Generating Success in Relation to a Vision
“Generating Success in Relation to a Vision”
“Creating an Energy Exchange”
“Interrupting Doubt”
“Your Guidelines Are YOUR Guidelines”
Thursday, April 20, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Leela (Sonjah)
(Elias’ arrival time is 22 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good afternoon.
LEELA: Good afternoon, Elias.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And how has your adventure been proceeding?
LEELA: I think I’m on the right track! (Both laugh) And how is your center?
ELIAS: As always. (Chuckles)
LEELA: Ah, yes. Okay. I would like to start to get the essence family and alignments of a few friends of mine.
ELIAS: Very well.
LEELA: Okay. The first one is Philemine.
ELIAS: And your impression?
LEELA: Tumold, Vold?
ELIAS: Correct.
LEELA: Okay. Ganesh?
ELIAS: And your impression?
LEELA: Tumold, Sumari?
ELIAS: Reverse.
LEELA: Sumari, Tumold. Okay. Moe?
ELIAS: Your impression?
LEELA: Well, something to do with Sumafi.
ELIAS: Correct. Belonging.
LEELA: Maybe Sumafi/Sumafi?
ELIAS: No. Gramada.
LEELA: Gramada?
LEELA: And this is the essence family?
ELIAS: That is the alignment.
LEELA: Okay, Gramada. And Nikolo?
ELIAS: Your impression?
LEELA: My impression would be that there is at least Sumari in there.
LEELA: And this would be, I think, the essence family?
LEELA: And maybe also Sumari alignment?
LEELA: And then Aldo? I think he has some Tumold in there but…?
ELIAS: Sumafi/Ilda. But does express some qualities of the Tumold.
LEELA: Hmm. Okay. Well, I will ask him some questions about one of them later. But first I would like to ask you, the night before yesterday, I was in my bed and I was waking up from a dream and then I felt very strange energies around me and it was very strong. So strong that I couldn’t deny any more that something was happening and I was not dreaming. And I had a glass crystal on my heart, which is very dear to me, this crystal. I don’t know if this has something to do with it, but I wanted to ask you, what was happening?
ELIAS: And what is your assessment?
LEELA: I felt like there is something like a pyramid. It was turning around me in energy. And I felt like there were essences around me who were helping me to adjust this energy around. I’m not sure. But it was like there was something turning around.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. And your identification of a pyramid is quite accurate. In this, there are other individuals within this forum that have been generating a pyramid action together, but have been missing one point. And now it is found.
LEELA: That would be me.
LEELA: Ah! Okay. I have heard about the pyramid action, but I haven’t… I didn’t get really into this information yet, maybe for the reason that I wasn’t into it yet.
ELIAS: Correct. And in this, let me express to you, generating a pyramid action allows each point of the pyramid to pool energies with the other points, to enhance each point’s experiences or directions. It allows you to generate more of an ease in whatever you are seeking to accomplish.
LEELA: And so there are four other people connected to this?
LEELA: Can you name them?
ELIAS: I shall express to you that you can obtain this information from Michael, and you may identify to Michael that the individuals that participate in this action are of the culture of what she terms to be Russian.
LEELA: Culture of?
ELIAS: What Michael terms to be Russian.
LEELA: Oh, Russian. Oh. I will ask her.
ELIAS: Very well.
LEELA: And I will get more information from her.
ELIAS: Very well.
LEELA: Okay. The main thing I would like to talk about today is that I have received a lot of impressions through my inner senses about the people I mentioned, with the essence families, and about a place in Egypt called Brayka Bay, and the most important thing is that they all feel very familiar to me and this place feels really like home, like it’s me. And I feel like we are going to work together in this place in Egypt, and I feel like I’m going to be the leader of the place and do spiritual work there. And I really, really would like some confirmation about this, because I have difficult views. Because if I really think about it and I think, “Oh, this is never going to happen,” that when I was there and also when I was here thinking about Brayka Bay, I feel like it’s a part of me or something.
ELIAS: I would be quite encouraging of you to be moving in this direction. And if allowing yourself and genuinely generating a confidence in your direction and an appreciation of what you are doing, and not doubting yourself, you can generate considerable success in your movement in relation to this location.
LEELA: And also this particular location?
LEELA: And what about the people? I met at least three people there. These would be Moe and Nikolo and Aldo, who felt like they were… I’m going to use the word soul mate, but they seem very familiar to me or like I know them and they’re really good friends.
ELIAS: Yes. You are correct. And you have shared many focuses together, which generates that familiarity and that ease in your interactions. And in this, you can create a successful interaction with these individuals if you are genuinely expressing a cooperation and not attempting to instruct, but allowing yourself to share and also allowing yourself to receive what they share.
LEELA: Yeah. So it would be like a cooperation?
LEELA: Okay. So is this what I already felt when I feel a lot of love for this place and also for these people. So this would be… I would really, really love to work with them together there and do this function. So what should my focus be now? Would it be like, I would really have to pursue it, like sending e-mails, sending plans? Or do I have to sit back a little and relax and just let it unfold? Because I get really, I really want to go there tomorrow and start what I have seen. I have a really big vision about this and I get really inspired about it and I want to leave tomorrow. But this may be a little quick. (Elias chuckles) What should be my action now?
ELIAS: I would express, as I have, a strong encouragement to you to follow your inspiration and to allow yourself to move in this direction. I would also express to you to be aware of yourself and your energy, not to be muting your enthusiasm, but to be incorporating a clear sense of balance.
It is not necessary to curb your enthusiasm, for that is associated with your inspiration and this is intensely motivating. But to also be aware of being centered and balanced. And if you are present with yourself and centered and balanced, you can go tomorrow. (Laughs) In your terms! (Laughs) But the key is being centered and balanced, and therefore not generating an extreme and not sabotaging your own direction. Are you understanding?
LEELA: Not quite.
ELIAS: At times, enthusiasm and inspiration can be expressed in such strength that an individual can, in your terms, lose sight of the now and be projecting so much so futurely that the individual is not paying attention to what they are doing now and what type of energy they are projecting. And that potentially can sabotage their vision, for the vision becomes realized or actualized by paying attention to the process now, and what you are doing and what you are projecting.
It is not bad to express enthusiasm and inspiration, or even to share that with other individuals, but the centered and balanced element is to also be clear in the now, in what you are doing and being present with yourself. Therefore, moving in a direction of actualizing your dream, but being aware of how you are actualizing it in each step by being present.
LEELA: This is one of the main points, I think, for me to be. I have a lot of vision and a lot of inspiration, and I have a lot of things, but maybe they are actualized in ten years or something. Not in the now, maybe, but I can start now.
LEELA: Yeah.
ELIAS: And the more you pay attention to now and how you are moving and doing now in relation to that dream, the more quickly you actualize it.
LEELA: Okay. So you take the dream as a kind of focal point?
LEELA: And this is your direction? And then you start in the here and now to actualize it, but with your focus in the now. But you keep the focus as a focal point in the future?
ELIAS: Yes. And you pay attention to the steps that you are engaging and what you are doing now that moves you in that direction, paying attention to the process.
LEELA: So like writing a plan and e-mailing it to the directors that are in this resort now, this would be a good plan in the here and now?
LEELA: Wow! Okay, and what time framework… (Laughs) I don’t want you to look in your crystal ball but are we talking about, if I say the now and it will be successful, then can this be realized within now and the year that I go to Egypt? Because this is how I feel, what I felt, like this could happen by the end of 2006.
ELIAS: It is a possibility, yes. It is a potential.
ELIAS: And if you continue to be focused and directed, it is a strong potential.
LEELA: Mmm. Okay. I’ve had a feeling for a long time that I’m going to make contact on an objective level with essences who are no longer focused. That I’m going to work together with them, and maybe also in this Brayka Bay area, and maybe I should connect with them first, before doing anything else or before going there? Because this is the feeling I have. Like there is something going to happen first, maybe on a level of inner senses or whatever. And is this going to be in the near future, this working together on an objective level, or is this going to be much later?
ELIAS: This would be dependent upon you and what you allow, for this also is a strong potential, but it is dependent upon you and your choices and what you allow in what time framework. You can generate that action prior to engaging your physical move to the other location. It can occur. But it is dependent upon you and what you choose and what you allow.
I would offer the suggestion that you allow yourself now to begin opening to that interaction and exchange, in allowing yourself time frameworks in which you allow yourself to generate visualizations or merely allow yourself to engage a relaxation that allows you calm quietness within yourself. And in that, not to be incorporating thinking, but merely allow whatever is being expressed to you.
Allow yourself to be open to other energies and allow yourself merely to receive whatever is being presented, whether it generates sense to you or not. For initially, the energy may be somewhat scattered and initially there is an adjustment period, so to speak, in which you are adjusting to energy and the other essence is also adjusting to an exchange.
And in that, you may receive the energy and you may even receive information, but you may not necessarily entirely understand it, or it may appear to you to be fragmented. That is natural. And in that, as you continue to allow, what you are doing is adjusting to the energies and the exchange of energy and discovering what is the most comfortable manner in which it can be expressed with you.
For there are different manners of generating energy exchanges with other essences, not all of which are expressed in the manner in which Michael and myself generate an exchange. It is dependent upon the individual and what you are the most comfortable with, in generating an exchange.
And also, I may suggest that you allow yourself to experiment with different methods, for that shall allow you to evaluate what you are most comfortable with.
In this also, whatever method you choose, in the beginning actions of it, do not attempt to alter what you receive, even if it appears to not be clear or fragmented or scattered to you. For eventually, within a relatively short time framework, you shall adjust, and whatever is presented to you shall become clearer and clearer.
LEELA: And I have a feeling that I would be able to see these essences or this essence. Is this a correct impression?
LEELA: And is it one essence you are talking about?
ELIAS: There are several, but it is your choice of whether you may engage several or merely one.
LEELA: And one of them is Nikolai.
LEELA: There is no element of danger in receiving these energies? Because I felt for a long time that I don’t know if this is true but I felt that there were also energies with me that were not so beneficial for me. And I felt like if I opened up that this would be somehow dangerous, or I would be opening up to something that I didn’t want there. So, is it safe now?
ELIAS: Yes. In actuality, it is in your terms “safe” to be generating this type of action, in generating an exchange with another essence. But at times the individual within physical focus may not necessarily be ready, and may incorporate their own fears. Which in that, the individual translates that there is a dangerous energy present. It is not, in actuality. And it would not be harmful or hurtful to you.
But you could translate the energy in that manner in association with your own fears. In this, you have offered yourself more information and you have widened your awareness and have incorporated more trust of yourself, and that dissipates the fear of danger in association with an exchange with another essence.
LEELA: But you could say that now at this point I am ready for this energy exchange?
LEELA: Okay. So, just relaxing and allowing relaxation without thought. Well, I do see things around me when I’m staring and I’m making my eyes soft, and I see things around me. Are they already present, then?
LEELA: Yes. And are you sometimes also present?
LEELA: Okay. That’s nice.
ELIAS: (Laughs) In actuality, many times.
LEELA: Oh, good. (Both chuckle) There’s one question I would like to ask about this Moe we talked about. I felt so much love and familiarity towards him that I am a little confused about our relationship. No one can tell me what my relationship should be with someone, but at first I thought it may be my twin soul mate or a split-apart, because there was so much between us that it was different from the other people and other men I met. So what’s my relationship to him?
ELIAS: I would express that this would be a soul mate. I may also express to you that yourself and this individual as essence have generated considerable actions of mergences. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, at times you are one.
LEELA: So this would be an essence which is really, really closely connected to me?
LEELA: And so this is also why we met each other? Maybe to work together in the future?
LEELA: Okay. So do I have a twin soul or a split-apart? Apart from this person?
ELIAS: Other than this individual, no. But you do incorporate many soul mates and you do incorporate strong connections with many individuals. This individual would be somewhat different. And yes, in a manner of speaking, you could express that this would be a type of split-apart.
LEELA: This Moe?
ELIAS: Yes. For you are not of the same essence, but you are fragmented from the same essence.
LEELA: Aha! And what is the essence family of that essence?
ELIAS: Tumold.
LEELA: So he is fragmented, but he is Sumari?
ELIAS: Yes, but it matters not, for each essence that fragments from another essence chooses what family it prefers to be belonging to.
LEELA: Okay. So he was Sumafi, yes? His essence family?
LEELA: Okay. So in a way he is a split-apart, but it is not… It is different from other split-aparts, or not? Is he…? I cannot really identify.
He is a little different from what I imagined, because there is someone else. This is why I get confused. Because I feel there is a person, a man from Mexico, and he is Spanish talking and he has a certain… I see him in front of me. But maybe this is another soul mate or close friend or I don’t know. But this is what is confusing me, because I think that I’m going to work together in a partnership, also in a romantic relationship with someone, but I’m not sure what, who his role is and where to play what.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would express to you the suggestion that you merely allow yourself to flow, and not necessarily categorize. Allow yourself to flow in your natural energy and to draw to you other individuals that you can share interactions with.
And in that, merely allow yourself to evaluate the differences in attraction. Attraction is not always romantic. And at times, individuals may be very strongly attracted to each other in genuine affection and in genuine love, but not necessarily in a romantic capacity.
Therefore, allow yourself an openness to all of the relationships that you generate. And in doing so, you shall draw to yourself and recognize the individual that may potentially become the romantic partner. But if…
LEELA: Is it the one in Mexico?
ELIAS: Yes. Which is also a soul mate. And in this, remember that you have an incredible capacity of energy to share. It is unlimited. And you can generate many relationships and as you recognize that, also recognize that if you categorize individuals and qualities of individuals, you limit your choices.
LEELA: Yeah. I should just ask myself what I want, I think. What I want in a romantic relationship and what would make me feel happy and nice with someone.
LEELA: So what is the essence family and alignment of this person in Mexico, or can I give an impression?
LEELA: I think Tumold/Sumari.
ELIAS: Correct.
LEELA: I think I had a dream about him, that I would meet him soon. At least we met in the dream, and I was not counting on it anymore and I was just being myself and there he was. (Elias laughs) Okay. I don’t know how much time we have left. Just a moment.(Pause)
What I want to ask, what you said before, you said something about not instructing, not being instructing towards the other friends in Egypt, but to share and be cooperative. Did you mean something particular by that? Because I think I lean in the direction sometimes to be maybe a little too instructive to other people. (Laughs) Is this what you meant?
ELIAS: Yes. And this is the reason that I express that. That you may be aware not to be instructing but to be sharing. And that shall generate a greater capacity for success. For that generates an ease in cooperation, whereas if you are instructing, you generate an opposing energy, for you generate expectations.
LEELA: Yes. Okay. So I could do that a bit more and not worry about their development or their remembrance or whatever, just leave it up to themselves?
ELIAS: Yes. That is not your responsibility and it is not your job. (Laughs)
LEELA: Well, in a way it is, a little. (Both laugh) Yeah, but I understand what you mean.
ELIAS: Your job, in your terms, is to be moving WITH individuals and sharing experiences with them to encourage an openness and to encourage their own movement, not to generate the movement for them.
LEELA: I have noticed it the past time that when I am in the neighborhood of people, they become more themselves. They are more accepting of themselves and more happy and I think what I saw when I saw the vision of this Brayka Bay, I saw that along with my energy I could do a lot for them, because it generates an aid for people and I don’t have to do anything but just be there.
ELIAS: Correct. This is the point of the straight little sapling. Not that you are judging other individuals, that you are paying attention to yourself and in that action you generate an automatic by-product which is an example, which becomes attractive to other individuals.
LEELA: Okay. So there is another place here in the neighborhood, a conference center in the forest here, and when I was there I got the impression that I am also going to work there or set up a spiritual center there. Is this correct?
ELIAS: You can. Once again, this is dependent upon you and what you want and your allowance of yourself to engage that, and to create it.
LEELA: Yeah, but this is my problem. Because I get a lot of impressions and I know everything is a probability, so you can say to every question I ask, you can say, “Yes.” I understand that I can, but this is why I am confused. Because I get a lot of impressions and then I think, “Oh, okay, so this is going to happen.” Of course, I know there are no absolutes, so this would be my choice, but this is where I get stuck, when I get a lot of impressions, but I don’t know what to do with them. Set action towards something or not, or just let it come to me, I don’t know what I’m going to do with this. I feel these probabilities but, yeah, you could see probabilities all over the place and not do anything with it, so…
ELIAS: Correct.
LEELA: …this is my difficulty.
ELIAS: Correct. It is not a matter of offering yourself impressions and automatically moving into the black and white of “Should I engage this or should I not engage this?” It is an offering to yourself that you incorporate many choices, and in viewing many choices, what you are presenting to yourself is the opportunity to genuinely listen to yourself and evaluate what you actually want. What is your preference?
This is the reason that you present many choices to yourself, to allow yourself to evaluate what your preferences are and what you actually want. And at times, what you actually want may be several expressions, not necessarily merely one.
This is the point of this presentment to yourself. Not that you should or should not act in accordance with any of the impressions, but more so to evaluate which expressions are your preference, what do you actually want, and what direction do you actually want to proceed in, and is it in one direction or is it in several directions. Knowing that you do incorporate the ability, not merely to make those choices, but also to generate whatever you want, whether it be in one direction or several directions.
LEELA: Because it actually gave me a bit in my sleeping because there were a few things about India where I had doubts, and this was complicated by this impression of this conference center, because then I would be maybe a few months a year in Holland and more months a year in Egypt and for me this would be a perfect fit.
ELIAS: Yes. And this is the point. To be recognizing that it is not a situation of either-or and it is not so very black and white or absolute. That it is more a matter of evaluating what is genuinely your preference and what you genuinely want, and knowing that you can accomplish that in several directions. That you are not bound to one choice.
And in this, if you generate one choice, even that is not an absolute and that it can be altered. Therefore, you are not locked into any one position, if you choose not to be.
LEELA: No. I know. But the other thing that comes up is when I see those things, then I… Then I think, I’m not going to do this, I can’t do this by myself, so there are other people connected with them that I need, to realize this and this would be the people I met in Egypt, for example, and I can make the choice but you are doing this together. You are making a co-creation. So this is…
ELIAS: No, no, no! No, no, no! It is not a co-creation. It is an interaction and it is a shared adventure, but it is not a co-creation.
And this is what I am expressing to you when I say to you, it is dependent upon your choices and how you project your energy. For it is a matter of drawing other individuals to you and generating that type of environment, but YOU are creating that. You are drawing what you require to accomplish your direction.
LEELA: So I shouldn’t let myself be limited by the thought that another person would not like to engage with this? Because if I choose this creation and I want to do this, then I will draw automatically the people towards me that I need to do it, that I need…
LEELA: …that I want to do this with.
LEELA: That I want to share this with.
ELIAS: Yes. Do not doubt.
LEELA: It’s very easy for you to say!
ELIAS: (Laughs) Let me express to you, the manner in which you can interrupt doubt and hold that at bay is in the moments that you begin to doubt, move your attention to an accomplishment.
Acknowledge yourself for what you have accomplished. And remind yourself of the powerfulness of your abilities. And express some appreciation of yourself in that moment, a PRESENT appreciation. For in these actions, you reinforce your trust and you acknowledge yourself, and you interrupt that doubt.
LEELA: Sometimes it helps to be in contact with people who believe in you and you believe in them. You are on the same level and have the same plans. Then you can encourage each other.
ELIAS; Correct. And that also reinforces each other in your trust in your visions, in your inspirations, and in your acknowledgement of yourselves.
LEELA: Is there anything particular that you can say or advise me now, that I should know that I haven’t asked about yet?
ELIAS: I may express to you, recognize that teamwork is different from cooperation. Most individuals define cooperation in relation to teamwork. Most individuals define cooperation as an action that you engage in which all individuals participating together are moving in the same direction, or are generating very similar actions. That is teamwork. That is not cooperation.
This is important, for this shall allow you much more empowerment and it shall offer you an avenue in which, if you present an obstacle to yourself, you can easily move around it. Cooperation is an action that you express with yourself, which allows you to continue in YOUR direction. It allows you to continue to express YOUR guidelines, regardless of how or what other individuals express.
For in cooperation with yourself, in not opposing yourself, you allow yourself a more open avenue to present simple choices to yourself that allow you to continue in your direction and not express judgment or expectation of any other individual.
It also allows you to not personalize other individuals’ expressions, if they are perceived to be in a different direction, not necessarily in opposition to you, but merely expressing differently.
If you are generating that cooperation with yourself, in association with your own guidelines, and not compromising, this shall allow you a clearer avenue in interacting with other individuals in a manner in which you do not generate expectations. And that is significant.
LEELA: So I should recognize my own preferences in this relationship, what I like to do, and I think what comes to my mind is my relationship with Paul, because he’s a Sumafi and he has a Sumafi way of dealing with things, which is sometimes very different from my own.
ELIAS: Correct.
LEELA: And this is where our conflict comes from, and then I take it personally.
ELIAS: Correct.
LEELA: And this is not necessary. This is what I’m doing now, but it’s a bit difficult because we are so different from each other, yet there is so much love between each other. So we are making, not adjustments, but we are learning to cope with each other and accept each other, ourselves for who we are, and also love each other at the same time.
ELIAS: I am understanding, and this is the reason that I am expressing this. For in this, if you genuinely can recognize that YOUR guidelines are YOUR guidelines, and they provide you with a sense of comfort and preference, and they are effective and efficient for you, but another individual may express differently and it is not an affront to you.
It is not that the other individual is expressing in a manner to be opposing you. They are merely expressing in association with THEIR guidelines, and therefore it is not being directed in a personal manner. Therefore it is not necessary for you to personalize what the other individual is expressing or doing. And this also releases you from the expectation that the other individual should do or express in a similar manner to yourself.
And in that, it allows you to generate more allowance of yourself, and in association with the other individual. It also allows you to generate more choices of what YOU can do that allows you to continue with your guidelines but also allows the other individual to express in the manner that they do, without judgment. The judgment is expressed when you personalize and when you incorporate expectations.
LEELA: And I feel hurt because of his behavior and it’s not personal, but I feel hurt and then I make it personal. And then I try to change him into something so that I won’t get hurt.
ELIAS: Correct. Correct. And this is all of your own doing. Not what is being done TO you, but what YOU are doing with yourself, in relation to how you are translating what another individual is doing. And the manner in which you are translating is filtered through your own guidelines, which is natural. But it also can create fertile ground for conflict and confusion.
Whereas, if you are aware of your own guidelines, and acknowledging that to yourself, viewing that as efficient and not bad, and appreciating your own guidelines, but also recognizing that other individuals incorporate different guidelines, and as absolute as your guidelines are to you, they are not, to another individual.
And it is not bad that they are absolute to you. But in being aware, and recognizing that, you allow yourself to relax that absoluteness, and that allows for the expressions and the differences of other individuals, and that no longer becomes a threat. It becomes a threat in personalizing, and subsequently you feel hurt or frustrated or angry or confused.
LEELA: And for me, it also has to do with the role persons play in my life, because it gives an influence when my guidelines are the same guidelines as the person you have a relationship with, because this communicates easily and this is easy. And with this person, if I think of a romantic relationship with him, then because the guidelines differ so much, this is going to limit, we are going to limit each other if we do this, I think.
ELIAS: That is a possibility. It is dependent upon how clear you are in relation to your own guidelines, and how well you allow yourself to hold to your guidelines and generate choices that do not oppose yourself, and therefore do not generate situations in which you shall trigger your own guidelines being threatened.
But you are correct. In generating certain types of relationships with other individuals, if your guidelines are very different, that does add an element of difficulty. It is not impossible, but if your guidelines are more similar, you automatically would generate more of an ease in interaction.
But you have created this situation purposefully, to be offering yourself this very information, and to be examining and evaluating your own guidelines, and to be presenting yourself with differences, to allow you to practice in relation to your own guidelines and accepting those differences, and recognizing that they are not necessarily a personal affront to you or a threat to you, and that when that is perceived, it is YOU opposing yourself in generating this personalizing of the other individual’s actions and expressions. Therefore, this has been and continues to be quite purposeful.
LEELA: Yes. This I understand, of course, but I’m trying to… (Elias laughs) You can understand me. Yeah, I know. Because what’s so nice is that there’s still this connection of love. This is staying and this is what brings us together and this is what allows us to learn from each other, because there is no disconnecting at the end, because we love each other so much.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
LEELA: Also, with the other friend I have, this Sumari/Sumari, that person, he’s very Sumari. He’s also very nice, but it is the same. I love him very much but I see that okay, he’s a Sumari, so he has to go into the world and do his nice things and enjoy life to the fullest and not think about anything. But this I can accept as a friendship much easier.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
LEELA: Yeah. Okay. That is probably also why my friend, Dalmage, which is a Tumold, this is very easy between each action. There’s no tension or anything. Everything is easy. (Both chuckle) But it’s different. Okay, I think our time is up.
ELIAS: Very well. I shall be offering my energy to you in great encouragement and reminders of playfulness. (Chuckles) And I shall be anticipating our next meeting, my friend. In great appreciation of you and friendship, au revoir.
LEELA: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour and 8 minutes.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.