Session 200611241

Do Not Doubt Yourself


“Do Not Doubt Yourself”
“Shifting Perception”
“Lack of Restriction Through Playfulness”

Monday, November 24, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Liana (Poncet)

ELIAS: Good morning!

LIANA: Good morning, Elias. Thanks for talking to me.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?

LIANA: Well, I have been acknowledging myself more, and I was amazed, actually, to realize how much progress I've made.

ELIAS: Ahhh! That is significant.

LIANA: Yeah, I was actually proud of myself.

ELIAS: Congratulations! That is quite significant.

LIANA: Yeah, and I realized how much more focused I am and how much more centered on my-self I am, and how much more aware in the moment I am than I used to be, even less than a year ago, six months ago.

ELIAS: I am greatly acknowledging of you, my friend.

LIANA: Thanks. And now that we've come to the perception wave, I’d like to make more of a conscious choice about how I manage the energy of this, and I was wondering if you could talk to me about what probabilities I'm creating. I feel I’m… nothing is really, really set yet and it's hovering between several different things. Can you talk to me about that?

ELIAS: Such as?

LIANA: Well, my health, my work, there’s always some money thing that could happen or some-thing in art—something along those lines, or something having to do with my house. Would you say those are the areas?

ELIAS: I would express that those are the areas or the subjects that you are most concentrated with, yes.

LIANA: Okay.

ELIAS: And I would also express, I am aware that presently you are generating an apprehension in relation to what you may or may not create.

LIANA: Right.

ELIAS: Let me express to you my friend, first of all a genuine acknowledgement of you in your movement and in your accomplishments, and let me also express to you, do not doubt yourself. Genuinely listen to yourself and evaluate in whatever direction you are viewing what is the most important to you, for importance is very significant.

Now; this can be somewhat tricky, and this is the reason that I am suggesting to you that you genuinely allow yourself to pay attention and to evaluate what is occurring in each of these di-rections, for importance can be expressed in a positive or a negative. For an individual may strongly express that they do not want some manifestation or that they do not like some ex-pression, but in concentrating upon the dislike or the dissatisfaction you place importance upon what you do not like, or that you do not want. Therefore, what is a key in directing energy into what you DO want is to pay attention to what you are expressing importance with and to notice if you are placing importance in a negative direction, to allow yourself to neutralize that, in a manner of speaking—move your attention in a different direction and allow yourself to become neutral. Not that you shall express suddenly that you DO like some manifestation or that you do like some expression that you actually do not—that is not necessary, and that is not the point. But concentrating upon how much you dislike or are dissatisfied with any particular direction creates it being important. If it is NOT important, you can easily alter your perception and easily move in a different direction and channel the energy in a manner that is more in keeping with your preferences and with what you do want.

LIANA: Okay. ‘Cause I've been noticing several things, like I've been getting more negative at work and that’s reflected to me. You know, in a way it's progress, because I realized a lot of things about why I'm there and false motivation.

ELIAS: Which is significant.

LIANA: Yeah, but also then that realization created a negative feeling in me and I wasn't neutral anymore.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but remember: This is an accomplishment, for you are allowing yourself to evaluate more clearly and to offer yourself more information in relation to your motivations, your preferences, what your preferences are not, what your automatic responses are. These all allow you to become more familiar with yourself and your automatic movements and expressions, and that is very beneficial. For if you are not aware, you will not alter what you are doing, but if you ARE aware and you are more clearly recognizing your motivations, you can…

LIANA: So then at work, in order to alter my perception of it as a negative experience, part of that is I think I'm blaming myself for having that experience of being there anyway, you know? And that's what creating most of the negativity.


LIANA: Okay, so altering that blaming would really alter my negativity at work.

ELIAS: Yes. And recognizing—shifting the importance. Rather than blaming and creating the im-portance of the negative and that you are dissatisfied with yourself for the choices that you have engaged, rather than generating the importance of that and therefore continuing to rein-force that blaming of yourself, shift the importance to “this has been very beneficial to me, alt-hough not comfortable in many experiences. They have been valuable, for I have offered myself considerable information, and that allows me to generate new and different choices to be em-powering of myself.”

LIANA: Okay, so like when I’m there, one of the things that’s been happening is it’s been very disorganized, and also there have been a lot of needy people coming up every five minutes for something and I feel very impatient. And I'm wondering how I can shift my impatience and my feeling of disorganization. That seems to me to be the most noticeable thing that's happening. How can I feel pleasure in these people bugging me?

ELIAS: That also, you are correct, would be a matter of perception.

Now; if you are merely generating the motions of what you do in your employment, you most likely are not generating pleasure or fun or enjoyment and, once again, you are placing the im-portance upon elements or expressions of the job, so to speak, that you dislike and that you wish were not being expressed. Therefore, you continue to reinforce that, and it creates more and more irritation with you.

LIANA: Right.

ELIAS: If you shift your perception concerning your job from the tasks to the individuals, you can be more playful rather than work. You enter the establishment, you have already set yourself in a direction with your perception that this is drudgery, that it is work, that there are annoying factors, and in that, you are already expressing that energy—as you are already aware.

Now, the next step is to approach the situation from a different angle. Rather than moving in the direction of work and irritation and not enough time to accomplish what you need to ac-complish, or that other individuals are perceived as not generating teamwork and therefore that generates more difficulty for you, leave that in a box. Place all of those expressions and that perception in a box and leave that in your vehicle. Enter the establishment with the per-ception that you are not working [but that] you are moving into a new adventure to generate a new game, and every individual that you encounter in that day is a piece of the game, and how can you play with each piece.

LIANA: Right.

ELIAS: What different expressions can you generate with each piece to PLAY with it rather than to WORK with it.

LIANA: I feel like I did it a couple of times. Would you agree?


LIANA: Okay. That gives me a feeling for it. I just was having this negative experience and I thought, “Just shift your perception, get off it,” and I could tell a difference.

ELIAS: Yes. Now you may move a step further and genuinely allow yourself more freedom. Ra-ther than generating the perception of blame and work and irritation and annoyance, allow yourself to engage a game and practice playing with each piece in the game. And...

LIANA: The game is how positive can I be, or how playful can I be?

ELIAS: Yes, with each piece. And in that, let me express to you, do not discount yourself if you do not accomplish every task that you perceive you “should” accomplish. Allow yourself to relax and discover whatever manner of expression is most comfortable for you to play with each piece in the game. Every individual is a piece of your game.

LIANA: All right. [Inaudible]

ELIAS: And continue to genuinely pay attention to what you are expressing importance with, therefore you will notice when you are generating importance with negative expressions.

LIANA: Okay.

I have a question about a couple of dreams that seemed important—this may be off topic but seemed important to me. One was a dream in which I feel like I bowed to this cougar. And usu-ally when I've had these kinds of dreams with animals or birds in them it’s been a powerful message from my essence about something important about to happen, and it's always been unpleasant in the past. Somehow this time I felt my response to the cougar of showing respect somehow modified that. What would you say about that?

ELIAS: I would agree, for this dream imagery is actually concerning empowerment, and in the imagery you present to yourself in not opposing, you allow yourself to generate a very powerful energy, which...

LIANA: Okay, I kinda thought that's what it might be. And then the one where I saw the white eagle up in a tree? I don't know, I couldn't really get a good feeling for what this meant, but it seem like a positive message.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) This also is partially concerning empowerment, but it is also more strongly im-agery that you are presenting to yourself of appreciation and majesty—the appreciation of your existence and the majesty of it.

LIANA: Okay.

I want to make sure I’m not creating health problems. I always worry about that, and I haven't really seen any big indications of it but I just wanted to double-check it.

ELIAS: Presently you are not generating any of those types of manifestations. Pay attention when you worry. This is another example of placing importance upon some expression or mani-festation that you do not want.

LIANA: What I was doing was at night I was focusing on aligning my energy centers and giving my body positive messages before I go to bed. Would that be a way of shifting my perception?

ELIAS: Yes! That may be quite helpful to you.

LIANA: Okay, great.

ELIAS: And perhaps a brief acknowledgement perhaps once or twice within your day that your body consciousness is functioning well or fine.

LIANA: Okay, great.

And I identified this core truth that was really , really intense about restriction and self-punishment, and I really thought it important and it's a big, big breakthrough for me. I’m won-dering if this is something that has something to do with energy from other focuses.

ELIAS: Partially, for whatever direction or expression in your focus is significant, you will auto-matically draw energy from other focuses that will enhance that and emphasize the experienc-es that you choose. But in this, remember: There is the expression of restriction, or the percep-tion of restriction, but that also can be altered to the LACK of restriction.

LIANA: That's exactly what I'm wanting to do, and I'm focusing on releasing the restriction and everything. I brought this up today because even if it is these other focuses and even if they are sending me this energy, I'm just thinking maybe this was because…you know how sometimes when you meet a negative manifestation so that you can realize what you want—

ELIAS: Correct.

LIANA: They start manifesting even more strongly, so maybe all these restrictions from these other focuses are to make me clearly choose freedom.

ELIAS: Correct.

LIANA: All right, okay. So what would be the most effective way for me then to re-perceive my experiences and my possibilities and completely release this restriction and the self-punishment? What is the most effective way to do this?

ELIAS: To be concentrating upon the lack of restriction and the lack of punishment, and moving yourself in the direction of playfulness and appreciation, which are in opposition to restriction and punishment. For in appreciation and in playfulness, your direction is more of reward.

LIANA: Okay.

ELIAS: And therefore, if you are viewing each of your directions, each of your subject matters—your health, your home, your employment, your interactions—each avenue is an opportunity to engage the lack of restriction through playfulness in generating your actions into a game, and the appreciation allows you to reward yourself rather than punish. And if you are generating a game, you would naturally offer yourself rewards.

LIANA: Okay, now this feeling I had, I mean I tapped into some really traumatic feelings that I don't even want to talk about too much because I don't even want to go there again, but I had some really negative dreams towards myself, and they were also related to some sort of crush-ing aloneness. And it doesn't really apply to my life in reality here, so I'm thinking there's some other focus that this is reverberating with.

ELIAS: Partially, but also partially that would be associated with the big dog. Remember my analogy of the big dog and the small dog, and at times the big dog within you maybe generating considerable noise and expressing in a significantly ominous direction. But—the big dog incor-porates no bite; it merely becomes loud at times in the attempt to move you back into those familiar expressions that may not have been very comfortable for you previously, but they are familiar. In this, merely acknowledge that this is the big dog once again, but you are not feeding the big dog any longer. You are feeding the small dog, which is moving you into these new di-rections, and although the small dog may be small and much quieter, it is more powerful.

LIANA: Okay.

One thing I noticed is that Steve, while I did successfully stay away from him for a month, now he’s suddenly become very fervent. Is this because he is responding to a change in me, or is there some other thing?

ELIAS: Yes, he is responding to alterations within you.

LIANA: Okay. Well, I feel like I don't really trust him at all.

ELIAS: I am understanding, and do not allow yourself to be distracted.

LIANA: Okay.

ELIAS: For you are accomplishing quite well, and in this, you are moving in the direction of new vistas, my friend. Do not allow yourself to become distracted with expressions or movements that merely reinforce the negative elements that you do not want to express.

LIANA: Okay.

Now, I really want to meet my soulmate/partner/pilot. Now is this pilot partner not the most appropriate partner for me? (Elias takes a deep breath) I noticed that you never encouraged it.

ELIAS: It is not that it is not appropriate—it is timing. I am not encouraging but I am not dis-couraging, for in this time framework presently, it is more important that you be paying atten-tion to you and continuing to allow yourself your own development first.

LIANA: Okay.

ELIAS: Without the distractions that can very easily create a reinforcement of old familiar be-haviors.

LIANA: Okay.

ELIAS: Once you genuinely begin expressing your empowerment and your comfort and your lack of doubt with yourself more strongly, you will be generating that attractive energy that we have spoken of previously.

LIANA: Right.

ELIAS: And that will allow you to move in this direction of relationship.

LIANA: And the big thing that happened with my house, the big explosion with it, those two guys, was that an extreme demonstration of my own punishment of myself, my own negativity toward myself and my own unworthiness?

ELIAS: Which offered you considerable information, did it not?

LIANA: Yes, and I also acknowledge myself for—once I recovered from the initial shock—for processing it in non-punishing ways and getting the information out of it that I needed.

ELIAS: Correct! And that would be your expression of a dramatic physical expression.

LIANA: Okay, but that doesn't mean there’s not going to be any more, right?

ELIAS: It would be unlikely, but I would not express to you that it is impossible.

LIANA: All right. Well, I’ll work toward the positive, but I know that my half hour is done, so thanks a million for all your help.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. I offer you tremendous encouragement as always. I express dear friendship and great lovingness to you. Au revoir.

LIANA: Thank you.

©2006 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.