Session 201002281

Dream Walker Aspects


“Dream Walker Aspects”
“Borledims in the Shift: A Personal Association”
“Balance in Being Supportive”
“Your Expression Is Your Choice”

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Rose (Quillan)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

ROSE: Hello, Elias. (Both laugh) Okay, my list? We start with a small question about Cal – I call him Cal, Calotcha. He would like to know if he is soft or common and if he is religious?

ELIAS: And the impression?

ROSE: This is his impression.

ELIAS: Yes, religious.

ROSE: Religious. Okay.

ELIAS: As to orientation, common.

ROSE: Common. Okay. Thank you. And I would like to know my focus animal.

ELIAS: And YOUR impression?

ROSE: Oh, Jesus. (Both laugh) I don't even have a clue what it is really about, just these animals that the other people are talking about, and this is more of a fun thing for me. So, I don't know! I don't know.

ELIAS: (Laughs heartily) Very well. Your focus animal would be a spider monkey.

ROSE: Oh boy. I don't even know what that animal is. (Both laugh) I have to check that. Okay, what is my essence animal?

ELIAS: Essence animal: falcon.

ROSE: Wow! That's cool. Oh, that's VERY cool. I like that. Thank you. I had done one meditation or something like that, and then that animal came to me. It was not exactly that one – actually it was an eagle and then an owl. But a falcon is very close. That's why I so much like that. (Elias laughs)

Okay. Starting the next question: I started to read about Dream Walker interactions. I'm not very informed objectively about this Dream Walker thing, but I would like to ask you nevertheless about it in a way that I can read about it later on. Do I have some kind of Dream Walker interaction or process or whatever going on?

ELIAS: A Dream Walker aspect, yes.

ROSE: Aspect? And is there some more detailed information you can give me and I would read after the session about it?

ELIAS: A Dream Walker aspect is, in a manner of speaking, an aspect of energy, or an aspect of essence, that is associated with the Dream Walkers. Now, let me express to you: The Dream Walkers are essences that were involved with the design, or the blueprint, of this reality. These essences were not entirely physically focused and do not incorporate actual focuses in your physical dimension. Therefore, it would not be a situation in which you would incorporate a focus as a Dream Walker, for they do not actually physically participate in your reality. But – there are aspects of these essences that are present in essences that DO participate within this physical reality. Not every individual incorporates a Dream Walker aspect, but many do.

ROSE: Okay. And I do?

ELIAS: Yes. And remember, these are essences that participated in the formation, or the creation, of the blueprint of this reality, and therefore, there are qualities within you that would be associated with that. There are energies within you that you could tap in to that are associated with different aspects of the blueprint of this physical reality.

ROSE: I think I need to read more. (Elias chuckles) I cannot ask specifically enough.

ELIAS: Very well.

ROSE: Also when I read about it, I came across Dream Walker interaction in relation to the Shift, and I noticed that the Shift was implemented or started with the Vold family and then handed over with the change of the century to the Borledim, which are now more active, more than the Vold. And it hit me very strangely when I read that. It was like something was waking up in myself when I read that. And I'm not bragging, but it was a very strange feeling. So the question arose in me, is there something where I'm very personally involved in this Shift of me belonging to the Borledim family? Could you say something about that?

ELIAS: Yes! For if you are viewing or observing the movement of this Shift in the initial century of this Shift – your previous century, the beginning aspect of it – that was the SUBjective aspect of this Shift which influenced the initiation of considerable inventions. Many, many, many inventive creations were expressed in this past century, and that is an evidence of the influence of the Vold family, and individuals that are belonging to the Vold family in your reality were also very influential. Regardless of what they individually were doing for their own creativity, their own inventiveness and their own aspect of being revolutionary, so to speak, was also playing a part subjectively in the mass movement of that aspect of the Shift.

Now, at the point of the turn of your century and your emergence into this new century, that also shifted, and this century is the OBjective aspect of this Shift, the objective insertion of it. In this, it is not to say that creativity and inventiveness has slowed or is not being expressed as much, for as you are aware, the creativity and the inventiveness of this Shift continues to increase, as exhibited throughout your world and the physical manifestations of invention within your reality. But – the emphasis has shifted to the individual. This is the influence of the Borledim. This family is focused upon the individual, what you would term to be earth stock, which is the human species, so to speak – but not merely the human species, for the earth stock, so to speak, is also very involved with the emphasis upon interconnectedness, the expression and the realization of the importance of the individual, and all of the abilities and qualities and expressions of the individual, and how that extends and is interconnected with all of your reality: how important the individual is, and the significance of the extension every individual, which creates all of the physical manifestations of your physical reality. Therefore, there is a VERY strong emphasis upon the interconnectedness of all that is within your reality. And in this, yes, belonging to the Borledim family does generate a significant contribution in energy from every individual that is focused within your reality and that participates within your reality that IS belonging to the Borledim family.

There is also an influence by individuals that are belonging to the Borledim family, or aligning with the Borledim family, in different capacities. Now, with individuals that are ALIGNING with the Borledim family, their expressions are more objectively rippling. Individuals that are BELONGING to the Borledim family are generating that rippling both objectively and subjectively. Individuals that are “belonging to” would be very benefited in paying attention to themselves and being aware of what they are objectively doing, in the recognition that what they are objectively doing is actually generating a significant influence in rippling out en masse in relation to the movement of this Shift.

Therefore, yes, individually, personally, are you affecting in relation to your association with this particular family? Very much so. For, this is the objective aspect and insertion of this Shift, it is moving very quickly, and all that you do is very influential. Regardless of whether you objectively SEE it or not matters not, for the energy is very powerful. And this family being instrumental in the objective insertion of this aspect of this Shift, the energy of individuals belonging to and aligning with the Borledim family is enhanced, and therefore is stronger.

Just as within your previous century the energy of individuals belonging to and aligning with the Vold family was stronger, now the energy of the Borledim is stronger – which also incorporates a very strong influence in shifting the mass and general energy from the intellectual male energy to the intuitive female energy. Which, once again I will express, as I have previously, this Shift in energy is regardless of what actual physical gender an individual is. It is not a matter of gender; it is a matter of a type of energy – the male energy being that associated with intellect, and the female energy being that associated with intuition. In this, the Borledim family is very instrumental in THAT shift also.

ROSE: Yes! And this leads me to another topic which I want to address in the session. Me being a Borledim, I sometimes do things very… It doesn't have to do anything with me being a Borledim, if that applies; I just learned in the course of my life to really follow my intuition, and sometimes I do things fully in alignment with this intuition. Sometimes I'm very harsh with people, because I have this feeling that that is at the moment what needs to be. And sometimes people tell me, "Oh, you are mean. You cannot be so mean to this person.” And it would take me a long, long, long time to explain that I'm actually not mean, that there is a very beneficial thing below this seeming harshness (laughs); they may have the same thing going on. I feel that it has a lot to do with this Borledim thing, and I'm sure that I just have to mention this to you and not flesh it out very much, but I want to know what you would comment on it.

ELIAS: I would express, I am understanding what you are expressing, and I would also encourage you in a manner of recognizing and experimenting with yourself in a balance; that there are many and significant time frameworks and situations in which you may be presenting yourself very accurate information intuitionally, and listening to your intuition is very beneficial and advantageous. But – I would also express that in relation to expressing those Borledim qualities, it is important for you to be aware of being balanced and to be aware of interacting in a manner that is the most beneficial and natural with other individuals.

Now; this is significant in relation to this one particular family, for this particular family incorporates their main quality as that of being encouraging in growth. Now, therefore, in relation to that, in a manner of speaking that generates a responsibility of the aspect of encouragement. This is the main expression, the main quality of this particular family, and therefore it is also very beneficial within physical focus to evaluate and to understand what are the most effective manners of being encouraging and supportive – which, I would be acknowledging of you in this and in relation to your affiliation with the Borledim and your expression of that quality in the discussions that you and I have been engaging, for this is very much so in alignment with a Borledim expression and those qualities of the Borledim in offering yourself more information in relation to how to effectively and efficiently express encouragement and supportiveness and what can be the pitfalls, or what can be misinterpreted as being supportive or being encouraging, that which individuals think of as being encouraging that may not necessarily actually BE encouraging, and therefore defining what expressions and what actions actually are indeed encouraging and beneficial in relation to other individuals.

This is one family that, I would express to you, moves most effectively in relation to the common orientation – therefore, another reason for my acknowledgement to you, in relation to your movement and your choice of discussions recently with myself in relation to this subject of being supportive and being encouraging in difficult or challenging situations, and offering yourself more information, more clarity, in defining how to express that. For it would be, generally speaking, easier and more natural for individuals that are belonging to/aligning with the Borledim family but also are the common orientation to be expressing effectively and naturally these qualities, for individuals that are of the common orientation are naturally outwardly focused, and this one essence family expresses that quality of being outwardly focused very strongly.

For the qualities of the Borledim family are actually focused upon the interconnectedness and also upon other individuals and the interaction of individuals, the growth of individuals, the expression of individuals, and encouraging that in all capacities. This is also the reason that most individuals – although I will reiterate not all that are belonging to the Borledim family – do incorporate a tendency to be involved with, or interactive with, or generating relationships with children. Now, not all individuals that are belonging to the Borledim family move in that expression, but there are considerably many that do. And the reason that this is very common to individuals of the Borledim family is that they are focused upon the growth of individuals and encouraging the natural flow of all individuals, and therefore they are also focused upon expressing these qualities throughout the entirety of individuals’ focuses – and beginning that encouragement and supportiveness from the onset of physical focus, therefore encouraging small ones to be self-directed and to be creative and to be self-expressive.

ROSE: Yes, Elias, but it is also about adults who in a way have imprisoned their own inner child, or they have not developed it, and sometimes you have an adult who has some years but is similar inside to a child, but an unhappy child, and it is about helping this inner child to grow and to free itself and to bring things in balance and so on. And that is what I actually in a way also meant when I said sometimes I'm harsh with people but that's the beneficial aspect below it, that I'm actually addressing to this child to help it to get free again and to move and to grow and to unfold.

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree. And I am acknowledging of you, and you are very much correct that, as I expressed, not all individuals that are associated with the Borledim family are focused or are interactive or intent in relation to children. There are many individuals that move in a similar direction to yourself and are encouraging in different manners and may not necessarily involve themselves with children. But – in this, yes, you are very much so correct, that this quality of encouragement can be expressed in many different forms, and as I expressed previously, I'm acknowledging of you in your direction, that you are seeking clarity and information to define more clearly how to be supportive.

In this, balance is an important aspect, and genuinely allowing yourself to engage your empathic sense in addition to your intuition, and therefore generating that balance. For what you engage in that action is listening to your intuition and the information that you are offering to yourself, evaluating that, and thusly tapping into or expressing your empathic sense with another individual, and in that, generating the most efficient, the most sensitive and the most effective manner to BE supportive and encouraging in relation to each individual and each situation.

And I would also acknowledge that, at times, in different situations, dependent upon the individual and the situation, that encouragement may be expressed in a manner that may be more direct or more blunt, so to speak – which may not necessarily actually be harsh, but that it is being expressed very directly and in a very blunt manner.

ROSE: Yes. It doesn’t always come with a lot of soft and pampering and soothing quality. Sometimes it does; it's very unique. It can be very different from one individual to the next one, but sometimes it comes without this pampering; it comes very straight.

ELIAS: Yes! I am understanding. And that is acceptable also; it is merely a matter of recognizing and balancing by coupling the intuition with the empathic sense and therefore knowing how to express to each individual in their particular situation. And at times, you are correct, it may not be expressed in a very coddling manner, or a very soothing manner, but that is not to say that it cannot be gentle.

Gentleness is not always expressed in what you would figuratively term a flowery manner. At times, gentleness is expressed merely through the tone. But what is being expressed may be very direct and very blunt; therefore, you incorporate both, which is also a balance. The gentleness is the expression of the energy that it is not being pushed at another individual, and therefore the individual also recognizes an aspect of acceptance and that they are not being judged but that you as an individual are also being quite direct and blunt with them, and therefore not allowing for much or excessive interpretation of what you are expressing; therefore, generating more of a literal or matter-of-fact statement that is more difficult to distort or turn or misinterpret.

And in that, it is merely a matter of not necessarily tempering but balancing in expressing both. Being direct but also expressing the gentleness in tone; therefore, the energy is not being forced, but it is being direct.

ROSE: Yeah, Elias. And I have a feeling and I trust in that even though it may appear to be harsh and mean, that when I am not coming from a judgmental spot within myself but I'm actually very supportive in all this, even if it looks on the surface or in the expression in a way that is maybe a little bit surprising, that the energy and the attitude and my whole reason for doing that is conveyed somewhere deep below, and that it is also received even if the mind of the other person interprets what I'm doing in a very different way and is misperceiving and misinterpreting, that actually something will be received even due to the biggest misinterpretation, right?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct, for it will be assimilated regardless. And what an individual's reaction to an expression may be is regardless, for it is precisely that: it is a reaction. And in that, reactions are born out of defense and shielding. Therefore, the energy does assimilate regardless, and it will be received – unless the individual is ENTIRELY blocking, which at times they may be. But generally speaking, that does not occur very often, and in this, even if an individual is generating the reaction, the genuineness of the energy will be received and will be assimilated and will be beneficial – eventually. And it varies with each individual. The time framework in which an individual assimilates what they have received and attempts to evaluate it, or even apply it, may vary in time framework, but it will occur.

ROSE: Okay. I have another question, and this is connecting to one of our former sessions and talks where we had to end because the time was up. This was about my father, and you said, “Correct, but the point is to allow yourself to expand and to recognize and not to be bothered by what he” – my father – “expresses. When you are not bothered, he is not generating his control." And then I said, "And you mean a connection is still possible?” and you said, “Yes! Very much so!” (Laughs) And then I said the connection thing... No; sorry. I want to continue there. This "connection thing" is still a little riddle for me. Could you just continue there?

ELIAS: And express to myself what is your confusion in relation to the connection?

ROSE: Okay. The situation is that I am with a person who is similar to my father – very rigid, very strict, very... actually not very attractive. But on the other end I have this connection with him, and no matter what he did, there is something in me… I like him a lot and I would even say I love him, but it's very complicated with him, and to connect with him is very difficult because he is actually not really present but in his repetition and in his defensiveness and opposing and everything, and it's not really fun to be with him because he's very tight. We are very, very different. It is like, if you break it down, if you encounter a Nazi. I'm not saying that my father is a Nazi, but he has some very rigid parents. [So it’s like if] a Nazi would be your family member and you would decide to not break up but to find this bridge to connect and have a genuine connection and interaction.

ELIAS: Very well.

ROSE: Independent of this huge, huge, huge difference, and independent of being UNNERVED by each other’s difference, how do you then connect?

ELIAS: Very well. The first aspect of this is your last statement of being unnerved with each other. Now, this is a significant piece, for if YOU can generate within yourself a genuine comfort and satisfaction with yourself that knowing of yourself, and that acceptance of yourself in which it genuinely matters not what another individual's opinion is, or how STRONG their opinion is, your direction is not shaken, or you do not question your direction and your expression, that is the most significant aspect.

For when you are strong within yourself, when you are empowered within yourself and you are not questioning yourself, and you are satisfied and you are comfortable, it matters not what another individual expresses. And it is no longer important for you to convince the other individual otherwise. And it is no longer important for you to necessarily voice yourself to the other individual to prompt them to understand your direction or your position, for you begin to recognize that it is unimportant whether they understand, or agree, or even acknowledge what your direction or your position is. Therefore, if THAT is not important, what does that leave you with? It leaves you with the actual connection, or the actual relationship – if you WANT a relationship.

Now; with a family member, in most situations there ARE connections, and perhaps you DO love the other individual, or you do incorporate an affection for them, or you may like them – which these are all very different expressions, and you can generate any combination of them or any one of them individually, and they can be independent of each other.

In this, it is more a matter of recognizing those aspects as being an expression of connection with that individual and recognizing that it is not important that you agree with this individual. You may entirely disagree. You may disagree with their opinion, you may disagree with their choices, you may disagree with their direction – it matters not. It is not necessary for you to agree with them. And in this, it is not necessary for you to engage what you disagree with.

Therefore, the other individual can express in whatever manner they choose, and you choose to express yourself independently of that, that you choose to express yourself in the manner that you want, regardless of what they do or how they express themself. Such as a small, mundane example – hypothetical: Let us say that you are the daughter, this other individual is the father, and the father is a very rigid individual, and perhaps he is also an individual that is not very expressive of affection, or perhaps not expressive at ALL of affection, either in verbal communication or physical display. But, you being a different individual, perhaps you ARE an expressive individual in relation to affection, and you feel affection for this father and you want to express it. Your expressing it is not dependent upon whether he will readily accept it or not, or whether he will react to it or not. It is your choice whether to express it or not, and generating that satisfaction within yourself from the expression, not from the response.

That is a significant point, for when individuals engage each other, they automatically, without even thinking, generate the expectation that their own expression of what they want to express should be responded to in similar kind, and that their allowance of themself to express themself is dependent upon how the other individual receives it. These are both incorrect. Your expression is your choice. How you express is your choice; it is not dependent upon how the other individual receives it.

And, your satisfaction of expressing what you want to express is derived by you, not by the other individual's response. Yes, at times is that an extra? Is that a bonus prize that you may offer to yourself, that the other individual may respond in similar kind? Yes. Is it required? No. Does it diminish your capacity for satisfaction within yourself in expressing yourself if the other individual does not respond in similar kind? No – only if you are generating that expectation for you are not actually satisfied within yourself genuinely and you are looking to the other individual for that approval.

ROSE: I agree, Elias. And that's the point which I have reached also. The challenge for me and the missing piece is that I'm looking for the interfaces we can have to have fun together: genuine, and – this is the important point – relaxed fun with each other, because very often these other people are very tight and the opposite of relaxed.

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding. Now, this once again, let me express to you, is dependent upon you and is of your own expression. If you are wanting to engage another individual and be relaxed and incorporate fun with that individual, that is dependent upon your determining and defining what is fun, and how to generate that creatively for yourself that will allow you to implement that – and the recognition, genuinely, that there are some individuals that either do not objectively know how to express fun, and that is very real.

Or, there are also some individuals that do not WANT to engage fun. This does not prevent you from expressing that, but it does present more of a challenge if you are attempting to incorporate fun with that type of individual, for in that situation, it is a matter of you creating the fun for yourself that may INVOLVE that individual but also accepting that that individual may not actually experience the fun with you, and that that individual may not also be experiencing fun. You cannot create that for them, and it is their choice as to whether they will engage that or whether they will allow that for themself.

In this, it does not deny your choices, but it quite definitely is a matter of recognizing one of those two factors, whether the other individual actually knows objectively how to express fun. And literally there are many individuals that do not. It is not in their experience. They have not allowed themselves, and therefore they do not understand, objectively, what fun is.

Or, there may be some aspect of experience that the individual DOES incorporate that they could define as fun, but they may generate some negative association with that and they may have chosen not to willingly participate or engage it, and it may not be important to them. And they may not want to engage fun, and therefore they may remain rigid and serious and not necessarily actively participate.

That does not negate your choices. It does present somewhat more of a challenge for you to be more creative and to be more accepting that the other individual will not participate in the manner that you want, or the manner that you expect, or the manner that you could interpret as THEM incorporating fun, or it may also be a matter of recognizing that the other individual's definition of fun may be very different from yours.

ROSE: I understand. Very interesting. Let's stop here and have a little question which is actually an interesting big one, and change the subject. We are coming close to the end. How is the probability for me to walk in the group session?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: To generate this and be successful? Is that your question?

ROSE: Yes.

ELIAS: And what is the probability of you accomplishing that?

ROSE: Yes.

ELIAS: I would express that there is a very strong potential and that it is a very high potential.

ROSE: And would you comment on pooling? Would it be more beneficial if I engage other people with pooling in this now in this direction?

ELIAS: Yes! It is always beneficial to be pooling energy in different capacities, and therefore yes, I would express that that could be encouraging to you and could be an avenue in which you could generate more strength in your own energy in this direction.

ROSE: Very nice! (Both laugh) I like that.

ELIAS: Very well! And we shall be engaging conversation very soon!

ROSE: Yes, if Mary doesn’t have to reschedule, and very soon, yes. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I shall be anticipating of that, my dear friend, and I shall continue my encouragement with you with your Borledim expression. (Both laugh)

ROSE: Thank you!

ELIAS: (Laughs) Until our next meeting, in tremendous fondness and in great lovingness, my friend, au revoir.

ROSE: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour)

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