Being Satisfied with Being You
“Being Satisfied with Being You”
“Acknowledging Success in the Moment”
“New Avenues and New Information”
20061107 (2121)
“Being Satisfied with Being You”
“Acknowledging Success in the Moment”
“New Avenues and New Information”
Tuesday, November 7, 2006 (Private)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Terri (Uliva)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
TERRI: Good afternoon, Elias.
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
TERRI: Oh, pretty much the same things. Career, I’m still having problems with that. I think I have things under control with Shawn right now, so that’s good. And my son didn’t go to jail, so that’s good. But I still have to get this career-money-excitement thing on track. I really believe I’m supposed to be here and be doing this, and I really don’t want to look for another job, but it’s going to come to that if I can’t make this work.
So this morning I kept being stuck behind these logging trucks. There were three of them, so I’m assuming there’s some kind of significance. I was trying to think of trees, or growth, or lumber is used to build, but I don’t know if I’m on the right track with that. I’ve been trying to look for signs that I’m on the right track to making a success out of this career.
ELIAS: And what are you presenting to yourself thus far?
TERRI: Well, the signs… I’m having trouble figuring out the signs, because they’re not as strong as the ones I create for, say, Shawn. But last Saturday, after an appointment I created a rainbow and the sun coming out when we were coming back. Even though we didn’t get the contract, I thought that was a good sign that things were going to change around, that they were turning around in the right direction. And then the last couple of days I’ve seen some planes that leave a trail behind, and I thought that that was being on the right path. The rainbow I thought was a big sign, but I just haven’t been creating big noticeable ones that give me that reassurance that I’m looking for.
ELIAS: And what have you been creating in association with your employment since our previous meeting?
TERRI: Well, I had a couple of sales, but then they stopped again. And I did create getting John off my back, which I think is a big thing, because everything I was doing to build myself up, I kept feeling like I was facing the Spanish inquisition after every appointment. And so I finally caught that that was probably… everything that I was doing to get myself uplifted, it was beating me back down. So I feel good that I stopped that. (Laughs)
And then I’ve been trying to, when my mind starts going the wrong direction, just say “Stop!” and just try not to think about anything, and that seems to be helping. It seems to be turning things around.
And I’ve been trying to concentrate on the excitement more lately, now that I’ve got John off my back (laughs), trying to think about how I can create excitement and get more excited. So I think I’m going the right direction, but I guess I’m just looking for that reassurance and some more ideas of how I can really turn this thing around.
ELIAS: I would agree. And I would also express to you that it is significant and important for you to genuinely be acknowledging your accomplishments.
TERRI: I felt like my appreciator was broke, because every time I seemed to appreciate something it seemed to fall apart instantly. Like I was sitting on my couch, appreciating my little trees out front and how good they were doing, and within a half an hour a storm came up and blew a couple of them down. (Laughs)
And then I was appreciating going to yoga, and I get to yoga and get thrown out for life. And I’m like, okay, I just need to stop thinking at all—appreciating or not appreciating, just stop. I just felt like I broke my appreciator. (Laughs)
ELIAS: First of all, I did not express concerning appreciation. I expressed that it is important and significant for you to acknowledge your accomplishments and your successes. You are concentrating very strongly upon generating certain expressions, and that is creating a force in energy. And in that, when you DO accomplish, you briefly acknowledge that, but you immediately move back into the thinking and projecting futurely of how you can generate that more, rather than genuinely allowing yourself to acknowledge what you have accomplished and your successes.
TERRI: So is the stop implementing, just stop thinking helping?
TERRI: Is there anything else I can do to speed this along? (Laughs)
ELIAS: Genuinely acknowledging your successes and your accomplishments is one significant avenue that will be helpful in allowing you to continue in the direction that you want. For when you are acknowledging your success, you are moving your energy in a different direction than continuing to strive for more. You place yourself in a different direction.
What is significant is that you practice generating allowing yourself to be in a state of satisfaction, which will also encourage your natural excitement.
Being in a state almost continuously of dissatisfaction, even when you acknowledge briefly an accomplishment, it becomes overridden and your appreciation becomes thwarted, for the dissatisfaction is stronger. And that also generates less comfort, and when you generate less comfort you begin to generate more agitation and forcing of energy.
TERRI: I guess I’m just not clear how to do that, because I don’t… I thought I was doing more of that and trying not to be dissatisfied all the time, but I guess it’s not working. I mean, it’s hard to acknowledge your success when you feel like you HAVE none.
ELIAS: This is the point of concentration, which we have discussed previously. This is the point of concentrating upon lack, rather than acknowledging what you have and what you have accomplished. That continuous concentration underlying upon lack is very powerful and very influencing. This is a matter of genuinely altering perception.
And in this, it is necessary that you recognize first of all what that concentration upon lack is. You express to myself, “It is difficult to acknowledge success when you generate none.” That is incorrect--you HAVE generated successes.
You have expressed to myself, in response to my inquiry, since our previous meeting, in relation to your employment you have generated successes. You also have generated success in altering the situation with your employer. You have also generated success in association with your friend and an accomplishment with your son. But all of this becomes overridden with this perception that you have none, and that you are not accomplishing. That is the point.
For as you continue to express that concentration upon lack in whatever expression it is—whether it be financial, whether it be romantic, whether it be time, whether it be friendships, whether it be other types of relationships, it matters not. It is important for you to recognize how you concentrate upon this underlying lack, which creates this perception that you are not successful, that you do not have, that you cannot accomplish, and that creates this block.
And in that, you attempt to offer yourself, in a manner of speaking, a type of affirmations in seeking out signs that you can view in a positive association, but that does not change the concentration and the energy.
TERRI: Well, it seemed to work with Shawn. I found signs that I believed in, and my energy started changing because I could relax.
ELIAS: Yes. But in that, there was a difference. Presently you are grasping, such as with the logging trucks. You expressed to myself you became stuck behind these trucks, and you separated the imagery from a grasping at a sign. Rather than evaluating what you were actually generating in the moment—large obstacles in front of you that are slowing your movement—you attempt to falsely insert some type of positive affirmation that will allow you to falsely generate some type of appreciation. This is the reason it is important to actually be paying attention to what you are actually doing, what is actually occurring in the moment.
For generating false affirmations is no more helpful or constructive than projecting or concentrating upon the lack. In the concentration of the lack, you continue to generate this association within yourself that you are a victim—not necessarily to outside expressions, but of yourself. And in that, you create this circle in which you discount yourself: “I am not accomplishing, I lack in all of these areas, I cannot accomplish, I fail.” And in that, you are continuously opposing and discounting yourself. This is the reason that I expressed to you the importance of acknowledging your successes.
Every success that you accomplish is significant. And it is significant in more than merely one manner, for in the acknowledgement of it, regardless of what it is, you interrupt that concentration upon lack. You move your attention in a different direction, and you begin to reinforce a satisfaction with yourself rather than continuing to express the dissatisfaction.
TERRI: (Emotionally) Well, I thought I did do that with John. I thought I did acknowledge that that was a success, getting him off my back.
ELIAS: Yes, and I have expressed my own acknowledgement to you, that you do briefly express an acknowledgement, but subsequently you override those acknowledgements with this concentration upon lack. Yes, momentarily you acknowledge yourself in the success of a sale, but subsequently you override that and diminish its importance in projecting futurely that you must continue to strive, that that is not enough—you must accomplish more and more and more.
Therefore, the significance of each accomplishment becomes nullified. Rather than reinforcing your satisfaction with yourself, they become a source to reinforce your DISsatisfaction with yourself. For you acknowledge a sale, but then you express pressure and force with yourself, and then you discount yourself if you are not immediately generating a similar action again.
In that, can you view how you are fighting with yourself?
TERRI: (Emotionally) Yeah, and I can’t fix it. I’m trying to fix it. I can’t fix it.
ELIAS: (Gently) You can.
ELIAS: First of all, by discontinuing this expression that you cannot, for this is disempowering of you and discounting of yourself.
And you begin with steps. Just as we have moved in increments and steps in other directions, which have allowed you to accomplish more and more of what you want, we begin again in increments and steps.
The first steps are each time you begin to express to yourself that you cannot, allow yourself to stop and acknowledge some action that you have accomplished.
The other initial step is to begin genuinely interrupting incessant thinking, and acknowledging your accomplishments that you are creating now in each day. Begin with your accomplishment that you have engaged this interaction now, for that is an accomplishment.
TERRI: Is the problem with my vision connected to this? I felt that I was focusing too hard and trying too hard.
ELIAS: Forcing, yes.
TERRI: Forcing what?
ELIAS: Forcing your energy, in many different directions. Pushing yourself and pressuring yourself.
TERRI: Well, I’m trying to spend a lot of time not doing that.
ELIAS: Which is somewhat helpful, but now you are attempting to address to the underlying expressions, which are very powerful and are very affecting.
TERRI: Is Zeus not eating… is that connected to this, too?
ELIAS: Somewhat, associated with the energy that you are projecting in dissatisfaction. Remember: Your creatures are excellent reflectors.
TERRI: I thought it was more connected with the yoga thing and me thinking that now I was going to gain all the weight back or something, and he wasn’t eating to reflect that.
ELIAS: Which is what? Dissatisfaction.
TERRI: (Emotionally) I can’t pretend that I’m satisfied with where I am right now, because I’m not!
ELIAS: I am not expressing to you to pretend. I am expressing to you to begin to implement some actions that can encourage you to BECOME satisfied with yourself.
Satisfaction is not a neutrality, and it is not a lack of motivation to accomplish more or to explore more, or to implement your abilities in more expanded manners, but it is a state of being in which you generate that comfort within yourself and that acknowledgement of yourself that you are acceptable now, as you are. And that allows you the freedom to move in the expansion of your own abilities—not “striving,” but in generating a natural flow of moving in expansion of yourself, which creates the allowance for you to generate more successfulness within your career. It allows you to generate more of an ease and successfulness with your relationships.
TERRI: I don’t know. I thought I was doing this. I’m so stuck. (Pause) Am I helping the people create their vision any better?
ELIAS: And what is your assessment?
TERRI: Well, I thought I was before, and I wasn’t doing it at all. I think I am, but I don’t know.
ELIAS: Herein lies the point, my friend. Yes—but it is important for YOU to express that “yes” to yourself, for you to allow yourself the credit for what you are actually doing, and to genuinely acknowledge those accomplishments.
Herein lies an example of how the lack and the dissatisfaction overrides the acknowledgement and the accomplishment, for that generates the continuous questioning of yourself. (Pause)
The association with the yoga is also an example to you that there is not merely one direction in which you can accomplish what you want.
TERRI: Well, I thought I got that by joining the gym and appreciating that it was closer and I could take Bubba and it didn’t take so long to get there and back.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: It was just so bizarre that it happened that day, because I was appreciating all the way there that I was so glad that I had that to go to, because it was part of why I was up here. And then it made me wonder if I was supposed to be up here or not. It was like, well maybe that was a sign that, well, maybe you’d better do something else.
ELIAS: Not necessarily. But within your journey, you present many different avenues that you engage with yourself, and each one in its time framework serves a purpose, so to speak. That is not to say that that purpose or that particular avenue will continue indefinitely, for you are continuously changing and presenting new avenues to yourself and new information to yourself. Some avenues that you engage may be, in your terms, stepping stones to allow you to generate other avenues. Some avenues allow you to empower yourself in some manners temporarily, and in that provide a stepping stone for you to generate an empowerment of yourself in another direction.
In a manner of speaking, you create these types of actions continuously, in which you are continuously allowing yourself to open new doors. But each new door that you open is not to say that you will choose to continue with that avenue—and that does not diminish your appreciation of that avenue and its existence and your creation of it in your experience.
Therefore, you can appreciate, and that is not nullified or insignificant, that you have created that avenue for a time framework which was valuable to you. And, it does not diminish your appreciation of that if you alter your direction and engage a different direction that allows you to accomplish what you want to accomplish but perhaps in a different fashion. And you can appreciate that for different reasons.
TERRI: Well, I do appreciate being able to get there more.
We were talking about, the last time when you asked me who am I, I still don’t get that and I think I disappeared my I.D., because I’m trying to figure out that question still. You’re not talking about labels?
TERRI: And you’re not talking about like an essence name, who are you?
ELIAS: No. I am speaking to you as the individual that you are. Who are you? What are you? Who is this individual that identifies as Terri?
TERRI: Well, I like to inspire other people, and I think that’s one of the things I liked about this job, to inspire them to create something on their house that they’re going to love. Is that what you mean?
ELIAS: Partially. A discovery of you. You are a significant, worthy, magnificent being. What comprises that being? What are the expressions and the qualities of that being? What generates you as you, uniquely you, and different from any other individual within your reality and throughout history? For you are uniquely different.
The reason I posed that question to you is very strongly associated with what we are discussing this day, in the acknowledgement of yourself and the movement into a satisfaction with yourself, being satisfied with being you.
TERRI: Well, I think I’m more than 50% that I am, and I had a glimpse of the feeling I would have inside of me if I was satisfied with my career. And I’ve been trying to just hold onto that feeling that it’s a probable reality, that I can choose that one.
ELIAS: But also pay attention to now and be acknowledging of now, and be acknowledging on each of your accomplishments in the present in each day.
TERRI: Was the sight of the rainbow… was it a sign that things are turning around?
ELIAS: Yes. For you are paying more attention, and you are seeking more information.
TERRI: Because I want to make this work before I go broke.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
TERRI: Am I paying more attention to their energy? I’m trying to, but the two appointments I had… Well, it wasn’t two, but the guy that I had an appointment with where you said pay attention to your energy to see if you should go forward, and two of these people were just like… They were so depressed, like why am I even here? I guess I don’t feel like I really have a choice to go forward or not—you know, like once you’re there that you have to go forward.
ELIAS: You do incorporate a choice, and it is important in what you are doing to be aware and connected to your own energy and your own direction, but also to connect with the other individuals. And in that, allow yourself to engage your own creativity to discover avenues in the connection in how you can be inspiring through generating your excitement.
TERRI: Like when we were working on the meeting and what I was working on with the movie “Leap of Faith,” I was trying to get some ideas of how to make them get excited about it—things like that?
ELIAS: Yes. Connecting your excitement to generating an inspiration.
TERRI: Is that why I cancelled the two appointments this weekend, was to wait to talk to you? Kind of like I did before, not wanting to screw any more up?
ELIAS: Perhaps to offer yourself an encouragement.
TERRI: In what way? Because I was all excited about Saturday, about finding some new things out.
TERRI: But only one of the people was there.
TERRI: And then my next appointment, only one of them was there.
ELIAS: And what did you express? What was your response?
TERRI: Well, the first people, I think that we have a good chance to reschedule it and go with them again, because I was trying to get her excited about being there, because she was the one that wanted the room, and trying to show them that we could do the room and the deck, so to make both of them happy.
ELIAS: And, what were you genuinely generating within you? This is significant to pay attention to, for this offers you information as to how you can proceed.
TERRI: Well, the first one I felt good about, and the second one, I thought it was too far out for what he was planning on doing and he wasn’t ready to meet with us yet.
ELIAS: And within yourself, what was your response to that?
TERRI: That I wanted to leave before anybody showed up, because it was too far in advance. I didn’t want to spend three hours there for nothing.
ELIAS: Therefore, you were unmotivated to continue.
TERRI: Right.
ELIAS: Now; once again, an example in which it is important for you to be acknowledging yourself and your success. To you, surfacely, that appears to not be a success, but in relation to what we are and have been discussing, that IS a success. For you are paying attention to your own communications, you are paying attention to your intuition, and you are paying attention to the energy of the other individual and generating an assessment, which is engaging the very action that we have discussed. Therefore, it IS an accomplishment, and you HAVE been successful.
In this, as you generate these types of successes, what you accomplish is becoming more attuned to energy with yourself and with other individuals. And in that, you can more effectively generate avenues of your own design of how to proceed successfully with the accomplishment of what you WANT in that interaction, ultimately generating the sale.
TERRI: Do all of these appointments have the potential to be a sale, all of them? Or are some of them just learning things?
ELIAS: In one respect, yes, they all incorporate a potential to be a sale. In another respect, the sale may not be the greatest point, and therefore what may be more significant or important in association with you is the information that you offer to yourself, and the practice, and the opportunity to be acknowledging of yourself in each situation, not merely in the situations that present the result, so to speak, of a sale.
TERRI: With the people I’m supposed to get back to with tomorrow that I met with last week, where it just seemed like they weren’t really excited about the sunroom per se but more they just wanted extra space for a dining room and they didn’t really care if it was a sunroom or not if it was less expensive—is that an example of paying attention to their energy, or am I influencing it?
ELIAS: That IS an example of paying attention to their energy, and that offers you information, for in association with that you can engage your creativity and engage different avenues to consider their direction and what they are projecting in relation to what they want accomplished, but to also generate that excitement and the inspiration that allows you to accomplish what you want also.
TERRI: Which is kind of what I’ve been thinking lately, that I can create a win-win situation and kind of look outside the box for other ways to [inaudible].
ELIAS: Yes, precisely. That it is not necessary that you express what you are offering merely in one package.
TERRI: It’s not about the competition, right? It’s not about that the competition has something that’s cheaper. It’s coming back to me and my excitement, right?
TERRI: Because we’ve been trying to find ways… Because I don’t want to sell going against them; I want to sell by getting them excited about what I have to offer, that if they have to invest a little bit more that it’s worth it. Was I on the right track this morning about focusing on building the excitement through the whole presentation?
ELIAS: Yes. And as you have expressed, thinking outside of the box.
TERRI: And they had… With Brian, with them just continuing using the sales trainer, I just got the feeling from last time that he was here that he’s just not that engaged in helping us succeed; it’s more “I gotta get there because I’m supposed to be there once a month and I have to tell them something and get out.” Is that feeling into his energy?
TERRI: So how can I fix this vision thing? Because it’s really starting to annoy me. I fixed it before, but I got the feeling that this wasn’t exactly the same message this time.
ELIAS: Allow yourself to relax, first of all, for you are generating significant pushing onto yourself and pressuring of yourself. And in this, allowing yourself to genuinely relax will be considerable helpful. And, engage this acknowledgement.
TERRI: So you’re saying acknowledgement and appreciation are two different things?
TERRI: So acknowledgement, like acknowledging that I created a good sales meeting this morning and I wanted a sales meeting that was more fun, and acknowledging that I created that?
ELIAS: And expressing the acknowledgement that that was a success.
TERRI: Okay. So then appreciation would just be… I guess I don’t really see how they’re different. I mean, how can you appreciate something and not be acknowledging it at the same time?
ELIAS: You can be generating an acknowledgement in appreciation, but you may not necessarily be crediting yourself. That would be the element of recognizing your success. THAT is the element of acknowledgement that I am expressing to you.
When I am expressing to you to be acknowledging of yourself, what I am expressing is that you recognize and note to yourself what you are generating in success. When you create a scenario in which you genuinely connect with another individual, and you are accurately assessing the situation and their energy and YOUR energy, that is a successful accomplishment, regardless of whether the outcome in relation to the subject matter, such as the room, is generated or not.
It is a matter of acknowledging your successes in the moment, for those are all factors in the process of creating that outcome. But when you are focused upon the outcome more singularly, or when the outcome becomes the most significant and the most important, in your terms you lose sight of the process.
TERRI: Well, I thought I’d been concentrating MORE on the process, even.
ELIAS: Yes, but – which I am acknowledging of you also in that – but we are discussing a different aspect of the process, and that aspect is the acknowledgement of your success in these actions.
Rather than merely noticing that some expression occurred, rather than merely noticing “this individual is moving in this direction, I am connecting with this energy and I am evaluating in this and this is my assessment of what is occurring” – that is accurate, but now it is significant that you include the other step of acknowledging that that was a successful encounter, that you generated a successful expression within yourself in generating a successful assessment of the situation, for that is an element of the process also.
TERRI: Like the old couple that I met with, when I just got the feeling that they just didn’t want to spend the money, that they just felt that it wasn’t right to spend that much money on something like that.
TERRI: So even if it was less, they would just worry about spending that money anyways, that they wouldn’t have enough left. And those things…
ELIAS: That is significant information for you also, for that is an accurate reflection of you, in your own experiences, and your own fear, and your own concern.
In recognizing genuinely what you are presenting to yourself and what you are doing, you are generating a success, for you are offering yourself valuable information. If you do not see what you are doing, how can you alter it?
TERRI: (Emotionally) I know what I’m doing, I just want to know that I can fix this before I go broke.
ELIAS: And that is the reason that we are discussing these steps. I am aware that what you would like, presently, is some enormous revelation that would allow you, in your terms, to fix all that you view is not right within your experiences. What you do not quite understand is that what I am expressing to you IS that enormous revelation and is tremendously more powerful than you realize yet.
TERRI: And that’s the acknowledgment of the successes?
ELIAS: Yes. For that genuinely interrupts that concentration upon lack. And THAT is the core.
TERRI: Like today, does it matter that…? Successes in the last week, or just start from this moment, or…?
ELIAS: Begin in this moment. As I expressed to you, you have accomplished and have been successful in generating engaging conversation with myself, in this present now, and your meeting in this day.
When you notice yourself moving into those expressions of discouragement and thinking, and expressing that lack and worrying, in those moments you can incorporate a recall of other successes. It is not necessary to limit them to this day.
TERRI: How about just saying “Stop” and just trying not to think of anything for a minute?
ELIAS: Yes, you can engage that also. But the point with the success, as I have expressed, is that that actually interrupts the concentration upon lack. For you are actually engaging an action that is contrary to the concentration upon lack—and the concentration is not necessarily expressed in thinking, for many times what you are concentrating upon is so familiar it requires no translation in thinking.
TERRI: And acknowledgement isn’t necessarily appreciation?
ELIAS: Correct. But that can be an accompaniment with the acknowledgement.
TERRI: So I guess I’m getting confused, like if it’s an acknowledgement getting to the gym, but I also appreciate getting to the gym.
ELIAS: Correct! And you can generate both. You can appreciate what you are doing.
TERRI: And acknowledge that getting there was a success.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: The acknowledgement is merely a crediting of yourself with an accomplishment. At times you may appreciate that, and at times you may not appreciate that, for at times you may acknowledge to yourself that you have successfully accomplished some action but not necessarily liked the action that you accomplished. And you can even view the benefit in what you accomplished but not necessarily be comfortable with that accomplishment. But even in that, you are crediting yourself for the action.
But, as I have expressed, at times there may be experiences that you generate that you can actually acknowledge, credit yourself and express that you have been successful and not necessarily appreciate what you created.
TERRI: Okay.
Okay, so I’ll try this. I will do this. Were you the gentleman in the park with the map the other day?
ELIAS: My energy was present, yes.
TERRI: He seemed very confused. (Elias chuckles) Okay. Well, as always, thank you. I’ll have to meet with you more soon. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Very well. I am always available, my friend. And as always, I continue to offer my energy to you continuously in encouragement.
TERRI: Thank you.
ELIAS: You CAN accomplish.
TERRI: I’ll hold that ‘til we meet again.
ELIAS: Very well. And hear my voice expressing, “You can. You can. You can.” (Laughs)
TERRI: I will do that.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. To you in great affection and tremendous appreciation, au revoir.
TERRI: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 2 minutes)
©2006 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.