Light, Time, Electromagnetism and Gravity: No Absolutes
“Light, Time, Electromagnetism and Gravity: No Absolutes”
“Essence Stats and Focus Hunting”
“Energy Fields When Chatting and Merging”
“An Exercise in Viewing Energy Fields”
“Disengagement Choices”
Session 20070505 (2266)
“Light, Time, Electromagnetism and Gravity: No Absolutes”
“Essence Stats and Focus Hunting”
“Energy Fields When Chatting and Merging”
“An Exercise in Viewing Energy Fields”
“Disengagement Choices”
Saturday, May 5, 2007 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Jib (Araili), Eric (Valerian) and Samuel (Vivian)
ELIAS: Good day!
JIB: How are you, Elias?
ELIAS: As always. And yourself?
JIB: Very fine. (Elias laughs) I’m here with Eric and his boyfriend Samuel, a new member of the forum.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Welcome.
JIB: We have several questions about statistics of essence name, focus color and stuff like that. I’m beginning with… I’ll just let Eric begin with his.
ERIC: Hi, Elias.
ELIAS: Welcome!
ERIC: Thanks. (Elias chuckles) So, my first question is about family belonging, concerning Samuel. My impression and his impression is Sumari, aligned Borledim.
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Concerning Johan: family Gramada, aligned Borledim.
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Concerning myself, I know. So, for Samuel, orientation and type of focus: intermediate, political?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Concerning Johan: soft, emotional?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: And concerning myself: common, thought?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Now animal focus and animal essence. Concerning Samuel: a dog, Labrador, and focus, bison?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Concerning number of focuses, for Samuel: 633 or 634?
ELIAS: 644.
ERIC: Thanks. Concerning Johan, animal focus and animal essence: animal essence, dolphin?
ERIC: Animal focus: no idea.
ELIAS: (Pause) A snow leopard.
ERIC: A what, please?
ELIAS: Snow leopard.
ERIC: And concerning myself – ah no, for Johan, number of focuses: 311?
ELIAS: (Pause) Correct.
ERIC: And concerning myself: animal essence, tiger?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Animal focus, Yorkshire?
ELIAS: The terrier?
ERIC: Repeat, please.
ELIAS: The terrier?
ERIC: Can you spell it?
ELIAS: I am inquiring of you: Yorkshire, the terrier?
ERIC: Oh. No.
ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) Repeat.
ERIC: The dog, Yorkshire.
ELIAS: Yes, this is correct. That IS the terrier.
ERIC: Oh, okay. (Elias laughs) The number of focuses: 1002?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Thank you. Right back, Jib.
JIB: Okay. He’s more certain of himself now that you confirmed all his impressions.
I have a question about my fragmentation. You told me last time that I fragmented from five essences. Is it still the case?
JIB: I have the impression of yourself, Elias. Is it correct?
ELIAS: As one of the essences?
JIB: Yes.
JIB: I also have the impression of Lazour or Lazar.
JIB: The dreamwalker, Athumbra.
ELIAS: Congratulations! Yes.
JIB: Thank you. For the two other essences I still have no impression, so I’ll continue to investigate on that.
ELIAS: Very well.
JIB: Now I have a question about a shared focus I have with essence Albert. Ben told me that he had the impression that we were two monks. He had no impression of time framework or location, but I feel that we’re Franciscan. Do you understand what I mean?
JIB: Is it correct?
JIB: For the time framework, I have the impression of 1200?
ELIAS: Correct.
JIB: Okay. And location, it’s in Europe but like we’re traveling through many countries?
ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.
JIB: Okay. He also had the impression that I was a Shakespearean actor, but he didn’t give me any impression about his focus that we share. Do we share a focus where I am a Shakespearean actor or something like that?
ELIAS: Yes. That is correct. And in that focus, he is a sibling.
JIB: A sibling. Okay. Is he a brother or…?
JIB: Okay. I will tell him that. I have impressions myself that we share a focus during the prohibition time framework in United States, like connected to a cabaret or music hall?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. I would express that your involvement in that type of institution was as a supplier of alcohol.
JIB: A supplier of alcohol. Yes. I have the impression that I wasn’t actually performing on the stage like a singer or actor but it was related. And what is Ben?
ELIAS: He would be your partner as a supplier of alcohol.
JIB: Okay. Interesting. [Inaudible] this one and tell him about it.
I have also explored a focus with Eric. I think it’s connected to the dream I told you about before, where I was projecting myself to another focus. It was a frightening experience, because I had the impression he was completely trained to control everything and something like that, and he told me that it was through my own perception that I was judging that and that actually it was not really threatening. But I have the impression that the focus is like a high-ranked officer in the German army during the Second World War. Is that correct?
JIB: Was it the one that was based in Norway or in this area and that had many prisoners and were, in a manner of speaking, playing with them?
ELIAS: Which individual are you referring to?
JIB: The focus. My German officer focus during the Second World War.
ELIAS: I am understanding that element. Which officer are you identifying for confirmation?
JIB: I had the name earlier, but I lost it. (Laughs) So, I may try another time for this one. (Elias laughs) Because I have other questions about a Tibetan focus. I have this image of a Tibetan child that was a Tulku, what they call a Tulku, like a reincarnation of another Lama of the Tibetan region, and I had the impression that it was one of my focuses.
ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.
JIB: His energy was very soothing and calming me, and it’s interesting. I had the impression he was also of myself.
ELIAS: To an extent.
JIB: Okay. Can you give me a hint concerning the time period?
ELIAS: This would be within the time framework of early 1800s.
JIB: Early 1800s. Okay. I’m doing investigation on this one, so…
We were exploring a shared focus with Eric. We had the impression that during this shared focus I had the name Polonius.
JIB: That I was a child and Eric was more politically involved in the life of the city. I think it was Athens, but I am not sure.
ELIAS: Yes. That would be correct.
JIB: So, Eric was indeed a politician in the city at that time?
JIB: Okay. He had an impression about a focus of Johan, but I don’t remember what it was. [To Eric] Do you remember? No? During the Greek focus? You don’t remember. Okay. Eric doesn’t remember who was Johan in this focus.
I also had the impression that I had a focus during the Inquisition.
JIB: And I can’t fathom if I’m one of the priests that tortured or accused people or if I’m one of the victims, in a manner of speaking.
ELIAS: (Laughs) For you were both.
JIB: Okay. (Laughs) That was also my impression. (Elias laughs) I like exploring different aspects of things.
Just a last question before I give you Eric back: Can you describe my energy field when I am chatting through YouMessenger? I’ll give you an example. Two or three days ago I spoke with Marta, of essence Bourjn or (pronouncing it differently) Bourjn—I don’t know how it’s pronounced. (Laughs) At the beginning it was like very soft and not very intense, though as each time I am chatting through YouMessenger, I also have this impression in the throat like some energy moving in there, and also at times in the pink energy center. And when I began to speak about the energy with Marta and that she explained to me that she was exploring direct energy communication, I had kind of let it go and just opened myself more, and the energy was completely different. I was feeling interactions in my orange energy center, in my blue energy center, in my green energy center, and it was moving. And it was more like I was beginning to put my attention on the communication and then the effects of the communication.
ELIAS: And what did you discover?
JIB: I discovered more about the elasticity of my attention and that I was actually pushing my energy before, when I was trying to communicate through energy directly, and that it is completely different. That it’s just you be here and… it’s very difficult to express. (Elias chuckles) It’s more like you let go, and when you are you just move your vibrational quality at the same frequency as the other and they’ll be merging.
ELIAS: Yes. And this also offers you an example of how very real and powerful energy actually is, and how it can be manipulated but without forcing. And in that, you can accomplish tremendously, for this is an example to you of not merely being aware of energy but experiencing how it moves and how you move it, and how you project it or radiate it. And that is significant, for this is what creates all that is within your reality. Therefore, the more familiar you become with manipulating energy and allowing it to flow and directing it in that flow without forcing, the more you can accomplish in creating what you want in whatever direction you choose.
JIB: Hm. That’s very interesting.
ELIAS: For you are the source of energy, and you radiate that outwardly in every direction around you. And in that, you can manipulate that energy, and you can configure it in whatever manner you want to. This also can be instrumental in practicing with this type of energy manipulation, for in recognizing that you are participating with another individual and matching the vibrational expressions, which allows that mergence, you can also do that in other manners that allow you to reconfigure shape.
JIB: Mm-hm. I didn’t forget this one. (Elias laughs) Yes, it’s actually related to this exploration also.
The other situation I wanted to ask you about my energy field is, a few hours ago when I was blending my energy with Samuel, he told me that he was shielding and that he was protecting himself and that he was closed actually, but it was not my feeling. It was like I could easily merge with him, but maybe not really deep inside him, and that’s why he translated that to he was closed.
ELIAS: Let me express to you, many times another individual may express an uneasiness in the idea that another individual can merge with them or penetrate their energy field. In actuality, this occurs continuously, but the misunderstanding is that if an individual penetrates your energy field and merges with your energy is that they will know all of your secrets. Which in actuality is incorrect, for when an individual engages the action such as you did, what you are doing is allowing yourself to experience the other individual’s energy.
That does not necessarily offer you information in relation to events or associations or beliefs; it allows you to become more familiar with how the other individual’s energy is expressed and how it feels. And in that, you can offer yourself information in relation to the other individual, but this is the reason that the other individual expresses the perception that he was shielding or not allowing, for that is his association with that type of penetration of energy. But in actuality, it is unnecessary to express a fear or an apprehension in engaging this action, for this action is more associated with the feeling of energy and the experience of it and becoming familiar with it rather than exposing events or actions or behaviors or associations of the individual. Are you understanding?
JIB: Yes, I am understanding.
ELIAS: Therefore, it is actually not a threatening action, although many individuals may perceive it as being somewhat threatening, for they may equate that with exposure.
I may also inquire of you if you have practiced with the action of actually SEEING your energy field or other individuals’ energy fields?
JIB: I’ve been trying to practice, but actually I fear that I still have beliefs that I can’t do it. But I perceive at times my colors but not shapes. I just have the feeling of colors or movements or…
ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, energy fields are actually quite easy to see. In this, I would express to you, perhaps we may engage a brief practice now in which you may all participate.
The manner in which—
JIB: I agree.
ELIAS: The manner in which you begin to view another individual’s energy field is to relax your vision, and do not look directly at the other individual. You can all participate with this experiment. As you gaze at the other individual, look to the edge, the outer edge of the individual’s head, perhaps slightly off the edge of their hair, and hold your gaze. Allow your eyes to somewhat defocus. It is similar to a stare. As you engage this action, continue gazing. It may incorporate between several seconds or perhaps a few minutes, but you will begin to notice the appearance of a white or a silver glow.
JIB: Yes. I can see it.
ELIAS: As you continue to see that white or silver glow, it will grow. And in that, you can directly look at that white or silver glow. Within a few of your minutes, it will begin to incorporate soft colors. They will appear somewhat translucent and muted initially, and they will be moving, for the colors are continuously in motion and mingling. One color will appear to be dominant.
Now; this may incorporate several more minutes before you actually begin to view colors. And as you continue to gaze and the colors begin to be incorporated more strongly, they will become more vivid. You can practice with this action at any time in any situation with any individual, and the other individual may not even be aware of what you are doing. You can also practice this action with plants or with creatures at any time.
The difference between individuals and creatures and plants is that plants generate basically a silver glow. They generate a silver-colored energy field; they do not incorporate colors. Creatures generate a very consistent pink energy field. They do not generally incorporate other colors either, but their energy fields do fluctuate, just as do yours. At times yours may be more condensed, closely held toward your body consciousness, and at times it may be much more broad and extending considerably outward from your body.
You can also incorporate this exercise to begin seeing your own energy field. Incorporate both of your hands, pointing towards each other in front of you.
Now; as your hands are pointed towards each other, your fingers pointing towards each other in front of you, move them very close together but not touching.
Now; in similar manner, allow yourself to gaze not at your hands but along the edge of one of your hands. Within a short time framework, you shall begin to view that white or silver glow again. Once you see that white or silver glow, very slowly begin to move your fingers away from each other, and you will notice that white or silver strand connect between them and stretch as you move your hands away from each other. (Pause)
These can be quite fun exercises and experiments. As you are practicing, I will express to you, what is significant in this type of exercise is that if you can allow yourself to actually see your energy field and other individuals’ energy fields. When you encounter another individual and when you are interacting with another individual, you can actually visually see how the energies penetrate and how they mingle, and what the movement of the colors are and how they change when they are mingling and merging. You can also visually see when another individual IS shielding, for as your energy approaches and extends outwardly from yourself, it will be stopped and it will not penetrate.
Generally speaking, that does not occur. An individual would be expressing a considerably closed state, and perhaps a considerably frightened state, to actually not allow the penetration of energy, for this is a very natural action that you all engage continuously. You may not necessarily be aware of it objectively, but you do it continuously with all other individuals that you encounter, and they do it with you.
You can even become so entuned to your energy field that not merely can you see it but you can feel it, and you can feel when another individual’s energy field bumps into yours. (Chuckles)
JIB: I’ll practice that, yes. (Elias laughs) Because I find what was very interesting, I began actually to see the glow around the head of Samuel, and I also saw the little movements of energy between my two hands, and this was very, very thin.
ELIAS: And now you see, my friend, that it is quite easy and you can do it. (Laughs)
JIB: I’ll let Eric ask his questions now. Thank you very much.
ELIAS: Very well.
ERIC: So, my first question: How is it going with my grandfather since his disengagement in 2005?
ELIAS: (Pause) Quite playful, I would say. (Laughs) Exploring the elasticity of objective imagery and how that can be manipulated in new and interesting manners. He is not engaging transition yet. He is engaging playing presently. (Chuckles)
ERIC: What about my mother’s guilt in relation to the disengagement of my grandfather?
ELIAS: And what motivates her to incorporate guilt?
ERIC: Because she wasn’t there in the hospital the last day when my grandfather disengaged.
ELIAS: I may—
ERIC: [Inaudible] my grandfather’s choice, the moment when my mother doesn’t come to the hospital to disengage?
ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friends, it is unnecessary for her to be incorporating guilt in association with this action of not being present. In actuality, the choice to disengage outside of her presence was one that was expressed in compassion. And I am understanding that for many individuals there is an importance or significance for them to be present when an individual that they hold affection for disengages, but at times the individual that is choosing to disengage may be of the perception that it is kinder to disengage without their presence, that it will be less traumatic as an experience.
And in this, I would express to you that this is unnecessary for her to be incorporating this type of energy. The individual is generating quite a playfulness and incorporates a significant expression of love for the individuals that he participated with. And I will express to you, as he is not incorporating transition yet and is aware that he has disengaged and is aware of manipulating objective imagery, he also is aware of energy expressed by individuals remaining within physical focus. And in this, it is pointless to express this—
ERIC: May I have his essence name?
ELIAS: Of that individual?
ERIC: Of my grandfather.
ELIAS: Yes. Essence name: Stuart, (STU-art) S-T-U-A-R-T.
ERIC: Thank you very much. Next question: Concerning Johan, what are the reasons of his difficulties to breathe?
ELIAS: And your assessment?
ERIC: My feeling is that Johan is too near to his mother, to his loved mother. He hasn’t independence.
ELIAS: I would express, that is one avenue and one expression, or one expression of imagery associated with it. I would also express that it is broader than that, and that it is associated with restricting himself, not allowing his own freedom and not perceiving himself to be adequate enough, and that restricts him.
ERIC: Okay. What is Vivian’s concurrent focus name in Japan? Kimiko?
ELIAS: (Pause) Correct.
ERIC: Has Valerian a well concurrent focus?
ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.
ERIC: Mm, scientific question : No—next question: Focus—how many concurrent focuses has Kaftow?
ERIC: Thanks. What actually is antimatter?
ELIAS: (Slowly) It is energy that is configured in a different manner in the absence of time.
ERIC: Okay. So, my feeling is that antimatter is in the domain of the speed of light, because in the speed of light, time is zero.
ELIAS: That would, in your terms, be an accurate assessment.
ERIC: Is antimatter really a negative mass, or is it a perception of our dimension? Because in our dimension we have a positive mass for reference, so to describe antimatter properties, we introduced negative mass.
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIC: Okay. That’s good. What is actually spin in physical particles? Scientists don’t know very well what is spin. Can you explain it to me?
ELIAS: It is the vibrational quality or frequency of the particles. It is not actually necessarily a motion; it is the vibrational quality.
ERIC: This vibrational quality in relation to spin, is it in connection with matter and antimatter distribution? Like a circulation between matter and antimatter that generates spin?
ELIAS: It can be.
ERIC: But not absolute?
ELIAS: Correct. And it can be independent of that.
ERIC: The frequency can be independent from matter and antimatter?
ERIC: Okay. One time you said that when we overcome the speed of light, time is reversed. Can I know why?
ELIAS: That would be in relation to the configuration of your reality, in which you do incorporate time in a linear fashion. Therefore, in relation to the blueprint of this reality, were you to exceed the speed of light, so to speak, you would be moving in reverse of what you move now. You move in what you perceive to be a forward motion. Your time moves in a forward motion. And were you to speed that to beyond the point of the stop point of no time in relation to the configuration of your reality, you would move the configuration of time in the reverse of what it is now.
ERIC: So, this time reversal is a kind of analogy with my first question with positive mass and negative mass. Is it in relation to our perception of time?
ERIC: All right. When Frank said that rotation generates gravity but also that gravity generates rotation, is it correct?
ELIAS: It can be. It is, in a manner of speaking, but once again it is not an absolute, for that can be defied. Therefore, it cannot be expressed absolutely that rotation creates gravity or that gravity creates rotation, for that also is a matter of perception. It is a mass perception which generates a significant strength, but it is not an absolute. And I would also express that there are other factors that contribute to the creation of gravity; it is not limited to rotation.
ERIC: Okay. At the speed of light, can we say that time is space?
ERIC: What’s the point?
ELIAS: Time and space are two different elements. And in that, what you perceive to be physical space is created in conjunction with time. Therefore, if you are not incorporating time, you would not necessarily be generating space.
ERIC: It’s an explanation of the teleportation?
ELIAS: Somewhat.
ERIC: Mm. Okay. In the same way, can we say that at the speed of light mass is charge?
ELIAS: It would depend upon how you are defining charge.
ERIC: So, it is my next question. What is actually charge?
ELIAS: And how do YOU define that presently?
ERIC: Actually, we introduce charge in electromagnetism with Maxwell, with positive sign and negative sign, but scientists don’t know actually what is charge. My feeling is that charge is a temporal aspect of mass. Mass is a spacial concept, and charge is a temporal aspect of mass.
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking. If you are defining charge as action, you would be correct.
ERIC: Okay.
ELIAS: But not as a thing.
ERIC: So, this is a—
ELIAS: Therefore, yes, if you eliminate time and you eliminate matter, in that, yes, I would express that you would be correct that what would remain would be charge—which would be defined as action.
ERIC: So, if I well understood, when we eliminate time and matter, we control reality?
ELIAS: You ARE generating reality. You would be generating a different reality, one without physical manifestations and one without space, but one that incorporates action. THAT, my friend, is the center of all realities, for THAT is consciousness. And consciousness has—
ERIC: Okay. My last question: In Maxwell’s equation of electromagnetism, we saw E, the electricity, B as in magnetism, but we didn’t see gravity. Where is gravity in Maxwell’s equation? Because my feeling is that Maxwell’s equation holds the unity of all the forces research.
ELIAS: As I have expressed, gravity is not an absolute, therefore it CAN be absent. But I can actually express that the other elements can be absent also, for they are not absolutes either.
This is the difficulty with sciences to this point, is that they continue to strive to find the absolutes and they are NOT absolute. And that becomes disconcerting to the scientists and to the physicists, for they WANT there to be absolutes, and they are not, and they can change. And the one constant is consciousness, but it is not a thing! (Both laugh) (Pause)
JIB: Eric has difficulties to understand everything you say (Elias laughs), and to grab [inaudible] and the non-absoluteness of this, I think I said. (Laughs)
ELIAS: I am understanding. (Chuckles) But this is the challenge of science, is it not? (Laughs)
JIB: Yes. The challenge currently. (Elias laughs)
Thank you for your time. I don’t know if Eric has another question. (Laughs) His last question is “Where is the gravity?” (Both laugh)
ELIAS: It is not present. Therefore, it is not. It is not WHERE is it, it is “Is it or is it not?” – and it is not.
JIB: Okay, gravity is not. It’s just what we express or what we label as gravity, just because we are creating how we are creating.
JIB: It’s interesting. (Elias laughs)
I just want to know if you can answer this quickly: Concerning what you told us before about energy and feeling energy and actually feeling how it moves and project it, how can I move my attention in a way that I can actually apprehend or understand it more, how to create a physical movement of it? Do you understand?
ELIAS: Yes. Practice with seeing it first. And as you practice with seeing it, you will begin to notice how energy extends from your body consciousness in relation to your intentions, or in relation to what you are expressing and experiencing. And in that, you will begin to recognize that you can actually use your body consciousness to physically manipulate energy.
JIB: Okay. Thank you very much. I think the time is over, so we’ll let Mary come back.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well, my friends.
JIB: It was very, very interesting.
ELIAS: I express great appreciation to all of you, and I anticipate our next meeting. In great lovingness and in dear friendship to you each, au revoir.
GROUP: Au revoir. Au revoir, Elias.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 6 minutes)
©2007 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.