Session 200612281

From Revelation to Application


"From Revelation to Application"
"Being Satisfied"
“Paying Attention to Your Natural Flow”
"Pets Reflecting Different Aspects of Energy”
“A New Knowing”

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Terri (Uliva)

ELIAS: Good afternoon.

TERRI: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: And how is your adventure proceeding?

TERRI: Fast. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) Remember our last session I asked you for the next lesson, and I have to think that this whole thing with Sassy was like the next lesson. Even though it was with animals, it just seems to encompass so much more than that, including my career. So I thought that was pretty cool. And I was so proud of myself for not getting hung up in the absolute when I decided to take her back that it wouldn't happen, and I just kind of stepped back and worked with a lot of other beliefs and perceptions and was able to go back and get her again, so I thought that really turned out well.

ELIAS: Paying attention to yourself.

TERRI: Yeah.

ELIAS: And noticing. And this provides an excellent example of the interconnectedness, that whatever direction you are engaging, whatever subject you are engaging and whatever you are interacting with surfacely may appear to be unrelated to other directions. But in actuality, when you genuinely pay attention and begin noticing, you begin to recognize that all of what you do, regardless of the subject, is interconnected. There are facets of everything that you do that connect with other actions that you do.

TERRI: Right. Yeah, and I keep getting more and more of that. And that's one of the things that I keep hearing you saying: Everything’s interconnected, everything’s connected, which, you know, just reminds me to pay attention not just to what’s going on right there but HOW it connects to other things. So that's pretty cool.

And I was excited about the appointment that I had today because watching all of the Cesar videos, I was excited about trying to keep my calm, assertive energy when I went on the appointment because I thought maybe the last piece here is that I'm staying excited about the product and helping them create the vision and the company and everything, but then my energy was shifting when I moved into how they were going to afford it. So I was looking forward to staying calm and assertive and showing them how they could make this work, but I couldn't even wake up for this appointment this morning, and the whole thing seemed to be so unsettling from yesterday, with the way the email came through with no names and no address, and then came through again and had the wrong address. And I was wondering if maybe you could help me work through that to help me understand what happened with this appointment more.

ELIAS: In actuality, this is not unusual. Many times, individuals may present information to themself that appears to them to be a significant revelation, in which they generate a genuine understanding of some new element of their reality, some new revealing of themself to themself. And initially that generates excitement, for the individual is excited that they understand what they are doing and what they are presenting to themselves. But – familiarity is very strong. Automatic responses are very strong, for they are familiar. Therefore, initially you may offer yourself quite revealing information which can be very empowering, but subsequent to that information, many, many, times what the individual will do – which applies in this scenario – is, there is much attention being paid to the revelation but not actually to the application of the revelation. The revelation itself becomes very important, and therefore, the individual moves their attention to that information but not in application.

And, in moving the attention to the information – the revelation – you may generate designs of how you will or want to incorporate the application of it in theory. And that also generates excitement, but when the opportunity is presented to actually IMPLEMENT the new information and apply that revelation, the automatic responses arise, and the familiar is implemented – without thinking. It merely occurs, and you generate some action that will, in a manner of speaking, emphasize your revelation.

In generating the familiar and the automatic responses – which, the automatic response in this situation was a doubt; and in that, you create an experience that will appear to you to be obvious but that you will also question. That creates the emphasis in association with the revelation, and it motivates you to pay attention more.

TERRI: To my energy.

ELIAS: Yes, for now you have the experience of the information, and you have an experience of not implementing it, which emphasizes it, and that creates a motivation to be paying more attention to your energy and to what you are doing. And in that, it allows, in a manner of speaking, for the push beyond the hesitation, beyond the automatic response, which is the doubt.

TERRI: So what you are saying is next time I won't hesitate, and I'll do it because I've had this experience.

ELIAS: Yes. For this has created the emphasis which sparks the motivation to accomplish, for you incorporate an inner knowing now that you have offered yourself the information and you understand. And in that, there is a curiosity and motivation to experiment, and to accomplish.

TERRI: So was I right in thinking that this was like the last missing piece? Because I felt like I worked on helping them create the vision, getting them into the room, recovering my excitement about the company and the product and building my confidence and all that, but this was the last step because I just wasn't noticing how my energy was shifting when I moved into the money part. So if I can just maintain that calm, assertive energy that “You can do this” – to them: “You can do this, it's going to be okay.” That's what takes it to completion.


TERRI: Okay, so today was just kind of a nervous reaction...

ELIAS: In that automatic response. But that is purposeful too, and beneficial.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: For that serves as a motivating force to encourage you TO experiment and to allow yourself to accomplish, to implement that inner knowing and override the doubt.

TERRI: (Pause) Okay. I was watching outside of my window one day when I was starting to get all this, and I saw all of these birds diving out of the tree. And I just had this feeling like I opened the trap door in one of the bird cages and a bunch of them were coming out at once, like I was getting a lot of stuff at once. Is part of that because Bubba's gone back to Virginia that I'm more allowing this now, or paying it more attention, because I'm not so distracted by him?


TERRI: Because it just feels like a flood lately. And I'm proud of myself that I don't feel scared of it; I feel like it's not so much that I can't handle it, but it's really neat.

ELIAS: Congratulations.

TERRI: Yeah. I seem to be creating more money lately too. I've been trying to pay attention to all the different avenues. With finding the trails across from my house, I was walking on them and I was thinking like, right out of my house that one morning I just wanted to create a trail around my house, and I did that, and then I really realized the abundance of trails that I created. And it's the same thing with money, that there's no end to how much I can create, I just need to... When I walked out that door it was just like, “Okay, I know there's a trail here, I know I can create it,” and not get attached to how you’re going to do it. So I kind of thought that's how that was interconnected.

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.

TERRI: And then I had another thought that you can also create money as easily as you can spend money.

ELIAS: And so you can.

TERRI: We think that we can spend money so easily, but it's just our perception that we can't create it that easily.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: Right? It's just our perception.

ELIAS: For you limit your avenues.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Which IS very interconnected with your imagery of your trails.

TERRI: Right!

ELIAS: For you can generate money in many different avenues, but you generate the perception that there are few avenues in which it can be generated, and you assign attachments to it, and that limits you.

TERRI: Yeah, so I think I've really at least taken a big step in opening that more.


TERRI: So that's cool. (Laughs) And then I thought that with Shawn lately, not seeing him as much, I thought there was a lot of beliefs wrapped in there with holidays and family, also just kind of exploring just being satisfied – I've been trying to really practice being satisfied where I'm at that moment – and realizing how many times we’re satisfied but we also are not happy with it because we think, “Why aren't they calling?” or “Why aren't they here?” or “Why have I created this?” but when we really are satisfied; we just don't notice it. (Laughs)

ELIAS: You are quite correct.

TERRI: And we’re just still not happy. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And the reason is that you are projecting...

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: ...rather than being present. And in actuality, when you ARE present, much of your time framework you are comfortable and you are satisfied.

TERRI: Right. And I was really surprised that... I guess because we always think we should be doing something with somebody or we should see them a certain amount of times, you know, so it shows they're still interested or something, but you know, you can still be sharing that energy and not be in the same room with them.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: Yeah. And it was kind of like the holidays when people were saying, “Well, aren't you sad because you're not with your boys?” And it's like, “No, because I can still feel their energy; I don't need to be in the same room with them.” So I was practicing with that too. So I've been trying to practice being very satisfied (laughs) and concentrating on my successes.

ELIAS: Congratulations.

TERRI: Thank you. (Laughs)

ELIAS: This is significant.

TERRI: Yeah. It's getting easier, too. I've noticed it's getting easier. It's like you get to a point in a puzzle where you put in that one piece, and then all of a sudden the rest start to come in. It's like once you find that one piece (laughs), the rest of them start making sense and they all just fall in.

ELIAS: I am quite understanding.

TERRI: Yeah.

ELIAS: And this is quite significant.

TERRI: Yeah, and I feel a lot better lately. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles)

I never asked you... I've been thinking for a while what my theme or intent or direction in this life is, and one of the thoughts I had was kind of like trying to see how far I could get on my own with not a lot of help. Like I don't have a lot of family that's always there for me or a lot of friends, like I want to do it on my own. Is that my direction?


TERRI: So that's cool. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) “Being,” I guess you call it.

And one of the things you said was, if you explore that, it can help you in the rest of your life. Is there anything that I'm not seeing there that might be comforting to me or help me more?

ELIAS: You are already presenting that to yourself, my friend. You are beginning to genuinely open, and you are beginning to genuinely notice and pay attention, and one of the most significant movements that you have generated recently is that in noticing the interconnectedness. That can be quite helpful, for when you pay attention to how you are creating in one area, or what you are generating, or what you are doing in one area, you can begin to recognize how that can be applied in other areas.

TERRI: Right, because we tend to think that everything's different. It's like, well, you create this way you do it fine, but over here this is something completely different so it has to be much harder.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: And it's not; it's all the same.

ELIAS: You are correct.

TERRI: And that's what I've really been picking up on lately. And the whole thing the way Sassy came along, and I've really been trying to concentrate on saying what I want to say instead of getting caught up in “This is what I want to say and what I want to do” and then getting caught up in “Oh, don't do that,” or “You don't need to do that.” I was really glad I sent the man that bumped into my T-Bird the picture of Sassy and the little story, because all the energy goes out and shows everybody another little piece of how it all works together. So that was kind of cool.

So is all of this because of the perception wave too? Because I think this perception wave is just so cool. (Both laugh) Is that a big part of it, …


TERRI: ...why some of it has been getting so much easier? Because, I mean, this is a fun one. The truth wave sucked. (Both laugh) It was a very painful, frustrating, wave. (Elias chuckles) But this one's a lot of fun.

ELIAS: For you have already set the foundation, which I expressed in association with the wave addressing to truths, that that would generate a considerable opening in relation to the other waves.

TERRI: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: For in generating THAT particular wave, you address to many, many, many, different issues and directions and associations, and that allows you to move into this wave much more easily and to actually generate fun with this wave, for you are generating excitement, for you ARE offering yourself revelations.

TERRI: Yeah. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And that sparks interest and curiosity and it is motivating, and that creates more energy expression.

TERRI: With other people.

ELIAS: And yourself!

TERRI: Oh, yourself too.

ELIAS: Yes, with other individuals and with yourself. It allows your energy to flow more naturally.

TERRI: Yeah, I've been trying to focus on that lately too. I was reading in one session, it was saying – or maybe it was our session – “Pay attention to the natural flow of energy.” And I've really been trying to pay attention to that with the way the water flows when we’re walking in the park and just kind of paying more attention to my own natural flow – instead of fighting the current, trying to go more with it.

ELIAS: Yes. That is significant: genuinely allowing yourself to notice your energy and what your energy is doing.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Genuinely paying attention and recognizing what you are actually doing, not necessarily what you THINK you are doing.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And paying attention to how the energy is being expressed, and therefore allowing yourself to become much more familiar with what your natural flow actually is.

TERRI: Right. Yeah, because it seems to change like moment to moment, like it's always fluctuating and...

ELIAS: It is fluid.

TERRI: Yeah. And the dogs, when I'm out the dogs just reflect it instantly, and it's so cool being able to watch them. And I thought that Sassy was like the yin of the yang to Zeus, like Zeus seems to be the steady, consistent, on-the-path, calm, laid back [side], and then Sassy is like my adventurous, fun, playful side, and it's been interesting watching them learn to get along. And I've been trying to check my energy, because my energy seems to reflect how they're getting along in that moment.

ELIAS: And beyond that, with your energy you have offered yourself the first element of recognizing that each of them reflects you in different manners.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: You have also recognized that there has been a time framework in which there appears to you to be somewhat of a struggle of combining those expressions. That is significant, for this IS a reflection of you, that you also incorporate somewhat of a difficulty in balancing and COMBINING those different aspects of yourself...

TERRI: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: ...rather than continuing to express them separately.

TERRI: Which is what I'm doing now.

ELIAS: Yes. This is significant, for what the creatures are presenting to you is your own imagery of how you separate those elements of yourself. You incorporate associations of criteria: In some situations you require yourself to be upon your path and consistent and steady, and there is no allowance of involvement of the playful spontaneous.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And if you are playful and spontaneous, you do not incorporate the consistent steady-upon-the-path.

TERRI: So the trick is to...

ELIAS: Balance and combine. Just as you are moving in the direction of incorporating both of the creatures together to be in harmony with each other, correct?

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: They are reflecting that to you also, that these are elements of yourself that are important to combine and be in harmony with each other also.

TERRI: Are they also reflecting that I'm moving in that direction myself?


TERRI: Ohhhh. Well, that's cool. I didn’t come up to that one yet. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: Which is also an element of your revelation. For in that, you recognize that you HAVE reincorporated your excitement in relation to part of what you do in your job, ...

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: …but you also recognize that there is a part in which your energy changes. That is the part which is being separated out, not incorporating the fun.

TERRI: Hm. Because I'm trying to stay on the mission of getting the job done.


TERRI: Okay. Okay, so I just need to be more aware? Or just try to relax more, I guess.

ELIAS: Yes, yes.

TERRI: To allow the spontaneous part in. Because I know I keep looking at it as this is a job, it has to be done, and not completely bringing back in how much fun it is too. Because I know I TALK about it being fun, but I guess a part of me is like, “But you haven't sold any so it can't be fun yet.” So it's like...

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: …if I could just sell another one then I could make it fun again, where the trick really is to bring the fun back in...

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: you can sell one.

ELIAS: Correct. And that will yield the outcome that you want.

TERRI: And part of that is [crosstalk].

ELIAS: You are viewing it in reverse.

TERRI: Right. So another element of... I can play with that with bringing Cesar's energy with me, so that's part of helping me move in that direction too, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: Ohhhh!

ELIAS: Incorporating more fun.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: But continuing upon your path.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Generating the consistency, but also incorporating a fun and playful energy.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Which does also allow for spontaneity.

TERRI: Right. Yeah, I definitely didn't have that this morning. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) And I knew that. I could feel that I was falling back into that pattern, but I was just so overwhelmed with tiredness, it was just... I could barely move. Was part of it overwhelming myself with the energy of wanting to do it so bad? I don't know, I just felt like I was fighting myself.

ELIAS: That was associated with the automatic response of doubt.

TERRI: Right. Hm.

ELIAS: (Facetiously) “I have this revelation. This is tremendously exciting.”

TERRI: Right. (Laughs)

ELIAS: “I know what to do.”

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And then you incorporate the moment of “But can I do it?”

TERRI: Right. And it started yesterday, because then I kept going into… When they said it was three appointments I was like, “Well, I know I can make this work so I can still have my session.” Which, I've been really trying to pay attention to feeling the knowing, like when I KNOW something, because I can definitely get like a strong, confident feeling. Like when I got the letter from the hospital, before I opened it I had that feeling. I'm like, I know that this has been taken care of. So that knowing has that feeling with it. And I definitely didn't have that knowing, because when I got the email, and it was like all pieced together, I started having doubts about it then instead of holding on to that calm, assertive energy...

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: ... that I know I can make this work.

ELIAS: Correct.

TERRI: Ah! Okay.

ELIAS: But that is the element of the familiar.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: That is very familiar.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore, it can easily override...

TERRI: Which it did.

ELIAS: ...the new knowing.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: But – that is also purposeful, for that allows you the experience of that familiar and the strength of the automatic response, and it motivates you to pay more attention.

TERRI: Right.

ELIAS: And not to succumb to that familiar and to move your attention back to your knowing.

TERRI: Right. Right, because it's definitely… At least I can really recognize that feeling now when I know something, where before I was kind of doubting and it was like, “Well, is it or isn't it?” but now I know.

ELIAS: This is trusting.

TERRI: Right. And that's the other thing I've been trying to pay attention to, when I really trust myself that I can create something. And so I figure if I can just keep holding on to that (laughs)… Like the trails, because when I walked out that door I’m like, “I know there's a trail here somewhere. I know I can create this.” And it was right across the street! (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) So that was huge.

There's been some really big successes lately that I’ve been just holding on to.

ELIAS: And I am greatly acknowledging of you.

TERRI: Yeah. So thank you again.

Our time's already up; that flew by. (Both laugh) I don't know, do you do Happy New Year’s? (Laughs)

ELIAS: I shall offer mine to you.

TERRI: Yeah, we love New Year’s. It's just like a fresh start, you know, we've just gotten... It's just like a chance to start all over again.

ELIAS: And you are approaching your new year with your own new revelation.

TERRI: Yeah. Yeah, I like that one too. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And your new inspiration.

TERRI: Yep, yep, absolutely. Yep, and my new puppy. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And I express tremendous congratulations to you in your accomplishments recently, my friend. (Chuckles) I shall be anticipating our next meeting.

TERRI: Thank you.

ELIAS: And more of your good news.

TERRI: Yes. (Elias laughs) I'm on a roll. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And I shall be offering my energy in the continuation of your roll. (Laughs)

TERRI: Thank you. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: To you in great lovingness and tremendous appreciation, my friend, au revoir.

TERRI: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 36 minutes)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.