Generating Balance and Not Fixing
“Generating Balance and Not Fixing”
“The Importance of Attention”
“Productivity with Relaxation and Fun”
20061229 (2159)
“Generating Balance and Not Fixing”
“The Importance of Attention”
“Productivity with Relaxation and Fun”
Friday, December 29, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Letty (Castille)
“When you are comfortable and satisfied within yourself, and are allowing yourself a free flow of energy and are balanced, you produce excellence. When you are forcing energy, you create obstacles.”
ELIAS: Good morning!
LETTY: Hello! (Elias laughs) It’s been a while, Elias!
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
LETTY: Well, probably my energy, my frustrations, my…I don’t know if I could call it as I talk to you but lack of acceptance, what I’m doing with my perception. The last few months have been kind of hard for me.
ELIAS: In relation to what?
LETTY: Well, it starts with work—at least I think that’s where I’ve been experiencing most of my energy, that…(Polly barks wildly) I’ve still got a job that enjoy very much, I think I like the work, but I keep creating dramas. I keep creating crises where I have to work harder, I have to work longer hours, and then I kind of…I judge myself for not creating as well, or creating better, or I think I’m not creating what I want. And I’m having problems with…
And I recognize when I push my energy. I’m very, very obvious, like right now. I’m trying to understand. I guess it’s like I’m trying to find the motivation or my payback of why I have created the uncomfortableness in my life right now that I don’t want—or THINK I don’t want, or don’t want to experience. I recognize a lot of it has to do with my preference as a person, and I think somewhere something should be shifting and I’m pulling it back. Is that what I’m doing? And what I mean by that is like instead of allowing myself with unfamiliar or relaxing in the unfamiliar and something different, I want to push it to go a certain way.
ELIAS: Partially. But, partially you have been generating these experiences to actually CREATE a motivational factor, for the more you dislike what you are doing, the more motivating it is for you to change that. But there are other factors also, for you are partially pushing, and one factor is importance.
Now; you recognize what your preferences are, and you recognize your energy and you know what your natural flow of energy is, and to a considerable extent you DO accept that. And in this situation, what is lacking is balance, and the reason the balance is lacking is associated with importance.
Now; this is a crucial point. For when you attach importance to any expression or manifestation, you pay considerable attention to it. And the more attention you pay to what is important, the more you create it.
Now; in this, the more you also concentrate upon the expression that is important—and importance is not necessarily what you want. Importance can be expressed many times in what you do NOT want. You generate what you do not want to BE important, and therefore you continue to pay attention to it, and you continue to concentrate upon it and feed it energy and, therefore, you continue to perpetuate it.
Just as if you generate an action that creates a physical pain, the dislike of the pain becomes important, and therefore your attention focuses upon the dislike of the pain. And as your attention becomes fixed upon the importance of the dislike, you concentrate upon it and you continue to create it.
And in that, it becomes very distracting, and you do not allow your attention to move and express flexibility. For, you continue to focus upon that manifestation or expression that has become important.
Now; in association with your employment environment, there are several areas which hold importance. One is your interaction with the other individuals, which you view to be positive, which generates the payoff of a comfortable environment, an ease in interaction with the other individuals. You also generate importance in some payoffs that this employment affords you, and therefore that also holds your attention and motivates you to continue. You also recognize your preference for structure and order, so to speak. In that, IT is important.
But, where you have moved your attention more strongly, which in some manners almost overrides the other expressions of importance, is that you have moved your attention to the importance of what you dislike in the structure of the company. For its structure is different than your structure. Its order is different than your order. Therefore, its structure and its order appear to you, in your perception, to be chaos. And as that is in opposition to your preference and your guideline, it becomes important. And in that, your automatic response is to fix it.
LETTY: Hm! No wonder I’m struggling.
ELIAS: Yes. For it is not your job to fix it.
LETTY: Right.
ELIAS: It is different. It is not bad; it is not wrong; it is different.
Therefore, in concentrating and focusing your attention upon the difference that you dislike, and generating the assessment and the perception that this structure is chaotic, you are continuously opposing it. And, you are opposing yourself in not allowing for your own balance and not allowing yourself to follow your own guidelines and your own preferences within your own structure. It is not a matter of fixing what is in place, so to speak, or fixing the design of what has already been created; it is a matter of you discovering and generating your balance and recognizing what is genuinely important to you—and not distracting yourself by placing importance upon expressions that are not yours to fix, and pushing yourself and forcing your energy in the attempt to accomplish the fixing that is not yours to fix.
LETTY: And that has allowed me to kind of look at other stuff in my life also—I mean, as simple as looking for a parking lot and being upset because somebody beat me to the parking space.
LETTY: Am I feeling like everything is kind of like I’m taking that importance of fixing it overall to all parts of my life?
ELIAS: Yes. It is all interconnected.
LETTY: Very much so.
ELIAS: Whatever direction you engage, my friend, is interconnected with EVERY expression and action that you engage, regardless of whether it is shopping in a shop, interacting with a clerk, parking your car, making a meal, generating tasks at your employ—it matters not. It is all interconnected.
LETTY: And I told myself that exactly, but I didn’t pick up on that I was trying to fix that part. Because I had a dream that to me I woke up understanding that it had to do with perception. I was at a gathering with very many different people and walks of life, and I was trying be the liaison and trying to make people comfortable with each other. I was trying to make sure that, you know, the less fortunate or the poor people could hang out with the richer people, and I was working very, very hard at trying to make them like each other.
ELIAS: Rather than accepting their differences for what they are.
LETTY: Oh dear. Oh, Elias.
ELIAS: In this, my friend, it is not the concern of other individuals or other expressions or other manifestations. It is a matter of being present with you and generating your own balance and allowing your own free flow, in which you can actually accomplish what you want to accomplish, generate the contribution that you want to generate, but balance that with your own free flow of energy. You have lost your fun, my friend.
LETTY: Yeah. I know. I know. I have never been one…I don’t know what the word is—unfun. (Both laugh) Yes, I have. And I recognize even in being in the magical place of Disneyland I could feel it, because I’ve been carrying it. I mean, it’s like even not being as warped and weak hasn’t stopped me from fighting that difference, as I recognize it right now.
ELIAS: Yes. For, it has become important, and therefore, it has captured your attention.
Now it is significant that you dissipate that importance and allow yourself to move your attention to expressions that are genuinely important to you, for they ARE in keeping with your preferences.
LETTY: Mm-hm.
ELIAS: You express that you like your job, but you generate considerable tension and pressure and work in association with it—which is not necessary.
And it is not a matter of expressing laziness.
LETTY: Right.
ELIAS: For, I am aware of the association that YOU generate that if you are not performing at your top level, so to speak, you generate the perception that laziness is being expressed. Which, you also generate that association with other individuals: If THEY are not generating their top performance, THEY are expressing somewhat of laziness.
But—it is not necessarily an actual expression of laziness if individuals are actually performing in their own COMFORTABLE capacity. Excellence is not produced in force; excellence is produced in comfort.
ELIAS: When you are comfortable and satisfied within yourself, and are allowing yourself a free flow of energy and are balanced, you produce excellence. When you are forcing energy, you create obstacles.
LETTY: Yeah. That’s why the expectation…my expectations, I think, come in.
Well, Elias, this is definitely the part I was missing, that I could recognize… I mean, I have been trying to pay attention to what I was doing, and one of the things that I didn’t pay attention was that I was not being relaxed and I was not having fun.
ELIAS: And that is important.
LETTY: Yes. I know that.
ELIAS: For when you are relaxed and you are generating fun, you are actually more productive.
LETTY: Very true.
ELIAS: And when you are more productive, you excel.
LETTY: Wow! Thank you so much, Elias.
ELIAS: (Laughs) You are welcome.
LETTY: You know, it’s interesting because it took three months, a time framework that I look at from when I thought I wanted to talk to you, and somewhere down the line I knew that I would have to try to get myself to look at myself, to pay attention to myself.
LETTY: And I was not allowing myself that time, because I was too busy looking out [for] how it’s supposed to look like, not what it really was.
ELIAS: Correct. Which is quite definitely a matter of perception. And this offers you an excellent example of how STRONG perception is and how it DOES create your reality. And it is very closely associated with attention, and your associations. Therefore, offering that information to perception, this is what you create.
LETTY: Wow. Well, this answers ALL my questions. (Elias laughs) But I do have a couple of other fun ones, starting with our dog, Oscar. And we see your blue eyes very often. (Elias chuckles) And I just love it. But I was curious: You know, many times where I do feel, and I see his blue eyes and I notice that connection, I find in certain parts of his body a tremendous amount of energy. Is that you? Or is that just his own energy?
ELIAS: Both.
LETTY: Oh. Okay. All right. Is he aware that something…? I mean, it’s like… I don’t know how much energy is flow – yeah, because you lend him energy, right?
LETTY: So… Can I ask you, is another part of our perception issue that we have found with him in regards to his itchiness? He scratches a lot, and for a while he was even biting, and… We go through the belief systems that well, you know he’s lonely and he does it for attention and everything that we hear about it. But then a part of me says it’s just his expression, like I itch and I scratch.
ELIAS: At times. At times it IS associated with your energy.
LETTY: With my energy?
ELIAS: With…
LETTY: Or our energy?
LETTY: Okay. But there is really nothing wrong with him; it’s just that that…I mean, we lend him energy, so he scratches.
ELIAS: At times he engages this action in relation to your energy, you and your partner, in association with frustration or irritation. At times he generates the action merely as a natural action.
LETTY: Okay. I’ll pay attention more. Okay.
I have a friend that I talked a little bit about you to at work. Her name’s Lisa, and I’ve never been really good at…I know she’s Sumafi, but her alignment has been difficult for me because I can’t quite…All I know is she’s not Zuli—things that are opposite. Can you tell me what her essence name is and her alignment?
ELIAS: Essence name: PEGGY.
LETTY: Peggy. Hm.
ELIAS: Alignment: Gramada.
LETTY: Gramada. And I know I’ve connected with her where we’ve been partners.
LETTY: More than once.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
LETTY: Okay. (Pause) Is one of those times, was it in Ireland or Scotland?
ELIAS: Ireland.
LETTY: Ireland. Okay. (Sighs) Well, Elias, it’s just been so nice to hear your voice again.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And you also, my friend.
LETTY: Yeah, it’s…I missed you. I know we talked, and I was happy to get a smoke detector so we can chat at night again. (Elias laughs) It had to be energy winking at me!
ELIAS: (Laughs) I am always present, my friend. (Laughs)
LETTY: I know, I know. And it’s just been wonderful, and I know…I talked to Marta last night and he sends his regards, although he recognizes that he does talk to you every day.
ELIAS: Yes. And you may offer my greetings to him also. (Chuckles)
LETTY: Yes. And I think this will help my partner too, because I know we connect a lot and our energy flows really close together.
ELIAS: Yes. And perhaps you may allow yourselves to relax and incorporate fun together, rather than forcing. And in this also, my friend, remember to be present. It is not necessary to continuously incorporate timelines. If you are genuinely being present, many of your timelines will become less important.
LETTY: It’s only my future that I try to organize.
LETTY: Very true. Well, I’m sure there’s a lot of questions that you will help me answer when I’m a president (Elias laughs) in the future. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Perhaps you may (laughs)… Perhaps you may begin now.
LETTY: Yes. And you know, in this present you just said so many things that just opened me up so much that…I mean, I feel my whole body tingling with energy. (Elias chuckles) And I know it’s your energy coming through and it’s the excitement that oh my god, you know, I…It’s like I wanted to change—choose to change—my reality, especially at work, and it’s like I can feel the understanding of what I want to do because that’s where I want to go, that’s my preference. And I think I’ve been caught up in that important attention I was putting on the company, and it’s true, I was judging them very harshly instead of just allowing it to be whatever it is and letting me be the part that I’m going to play.
ELIAS: Yes. Congratulations, my friend. (Both laugh)
LETTY: Oh, this is wonderful, Elias. So whatever it may be, it’s like starting a new day.
ELIAS: Yes. And that is glorious.
LETTY: Yes, it is glorious. (Elias chuckles) Oh, Elias, thank you so much.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
LETTY: I want to hug you at this moment right now.
ELIAS: (Laughs) It is received.
LETTY: It is. I’m glad.
ELIAS: And I am greatly acknowledging of you, Castille.
LETTY: Thank you.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) You ARE accomplishing, even in the time frameworks in which you think you are not. (Laughs)
LETTY: Yes. Yeah. Actually I do give myself credit that I understand what’s going on and recognizing to pay attention in the moment. And in those moments I recognize that I have allowed to hold onto my energy, and something happens to me where I get stuck in traffic or I have to wait or I’m not getting the call or it’s busy or whatever may be the case. And that’s even in a frustration mode, I feel good that I understand it.
LETTY: I understand how I am creating and there’s nobody doing anything to me.
ELIAS: Yes. Which is significant.
LETTY: Yes. Yeah. So with that said right now, because you know I’ve been toying with purchasing a new car, I’m going to get that new car as that’s how I feel right now.
ELIAS: Congratulations! (Letty laughs) Offering yourself a reward in acknowledgement of the information you have offered to yourself and your understanding.
LETTY: Yes. (Elias laughs) I feel very, very good about that. Thank you.
ELIAS: I am very encouraging of you. (Chuckles)
LETTY: So, you know it took just a few minutes for what I was trying to do for a month, and yet at the same time, right now is the perfect timing. (Elias laughs) It makes me appreciate you that much more.
ELIAS: And I express tremendous appreciation of you.
LETTY: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
I offer great encouragement to you, my friend, and as always, tremendous lovingness. Appreciate the wonderment of what you create, rather than forcing yourself in work. (Chuckles)
LETTY: Yes. I’m going to start playing and watch more golf now.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well!
LETTY: Thank you. Thank you again.
ELIAS: To you, in great lovingness and dear, dear friendship, au revoir.
LETTY: Au revoir, dear friend.
(Elias departs after 39 minutes)
©2006 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.