Session 200701142

Releasing Held Energy and Tension


Session 200701142 (2176)
“Releasing Held Energy and Tension”
“The Power of Perception”
“What You Project You Will Reflect"

Sunday, January 14, 2007 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Marcy (Lilan)

ELIAS: Good morning!

MARCY: Good morning. (Laughs) That was great! Mary and I were talking and rambling and blah blah blah, and all of a sudden the call just dropped away. (Laughs) She says, “Well, I think that’s a signal to get on with the show.” (Both laugh) It was wonderful.

So yeah, long time no see, eh? (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how is your adventure proceeding?

MARCY: Just wonderfully, just really great. I have a short list today, and I've gone over in my mind what I wanted to talk about, and I thought, “Well, I’ll just do a few things and then after that just kind of fly by the seat of our pants.” So if that's all right? (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.

MARCY: Okay. My first question actually has to do with a physical manifestation that I tried to figure out what the communication is for myself, and I finally just decided I'm going to just ask for your help on this. But physically what happens is, at night I wake up and I have tingling and burning sensations in my fingers. I know enough about human physiology to feel that it's some sort of a nerve impingement, probably in my shoulder. I can still use my hands and everything’s fine, but it's obviously the sensory nerves because it wakes me up and it's painful. Sometimes I have to lie in a very rigid position to make it go away. Then later I wake up and my muscles are sore and uncomfortable from lying in this one position, because I can’t really move around. I've gone over and over trying to figure out what the communication is, because I’d like to figure it out so I can make it stop. (Laughs) So I wonder if you could assist me in figuring this out. What's your take on this?

ELIAS: I would express that this is associated with tension that you are overriding and ignoring. You create tension periodically and it is familiar to you, and in that, as it IS so familiar, you ignore it and you override that, and therefore that energy is held, and the body consciousness will manipulate that energy into a specific area and will generate a physical affectingness to be gaining your attention – which, the physical manifestation WILL gain your attention, but it is also a matter of understanding what you are actually doing that creates this physical manifestation.

You may notice, if you begin to genuinely pay attention, in certain time frameworks you will generate tension in relation to a frustration which may be with yourself or in conjunction with another individual, or situation, and what you automatically do is generate that tension in your neck. That is the first area that the tension begins to be expressed. In that, quite quickly that tension will move to an area associated with your shoulder blade.

MARCY: Mm-hm, yes.

ELIAS: Underneath your shoulder blade, which may not be an extensive pain, but you will notice that you begin to feel a twinge of pain. And you can feel that also, if you are paying attention, when you breathe.

MARCY: Right. Okay.

ELIAS: That is your first indicator that you are holding that energy in relation to the tension. If you are paying attention and can notice it when it is first being expressed in your neck, you can incorporate breathing and releasing energy and allowing yourself to relax. It becomes more challenging once it has moved underneath your shoulder blade.

MARCY: Right. Absolutely.

ELIAS: You can manipulate that, but that may incorporate more action. I would suggest that if you do not notice it until it has moved to your shoulder blade, allow yourself to incorporate breathing but also immediately place yourself in a tub, to encourage the relaxation of the body consciousness and especially that physical area. And while you are engaging the tub, allow yourself to generate a deep relaxation incorporating a visualization. That will also encourage the body consciousness to release energy.

MARCY: Right. Yes. That's interesting too because I tend to not take a bath every day, but for the last week, every evening I would be like, “I think I’ll go take a bath.” And so I think my body itself has been telling me that that's what it needs. And of course what you're saying makes absolute sense, because then when I’m asleep, that energy will be released because I’m not consciously overriding it because I’m asleep.

ELIAS: Correct. Yes.

MARCY: So I can't ignore it, because I'm sleeping and I'm off doing other things, and so then my body takes over and says, “Okay, now we're going to deal with this.” Awesome! Yeah. Perfect sense. Okay, well, I'm glad it was something simple. (Both laugh). Thank you, because I notice that there are times where I realize I'm holding my right shoulder higher and it's tensed up, and so I've thought, “Well, I stopped carrying my shoulder bag on that side, I've stopped using the mouse on that side,” thinking that when I'm doing the other things I was generating this tension in my shoulder and not noticing it, and so if I moved those activities to the other side that that would help me to not do that. But I suppose holding that shoulder tense has become so automatic, like you said, that I do it anyway whether I'm carrying my shoulder bag or not.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARCY: Okay, so perfect sense. Thank you!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

MARCY: I'm glad it was so easy. (Both laugh)Excellent! Okay, well that's certainly something I can take care of without much trouble. You know, paying more attention of how I’m holding my body, because I do tend to do that. It’s like little aches and pains and whatever; I have this belief that it's nothing, just ignore it and it will go away, and so there are times when I’m thinking of other things and I'm not being aware of my body responses, but that's a pretty easy thing to remedy.


MARCY: Good. All right.

Now; I have a couple of focus questions, if we may. The first one is, I would like to know, Antonio Vivaldi, if that was a focus of mine.

ELIAS: Observing.

MARCY: Observing. Okay. And how about his friend, Anna Giraud? I have a sense that my daughter might somehow be involved in that focus.


MARCY: As observing, or as directing?

ELIAS: As the focus.

MARCY: Excellent! Okay! Cool! Well, that's cool. I had an experience which led to me believe I was somehow involved in Vivaldi's focus, because a few months ago my daughter and I were going to go to the opera; it was actually a Massenet opera, but I was dressed up and I had black pants and tall black boots and sort of this white blouse with kind of frilly cuffs, and I had been wearing my hair down, it was kind of curling around my face, and in a moment you'll know why I’m explaining all that to you – you probably already do. Bu anyway I was in the car and I was driving, I was listening to Vivaldi's music, and all of a sudden I could feel what it felt like to be him. I felt male. I felt tall, elegant. He was very self-confident, almost to the point of arrogance, but a nice person but very refined. And I kept hooking back into that all evening. It was amazing. I felt like, this is what it feels like to be Vivaldi. I am Vivaldi at this moment, and I was like sharing that all evening.


MARCY: And that was an extraordinary experience. I didn't realize that people could actually do that. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: (Laughs) And yes you can. (Chuckles).

MARCY: Yeah, it was wonderful, and I felt different. I mean, I still felt like myself, but I also had this specific sense that I was Antonio Vivaldi all evening, and it wasn't just a fleeting thing; it continued. It was really interesting. So anyway, that's what led me to believe that I had something to do with his focus.


MARCY: Cool! I seem to tend to experience a lot of things physically, rather than visualization or whatever, so that's always kind of fun. I guess I was going to ask, would that have to relate to the fact that I am Zuli aligned?


MARCY: Okay. All right. Because it's pretty nice.

All right, going to my next question. This is also a focus question: I’m wondering if my essence has any connection with Kahlil Gibran?

ELIAS: A family member.

MARCY: A family member, okay. Because I bought my daughter his book “The Prophet” for Christmas, and one evening I was just lying in bed kind of letting my mind drift and I was thinking “Khalil Gibran,” and I suddenly had this physical rush of warmth and feeling of connection with that person. So I was a family member – was I a child, or what kind of family member can you tell me? I don't even know if he had children or was married or anything like that.

ELIAS: A grandparent.

MARCY: A grandparent! Okay! Interesting. Wow. Because I actually have a friend who has met him, so that's interesting.

Okay, to the next one. I was told by another essence, and you validated that as well, that I had an expression as a student of Hildegard von Bingen, and I was trying to figure out what my name was the other day. Was it something similar to Sylvie or Sylvia, something like that?

ELIAS: Sylvia, yes.

MARCY: Oh excellent! Which one? Sylvie?

ELIAS: Sylvia.

MARCY: Oh cool! That's the first time I've ever actually had that happen where I actually saw it, just where it presented itself to me. Cool! Because I’d had myself on the little focus list thing that they have on one of the Elias website, but there was never a name. Cool. Well, thank you! (Elias chuckles)

All right. I don't have any other questions. That was it. (Both laugh). Okay, so let's see what comes to mind. First I’m going to ask a question about you, if that's all right?

ELIAS: Very well.

MARCY: I find it very interesting that you say, and have said since the outset of this forum and this way of conversing with us, that you no longer have any focuses in this timeframe, or whatever you want to call it, in our reality right now, and that's correct, right?


MARCY: Okay then, this Milus person was actually a live person that Ron and Cathy and other people had met, bought a house from. A focus by definition, in my understanding, is a focus of attention of an essence; how could he be here if you don't have any focuses of attention here? I’m not understanding that. (Laughs) Could you enlighten me?

ELIAS: For that is a focus that has fragmented. [1]

MARCY: Oh, okay. And that's all it was.


MARCY: Oh, okay, all right, because I thought that was really weird. I thought maybe it was one of those unexplainable things (Chuckles).

Well, then I also have questions… Speaking of essences, a little different direction: There was an essence by the name of Kris that I use to have a lot of interactions with, and I've been sort of bothered, in looking back and in retrospect, with a lot of the conversation and et cetera that I use to have with this essence. The channel is a conscious channel, so that makes it slightly different, and I'm assuming, just from my brief experience as a conscious channel, that a conscious channel can, even inadvertently, color the information through their own kind of, you know, what's going on with them, their own issues or whatever. And so that may be part of it, but when I was involved with that, at first – I mean, I learned a lot of information, I was really quite involved in that and felt very good, and then little by little I did all of the transcribing of the older sessions, and I remember as it went along I would find myself becoming irritated. I would be listening to this transcription and becoming irritated, and I would start arguing with this essence and what he was saying. I'm not sure why that was, and in the end I ended up totally breaking of with that whole organization.

I'm not sure what was involved with all of that. I know you are aware of all this because I've talked to you, at least from my side, a lot of different times, I've sort of discussed it. But can you help me with that? I’m sort of confused as to why I continue to have such a wonderful interaction with you but the one with Kris sort of went downhill after a while. I’m not sure what that's about.

ELIAS: First of all, it is a matter of resonance, which in actuality is somewhat important when you are interacting with another essence or with another individual within your reality. If you do not resonate with the other essence, you will begin to focus upon differences, and in that, you will begin to repel, for that is an automatic action that occurs within physical realty in conjunction with the guidelines or the blueprint of the physical reality. In your physical reality you incorporate many beliefs and your own guidelines, and those guidelines are very important, for they actually do serve as guides in your behavior, in your associations, in how you express or what you express and what you do not express, what you prefer, what you are drawn to, your interests. All of these expressions are connected with your guidelines, and therefore they are very important.

And in that, for the most part, individuals will draw themselves to sources of information that they resonate with. For if they do not resonate, they begin to become uncomfortable. And in becoming uncomfortable, there is an automatic association that is generated that there must be some element that is either wrong with what they are interacting with or wrong with themself.

MARCY: Mm-hm, right.

ELIAS: And in that, it generates that natural repelling.

MARCY: Mm-hm, right.

ELIAS: Now; many times in association with other individuals, this may be associated with differences. And in those differences it may be difficult for the individuals to interact amiably, for they do incorporate such differences, and that also can very easily trigger defenses. But generally speaking, in association with interacting with another essence that is not physically focused, that becomes a matter of resonance more so than differences. It is more a matter of what direction you move in and what captures your interest and what direction the essence may be moving in, which may be very different, and therefore it becomes more of a matter of whether you actually resonate with that essence or not – and at times you may not.

MARCY: Right. Okay. Sure, I understand, but then being as a physically focused human being like I am, I want to pin it on something and say, “Well, it's because of this or this,” because that would be an automatic thing that we do here. I see what you’re saying.

ELIAS: Yes. But that is not bad.

MARCY: Sure, sure, okay. Because I guess I was thinking, you know, essence is essence, and if I wasn't getting along with or feeling comfortable with this other essence there had to be something wrong, you know, like you said.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARCY: Okay.

ELIAS: But it is not actually that there is some wrong element; it is that you may not resonate with that essence, and you may not resonate with that essence’s agenda and the direction that it engages.

MARCY: Sure. Sure. Yeah. Okay. Well, and this triggers something else, because in some ways I think the reason I’m the most attracted to you and to your information, even though I’m not Sumafi totally in the least, is [inaudible] distortion, because I would rather have it straight even if I don't like it. I would rather have it as clear and as undistorted as possible, because then I can work with it, you know? – either accept or reject it or whatever, or say that works or that doesn't work. But if it's colored in some way, or it’s sort of within belief systems in some way, to me I would just rather have it straight, you know, have a straight ticket, which is what you do.

But then this makes me wonder too – and people in the forums have talked a lot about this and I’ve given it some thought but it was never a big deal – but as far as a core belief, I feel like something – and this may not be a core belief of mine, but something that's really, really important to me is directness and undistortedness. Not that there’s any eternal truth, because there’s not, and it all has to do with perception: what's true for someone else isn't true for me and I may see it differently. Could you maybe just for a few minutes talk to me about what you perceive to be one of my main core beliefs. Is it along those lines?


MARCY: Excellent. So how would you phrase it in a very simple, small amount of words?

ELIAS: I would express that that is quite accurate that it would be a core belief or guideline of directness, for in that, it matters not what the expression is or what the action is but that it is directed.

MARCY: Right, yeah. Well good, I'm glad, because that really is the most important thing for me. When I think over all of the different things that I think about, it’s like I just said, I can figure out how to deal with something if I know what it is, if someone’s direct. I hate this couching of terms – well, I don't hate it but I find it uncomfortable. It's not workable for me. Someone tries to make something sound nice – don't try to make it sound nice, just tell me what it is, you know? And so cool, that's great. That is something that’s really important to me. Thank you!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

MARCY: Let’s see, I think we have about five more minutes. I forgot to look at the time precisely. But to go off in a totally different tangent, this has to do with my daughter. A couple of conversations ago between you and I, you mentioned that her and my essences have a very strong experience of mergence. And at the time we weren’t getting along really well, and my first reaction to that after we hung up was, “Oh my god, I'm never going to be rid of her.“ (Both laugh) I was very distressed by that.

But then I started thinking it over and thinking now wait a minute, how could I turn this to my good, to our good, hers and mine, and I realize that that could actually be extremely beneficial because rather than struggling, struggling, struggling at focus level, it was just like our essences merged, there are similar tones, let’s just take care of it at essence level. And since that time – and I know this is going to sound really strange, and I even feel strange saying it – but she’s become so much like me that she never was before. I mean, she’s even emotionally focused and I’m not, and she was always the drama queen, the woeful me and crying out, and she just becomes… She will say things that are like me, she will do things that are like me, her attitude has become so much like me, and I'm like, “Gee, I wasn't trying to make her be like me,” but it's been astounding. It's just been astounding, this change, just because my attitude changed. Instead of rejecting this idea, I embraced it. It's like mergence is cool, and if nothing else I got this one person in my world that we are just like merged even at essence level, and it's been the most amazing experience. I don't even have a question; I'm just amazed by the change. I don't even know what to say about that. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Remarkable what perception does, isn't it?

MARCY: Yeah.

ELIAS: For altering your perception actually alters your reality.

MARCY: It does, but I never expected that it would alter another person.

ELIAS: It does –

MARCY: I mean, I didn't want her to be like me; I just didn't want her to be rude. (Laughs)

ELIAS: It does, and it –

MARCY: It's been astounding!

ELIAS: It does and it does not. For let me express to you, as I have expressed previously, what each of you interacts with is energy. What you produce from that energy is an actual physical form, a physical manifestation that expresses in the manner that it does. But – what you are directly interacting with is the energy of the other individual. All of the manifestation of the other individual is your own projection of them. Therefore, that can be easily colored in relation to perception, for perception is what creates that actual physical form that you are interacting with. And, in –

MARCY: Right, sure, and that makes total sense, because we were always at loggerheads, we were always at odds, but then I would expect that. We were always defensive against each other, so we kept projecting that against each other back and forth, back and forth and creating this other person that we couldn't get along with, and then we would think we can't get along with them so we would continue to create a person we couldn't get along with.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARCY: And then as soon as I decide, “Wait a minute, she's just like me, you know?” she is! (Laughs) She didn't have anything to fight against anymore, I didn't have anything to fight against anymore, and so it's like we were allowed to be of the same tone or similar tone and be like each other, like we are at essence levels.


MARCY: And then it became easy. That's logical, of course, but it's just like I’m just so astounded, because everything you’re saying, of course I've read it, and I'm like, “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense and I believe that stuff,” but I guess I had just never seen it demonstrated in such a pointed manner. I mean, there is no way to say that this is anything else; I mean, it's so obviously a demonstration of exactly what you've said.


MARCY: And it is so powerful to me! It's like, whoa! It's amazing.

ELIAS: Very powerful. This is the power of perception, and it is extremely strong. And in that, you can alter your realty in a moment and create a very dramatic difference, and this is also associated with what I have expressed in what you project, you will reflect. And if you are NOT projecting opposition, you will not reflect that opposition.

MARCY: Right. Right. It's just so… I mean, you know I had seen it in little ways; it's like yeah, yeah. That was our last conversation, where I kept saying are you sure I haven't disengaged [2], because like all of a sudden everything changed and I was like, “Um, things don't change this fast.” (Elias laughs) I got used to that, but I guess this was such an amazing big thing that it’s just… phew! (Both laugh) Wonderful!

ELIAS: Quite interesting how powerfully you actually do create and how you actually can manipulate your reality in a manner that is more comfortable and more in keeping with your preferences if you merely allow yourself.

MARCY: Right.

ELIAS: And if you are aware of what you are doing.

MARCY: It's funny though, it's kind of like you say, you know, you make a change and it’s not once and for all, you can kind of go back and forth, and I see myself doing that. And I was like, “Oh wait a minute, I know how to do this and I’ll get back to it.” (Elias laughs) But yeah, it's really… I don't know, I just love it that I have demonstrated this to myself in such a pointed manner – and my daughter and I are much happier, and that's an added bonus. (Both laugh) And everything works out really good, so…

ELIAS: Congratulations!

MARCY: Let's see, I think my time is up, so I guess I just want to say how much I appreciate your continuous interactions. I feel in people every once in a while, someone will smile at me and their eyes will change color, sort of look dark or something and I’ll think, “Aha, that was Elias just smiled out at me” and stuff. It's really fun. I feel like you are kind of a constant companion. I do appreciate that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) You are very welcome, my friend. (Chuckles)

MARCY: I guess we should say goodbye now.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy to you in great encouragement – and expressing my congratulations to you in your successfulness.

MARCY: Oh, thank you so much! I appreciate that a lot. (Both chuckles) I get a gold star. I like those.

ELIAS: To you, my dear friend, in great appreciation and in lovingness, au revoir.

MARCY: Au revoir.

[1] Session 73

[2] Session 20060628 (2024)

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.