Practice with Projections
“Practice with Projections”
“Engage New Exploration with Creativity”
“Energy Exchanges and Apparitions Throughout History”
“Dreams of Gold”
“Meeting an Aspect of Your Essence”
“Reflections of Energy in Photographs”
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Anon
ELIAS: Good evening!
ANON: Hello Elias! (Elias laughs) My beloved friend, how are you?
ELIAS: As always, and yourself?
ANON: Very good indeed, thank you. I should say now that it is a pleasure to be here talking with you again.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?
ANON: Okay. First of all, let me start by asking some questions on some earlier experiences that I didn’t ask on my first session, agree?
ELIAS: Very well.
ANON: Okay. Some days or some weeks ago I met this woman, or angel, during a projection or a dream, and she was so sweet and so feminine in her energy that I just felt I would stay forever in her company. We were walking hand in hand, and I thought I just could leave everything and walk away with her. (Both chuckle) I would like to ask you who was she, if she was yourself or if she was my essence?
ELIAS: That was an aspect of your essence.
ANON: Oh my goodness!
ELIAS: Quite beautiful, is it not?
ANON: Yes indeed, my friend. (Elias laughs) But - I don’t get it, why such an occurrence would happen with me – another aspect of my essence...? Ah yes, yes, yes!
ELIAS: I would express to you, my friend, that you have been allowing yourself to generate much more of an openness, and in that, you have allowed yourself to witness the gloriousness of what you actually are.
ANON: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: This beautiful lovingness that is you.
ANON: You’re right, yes. I agree. (Sighs)
ELIAS: What a wondrous gift you have offered yourself!
ANON: (Laughing) Thank you very much (Elias laughs) I love seeing this; my goodness, it was … Yes.
Okay. I also didn’t ask you in the first session about this, but I used to see faces, once in bed and before sleeping, but it never caused me any apprehension. On the contrary, I always felt enormous curiosity about it. Were those faces focuses of mine?
ANON: Ah ha. Oh yes, I expected this. Okay. (Elias chuckles)
Ever since my last and only out-of-body projection – I mean consciously – that happened spontaneously, I have had some other instances in which I was taken to feel some strange electrical currents over my body during sleep, if I can describe it in those terms, but some sensations of ringing as I forced it, or I think I forced the split apart from the body, but I really never succeed in unfolding that experience. What were those occurrences, and why didn’t I succeed in projecting in a conscious way?
ELIAS: First of all, what is your assessment of what occurred?
ANON: Well, that’s a difficult one. My assessment would be that… I had the impression that it could be the beginning of that phenomenon of projection of consciousness out of body.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
ANON: But why hasn’t it unfolded?
ELIAS: I would express, my friend, that many times individuals begin to generate that experience, but being an unknown and not necessarily incorporating prior knowledge to how you are projecting or where you are projecting, it can be somewhat unnerving. And what occurs is the objective awareness is alerted, in a manner of speaking, and therefore that jolts you out of the experience.
ANON: Uh-huh.
ELIAS: For it is similar to changing sleep patterns, which also alerts the objective awareness. Your objective awareness at times, figuratively speaking, incorporates itself as a type of a watchdog, or guard, and in that, it attempts to safeguard you if you express any apprehension.
ANON: I see.
ELIAS: Now; this can be a benefit in association with enhancing dream imagery, for the imagery that you create in dreams is the objective translation of actions that are occurring subjectively. Therefore, in association with dreams, if you are changing your sleep patterns that alerts the objective awareness and therefore engages it more to create more dream imagery. But in association with projections, I am understanding that at times that can be frustrating. What I would suggest to you is that you allow yourself – in increments – to practice with these projections, somewhat slowly and in a manner that you perceive to be safe, offering yourself a destination.
ANON: Uh-huh.
ELIAS: Not necessarily concentrating upon that destination, allowing yourself to relax and move into the projection but with the intention of a simple destination. And in that, remind yourself that you are safe and that this is an experiment and you are playing with it.
Many times if you become too serious in association with projections, that can create anxiety also, which will generate the objective awareness to block the action, or to not allow the completion of the action. I have suggested to other individuals previously that an easy and safe manner in which you can practice projections is to engage a game with another individual – a friend or an acquaintance, an individual that you interact with.
ANON: I am aware of that, yes.
ELIAS: And in that, you can generate the game of projecting to their home.
ANON: Yes.
ELIAS: And in that, you can be validated in what you accomplished, which also allows you more confidence and less apprehension, and therefore allows you to move into different types of projections in which you may not necessarily expect what you encounter, but you will not be as apprehensive and therefore will not necessarily interrupt the projection.
ANON: Very well.
Okay, Elias, another question: Some very many years ago, I’ve been through an experience in which I was walking down the street there in my village – in which I still live in part – and suddenly I was literally hit by this force – I call it a force, of course – centered in the brain region that seemed to expand in an unbounded way. I just forgot to ask you about it before, but it’s very important to me to understand this. At the time I was immersed in complete ecstasy, but now I’m not sure about the nature of what I’ve realized. Was it driven out by my essence or by any other? And in that case, by what essence?
ELIAS: This was associated with your essence, and it was also an experience of opening neurological pathways in somewhat of a dramatic manner.
ANON: Mm-hm. Yes. I’m curious about this because this thing happened, because it is so indescribable and unusual, also almost mystical in nature.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
ANON: And I couldn’t imagine [inaudible] for a better thing. And I have always felt that I was kind of guided, or… I don’t know.
ELIAS: I am understanding. In generating the opening of neurological pathways, it allows you to expand and open more in your awareness. It allows you to widen your awareness and generate greater understanding and greater clarity.
ANON: I know; thanks.
Another issue I want to bring to your attention is this: I’ve got a picture taken perhaps by my daughter which revealed a light effect that I could not possibly have done at the time, kind of a reflection of some sort. I’m a bit familiar with those phenomena that used to happen with some special persons, and it comes to my mind, the case of this so-called saint in India called Anandamayi Ma, in which on a certain occasion the photographer didn’t get any impression but a ball of light on the plates. In my case, Elias – and I wouldn’t dare to compare myself with her – the effect is similar, since the reflection appears in the forefront and covers my eye region and part of the head. And it is so strange, you know. I know precisely the context in which it had been taken, and at the time I had been devoting my best wishes for some folks in such a way that I was driven to feel the same intensity that I had been wishing for them. Is it really the power that thought displays? Is it a reflection of that power… of our energy?
ELIAS: Is it a reflection of the energy in the location?
ANON: That specific location?
ELIAS: Is that what you are inquiring?
ANON: No, no. If it has any relation to the phenomena of our energy that could appear in séances and things like that. I don’t know if I’m being…
ELIAS: I am understanding. Let me clarify to you. Yes, that COULD occur. That is not what occurred in that particular experience.
ANON: Okay.
ELIAS: But yes, that CAN occur, and it can be captured upon film in a photograph in which you can actually visually capture the energy that is being expressed by an individual in a moment. In that experience, that is not what occurred. What occurred was, in that moment you captured the image of another energy –
ANON: Oh, that’s strange.
ELIAS: – that was very close to you physically, that was present with you and very close to you physically, and you captured the actual image of that other energy. That was another essence.
ANON: Oh, okay. I’ve got it, okay. It makes perfect sense, okay. Let us proceed, Elias, if you don’t mind.
ELIAS: Very well.
ANON: On another occasion I have consulted a psychic here, a man with some gifts that were not so precise, because he showed significant distortions. Nevertheless I’ve been told that, and here I quote: “You will go far,” unquote. He said that to me, I mean. That impressed me at the time, but I didn’t understand much of the situation. Apparently it was all he could tell me about the impressions he had of myself, but I always felt as if some chord was around that made me believe much in myself, you see, since the power of suggestion tends to play an enormous part in it all – unless on my part a sort of residual positive impression that I can’t explain in other terms except that of confidence. I can’t tell you why, but I felt that he could be right. Does this make any sense to you?
ELIAS: Quite so!
ANON: Okay.
ELIAS: I would express that the other individual was tapping into your energy and your potentials.
ANON: Uh-huh, I see.
ELIAS: And in that, the individual may not have been specific but was tapping into potentials in your energy in relation to what directions you may choose to engage. I would express to you in agreement that you do incorporate significant potential in allowing yourself to genuinely pay attention to energy and be manipulating energy in a manner that you can connect with other individuals and generate a significant understanding of other individuals’ energies. And in recognizing their energies, incorporate the ability to understand more fully what motivates them to generate certain choices or behaviors.
Which, if you choose to move in that direction – which I will express is your choice – that could be a very powerful direction to express, for it would allow you the ability to be, in a manner of speaking, a type of ambassador. Not necessarily an ambassador for a country, but an ambassador for peoples, to allow for a greater understanding BETWEEN peoples, which is a significant ability. Not many individuals incorporate this ability.
ANON: I have to read this again, okay. (Both laugh) Okay.
Elias, first of all let me say this: I forgot to include on my list some questions for my friends from the forum that have asked me to ask you on their behalf.
ELIAS: Very well.
ANON: I’m going to ask it from memory. Let me see if I do not fail them. First of all, I met this guy who is 49, like myself. He lives in Arizona and his name is Mark/Ogean, and he would like to know if his companion or wife, I’m not sure, if she is by any chance the master Aristotle?
ELIAS: Observing.
ANON: Observing, okay. Also he would like to know how many focuses we share together.
ELIAS: Forty-four.
ANON: Forty-four. Very well, thank you. I also met this friend, a lovely woman called Fran, you may be well aware of her; her essence name is Sandel, isn’t it?
ANON: Yes, it is. And I’ve been chatting with her, and I would like to know if we share focuses together and how many with her, please.
ELIAS: Yes, you do. The numbering: (pause) Seventy-one.
ANON: Seventy-one! I do not know why, but I associate her energy to my deceased mother. Why is it so, Elias?
ELIAS: They are very similar.
ANON: Ah, similar, yes. It isn’t necessarily any relation of causation in this matter.
ELIAS: There is a counterpart action, but it would be more associated with the similarity of their energy.
ANON: Very well, thank you. Okay, I think Mark/Ogean would like also to know something about the geographical location and timetable of these, or some of these significant focuses that we share together.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would express in response to that question that he is quite adept at exploring other focuses, and therefore I would encourage him to do so.
ANON: Okay, I will tell him. (Both laugh)
Elias, my good friend, since we have been talking about focuses, I would like to check out some information on my other concurrent or overlapping focuses, and I would like also to tell you that I have no impressions at all since the last time. The ones I shared with you, are any of them in the time of Vasco da Gama or Beethoven or Oscar Wilde?
ELIAS: Yes, you do incorporate focuses in those time frameworks, not necessarily as an acquaintance but as an admirer.
ANON: Of which one of the focuses?
ELIAS: Of all.
ANON: All?
ANON: Okay. But nevertheless we share another type of affiliation, isn’t it?
ANON: Mm-hm, okay. Do I have any well-known – in historical terms – focus in the field of religion or literature or philosophy or whatever, apart from that of Modigliani?
ELIAS: Yes, you do.
ANON: Can you point me out any name, please?
ELIAS: I would express that you do incorporate a religious focus that is closely associated with the individual of Martin Luther.
ANON: Martin Luther, okay. Let me ask you, is Jean-Jacques Rousseau a focus of mine?
ELIAS: Observing.
ANON: Observing; another one, okay. (Elias laughs) And Robert Schumann, the pianist?
ELIAS: I would express that you incorporate a focus with that individual as his mother.
ANON: His mother? Very interesting! But I do not have any focus in which I play the piano.
ELIAS: Yes, you do.
ANON: Uh-huh. Is it anyone who is well known? I ask you to indulge me, since I cannot grasp it.
ELIAS: I would express that you do incorporate a focus that engages this instrument that is a musician in the 1700s, Russia.
ANON: Russia?
ANON: Very well. About Russia, I would like to ask you if I share a focus with Sandel called Michael Percin, or something like that, in Romanovs’ Russia?
ELIAS: Do you incorporate a focus in that time framework known to those individuals? Yes.
ANON: But not this Michael.
ANON: Okay.
ELIAS: But you are known to those individuals quite well.
ANON: But I’m not a pianist?
ELIAS: No. That would be a different focus.
ANON: Okay. Crystal clear, okay.
Let me see if I have another subject to explore with you. I would like to tell you that I have been through a period of professional transition, and I should say here with absolute honesty that I never thought I could make it the way I did it till now. It has been a challenge, and I presume that I am expanding in this field. Can you validate this impression?
ANON: Thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
ANON: Ah, let me see… I have four or six pages of questions, I don’t know which one I’m going to put right away. (Elias laughs) I would like to ask you why – in your vision, in your perception – what is the reason I am stuck in my artistry or in my drawings?
ELIAS: And what would your definition of “stuck” be?
ANON: No inspiration at all!
ELIAS: And what are you incorporating in your drawings?
ANON: Presently I’m not doing anything at all, but I started in ‘97 and I was making portraits, and I have been through a period of exuberance and widening, but then I stopped and I lost the inspiration.
ELIAS: Perhaps it is a time framework now to engage a new exploration in association with this creativity, allowing yourself to expand and generate pictures that are more associated with what you are doing in relation to impressions and visions and projections, and information that you are offering to yourself, and sharing what you are offering yourself. Translate that into images. Allow your imagination to flow. And in that, perhaps it is a time framework to be more flexible with the images that you incorporate in your drawing, that they may not necessarily be images of things.
ANON: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: They may be different types of images.
ANON: Okay, like Dali, isn’t it? (Laughs)
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking. Generating more of an impression translated into some type of form, rather than a form being translated on to a paper or a canvas. Allowing yourself, in a manner of speaking, to generate a similar action to creating a form for music.
ANON: Mm-hm. I don’t see that, because I do not feel very confident in that field anymore.
ELIAS: It is a matter of allowing yourself to be playful and to experiment, and not to judge what you express but merely to be playful and to allow yourself to experiment with free form and discover what you may produce. And in that, not necessarily incorporating a preconceived idea of what you will express in your creativity, but allowing yourself to flow with it, and allowing yourself to renew that inspiration by generating that freedom, rather than the structure and the rigidity of specific forms and how they should be expressed in association with this type of creativity – being more flexible and more open, generating an experimentation with color perhaps.
ANON: And I tend to imprint upon myself a strong type of energy, isn’t it? And place strong judgments upon my techniques and discount myself.
ELIAS: Yes, I would agree. But this may be an opportunity for you to practice being more flexible and allowing more of your own free flow and your own expressiveness, your own imaginative creativity, allowing yourself to genuinely feel the resonance of yourself with different colors and how they flow themselves through you. And in this, you can be more playful and not be expressing such rigidity with yourself.
ANON: Okay.
ELIAS: It will be an excellent practice for you to be more spontaneous, to be more allowing of yourself, to be less judgmental of yourself, and to be less critical in comparing.
ANON: You are right. I have been through, in part, all that, and you’re perfectly right on that, yes.
I have another question to put to you in another field, but I don’t know how to start. Let me see… Focuses… I have some questions I intended to ask you that may be key to my understanding on some points, apparently seemingly unclear, although thought-provoking. It has to do with the role of this late 19th-century publication on the product of a number of sittings around the channeling phenomena – not unlike this of yours, I suppose – but answers under the title of “Antiquity Unveiled.” Are you aware of this publication?
ELIAS: Explain.
ANON: Okay. This piece of work, however controversial and groundbreaking as it may seem, assumes some clear assumptions about the history of the Church and the role of some of the [inaudible] in the playacting of 2000 years ago, and sheds some light on less-understood aspects of the time in such a way that simply defies our known history. I find it rather coherent and congruent with the specific intent revealed therein.
But actually, I would ask if you, in the face of all the occurrences that took place at that time, if you could validate that Apollonius of Tyana was really the great medium that brought the original gospels from India, which henceforth gives us clues for a plausible relation in the existence between Buddhism and Christianity. He was, indeed, one of the historically well-known characters, because that’s the assumption that confuses me most, since it is an apparent contradiction with that which Seth has told us before. It seems as if some link is missing here.
That material seems plausible and coherent within a certain purpose, and the most recurrent idea being stressed is that in ancient times, spiritualism and mediumship, or communication with Spirit, later was disseminated among not only the Greeks and the Phoenician people but among the Egyptians as well. And some of the ancient philosophers like Plotinus, Pliny the Younger, Ammonius Saccas and even Pythagoras, and some of the early popes, give their testimony on this subject, telling us that in ancient times all sages were mediums. I could go further, but I don’t know if it…
ELIAS: And what are you inquiring? Are you inquiring of validation of these statements?
ANON: Yes.
ELIAS: (Sighs) I would express to you that there were many experiences and interactions of energy exchanges in these time frameworks, yes.
ANON: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: And I would express that there was considerable information that was being offered in these time frameworks, and many of the individuals that were viewed as sages or priests or philosophers were engaging this action. Whether it be in the capacity of an energy exchange or whether it be in the capacity of channeling information from their own essence, there was an action of tapping into information in this manner. I would also express to you that there have been many individuals that tap into other-dimensional information, which also enables that to bleed through into your history and your folklore.
ANON: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: Yes, there is a considerable amount of this type of action that has occurred within your ancient history, so to speak.
ANON: Okay. Is this Apollonius of Tyana the author of the Book of Revelations, as they say?
ELIAS: I would express to you, that which you identify as the Book of Revelations incorporates many authors. It is a compilation. It was not written by one individual.
ANON: Very well.
ELIAS: Therefore I would express yes in part, but no as to the entirety of the book.
ANON: Okay, very well. Thank you. And is there any similarity between Apollonius and the Jesus figure, as they lived at the same time and had a number of occurrences that are similar, also?
ELIAS: Yes, there are similarities, and there is a similarity in energy; and in that, there is a similarity of purpose, so to speak.
ANON: Okay. The rest may be an interpretation, isn’t it?
ELIAS: Yes. I would quite agree.
ANON: Okay. Another issue, Elias, is we are already aware that the Christian orthodoxy forces the cult of the woman to fit the one of the Virgin Mary, and subsequently those aspects of the mother and sister were honored but not that of the bride and not the lover. And the result was a kind of sublimation of the feminine principle and the projections of it on the celestial paradigm. Apart from the role the church has given to the figure of the Virgin, what is the basis or the meaning of these phenomena such as the apparitions of Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje and so on?
I mean, those apparitions have some common elements and seem grounded on equal archetypes. The seers must have seen something real for themselves; they must have tapped into something first and foremost born out of their experience and then translated into the images they knew.
ANON: Despite the repression they suffered and subsequently the apparent manipulation of the concept by the part of the Church. But what is the meaning behind those sightings all over the world, and what is the truth behind the secrets they concealed?
ELIAS: I would express to you, my friend, that the meaning of the information expressed in these apparitions is not necessarily concealed, or secret, and is much more simplistic than it has been interpreted to be throughout your history. The messages have been simple and have been of encouragement.
Yes, you are correct, an actual real phenomenon has occurred in these situations, and these types of experiences have occurred throughout your history. It is merely that some religious organizations offer more attention and perhaps publicity to their involvement with apparitions, but this type of phenomenon has occurred throughout your history in many, many different capacities. In this they are quite real, and there is an actual interaction with an apparition, which is a projection of an energy of an essence.
Now; the individuals, dependent upon their beliefs, translate those apparitions into what is significant and important and perhaps sacred to them, as their explanation of what is occurring. Whether it be their interpretation of the Virgin Mary or an angel or some revered individual, or even some apparition of God, they are translating the energy into what they can understand and what they can associate with, and therefore there will be tones of the interaction that are influenced by the individual’s beliefs in the strength of their beliefs, whatever they may be.
This is not to say they are not beneficial or that they are not valid; they are, and they are quite real. I will express that they occur less frequently than other types of interactions, such as energy exchanges or channeling of one’s own essence, and the reason that they occur less frequently is that it requires a considerable volume of energy to project through layers of consciousness and to actually create a form.
ANON: So it is first and foremost a personal experience, isn’t it?
ELIAS: Initially, yes. But many times those initial personal experiences, as you term them to be, are actually translated as an avenue in which the individual within physical focus can express their desire and their direction.
ANON: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: They allow an openness to engage another energy, for that is an avenue in which the individual can, in a powerful manner, express their direction and their desire in conjunction with the interaction but incorporating the interaction of the apparition to generate the strength of the message. For the individual generally incorporates a perception of themself that they alone, as one individual are not strong enough, or are not powerful enough to generate the message themself. Therefore they enlist the interaction of another energy which appears to be divine in some capacity and therefore creates that powerfulness, and it is noticed.
ANON: Okay.
Elias, I would like to go back to this subject of my energy to tell you that I noticed an entire reconfiguration of my own energy since a dream in which I stopped a train in order to take it. (Sighs) Also many years ago I had a sign, in another dream, of a probability in which my world would turn 180 degrees, and subsequently I was finding bars of pure gold among the dust. And curiously enough I didn’t think to mention this on my first session with you, but in the same dream I saw my daughter walking out of the attic in which we were. Can you tell me anything about the probability of this being literally interpreted or not?
ELIAS: The imagery of this dream is not literal, but it is symbolic of the potential for you to be creating wealth.
ANON: Wow! Good news! (Laughs)
ELIAS: And it is also imagery associated with your power, your strength and your power in empowering yourself.
ANON: Okay. But at the time, I don’t know, but actually I see that there’s a number of conditions that could be interpreted in a certain sense in literal terms, because I am dealing with dust precisely, and maybe for the first time I’m facing a position in which I’m creating some money.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
ANON: So, is there a nexus of causation? A relation of cause and effect with this dream?
ELIAS: It is not a matter of cause and effect. It is imagery that you have presented to yourself in association with what is possible for you to do, and what is possible for you to engage. And in that, yes, I am understanding that some of the imagery may appear to be somewhat literal, and that is not unusual, for some aspects of it may be translated somewhat literally, for it is associated with what you are doing, and what your potentials are, and what you can create and what you can do. And in that, figuratively AND literally you can create wealth from the dust.
ANON: (Laughs) Okay. And lately I dreamt of a tin full of gold powder once more. But in this case I am not aware of the significance of it; I don’t know what the gold powder means. Maybe it symbolizes purity…
ELIAS: And refinement!
ANON: Refinement?
ELIAS: Yes. Which would be associated with your movement also in refining yourself.
ANON: Refining myself!
ANON: Okay. Okay, it’s quite valid, okay.
Elias, lastly… how do I say this? We have five minutes to the end of this conversation, and I would like to ask you if I share any focus with my daughter Celia.
ANON: In what terms or affiliation?
ELIAS: You incorporate focuses with this individual in many different capacities of relationships: in friendships, in family relationships, in relationships of parent and child in which you may be a parent, in which she may be a parent. You incorporate relationships of siblings. You incorporate relationships of romantic capacities.
ANON: But can you find out any focus that is probably well known? I don’t know. I would like very much to know who she really is. (Elias laughs) I don’t know if it makes any sense, but…
ELIAS: I am understanding what you are expressing, and I would express to you that she is herself. (Both laugh) And I would encourage you to investigate, feel into your impressions and…
ANON: I don’t know; maybe a poet, a woman…
ELIAS: Yes, she has been.
ANON: She has been. And is she rather known historically, or not so much?
ELIAS: Yes, somewhat.
ANON: Is she English?
ANON: A woman.
ANON: Well. (Sighs, then laughs) Take my hand, my good friend (both laugh), and drive me along that pathway. (More laughter) Okay, I’ll explore that.
ELIAS: Very well.
ANON: Okay. Elias, we are on the edge. Maybe a word or two of encouragement, if you want.
ELIAS: In actuality I would be greatly encouraging of you, my friend. I would express that you are embarking upon a journey of great openness and tremendous exploration. There is great potential for you to generate significant successfulness; it is a matter of paying attention to your process.
ANON: Okay.
ELIAS: Paying attention to directing yourself and not focusing upon outcomes.
ANON: Okay. That’s very important. I am translating you, and I’m aware of those details. (Both laugh) Very worthwhile. My beloved friend, I will say goodbye here.
ELIAS: Very well.
ANON: Until our next time, if you intend.
ELIAS: Very well.
ANON: And appreciation for this encouragement, okay?
ELIAS: Very well my friend, I express tremendous appreciation to you also, great encouragement and tremendous lovingness. Until our next meeting, au revoir.
ANON: Goodbye, Elias.
(Elias departs after 1 hour, 2 minutes)
Copyright 2008 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.