Session 200606281

Am I Disengaged?


Session 20060628 (2024)
"Am I Disengaged?"
“Dream Imagery and Other-Dimensional Focuses”
“Hearing Voices”

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Marcy S. (Lilan)

ELIAS: Good morning!

MARCY: Good morning. Ah, there you are! (Elisa laughs) So, how's your weather?

ELIAS: I do not incorporate weather.

MARCY: I know. (Both laugh) Well, the sun's out here and it's a cool day, and it's wonderful, it's beautiful, and it's good to talk to you!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And you also.

MARCY: Thank you. All right, I'm going to start right in. I have a list today, and I think it is a good one. (Both laugh) To be honest, recently—probably around the last month—I've been feeling sort of underwhelmed with my life, we might say. (Both laugh) So, about two weeks ago I found I was waking up every morning looking around and thinking, "Am I disengaged? Is this real? Am I creating this? I'm not really real. I'm not really here, I'm just like creating all this.” (Elias laughs) It was really interesting. I mean, I don't have any fear of disengagement, and so it was intriguing. And I asked a couple people and they insisted, "No, no, if she is there, then I would be here." But I was like, "No, no, I could be creating you saying that." (Both laugh) Sid finally convinced me that I had not disengaged, but I felt sort of strange for a number of days.

Actually it was very intriguing, as I said, because I was sort of playing with the whole concept of if I had disengaged and I was aware of this transitory or transitional period, what would that mean? And so that was purely interesting, kept me interested for a few days. And then that sort of faded, but I still feel like something occurred, maybe subjectively, and I don't have enough information to be able to translate that through my thought processes, and so the only thing that came to mind was "Oh, you disengaged."

And so, I guess my question to you is, When you look at me, what's different about me? Something I feel has changed, and I don't know what it is.

ELIAS: (Laughs) First of all, I shall express to you that you have been experimenting with attempting to understand your reality and yourself more clearly in a different manner. In this, let me express to you, had you actually disengaged and been creating objective imagery similar to why you create now, you would not be questioning yourself as to whether you had disengaged.

MARCY: Ohhh, okay.

ELIAS: And at the point that you would begin to notice differences in your reality, and at the point in which you would become curious in relation to those differences, you would begin to remember the death.

MARCY: Okay, okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, there would be no confusion.

MARCY: Okay.

ELIAS: In this, your indicator that you have NOT disengaged is that you are questioning that.

MARCY: Okay. All right. (Elias laughs) They say the same thing about people that go insane: “If you think you're insane, you're not; if you think you're normal and everyone else thinks you're insane, you might be.” (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Correct.

MARCY: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: In this, you have merely been engaging yourself and your reality in a different manner, exploring the mechanics of it and how you create and how you manipulate energy. This is what generates the questioning, for you are manipulating energy differently and you are paying attention in a different manner, not merely on automatic pilot but actually paying attention to how you are creating and manipulating energy and how you are drawing responses to yourself, and moving more into a recognition that you actually are creating all of your reality. This is an expanding of your awareness.

MARCY: Oh, yay! Well, yay me! All right! (Elias laughs) So I haven't like made any sort of changes in essence level or anything like that? Because that was the next thing I thought: Well, maybe I've gone to some sort of fragmentation thing or something.


MARCY: Okay. Well, and also in relation to that, during the day when I would really think about that and play with that, I ended up one night having a dream which I found very intriguing and added to my questioning. A lot of times in my dreams, I dream about snow and cold weather, and I think because I don't like cold, to me it's an obstacle. I think I dream about snow when I'm in periods of time where I feel like my movement is being impeded, you know. But this dream, it was a sunny, warm day, and the sun was out and I was out in the country and it was beautiful, and I was somehow moving down this road. I wasn't walking, but I was somehow transporting myself down this road, but I wasn't sure where I was going. I knew that there were like two maps that would give me directions; both would give me directions to the same place even though the directions would be by different routes, but they were Beethoven symphonies. One was the Fifth Symphony, and one was the Seventh Symphony, but they weren't music—they were maps to get to somewhere. And the thought was, if I could remember how to sing the music of either of those, if I could sing the music I would know how to get to where I was going, and I realized that I knew the Fifth Symphony better than the Seventh Symphony.

So I'm singing the Fifth Symphony, and I'm going along—of course there's no words, it's just music—but then at one point I realized there was one of the movements that I couldn't remember. And I was just like stopped in this road thinking, “Okay, great, now I can't remember the music—how am I going to find my way to where I want to go?” And I had no idea what this meant, so I was toying around with the idea—I know in numerology, which I used to tinker with, 5 is the spirit manifest in the flesh, and then 7 relates to the spirit realm. So I thought, “Well, maybe I'm making some sort of a choice, like do I want to stay in the body or do I want to go back to essence or something,” and that was the only thing I could come up with. But I knew you would have some comments about that. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would express to you, this imagery is not associated with a choice of remaining or disengaging; it is associated with you AS essence and not generating the separation and becoming more attuned to yourself AS essence, which symbolically can be your map. And in that, you chose the symphonies as imagery, as symbols of tones, for this is you. And in these tones, they are qualities of you, and these are your guidelines, so to speak, and how you move and can provide you, figuratively speaking, with your map in whatever you wish to accomplish.

MARCY: Yeah, well, because it was…Whatever the goal was—and I don't know what the goal was—I was trying to get to somewhere, and either map would take me there. So wow, that's interesting.

ELIAS: Which is a combination of you as you the individual in this physical manifestation, but also knowing that you in this physical manifestation are essence. Therefore, you incorporate your individual information, and you also incorporate a vast, unending reservoir of information as essence.

MARCY: Right. Well, that makes perfect sense, because in the dream I was more familiar with the Fifth Symphony than the Seventh Symphony, and even at the time I remember thinking, "I'm going to have to listen to that Seventh Symphony more and find out what that has to say." So I suppose that would be more tapping into essence and more becoming familiar with myself AS essence.


MARCY: Oh, wow! Awesome! Thank you, how brilliant! (Both laugh) Cool!

Well, then moving on and speaking of dreams, I had a couple of dreams lately about individuals who looked human but were from somewhere else, another planet. The first dream actually was a little more…I don't want to say negative, [but] it was less positive. In the first dream I was somewhat afraid because there was this alien being. It looked like this big sort of flat, insect-type thing that was actually made out of metal, sort of copper-shaped metal. It flew in, and I was sort of pretending to be asleep; I don't know, it's that whole thing, “If they think you’re dead they won’t kill you.” (Both laugh) And I was laying my head down, and I was afraid of this alien insect, and I had my head laying at the side, and it ended up instead of hurting me, it had a flower and it set this flower in my ear. I was like, “Oh wow! Instead of killing me, it gave me this beautiful communication,” is what I took that to mean, because probably I wouldn't have understood its language, but a flower in your ear, that's pretty clear to me that that's a nice communication, filling my ear with something beautiful type of thing.

But then it had these sort of assistants looking like humans, and they were trying to capture my brother and I, who were in this house. We saw them outside and we escaped through the window. Well, they captured us anyway, and with these beings, if you tried to escape from them they took that as threatening behavior and they would kill you. And I tried to understand this, and I said, "Well, this is a natural expression for us, but I'm sorry, you wouldn't understand it." And they didn't understand why you would try to escape; they saw that as being a threat to them. And so, because I was understanding to them, they didn't kill me. They were going to let me be one of them, so that was nice. (Both laugh)

The next time I had dreamed about these people, one of them took a headdress of some kind, and it had beads, and put it on my head, and this signified somehow that I was accepted into their people, or into their group or something, and they gave me these pieces of their money. And all their money…like on our money we will have sayings like "In God We Trust" and all these other Latin things, but on their money they had really nice things like "Be kind to animals," or, you know, "Love is kind" and that kind of stuff. And they said, "We're sorry, but you won't be able to spend this money because it's not your money. Do you want us to exchange it for your kind of money?" I was like, "No, no, because this is a special gift and I don't care if I can spend it or not. That's not what's important about this gift," because I had this money they had given me.

So, I guess I'm wondering, who are these people? Were these actual people in some other dimension, or…What comments do you have about those two dreams? I feel like they're related.

ELIAS: Yes, and they are associated with other-dimensional focuses.

MARCY: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: Which is also related to the movement that you have been engaging in expanding and generating more of an awareness of yourself AS essence and the many facets of that, that it is not merely limited to the manifestations that you incorporate within this physical dimension but other dimensions also and nonphysical areas.

MARCY: Right. Right. Yeah, well –

ELIAS: And what is significant in this is that you preset imagery to yourself concerning significant differences that COULD present an obstacle and difficulty for yourself, but you chose to engage that in a manner in which you did NOT create the conflict or difficulty, and you generated a connection.

In this, it is significant not merely with yourself and creating less separation with yourself, but also it is significant imagery in relation to your interactions with other individuals WITHIN your physical dimension, recognizing that that presents significant differences also at times, and that you incorporate the ability to generate choices that shall avoid conflict and difficulty and in which you can actually create a connection with other individuals regardless of the differences

MARCY: Right. Right, yeah. Well, this is one thing that—I mean, when you talk a lot about reconfiguring energy, and…You even talked to me the very first time we ever spoke objectively about the hot tea water—you know, it was like I thought I was going to get into hot water in a bad way and instead I just made a cup of tea, and it's how I receive energies. And I really work on that and think on that because I don't like conflict, and I basically think that everybody is a nice person on the inside, you know, that they're not purposely trying to be hateful—well, some people are, but for the most part (Elias laughs)…I tend to look for commonality with other people—not always, sometimes I'm a grouch and stuff—and to try to say, “Okay, well, this is how I'm perceiving these differences, but I know underneath this maybe there's some way we can connect.” And so I've really been working on reconfiguring it instead of just taking it—even if they're projecting it, turning it to a nice thing, finding something about them to appreciate, or something about me to appreciate or something. And it really does work, and I really do…I mean, I kind of get by well with that, so I guess that's obviously being reflected subjectively as well. So good, I get a gold star for that. (Both laugh)

Wonderful! Thank you so much for that. It's just wonderful.

Okay. Well, I guess I'm going to go and ask you a few things on my list that—two sort of things that come to mind. It wouldn't be a chat with Elias if we didn't talk about Beethoven. (Both laugh) When you have confirmed in the past that I do have interactions with actually that person, who does he think I am?

ELIAS: (Pause) A voice.

MARCY: A voice. Okay, so he doesn't actually perceive me like as a dream person or something like that?

ELIAS: At times, but is not actually generating an association as what you would term to be a real individual.

MARCY: Right, okay. Right.

ELIAS: He is more generating an association with himself, and in a manner of speaking a voice that belongs to him.

MARCY: Right. Okay. Oh, wow! Because I know there've been a couple of times…I mean, I have interactions with him at times, and sometimes I think it's you and I'm just pulling that image from your energy just for you and I to interact just because it's fun and I just think he was adorable in some ways. But there've been times, especially when I read his biographies [about] the period of time where he was realizing he was going deaf and he was in deep despair and talked about suicide and stuff, where I would talk to him in my mind and try to be encouraging and stuff, and I wondered if he had any idea that I was an actual person—you know, from his future—that was encouraging him. And I figured he probably didn't, but…

So this brings up something else then, that sometimes when we hear a still, small voice or we hear talking in a dream or something, it could actually just be another physical person who is encouraging us.


MARCY: All right! All right, yeah.

ELIAS: But in similar manner, for the most part most individuals generate the association, or translate that, as their own voice which is a different voice but that it is their voice of inspiration or encouragement—or even conscience. And at times it IS their own generation of inspiration or different expressions, but at times it can be an energy projected from another focus that incorporates enough of an awareness to generate that type of action successfully.

MARCY: Right. Wow, that's neat! So, it could be—I mean, I'm from his future, so to speak in historical timeline—it could be someone from MY future that’s maybe interested in me, even a future focus of mine or something that would be encouraging or make encouraging suggestions or something.


MARCY: Oh, awesome! I mean that’s logical, but I just never really thought of it so pointedly, so that's neat. Sure, well, it's just more proof of nonseparation.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And the interconnectedness.

MARCY: Yes! Yes, which is something that I really love to play with. And sometimes I'll even get…[inaudible] someone's thinking of me, because all of a sudden there will be this sort of thought that will sort of float down into my mind, and there's nothing attached to it, there's no emotion, there's nothing. It sort of comes out of left field, and mostly I can tell if that's…It’s like, “Oh, someone just thought of me in a positive way”—you know, that kind of a thing. So, I've been toying with that, playing with that, and that’s fun. It's fun being aware of that.

ELIAS: Yes, and is fun to experiment with these types of awarenesses and validate yourself, for it reinforces your trust in your abilities and your interconnectedness with all of your environment and all that you create and all of your reality.

MARCY: Right, right. Yeah, it does. Yeah, it's fun, and it's like you said, it encourages me, because when I first got involved in all of this sort of, you know, woo-woo information (both laugh), reading about these ghosts and stuff, you know—seances and stuff, and people would talk about this stuff—I was like, “Well, that's fine, but I'm sort of this practical, down-to-earth people, I could probably never do that.” Well, guess what: I can, yay! (Both laugh) And it's wonderful, it's fun.

ELIAS: And you can be both. You can be both: You can be quite practical, in your terms, and interacting with your reality in the manner in which you are accustomed, and you can also play with other interactions and other manifestations.

MARCY: Yeah, and actually it's fun that you bring that up, because when I first started—oh, it started really, I don't know, probably within the last few months—really started getting into the subjective and opening to that while I'm in waking state and allowing those sort of nonphysical awarenesses to come to me, it was hard to do both at once. I would feel disoriented, you know, and then I would go to work, and then I would be totally so into the objective that the other ones I kind of blocked out. I think I had to focus my attention so much on one or the other, because it was unfamiliar to do them both at once—it sort of threw me off. But I then [inaudible] working with that and allowing those other awarenesses to go ahead, and kind of fooling around—even if I'm just on the computer entering data or something like that, or talking to someone or something—allowing those other awarenesses to be there as well. And I'm getting better at that, because it's like you said, part of shifting is to be aware of both at the same time and not be confused by that but be able to pull from both sides and have them all kind of together at once.

ELIAS: Yes, and in this, the more you practice, the more familiar it becomes and the easier it is.

MARCY: Yes. Yes, exactly. It becomes more natural.


MARCY: Yeah. Oh, cool! Well, awesome! Well, I am just amazing then! (Both laugh

Okay, I did want to ask you a couple of things. These are sort of minor questions that I just saved to the end and do the meaty stuff first, but my focus of Vincenzo—I looked on the Internet, and was I, or is this person, Vincenzo Graziani?


MARCY: Oh yay, because he was actually quite…In his time he was actually really kind of a well-known opera singer, so I should draw on that energy while I'm practicing my music lessons. (Both laugh) That would be good.

Speaking of which, he was Italian, and my focus of Catherine was also Italian, and I seem to feel a very strong affinity particularly for Catherine. I mean, her symbol was also the white lily. I'm not really asking a question, I'm just sort of making a comment that at least at this point in my exploration I feel a very strong attachment to Italy, to Italian whatever. My daughter even bought an Italian greyhound dog. But I feel a really strong connection with Catherine for some reason, and I’m not exactly sure why, but I think that's really interesting. So do you kind of see that, am I picking up on that correctly?


MARCY: Okay, okay. Because she was an amazing woman. And it's funny, too, because I'm single, I've been single for quite a while, and of course she was a nun. But all of the nuns, at least the ones that were other focuses of mine that I've explored, would talk with what they translated as God or Jesus Christ or whatever, but Catherine in particular I'm wondering, who did she speak to? Was it you? Was it someone else? Was it her own essence? Because she had a very strong connection with one specific spirit that she translated as, and who was that?

ELIAS: Another essence.

MARCY: Was it another essence?


MARCY: Okay, all right. Interesting. I thought maybe it was you (both laugh), but you don't interact with people and stay within their belief systems—at least that's what you said, [inaudible] you interact with us, so then I had the feeling it wasn't you.

ELIAS: That would be my choice in association with this Shift and in my interaction with you now. But I have interacted with other individuals in other time frameworks—or rather, I may express that I AM interactive with other individuals in other time frameworks in relation to different information.

MARCY: Okay. Okay, how interesting! Well, that makes sense, because otherwise it would be an absolute and there is no such thing. (Both laugh)

Okay, here's a little question: I was reading in one of the sessions that you said that your musical key is E major. Is that correct?


MARCY: My favorite key is A minor. Is that mine?


MARCY: Oh yay. I figured it probably was, because I just love A minor.

And also, I wanted to ask you, How many essences are observing me in this focus?

ELIAS: Presently?

MARCY: Mm-hm.

ELIAS: Forty-six.

MARCY: Forty-six? Wow! I must be pretty interesting. (Both laugh) Do I know the focuses of any of these essences in my life somehow?

ELIAS: Not presently.

MARCY: Not presently, okay. I didn't know if that ever happened, like maybe my essence would observe my daughter, or—

ELIAS: Yes, that is quite possible, and it does occur quite frequently. In this present time framework, no, but that can change, for observing essences fluctuate continuously.

MARCY: Right, okay. Yeah, that makes sense.

Okay, well, one more question and then my time is up, and this just popped into my mind. I've discovered—or rediscovered—my love of Baroque music, and so I was looking on there and everything. And Bach right now is my favorite Baroque composer, but it appears that he was quite influenced by the music of Vivaldi—another Italian gay—but I was looking down through these pictures and portraits of these, and I was looking at the face of Vivaldi, and I think he was a focus of my neighbor David. (Laughs) Is that right?

ELIAS: Observing.

MARCY: Observing. Okay, because at one time I was like, “Oh my god, this is David that lives next door to me.” (Elias laughs) Oh, cool! Awesome. I'm getting better every day. (Both laugh) Oh, that's wonderful!

I have one other question, but I know it would be kind of a big question so I will save that ‘til next time, because I want to respect my half hour.

So, thank you so much. This has been really an amazing conversation—which they always are, but…(Both laugh)

ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend, and I shall be anticipating our next conversation. (Laughs)

MARCY: Thank you so much.

ELIAS: I shall be also offering you a playful energy.

MARCY: Thank you. I love your little games and your little tricks you play on me. It's so funny, it makes me laugh. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: To you in great lovingness and dear friendship, au revoir.

MARCY: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 33 minutes)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.