Session 200706031

Intense Energy from the Vienna Group Session


“Intense Energy from the Vienna Group Session”
“Projecting in Anticipation”
“Shielding from Exposure By Elevating Oneself”
“Suggestibility and Mass Expressions”
“A Reminder of the Clarity Exercise”
“The Bubble of Your Energy”

Session 200706031 (2285)

“Intense Energy from the Vienna Group Session”
“Projecting in Anticipation”
“Shielding from Exposure By Elevating Oneself”
“Suggestibility and Mass Expressions”
“A Reminder of the Clarity Exercise”
“The Bubble of Your Energy”

Sunday, June 3, 2007 (Private/In Person)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Katrin (Duncan)

ELIAS: Good morning!

KATRIN: Good morning, Elias. I am happy to chat with you again.

ELIAS: And you also.

KATRIN: Yes! I want to start with yesterday’s group session. What happened to me overnight and in the morning, energy-wise? I have no explanation for it. I was very awake during the night but very refreshed, and this morning I have some energy in my body I really can’t relate to and I was wondering if you could give me an explanation for it.

ELIAS: That would be associated with our interaction yesterday. In our group interaction there was an intensity of energy, and there was a strength of energy from myself with all of you which was quite intentional, to allow you not merely to hear words but to also feel energy. And in this manner you assimilate differently, for that discussion concerned energy but many times I may be discussing energy and it is received as words but not necessarily experiencing the energy. And in this manner, as I impart my energy to each of you, each of you will experience it differently.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

KATRIN: I will come back to the group session later on. I first want to ask you questions I had written down earlier in the week, and I want to start with a dream. I understand sometimes it’s not natural to make a fast decision if there are physical issues, as long as I’m moving. In the next sequence I’m in a plane which flies with a slight disturbance into a cloud. When the plane IS in the cloud, it gives an unusual feeling of comfort and ease. Then the plane has to fly through a tunnel which lifts up part of the cockpit. I contemplate the imagery as [inaudible] to a crash.

I have two communications to this dream, and the first one is I see more and more that it is natural for me to make precise decisions and generate the ability to identify the imagery of my sense to accept a different approach. The second communication is [that] to create comfort and ease comes with a kind of shock to me, indicated by the disturbance. In going through the tunnel as a symbol of shifting my perception of myself, I punish myself. I find it difficult, almost impossible, indicated by contemplating about the crash, to adjust to my perception about myself that I’m sinful, that I’m a wrong being, as discussed in the last session. And I have the impression that this perception about myself has burdened me most of my focus to perform, to produce, to express. And I value what I have done so far, what I’m doing. On the other hand, I have the wish to shift. I want to go for the unknown, but I like the known too. So I can’t really connect that the value I put on actions in previous time frameworks will not be discounted by me when I put value on different associations or actions. The general feeling is I need the sinfulness, or I have needed the sinfulness so far, to drive me.

ELIAS: I would agree with your assessment. But in that, do you perceive that you need to continue to drive yourself?

KATRIN: No. But I’m in the middle of something and I don’t WANT to continue, and I have provided myself with imagery and communications which indicate to me that I’m on my way to not be [inaudible].

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree. This is the reason that you have presented it to yourself, to be aware of it. And the more aware of any particular subject that you are, the more choices you offer to yourself – the more you CAN choose whether you actually WANT to continue in a familiar expression or whether you want to choose a different expression.

KATRIN: Ja. Well, we have discussed this question, this subject, a long time ago. I always have the feeling I have no direction when I do it. And you said, “Of course this IS a direction,” but it’s nothing you can put your fingers on it, as far as I can put a finger on it. And this comfort I have, and this satisfaction about myself, is somehow quiet. I even have developed physical imagery which I call a straightjacket, and this is manifested in my body where they usually used to put straightjackets when they had it around the shoulders and around the chest, where I have itchy skin. And I notice nowadays that I recognize immediately what I’m feeling right now, that I will develop that straightjacket, the punishment, again. It’s getting slightly easier now, but I still have it; I have it very strongly sometimes. And I’m actually confused why, even as I’m aware of it that I’m getting out of the associations of the symptoms, why I am still developing this symptom and manifestation in my body.

ELIAS: For you anticipate it.


ELIAS: You do.

KATRIN: Do I? Mm. What do I anticipate? I anticipate the straightjacket?

ELIAS: Yes. Even in what you have expressed to me presently, you expressed, “I will create this again.” And in that, this is what your energy projects, and therefore, you will.

Many times you can be aware of what you are doing and where your energy is by listening to what you say. For many times, individuals are not actually paying attention to what they say. They speak, and what they are saying IS an indicator of their energy, but they are not actually paying attention to what they are saying. They incorporate a concept that is their intention of speaking, but just as you spoke and you were not aware until I expressed the repeat of what you expressed, you were not fully aware that you are projecting in anticipation, “I will create this again.”

KATRIN: Mm-hm. So it’s only listening to your thinking, listening to your own words which is [inaudible].

ELIAS: It can be. Some individuals speak what they think. Some individuals speak without thinking. And some individuals think after they are speaking, for as they speak, they are not planning what they are speaking; they are merely speaking. And as they speak, they listen to what they are saying and then they think. But it depends upon the individual.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. Would you agree that since the last session we had together that I have opened the door to not require any more [inaudible]?


KATRIN: It’s being initiated…

ELIAS: Yes. Quite so. And you are already moving in that direction. And the more that you have presented that to yourself, that is more of an indicator that you are addressing to it.

KATRIN: Hm. Just to keep more allowance, and it’s more patience in my case. I’m impatient. (Both laugh)

I had an impression just recently about [inaudible] that she had a focus with you, which gives me the communication of fun and a significant accomplishment. We have created together in partnership something. We have developed something; we have designed something which is quite useless. But (both laugh) on the other hand, it’s been used by so many contemporaries of this shared focus – I don’t know the time framework – that has been taken on as a toy or whatever. I’m pretty sure that my impression about the jointly shared focus is all right, it’s okay, but I’m wondering what might be the subject we have created which [inaudible] in my mind.

ELIAS: Oh, the object?

KATRIN: Ja, the object, not the subject; I’m sorry. (Elias chuckles) First of all this is a funny, jointly shared focus, and I think that we designed something.


KATRIN: And so, what is it? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: It became a toy, but you are correct: it was quite useless. (Both laugh) Therefore, it became a toy merely for entertainment and enjoyment rather than being useful. It was a device that was supposed to transport eggs from one location to another, to be more efficient in your kitchen. (Katrin laughs) But it did not work.

KATRIN: Because it was messy? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: This is quite accurate. It was not necessary and it did not work, for the eggs would fall and they would break. And therefore, it was more efficient for children to put a ball in the transport and they can transport the ball from one area to another. (Chuckles)

KATRIN: But we had fun together. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Yes. (Katrin laughs) It was quite fun and quite interesting to be creating a project and to be testing the operation but also recognizing that it was not efficient and viewing it to be quite humorous.

KATRIN: What timeframe was it?

ELIAS: This would be within the 18th century.

KATRIN: The 18th century.


KATRIN: I wonder, how many shared focuses do we have together? I came up with the number 24.

ELIAS: Correct.

KATRIN: It’s correct. Hm. Well, I can investigate some more.

ELIAS: You may.

KATRIN: “You may,” yeah? (Both laugh)

Somebody asked me to ask you a question. Mark is the name, essence name Sarano. He wants to know his focus type.

ELIAS: (Pause) Political.

KATRIN: Political. Okay. Thank you. So I come back to the group session yesterday. I had quite an experience. The day before the group session, I daydreamed a bit what we might come up with, and I had the impression that this would be a very practical group session, a group session where we will practice what we have read so far, what we have assimilated so far. So I was prepared somehow, not knowing whether it would go that way, but from the very beginning I noticed that my impression has been right. When you started asking, everything was causing me to explain what happened. At the same time, when you started asking, I turned into the most arrogant creature. (Both laugh) I was cross that you were… I wasn’t cross with you, I was cross with myself that you were asking material we had digested already, we had read already, and I expected somehow more there would be new material [inaudible]. So, even providing myself with that information what might come up, and then turning it into an expectation immediately when you started the session, I call myself arrogant.

But the imagery I provided myself with is, I recorded the whole session, and the first part, up to the break, there is nothing on the recorder, because I left in the second part. So the second part was just recorded. So my question is, it’s not unusual for me to recognize that I’m arrogant. We spoke about it about two or three sessions ago that I am elevating myself, and now it comes towards arrogance. I just don’t like this, what I’m doing now, and the question is WHY I’m doing it. [Inaudible]

ELIAS: (Pause) I will express to you, you incorporate much company in this expression. There are many individuals that generate this type of expression. Partially, it is a defense. It is a manner of shielding. When you feel exposed, you generate an automatic response which is a type of shielding, a type of defense. And in that, you elevate yourself. For if you can be somewhat irritated, and if you can elevate yourself in a manner in which you are generating the association “I already know,” you cannot express to me, “I already know.” You push away the energy and you buffer it out, for you are exposed. And at times, that type of exposure generates an association of too much vulnerability.

KATRIN: You mean… (Sighs)

ELIAS: When I expressed “exposure,” in this context I am expressing [that] it is an automatic response to openness. You begin in the experience with an openness, but that becomes vulnerable.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. [Inaudible] I do understand.


KATRIN: But I didn’t understand that last night when I talked about it, what happened to me when you were presenting in this group session, because I have no vibrations with what you are saying or what you are presenting. But I heard it quite strongly: this feeling is an automatic response to exposure. Mm-hm. Mm-hm. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

KATRIN: I thought we were talking more about my symptoms, but we haven’t, so now I have to find newer subjects to talk about. (Both laugh) [Inaudible] Yes.

Okay. In the last couple of days here with old friends or with forum members, and yesterday as well, we discussed eyesight and the [inaudible] of eyesight, and you gave quite precise answers to one of the members at the group session yesterday. I’m not that worried about my eyesight because I know that I like wearing glasses, so this is a preference of mine, but for several other reasons I’m starting to think about I would like to run around without glasses. Driving is easier, and other things. I was wondering if you could support me in the idea that my distortion of eyesight is somehow related to how I perceived myself and how I perceive myself as a person, and the process of opening the door to accept myself and to appreciate myself would probably give me… let’s call it better eyesight. I’m interested if I would…


KATRIN: [Inaudible] It’s for only actually seeing myself. It leads the way to another question I have for quite a while. Certain distortions in the body consciousness – or illnesses, let’s say: Do we have as humans something in common why it occurs in certain places or why we get certain illnesses in certain places of the body consciousness? Or is it for every individual a different expression or a different reason to it, the expression of it?


KATRIN: It’s a difference?

ELIAS: Yes. It is dependent upon the individual, for there is an involvement of each individual’s beliefs and their own energy, and how they are manipulating energy and how they are configuring that energy. Although you may create in dis-eases similarities, as your physicians can label certain dis-eases and the cellular function may be created quite similarly, but the reason that it is created is very individual.

KATRIN: And sometimes there are really illnesses or diseases which belong to a specific zeitgeist, where some people talk about allergies quite a lot nowadays, and I think it’s quite fashionable to talk about allergies. So there are time frameworks where certain diseases are more prevalent than in other time frameworks.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. You are quite correct.

KATRIN: So this is somehow created by a mass belief?

ELIAS: Yes. And you generate waves of energy quite consistently, and in those waves of energy, there are collectives that create quite similarly. Generally, it begins with one individual that creates some new idea and they share that idea with other individuals, be it what you term to be good or bad, and it gains popularity, for other individuals agree. And the more individuals that agree, the more energy is generated with that subject, and then it creates a mass expression.

KATRIN: I understand.

ELIAS: Which can be in the form of a dis-ease. An individual may invent the idea and create the distortion of cells within their body consciousness and create this dis-ease, and may share that information with other individuals and they become frightened. And if they become frightened, they are agreeing with the other individual that has created the dis-ease, and that generates the possibility that they may also.

These are examples of your suggestibility. Many individuals concern themselves with appearance and weight. An individual may invent an idea of how to alter weight quickly and share that with other individuals, and if they agree, it gains energy and it becomes a new trend.

KATRIN: These are our games!

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

KATRIN: They are. I can see your point here. This leads me to another question. I have done the indexing of your sessions, and I had to suffer some months ago to do that, because the reading of the transcripts – it’s the other way around. I read your transcripts that I’m interested in; I just have [inaudible] and then I find the transcripts I’m interested in, such as in [inaudible]. Since I’m doing this from number 900 to 1050 or so, I have to do this indexing. And I feel so vulnerable sometimes about the subjects people talk about to you that I had a fright. As you just suggested with diseases, I have a fright that I might take on their problems in myself, so I had to cut it off for a while. I will start it again. Why am I so frightened by other people’s experiences?

ELIAS: Just as if one individual can widen their awareness and can shift, so can you also. But conversely, if another individual is generating an issue or a problem, so can you.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. So I have a choice then.

ELIAS: Yes, you do. And in that, it is a matter of being centered and reminding yourself that you can glean information from other individuals’ interactions and experiences but in an expression of balance, and in that gleaning, incorporate to yourself only what applies to you – not an anticipation. For you may be reading these sessions and you may be privy to difficulties or conflicts or concerns that other individuals are expressing, and it may offer you information, but it is not necessarily an expression that you can apply to yourself when you are not experiencing that.

KATRIN: It’s almost automatic. I have to get centered. I know what you are talking about. For example, I admire Mary for her ability just not to think about things too much, you know? She takes on what she’s hearing, but she never puts it into any context for herself or for others. But me, I put it into context and associate it with things which are mostly related to me. So is centering…? Well, you gave me some ideas how to do that; I will try.

And I provide myself with quite a lot of imageries in this time framework: imageries of deaths, illnesses, hospitals and the profession of medicals – something I rejected to look at because I was frightened of the profession of medicals and I was frightened about other people’s illnesses. I went through it while my mother was in hospital, so I visited her every day and I have seen quite strange illnesses which I never came across. And I noticed how calm I was, how I even appreciated the skills of the doctors because I associate it to my profession. They do their job as I would do my job, in the best way you can do, and they don’t necessarily have to think about the follow-up time after they have left the hospital; they just do their job properly. So, that has given me already some balance in this field…


KATRIN: … dealing with death and doctors. So, I am quite pleased with myself.

ELIAS: But you can also apply that to what you do in your indexing, generating the perception that this is what you do, and no more – just as the physician does his job and no more; just as any individual that is performing a task, they perform the task and no more.

KATRIN: Yeah. [Inaudible] together. Mm-hm. Ja, I’m looking forward to it.

I don’t know. I feel sometimes I’m a bit distorted in my nervous system. I don’t know a lot about it, but I think we have a body which we call a nervous system as well. Even the itching of skin belongs to it. How can I calm it down a bit, to put my nerves on a much calmer level? Sometimes I am just nerves and it has nothing to do with me, it has something to do with other people. I concern myself too often with other people’s way of life, and then it gets me in my nervous system and I’m getting the [inaudible], the itching, and so… I don’t know. I just want to have an exercise which could calm altogether my nervous system. Is there a secret for [inaudible]? Do you know one?


KATRIN: Thank you. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: Practice moving your attention to your senses.

KATRIN: The physical senses?


KATRIN: I have started that already, to find out why some of them are distorted. [Inaudible].

ELIAS: Practice in that. When you begin to notice yourself concerning yourself with another individual, move your attention. Practice with your senses. That will distract you momentarily. It also allows your energy to calm, for you are generating a very natural action in paying attention to your physical senses, and that automatically allows you to generate some calm; it creates a beginning. And in that, it also distracts you from what you were doing in concerning yourself with another individual and what THEY are doing, and it allows you to refocus yourself with you. It moves your attention to you.

And when you do this practicing with your senses, remind yourself: what is important for you to pay attention to is you.

KATRIN: Just as came into my mind, I think the clarity exercise [1] would be very good. It is about all the senses at once.


KATRIN: And then focus for me afterwards just on one sense.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

KATRIN: I used to do that. It was very helpful [inaudible].

ELIAS: Yes. This exercise can be very instrumental.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. I will try it again. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

KATRIN: [Inaudible] (Both laugh)

Actually, yesterday when you asked the question at the very beginning, comparing our energy with a bubble, I didn’t understand it and I still haven’t got it yet. What do you mean? Because if you had asked me first to answer, I wouldn’t have known what to answer, so I was glad that my [inaudible] answer first. The bubble, it’s for me not that picture to imagine my own energy [inaudible], why do you have chosen a bubble.

ELIAS: The reason that I chose a bubble is that it would completely surround you, in every direction. There would be no point in any direction that it would not be around you.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. So from your point of view, you see our bubbles, let’s put it that way.


KATRIN: And you see… I mean, I can see how my bubble shrinks when I am in a certain state of mind or an automatic response. Now I get it, actually, when I talk to you. So it turns out the bubble is just full and calm and has no dents also. That’s what you were –


KATRIN: — referring to?

ELIAS: Correct.

KATRIN: Ah, yeah. This is now easier for me. (Elias chuckles) I thought the bubble was something outside of me. Well, I was going to say this is so boring, [inaudible]? (Both laugh) Okay. Wonderful.

I think I’m curious because I expected a longer time to talk about my symptom, but as I have initiated (Elias laughs) to go in a different direction because I don’t talk about it that much anymore. And yeah, I will leave the room and then there is another question. I don’t have one now. (Both laugh) Just wait. But I can call you any time.

ELIAS: Ah, yes, you can.

KATRIN: Is there anything you could tell me when you see my bubble, what I can see as well?

ELIAS: Yes. As you were speaking of concerning yourself with other individuals and their behaviors or their choices or their actions, perhaps in addition to your clarity exercise, you can pay attention to your bubble and pay attention to the other individuals’ bubbles. For when you concern yourself with the other individuals’ actions, your bubble begins to distort, and it begins to expand to push against the other individuals.

KATRIN: [Inaudible] That’s really quite – oh, it’s wonderful, it’s easy for me. (Elias chuckles) Thank you. And one day you can see your own bubble really in all colors and …

ELIAS: Yes, you can.

KATRIN: Yeah. [Inaudible] (Both laugh)

ELIAS: We will save that exercise for your next meeting.

KATRIN: Yeah. (Both laugh) Oh, all right. Thank you so much.

ELIAS: You are very, very welcome.

KATRIN: It was such a pleasure to see you yesterday.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. Quite enjoyable.

KATRIN: Thank you.

ELIAS: I express great appreciation to you and tremendous lovingness. In dear, dear friendship to you, au revoir.

KATRIN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 43 minutes)

[1] Exercise in Clarity (Excerpted from Session 122)

Within the beginning elements of this exercise, I shall be asking you to be holding your field of vision, not closing eyes; for you are turning to this attention, this station, this channel. You are noticing and allowing clarity of this channel. Therefore, the purpose is not to be altering your state.

In this, I will ask you to sit comfortably. Focus upon any given object within your room, but do not concentrate intensely upon this object. Allow for your vision to normally encompass the entirety of the room, with one main focal point. Do not strain, and do not force yourselves to be concentrating very hard upon any given object.

In this, now tune your consciousness to your senses. Notice your vision. Allow your vision to be as clear as it may possibly be. Tune to your hearing. Notice all of the sounds that occur. Many sounds are occurring that you automatically tune out and pay little attention to. Notice your body, your physical feelings, your body temperature. Notice your sense of touch. The air touches your skin continuously. Your clothing touches your skin. These are all elements that area part of the clarity of your focus to which you pay little attention to. Notice smells. You pay little attention to your sense of smell throughout your individual, mundane day. Notice your sense of taste. You view that if you are not consuming something, you are not tasting anything. Your senses are highly tuned and respond regardless. They incorporate continuous stimulation. You only choose to not be clear upon these senses.

Take a moment to concentrate, unstrained, upon the activity of all of these senses that you incorporate throughout every moment of your physical focus. (Here there is a 90-second pause)

Now, I will be instructing each of you to be closing your eyes and allowing your attention to drift. Do not be focusing upon your outer senses, so to speak. Allow yourself to feel comfortable, and calm, and quiet. (Here there is a 30-second pause)

Enough drifting! You will notice that with your eyes closed, you will drift. You have experienced, within your attempts at meditation at times, difficulty in holding your focus. You experience, much of your time within your dream state, an inability to hold your focus and manipulate within that focus. This exercise of tuning your directed attention, your consciousness which is tuned to this channel, will be very helpful to you in instructional areas of developing your ability to be manipulating within alternate channels.

Altered states, as you term these, are all alternate channels. If you hold the ability to consciously manipulate within the consciousness that holds your attention, you will more easily learn to manipulate and understand within alternate channels of consciousness. Therefore, throughout this week, until our next meeting, I shall offer you the opportunity for what you would term to be homework! I shall be instructing you to be practicing this exercise three times within each of your days. You may incorporate this exercise at any given moment, for your eyes are open, and you are attentive to all those individuals around you and also any activity that you may be engaging, for you are tuning your consciousness more clearly. You are not drifting. You are not placing yourself into an altered state. Therefore, this exercise will not be interrupting of your normal activity.

In this, incorporate one time for initiating this exercise within your evening time, while you are relaxed at your home, individually. Therefore, you may follow your directed “tuning in” to your attention channel by closing your eyes and allowing yourself to drift. In this, while you are allowing yourself to drift, you may incorporate this action briefly, only within a time element to be noticing those events that are occurring. This may be color flashes, it may be feelings, it may be scenes. You may incorporate visualizations. You may incorporate mental images, as you term these. You may find yourself incorporating thoughts “slinging” by you rapidly. Notice what occurs.

Do not concentrate intensely upon the experience. It is only an exercise. It is unnecessary to be very serious and directed! You may incorporate this as fun, and it may be brief. It is not necessary for you to be setting aside hours of your time and very directedly concentrating on accomplishing! It is more important for you to be tuning consciously, eyes open, to the awareness that you are familiar with; for as you learn to be directed, and manipulating within that directedness, you shall also learn to be directing within alternate realities.

I express to you that you may be manipulating within your clarity, for what you have experienced presently within this exercise is only noticing. As our week progresses and you are incorporating this exercise, you may attempt to manipulate these senses. Allow the clarity of your hearing, and then intentionally turn it off. Allow the clarity of your sense of smell, and then disengage. Allow yourselves the opportunity to view your own ability to manipulate your own consciousness and its functions; for in this, you may much more easily recognize how to be manipulating when encountering different events within alternate focuses.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.