Session 200608071

Mother’s Preparation to Disengage


Session 20060807 (2064)
“Mother’s Preparation to Disengage”
"Choosing Different Influences of Beliefs”
“The Guideline of Responsibility and the Energy of Obligation"
"Projecting Associations"
“Dropping the Shield”
“The Fear of Worthiness: Exposing You to You”

Monday, August 7, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Anon

ELIAS: Good morning!

ANON: Good morning, Elias. How are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

ANON: I'm pretty good. I wanted to actually start this session with talking about what's going on with my mom and what I’m creating with that as well, if that's okay with you.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANON: Okay. My mom is in the hospital now, and we've been kind of working with her getting close to death many times in her life. This one actually isn't as dramatic, but I kind of want to understand what we’re creating, or what I’m creating and she's helping cooperate with me in this, and understand when she's creating something herself that I'm also creating my reality too in regards to this. Right?

ELIAS: Yes, and what do YOU view?

ANON: Well...

ELIAS: You have already offered yourself considerable information.

ANON: You mean today?

ELIAS: In association with this situation.

ANON: Well…Okay. I'm just going to kind of talk, and please interrupt if you have something to add to help me because it's a little bit confusing.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANON: Okay. This morning...(Very emotionally) Well, this morning I woke up, and I had this sense of... Well, actually when I saw my mom after my trip, just a couple of days ago, I saw her and she seemed so pale and so tired to me. And while I was on my trip I couldn't feel her energy strongly. I can feel her energy pretty strongly.

And when I got back I was really surprised, because even though she was physically the same, I couldn't feel her energy as well. It's almost like she has consolidated it into her. And the message that I got from her was that she was tired. And that night my sister and I had a conversation in the middle of the night, and it was kind of like I felt such deep grief inside of myself that there was some regret in terms of mom, and it was the regret of struggling.

This morning I woke up and I realized, and I started writing about it, that what she is showing me—she's reflecting, she's not showing me. She's reflecting to me the aspect of myself that is very tired and doesn't want to struggle any more either. It's not all of me; it's just an aspect of me.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

ANON: But that is not of benefit to me anymore, and as I was writing about it and I was having my shower there was... it was almost like a mirror image of me was being created and drawing out all of the energy that had to do with struggle. I was writing about it, and it's like that there's a perception that the letting go in death is finally the letting go of struggle or trying hard, and that life is a struggle. And then I realized that that is a core belief that I have and that I’m probably ready to release that as an expressed belief, because I don't want... I'm so tired of it. It's like I've examined every aspect of struggle and I don't need to examine it anymore, you know. And as I was feeling that release it was almost like this energetic me was being formed in front of me, pulling out all of the aspects of that belief that were in every cell in my body and bringing it back to itself, and…

ELIAS: I am understanding. And in this, let me express to you, that is not a core belief or a core truth of yours, but it IS an influence in relation TO your core truth; and in that, being an influence you can choose different influences. As I have expressed previously, in accepting a belief you do not necessarily change it and you do not eliminate it. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, it is not a matter of letting it go, for it continues to be an expressed belief. BUT—what you do is, you choose different influences.

Now; this, in what you have expressed throughout your focus, is an influence of your core truth, your guideline, but you can choose different influences in recognizing that this particular influence is no longer necessarily beneficial to you, and in recognizing that it is also not a preference, BUT also recognizing that there are elements of that influence that can be expressed in different manners to be beneficial to you in different situations, but that in the automatic response of it, it is not necessarily beneficial; and in that it, may also not be a preferred response.

In this, it is not necessary to create the choice of death to be expressing different influences and not expressing struggle, although some individuals do choose that choice as a method to disengage from that familiarity. But that would not be the only reason that they would choose death; that may be a partial reason, but it would not be the only reason.

What you are presenting to yourself in this reflection, you have identified quite accurately and recognized that you may not necessarily be choosing to engage death but that you can choose different influences that do not express struggle. In her allowing herself to stop struggling, it is emphasizing to you that it is acceptable for you also to stop struggling.

ANON: Is she choosing to disengage at this time?

ELIAS: Not yet, but close.

ANON: Yeah.

ELIAS: Which is also the reason that you noticed that you were not experiencing or feeling her energy in certain time frameworks, for that energy is being redirected.

ANON: But when I try to read her energy, like before if I was to sit with her and bring her up in front of me I could see her and I could feel her energy and kind of what's going on with her. Now whenever I try to do that, all I see is light. I don't see her body. I just see kind of the impression of just a bright light, and that's all I'm getting right now, so...

I think I'm fine with, you know…I believe my mom has really cooperated in helping me work through the death process and letting go of her—like not letting... Like, this taught me so much. But there's nothing wrong with letting go, is there?


ANON: There’s a difference between letting go and letting be, like just being, and I’m learning what that is.

So what is my core belief that this influence is?

ELIAS: Responsibility.

ANON: Oh. Okay, so responsibility: that's not actually a negative either; it's attached to a preference of mine, because [inaudible].

ELIAS: Correct. Yes.

ANON: So that's the piece...[Inaudible, both talking at once]

ELIAS: It is not your enemy.


ELIAS: It is a guideline, and it is actually beneficial and provides you with comfort in the directions that you engage, and it does precisely that: it guides your behavior in certain manners.

ANON: And the restrictive or limiting aspect of that was that I should, or I had to, keep doing and sacrificing, which I have actually... I don't express that as much anymore.

ELIAS: I am aware. I am quite aware, and I am acknowledging of you, for you ARE allowing yourself more and allowing yourself to express your own direction and directing of yourself, rather than expressing the obligation and allowing other individuals or situations to dictate to you.

ANON: Well, part of that is becoming... like what I was experiencing this morning as I was contemplating... I was experiencing this kind of mirror image of myself drawing out the struggle aspect. I felt a determination—it wasn't actually a determination; it was a deliberateness in me that was… Like, that it's not of benefit to pretend that I can't create all of my reality of what I want to create. That's no longer of benefit to me, where it talks about creating money or body or whatever. And an aspect of myself was always going... Well, I think it was doubt that I really did create my reality or whatever that would always play in with the “trying harder” side.

I know I'm not saying this well, but it's... I'm fed up with it. What I want is, I want to stand in my creative power and know that I do deliberately create my reality, that I can do this. And what I would do is just go “Okay, I'm doing this,” and then things wouldn't manifest the way I wanted them to manifest. There was no question in there, but...

I feel like a big shift happened while I was in Hawaii and I have consolidated myself in such a way that I no longer see the world the same way I did before, that I'm now able to… even though I can't figure it out in the moment sometimes, there's a part of me that's always observing, that's not attached to the drama that goes on in everyday life. Do you understand what I mean?


ANON: And that aspect of myself keeps me so grounded in my ability and that I really trust myself. If I want to find out what's going on, all I need to do is just ask and I get the answers to my question—from me, not from anyone else.


ANON: Anyway. Can you...? I don't know; I thought we would be talking about mom for most of this, but... Is there a timeframe for mom, or is that none of my business?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of being none of your business; it is a matter of choice. And what I can express to you in this present now is that that is the direction that she is moving into, but as to the moment of that choice, that is a variable, for it is a choice, and it is HER choice.

ANON: Yes.

ELIAS: Therefore what I can express to you is that it is a very strong potential, but it is dependent upon her as to when she actually engages that choice.

ANON: Well, part of me is... I've got a trip scheduled for next week, and I just... I guess I'll need to figure out whether or not I go. But is it, you know, ...?

ELIAS: Ah! THAT is significant, for in that, what your choice actually is is whether you shall allow yourself and continue to express in your direction or whether you move into that familiar expression of obligation and deny yourself. You cannot generate the choice for her to continue or not to continue, and you cannot dictate when she engages that choice. And in this, denying yourself is not being helpful or supportive to the other individual. (Pause)

ANON: How is that not...? Like I understand how it's not supportive to me, like when she… [inaudible]

ELIAS: For when you deny yourself, my friend, you project a very different type of energy; and in that, you are projecting an energy of obligation. And in projecting an energy of obligation, you are not projecting an energy of supportiveness to the other individual. By not denying yourself and following your direction, you generate no expectation of the other individual, and you do not generate an energy of (pause) holding.

When you project an energy of obligation, that is received by the other individual in an association of holding to energy in response to the obligation, and it can be easily translated by the other individual precisely as it is projected but in relation to themself, not necessarily in relation to you. Therefore, you project an energy of obligation, and the other individual expresses that obligation within themself also. (Pause)

ANON: Okay, so when... Like last night I left early before visiting hours were over. She seemed really disappointed. That was my creation? It wasn't her projection? Like she seems to be holding on to me or something, and I'm okay with it, but I don't know what to do. Like... (emotionally) I guess this is the ultimate piece.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

ANON: But I can't die for her. You know I can't...

ELIAS: It is not a matter of you dying for her.

ANON: No, but she's—

ELIAS: And it is not a matter of her holding to you. In a manner of speaking, it is a matter of her holding you in concern for you—not holding to you in fear or disappointment, but in concern and that energy of obligation to be nurturing, and that is associated with the energy that YOU are projecting. In this, it is not bad to be letting go, but it is not NECESSARY to be letting go; it is more to the point and important to be accepting. (Pause)

ANON: But she and I are... she's feeling obligated.

Like part of me was feeling, over the past few years of her episodes, that she's almost staying here for me. Like, 'til I'm ready, to... (Emotionally) Like… she's helping me get ready for eventually when she does die, then she's doing it in these stages that are assisting me in this process. And part of me feels really selfish. You know, if she wants to go, you know, don't be...

ELIAS: That is not the point. Stop.

ANON: Okay.

ELIAS: You are correct in your assessment that her choices are connected with you in choosing to be generating in increments as a method of preparation. It is not merely associated with you; it is associated with the entirety of your family. You may be more aware of that, for you are allowing yourself to be somewhat more open to energies and to yourself, but her direction, or method, has been and is being precisely designed in association with her direction and her perception to be generating this helpfulness in preparation.

I may express to you, there are in actuality many, many, many, individuals within your world that choose in this direction, for they incorporate the perception that it is kinder and easier for those individuals around them that they incorporate love for, to adjust and accept their choice for death if they are incorporating some preparation and it is not what you term to be a shock. In this, it may not always be perceived by the individual's choosing to continue within physical focus in the same manner, but what is significant for you to understand is that this is her method, and in that method, her perception of the method is the most efficient and kindest expression. It is not that you are preventing her from engaging that ultimate choice of death; she shall engage that choice when she perceives her direction to be completed, when she is satisfied with her process of preparation in relation to her family.

It is not your responsibility, and you are not preventing her from generating that choice. She in actuality is not preventing herself either; she is merely continuing in the method that she has designed.

ANON: One of the things that I noticed with my other siblings is that they are very... they ARE accepting of it. It's almost like… When it first started happening everyone was really upset and everyone would fly out and be really upset, and then the next time it was a little bit less. So her method is quite beneficial—for me. I will speak for myself.

ELIAS: Yes, and it is accomplishing.

ANON: Yes. But I feel like, just in observing my brothers and sisters, they seem to be fine with it, like they've accepted Mom's passing. And I feel like I'm the last holdout, so... See, I'm feeling the responsibility thing again. But I want to tell you anyway, it feels like once I do it then she'll just choose to die, once I’ve accepted. So I feel kind of...

It was the same with my dad. I did the same thing with my dad. I don't know why I feel responsible for that. So if I could just hold out for them, then they would... You know what I mean? But It's very skewed; I understand but it's not a clean perception. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel complete with that information. In other words, if I accept it and if I had the shift and moved into acceptance in this moment, that that will be the release for my mom and now she will just choose to die.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It is her process.

ANON: And we just benefit by her process then.

ELIAS: You are benefiting from her process, but it is her process. (Coughs)

ANON: But is there anything that I—

ELIAS: And it is her method. Therefore, in BEING her method, it is not necessarily entirely a matter of her generating the perception of surety that all of you are entirely prepared for her choice; it is also her OWN preparation for her choice.

ANON: So my acceptance of it is not going to speed the process along.


ANON: But my non-acceptance of it perpetuates struggle inside of me.


ANON: It's almost like that struggle piece: every time I come into it I feel nauseous, like I'm physically ill, so it's really making itself known.

Okay. Is there anything that I could do that would...?

ELIAS: Examine within you what creates such importance within you that you be physically present at the moment that the individual chooses to disengage.

ANON: Well, that was really important for my dad. I'm not feeling that importance for my mom, necessarily.

ELIAS: Are you not? You are questioning whether to engage your trip or not.

ANON: But that piece is not necessarily to experience the death with her; it's more that she not be alone.

ELIAS: But she is not alone. (Pause)

ANON: (Emotionally) My perception of her is that, you know, she has… her family is her life, what she has engaged, everything, and the only thing that really… Well, her garden and her family are the things that brighten her, that I see response in her. And when I walk into the room, if she's in the hospital and I walk into the room, she totally brightens. And the idea of her being alone in the room, that's what I don't like, that piece.

So, what I'm hearing you say is that if I am engaging being in that room out of obligation, then that's projecting one type of energy. If I'm engaging in some other motivation, then that's something else.

ELIAS: Correct. I'm not expressing to you to engage your trip or not to engage your trip.

ANON: No, I understand.

ELIAS: And I am not expressing to you to continue to engage your mother or not to engage your mother. What I AM expressing to you is that you evaluate and genuinely allow yourself to assess what your motivation is and what type of energy you are projecting, and in this, how much of what is occurring is you and not necessarily the other individual. (Pause)

ANON: You mean interpreting the perception of aloneness and...?

ELIAS: Yes. How much are you expressing your associations and your perception and projecting that as being hers. (Pause)

ANON: Wow. Just since you are talking about that I have a feeling that most of it, because she’s not projecting a lot of energy right now. I don't feel that she is.

ELIAS: Correct. For HER energy is being redirected, which is an element of her method and her process. This is the reason that you do not feel it. And this is a significant point, for you recognize that there is a difference, you recognize that you are NOT feeling her energy and that it is somehow removed—and in a manner of speaking it is, for it is being redirected not in association with physical reality. Therefore, you actually are not feeling her energy, or you are feeling it or recognizing it in a very slight degree. In that, there is a contradiction between the energy that SHE is expressing and the strength of the energy that YOU are expressing, projecting AS her. (Pause)

ANON: That makes sense. I understand that. As you were doing that, I recognized that one of my big things in my life is that I feel, well... (Emotionally) I actually feel more nonphysical support than I do physical, but if I ever needed help that no one would be there.

ELIAS: I may express to you, my friend, you may be quite surprised. This is YOUR perception. (Anon crying) This is your association, and it is born out of your own shielding of yourself, which we have discussed. Which, I am greatly acknowledging of you that you have been addressing to that and you have been generating considerably much more openness with yourself and other individuals.

And I am also acknowledging of you in allowing yourself to be moving in the freedom of your expression, and I am acknowledging of your movement and your willingness to be attempting. BUT, there continues to be an element of shielding which is in process, and I am aware that you are continuing in process. That is to be acknowledged. But in that process, that shielding is dropping incrementally, and in association with other individuals, it has not dropped entirely.

ANON: I know that I've... like I'm really... the difference now in my process and before is that I feel like I have a core of trust in myself and my process.


ANON: That I’m actually engaging other people and aware of what's going on at that time. And it’s so precise that yesterday I was so upset with not getting help when I was asking for it—that's one of the things that I am working on now, where I’m recognizing. But not being heard, not getting... those things are aspects of myself. And I was upset and I got upset with my son, and he's like, “Well, I'm not going to let you get upset with me,” and then I got upset. I was upset with my brother, and he said almost actually the same words as my son did. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm pulling this right back to me in such precision.

And the way I'm looking at people now in my life is that I draw them to me, they reflect back to me, I get triggered in some way, I trigger myself in some way—upset, anger, whatever the emotion is—and then it's almost like their job is done. (Laughs) And it's like, Okay, thank you very much, and now I need to go and look at what I tweaked inside of myself, what energy just came up for me.


ANON: I find that very beneficial because it doesn't engage the other person anymore. They reflect it back to me, and it really has nothing to do with them anymore.

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding. And in this, you are also emphasizing to yourself the difference between allowing yourself to receive or demanding.

ANON: That's one of the things that when I was sitting with my mom and I was holding her hand, like I could feel her energy from her hand coming into mine where my arm would actually go numb. There was such pain I was receiving in my shoulder, and I was just like of sitting with it trying to understand, and the impression that I got was that she encouraging me to open to receive, that this was... like I was somehow blocking receiving in my life and that she was kind of passing something through to me and that I was blocking it at my shoulder, which is why I was having so much pain.


ANON: A belief in this world that your left shoulder represents receiving and your right shoulder represents letting go, but you know not attaching to that belief necessarily: that was the impression I kind of got, that this was what was happening.

ELIAS: Yes. And you are generating your own symbolism in relation to it and therefore creating that imagery.

ANON: So, part of me feels... This, I think, is where the struggle... Everything is so interconnected, Elias, that I’m finding a little bit of overwhelm sometimes that everything kind of comes together at once and I see the interconnection of it so precisely. It's actually very beautiful and very… you know, there's no way that if I tried to plan it myself, like cognitively, that I would be able to do it quite that beautifully, I don't think. But the overwhelm… There's a little bit like “Woo! How much am I dealing with this?”

And one of the things, like I feel like I am right there in terms of creating what I want, the determin... it's not really determination. It's not as harsh as determination [but] more deliberateness, like this is it. Like I'm standing in my power, I'm standing in my creativity, and I feel like I'm not grasping onto it as I did before, like with money. Is that true? Can you...?


ANON: Okay. And I feel like it's there. I feel like I just… it's there. So am I just now working on the receiving aspect of it, and...? I know that there's no finish line, but is that one of the final stages of allowing myself to manifest what I want deliberately or consciously?

ELIAS: Yes. This is a significant element, and this is actually one of the most challenging for you, for that requires dropping that shield.

ANON: Do I just have one more shield, or do I have...? I feel like I have let go of so many layers of it, I can't...

ELIAS: You are correct.

ANON: Yeah.

ELIAS: But this is an action that is quite unfamiliar to you, and this is the most challenging element. But, you have already moved into this element of your movement, and you are already lowering that shield. It is merely a matter of being aware and distinguishing between allowing yourself to receive in relation to other individuals rather than generating frustration or irritation in DEMANDING from other individuals.

ANON: Okay. And this is also related to the litigation, isn't it, what we talked about the last time?


ANON: Rather than demanding that they pay me, to share with him and allow myself to receive?


ANON: Okay. And does this shielding have anything to do with my body weight right now? Can you help me with what I've been doing with my body?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

ANON: Well, I think I've been running a lot of energy, but I'm not at a weight that I really want to be. And I think I've had a process where I've moved from limiting myself hugely in what I eat and the amount of exercise, like all these beliefs around having to do those things, to now I basically eat what I want but I'm not really gaining any weight so I've kind of shifted. I've shifted, allowing myself more freedom—it's not complete, but more freedom with food and exercise and maintaining a body weight. But the body weight that I’m maintaining is too high for what I feel comfortable with.

So one of the manifestations that I would like is for my body to form naturally, like lean, strong and healthy in a natural way that is not dependent on me restricting food. It doesn't mean that I abuse it either. Do you understand what I mean? That I just flow naturally in “Oh, I’d like to try this” and kind of listen to my body whether or not I want to eat something or if I want to exercise and feel connected that way.

ELIAS: Yes. And yes, you are correct that this shielding and receiving is a factor associated with that. It is associated with your three main directions: money, relationships and body consciousness.

ANON: My directions in terms of my process, right?


ANON: Okay. How is it... ? Oh, the receiving is related to those.

ELIAS: Yes, and the shielding.

ANON: Okay, but the shielding and the receiving are kind of... like the shielding blocks the receiving?

ELIAS: Correct.

ANON: I guess, as I'm talking to you about it, there’s a fear that’s being generated inside of me about receiving, and I'm not... it's just kind of blossoming a little. I was talking to my sister about it, and it was like... I was actually engaging my brother with it too, and it's like if I allow myself to receive then I never know how much I owe back? And so I never...

ELIAS: No, that is one association, but underlying that is that if you allow yourself to receive you must expose your worthiness to yourself. The element of how much you owe in return is a camouflage.


ELIAS: That is surface camouflage to conceal what the actual apprehensiveness or fear is, and the actual fear is that if you allow yourself to RECEIVE, you will be exposing your worthiness.

ANON: I will be exposing my worthiness, or my lack of worthiness?

ELIAS: Your worthiness.


ELIAS: And in that, you cannot shield with the UNworthiness.

ANON: Ah. It's like we're not afraid of our failures, we’re afraid of our light and our power.

ELIAS: Yes. You do not fear your unworthiness or your lacking; you fear that you actually do incorporate worthiness.

ANON: And that the amount of my receiving is going to be a celebration of that worthiness.

ELIAS: Yes. And the more you receive the more worthy you are, and the more valued you are, and that is unfamiliar.

ANON: I'm also getting the impression that my process has brought me to the point of actually... these things have to start with me. Like when I start talking about trust and love and all those things, I actually am looking inside of myself to create those things. I am not now looking out into my world to create them for me.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANON: And so this value and this worthiness is the same thing—


ANON: --because I'm looking externally for that. I am now needing to open… Well, not needing to, but I feel myself choosing to open to that experience of experiencing my worthiness and my value.


ANON: And as I do that then, as in everything else, my world will reflect that.

ELIAS: Yes, and THAT is the element of exposure.

ANON: See, I redefined exposure, Elias. I redefined it as... Before, I thought exposure was kind of like confession, you know how you have to go to confession to confess all your sins and tell everyone everything. Well, I redefined it in the sense that exposure to me, what feels right for me, is that I be myself in every single expression that I have, and I share what I want to share, not what I think HAS to be shared.

ELIAS: Correct, but now you move into a deeper expression of exposure in which you expose you to you. You expose your own worthiness to you.

ANON: So it's like kind of drilling down to find the gold right in the center of the thing.

ELIAS: Ha ha! In a manner of speaking, yes.

ANON: [Inaudible, both talking at once]

ELIAS: You are searching for the buried treasure. (Chuckles)

ANON: Okay, so in relation to these things, my body... I guess what I'm asking is... Well, it doesn't feel right. I think the body will automatically form the same way. It would not be beneficial for me to go back to the old limiting, you know, restrictive diets and...


ANON: ...and things like that at this time.


ANON: I'm in transition right now, so I just have a little bit more to go to allow these things to fall into place. (Elias chuckles) Does that make sense?


ANON: Am I oversimplifying, or...?

ELIAS: No, and I am acknowledging of you for not complicating. (Laughs)

ANON: (Laughs) I got that word twice yesterday: “You want to complicate things.” I’m like, “I'm not!” Anyway… (Elias laughs) Well, maybe I was, but...

Okay. So just keep going, just... I don't think I'm doing anything to trip myself up. I think that I've got my process engaged that's working very well.

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree. But you do incorporate some challenges in this near future time framework to evaluate.

ANON: Okay.

ELIAS: In association with what you want and your direction, and being aware of your energy and allowing yourself, not denying yourself, and being aware of the energy of obligation. That is your challenge presently.

ANON: And projections, obligations. Okay. Because one of the things that I still work with is that when I go to decide what I want to do there's always that hook that it has to be related to making money. And every time I have that hook in it, I know that I'm limiting myself. So I keep relaxing and going back to “What do you really want to do?” You know, if I had unlimited resources—which you're saying we all do; we're the ones who limit the flow of those resources.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANON: Those creations. So, “What is it that I want to do?” What happened is, I felt like there was a veil up that I couldn't quite see, but I can see that was beneficial because it really kept me going back into myself rather than looking outwards. And it got me looking inwards, inwards, inwards more and more, and now the more I look inwards the more I don't want to look outwards anymore. Like, I see the world as the reflection, but all my answers are inside. I don't feel like I have to prove it to someone else anymore. Do you understand what I am saying?


ANON: And it's very... it terrific. So I'm evaluating what I want and my direction genuinely, as if I could have anything in the world, right?


ANON: And be aware of my energy, allowing self and not denying self, and my projection of obligation.


ANON: All right. So, just with my mom and just be with her as much as I want to genuinely be with her. And she knows I love her, right?


ANON: (Laughs) I know. I know that! It's just....okay. (Elias chuckles) All right, any other words of advice?

ELIAS: I would express that is enough for you to assimilate in this present time framework, and I shall be anticipating our next discussion. (Chuckles)

ANON: Thank you.

ELIAS: I offer to you great encouragement, my friend, and a tremendous energy of supportiveness in acknowledgement of your movement. In great lovingness and appreciation to you, au revoir.

ANON: And you too. Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 60 minutes)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.