go really soon, but… Actually for me and for Melissa, the reason I would want to channel… I don't know, I wouldn't be OPPOSED to channeling a different entity, but I just want freer access to this wider information constantly for myself more and more.

ELIAS: And what were we discussing previously about intuitions? (Laughs)

MELISSA: [Inaudible]

ANN: All right. Well, I'm going to let all of those questions simmer for a next time.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: All right.

ELIAS: I express tremendous affection and encouragement and supportiveness, and especially wondrous lovingness, to each of you. I shall be anticipating our next meeting.

ANN: Au revoir.

ELIAS: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 2 hours 28 seconds)

Copyright 2014 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.