Session 200806061

Creating Inner Landscapes and Experiential Visualizations for Healing


“Creating Inner Landscapes and Experiential Visualizations for Healing”
“Choosing Elias for Help”
“Judging Self for Thoughts of Probable Realities”
“The Magic Lies in Your Energy”
“Individuals’ Perception of Age When They Disengage”

Session 200806061 (2549)

“Creating Inner Landscapes and Experiential Visualizations for Healing”
“Choosing Elias for Help”
“Judging Self for Thoughts of Probable Realities”
“The Magic Lies in Your Energy”
“Individuals’ Perception of Age When They Disengage”

Wednesday, June 6, 2008

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Rose (Quillan)

ELIAS: Good evening!

ROSE: Good evening. Hello, Elias!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss, my friend?

ROSE: Oh my, a lot. (Elias laughs) I have a lot on my list, so I will go straight into it.

ELIAS: Very well.

ROSE: Let’s start with the main topic. This is the most important one, so let’s start with this one. As I know, you are reading my energy, and you know what has been going on and where I am at and so on, correct?


ROSE: Yes. We had some sessions six years before, and in the meantime my body is drastically changed, as you may perceive. Do you?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

ROSE: Well, I cannot walk anymore.

ELIAS: And what have you been doing?

ROSE: Oh my. I thought you would see this or know that from your end what I have been doing. I am very reluctant to really speak it. Anyway, I tried to NOT speak it – not to trick you, but it’s a little bit hard.

ELIAS: But this is the point. It is not that I do not recognize your energy, my friend, but this is an important factor in your movement and your allowance, is to be expressing; and therefore, I will express again: What have you being doing?

ROSE: Okay. I am still somewhat shaky in this, because it of course is a sensitive spot inside. And also I am somewhat embarrassed that I didn’t manage to do any better than I did.

ELIAS: First of all, one moment. Let me express to you, you can express to myself and it is not necessary for you to express embarrassment or judgment of yourself, for I am not judging you, and I am expressing an energy with you that is entirely accepting. And this conversation, it is not necessary to share it, and perhaps in that you will feel more comfortable to express an openness with myself that we can explore together what different avenues you can engage. Are you understanding?

ROSE: Yes, I am. In a way I would like to share it, because I know there are some people who are interested, and still it is a little delicate.

Okay. (Sighs) What I have been doing six years down the track is, I in a way moved myself – let me phrase it like that – I moved myself into a pretty intensive turmoil, and whatever I tried to get me out of it again, it didn’t work. It didn’t work. I tried everything I was able to imagine to do. I even went into a mental hospital. I took medical stuff [medications]. I tried everything.

I had had problems before in my life, and I was coping more or less with everything, but this I just couldn’t handle. And in the end, when I figured out that I couldn’t handle it and I was struggling so hard, and I saw what it did to my family, I just gave up and I sort of said, “Okay, this is it.” And there was something I couldn’t understand; there was like an inner world coming up, and this world was so dark and so… destructive, so harmful, and I felt so alien with myself, I felt like I was not myself any longer. And I just couldn’t get myself back to being myself, and when I saw that I couldn’t get out of this and what it did to my family and that I couldn’t stop it, I jumped out of a window – or, I didn’t jump but I let myself fall out. I put my head into the neck and I wanted to kill myself, to disengage. And before I did it I thought, “Okay, you can have me, you strange force, you destructive force, you can have me but leave my family, leave these people alone.”

ELIAS: What was the turmoil?

ROSE: The turmoil was I had all these thoughts in my mind which were not mine. I perceived them as not mine, and I felt so guilty and I felt like having done everything wrong, and I felt like having brought so many problems to my family and especially to my daughter, that she will have the worst life because of what I have done, and that I have done everything wrong. And then…

ELIAS: And what have you done wrong?

ROSE: In this time I believed everything. At THAT time – I’m not thinking along these lines anymore, but at THAT time I really thought that I had made everything wrong and that my daughter will [because of myself and my actions] become a drug addict and everything, and…

ELIAS: But in this, express to myself what were the thoughts that were specifically wrong? What associations were you generating that you actually did wrong, or that you perceived that you did wrong?

ROSE: I don’t know, Elias. For example, I was in my car, and suddenly before this car was a little girl on a tricycle, a small kid, and through my mind went the thought, “Now you’re going to drive this child dead. You have to drive this child dead.” And I thought, “This is not the way I am, this is not the way I’m thinking, this is not ME and I will never do this,” but this energy, it was coming up with such a strength and it was getting more and more and more, and I was like holding against it all the time, and I was getting weaker and weaker and weaker. There was a time when I thought, “I have no force to hold this back any longer.” I was like fighting with an enemy, and I was like fought to the floor. And I said, “Okay, then you can have me, but leave my family alone.”

And the main problem for me was that I didn’t find anyone in the whole world, and I had tried. I was calling to Australia, I was talking to people in several places. I have not found anyone who would have been able to explain to me what was going on and how to get out of it again. I did not find anyone who I could trust and speak openly and freely without being in danger of, you know, getting locked up and getting treatment or whatever. I thought I was punished from the inside and didn’t find help from the outside, and… Oh my, oh my. It was terrible. I could stand it about nine months and then I gave up. Do you understand?

ELIAS: Yes. I do.

ROSE: And I didn’t ask you, I didn’t contact you because, to be quite frank and honest I thought you were harsh and you were part of the problem, [that] if I hadn’t met you maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation. And now, in preparation for this session I have been listening to these old tapes again, and that was very interesting because I said, “No, no, no, no, no, I was afraid of my own fears.” I didn’t trust me and I was afraid of my own fear; it didn’t have anything to do with you. And when I was listening to the tapes, I found you were in a way perceiving what I was heading for, and you were trying to address it, you were trying to in a way reach me and offer me a helping hand out of it, but I couldn’t take it anymore… or whatever, I was on a downward slope.

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding.

ROSE: Okay, and here I am, sitting in the wheelchair paralyzed from this “jump,” and the background of this session is I want to find a way to walk again. I want to do the magic. I want to do the creation to walk again. Not because I cannot live with this or because it would be so awful to be in a wheelchair; that’s not the situation. I can live in this wheelchair and I’m a very happy person. It’s a very playful approach I’m coming from.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

Now; first of all, let me express to you, my friend, that most individuals within your physical dimension entertain ideas, or thoughts, or even probable realities within their own reality that may seem to the individual to be appalling. But what generates them into a direction of being worse, or being overpowering, is when the individual expresses these ideas or thoughts, or tapping into probable realities, and they begin to intensely oppose that. That creates problems, for when the individual does this, they begin to extremely oppose themself, and they begin to judge themself, and they begin to express more and more harsh energy with themself and the individual becomes destructive. This is very difficult, and it can be very frightening, it can be very disorienting, it can be very confusing and distressing.

In this, I understand that each individual creates their own journey for their own purpose, and in that, I can express a genuine compassion for what you experienced, and I can express to you that it may have been beneficial for you to engage myself, but I can also express to you a genuine understanding that this was the journey that you chose; and therefore I was not a factor, or was not the outreach that you chose.

But even in this now, it is important for you to understand that you are not alone, first of all, in incorporating these types of experiences, and that it is not a sign of insanity necessarily, for I would express that what you engaged was twofold. In some situations, you were actually allowing yourself to tap into experiences of probable realities that in the moment WERE occurring. This is the reason that you felt that it was not you, but that was confusing for you were also aware that you ARE you but that the experiences that you were generating were NOT you – and in actuality, you were correct. They were another aspect of you, a probable you, but not inserted into this reality. And I am quite understanding that can be very confusing if you do not understand what is occurring, and that it can be very easy for you to deem yourself to be experiencing lunacy, for you are aware that this is not you but the experiences are present within you.

Now, in addition to tapping into probable realities of you that actually were occurring, you also generated some of your own thoughts and ideas that were equally as confusing and appalling to you, and therefore what you did was oppose yourself to such a degree that you were isolating yourself and being destructive and harmful to yourself.

Now; let me offer you a hypothetical example. There may be an individual that incorporates ideas of sexual fantasies, shall we say, and in those ideas the individual may entertain many different scenarios that they can actually visualize that for them themself they would never actually consider doing in any physical expression. But they entertain the ideas of perhaps horrific scenarios related to sexual activity, perhaps even what you would term to be brutal.

In that, this hypothetical individual may generate the distinction that these are ideas that they entertain. They may incorporate some shame or embarrassment in association with them and therefore they may not ever share those ideas with any other individual, but they also make a distinction that these are ideas and they are not actually expressing that physically, and therefore, although the individual may be discounting of themselves by expressing some element of shame in association with their own beliefs, they may not necessarily be opposing themselves. And in that, the ideas do not become overwhelming, and they do not become consuming, for the individual is not necessarily opposing them.

But another individual may incorporate ideas in association with, perhaps, murdering a creature, and that idea may be so appalling to them and so contrary to their beliefs that they will not only discount themself immensely, but they may begin to oppose themself, expressing that they are worthless, that they incorporate no value, that they are a disgrace as an individual, and in that they create such an opposing energy with themself that they begin to be destructive to themself and they begin to be hurtful to themself.

These are not necessarily bad or wrong ideas. They are wrong in association with your guidelines and therefore you would not engage them, but the ideas are not necessarily wrong. The thought process is not necessarily wrong, just as dreams are not wrong.

ROSE: I understand.

ELIAS: Therefore, this is an important point for you to remember and to allow yourself to accept, in the event that you may ever tap into another probable reality that may be occurring and generate that distinction that, you are correct, it is not you, and it is not necessary to oppose it, for you are merely tapping into a different experience that you are not necessarily generating yourself and therefore, it is not necessary to oppose it.

Now, I would be acknowledging of you in a genuine recognition of you wanting to move in the direction of restoring your ability to walk in the genuineness of it being playful and it being an expression of magic to you.

ROSE: Yes.

ELIAS: And I am recognizing the genuineness of your energy, that if it were impossible you would be satisfied with the choice that you have created. But I am acknowledging that it may be a fun direction for you to entertain to be creating a different expression of your body consciousness and regenerating, and I will express an encouragement that it is possible.

ROSE: Cool bananas! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would express, first of all, the suggestion that you begin in practicing with creating inner landscapes. For with inner landscapes it is not necessary for you to actually incorporate an objective knowledge or understanding of all of the intricacies of the body consciousness and how it operates, for you create a creative visualization that is symbolic to encourage the body consciousness to move into a natural state and to move into a remembrance of its natural state.

In this, you can create several different inner landscapes that you can change and therefore not become too complacent with any particular one. And in whatever inner landscape you choose, allow for surprises. Allow for it to unfold in some aspects itself and therefore to surprise you, for this also creates a communication and an instruction to the body consciousness to surprise you and to be creative, and therefore it allows the body consciousness more flexibility in its healing.

I would also suggest that you engage experiential visualizations.

Now; an experimental visualization is different than a usual visualization, for this type of visualization is more specific. You allow yourself to visualize yourself moving. You allow yourself to visualize yourself walking and eventually perhaps even dancing, but you are not merely visualizing it. You place yourself into the visualization to the point where you actually allow yourself to FEEL it, in which you experience and you feel yourself doing these actions. You feel yourself moving. You feel your skin. You feel the bottom of your feet. You feel your muscles. You feel your ribs move as you move your feet and your legs. You feel the skin upon your knees or your hips. You feel your clothing as it brushes against your skin. This is an experiential visualization.

This is an effective visualization, for it changes your energy. Rather than continuously viewing yourself in a particular position, such as in a wheelchair, it interrupts that constant and it changes your energy, which also creates more of an ease to move in the direction of creating what you want.

Now; I would express the suggestion that you engage that exercise at least two times within your day. I would also remind you: All that you do is interconnected. Therefore, it is important to recognize that you are entering into a process – now, which begins now. And in that process, all that you do is interconnected. It may not SEEM to be so, surfacely, for the imagery that you may engaging may be very different, but in actuality the energy is the same. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to what you are doing.

In this, what you want to create is a freedom of movement. Therefore, it is important for you to pay attention to all of the other actions that you engage within your day and to assess whether whatever you are doing is expressing a freedom of movement. Therefore it is important for you to notice when you are hesitating, when you are restricting.

This conversation in itself is an example, for in the beginning of this conversation you were restricting and hesitating and not allowing a free flow. That is an example of what I am expressing.

It is important that you know that all that you do is interconnected, for when you express in manners that do NOT allow a freedom of movement, you are opposing what you want, and you create obstacles, or you create delays in creating what you want. Therefore, regardless of what you are doing within your day, allow yourself to pay attention to whether you are expressing a free movement or not.

These three factors will create an effective foundation for you to move in this direction – and, incorporating a playful attitude will be helpful. (Chuckles)

ROSE: Okay. I need to ask one question?


ROSE: This inner landscape: you mean literally a landscape, like with foliage and seas and birds and whatever?


ROSE: Okay. And within this inner landscape I am doing this experiential movement, or experiential visualization, you call it …?

ELIAS: No, no, no! These are two different visualizations.

ROSE: Oh, I see.

ELIAS: One is the experiential visualization. That is merely a visualization of your body consciousness and of you generating movement: in walking, in jumping, in…

ROSE: I am understanding. What is this landscape exercise for?

ELIAS: The inner landscape is addressing to your body consciousness. It is expressing a communication and an instruction directly to your body consciousness. Therefore, the inner landscape can be under water, it can be a seascape, it can be a forest, it can be a meadow, it can be a garden – it matters not. And in that, you choose one element of that landscape that is the affected area of the body consciousness. As an example: If the affected area of the body consciousness is the spine, you choose perhaps in a meadow to create a beautiful, strong tree, and that tree will be the representation of the spine. In this, the landscape will evolve around the tree; therefore perhaps creatures will enter into the landscape and will approach or engage the tree in playful manners, you can incorporate wind that blows the tree and creates movement with it. You can also, as I expressed, allow for surprises as the landscape unfolds.

Now; also as I expressed, you can change the landscape to different areas, different expressions. In one visualization it can be a meadow; in another it can be mountaintop; in another it can be under the sea.

ROSE: So, Elias, I start to create this landscape, and then it’s kind of a ping-pong process. I start it and I observe what goes on from itself, and I put another element into it and I watch what’s going on and surprising me, and this is a ping-pong, right?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, for it is interactive. For you initiate it but also allow for it to unfold, and you can place certain elements in it, but also continuing to allow it to unfold and therefore creating the surprises.

ROSE: Ok, now I got it. At least enough for the moment, I guess. (Elias laughs) Thank you. I will experiment with this. (Both laugh)

I have started this journey of figuring out how to heal it about one year ago, and I have encountered several methods, and I was preparing a list and I was thinking of reading this list to you, and now I have this… recipe, let’s call it… from Elias…

ELIAS: Ah, but! Let me also express another encouragement to you, my friend.

ROSE: Okay.

ELIAS: For remember: You are creating all of your reality, therefore you are also creating all of the avenues available to you in relation to this subject. And in this, you can incorporate these exercises that I have offered to you, and if you are so choosing you can also incorporate other directions, and I would express an encouragement to you to be open to whatever you present to yourself, for you are presenting it for a reason.

ROSE: Ja. Oh, let me ask this question. There is this seminar from Dr. Pearl.


ROSE: Okay. And this seminar is quite… well, it costs a lot (laughs). And it has several parts, and I have asked already and you said it is beneficial, and you encouraged me to go.

ELIAS: I expressed that it CAN be beneficial, but it is your choice. I also expressed to you that it is not NECESSARY; it will not hinder your movement if you do not attend. You can accomplish whether you attend or not. This would be your choice. It can be beneficial, for it can offer you different information, but as I expressed, it is your choice.

ROSE: Ja. It is lot of money, and if it is not really necessary to go to it, maybe I do not really want to go to it and want to spend the money on other things. So I’m not quite sure what I want, and… Ja. I was in a way hoping for a clear word like “Yes, when you go you will make a better or a faster progress” or “Your progress will be completely independent of this and you do not need to go because you will make it on your own.”

ELIAS: I would express that you can accomplish regardless of whether you attend or not. And as I have expressed, it can be somewhat beneficial to you in offering you more information. I would not express that it would be ultimately beneficial to you. I would not express to you that if you attend that you will absolutely entirely accomplish immediately. I would not express that to you.

ROSE: They have this twelve strands connection, this reconnection thing going on and so on. It sounds a lit bit... I don’t know, it sounds a little “airy-fairy” in a way.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would offer the suggestion that you allow yourself a time framework to investigate and evaluate more clearly that direction and subsequently allow yourself to evaluate if this is genuinely what you want to do or not.

ROSE: There is an introduction evening, and I was wondering if I just need to connect with the energy and to tap into it once and that’s it, and not doing the whole seminar.

ELIAS: That is another option. That is another choice that you can engage, which may allow you more clarity in how you want to proceed – and whether you actually agree or not, for that is an important factor.

ROSE: Ja. I need to feel time with things. You know, I need to feel that this is the right place and I am not a sheep that is allowed to pay and I will be told things I already know and so on, and…

ELIAS: And it is important for you to incorporate a trust in whatever you are doing, for if you do not trust, you will not allow yourself to accomplish. You will thwart your own effort. Therefore, these are important factors.

ROSE: Ja, I understand. You know, Elias, I have the feeling that… and I want you to say something about it. There is this book called “Illusions” by Richard Bach.


ROSE: Okay. And in actuality it talks about magic, and the magic… I always have the feeling that it is like this creating of the apple in your hand and so on – it is possible. And what I want to know is, how do I refine myself to accomplish this magic? This is what is fascinating, you know?

ELIAS: (Laughs) The magic lies in your energy and how you express it and how you allow it to flow. That is genuinely magic, and in that, you can create whatever you choose. And I can express that to you quite literally, my friend: You are unbounded in what you can create. It is all a matter of energy and recognizing the importance and the significance and the powerfulness of energy and how it is directed, for that is what creates all that you can do and all of the magic in your reality.

In this, the exercises that I have offered to you will be helpful to you in becoming more aware of that energy and how you manipulate it and how you express it – and acknowledging yourself is very important. Acknowledging your accomplishments, regardless of what they are, is very important. But it is also important to pay attention to the process, for what creates the greatest obstacles in what individuals want to create in their magical expressions is when they pay too much attention to the goal, or to the outcome, and sacrifice paying attention to the process, for process is what actually creates the magic.

ROSE: Okay. I need to deepen this in another session, I think. (Elias laughs) I’m a little nervous because I promised, or I have a kind of inner promise that I have a few quick questions for other people, and the time is running out and I don’t want to stress Mary. I would like to address these quick questions now.

ELIAS: Very well.

ROSE: The first one goes for Ann, and she wants to know, “Just ask him if I’m on the right track with moving past and letting go of anxiety I’ve been recently working on, and if he has few-word suggestions to seal the deal, so to speak.”

ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes, I would validate that she is moving in a productive direction, and I would be encouraging and I would remind her to be present.

ROSE: Okay. I will tell that to her. And then I would like to know the intent of my daughter Fee.

ELIAS: And what is your assessment?

ROSE: Oh, my! I haven’t had an assessment (laughing). I did not think about it.

ELIAS: I will express once again to you, as I do with all individuals, this is much more significant when you present it to yourself and I can validate it, and it is recognized by viewing what the general theme is in all of the experiences throughout the entirety of the individual’s focus, not merely now.

ROSE: Okay, I will try.

ELIAS: Very well.

ROSE: I’ll come back to this. Then, I want to know the stats of S. M., family belonging and aligning?

ELIAS: And the impression?

ROSE: She has something with Tumold, I think; I don’t know if she belongs to the Tumold or if she’s aligned Tumold.

ELIAS: Belonging.

ROSE: And alignment could be Sumafi?

ELIAS: No. Alignment Vold.

ROSE: (Surprised) Oh! Okay. And then… Why I always have to look for this, if she’s a soft or not? Orientation: she is either… ja, she could be a soft?


ROSE: Okay. And I think she is a common – wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, sorry… I am not sure if she is emotional or thought.

ELIAS: Political.

ROSE: Political? Oh my. Okay. Then the same thing with Rick: family belonging and aligning?

ELIAS: And the impression?

ROSE: Oh, he has such a warm and soft energy, such a healing energy, I’m also thinking something with Tumold?

ELIAS: Belonging.

ROSE: And he could be a Sumari aligning.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

ROSE: Ah! Ok. And he is thought?


ROSE: And he is not soft?


ROSE: He is intermediate?


ROSE: Okay. Then is Debby soft?


ROSE: Okay. Is Sara soft?


ROSE: Okay. Then I have a question, a quick question from Pat/Ling-Tu. She wanted to know if her son has a dolphin focus?


ROSE: Oh, she will be delighted.

And this is really a question that comes from my deep, deep heart. This is a person, he is called Charles. And he is facing really a hard time. He is manyfold ill, and he is struggling a lot. We were trying to figure out a question and his habitat. And he is open and he goes back and forth, and he is not really coming up with a question that could be addressed in the way we are interactive right now. So I thought maybe when you tune into his energy, can you say a few words of recommendations for him and general advice statement in helping him, whatever?

ELIAS: I will express to this individual a genuine lovingness and that this reality is not as complicated as it seems and to remember the simplicity, but also I would express that outside of this reality there is no thing to fear.

ROSE: Oh, very good. He is afraid that when he will be dying or passing on that there will be beings that will punish him or will be criticizing him or whatever...

ELIAS: No, no, no! I will express a genuine encouragement that generally speaking, when an individual disengages they do not remember that they have disengaged for a time, and in that time, generally speaking they create quite interesting objective imagery that appears very similar to your reality as it is without the difficulty, so to speak – without injury or without illness – and the individual will image themselves in what I have termed to be a general age.

Every individual within adulthood, regardless of what age they actually are, they associate themselves with a general age. Therefore, an individual may be 70, but they generate an association with themselves that they feel as though they are 35, or they think in the manner as though they were 35, for every individual creates a general age perception of themself. When an individual disengages, they image themself as that general age, not at the age that they disengaged.

Unless they are a child. Children image themselves in the age that they are – except very small ones, and they do not necessarily generate objective imagery once they disengage; they move immediately into transition. But generally speaking, most individuals do move into an in-between state, so to speak. They are not engaging transition yet, but they are continuing to generate objective imagery, and generally speaking, eventually that objective imagery becomes quite fun, for they recognize or realize that they incorporate much greater mobility in objective imagery in nonphysical once they remember their death, and that time framework varies with different individuals. But you may pass along my encouragement that there is quite definitely no thing to fear.

ROSE: Do we have time for a quickie?

ELIAS: One more.

ROSE: My daughter wants a quick – we can come back to this, but she doesn’t know what to do professionally. She doesn’t know what to pick up and so on, and she’s a little bit distressed by now, and she would like to have a recommendation how to find out what to do professionally.

ELIAS: This would incorporate more discussion.

ROSE: Okay.

ELIAS: This is not a response that I can offer a one-sentence response to.

ROSE: Okay! (Elias laughs) I can look for another one-sentence. (Both laugh) It’s okay.

Thank you very much, Elias, and I think we will talk again in a not-too-far-away time.

ELIAS: Very well! I shall be anticipating of that, my friend.

ROSE: Me too.

ELIAS: And I shall be offering my energy in strength to you in great encouragement in your playfulness and in your exercises. Until our next meeting, in great appreciation to you, au revoir.

ROSE: Au revoir. Bye-bye. Thank you!

(Elias departs after 1 hour 6 minutes)

Copyright 2008 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.