Session 2012

Associations Expressed In Relation to Core Truths


”Associations Expressed In Relation to Core Truths”
”Listening to Self and Allowing for What you Want”

Friday, June 09, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Peter (Stefan)

(Elias’ arrival time is 22 seconds)

ELIAS: Good evening!

PETER: Hello Elias! (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

PETER: Nice to speak to you again.

ELIAS: And you also.

PETER: I’d like to start off by discussing my younger daughter, who, through most of this year, she had a persistent cough not which was disturbing to me. She is a responsibility to me because her appearance we’ve talked about once before, but what I’m interested in is, what is this expression of hers, and why is it so persistent, and what can I do to assist her in resolving this issue if it needs resolving?

ELIAS: It is associated with an irritation. In this, it is partially environment but also partially associated with what occupies her environment and how she is responding to it. What I am expressing in what occupies her environment is how she perceives other individuals as a group, so to speak. Not necessarily singular individuals.
But how she perceives groups of individuals and the association that she generates in how they perceive her. Groups being somewhat as an entity rather than individuals, it is more of a general perception of her environment, and perceiving herself as somewhat less than. Or perhaps more of an association of (Pause) intimidation. Not extreme, but enough to generate an irritation.

PETER: You’ll have to tell me, which particular groups she’s responding to in this manner?

ELIAS: As I have expressed it is a general association, a perception of her world in a manner of speaking, in which she perceives herself in a manner of being not quite adequate enough, slightly less than other individuals in what you would term to be her world. It is a general association in many different expressions. Not quite being attractive enough, not quite being smart enough, and not quite being socially acceptable enough. It is not one area, it is not one particular specific association.

It is a general expression. This is, or can be, temporary. It CAN escalate, that is a potential, but it can also be temporary. And in that, you can be helpful in being supportive rather than concerned. For the concern reinforces, for it projects an energy that in a manner of speaking is expressing a confirmation to her.

PETER: And it expresses an energy of doubt about her?

ELIAS: Not necessarily doubt, although, that is a manner in which she translates, but more so, it is expressing an energy to her that she actually incorporates a reason to be intimidated.

It is a confirmation to her, therefore it reinforces her continuing to create this irritation. Therefore, I would express to you encouragement and supportiveness and acknowledgment is much more effective and efficient and may be much more helpful. And I would express caution to you in expressing concern, for that merely perpetuates what you are concerning yourself with.

PETER: Okay. And the perception that I and my wife have that she seems to have less, or lack of close friends, or my wife’s particularly concern that she has behaviour in a social environment. Is that again, is that the behaviour itself, my daughters own perception?



ELIAS: Which is associated with what I have expressed to you.

PETER: So as you said that the solution is to be supportive and encouraging and not to be expressing concern, for it is reinforcing.

ELIAS: Correct. For the more you express concern, the more she perceives that as a validation; as being validating of her reason for expressing in this manner. You are confirming it to her in expressing concern.

PETER: And is there a source for her choosing this form of perception of herself, this form of expression?

ELIAS: It is borne out of comparison.

PETER: Well, she will have that one.
E: She compares herself to other individuals and assesses that she is less than.

PETER: Mm. Well, I’m very familiar with that type of expression. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: And perhaps that shall offer you information in a manner that shall be supportive and helpful.

PETER: I appreciate that. Next thing I’d like to get into is, there was a weekend several weeks ago, where my wife had to work, and I got quite... I had the children to mind, I got quite ill that weekend and it was quite intense, as you know the illness was quite intense. First question is, was there a probability in that particular time frame of disengagement in this focus?


PETER: Okay so the question then arises in my mind, why did I create this? And why create the awareness and the choice for continuing in this focus? What’s the significance of doing that? And I do note that I had a particular experience of using sound and vibration in my perception as power for healing for myself.

ELIAS: Correct.

PETER: But why create this in the first place?

ELIAS: First of all, to provide yourself with evidence that you can, and that you actually do incorporate the power to manipulate in strong manners; whether it be to create a strength in generating some manifestation that is uncomfortable, or whether it is in manipulating energy in a strength to alter that manifestation. Also, it was an experience that you generated to remind you of value.

PETER: And value in what particular form of expression?

ELIAS: Value in association with yourself and value in what you have created in this focus, and what you surround yourself with.

PETER: So the family and children.


PETER: And that’s why that time framework was chosen when they were dependent on what my perception was; that they were dependent on me and I was responsible wholly for them?

ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, the experience itself was valuable for it was an expression and a display of your strength, your power and your abilities.

PETER: Was it a display for myself or was it a display for my children?


PETER: Me, okay. I want to tie that particular physical manifestation to another which occurred not too long after that one, in which I had some problems with haemorrhoids for a reasonable persistent period. I want to understand if that’s my impression that is associated with the retained issue of responsibility and family. But I’m having to be more specific than that. I’d like if I can, to get some assistance to understand the specific matter of that expression.

ELIAS: And what would your assessment be in relation to your association of responsibility?

PETER: That my perception is that it is associated with a belief that we’ve talked about before, that I have a responsibility, that this is an important thing. That the responsibility to family; family is a relationship and an important thing But the expression is clearly that it can be extremely painful and uncomfortable to encounter what is perceived to be the right expression, or the right belief about both those things; the responsibility and the family.

ELIAS: I am understanding, and this is a core truth.

PETER: Of mine.


PETER: Okay.

ELIAS: Now, in this, what is significant is that you allow yourself to genuinely recognize that your core truth is not your enemy, that it actually is your guideline. The difficulty that you experience is associated with you opposing your own guideline. In viewing that your own guideline is a difficulty, or is painful, or is stressful.

If you allow yourself to recognize all of the actions that you generate within a day, that are all associated in some capacity with this guideline of responsibility, you shall begin to notice that in actuality, this allows you a comfort, a sense of safety, a sense of order; but it also can create obstacles or conflicts or distress if you are opposing it.
Core truths are quite significant (Intently) for they actually are your (Intently) base guideline in all that you do, and in the associations that you generate. In this, they are not bad but if you are not aware of the influences of it, you also can easily generate automatic responses to different expressions and not notice how you yourself, are opposing your own core truth. And in that, you begin to generate an association that your core truth is bad or that it should be changed, for it creates difficulty.

It creates difficult merely in situations in which you yourself are opposing it. Now, how do you view that you can oppose your core truth?

PETER: Do I view or how do I view, did you say?


PETER: (Laughs) how do I view that I can? There is, I think I have a view or perception that having recognized this is obviously a... when we’ve talked before, it is a very influential belief, and you’ve now spoken about it as being a core truth. I was of the perception that it was of itself, as a belief limiting to me. But what you put on it is a different shade of understanding in that, if I understand you now, the issues of limitation that I’ve perceived are associated with the opposing of the belief.

ELIAS: Correct.

PETER: Not the belief itself, it is actually unnecessary for me to judge and oppose or judge and try to change the belief, particularly given it has obviously been chosen to be expressed in this focus as a core belief. It’s about identifying it and in that light, I guess I’m not sure. It’s sifting the expressions that arise from it.

ELIAS: Yes. In this understand; there are many other expressions that are associated with this core truth, such as respect, consideration, roles, the manner in which you perform any task, productivity. All of these are influences associated with that core truth. In this, as you allow yourself to notice within your day, each action that you do, you can see an association with that core truth of responsibility.

Even in the manner in which you clothe yourself, it matters not what you do, it is all associated with that core truth. But that core truth provides you with a sense of accomplishment. It allows you a comfort, an order within your day, it allows you to move in certain directions easily, it guides you in what you shall or shall not to do.
Certain actions you would not engage for you would generate an association that they are irresponsible. But it can also create conflict and can create situations in which you express judgments of yourself or of other individuals, if you are not expressing in certain manners.

Or if other individuals are not expressing in certain manners or generating certain choices. In this also, other individuals’ actions at times can be misinterpreted for they are filtered through your association with your core truth. Therefore there is an automatic assumption that all individuals throughout your world shall automatically know and generate the same associations as do you, for this is so very absolute.

In this what is also significant to note is that it is not bad that your core truth is absolute to you. In genuinely beginning to recognize the manifestations of it and acknowledging it, and recognizing all of the influences, and how they are expressed with yourself; you do not become less absolute in relation to your core truth or your guideline, but you begin to relax your perception in relation to other individuals, in noticing that they incorporate different core truths and therefore, they perceive differently. And in that difference, it is not an affront to you, it is merely a difference in perceptions.

What is significant now for you, is to be generating the game of engaging your treasure hunt, in which you begin to pay attention to all of the actions that you engage within your day, regardless of what it is. And questioning how that action is associated with responsibility. This also shall be altering of your perception. For rather than perceiving attempting to be in the now as a chore, you shall much more easily and more automatically be present in the now, for you are engaging curiosity rather than work. And the curiosity is to discover how your actions are associated with responsibility, and to acknowledge them. In this...

PETER: You used the term in that explanation of treasure hunt


PETER: I’m not sure, you’ve probably used it before but right now I’m just not quite sure I’m familiar with it (Inaudible) apply it to me, and then you used the term game or whatever. One, that it is a game and an element of fun.


PETER: Two that there is (Laughs) a challenge there, a hard one and three, there’s a treasure found!

ELIAS: Yes! (P cracks up) You are correct! In all three points. For rather than generating the chore or the work, being in the now and noticing and what you notice is expressions that you perceive to be wrong or bad. Rather than engaging that action, you engage the gamer of the treasure hunt which is the curiosity to discover what associations you generate with your actions; with your guideline of responsibility.

The treasure is the discovery. The hunt is the action of evaluating how your actions are associated with this guideline. The treasure is discovering how these associations benefit you and how they actually provide you with that order and comfort. Not what they do in a negative expression but how they actually are your guidelines.

PETER: I’m going to move on to another topic and this will involve me asking a few questions but for my wife. And the first one is, if I can just find it; the first one relates to; let me do this one; should we have a baby? (Humorously) Or should we have another baby? She’s always wanted to but the issue that rises is the perception that we’re now too old to have a child. Do you have any comment for her on that?

ELIAS: I may express first of all, age is not an issue. You are not too old to be incorporating another small one. And I shall express that it is a matter of listening to self and allowing for what you want.

PETER: And I suggested to her that we might try it for a period stopping the contraceptive mechanisms and see what will happen. She’s been in my perception; ”Well what do we really want to create?” She’s been somewhat resistant or fearful of taking that action, I think. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I may assure you age is not a factor and in this, it is a matter of allowing herself permission to actually risk creating what she wants.

PETER: Okay. Associated with this, I was noticing a week ago I held; I have a new niece who I saw for the first time and held for the first time and associated with holding her I got stomach pains and diarrhoea. I interpret that as associated with this issues that’s going on in our minds about having another child and it was my expression of around my indecision about having another child and going through the pain of it all and the responsibility again associated. I mean is that a correct interpretation?

ELIAS: Yes and in that I may express to you, it is quite similar to your partner and her doubt and what do you view that you are generating automatically (Emphatically) which is so very familiar? To each of you?

PETER: Well, I’m generating that it’s a lot of responsibility and the responsibility is associated with pain and discomfort.

ELIAS: But view what you are doing and how you are expressing. You are generating the reverse of the treasure hunt game. What you are seeking are any and all reasons, or possible reasons to discount yourself or to deny yourself.
Rather than seeking acknowledgment of yourself, you are looking for reasons to deny yourself. Rather than perceiving the expressions that you appreciate such as the joy that you share with the small ones or the humour that you incorporate or the excitement in challenge of sharing new experiences, you automatically look to the denial of yourself.

PETER: Alright then I’m going to chew on that one! (Elias cracks up). The next question I have from my wife was; why is her head so, as she describes it, why is head so full and foggy at the moment? She refers to in particular her crown and third eye and is this related to her eyes being so tired. If not then why are her eyes so sore?

ELIAS: This is associated and this is associated with being scattered.

PETER: I’m sorry, we’re battered?

ELIAS: Scattered. Her energy and her attention is scattered.

PETER: Ah! Scattered, okay.

ELIAS: In this if she allows herself to focus that shall alleviate this situation. But she is occupying her attention in many, many, many different directions simultaneously and that is generating a scatteredness in her energy and attention. If she allows herself to stop and focus in one direction and not distract herself with projecting future that shall be helpful in allowing her to generate more of a balance.

PETER: She said she does it enough, you know but she meditates for five minutes and it seems to help her but she doesn’t have the focus or the priority to do that every day. Is that one that she can adopt?

ELIAS: She can, although the reason that she does not engage it is that she is so scattered. The first direction to incorporate is to relax and focus. In that recognizing how often she is projecting her attention in many different directions that are not actually occurring now.

PETER: Okay.

ELIAS: In allowing herself to focus and practice, not distracting herself; regardless of what she is doing, it is not significant that she be engaging any action of concentration or what she would term to be importance. It matters not. It is actually more important to be focused in the mundane actions for in those actions, she allows herself to be distracted much more.

In actions that she would express are mindless, so to speak. Such as incorporating what you term to be household actions or chores in tidying. Those actions are automatic and are very familiar and require no thought. Therefore what ensues is, the attention moves to thought and what occurs is she begins thinking, thinking, thinking. And in that, she begins projecting in many different directions and not being present in the now, not paying attention to what she is actually doing and that creates the scatteredness, for she is unfocused and distracted.

PETER: That’s right. Thank you for that. She also wanted me to ask why did the roof continue to leak? And why did the transformer for the pond filter break down?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

PETER: Ah the roof leaking will be associated with; obviously it’s part of her reality and one of her expressions as well. But primarily my connection would be the roof, I don’t know why I continue to create this perception that’s troublesome, I know we’ve been through this before. It’s associated with my responsibility and I’m responsible to fix things and my obligation etcetera.
The pond and the fish and the transformer, I’ve been lost on that one that would’ve broken down and my immediate perception is it’s old and we got ten years good life out of it, these things happen. But I have a better one than that. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: And in that you are correct for this is what you create and this is your association. Let me express to you my friend, this a significant point for individuals that engage this information or information from other sources also generate this tendency to discount what they create in the manner that they create it.

In what you term to be normal expressions of your creations. Individuals move in the direction of attempting to attribute some cosmic reason for every action that occurs within their experiences. In a manner of speaking it is cosmic for it is you creating it. But remember you incorporate beliefs that influence everything that you create in your reality. In this, you do generate associations with certain devices or certain equipment or certain mechanical objects that they incorporate a limited lifespan so to speak. That they do incorporate wear with age.

You generate that association with your garments, you generate that association with your shoes, with your equipment, with your vehicles, with yourselves and in that it is a strong association and therefore in relation to time you do create objects that malfunction or that cease to function.
For objects or manifestations in your reality, generally speaking are not created to continue indefinitely. Their function is temporary, that is your perception. And therefore at times you create situations and experiences in which you must generate a new manifestation.
Now I may express to you, it is also associated with your guideline of responsibility. For being responsible it should have been replaced or it should have been replaced previously.
I am not expressing that it should or should not I am merely identifying your association in relation to your guideline. And if it is not functioning, that the association that you generate is your responsibility to the creatures.

PETER: Seems it’s my concern that they might die.

ELIAS: Correct.

PETER: Okay I want to ask you, move onto something a little bit different; in a couple months’ time I will be traveling to Europe with my parents, my wife, my brothers and their spouses. One trip worth making.
Two questions, first of all an impression of a focus that I have as a monk somewhere in middle Europe. I’m not sure of the time frame and I dealt in manuscripts of a religious nature; was quite a sultry nature I got the impression I enjoyed the sultry nature of it. Are you able to give me a time and a location for this particular focus?
ELIAS: Time framework 1500s; location what you now identify as Czech Republic.
PETER: Oh really, we’ll be in the Czech Republic. I had some impression of a town called Milk which apparently has a Benedictine Abbey in it. I read that; got an association that this is not in that location that this focus occurred. Is that right, or is it...
ELIAS: You do incorporate another focus in that location.
PETER: But not this focus as a monk.
ELIAS: Correct.
PETER: Okay. And what would be the time frame of that other focus?

ELIAS: I shall leave that to you to investigate. (P Laughs)

PETER: While we’re on the monk, did the monk interfere with young boys?

ELIAS: Occasionally.

PETER: (Laughs) Okay and were one of those young boys the individual that I would identify in this current life as a particular individual in my working organization?


PETER: Okay. And is that why, I don’t know what his particular association is, is that why he used to call me Uncle Pete?

ELIAS: That is influencing, yes. (Pete laughs)

PETER: The other question I had associated with the thing; we’re relatively short on time, is what things I should be aware of that this particular opportunity or experience is going to give me. The opportunity on a particular day, that you would say, that this creates an opportunity to raise my awareness or...

ELIAS: I would express be aware of differences but in that also allow yourself to engage and approach in a manner of a game. That this is an opportunity for you to offer yourself information concerning yourself and other individuals. (Intently) Notice your value.

Notice what you value. This incorporates a great potential for you to incorporate fun and a genuine appreciation of yourself and of other individuals and it is an opportunity for you to explore what you value.
Also in environment, for you do incorporate many focuses in that area and this may be an opportunity for you to feel other aspects of yourself.

PETER: In association with that and in my sense of time in a most recent focus I had in middle Europe that we talked about before, are you able to give me the name of the town or the location where that focus was resident? (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: That is an element of your treasure hunt, my friend. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: For this is an opportunity for you to genuinely feel into the energy in these locations and discover your energy there.

PETER: Okay. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Which is part of the game. (Peter cracks up)

PETER: Okay so you’ll be a good game leader then.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I shall continue to do so and be present with you in your adventure.

PETER: Okay I appreciate that. (Elias laughs) I know our time is very short. I wanted to catch upon a couple quick things. Why when I read some of the transcripts I have a strong familiarity with a couple of individuals. Firstly Frank, his first name is Frank and his essence name is Ulra. Also Don his first name, his essence name is Allard. Am I associated with those two?

ELIAS: Yes, you incorporate significant focuses with each of these individuals and you also incorporate similarities in energies and how you express.

PETER: Yeah there’s something deeper in that one. And is Stephen who resides in Melbourne Australia, is he similarly connected?

ELIAS: That would be a counterpart action.

PETER: Okay alright, I think that our time is just about up. So unless you have anything in particular you’d like to share with me; that would be of particular benefit to me. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: Merely to remember to incorporate fun. (Chuckle)

PETER: Very well! Ah I’ll take you up on that one. In our last session where I recently re-listened to our session time and you made a comment about defocusing and that at some times it may be beneficial to defocus. Are there any particular suggested methods you would suggest I might incorporate to defocus?

ELIAS: Allow yourself to engage visualizations.

PETER: Okay.

ELIAS: But do not direct them. Merely allow yourself to relax, incorporate a brief time framework of quiet and allow whatever appears to you. Do not attempt to organize it, do not attempt to categorize, do not attempt to embellish whatever you present to yourself, merely allow.
This is an effective practice to be defocusing your attention for you are not intentionally directing it. And in that as you practice, it shall be expressed more clearly and you shall automatically be generating images to yourself in a clearer manner. But the point in the beginning action of this type of visualization is to not be intentionally directing and regardless of whether it appears fragmented or nonsensical to you, merely allow.

PETER: Well thank you very much and I’m sure sometime in my future I’ll come to discuss my adventures with you once more.

ELIAS: Ah and I shall be anticipating of that and your discoveries upon your adventure. (Chuckles)

PETER: Thank you once again.

ELIAS: In great friendship to you and tremendous appreciation I offer you great encouragement.
Au Revoir.

PETER: Au Revoir.

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