Session 201405021

Discovering What Your Freedom Means to You


"Discovering What Your Freedom Means to You"
"Caring for Dogs"
"Advice for a New Adventure"

Friday, May 02, 2014 (Private/Phone)

PARTICIPANTS: Mary (Michael) and Terri (Uliva)

ELIAS: Good morning!

TERRI: Good morning. (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how are you proceeding?

TERRI: Like a tornado.

ELIAS: A tornado? (Terri laughs) Interesting!

TERRI: Fast and furious.

ELIAS: Tremendous!


ELIAS: And what are you doing?

TERRI: Well, my entire game plan has changed, and mainly I want to understand more of how I did it, or why I did it, or if it was the plan all along. So, my whole new plan is I'm selling everything I own, I bought a travel trailer, and I'm going to travel the US with my greyhounds. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Congratulations.

TERRI: Thanks.

ELIAS: What I would be very acknowledging of is this significant change in your energy: considerable excitement.

TERRI: Yes, very excited.

ELIAS: And a considerable difference in your projection of yourself: confidence, moving forward, motivated, excited.

TERRI: Yes, huge change.

ELIAS: I would agree.

TERRI: Yeah. And when I went to the camping show, you know I always talked about signs and I had felt like I was in a desert with no signs. Well, when I got this idea, I looked to see if there were any camping shows coming up because I knew most of them happened earlier, and the New Hampshire one was that next weekend. To me it was like, "Okay, this is on the right track." (Laughs) When I went to that show I met the new owner of the campground that I had wanted. So, did I create him buying that in that moment? Or had he already bought it and I chose to be in that reality where he bought it instead one where it was still available? I just want to understand more of how it all works and why I chose this new direction like out of the blue, seemingly.

ELIAS: Seemingly.

TERRI: Seemingly. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would express that during the time framework that you, metaphorically, felt that you were in the desert...


ELIAS: ... and nothing was happening and no signs, and you were expressing considerable frustration, off and on...

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: ... not consistently. In that, I would express that in that time framework you were subjectively, and partially objectively, readjusting, and, in a manner of speaking, reevaluating what you want. Not to say that you were abandoning what you had already expressed that you want, but rather expanding that. Meaning, it is not necessarily that you, in a black-and-white manner, merely changed your direction and what you want, that now you no longer want to engage the campground or to move in that direction; it is not that black and white. It is also not a matter of you abandoning that, but rather expanding in a direction in which you can be doing while you are exploring.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Now; let me express to you: The reason that you offered yourself this inspiration and chose to move in this direction, you are an individual that… does not naturally flow well with waiting.

TERRI: (Laughs) No kidding.

ELIAS: Now; let me express to you: There is a difference between learning to be patient and waiting. Remember: Patience is not waiting. Therefore in relation to the subject of waiting, some individuals can flow easily in those types of directions. Some individuals incorporate a type of personality and a flow of energy in which they can move in directions and be content with waiting for certain manifestations. You are not that type of individual. What is more efficient for you is to be busy WHILE you are waiting.

TERRI: Yeah.

ELIAS: Therefore, not that you cannot incorporate that action of waiting but that it is difficult for you to engage that action if you are ONLY engaging that action.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: If you are ONLY waiting. And I would express that, as we discussed in a previous conversation, that one campground you presented to yourself as model, and in a manner of speaking figuratively, as an ideal: it gave you ideas, it gave you inspiration. It also is a manifestation that you can move in the direction of that particular one campground OR you can choose another.

TERRI: So now I'm choosing many. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I am understanding. But in relation to what I was expressing previously in the not black and white and not abandoning what you wanted in relation to the campground, I would express that you are not abandoning that, that you are generating an additional and expanded action to be engaging in the waiting time framework.

TERRI: Well, I feel like this direction offers me more freedom, too, because I just don't... Real estate just doesn't seem to be my thing in this focus. (Laughs) I can sell it but I can't seem to do well with owning it. (Laughs) So this way I feel like I have the ability to be stealthy and, like, fly under the radar and do my own thing, and I don't feel tied to one place or one piece of property or the burden of managing all of it or fixing all of it. And again, when I made the decision to move up here, my house in Virginia started falling apart. And then as soon as I made THIS decision, this house started falling apart. So to me it was an encouragement that I was moving in the right direction for now, anyway.

ELIAS: I would agree.

TERRI: I mean, there's so much to learn it holds my interest.

ELIAS: Correct. Which is another indicator in that you are moving in your flow, and that perhaps moving more into expanding your awareness and becoming more aware of yourself, you have been, to this point, addressing to issues and associations which you have done quite well with. Perhaps now you are moving in the direction of discovery of what your actual flow is.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And in that, it is not as much a matter of discussing or evaluating or discovering what issues you incorporate that may be limiting of you; you have done that. Now is a time framework to explore and recognize what your natural abilities are, what your natural flow is, what are you comfortable with, what do you move well with and efficiently with. And in that, perhaps being in one location, or tying yourself to one location, is not necessarily a natural flow for you. In this, perhaps it is a matter of discovering what your freedom means to you.

You have incorporated your lifetime thus far generating certain choices and actions in relation to what you have been taught, what you have learned, what is expected of you, and what you expect of yourself, including what you expressed in this conversation: real estate, that you may be accomplished at selling it but not necessarily as accomplished at holding it. For your –

TERRI: (Laughs) Or making any money from it.

ELIAS: In this, that factor also is very influenced by what you have been taught and expectations – outside and your own – of what is responsible, what you should do, and in that also, the attachments of independence and ownership and what position that places you in, in relation to the standards of society. But that may not necessarily be what your natural flow is, or what your natural action is.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: I would express that even in figurative terms, placing roots for yourself and buying a house and maintaining that and being responsible you, especially in more recent years, have expressed a considerable tendency to travel. You give yourself reasons...

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: ... to travel. You give yourself reasons to visit Virginia more often. You give yourself reasons to travel to engage your new family. You give yourself reasons to travel to explore different expressions that are connected with whatever you are involved with in the moment. Whether it be an aspect of your art and creativity or whether it be connected with the dogs, you have given yourself reasons to travel much more in recent time framework, which also is more fulfilling for you than when you feel stuck at home.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Your energy changes, and you are expressing yourself in a lighter, more motivated manner and capacity when you are mobile than when you are perceiving yourself to be stuck at home.

TERRI: Right, trapped. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Which is your perception, that you are stuck.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And, even the structure, the house, becomes a weight. You have discussed it with myself many times – not necessarily expressing it in that manner, but in the capacity of it is frustrating to you or it is irritating to you, for it is burdensome, or it is costing you money that you do not want to invest. In all of this, the one cost, so to speak, that you literally never discuss with myself is the cost of traveling.

TERRI: I always find a way to make that work. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: Precisely. You may discuss repairs and payments and alterations in relation to the house, and when you do, you generally incorporate an energy that is irritated.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: But you have not once engaged a conversation with myself in ANY of these actions of traveling. You have not mentioned them at all, other than to share that you are excited that you are incorporating a trip.

TERRI: Right. Oh, and you know you say that when you've accomplished one intention it doesn't stop there, it changes into a new one.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: So I feel my new one is to be able to sustain my travel through each stop, like at each stop that I want to be able to generate income in some way, not tying myself to what it has to look like to fund moving to the next destination. Would you feel that's accurate?

ELIAS: I would; and creative.

TERRI: And then just let it go and that will unfold.

ELIAS: And allowing yourself that freedom that you can be generating whatever strikes you in that time framework to be creating money and that you are not necessarily bound to one direction, that you can incorporate whatever you fancy.

TERRI: Like I applied to be a writer on a website and they turned it down. Is that because I felt it would tie me too much into feeling bound to doing something on a regular basis?


TERRI: So this is more about incorporating freedom and no goals or plans and watching it unfold.


TERRI: I do feel like I'm more patient. Learning to drive this big trailer is definitely going to require patience. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would agree. But it is also a direction and an action that allows you to generate a very obvious considerable accomplishment.

TERRI: Right, which I like. I like doing things that wouldn't necessarily be expected by a woman, or a single woman, so that fits into the profile too.

ELIAS: I would agree. (Terri laughs) I would express to you congratulations.

TERRI: Thank you. I've been holding on to more weight, but I think that's because it's like a protection. It's like helping me feel confident about this new direction.

ELIAS: I would agree. And I would also express that it is very likely that when you become more comfortable with this significant change in lifestyle – for it is a significant change –

TERRI: Oh, yeah. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: And when you become more comfortable with that and more confident in it, I would express that it is very likely that that will change also.

TERRI: And how about my eyes?

ELIAS: This is, in actuality, very interesting, for generating this type of choice, in a manner of speaking, figuratively – not necessarily entirely literally – what you are doing is you are generating a step and expressing to your body consciousness, to your eyes specifically, "Enough." For you are choosing a direction in which your eyes and their functioning is important.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And in actually taking that step, expressing that risk and taking that step, metaphorically you are expressing a communication to your body consciousness and specifically to your eyes, "Enough. I'm done."

TERRI: So they're still moving in the direction of repairing themselves?

ELIAS: Yes. And in that, you are, in a manner of speaking, adding a slight push.

TERRI: A nudge. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Yes. (Chuckles)

TERRI: Okay, good. So, it does seem like a good direction all the way around.

ELIAS: I would agree.

TERRI: Great.

ELIAS: I would express congratulations.

TERRI: Thank you. (Chuckles)

I wanted to ask about the owl that showed up on the day that Alexi and Jenna left, and it was there for a few days. Was that Alexi or Jenna, or both, sending encouraging energy, or not connected at all, or...?

ELIAS: (Pause) What I would express is that was your imagery, and that you drew that in your connection to their energy, not that they produced it.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Not that they projected that, but that you connected with their energy and you created drawing that as your symbol.

TERRI: And what was the meaning of the symbol?

ELIAS: To be present.

TERRI: Hm. Because I usually connect owls with wisdom or knowledge or something.

ELIAS: But that would be very much consistent, that that is an expression of wisdom, is to be present. I will express and I will be briefly offering a statement in relation to this situation at our upcoming group interaction. It will be brief. But I will express to you, as I have with some other individuals, I acknowledge that these individuals generated a choice that was honoring of themselves but they were also not generating a choice to their greatest benefit.

TERRI: Right. I agree with that. I wanted to know why that day? Was there a significance to that day? I mean it was St. Patrick's Day, but why that day? Was there a meaning to it for them? Or did they just wake up and say," Huh, today would be a good day to leave." (Laughs) It just seems so random.

ELIAS: What I would express to you is that in their planning of this action, none of it was random. And in that, it was the next noted holiday in the time framework of their consideration of this action. They generated considerable planning.

TERRI: Was it connected to the leprechaun session at all, or...?

ELIAS: I would express in their perception, partially, symbolically.

TERRI: And my other thought was an Irish holiday. Irish people celebrate death; they don't mourn it. Was that a piece of it?


TERRI: Hm. Okay. That was my only question about it. I just wanted to know why that day. (Laughs)

I also wanted to ask about my dogs. I just wanted to make sure that they're going to be happy with this decision, and there's a lot to it with riding in the car extended hours. You know, I hope that it will help Addie and Calvin become more comfortable with different places. [Inaudible] and Demetri, they love meeting different people and I think they'll be okay, but I just want to make sure that it's going to be… You know, is there anything I can do to make it better for all of them as a whole?

ELIAS: I would be acknowledging of you. You are very attentive to them, and you are very attentive to their needs and their comfort.


ELIAS: And I would acknowledge that. And therefore I would express that you already have been moving in that direction and that consideration of their comfort. I would also express that in that, being aware of them, even in extended time frameworks of driving, I incorporate no doubt that you would be attuned to them enough that IF they were uncomfortable, you would alleviate that.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: I would express, as you already know, for the most part it is likely that they would not be uncomfortable in extended time frameworks of traveling, for they are not uncomfortable now with extended time frameworks of lounging.

TERRI: (Laughs) Right.

ELIAS: And therefore it would be the same, although they will be in motion rather than stationary.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: But other than that factor, their routine, so to speak, will not be significantly interrupted. Their lifestyle, yes, will be somewhat different, for they will be incorporating different locations frequently, but I would also express that what is significantly important to them is you, not necessarily the place.

TERRI: Well, and with Calvin's episodes, I wonder how he'll do if we go to an event, because the episodes seem to be triggered by more and different dogs and activity. Is it connected to that? I mean sometimes he's just lying there and he has one, and it seems that a lot of times he can stop it on his own. He looks at his leg, like, "Stop that," (laughs) and he can control it. But you know I don't want him to be always under stress and having greater and greater episodes by doing this.

ELIAS: What I would suggest to you is that you pay attention and follow your intuition, that you already have become accomplished at listening to his language and paying attention to his signals. Therefore in that, I would express much confidence that if he is expressing a stressful energy you will be aware of it and you will accommodate to that and not move in a direction that would exacerbate that. I would express that yes, you are correct that at times other dogs can be stressful to him in relation to what type of energy they are presenting. I would express that he does incorporate a tendency to be reactive in the presence of other energies that are more agitated or aggressive. It is not necessarily the numbers as much as it is the type of energy that is being expressed. There can be considerable numbers, and if the energy is being expressed by the majority of those numbers is calm, or even excited in a playful manner, it is not as affecting of him, or can not be affecting of him at all.

TERRI: Do the episodes hurt him in some way?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

TERRI: Like in shortening his lifespan, or are they detrimental to his overall health?

ELLIAS: No, not at this point.

TERRI: Okay. Demetri: What is wrong with that dog? Why does he scream like that?

ELIAS: What have you been noting?

TERRI: That he's a pain in my ass. (Both laugh) Oh, my god! I mean, he just screams at the weirdest things. Like he decided he doesn't like to wear coats. Or sometimes I'll just be sitting there concentrating on relaxing and petting him, and he starts to scream and runs away. (Laughs) It's at a point where I'm being more mindful of encouraging him to relax and it's okay, and he goes (mocking dog screaming) and he runs away. I just don't, I don't get it. I don't understand what the problem is. (Laughs) He's such a freak. (Laughs)

ELIAS: What I would suggest to you, what you are doing is concentrating upon your energy. For a brief time framework, pay attention to what is occurring in the environment: sounds, actions, what else is occurring in the environment other than you. And in that, allow yourself to pay attention to discovering patterns – and, pay attention to him. Pay attention to what he is doing before he generates these actions, before you are engaging a calming interaction with him, or before any of these expressions occur – not IMMEDIATELY before, but in the surrounding time framework. What is he doing? What is he paying attention to?

TERRI: He used to sleep in bed with me. He'd sleep right up and I'd pet him, and then all of a sudden I'd start petting him and he'd start that screaming thing and he'd run out of the room, and now he won't lie on the bed if I'm on the bed. And I'm like, "What the hell, dog? What happened?" (Laughs)

ELIAS: Pay attention to the surrounding time framework and to the environment. And, what I would express to you is stop petting.

TERRI: Stop petting. Okay.

ELIAS: What I am expressing to you is connect the information together: the contact, physical contact, and what he is doing and what is occurring in the environment. He is generating an association with being touched.

TERRI: When he's under stress or something?

ELIAS: In relation to all that is occurring and not wanting to be touched. He may want your attention but not necessarily to be touched.

TERRI: Does it have to do with so much action in the house with things leaving? (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would express that that is a contributant. This is what I am expressing to you. Pay attention to the environment. What is occurring around him? What is he paying attention to? Touch is not calming to him.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: That is, for him, almost an invalidation of him.

TERRI: Well, like Karen: he loves Karen to pet him. Or he just wants her to look at him. He nudges her to...

ELIAS: No. When YOU pet, you are specific. You pet with an intention of calming.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: You pet with a projection of energy of calming and soothing. Another individual is merely petting. They're not projecting any specific energy, and to a degree they are not even entirely aware of what they are doing other than a physical action.

TERRI: Right, well especially with her. I like to say that she's hardly ever there. I don't know where's she's at, but she's not there.

ELIAS: Precisely. (Terri laughs) Therefore, the meaning is very different.

TERRI: Is music soothing to them? Would that be soothing, if I put music on?

ELIAS: You can experiment. If it is a low volume you can experiment with that and evaluate whether that will be accepted. What I would suggest is in this present time framework, until you establish a new routine, not to introduce new actions; that merely adds to the overwhelm.

What I am expressing to you is very similar to what might occur with a human. If you were engaging an interaction with a human, and that human was expressing in a considerably distressed or depressed manner, and that individual was expressing that they were considerably discounting of themself, that they are worthless or that they are not accomplished in any action. They are discounting themself, and in that, let us say that they are, in a manner of speaking, threatening an action such as suicide.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Now; you as another individual, if you approach that individual and attempt to hug them, and express to them, "No, you are a valuable individual," you know from all that we have discussed and all that I have offered in information and through experience, the other individual is most likely to very much reject what you are expressing, regardless that your intention is to be helpful.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: The other individual already does not believe you, for they are very definite in their perception. And therefore, you hugging them is not helpful; it merely agitates them more.

TERRI: Is this something from… [Inaudible crosstalk]

ELIAS: This is not precisely the same, for it is a dog and...

TERRI: But is it from his past? Is this being generated from his past, from the way he was treated at the track or something?

ELIAS: Slightly, but not entirely. For the most part it is more of he is agitated, and just as the situation with the human, what is more effective is to express to that individual an acknowledgment: "I understand what you are expressing." It's not necessary for you to agree with them but that you are acknowledging. In this, he is expressing agitation, and uncomfortableness, and to an extent fear, and when you are petting and attempting to project a calming or a soothing energy, that is irritating. What he wants is an acknowledgment.

TERRI: Just mentally? (Laughs)

ELIAS: Merely being present.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: Being present and acknowledging him. You can verbally acknowledge him, you can visually acknowledge him but not necessarily touch.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: And not attempt to soothe, for the more you do that the more you are exacerbating.

TERRI: Does it help to give him something to take his mind off it, like a bone to chew or something?


TERRI: I want to know if he really attacked a dog and that's why they brought him back, because I just don't see it in him. I've had him near little dogs, you know, in earshot of little dogs, and I just don't see anything in his personality that would make him randomly just go after a little dog. He seems more fearful than he is...

ELIAS: I would agree, he is more fearful. I would express that the term "attack" may be somewhat exaggerated. I would express that I am understanding other individuals' perceptions and interpretation of attacking; I would not necessarily express that that was accurate, but I would express that he has reacted in relation to fear – not in an aggressive expression, but in a retreat and fear expression in relation to an attempt to stop an interaction.

TERRI: Well, they said he picked up this little dog and shook the shit out of it and they couldn't get it out of its mouth, and when he finally dropped it, he grabbed the other one in his mouth. And I just don't buy it.

ELIAS: (Pause) No shaking. I would express that the perception was exaggerated, and I would express that, yes he engaged in an expression of "Stop," and that being motivated by fear and anxiety, but not with an aggression...

TERRI: Not a prey drive?


TERRI: Aggressive attack.


TERRI: Okay. I think it's kind of like what Hunter did with Sassy when he first came and went after her. I mean, that episode seemed like it went on forever, but there were no marks on her. I think he was just trying to stop her, like he thought she was attacking because she was play growling. So, similar to that?

ELIAS: Yes, although not necessarily in relation to the humans, in relation to the other dogs...

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: excitement, and that creating an anxiety and wanting that to stop.

TERRI: Right. Okay.

ELIAS: But no, not in an expression of attack, and not in an expression of aggression; more in an expression of fear and anxiety.

TERRI: Okay.

You know, I'm using a lot of my savings to create this new experience, but I think I'm doing better in not getting hung up on that and trusting more that I'll be able to create my own way. Is there any advice or anything else you can suggest as I go on this new adventure? (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would very much acknowledge what you are doing and agree with you in your trusting of yourself much more. What I would express to you is what you already know: Be open. Genuinely be open, pay attention to your environment in each place that you land and what does that place express to you. Therefore, what can you offer to that place that will generate back to you?

TERRI: Well, one of the things I wanted to do was bump up my dog food sales – which, I mean, that whole thing has been stagnant for years. Is there anything you can say to that as to why or if I can change that around now, or...?

ELLIAS: I would express that that is very understandable. It has not been a priority, first of all. I would also express that you have been exploring several other directions – many other directions – and in that not generating as much attention in that direction. And not being as motivated in that, and not necessarily being as interested in sales. It does not hold your interest as much. I would express that you can explore that more if you are so choosing. It is an easy avenue.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: It is also understandable that you have not generated much in relation to revenue or success with that, for you do not incorporate much interest in it either. For it is not sparking your interest or your curiosity, and you do not actually enjoy selling.

TERRI: Right. But I guess part of me thought that just by letting it go it would naturally grow on its own, because it's not just dependent on me, I have all the people underneath of me. So why hasn't that...?

ELIAS: But whatever you begin, there is some factor of maintaining if you want it to produce for you.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And in that, if you want it to produce for you, another required factor is that you must generate some interest in that.

TERRI: Is there another way I can look at it that would jump start it or...?

ELIAS: (Pause) You could consider a perception that you could generate this direction as maintaining your engine.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: As this is not necessarily your interest or what your curiosity is sparked by but you are allowing yourself to do that in your traveling.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And that this is a factor that is more related to your mechanics, your engine, similar to you do not necessarily pay considerable attention to the engine of your vehicle but you maintain it.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And in that, you are definitely in a perception that it is important, for it allows you to move in the directions physically that you want to move.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore if you moved your attention in a direction that you could create a perception of that business in a similar manner, not an expression that you must pay attention to continuously but one that is important for your maintenance as your engine, that maintains you but is not necessarily your main focus of attention in what you are doing.

TERRI: Right. Okay.

Okay, any other words of advice as I embark on this new adventure?

ELIAS: (Pause) Incorporate fun. Be open to each area in relation to what it presents to you and how you can fit.

TERRI: Okay.

ELIAS: And in that, what you can appreciate about each physical place that you visit, even if you would not necessarily return to it.

TERRI: Okay. I think I've bumped my trust of myself up around 85%.

[The timer for the session rings]

ELIAS: I would definitely agree.

TERRI: So I'm definitely on a good track there.

ELIAS: I would agree.

TERRI: (Laughs) And more by just letting go and… just letting go. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would agree.

TERRI: Okay. All right, well thank you very much. This has been... I wanted to have at least one more session before I launched out. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Tremendous! And I will extend my invitation to you whenever you are so choosing...

TERRI: Thank you.

ELIAS: ... to be incorporating an objective meeting of our friendship.

TERRI: Nice. Thank you.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Congratulations, and I express a great energy of tremendous encouragement and support in your new adventure.

TERRI: You think I've achieved my Ph.D. in creating reality? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: What I would express is that you are moving in the direction of that and maintaining your graduate work. (Both laugh)

Until our next meeting, my dear friend, in tremendous affection and great lovingness to you as always, au revoir.

TERRI: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 59 minutes 20 seconds.)

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