Session 201409041

The Complications of Constructs


“The Complications of Constructs”
“Physical Reactions in Assimilating Information”
“More on Crystals”
“Tapping into Memories”

Thursday, September 4, 2014 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ANN: Good morning, Elias! It’s so good to hear your voice.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And you also. And what shall we discuss?

ANN: Well, we shall just let it unfold.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: I do, at the very beginning, have three people who have actually asked me if I would ask questions for them, so I would like to do that to start off with.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: The first one is Kimmi, and she has a couple quick questions. One, she wants to know, is Oba’s essence intent supportiveness?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

ANN: And does he have direct focus in a Led Zeppelin band or as Myles Kennedy?

ELIAS: Observing.

ANN: Observing of Myles Kennedy?


ANN: And does he have a direct focus of any other person in the band?


ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: Counterpart.

ANN: Okay. I’ll let them figure out who he’s a counterpart of.

Okay, and she has a question regarding crystals and stones and their size. Is it as efficient if she has a lot of small stones – like her amethyst or rose quartz bracelet, would that be as efficient as having one large stone?

ELIAS: Generally, for most individuals, the size of the stones are not as important, and therefore, yes, that would be efficient. I would express to remember that whenever you are engaging rose quartz, even if it is in a bracelet with other stones, it is important to empty the rose quartz.

ANN: Yes. I’ve been telling everyone that since I’ve heard.

ELIAS: Therefore, with any configuration of rose quartz, it is important to do that if you want to continue engaging the stone with effectiveness. If you are merely incorporating rose quartz in jewelry merely for appearance and for no actual function, then it matters not. But if you are engaging a rose quartz in any configuration of it with purpose that you are USING it, then it is important to empty it.

ANN: And a question of my own about programming a quartz: First of all, can you program any stone or just quartzes?

ELIAS: Now, as I expressed previously, this idea of programming a stone, how I explained that is you can do that in one time framework. You can do that in setting an intention with the stone and engage it in that manner in one time framework, but it is not a matter of that you set an intention with a stone, or you set an instruction with a stone and then generate the expectation that the stone will perform that function ever after. It does not function in that manner. It does not HOLD that instruction ongoingly.

Now, I did express that you COULD set an intention with a particular stone, and if that is the only manner in which you are engaging that particular stone each time, it is not necessary for you to actually express or think of that intention repeatedly each time you engage the stone, for you are engaging the stone with the same energy each time, and therefore the stone will respond to that without you specifically setting the intention each time you engage it. But other than that, you cannot express an instruction to a stone and expect that it will hold that instruction ever after. It will not.

ANN: Okay. Okay, that’s enough for that. Kimmi also asks, is the symbology of her arm pain and not being able to reach her back about being rigid and not flexible, as some plants are growing horizontal, not vertical?


ANN: Okay. And what is the rigidity associated with?

ELIAS: (Laughs) And my response to that would be to begin paying attention to the yeses and the nos.

ANN: Oh, my goodness. Okay.

Okay, let’s move on to Tracy now.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: She says she wants to know what she is missing in regard to her ongoing, recurring physical issues of back, stomach, and breathing restriction. She’s sure you’re going to say something short, and it will be like “duh… Bingo!” for her. She says it’s just been a pain in the ass for a year, and every day it changes from this thing to that thing. Because it keeps changing from one thing to another back again, she feels like it’s the elephant in the room that she’s missing. She would like to know, what is she missing?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) This would also be related to the yes and no in relation to pleasing.

ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: What motivates her to, in a manner of speaking, say yes to outside sources that is saying no simultaneously to her own well-being.

ANN: Ah!

ELIAS: That she is saying yes to be pleasing at the cost of saying no her own well-being.

ANN: Okay. Can you tell me then, going back to Kimmi on the paying attention to the yes and no, what that would be in relation to, give her something that she can narrow that down to, paying attention to yes or no with the pain in the arm and the rigidity?

ELIAS: Yes. What I would express is that it is related to the yes and no in relation to being right.

ANN: Okay.

One actually quick question for Saige from the forum. [She] did not ask me to ask this, but she has lost a cat, one of her cats is missing, and is this cat still alive, or has it disengaged?

ELIAS: Presently, yes, alive.

ANN: Okay. All right, and then the last person, Steph from the forum, she is having problems with very heavy bleeding. She had an IUD put in, in reaction to that. Anyway, she was wondering if I could ask you if there’s anything she needs to know that can help her at the moment about this. So she’s had quite heavy bleeding, which for her is irregular, the past weekend. She’s had a lot of painfulness around it.

ELIAS: Is she continuing to engage it?

ANN: The IUD? Yes. I believe so – I’m not certain, but she didn’t say she wasn’t. She just said she had it put in, and she feels the pain pretty intensely. She gets really heat sensitive and reactive.

ELIAS: My suggestion would be that she remove it.

ANN: That’s your expression?

ELIAS: I would express that the body consciousness is reacting, and in an extreme. And in this, it is not only reacting to the foreign object and energy but is also reacting to the purpose.

ANN: Ah!

ELIAS: And now, in this, let me be clear: That is not to say that her body consciousness is reacting in this situation for she is wanting to or preparing for an entering essence – not at all. It is not a matter of that. It is a matter of (pause) a fear element.

Now, let me express to you in relation to that also that I am aware that I will be engaging conversation with her soon directly.

ANN: Okay.

ELIAS: And in that, we will engage an opportunity to explore this in more detail and further. But I would express the suggestion that she remove the contraceptive and incorporate a time framework in being gentle with her body consciousness, and to give herself a time framework to RELAX, for engaging this action has triggered a fear in the body consciousness.

ANN: Okay. The gentleness: that actually validates what I was feeling towards her, and also like our interconnectedness, because I felt that that energy of gentleness would be very helpful for her.

ELIAS: Yes, very much so.

ANN: Okay. All right, since you will be engaging her directly soon, I think I will let you guys address that. And thank you very much.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANN: All right, I have a curiosity question that I’ve been wanting to ask you for many sessions, like maybe over a year now and I never have gotten around to it. I’m just curious what this is. It doesn’t happen when I’m waking up from a deep sleep from the middle of the night, but sometimes it happens more often when I’m in the middle of a nap or kind of lightly sleeping – a nap – and then if I wake up and I notice usually my heart rate is rapid. When my eyes are closed, I see what’s kind of what I’m going to describe as a kaleidoscope on my eyelids. It’s not colorful, it’s just like different tones of whatever I think the color of my eyelid looks like, but it seems to be some kind of pattern. When it happened the very first time, that pattern actually kind of emerged into what looked to me like bamboo stalks that I was looking through, and then I saw what I thought was a tiger, but that only happened the first time. Since then it’s just more of like a pattern and a pulsing, and it feels like it’s related to my body, maybe because of my heartbeat, and that’s when it can happen, and if I keep my heart rate up, sometimes I can see it better.

But I’m wondering, what is that? When I saw the tiger, I thought well, maybe I’m seeing another, you know, another focus through another focus’ eyes this way, or I also thought maybe it was just the beginning of being able to see physically. But I don’t know. Do you know what that is?

ELIAS: Yes. Now, I would express to you that it CAN move in the direction of a method to quickly and easily connect to another focus, but not always. It is connected with memory. It is an action that you have allowed yourself to use, if you choose to, to tap into memory, but the reason that it automatically occurs in these types of situations is that you already are tapping into different memories which are not always associated with this focus. And in tapping into different memories that are unfamiliar to you and in that unfamiliarity may generate a slight ill ease, that is what generates the acceleration of the heart rate, and you will notice that your breathing becomes more shallow, which also moves in conjunction with the acceleration of your heart rate. And in that, the patterns that you are seeing are being expressed to move your attention away from the idea that you are generating some dysfunction with your heart or your lungs, that this is more associated with a reaction than with a dysfunction.

And in that, the patterns that you are seeing are almost what you would term to be a code for the different configurations of the different energies of memory that you are connecting to. You will notice, as you have, with that description of a kaleidoscope, the patterns are not the same; they change, and there are different configurations of the patterns. They are not identical each time it occurs. And that is for the reason that you are tapping into different memories with the body consciousness; and in that, it is creating different patterns associated with different memories.

In that, it is very similar to your present-day computers. The computers generate what you identify as code for everything that they process, and dependent upon what that code is, it creates different images. At times it may be pictures, at times it may be words, but it is all being generated by different configurations of codes – of numbers, in actuality.

In this, your body consciousness can generate a very similar action in which you are not necessarily objectively recalling the memory, but remember, especially if it occurs more consistently in this type of time framework in which you are engaging a nap and you are not deeply sleeping, or you are resting and you are not necessarily actually engaging sleep but you are experiencing that twilight sleep: In this, your objective awareness is engaged more than it is when you sleep at night. And in that, remember: What is the function of your objective awareness when you sleep? It is either off, or it is translating what your subjective awareness is doing.

ANN: Yes.

ELIAS: Now; if your objective awareness is engaged enough in relation to that subjective activity, you create imagery, which is dreams. When you are awakening, your objective awareness may be engaged to a point which is not fully engaged, and it may not necessarily be generating full images; it may merely be translating into an image, in a manner of speaking, a type of code that your subjective awareness is expressing. And in that, your subjective awareness may be engaging memory, which the body consciousness stores. Therefore, it is affecting of the body consciousness.

The body consciousness may be reacting to what you are doing subconsciously or subjectively; and in that, there is enough of the objective interaction to begin to generate images, but you are not fully asleep, therefore it would not generate imagery the same as a dream. It would do it in a more objective manner that is closer to your waking objectivity.

Are you understanding thus far?

ANN: I believe I am.

ELIAS: Therefore, rather than creating imagery such as a dream, it creates a more objective physical type of imagery, therefore creating that kaleidoscope type of images that you perceive yourself to be seeing with your eyes closed, different from dreaming. And in that, rather than actually creating images, it creates images of code rather than images of scenarios.

ANN: To understand what you’re saying, if this happens when I’m asleep and the objective consciousness isn’t as active, that’s when it would be more like dreaming.


ANN: Because I’m more OBJECTIVELY aware, I interpret it more in the kaleidoscope visual.

ELIAS: Yes, and you feel the reaction with your body consciousness, that your heart rate increases, your breathing becomes more shallow.

When you are dreaming and creating dream imagery, even if the dream imagery is intense and nightmarish, your body consciousness does not necessarily react to that physically until you move yourself to the point of awakening yourself, until you engage your objective awareness to the point that you will awaken yourself. And at that point, dependent upon the intensity of the dream, your heart rate will increase, your breathing may become more shallow, and you may even express audibly in a scream.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: But that does not occur physically in relation to dreams until your objective awareness is engaged to the point that you will be awakening yourself. Therefore, while you are engaging the dream imagery, regardless of its intensity, if you are, so to speak, in the middle of the dream, your physical body consciousness is not actually reacting.

ANN: I get it. Actually, could we switch gears just a little bit, speaking of dreams?


ANN: So last night I had many dreams, and I only can remember parts and bits of them, but I had this one dream, and I’m not sure I’m remembering accurately or not, but there was a figure, I think it was like a male figure, that wanted me and maybe me and John, I can’t remember if it was John or someone else, to cut my cat up in pieces. And I was distressed by it. I think we did cut the cat up, and then I wanted to put the cat back together, so she wasn’t dead, she was like put back together, her left hindquarter leg wasn’t really functioning right and she was lying there. She was still alive, and I was being puzzled how we could have cut her up and she’s still alive. And I remember thinking we’re going to have to hide from this authority figure that wanted us to cut these things up. There’s some other things I think he wanted us to do, too, but I don’t remember.

So, I’m thinking: Is this me reacting, like having a religious wave-type dream with still kind of thinking I should do what the outside source or the authority figure says, not liking it, or putting the cat back together, trying to come into my own being but still not quite 100 percent sure that I can come into my authority, or…?

ELIAS: Yes! Congratulations in your interpretation. You have interpreted that quite accurately. And this is associated with this wave, and it is associated also with the yes and no.

ANN: (Laughs) So, let’s play that out with the yes and the no, because I’m still pretty overwhelmed with the yes and no and it seems so big, but can we play it out with my dream in the yes and no?

ELIAS: Yes. And what would your assessment be, given the interpretation that you have expressed, recognizing that this is associated with this wave, it is associated with authority? It is also associated with you not being comfortable with that and attempting to disentangle yourself from it, or dis-attach yourself from it, but reconfiguring and recognizing that yes, you had disentangled to a point but that there are aspects that remain, and that there are some expressions that you allow yourself to be dictated to by outside sources.

Now, in that context, what would you express are the factors of the yes and the no in relation to this dream imagery?

ANN: Well, it kind of feels similar to what you were telling Tracy about her yes and no, like I’m saying yes to the authority figure when I’m cutting up my cat, but I’m saying no to myself, what I really want to do. I mean that seems to be the biggest, most obvious yes and no.

ELIAS: I would agree.

ANN: And then at one point saying yes, I want to be my own authority, I want the cat together, I want to do this, but also saying no to myself in the belief of myself, maybe, that I can do it? I don’t know if that’s it or not, but…

ELIAS: Yes! That would be correct. In this, first of all you are expressing yes to the outside source in compliance.

ANN: Right.

ELIAS: You are complying with a directive and saying no to yourself in relation to your comfort or what is to your greatest benefit, or saying no to what is IMPORTANT to you by complying with the yes to the outside source. Then, from that point, you reevaluate. You begin to pay more attention to yourself in the recognition that you disagree with the dictate, and you begin to express yes to yourself and no to what you do not want and what is NOT in your greatest benefit or what is not comfortable to you. You begin to express, "Yes, I will move in the direction that I want."

But in that, you will begin to notice – this is the reason that I express that yes and no incorporate more constructs than ANY OTHER expression in your reality, for now you begin to involve with all of the constructs: "Yes, I want to honor myself and move in a direction of what is important to me, but...I am not certain that I can do that, I do not trust my ability that I can reconstruct effectively and efficiently," and also the construct of "If I express no to that outside dictate after I have already expressed yes, now I must RECONSTRUCT what I did, I must undo it. I must retrace what I have done and undo it, and then re-piece it back together in the configuration that I want and also to be functioning."

Therefore, you are not simply expressing yes or no; you are also adding all of these additional constructs to that yes or no: "If I say yes to myself, I must undo all that I know and all that I have learned and all of my automatic responses to the outside sources." That is not necessarily true or correct, but that IS a construct. And in that, then there becomes another construct: the doubt and the idea of reconstructing: "If I have moved in a direction in which I must untangle and undo what I have already created, then once I have undone what I have created, now it is a matter that I must RECONSTRUCT, and therefore there are processes that I must engage. And in that process, I may not know how to engage that process of reconstructing."

Even generating that imagery of the cat, the mandate is, “Cut up the cat.” "I agree or I comply, therefore I express yes to the outside source. I am expressing no all of MY importances and what is comfortable and my benefit by expressing that yes, but I do it. Now I have cut up the cat; NOW I have pieces. Now I express that change, no, I recognize that I do not agree with the outside mandate and I do not want to engage that." But this is in actuality excellent imagery, for it expresses and illustrates the constructs, the complications and the difficulties and the pitfalls in relation to these constructs, for it is not merely a matter of you recognizing your disagreement and now expressing no to the outside source; now that you have expressed "No," now it is a matter of fixing it.

ANN: That’s a construct, that I need to fix it.

ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, now you have all these pieces that you have disassembled, and now it is the construct of you must fix it and therefore reassemble it in a different configuration. But the cat remains a cat, which is excellent imagery that you have provided. Just as I have expressed, in some situations, perhaps even many situations, you may actually agree with the construct, therefore you WOULD actually engage the choice that you have, such as incorporating the cat. You already possessed the cat. Then you received the mandate to cut the cat up, and in your construct of fixing what you disassembled, when you fix, it remains a cat again, therefore symbolizing that a choice or what you are creating or what you already possess may remain the same, but the point is whether that is your choice or whether it is an automatic response or reaction to an outside source dictating to you, or that you are allowing that dictate.

In this, you are engaging the constructs of fixing, and that creates the introduction of what you believe in relation to your abilities and what you trust in relation to what you can do and whether you can effectively create your reality entirely – and therefore begins the doubt and the questioning. Therefore, the situation becomes much more complicated in relation to those constructs, not merely the yes or no.

Are you understanding?

ANN: I’m understanding bits of it, but I have to say I’m going a little in glaze-over mode. (Both laugh) It’s okay, as I do think I’m getting it slowly, and I actually think I might be choosing to be more aware of it on a subjective-objective level.

For example, I was thinking about with my work, I just notice that I can engage it to do it the way I want to do it. It was weird, because for so long, work… Thinking I have to do my job, which is what other people have said my job is, and not just in my head, I start to feel how when I go about my job I can do it the way I want to do it in the manner in which I want to engage it. I’m having a new layer, a realization of being able to choose how I want to engage this and do it MY way. I think it’s related. Do you think that’s related to what we’re talking about?


ANN: Yeah. So, it feels like everyone’s been saying… It feels huge. It’s feels like it’s just so much information that I’m not sure how to… like I almost have to block it off and let it filter in slowly. But… (laughing)

ELIAS: I am understanding.

ANN: But it’s… I do feel like I’m grasping parts of it, anyway.

ELIAS: Excellent, and I would congratulate you on that, and I would also validate you on that. I would express that in that acknowledgement that this is a considerable subject and that it will require time to assimilate, for it is so intricate, and it is a part of every moment of your existence and EVERYTHING that you do. But it is also, in its simplicity, the key to you creating your reality objectively, intentionally, in the direction that you WANT and to your greatest benefit.

ANN: Yeah, I thought it’s quite paradoxical how it’s so simplistic, yes and no, [but] it’s probably the most complicated so far.

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree, which is in actuality NOT a paradox, for it is in itself very simple, but the factor that you have created such extensive constructs around these two words, or around these two ideas, such an IMMENSE expression of constructs, even to the point that, as I have expressed, your expressions of yes and no are not even as absolute and defined as you THINK they are, –

ANN: Oh, yeah, I get that.

ELIAS: – for you think that these are two words in your language that are very definite and absolute and that they always mean precisely that, yes or no, and there is no other interpretation for these two words. But even that is incorrect, for they are VERY interchangeable.

ANN: Yeah! Well, I feel that. When you say yes, I’m thinking no, and when I say no I’m thinking yes. It’s all very convoluted.

ELIAS: You may be expressing no and meaning yes.

ANN: Yeah. Oh, yeah, that happens.

ELIAS: Or vice versa.

ANN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Therefore, these are two expressions, two concepts, two words that are very much NOT absolute, regardless that you think they are absolute.

ANN: You know, sometimes when I’m thinking about me, about what I’m perceiving to be in my head, thinking I don’t seem to get it as much – or I WILL get it, it’s just slower – but I feel like if I go down to where my heart is, I feel like I can understand it first in my heart before I understand it in my head. Do you know what I’m saying about that? Does that make sense?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes, I am understanding. You are generating physical terms, but in actuality you are correct that you are inwardly assimilating and you do generate an understanding of what you are assimilating or knowing, but you may not necessarily clearly translate that yet objectively in relation to concept and implementation, therefore to reality.

ANN: Yeah. And actually over the last few days I've been feeling very weepy – not in a bad way; it definitely feels like a release-of-energy way. Is that like an acceptance weep? I mean I’m releasing energy, or…? Do you think that’s a way I’m getting more to a point of acceptance?

ELIAS: I would, and I would express that this also is not unusual presently, that there are many, many, many, many, MANY individuals that are experiencing similarly. And in that, it is a method that you are – many of you – are engaging to do precisely that, to release energy.

And the reason for that is that when you are engaging a concept that you are attempting to assimilate and that you perceive to be important, it is, in a manner of speaking, an action that you have presented an equation to yourself that you have not yet discovered the solution to the equation or the answer to the equation but you HAVE the equation, which is a tremendous asset in itself. But what occurs naturally in that type of scenario – whether it be a concept, whether it be an actual physical equation, it matters not – your body consciousness in that time framework of having the equation, discovering the equation and the components of it and assimilating it to arrive at the answer or the solution, your body consciousness tenses, for you are creating an intensity of energy in concentration, and when you do that, your body consciousness automatically responds to that by creating tension. Whenever you are very concentrated in a direction, on a particular subject, in relation to a particular expression or action, an automatic action that the body consciousness does to aid you in that concentration is to tense, for when it tenses, it encourages you to focus your attention singularly and therefore increase your concentration.

Now; when you do that to an extent in an ongoing manner, it is necessary for the body consciousness to release energy and relax, and stop that constant expression of tension. And in that, you can become weepy, or you may experience time frameworks in which you feel physically disoriented, in which you find it very difficult to think, that you feel clouded. That is another action that the body consciousness will engage. What the body consciousness is doing is it is reacting with the physical brain and slowing the firing within your physical brain, which creates that fogged effect in which it is difficult for you to think, and will also physically feel heavy – or feel physically rubbery, which is not the same as being entirely relaxed, but it is a reaction that the body consciousness does to ENCOURAGE you to relax in not allowing you to maintain that tension or that rigidity.

[The timer for the session rings]

ANN: Well, thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

ANN: Our buzzer is going off.

ELIAS: And are you feeling somewhat rubbery now?

ANN: (Both laugh) Maybe.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would encourage you to relax and allow yourself to indulge that rubbery feeling and not think.

ANN: (Laughs) I think I will take your advice.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Trust that you ARE assimilating.

ANN: I do feel like I am, yeah. But it’s good. Interesting times.

Actually it feels exciting and numb at the same time almost. I do feel like I’m perceiving the world differently, in a way that I like better. I mean, I obviously don’t necessarily have words for it yet, but it feels… If you can be excited when you’re rubbery, that’s kinda how I am now. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Excellent! And I would very much acknowledge that (both chuckle).

ANN: Oh my.

ELIAS: [Inaudible, chuckling]

ANN: Thank you, Elias. I just love talking to you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, and I would express to you the same. I very much enjoy our conversations. And I express tremendous lovingness to you. You may also offer my greetings to your partner.

ANN: I shall. He will like that.

ELIAS: And to you my dear friend, I offer exceptional affection and tremendous encouragement in what you are doing. Until our next meeting, in wondrous lovingness to a GLORIOUS being.

ANN: (Laughs) I love you.

ELIAS: To you, my friend, au revoir.

ANN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 2 minutes)

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