Session 200612141

Preferences in Methods


“Preferences in Methods"
“Discovering Your Natural Flow of Energy"
“Expressing Genuine Power in Gentleness"
"Differences between Common, Intermediate and Soft Orientations"

20061214 (2149)
“Preferences in Methods"
“Discovering Your Natural Flow of Energy"
“Expressing Genuine Power in Gentleness"
"Differences between Common, Intermediate and Soft Orientations"

Thursday, December 14, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ester (Ashule)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ESTER: Good morning. How are you doing, Elias?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

ESTER: I'm doing very well. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) I'm a little sleepy yet, but I did make the connection, which is great. (Elias laughs)

You know, there's so much to talk about, and at the same time it's like there's nothing to talk about because I'm like just moving along. (Elias laughs) And things just keep unfolding. (Pause) Wow, I had so many questions that seemed so important, and they don't seem so important right now. (Elias laughs)

Okay, I guess I can ask you more like, how are you feeling my energy today? (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Chuckles) (Pause) I would assess your energy presently to be one of somewhat resignation.

ESTER: Oh. (Laughs) (Pause)

ELIAS: Which can actually be a positive, for I can assess in your energy that recently you have been moving yourself into overwhelm, and generating an energy of resignation allows you to stop the overwhelm and allows you to relax somewhat, and in that, you will begin to present solutions or answers.

ESTER: Yeah. (Long pause)

ELIAS: Would you generate more comfort in engaging conversation within a different time framework?

ESTER: (Pause) You, know, I was (laughs)…No really, I was just feeling very comfortable being silent with you.

ELIAS: Very well.

ESTER: [Inaudible] that was that you were there, that's all.

ELIAS: Very well. That is entirely acceptable.

ESTER: (Long pause) I've been having so many experiences that in the past would have been so challenging but they don’t feel so challenging now, and I'm just right now realizing that probably I've been feeling very excited about that because it's like, wow, I'm doing things that before I never thought I'd be able to do. (Elias laughs quietly)

And a part of the overwhelm I think is… (chuckles) And like I said, I'm feeling [inaudible] right now, but even within that I'm still questioning, you know, am I doing the right thing. And that question has been in the back of my mind without me being aware of it, so clearly has been very heavy on me. (Pause)

ELIAS: I would express to you that you can presently be acknowledging of yourself in generating a success, for initially you were questioning yourself in why you continue to repeat certain creations, but in this moment you have actually realized that you are not. (Pause) You ARE generating differently. (Pause)

ESTER: Yes. (Pause)

ELIAS: And you are becoming much more comfortable with yourself than you were previously.

ESTER: Yeah. (Long pause) Yes. (Laughs) Ohhhh... (Long pause) (Laughs) I am...all the things that I've been...for the last few weeks, you know, that I was very excited about but suddenly have become, like, what am I doing? They're like shifting again, so it's like, wow. (Laughs) It's amazing about this perception, you know. (Both laugh)

Because in just one moment everything just whoo! and a different reaction, even though everything was the same.

ELIAS: Yes. Perception is a very interesting subject, for it IS very changeable. And it is very affecting, for it, being flexible and changeable, can change your reality significantly. Even though your reality may physically appear the same, even that can change, but how you associate with your reality can considerably change in association with perception. (Pause)

ESTER: Yeah, I’ve been doing a little work with EFT, and I guess that's one of the things that I'm still…(laughs) But maybe I did want to talk to you about it in a more kind of validating thing, because I've been using this EFT thing—or part of it, I should say, to make it clear. But I haven't even read the manual or anything, it's whatever I hear about it that people are using or reading and then I do some on my own, I do my own thing. And I’ve noticed how just phrasing things, because I realize that that phrasing, what they call the setup phrase, is such a powerful way to accept things, you know? Because you actually have to say what is the “problem,” in quotation marks, and still, even though it's still there, you are choosing something differently, or choosing just to accept yourself with that in you. But just the phrasing of that has been very amazing to me, how I've used it to feel more comfortable with myself.

ELIAS: I am understanding. This is the principal of identifying what you are expressing or what you are experiencing. And when you can identify, you can address to the subject by evaluating how it actually affects you and what motivates that affectingness, and that allows you to choose differently. (Pause) And that IS very powerful. (Pause) It also allows you to realize how powerful YOU are. (Pause)

ESTER: Yes, because I have been feeling that. (Laughs). Within this system, they have this tapping they do, right? And I've used that only a couple times. Is that just a personal preference? Because every time I try to read more about it I get this feeling over me that it’s more like, “Oh, that's so boring.” (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) [Inaudible] the meridians and where to tap, and when I feel the need to do something else aside from just saying the words, I do my own thing. I look at the part of my body that feels like I want to tap it and I just move it or tap it, or usually rub it—not tap it, but I just rub circles on it. But logically, to me it feels like it would be...that it's up to ME in a sense.

ELIAS: Correct.

ESTER: But at the same time I have all these ideas about, Well, maybe whoever started by the meridians they know the different parts of the body, and if you do the different parts of the body maybe the body WILL act differently. So I guess that's part of my question, because in a lot of areas in my life I do things my own way, in a very dramatic way, in a very simple way in a sense, because I don't go into all the details of the meridians or the beliefs that are all associated with that. Can you expand a little bit on that?

ELIAS: That is entirely acceptable, my friend. With any philosophy or methodology, it is actually a matter of beliefs, preferences and perception, that an individual may develop a method for accomplishing certain expressions, and that may generate very well for that individual. And, it may also express well with other individuals, dependent upon their beliefs and their suggestibility.

Now; I am not expressing that term as a negative, for in some manners and in some situations, suggestibility can be very beneficial, for it can allow an individual an openness to engage certain methods and allow themselves to accomplish, for it allows them to move into an association that “if this method is successful for other individuals it can be successful for myself also.” But not all individuals approach different philosophies or methodologies with that willingness of suggestibility; and therefore, it is a matter of paying attention to yourself and what you are comfortable with and what you move with naturally, allowing yourself to experiment with different experiences, and in that, choosing which experiences you prefer and which methods you engage that are successful for you, and allowing yourself the flexibility to incorporate your own creativity, and listening to yourself, therefore creating some elements of your OWN methodology, for that allows you to express freely. It is not necessary to rigidly hold to one expression. This is what creates the beginnings of fanaticism, when individuals hold so rigidly in one direction to one philosophy or one method and do not allow for any flexibility.

What you are engaging is allowing yourself to experiment with different methods and expressions that you prefer and that allow you to accomplish more easily in whatever you are attempting to accomplish. In this, you may liken yourself to Mozart, incorporating one basic theme but generating your creativity to create variations of that theme. Therefore, you generate your own additions to the method that are successful for you, or deviations in the method. And in this, it is not to say that engaging the established method would not yield a successful outcome, but that may not necessarily be YOUR preference in engaging that much detail.

I am aware that you do incorporate a preference for simplicity, and in that, you also incorporate a preference for easy.

ESTER: Yes. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Which is not bad and is a natural movement for you. Some individuals actually incorporate preferences for more difficulty. You may generate intensities, and you may generate some dramas, but you actually do incorporate preferences for simple and easy—and even in your dramas, they are quite simple.

ESTER: They are very simple, yes. (Laughs) I was just thinking that. (Elias laughs). Even my dramas are very simple.

ELIAS: Correct. (Both laugh)

ESTER: (Pause) I think that’s been something that I've learned this week, the last couple of weeks actually, about myself in a very clear way. You know, before I explored it, but I think I was fighting it and I was trying to change it and I was trying to be more complex. (Both laugh) But this week, because I spent that week with [name], it was that realization that I was trying so hard to be different than what I really like. (Elias chuckles) And it was...

ELIAS: And it is much easier to actually express your own natural flow.

ESTER: Yes! Because [name] likes everything more complex and more rich and more...The things that I like she finds boring, you know. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) But it was that realization that we could actually be in the same space and like different things and still be compatible at the same time.

ELIAS: Yes, for that provides a complement.

ESTER: Yeah! That was an amazing recognition I had this week for myself, easing myself into my own simplicity and my own easiness—you know, accepting that about myself.

ELIAS: And THAT is genuinely worthy of your acknowledgment, for that is a significant accomplishment.

ESTER: (Long pause) It has felt like a significant accomplishment—like wow.

ELIAS: (Both laugh) Discovering your natural movement, your natural flow of energy, and accepting that and being comfortable with yourself as you are and who you are, is tremendous.


ELIAS: For that allows you to begin to move into satisfaction. And when you are comfortable and you are satisfied, you generate quite easily and you create little obstacles.

ESTER: Yes. (Long pause) Yeah, it has been fascinating the last few weeks to see how every time I compromise, or... At the end I would still create what I wanted, in a more challenging way (laughs), if I couldn't express it, you know, on my own...Wow.

ELIAS: But recognize what is significant in what you are noticing is that you ARE accomplishing, regardless of whether you subsequently express to yourself that you COULD have generated an easier direction—that matters not.


ELIAS: What is significant is that you are noticing that whatever expression you generate, whatever method you incorporate, you are actually accomplishing the outcome that you want.

ESTER: Yeah.

ELIAS: And you are offering yourself information in the process.

ESTER: Yes. (Pause) (Laughs) I think that's the part that I have to keep reminding myself now, is that I do things my own way and that there’s not one... Like you were saying before, I'm experiencing it now more clearly. But there’s not one method that makes it better.

ELIAS: Correct.

ESTER: But like in my case, sometimes I have a hard time expressing it verbally, and some of that has to do with my own self-expression. But even that, I don't have to do it because it can manifest anyway, it can happen anyway.

ELIAS: Yes. (Pause) And what is significant is that you are allowing yourself more and more to be accepting of yourself and not struggling with yourself, not opposing and fighting with yourself.

ESTER: Yes. (Laughs) Yeah. Yeah, I had this experience yesterday where I was…This guy at work, [name], I was going to yell at him because I was upset about something—not angry, but kind of like, “Okay, you better stop doing that, because it’s”…all this stuff. But then when I'm in front of him I had this tremendous...See, before I was looking at it as a bad thing, like I worry about their feelings and I worry about whatever they’re thinking. And part of me IS worrying about that, but I'm realizing that at least part of me it’s worry about something, or it's really something that I don't like—that it’s not a part that's doing something else, you know? (Laughs) And this other part of me was actually feeling this caring for him, you know? And for me to express that caring, I couldn't yell at him. (Laughs) And I had to find a creative way to say what I needed to say.

And that's what I realized yesterday, that sometimes I do that, like sometimes I want to express myself a certain way because that's what I think I want, and in that moment maybe it is, but when I'm usually with a person I'm actually expressing myself differently, and before I wasn't validating that. I was saying, “Oh, I was doing it wrong because I wasn't being as strong or assertive or hitting over the head.” But I’m starting to realize that maybe it isn't just my fear, or it isn't just when I'm worrying about what I'm saying or not saying but it is part of my own caring and my own expression and that's how I want to express.


ESTER: And that it's not as black and white as I thought it was.

ELIAS: Correct. And that is a significant realization also.

ESTER: (Long pause) It's very amazing, you know? (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) Because it's almost like being gentle with them while I'm being gentle with myself.

ELIAS: Precisely!

ESTER: Yes. (Long pause)

And I had another experience this week which has been quite challenging. What is funny is that it's always been challenging before, but when it actually happened it was so effortless and easy and amazing and beautiful for me—although I think I'm still uncomfortable with the title. (Laughs) And this whole thing about if I think of it one way and I say, “Okay, this is one way” but it's not that…It depends on what energy I bring into it, you know? (Laughs) God, I'm having a hard time.

ELIAS: Offer an example.

ESTER: I'm having a hard time because I'm uncomfortable about offering examples. (Laughs) I will do that. What happened was that we had this ritual for women who had abortions, and (pause)…and within the group of women that I'm together with now that I am having these rituals, within their beliefs what I do is called an oracle,, that's a title that bothers me somehow. This whole story is that I was supposed to be in the south corner to make sure that women would not cut themselves with the knives that we had there, for them to reach for cutting away things that they didn't need anymore. And then [names] said that I was an oracle and that they could come and talk to me and that I was a walker of the world. (Laughs) But suddenly I have all these women coming and asking me questions.

And of course the first woman comes and asks me one of those prediction kind of questions, and I'm like, “Oh my god.” And the fascinating part of it is I didn't say, “Oh, I can't predict the future” like I thought I should admit it, to say, “Oh, I can't predict the future because that’s what I cannot do.” And before I would have been hard on myself for that and said, “Oh, you didn’t [inaudible] or did nothing. You didn’t tell her, ‘I could not tell you what you want me to tell you.’” I could not do it like Elias does it and say I don't play tricks or something. Because I didn’t predict the future, but I did help her figure out what her concerns were about, her question. And I figured out how to do it my way, which is differently—like I was saying before, it was like somehow...I mean, I didn't say directly, for whatever reason, but I said it a different way.

I think I'm processing with you.

ELIAS: And you accomplished. For what you were allowing yourself was to recognize what the other individual was actually concerned of, not the actual question; allowing yourself to genuinely pay attention, to genuinely connect with the other individual and therefore generate the ability to interpret the other individual's energy accurately and respond and share. Which, you generate in your own unique manner, but in the simplicity of it you ARE actually doing what I do. (Pause) For what I do is connect with your energy, and I configure that in a manner in which I can express it back to you, and therefore I share with you what you have projected. In a manner of speaking, it can be likened to a mirror, and this is the significance of sharing, which can be exceptionally healing and offering considerable information.

For as I have expressed previously to you all, you all already incorporate all of your answers to all of your questions; it is merely a matter of how you choose to present the answers TO yourself. At times you choose to present the answers to yourselves through a sharing interaction with myself. At times you present your answers to yourself through other individuals, or through different imagery. But what you allowed yourself to engage, first of all—which I am TREMENDOUSLY acknowledging of—is allowing yourself to accept the designation. Regardless that you may have been somewhat apprehensive to discuss that with myself, for I am aware of the immediate association that you generated that perhaps you would appear to be puffing yourself or elevating yourself, I am not interpreting in that manner at all, and I am acknowledging of you that you allowed yourself to accept the designation as the oracle, for I can quite definitely express to you that you would not have allowed that previously. (Ester laughs) That is a significant example and indicator of the tremendous movement that you have generated in becoming much more accepting of yourself and much more comfortable with yourself.

And BEYOND the acceptance of the designation, which in itself was significant, you allowed yourself to act in conjunction with that designation. You allowed yourself to interact and assume the role and actually share, and that is VERY significant, for that required much more of an expression of confidence within yourself than you have expressed previously. I would express to you congratulations; this is quite a significant movement. (Pause)

ESTER: Afterwards I was thinking that this is my goal, because all my life I’m looking for what is my talent? What is it that I do? What is it that is easy for me to do and be like Mozart makes his music? And afterwards I realized that I was certain that that's my talent, is being able to connect with people and being able to mirror something back to them.

ELIAS: And that is significant.

ESTER: (Pause) And I didn’t even have to be like I finally had to be, you know? This whole thing about being my way, being how I am. And I could... Even my worst fear was that I was going to be a power monger, you know like I would be like power thirsty, feeling like you said, elevating myself over other people and judging habits. I could feel such a tenderness for everyone—including myself—saying, “Wow, this is such an amazing experience.”

ELIAS: Yes, and that genuine power is not an expression that you generate to overpower others. Genuine power is a recognition of the tremendous powerfulness that you incorporate as a being and the powerfulness of your abilities and expressing that in gentleness.

When you look at what you assess to be the most powerful manifestations in your reality, the most powerful beings in your reality from what you would view as a physical standpoint, one of the most powerful beings within your reality would be a whale: the largest creature, the most powerful, but also the most majestic. (Pause)

Size and strength are not expressed in command; they are expressed in flowing and majesty. And this is what you are realizing, and that is very significant.

ESTER: (Long pause) There’s one question that is a big issue [inaudible] at the moment for me too that I want to hit next. I'm trying to understand that a little bit…Well, one quick question: I keep getting really confused with [name’s] orientation. Is she soft?

ELIAS: What is your confusion? (Chuckles)

ESTER: Well, the confusion with that is that it keeps going back and forth. Sometimes I think she's soft—and usually when it comes to orientation I'm usually very clear about other people, if I really want to know I can see it, but with her I go between common, and then I think she's intermediate, and then I think she's soft. And it depends upon the day; it's almost like a train leaves every day. (Both laugh) So that's something that’s been interesting to me.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what creates the confusion between the three? What qualities or behaviors do you notice that are generating this confusion within you?

ESTER: Hmmm. Interesting.

ELIAS: What do you generate in association with this individual with an intermediate orientation?

ESTER: It's interesting that you say that, because my first impression with her was that she was intermediate because she was very similar to my sister in a lot of ways, how I reacted to her and how I perceive her to be.

ELIAS: I can understand your confusion between common and intermediate, for intermediate individuals do generate many similarities to common individuals in physical actions and behaviors. (Pause) There are more obvious differences with the intermediate and the soft, although many times intermediate individuals and soft individuals can create significant compatibilities. (Pause)

ESTER: Hm. Are you saying she's intermediate? (Both laugh) Because maybe that's what was confusing me.


ESTER: (Laughs) Because our rapport is so incredible, and it seems like every time I need to be alone or I need quiet time and I am overwhelming myself she is doing the same thing, so we actually very compatibly need to be away from each other. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I am understanding. But I would express that this individual is intermediate.

ESTER: Okay.

ELIAS: BUT intermediate individuals DO genuinely and generally express a preference for incorporating time frameworks alone, but in a different manner than a soft individual, for generally speaking, an intermediate individual is more comfortable in generating time frameworks of being alone but knowing that another individual that they are connected to is in close physical proximity.

As an example: An intermediate individual may be engaging a project or may be generating some action that they are comfortable with engaging alone and not being distracted, but they are more comfortable if they know that another individual that they incorporate some type of closeness to is present within the building or within the home—not necessarily within the room, but within the same area. Are you understanding?


ELIAS: Whereas a soft individual, when they are generating those time frameworks in which they want to be expressing that aloneness, the soft individual is not concerned as to whether ANY other individual is within physical proximity and is actually more comfortable NOT incorporating other individuals within their physical environment. Are you understanding?


ELIAS: BUT—in association with that, there can be a compatibility between the two if each are comfortable with themselves and therefore, each can express independently of the other and not be offended. (Pause) You can generate your type of alone time framework, and she can generate her type of alone time framework, and they can be compatible with each other.

ESTER: (Pause) I think that was the most amazing thing that I learned when I was with her the last four days. But we had a black period in between, I think because we were finding out how to do whatever we wanted and not be offended (laughs)—let the other person do what they needed to do. But it was amazing that we did accomplish a lot. It became very effortless to do that. I need my time so I go, you need time so I'm going. I guess I was expecting it to be more difficult, but it wasn't, you know? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And once again, the more comfortable you are within you, the more comfortable you express with other individuals, and that allows you to generate an ease and not complicate.

ESTER: Yeah. I have another quick question, and I don’t know if there’s a quick answer—probably not, because it feels like it's going to be a problem—but my reaction to [name] was so dramatic and so intense, and I haven't even met him physically, right? Which of course probably doesn't mean much (laughs). But is that like an opposite counterpart, or was I just reacting to his energy based on my own, like coming close to my dark shadows? I guess I'm still trying to figure it out. Or was it like…? It was [inaudible], because the way I reacted is not a way that I usually react to anybody, so I was surprised by it.

ELIAS: There is an opposite counterpart action occurring, and that also is sparking another element for you to explore in what presents a threat.

ESTER: Presents what?

ELIAS: A threat.

ESTER: Right, oh yes. Okay, yeah. Yes, I can see that. Okay, so images from opposite counterpart? Because at first I thought, “Wow, I think this is the first time I have encountered this,” and I wondered if that's part of it.


ESTER: Is that just part of me towards him, or it's like mutual, or it’s just me with him? I know that we can do that too.

ELIAS: You are correct. No, he does not express return.

ESTER: Yeah. Okay. I had a feeling about that, but... (Pause) Maybe that’s what presents to me from things that I feel threatened.


ESTER: How can I look at this?

ELIAS: Allow yourself to relax and generate an evaluation. Pay attention to what you are feeling, listen to the communication, and evaluate what is being threatened that you are generating a defense of. Evaluate where your defenses are, and that will lead you to the threat.

ESTER: (Pause) I kept asking [name] if she had any questions for you, and she told me yes, she had questions (laughs), and then somehow the questions didn’t materialize. So I’m not sure what she’s…

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Perhaps we shall incorporate discussion involving her in our next meeting.

ESTER: Okay. (Both laugh) Because she did ask what you would say if she wanted to talk to you. So, that was the one question, I guess.

ELIAS: I would express my invitation. (Chuckles)

ESTER: (Laughs) I think the time is up—oh yes.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall be anticipating our next meeting. I am TREMENDOUSLY acknowledging of you, my friend. You have been generating considerable information and considerable movement, and accept my congratulations.


ELIAS: To you in great appreciation and in sincere lovingness, au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 11 minutes)

©2006 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.