Session 200701161

Creating a Journey of Discovery


“Creating a Journey of Discovery”
“Dealing With Doubt”
“Comfort With or Without a Partnership”
“Acknowledging versus Opposing”

Session 20070116 (2178)

“Creating a Journey of Discovery”
“Dealing With Doubt”
“Comfort With or Without a Partnership”
“Acknowledging versus Opposing”

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Brenda (Leonora)

ELIAS: Good morning!

BRENDA: Good morning. (Elias chuckles) We’re having an impromptu session this time.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.

BRENDA: Are you aware of what's been going on with me in the past few days?

ELIAS: And shall you share?

BRENDA: I think I am at that crossroads that we talked about. I think partially I panicked, not trusting myself, and I would characterize that one crossroad hesitated and that the other faltered. I’m just trying to understand what it is I’m presenting to myself and how to move through the one where I think I want to go in my relationships, and the other just some unusual questions or missing information that I feel with my change in the current path.

ELIAS: And what do you identify as your hesitation, and what do you identify as your faltering?

BRENDA: The hesitation with the bread making path, and I've now completed my teaching obligations and have finally made progress in letting that go, getting rid of these things associated with that—not getting rid of it but donating my books and just moving, at least symbolically, away from doing the bread making all the time and signing up for more courses of study with this master baker. I've just been watching myself doing that, watching what I do with my time and what really stimulates me and engages me. And I just started noticing that I like doing the bread making doughs; it’s relaxing and it's enjoyable, I have fun doing it, but it's not where I naturally focus my attention during the day when I want to be stimulated or engaged. Does that make sense?

ELIAS: In what manner?

BRENDA: What manner?


BRENDA: I don't understand the question.

ELIAS: What do you perceive DOES stimulate you, and what do you move your attention into rather than the bread making?

BRENDA: (Chuckles) The phrase that I had come up with that I wrote down was the interaction of ideas, like what I am fascinated with are those things that I read and interact with as I’m reading these concepts and theories with Bakhtin and with Einstein and the Elias sessions, and things about consciousness and those things that are more…”cerebral” is not the right word, but it is more that exchange of ideas and being immersed in that world. I mean, that's the first thing that I turn to when I have time. And then I sit down to read about yeast and the chemical reactions, and at some level, up to a point that's interesting, it's cool to see what I can grow in my kitchen and my little pot and to watch the transformation of flour and yeast and water into this beautiful loaf of bread, but that's not stimulating in the way that the other is.

ELIAS: And what suggests to you that you must engage either/or?

BRENDA: I thought about that, because on the one hand when I was leaning towards doing the bread and pursuing that more as a vocation, something for making a living, it appealed to me because it was to me a simpler life that might allow me then to have the energy to focus more cerebrally or intellectually on those other things because my work wasn't requiring me to do that. And I guess just reading some of these forums and how enthusiastic a lot of the bakers are about what they do, I don't feel it at that level, and so I guess that made me wonder about what I was doing. And also my husband had suggested that I also do a cooking website that I’m in the process of developing that's more a combination of activities. It involves me testing recipes, but it also requires me to do the technical coding and it engages me in more different areas than just the culinary. And I had kind of blown off that input when he gave it to me for some reason. So I guess that also then I remembered that, and I just wondered if I was being too narrow in my focus. It just made me panic. It just made me think, “What am I doing? Do I know what I’m doing?”

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, this is not an uncommon direction for individuals to move into, for this is the action of complicating rather than allowing. You have set an intention, you have identified an action that is a preference that you enjoy that you can engage. You also have offered yourself information in relation to this being a viable avenue in which you can engage your creativity, you can engage an action that you enjoy, and you can also generate money.

Now you are beginning to complicate in questioning, and you are beginning to introduce in that complication obstacles in becoming somewhat narrow in how you perceive this direction. If you are allowing yourself to explore, you can expand in many directions that may engage similar themes but may allow you to experiment in several directions in association with baking. In this, there are many different types of breads and pastries, as you are aware, that you can expand and perhaps even move into a direction of inventing your own different configurations of breads or pastries.

And in allowing yourself to expand and explore, you may BE expressing that type of excitement that you view in other individuals. The reason that they generate that excitement is that they are not merely allowing themselves to engage and do what they genuinely appreciate and enjoy, but they also allow themselves the excitement of exploration and new discoveries and invention.

In this, it is not merely a matter of offering yourself information in relation to technicalities; it is a matter of presenting information to yourself to enhance your skills, yes, but also to allow yourself to engage your own creativity and to expand and to generate an openness for many directions, not merely one, and in that, to be creating a journey of discovery which IS stimulating and does offer you an outlet for your own creativity and a manner in which you can channel your energy.

Now; in this, you can also, if you are allowing yourself to be quite creative, incorporate the information that you enjoy engaging, such as philosophies or physics or the information that I express, and incorporate that into your action of baking; therefore, also creating a balance. For physical expressions are equally as spiritual as intellectual expressions.

Engaging your physical realty in creating is a tremendous action of implementing the information that you incorporate in association with intellectual expressions, for it allows you to balance in expanding your database, so to speak, of information and incorporating that information in a manner in which you can express it outwardly into a physical manifestation—and that engages your creativity even more.

The action of creating bread is very fundamental and is an action that can be associated with relaxation [and] meditation. It can be associated with determination, with discipline, with freedom, with creativity and in actually engaging, for it is an action that you actually are physically manipulating energy and configuring that energy through your body into an actual manifestation that you can generate in many different creative manners.

It can also be an expression of engaging life-sustaining manifestations. There are many different expressions that you can merge the two and create a balance and even share that with other individuals in your own unique manner, in the incorporation of the information and the implementation of physically manipulating energy—which, there is a tremendous potential if you are allowing yourself to generate these two elements that you enjoy so much to create considerable success. It is merely a matter of allowing yourself and generating your own creativity and experimenting.

BRENDA: You are right. My thinking has been very limited. (Laughs).

ELIAS: You can generate wonders, my friend.

BRENDA: It's amazing how my thinking does get so narrow, and it snowballs quickly. I think probably some of the same things happening in my relationship crossroad that we've talked about on several occasions, I guess on every occasion that we've spoken, that is the one where I feel like I've faltered. And when I characterize it like that, I think part of it is that I’ve felt for some time that I was moving away from my relationship with my husband toward going with K. and allowing myself to have that preference. Actually, Mary was talking to me about a situation with her daughter, and in the conversation what she was describing that she has witnessed happen with her daughter and reconciling it, it’s part of the same thing I think that I experience with my husband, that when I start giving myself permission to have this preference, this desire to be in a relationship with someone else and to leave my relationship with my husband, it’s sort of like some of the experiences we've had over the differences in what we’re each pursuing spiritually.

It's like we've both gotten to this place where we’re not fighting each other about that anymore, and she is describing it as like our energy changes because we’re accepting what we want. And then all of a sudden we’re getting along better, I’m more appreciative of him and what he’s exploring, and then I let those feelings start influencing… Somehow it creates doubt in am I really doing what I think I want to do, and so it feels like I'm faltering, that I’m in some ways moving forward and letting go of pieces of the relationship. And then I'm still here, and he still seems to want me and I still have these feelings for him, but I’m still wanting to be somewhere else. It's a long explanation for one word.

ELIAS: I am understanding. And in this, remember what we have discussed previously: Whatever choice you engage is not an expression of absoluteness that you do not care for the other individual, or that you do not incorporate an expression of love for the other individual; that is not eliminated in association with your choices. It is not an automatic that if you choose not to continue the relationship that you are expressing that you do not care or that you do not incorporate a love for this individual; it is more a matter of choices that are in keeping with your preferences and in allowance of yourself to move in the directions that you want and engaging your own directedness. That does not diminish or negate your feelings for the other individual.

But—in this also, you are correct that your energy does change. And in that, I may express to you, it is a matter of recognizing what you want, for in other areas you can continue to accomplish what you want—to an extent—and continue to engage the relationship that you have.

But in this, let me also offer a reminder: All that you do is interconnected. It may not appear so surfacely, but it is. And therefore if you are restricting yourself in one direction, that will influence all other directions that you engage in some manner and may create obstacles or hesitations, or may merely restrict you from engaging the fullness of your expressions that you could engage—not to say that you cannot be comfortable not realizing the fullness of your experiences or the extent of your potentials; you can be.

But—it is more associated with desire. And in this, you incorporate a tremendous desire to be generating a great exploration. You have allowed yourself to explore in some directions and have generated considerable success, and now you wish to embark upon new adventures and generate considerable success again. And you can, if you are allowing yourself, and as I expressed, you are quite correct: When you change your energy, your reality changes also.

For when you change your energy, you change the associations that you generate, and you move your attention in different directions. These actions very strongly influence perception, and therefore the perception changes, and when the perception changes, the reality changes.

And as I have expressed many times previously with other individuals, what you directly interact with, with any other individual, is the energy that they project. For the most part, you configure that energy very similar to how it is being expressed, but you all filter that energy as you receive it with respect to your own associations, your own beliefs and what you pay attention to and to your own guidelines. Therefore, what you actually project as the image of the other individual will be somewhat colored by those aspects of yourself—which is not to say that it is not very real, for it is.

But this is how your reality functions. Therefore, when you change your energy—when your associations change, when your attention moves—your perception changes. Therefore as you receive the energy from the other individual, you configure it differently; and you will configure it more in keeping with what you want, for you are generating more comfort within yourself, therefore it is not necessary to reflect discomfort to yourself that will motivate you to question.

In this, as you become more comfortable with yourself, you also become more comfortable with other individuals, and they become more comfortable with you also. That is not to say that you necessarily want to engage certain types of interactions or relationships with certain individuals; you are equating the two, and they are not necessarily moving hand in hand.

You can generate quite a comfortable expression with another individual and generate a genuine appreciation of them in generating a genuine comfort and satisfaction within yourself but also want to be exploring in different avenues. And although you may be quite comfortable with the interaction with another individual, that is not necessarily an indicator that you want to be in partnership with another individual.

BRENDA: I definitely have been hung up with confusing those two, and then I think part of it is maybe it's just my fear of going through the transition of moving from being in a partnership with my husband to leaving him and dissolving that partnership, and when I tried to do it before it was very traumatic for both of us. I assume there’s something that if I do with my energy, if I’m accepting or allowing of myself to have this, if I go through the process with more allowance for what I’m doing will that reduce the trauma?

ELIAS: Yes. And if you are allowing yourself that comfort and confidence within yourself that you are not generating an action with the intention of being hurtful, you are generating an action that is creating more of an allowance for yourself; and in that, you are generating more of an allowance in relation to the other individual also.

BRENDA: I wondered about that.

ELIAS: For you are not generating as much expectations of the other individual.

BRENDA: And that would definitely allow more freedom for him.


BRENDA: I think I sense that he’s in a place that he's actually wanting that freedom as well. Is that right? I don't know that he senses that he wants freedom from me necessarily, but I think he’s in a place where he’s really starting to allow himself to feel that pull, maybe?

ELIAS: Yes. But in this, the key is to maintain your attention upon you and not to be slipping into the expression of concern for the other individual, for that will immediately change the energy, reminding yourself that caring and concern are two different expressions, that you continue to care but that you are not projecting your attention in personal responsibility for the other individual and therefore concerning yourself with the choices and the expressions of the other individual, continuing to remind yourself that if you are genuinely generating an energy of acceptance with the intention of allowance of both yourself and the other individual, and if you are not generating opposition with yourself or with the other individual, you will not generate that trauma and can actually create a situation which is amiable.

BRENDA: That is what I would like.

ELIAS: And that is dependent upon your energy and you paying attention to what you are doing, and acknowledging yourself—(firmly) even in moments in which you doubt, merely acknowledging that and not opposing it. For the more you oppose it, the more importance you offer to it and therefore the stronger it becomes. Whereas, if you are merely acknowledging that this is what you are experiencing or feeling in this moment, it will dissipate.

BRENDA: I think I experienced that maybe a few times [inaudible], and I also know many times when I feel the opposing energy and just go with it.

ELIAS: Let me offer you a playful example, my friend, that you can remind yourself of and may offer you a manner in which you can perceive the experience of doubt or hesitation slightly differently.


ELIAS: And may be helpful to you in generating more success in acknowledging rather than opposing. You, in like manner to every other individual within your reality, have experienced a moment in which you may be engaging some action alone and another individual may unexpectedly enter the room and you become startled. Correct?

BRENDA: Oh yes, many times.

ELIAS: Now; in that action, your immediate reaction is being startled, which is a brief, fleeting moment of fear, but intense. But subsequent to that moment of being startled, generally speaking you will find it humorous. (Brenda chuckles) You will not dwell upon it, you will not offer it much energy, you will engage laughter, and what will you do? You will acknowledge precisely what occurred, and you will express to the other individual, “Oh my! You startled me.” And the two of you will most likely engage laughter together.

That is a prime example of acknowledging an experience in the moment and not judging it as good or bad, merely acknowledging that it occurred. And once it is acknowledged, it is gone.

In the moments that you may be noticing that you are experiencing doubt or hesitation, remember that startledness and view the doubt or the hesitation as a startling experience that you have presented to yourself: “Ah! There is that startling experience again. And I acknowledge that I felt that, and now I can continue and view it rather humorously.” You can even pretend that you unexpectedly pounced upon yourself. (Both laugh)

BRENDA: I like that. (Elias chuckles) That's much more fun.

That's really good. I have a very strong startle reflex, so that's a perfect example for me. (Elias laughs) It happens many times in a week, so that will be good. (Elias laughs)

Okay, that was all very awesome, and I will probably need you to send me energy as I move through these things. The information helps.

If we have time, can we do some fun things?

ELIAS: You may.

BRENDA: Can I ask you some fun questions?

ELIAS: You may.

BRENDA: I wanted to ask you first of all something so that I don't forget: I know you've told me that as a child my Sam person was Allahah. I’m wondering, does she have someone like that, that she interacts with?


BRENDA: Can you tell me about a name or about that so I could pass it on to her?

ELIAS: Bezu.

BRENDA: Can you spell that?


BRENDA: And this was an essence she interacted with as a child?


BRENDA: Does she interact with Bezu now?

ELIAS: More the reverse.

BRENDA: Okay. (Both chuckle) But it’s someone, then, like Sam to me that…How would you characterize the interaction?

ELIAS: Playful and generating unexplained surprises at times—which is merely designed to encourage questioning, that there is more to reality than you necessarily see.

BRENDA: She had an experience, when we first started exploring Seth together, where she saw someone, saw a presence in her room. Would that have been Bezu?


BRENDA: Okay. I was thinking about her. She had told me something about…Oh, I know. It was, one time she was meditating and she thought she perceived the room changing in space, like maybe expanding?


BRENDA: And did she actually experience the changing in space? How would you characterize that?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree. And in this, it is another example of alterations in perception.

Perception actually creates all of your reality. Every element of your reality is created by perception. Therefore, when you change your perception, or if you relax it, you can actually change the configuration of physical manifestations within your reality.

BRENDA: And that's what she did.


BRENDA: Cool! I think that's so neat. (Chuckles).

ELIAS: Back to Sam—Allahah—I had asked you once if Maddison had a connection with Allahah, and you said yes and I didn't follow up on that. Can you tell me what kind of connection there is between the two of them?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

BRENDA: That somehow Maddison was a part of Allahah, maybe? You call it fractures or something?

ELIAS: Fragmented, yes.

BRENDA: Yes, he did. I guess I had assumed Maddison was a male name, and I looked it up and it’s two d’s [and] it's often associated with female. Is Maddison more associated with male or female? In essence.

ELIAS: In association with this reality?

BRENDA: Yes, I guess.

ELIAS: There is somewhat more of a percentage of female manifestations than male, but also remember that that would be an association that you would generate in relation to your physical reality. As to essence, these are translations of tones and are not indicative of any gender.

BRENDA: Right, I remember that, because K. is Geraldine, which is…So if Maddison has fragmented from Allahah, did I as well?


BRENDA: Yes. So is Allahah observing me? My focus?


BRENDA: Yes. Are there others?


BRENDA: Yes. Do I know of them? I mean (chuckles), that's a strange question.

ELIAS: Presently, no.


ELIAS: But remember: that fluctuates.

BRENDA: Okay. Not too long ago I had a dream. You had given me an image related to Maddison of butterflies, and I had a strong dream image with these three beautiful large butterflies that were this deep rose pink. Is that Maddison's essence color?


BRENDA: Okay. Was my grandmother’s focus color purple?


BRENDA: Cool. I thought so.

I wanted to ask you about being Essene, the mystic focus that Donna, the channeler person that I saw here, had told me that I had. When I was quiet—it seems like ages ago since I was quiet—I saw this woman, and I thought her name was Sharon. And I started writing about it sometime after that, and wrote about her and her teacher, which I wrote down that the teacher's name was Ekra. Is that the same focus I was told about?


BRENDA: Is the name Sharon?


BRENDA: Is that how you would say it?


BRENDA: And Ekra was her teacher.

ELIAS: Correct.

BRENDA: There is a male, I think a young man in…Do I know that male in this focus?


BRENDA: Yes. All right. I think I want to explore that a little bit. (Both laugh) This focus Sharon, did she interact with the focus Jesus?

ELIAS: Not directly.

BRENDA: Does Lenora have biblical focuses?


BRENDA: Old or New Testament? (Chuckles).

ELIAS: Both.

BRENDA: Both. Is that something that I would be aware of just from being raised in a Christian home of who those characters’ focuses are?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It is not necessarily a matter of religious information; it is more a matter of impressions and allowing yourself to discover what energies you resonate with.

BRENDA: I think I'm doing that some with Bakhtin, that it's been so cool to read and kind of [inaudible] his words and stuff. I think it helps when I can connect to another focus, because then I can feel what that energy is like for that essence?

ELIAS: Yes. And, that can also be a fun exploration.

BRENDA: Yeah, it is—it's just learning to trust that.

I assume I have focuses in other dimensions. Isn't that correct that we all do?

ELIAS: For the most part, yes.

BRENDA: I have wondered if K. as Geraldine and I share many focuses in another dimension.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

BRENDA: Could you tell me about that dimension?

ELIAS: There are quite a few.

BRENDA: Quite a few that we share focuses in?

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.

BRENDA: She has been drawn to and reading these books about Pleiadians. Is that one of the dimensions?


BRENDA: And in the transcripts I know there is this 11:11 dimension?

ELIAS: Correct.

BRENDA: And in my days a lot of times I will see imagery related to that. Do we have focuses there?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

BRENDA: Okay. The woman I saw here locally had told me that K. and I had a similar energy, and she said something about that was because we were both from Plutonium. Is that a dimension?

ELIAS: That would be a translation—a loose translation—but yes, you do incorporate focuses together in another dimension that this individual is translating as incorporating that name. It is not necessarily that you are FROM there but that you do incorporate focuses in that dimension.

BRENDA: Are she and I more comfortable doing focuses in that? Because we don't have... like in this dimension I think you said we have 158 when I had asked before, which doesn't seem like a large ratio out of almost 2000, so I was wondering if we prefer to have relationships in other dimensions ?

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.

BRENDA: I had one essence name question. My son's father is Ken; he was the Roy in the focus with my Sarah. I wanted to know if you could tell me his essence name—my ex-husband.

ELIAS: Essence name: K-I-E-N-U-E.

BRENDA: Is he Sumari? I’ve written down Sumari/Tumold.

ELIAS: Correct.

BRENDA: Okay. I have one last question about him. This woman that he was involved with during our marriage named Geneva: is she a focus of K.'s sister Deborah?


BRENDA: Wow! Okay. (Chuckles) Do I have a focus named Barbara?

ELIAS: Yes, several.

BRENDA: Several? People call me that all the time; is that why?

ELIAS: That would be quite understandable, yes.

BRENDA: I've had several focuses as Barbara?


BRENDA: Is one of them famous?


BRENDA: Okay. So it’s quite possible when people call me Barbara that they know me as one of those other focuses?


BRENDA: Okay. That's interesting.

Well, we are at the time, so I want to go back to exploring focuses on my own. (Elias laughs) That part is quite fun. (Elias laughs)

Thank you very much for meeting with me on such short notice.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

BRENDA: Helping me with my panic. I feel so much better. (Elias laughs) I will remember the playful example that you gave me.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. (Chuckles) I shall be anticipation our next meeting, my friend.

BRENDA: Me too, as always.

ELIAS: And I shall be offering my energy to you in great encouragement.

BRENDA: Thank you. I will be needing it, I'm sure. (Elias laughs) Until next time.

ELIAS: Very well. In great appreciation and in tremendous lovingness to you, au revoir.

BRENDA: Thank you, I love you too. Bye.

Elias departs after 1 hour 2 minutes)

©2007 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.