A Daughter’s Eating Disorder
“A Daughter’s Eating Disorder”
“Career Choices”
“Belief System of Senses”
Sunday, May 21, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Paul(Paneus)
(Elias’ arrival time is 22 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
PAUL: Good morning, Elias. How are you?
ELIAS: As always. And yourself?
PAUL: (Laughs) Waiting to uncover those pearls of wisdom.(Both laugh) Well, let me get started here. Why is my daughter creating her current eating disorder?
ELIAS: Which is?
PAUL: She’s not eating, and losing weight.
ELIAS: And what is your impression?
PAUL: Well, it’s probably trying to fit into the belief of an image of acceptance with her friends by being real thin.
PAUL: Oh. Well, getting attention from others, like myself.
ELIAS: Yes. And?
PAUL: Let’s see. Image, attention… I don’t know. I mean, it could be another communication to myself, of perceiving her actions in a certain way.
ELIAS: Partially. But also, partially an action of what you would term to be rebellion.
PAUL: So we’ve got image, rebellion (laughs) – what was the third one again? Image, rebellion and… Oh, attention. So those are the three things that she’s processing by doing this eating disorder?
PAUL: Okay. On my side, how best can I process an acceptance of her actions, when I believe them to be harmful for her?
ELIAS: And what would your assessment be?
PAUL: Well, try to be supportive, try to get her into counseling so she could understand why she’s going through these actions.
ELIAS: And allowing an outlet for a release of energy.
PAUL: For her?
ELIAS: Yes. How can you be supportive in generating that?
PAUL: I don’t know. How can I? (Laughs) So you’re saying she’s got a lot of pent-up energy that she’s trying to find an outlet to release?
PAUL: And right now she’s moving through this process as one form of her release?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. What do you view in this situation as being accomplished and a payoff with her?
PAUL: What I view as a payoff and an accomplishment?
ELIAS: What is different in how you interact?
PAUL: I’m paying closer attention to her.
PAUL: I’m seeing her in a different image.
PAUL: (Sighs) And… I don’t know what the third one is. (Laughs)
ELIAS: You are expressing concern, and in expressing concern you are relaxing some of the expectations, for your attention is diverted. Your attention is moving in a different direction. And therefore, rather than struggling and battling with her, you have altered your energy. And in that, you have changed that energy of opposition and competition with her to one of concern.
PAUL: Right.
ELIAS: Which generates a payoff to her.
PAUL: Well, how do I get her to return to an area of balance, at least what I would perceive as balance? Is there a specific action I could do to help her develop an outlet for this release of energy?
ELIAS: Yes. The point is to be paying attention to you and your energy and what has changed, and to balance within yourself, in which you are providing an energy that is nurturing but not necessarily in concern and inflexibility.
What you have expressed is one extreme to another extreme. Previously, you were expressing an energy in one extreme, which created conflict and battling. And that was in an extreme of rigidness and expectations.
Now; she has successfully altered that through her choices. And in conjunction with her choices, you have changed your energy, but now have moved into another extreme, in concern.
She is seeking the nurturing and the allowance to express herself, and is unclear of what avenue to move into to create that. Therefore, she also has been expressing in extremes, previously in the extreme of opposing you. But in that opposing of you, she was also opposing herself. Now she continues to oppose herself, but in a different manner.
PAUL: So how do I move to this nurturing and allowance of her own expressions without giving her… What’s the word? I’m trying to think. (Sighs) Payback for her actions. I want to move her off her present actions, and try to get to this ultimate nurturing and allowance phase. I don’t want her to say okay, each time I move away from nurturing and allowance she’s going to fall back into this type of routine of hers, of losing weight and not eating.
ELIAS: I am understanding. In this, it is important that you be aware of your energy and that you be aware when you are expressing expectations and when you are generating that rigidness. And in paying attention to that, recognizing when you are expressing in those manners and altering that.
PAUL: Okay. So I need to pay attention to when I’m pushing expectation and rigidness, right?
PAUL: Okay. So if I pay attention to my energy of expectation and rigidness (laughs)… I need some help. I think I notice when I start thinking of “Okay, why does this person not do this?” or “They should be doing this.”
ELIAS: That is an expectation.
PAUL: Right.
ELIAS: This is what I am expressing to you. This is the point of what we discussed in our group interaction.
PAUL: In our what?
ELIAS: In our group interaction.
ELIAS: This is the point. Remember. Why do bad things happen? This is the reason.
Individuals are not aware of their energy, for they are not aware of how strongly their core truths are affecting and influencing of every action that you do. And there are many expressions that occur that you shall automatically not question yourself, but question the other individual and express, “Why would this individual do this?” or “They should do this” or “They should not do this.”
PAUL: Right. I’m aware of that. So if I stop myself, when I start thinking about expectation, and try to move into that allowance of their actions, even though their actions are not part of my preference, that will diffuse the energy?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. You are not quite understanding the point. Let us engage in somewhat of a different manner.
Your daughter is generating this action. How is this action that your daughter is engaging affecting you, in association with your core truth of respect?
PAUL: By… It’s an easy one for me, because I view that some of her actions are disrespectful.
ELIAS: To you.
PAUL: Right.
ELIAS: And this action of not eating is disrespectful to you.
PAUL: Yes.
PAUL: Because she’s not taking care of herself.
ELIAS: And therefore is not honoring how YOU care for her.
PAUL: Right.
ELIAS: Correct. Now; the other individual is not generating the action as an affront to you, and is not expressing in association with the same guideline, the same core truth.
Therefore, precisely what I expressed in that discussion is occurring. The two automatic expressions that occur is: one, you shall automatically personalize the action of the other individual in association with YOUR guideline. And two, you shall automatically generate an expectation of the other individual in accordance with YOUR guideline.
The point is to acknowledge your guideline but generate choices that allow you to continue in your guideline, but not express expectations of the other individual to do or not do any particular action.
In evaluating your core truth of respect, what choices can you engage that allow you to continue in your direction with your guideline but do not generate an expectation of her?
PAUL: That’s a good question! (Elias laughs) Well, so maintaining my preferences, of the guideline…
PAUL: …without expectations being pushed on her?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: (Sighs) The only thing I can think of is through what you said before, to be supportive or nurturing without trying to judge what she’s doing.
ELIAS: Yes, for in that, you are allowing yourself to express respect in the manner that you express it. You are expressing respect for her choices, but continuing in your direction.
PAUL: So it’s a good thing, then?
ELIAS: Your guideline is not bad.
PAUL: (Laughs) No, I want to make sure I’m understanding, because I want to diffuse this, any energy of opposition, and try to allow her to… Is she seeking nurturing and allowance of her own expressions?
PAUL: And I want to move in that direction, but while still maintaining my own guidelines.
ELIAS: Correct. And attention. Now; in this, these also are elements of your guideline. For there are expressions of allowance of your own expression is an action associated with respect. Or attention can also be associated with respect.
PAUL: The attention that I give her? Or that she wants from me?
ELIAS: Both.
PAUL: So can I offer her this increased level of nurturing and attention without rewarding her actions? I want her to move into… Like she’s looking for a different route, so how…?
What can I do to ensure she finds that route that is not detrimental to her?
ELIAS: In doing precisely what we have been discussing.
PAUL: (Laughs) I’m going to have to go back and just focus on the nurturing and the allowance of her expressions.
ELIAS: And paying attention to you…
PAUL: Of the expectations…
ELIAS: Correct. In association with your guideline. And paying attention to the moments in which you trigger yourself. That is what creates the expectations, the shoulds and the should nots.
PAUL: Right. I think I’m aware of that one. Well, I’m going to have to listen to this tape a little bit to get a good practical feel, but I think, based on what I did yesterday, I think I’m moving into that realm of not trying to fight her actions and trying to be more nurturing.
ELIAS: Yes. I am in agreement.
PAUL: By the way, what prompted this action on her part? Was that prompted by her picking up another illness or disease that sort of triggered this action on her part? Like a virus or something like that?
PAUL: This is all strictly in her mind, type of thing.
PAUL: (Sighs) Okay. Let’s move on. I had a dream back on the 7th, where I got a message that I can best communicate with other-dimensional individuals using math, versus language or math as the language. Is the meaning of this one that I need to increase my math knowledge? And is the way of greatest ease that of going back to school to get like a master’s degree or a doctorate?
ELIAS: This would be a choice, my friend. If you are choosing to engage mathematics as a communication, it is dependent upon your desire and what you want.
If you want to be increasing your knowledge of mathematics, it may be advisable to incorporate that type of avenue, to be offering yourself more information. But you also can generate that avenue with the present knowledge that you incorporate.
But it may be an interesting and fun avenue for you individually to be incorporating that type of direction. And offering yourself other avenues of interest to yourself, in association with communication, perhaps even in relation to what you term to be extraterrestrials. (Chuckles)
PAUL: Okay, you’ve got me puzzled on this one. I’m going to have to back you up a little bit. Okay. So you’re saying if I go back to school and get a master’s degree in like physics, that that could be a fun route?
PAUL: I will mention that I do have some fears associated with this pursuit of physics, or it’s an area of incorporating a lot of math, that the courses may be too complex or too boring for me.
ELIAS: I would express that they are not too complex for you and the element of boring would be dependent upon you. For it is a challenge, but you also enjoy challenges.
PAUL: Hmm. Now what was your comment about the extraterrestrials then? I don’t know how this ties into this line of questions.
ELIAS: For you enjoy the investigations of other-dimensional focuses, but there are also other manifestations within your dimensional universe.
PAUL: Correct.
ELIAS: And in that, it may be stimulating and challenging and fun for you to be exploring that also.
PAUL: (Pause) Well, I can take a look. I’ve been exploring this route about going back getting my masters and doctorate in physics, and I have not found a university that is, like, open-arms saying, “You know what? The application process is closed, but we’d like to get you in anyway.” I haven’t found that. I have a couple that I think are interested but are not at this present time opening their arms and saying, “Come on over here. We want to have you at this university.”
ELIAS: I am understanding. But that is associated with YOU. For you are not entirely sure yourself.
PAUL: Okay.
ELIAS: You also incorporate doubt, and in the expression of the doubt you are not entirely creating an open avenue.
PAUL: What university…? (Laughs) Okay. Let me back you up on this question. Understanding that I enjoy this investigation of, you know, other-dimensional and ET-type areas, what route offers me the greatest ease, like fulfillment? And I’ll give you the two routes that I think are there today. One is a return to the corporate world and then trying to do my research on the side, or going back to selling my house and going back to school, and going that route?
ELIAS: (Pause) That would be a difficult question to respond to, given the awareness of your beliefs and your core truth. For in association with your core truth, there is an element of responsibility. Therefore, in…
PAUL: Well, my daughter is more than willing to go back… If you’re talking about the school route being the one of greatest ease, my daughter is open to changing her lifestyle and going to a college campus.
ELIAS: I would express that that would be the choice that would generate more ease, for it would generate more satisfaction. And in that satisfaction, it would generate also more fun.
PAUL: Going back to college?
PAUL: Which university? (Laughs) And I can tell you a few that I’ve been talking to I think that may be avenues. Which university would offer me the greatest satisfaction, and, like, availability to get into? I don’t know which university. I’m not getting a strong… Like I want to start this fall. Which university would allow me to start, as well as offer me, you know, the greatest satisfaction?
ELIAS: That would be YOUR investigation.
PAUL: Oh, thanks! (Chuckles) But you’re saying that I should be able to sell my house and get into a school this fall?
ELIAS: It is possible. (Paul sighs) I would express to you to be investigating and genuinely listening to yourself, listening to your intuition and trusting yourself in your movement, not questioning yourself but genuinely listening, and exploring different institutions that fit with your energy. I would express to you a clue.
PAUL: Good! (Laughs)
ELIAS: That what does NOT fit with your energy is in your present location.
PAUL: Oh, you mean like any university around Chicago?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Can I broaden the clue and say out of the mid-west?
PAUL: Okay, so I’m not mid-west. (Sighs) Oh, heck. Personally, I think New Hampshire. The guy I spoke to at New Hampshire is expressing some interest in what I’ve been saying about auroras and I think I may be able to leverage him into somehow getting me entrance there.
ELIAS: That is a possibility and a potential. I would express to you, either coast is more of a potential.
PAUL: Okay, well that’s either the University of Washington or… New Hampshire, Dartmouth or Cornell. (Laughs) One of those four, right?
ELIAS: There are other options also, but yes. Those would be included.
PAUL: Those would be like the top four?
PAUL: Okay. And I should be able to get into one of those four this fall.
ELIAS: You can. It is dependent upon you.
PAUL: Mmm.
ELIAS: And how you proceed. And whether you are trusting yourself or whether you are doubting. If you are not expressing hesitation and you are trusting yourself and allowing yourself to move in this avenue, yes, you can accomplish that.
PAUL: Okay. So one of my actions of confidence would be selling my house and moving to one of those four locations?
PAUL: Even if I’m not officially in as a graduate student?
ELIAS: This is a matter of trusting, not doubting, and generating the action. Creating it.
PAUL: Is that what I did when I opened a fortune cookie when I was starting to make some early calls on this, about two months ago, that said, “You are on the right path.”
ELIAS: Yes. That is your imagery that you presented to yourself, to validate yourself.
PAUL: (Laughs) The problem is, that I notice is, when I was making those calls I was not getting anyone that said, “Oh, come on down, you know, we want you here real bad.”
ELIAS: I am understanding. But you also were not ready.
PAUL: Mmm.
ELIAS: For you yourself were unsure.
PAUL: Well, I don’t think I’m unsure anymore. Did you also flicker or knock out my hall light that morning, the same morning I did the fortune cookie?
PAUL: And that was a sign of validation?
PAUL: Thanks! (Both laugh) Okay. Is the way to open a door to one of those four universities best accomplished by me expressing my beliefs associated with other-dimensional energy fluctuations to the physics department head, if you will, or not? Will it even make a difference?
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: (Laughs) I think I have to pretty much tell them that, that I need to sort of explain at least in some terms, the reason for my desire of doing research and why I want to go there, so they say in their minds, “This person, even though he’s not maybe our model student, he has some interesting ideas I think are worth exploring.”
ELIAS: And new and different.
PAUL: Yes.
PAUL: Okay. Good. Well then I’ll speak to those four universities and sell them on my route and see if I can somehow get into school this fall. Thanks, by the way, for you believing that these courses are not going to be too complex for me.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
PAUL: Because one of the professors said, “Oh, you did not do well in some of your undergraduate stuff, and some of these courses are really complex.” Okay.
What was going on with my dream back on the 10th, with you in it, a woman, a baby and death?
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: Oh, heck! I won’t remember all the details for that dream, because it was so long ago. Oh, that was something with, if I remember that dream, that was dealing with processing your energy… a different way and getting the information from you versus the traditional way of going through Mary. It’s not really that clear. I don’t know how that ties in with the woman and how she wanted to fight with her mother or something like that. It’s not really clear.
ELIAS: It is not merely concerning communicating or interacting in different manners with myself. It is concerning energy, and how you can reconfigure energy in different manners in any scenario and generate efficient and effective communication.
PAUL: Not only with you, but with anyone, right?
ELIAS: Correct. In any type of scenario. Therefore, you offer yourself different types of scenarios that appear to be entirely unrelated to each other, but the theme of each of the scenarios is the manipulation of energy in a manner in which you can reconfigure to allow you to effectively communicate, not necessarily in the manner that is expected.
PAUL: That is what?
ELIAS: That is expected.
PAUL: Hmm. Okay. Do I have a focus as Mendelssohn, a music composer?
ELIAS: Observing.
PAUL: Okay. I was wondering why I had this little music box that I know is from a little kid. Is spatial distance a belief or an illusion?
ELIAS: A belief.
PAUL: Okay. Since we… Here’s one of my aurora questions. Since we know that auroras are caused by other-dimensional energy surges, how exactly does the energy cause the electrons from the upper ionosphere to accelerate? And is this surge or fluctuation electrical, magnetic or both, as, you know, it comes across into our dimension?
ELIAS: It is both and the initial question would be that of your investigation, would it not?
PAUL: (Laughs) Thanks. Yes, it would be, by the way. (Elias chuckles) Is the analogy of the electrons being accelerated, is that sort of similar to a dead battery being jumped by… you know, when you put jumper cables on from another car. Is that a good analogy?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.
PAUL: Okay. Okay. Are magnetic storms of the sun also caused by other-dimensional energy fluctuations?
ELIAS: At times.
PAUL: Sometimes, huh?
ELIAS: Yes. Not always.
PAUL: Well if they’re not caused by other-dimensional energy surges, what causes them?
ELIAS: The energy of the mass itself.
PAUL: The natural processes of the sun?
PAUL: Mmm. Why is it reported that astronauts don’t experience light flashes in a vertical direction? I don’t understand that, because I can look out in the sky or even in my room and see these little white tracers or pollywogs, and they look like they’re coming in, in three dimensions, but then I read something that they’re now saying that astronauts don’t see them in a vertical direction. That doesn’t seem to make sense to me.
ELIAS: You view physically in different manners and this would be associated with your belief system of senses.
PAUL: Senses?
PAUL: My belief system of senses or their belief system of senses?
ELIAS: THE belief system of senses. Which you have not engaged in a wave yet, but there are beliefs incorporated with your senses. Therefore, you engage your senses in certain manners.
PAUL: Right.
ELIAS: Therefore, you visually SEE in certain manners, and you engage your other senses in certain manners, in a manner of speaking, in relation to the guidelines of each of those senses. Therefore, if you engage an action that does not conform to the beliefs associated with a particular sense, it does not engage in the manner that it will in other situations.
PAUL: And that explains why astronauts don’t see them going in a vertical direction?
PAUL: Oh, I don’t understand that one. (Both laugh) I understand what you’re saying about the belief system of senses.
ELIAS: You will.
PAUL: Is this going to be associated with a different wave?
PAUL: After the truth wave?
PAUL: Oh, thanks. (Laughs) Maybe I’ll be more proficient at riding that wave! (Elias laughs) My pet dog, Ming, who died about a year ago, what animal did he reconfigure his energy to, and is it local to me presently? (Pause) Do you want my impression?
ELIAS: Very well.
PAUL: It reconfigured to a hawk.
ELIAS: (Pause) One moment. (Pause) Yes, you are correct.
PAUL: Is that hawk local to me presently?
PAUL: Will he recognize my energy as he comes around?
PAUL: Has he come around already?
PAUL: Why doesn’t he make his home close by to where I live?
ELIAS: For this would not be the function now.
PAUL: Is there any way that I could express a communication with his energy as a hawk?
PAUL: (Laughs) You’re not saying! Just by thinking so, or feeling open?
ELIAS: Yes, and projecting your energy and in that, also listening to your impressions, and your intuition more so, in relation to when you view hawks, and in that, allowing yourself to distinguish and discern which hawk is that reconfigurement of energy.
Once generating that assessment, allowing yourself to project whatever energy you are choosing. But also, remember not with an expectation, for the creature is reconfigured and is expressing in a different direction, and therefore may generate some interaction with you but not in a manner in which the other creature would have.
PAUL: So, like occasional visits to where I live?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: And nothing more than that?
ELIAS: Correct. For the direction is different. The choice of experience is different.
PAUL: Mmm. What is up with my kneecaps getting injured recently, and the nature of each injury appears to be polar opposites? Is that just a sign of opposition energy, polarization energy?
ELIAS: Polarization.
PAUL: Mmm. The fact that I still generate polarization energy.
ELIAS: Merely to be aware. Not necessarily that you are generating that, but a reminder to be aware, and not generate it.
PAUL: Okay. I buy that. Although they’re annoying to me right now. I want to go back and start doing my running and I’m hindered by all these little nagging injuries.
Does the imagery of my May 16th dream, is that symbolic of my now learning to ride and accept the truth wave, rather than being swamped by it?
PAUL: Oh, good. I like that one. (Elias laughs) What mathematical change to string theory is necessary to make it explain reality for how it really exists?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) You do not actually expect myself to offer you the answers to your investigations? (Laughs)
PAUL: Oh, okay. I guess I would have taken a clue on that one. (Elias chuckles) Elias, getting back to this career choice of mine, to go back to school?
PAUL: When I do this, will I have a level… Should I be able to create a level of financial ease during that process?
PAUL: Good! Good, that’s all I wanted… because I do have that belief system of being a provider as a parent.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
PAUL: How best…? My ex-wife may offer some resistance initially. How best can I…? I don’t want to say convince her. How best can I process that action with her? The action of my taking a job that’s going to be either on the east coast or west coast?
ELIAS: Once again, this is dependent upon your energy and your confidence. If you are not questioning yourself, you shall not be projecting a threatening energy to the other individual.
In not expressing demands or expectations of the other individual, and merely expressing your direction in confidence, you shall not be generating an opposing energy to the other individual. In this, if you are generating an anticipation of conflict, you are already generating an opposing energy. You can stop the accumulation of that opposing energy and avoid creating a conflict if you are not projecting that energy of anticipation.
PAUL: Cool! (Both laugh) Okay, I got that one. Ah, let’s see. We’re almost out of time. Another fun-filled pack of communication with the E-man. (Elias laughs)
Do you have any, oh I don’t know. I guess I’m asking for any closing thoughts you care to impart?
ELIAS: I would express to you, my friend, not to worry.
PAUL: (Laughs) I like to be Worry-man. Okay.
ELIAS: There are many different expressions and avenues occurring presently that you are engaging that you could easily move into the expression of worry. Remind yourself that that is unproductive and that it generates an energy that hinders you and restricts you from what you actually want.
PAUL: Kind of like when I decide to go back to school, that if it’s not panning out, I could always return to the corporate world if I wanted to, and that’s kind of like my safety valve, that I don’t need to worry about it.
ELIAS: Correct. And also with your daughter.
PAUL: I will process that one! (Both laugh) Well, I think this is a very good call, and I appreciate the information, Elias, that you offered today.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. I express great appreciation of you. And I shall be anticipating our next meeting and I shall be offering you my energy of encouragement in your challenges.
PAUL: Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: In great affection and supportiveness and friendship, au revoir.
PAUL: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour, 2 minutes.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.