You Will Not Betray Yourself
“You Will Not Betray Yourself”
“Choice Is a Truth”
“Reevaluating Importances”
“How Animals Choose”
“How Elias Chooses His Words to Each of Us”
“Using Intuition and Imagination in Choosing a Home”
Friday, June 20, 2014 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), and Nuno (Lystell)
ELIAS: Good morning!
NUNO: Good morning. (Elias chuckles) Not that it's morning for you, but…
ELIAS: (Laughs) But it is for you.
NUNO: It is indeed.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what have you been accomplishing, my friend?
NUNO: I have been trying to notice what I’m paying attention to. I have been reading a book, which you know about, the David Tate book, which was an incredible find. And I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I read in the book, actually, because it's very, very helpful.
ELIAS: Excellent! And what is your assessment thus far, or what have you noticed?
NUNO: I noticed I'm making progress with my challenges.
ELIAS: How so?
NUNO: Well, I kind of decided that… or it’s more like I had an idea, that if I am so extremely effective at causing a dysfunction in my body, then I should be extremely effective in causing a not-dysfunction in my body.
ELIAS: Excellent! You are very correct. And have you been experimenting?
NUNO: I have. And it's effective.
ELIAS: Congratulations! What have you noticed?
NUNO: That it's not as bad as it used to be. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: And in that, not as difficult as you thought.
NUNO: Yes, this is true. Although the idea wasn't totally new, but I guess a greater acceptance of it, I think. And I think I may have had some help; I'm not really sure where the help came from. Maybe from myself, I don't know.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would agree.
NUNO: Okay. In fact, I had the impression that maybe you helped me with that.
ELIAS: You are correct.
NUNO: Okay. So, speaking of impressions, I have some impressions I'd like to validate.
ELIAS: Very well.
NUNO: Or not validate, as the case may be. The first one is that book, the David Tate book, and I have a strong impression that you had something to do with me finding that, because I was not aware of it before.
ELIAS: I would agree.
NUNO: Okay. The second one is a YouTube on magnesium deficiency, which one would say, in common terms, it was a completely random thing; of course it was not. Now, that one I think you also helped me with too.
NUNO: Was that affirmative?
NUNO: Wow! You really have been helping me a lot.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I am being quite literal when I express to you that I am ALWAYS with you and that I am ALWAYS encouraging and supportive, regardless of whether you can see me or not. (Chuckles)
NUNO: Yes. And I'd like to know how to be more accepting of that help.
ELIAS: I would express that that is not so very difficult either. It is merely a matter of doing what you are doing: noticing; being open, and allowing yourself to notice, and allowing yourself to respond to those prompts for your impressions. For in that, I can be offering supportiveness in relation to your intuition, which will translate into impressions that you give yourself.
NUNO: Okay. I will have to work on that.
I have one more impression, and this one is kind of more of an idea. Actually it's not really an impression, it's an idea. I was wondering if choice is a truth?
NUNO: Okay.
About a week ago or so I had like a very traumatic experience with my cat Katoo, and I’m just wondering if there's anything you wanted to say about that.
ELIAS: And what is your assessment thus far?
NUNO: Well, my assessment is that it was basically something obviously I manifested, and I think I have some ideas how that came to be. What I found surprising in that experience was how traumatic it was for me. I had no idea I really cared for the creature as much as obviously I do.
ELIAS: I would express that it is not surprising to myself. It is interesting that you surprise YOURSELF in not recognizing how much you actually have been bonded to this animal. But in that, what are your impressions?
NUNO: I'm not sure, really. I'm not sure I have many impressions on that. He is fine. He has injuries, but he’s been recovering well. But if you think about it in common, ordinary terms, somebody would say that it was two very unlikely coincidences that saved his life. So course I'm wondering, there must've been a very strong probability that I did not, but I somehow managed to get through this or choose this properly.
ELIAS: And as you are aware, there are no coincidences.
NUNO: Of course.
ELIAS: There are no accidents. (Slowly, with slight pauses) But in that, what I would express to you is, one significant point in this that you have touched upon but perhaps not fully recognized was not merely your attachment to this animal but an example of the expression of connection and importance. And this has been an example to you in somewhat of an extreme, but an example of importances in your life that, in a manner of speaking, are so familiar that you do not even recognize the significance of them. You do not recognize the volume of importance that you express in certain directions – which in itself is a valuable aspect of information that this animal has presented for you, or that you present to yourself but with the aid of this animal.
In this, it allows you to reevaluate importances, which is significant; for there are many expressions in your life that hold importance that you may not necessarily be as aware of what you are placing importance upon. Are you understanding?
NUNO: I think so.
ELIAS: Which offers you the opportunity to look at many different expressions in your life and to evaluate what position of importance they hold, and in that also evaluate what you do pay attention to in importance that may NOT be important – what you give importance to that is not necessarily AS important.
NUNO: Okay. I will give that some thought.
ELIAS: That would directly be associated with your physical manifestation. And in this, it is not an accident or a coincidence that the cat has also engaged physical manifestation. And in that, emphasizing to you [that] there are some subjects that you pay attention to and you give importance to that you do not necessarily want or you do not necessarily like and perhaps should not be important, and other expressions that you do appreciate and that you do like that perhaps you are not expressing as much importance with but are significant to you that are actually genuinely important.
Certain physical manifestations that you pay attention to that are disturbing or that you dislike, and you give them importance, and therefore they become more than is necessary for them to be. And you incorporate considerable time and energy focusing upon that, generating an importance with it, when there are other expressions in your life that genuinely ARE important to you and that express comfort and what you would term to be positive expressions and affectingnesses with you, and those expressions genuinely BEING important that you give less importance to. Therefore, I would express that the cat's participation and offering to you in imagery was to reevaluate what is genuinely important and what is not.
NUNO: And the cat actually made this a conscious choice?
ELIAS: That is somewhat of a difficult question, for when you express in that manner, the idea that you are expressing is that the animal is engaging in an action or a choice that they think about, for YOU think about choices. And in relation to animals, humans incorporate a very strong tendency to “people-ize” animals, attribute actions and qualities and expressions that are familiar to you. You attribute [those] to the animals, and it is very different. Yes, they think; they do not think in the same capacity that you think. Yes, they generate choices, but not in the same manner that you generate choices.
And also, there are two very significant factors with animals that are very different from yourselves. One is that they do not incorporate beliefs, therefore they are not influenced by belief systems. They do not perceive in relation to good or bad or right or wrong. This is not a part of their experience.
Another factor that is significantly different is that animals express subjective awareness as their primary awareness, which is the reverse of you. You express an objective awareness which is your primary awareness in physical reality; they incorporate the subjective awareness as their primary expression, which is the reason that they do not incorporate emotion – which is different from FEELING. They do incorporate feelings, but they do not express emotion, for it is not necessary, for they exist in the subjective awareness. Therefore there is no need for the subjective to be communicating with the objective awareness through that avenue of emotion.
Now; those factors being expressed in response to that type of question, “Did the animal choose this?” Yes. The idea of was it a conscious choice? That suggests, “Was the animal objectively choosing this?” No, for they do not express in that objective manner that you do.
In this, an animal may choose to participate in situations and experiences that to you may be horrific and hurtful and damaging. They do not incorporate those judgments. They do not express that type of perception that incorporates those types of judgments which involve good and bad factors. They merely move in directions in relation to what is beneficial or what aids or what moves in a direction of what their human companions want.
NUNO: Well, that's interesting. There's a great deal of things I could ask you about creatures. (Elias chuckles) But I would like to go on to my next topic right now, but that is really quite interesting, what you said.
So, this kind of ties in with what you were just talking about. One of the things you say is that I will not betray myself if I am trusting of self, and I'd like to understand, do you mean that in the context of essence, or do you mean that in the context of focus? And maybe there's no difference. But because I have very definite preferences about my experiences, I get the impression by not betraying… Obviously if one experience is neither any better or any worse than any other experience – in other words in the absence of duplicity, which is how essence uses it – then it's impossible for me to betray myself because there's no bad experiences; they're all just experiences. But in the context of this focus, I have very definite preferences for some experiences over others, and I want to know if I fully engage self trust, if it was possible for me to do that, would I get experiences which I now consider that I do not prefer?
ELIAS: There are two aspects to that question that I will respond to. First, in relation to “If you are trusting yourself will you generate experiences that you do not prefer?”: If you are trusting yourself and if you are self-aware, you would likely not generate experiences that you do not prefer for the most part, but if you do generate experiences that are less of a preference to you, you would also know immediately why you chose it. There are time frameworks and subjects and situations that individuals do choose experiences that may not necessarily be associated with a preference, but they do it anyway, and the individual knows what they are doing and is intentionally creating an experience that may be uncomfortable or not a preference. That would be the difference: If you ARE self-aware and you ARE trusting yourself, for the most part you would likely not create experiences that would be outside of your preferences. But you may at times, knowing what you are doing and knowing why you are doing it.
Now, as to the other aspect of this question, “Is this a matter of essence or focus?” – and you are correct, they are the same, but for your understanding, when I express that you will not betray yourself, even if you are NOT fully trusting you will not betray yourself. You may generate actions and choices and experiences that you may not prefer or that you may not even like, but that is not necessarily a betrayal of yourself, for there are many situations and experiences that an individual can generate in which they may not be comfortable in the experience but they are actually moving themself toward their desire, and they may be moving themself in a direction that is more beneficial to them, therefore that is not necessarily a betrayal of self.
A very simple example of that is an individual that generates a situation and experience in which they are fired from a job. In that situation the individual may not necessarily be entirely self-aware, and they may not be entirely trusting themself either, and the experience may be uncomfortable and they may not like it, and they may be questioning and expressing, “Why would I do this? I did not create this. Why would I create such an action for myself? This is very uncomfortable.” But – in the bigger picture of their direction, they may have generated that choice, they may have been expressing an energy that was moving them in that direction to become fired, and they may have created that situation to allow them to move in a new direction. For perhaps that individual would not give themself the freedom to quit the job, and therefore in their individual situation they may be uncomfortable and not want to be in the position that they are, but they also would not allow themself to change it. And regardless, your energy will follow your desire, and as I have expressed many times, your energy does not distinguish between comfortable and uncomfortable; it merely seeks what matches it, very similar to the animal.
And in that, when you speak of betrayal, a betrayal is an entirely, or almost complete, devaluing of yourself, generating almost in an absolute: no value of yourself at all.
NUNO: And that's what you mean when you say that?
ELIAS: Yes, for that is what it is. Hurting yourself is not necessarily a betrayal.
NUNO: Okay.
ELIAS: This is the expression that individuals feel in relation to other individuals and recognize at times and the reason that it can be so devastating at times with individuals. For another individual can express that to you, a betrayal in which they ENTIRELY devalue you, that they afford you absolutely no value whatsoever, but it is not in your design to do that to yourself.
NUNO: Okay.
ELIAS: I would express to you, my friend, even an individual that moves in an expression of desperation and generates an action and a choice such as suicide, even that is not necessarily a betrayal of themself, for it is a desperate attempt in that individual's perception to save themself.
NUNO: Okay. I think I understand that better now.
I have a question about preference. Is it possible to express preference without engaging duplicity?
NUNO: Okay.
ELIAS: And it is not possible in your reality to be expressing without duplicity at all, for duplicity is a belief system which is a part of the blueprint of your reality.
NUNO: Okay. Then assuming with the Shift that we accept duplicity, but even then, even after excepting duplicity, it is still something that will be influencing.
ELIAS: Yes! Your beliefs are not being eliminated, and in that, it is not a matter of belief systems not being influencing, but that you are aware of the influences and you choose them. You're not expressing in automatic pilot and reacting; you are expressing in relation to any of your belief in the most beneficial manner to you.
NUNO: But you've used the word “neutralize.”
ELIAS: Neutralizing in relation to beliefs is not the action of eliminating them. It is the action of not moving in the direction in automatic pilot in which your beliefs are influencing of you in capacities that you are not aware of. Therefore you are not objectively choosing the influences; you are merely blindly expressing them.
NUNO: Okay. Then just a quick question on preference. When you speak to me, when you express things to me, you must invoke some choice as to which words to use, which phrases to use, and do you not base this choice on a preference?
ELIAS: You are correct, I am specific in the language and the words that I choose for each individual in how I express to each of you, and with each of you it is different. And in that, I am choosing in relation to you what you understand, what you can accept, what moves in the direction of your preference – although not always what is your objective preference or you think your preference is, but in relation to your energy and what you express and what you can assimilate at any point in time.
NUNO: So you don't engage duplicity in order to make that choice?
ELIAS: No. But I am not participating in your reality.
NUNO: No, of course not. But I just was trying to understand how it is possible to express preference without engaging duplicity.
ELIAS: But you are NOT expressing preference without duplicity. It is not matter of MY preference. I do not incorporate a preference. I express to YOUR preference.
NUNO: Right. Okay. I understand.
ELIAS: It matters not, in relation to myself. I would express that you are correct; all choices are the same; they are choices. One is not better than another, one is not larger than another, one is not less significant than another. Choices are choices, and they are all the same. And in that, it is merely a matter of what you yourselves do with those choices in relation to your own guidelines and your own directions. But as to myself, it genuinely matters not.
NUNO: Okay. Kind of a strange experience for me. (Elias laughs) But I will accept that. (Laughs)
ELIAS: I engage conversation with you and be expressing information to you in a beneficial manner to you, and I can also be expressing in the same type of manner to an individual that is a murderer that does not perceive that the action of murder is wrong. My interaction with that individual would be no more or less than it would be with you, for what you express matters not. It matters to YOU, and I am aware of what is important to you and what directions of preferences or good or bad or right or wrong that YOU move in, but outside of your physical reality there is no actual good or bad or right or wrong.
NUNO: Okay. I think I understand that.
So, I have a question on choice. I am facing right now a choice, and it is what I would call a big choice. It is involving choosing a new home and looking at various homes that I could possibly choose, and I'd like to understand if there is some way that I could make that choice in a way that’d be more satisfying to me – not the process of making the choice, but in a way that I would be more satisfied with my choice and whether there is some process I can go through to evaluate that.
ELIAS: Very well. First of all, I would express to you, what is the criteria of your process presently for choosing a new home?
NUNO: Well, mostly it's got to do with how pleased I am with the appearance of the home, how pleased I am with the area in which the home is located. I'd say both of those things are probably the most important.
ELIAS: Very well. And are you actively investigating presently?
NUNO: Yes.
ELIAS: Very well. What I would express to you is, it is not as complicated as you think – just as with most expressions – and it is a matter of listening to yourself. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to what you feel. For in this, when you visit a particular area, a particular location, allow yourself to incorporate a few of your minutes to not drive around in your vehicle but to step out of your vehicle and walk. Walk around the area, and pay attention to what you feel. Are you comfortable? Is it aesthetically pleasing to you? Do you feel ease? Do you feel sickness? What do you feel when you are actually engaging the physical area?
In relation to the actual structure of the house, once again: Do not merely walk through a house looking at the rooms or looking at the landscape or looking at the ceilings or the floor. That is what you automatically do. Walk through the house and allow yourself to quiet yourself and feel the house around you.
Every house, every structure holds energy. What is the energy of that house? Is it comfortable? Is it light? Is it thick? Does energy feel slower or stuck? You can feel all of these expressions; it is merely a matter of allowing yourself to quiet yourself momentarily and pay attention, and you will feel the energy in the house. In doing so, you can evaluate what is more comfortable for you and what is not.
Another very brief, quick action that you can engage that is somewhat fun is to briefly engage your imagination. For a moment stand within a house, and also stand outside of the house and imagine yourself being in that house, returning home from work or returning from a vacation, and do you feel welcome, are you comfortable returning home? What does the area feel in energy, and what does the house feel in energy?
And it is not complicated, and it is not difficult. It is merely a matter of allowing yourself to momentarily be quiet – and you can do that even in the presence of your family. Merely allow yourself to incorporate a moment in which you perhaps remove yourself momentarily from the commotion of the family and intentionally feel around yourself.
NUNO: Okay, I will give that a try. It sounds like something...
ELIAS: I would express that this is much more effective method of engaging this type of choice. I recognize that you view this as a significant or a large choice. In this, you are very invested in this type of choice, and in that, you want to be invested in it being comfortable. If it is not comfortable initially, it will not BECOME comfortable later.
NUNO: Right.
ELIAS: You can ignore what is not comfortable later, but if it is not comfortable initially when you engage it first, it will not be comfortable later when you actually reside there.
NUNO: Okay. I think I understand that.
So, some time ago you asked me what is most important to me, and I told you it was my cat, and my cat is obviously very important to me. But I'm thinking that that is probably not the most important thing to me. The most important thing to me is something that I feel I've been following a path for more than half my life. It is the desire to be more effective in my manifestations, and what I mean by effective, I mean to have more control over them, to be able to manifest more precisely and consciously. Well, you know what I mean.
ELIAS: And I would agree, and I would express that this is the reason that we engage conversations and this is the reason that you are expanding your awareness to accomplish that. And you are, and you are offering yourself through that widening of awareness more of a recognition of your abilities even in what you expressed at the beginning of this conversation, recognizing that if you incorporate the power to generate physical manifestations you also have equal power to NOT do it. That in itself is a tremendous realization – (louder) not intellectually. Yes you incorporated that concept or those words intellectually previously, but when you move it from concept into knowing that it is real, that is very different. That is an expansion of your awareness which, each time you expand your awareness and you become more self-aware, you do precisely what you expressed, what you want to do, in that you allow yourself to be more effective in intentionally choosing what you engage and what you create in your reality. And that is the point. That is the point of shifting.
NUNO: Yes. And what I don't want to find myself is in a position of stopping value fulfillment.
ELIAS: You will not. (Chuckles) Let me express to you, my friend, if you stop generating your value fulfillment, you will stop engaging this physical reality.
NUNO: Yeah. Which is my point; I don't want to do that.
ELIAS: I am understanding. But let me express to you, you are not moving in that direction. You incorporate a very strong desire in expanding your awareness and in becoming more objectively, intentionally creating, and in that, you are not moving in a direction of disengaging.
NUNO: Okay. Well, that's good to know. (Elias laughs) Okay.
So… I lost my train of thought here, but I will just pick something else to speak about. Sometimes I have some like imaginary hypothetical discussions with you. It's not really a discussion; it's more like a monologue. This actually happens quite frequently. It's like I am talking to you, and then I may pose a question and try and sense what you might say. Does any of this reach you?
ELIAS: Yes. Not in language, but in energy, yes. And yes, I am responsive. Generally, my response in energy is easily translated into your own thoughts or what you think of as being your own thoughts (chuckles), but I am aware of the energy that you project.
NUNO: And do you respond?
NUNO: Okay.
[The timer for the session rings]
Well, you have given me a great deal to think about.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Excellent!
NUNO: I just want to say one more thing...
ELIAS: More to keep you occupied and not bored.
NUNO: That's true. Boredom is [inaudible]. (Elias laughs). And I have to say that the way you described the Shift, I don't find it particularly threatening or traumatic so maybe I'm missing the point here.
ELIAS: Not everyone will be engaging trauma, but that is not to say that there is not considerable trauma that is occurring. And, trauma can be expressed in varying degrees.
But I would express an encouragement to you that the less you are engaging any trauma, the more effective that is.
NUNO: Okay. I will try not to engage trauma.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Excellent!
NUNO: That's an easy one to remember.
ELIAS: And I will be offering my energy to you, to aid you in that. (Chuckles).
Very well, my friend, I express tremendous affection to you and great encouragement. Be aware of what is important and what is not. (Chuckles)
Until our next meeting, in tremendous affection and in tremendous supportiveness as always, au revoir.
NUNO: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 27 seconds)
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