Session 1975

Overcoming Fears with Dragon Imagery


“Overcoming Fears with Dragon Imagery”
“Acknowledging Accomplishments”
“Glass Vase Exercise”

Monday, April 3, 2006 (Private/In Person)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Magdalena (Michella)

(Elias’ arrival time is 6 seconds)

ELIAS: Good Morning!

MAGDALENA: Good Morning.

ELIAS: What shall we discuss?

MAGDALENA: I don’t know. I would like to hear from you the pronunciation of my essence name.

ELIAS: (Pause) Essence name: (Pause) alteration in essence name.


ELIAS: (Pause) Fragmentation. (Pause) Michella.

MAGDALENA: Oh, different name?

ELIAS: Yes, fragmentation. You have generated a fragmentation and have incorporated a new essence.

MAGDALENA: (Laughs) I do not know what’s new, but ok.

ELIAS: You may incorporate discussion with Michael as to this subject if you are choosing.

MAGDALENA: Michaella? What was the name?

ELIAS: Michella.

MAGDALENA: Michella. Thank you, thank you. So, but my family change also?


MAGDALENA: I am Sumari?


MAGDALENA: And my focus goal?


MAGDALENA: Is the same?


MAGDALENA: I want to know my orientation, if I am first called intermediate?

ELIAS: And your impression?

MAGDALENA: I don’t know. I would like to be intermediate. (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Laughs)

MAGDALENA: Sounds better for me, I don’t know.

ELIAS: (Laughs) You would like to be intermediate, for you are. (Laughs)

MAGDALENA: I am? (Laughs with Elias) Ok, thank you. And the other thing, people talk about, if I political, religious, or what’s it called… orientation?

ELIAS: Focus type.

MAGDALENA: Focus type.

ELIAS: (Pause) Political.

MAGDALENA: Yeah, ok. I learn to, try to find out, what is useful for me. Well, I suppose my first issue is I am always afraid of everything. I mean the main thing at this moment is to fly. To fly, sometimes drive, I don’t know, even I am afraid to look, to be present when my son will be ride with the big van. I want to be present all day (inaudible) I suppose. I want to be, I want to have a long life and so in some way I suppose this sort of thing is just, I always afraid, not to (inaudible) of everything I do.

ELIAS: And what do you view motivates this fear? What is your association with this fear?

MAGDALENA: I suppose I am not being (inaudible) to me.

ELIAS: And therefore you are not trusting yourself that...

MAGDALENA: Yes, absolutely.

ELIAS:...that no destructive action shall occur when you engage these vehicles in flying or even in driving, that if you are trusting yourself that you shall generate your own safety, the vehicles cannot hurt you.


ELIAS: (Slowly) And in recognition of your desire in relation to your son, in THAT you provide yourself with your safety. Your desire is strong and therefore it guides you in not creating devastating occurrences that would be destructive to you.

Therefore, perhaps in this situation, you can view your vehicles, your plane, or your automobile, as your invisible dragons that you have already slain. You have already killed these dragons, for you do not let them destroy you. You have prevented that thus far, have you not? You are engaging conversation with myself now, you are not disengaged. (Magdelena laughs) Therefore you have already accomplished.

MAGDALENA: Yeah but I (inaudible)

ELIAS: Yes, for the desire overrides. You merely confuse yourself by continuously expressing within yourself, what if, what if, what if.


ELIAS: No what if; what IS, what is now. No devastating occurrence.

MAGDALENA: (Pause) Well, sometime I think that it’s been useful for me the exercise that you give for (inaudible) person with the moment of the harm, with the moment of defeat, to be in the now. When I feel fear, I try to be, and this is being helpful for me. And also there are other exercise that to recognize, recognize, seem are good for you or are (inaudible) and I choose, those have been helpful for me and useful.

ELIAS: Appreciating.

MAGDALENA: Yes, so I need practical example for me, I think. Sometimes too much philosophical thoughts are too big for me, so sometimes it is more help with tools like this.

ELIAS: Yes, and envisioning the vehicles as dragons.

MAGDALENA: (Chuckles)

ELIAS: And expressing to yourself, I have already killed you.


ELIAS: Therefore you cannot harm me, for I have already killed you. My desire has already slain you and now you are merely a shell that is carrying me to the place that I want to go. (Pauses and then chuckles)

MAGDALENA: Well, I want to know also, because in some session you told that another focus could be influencing you in this focus. So I would like to know if I have a strong focus that is influencing me now which is (inaudible)?

ELIAS: (Very slowly) Yes. Not necessarily in association with traveling, although it can be translated in that manner. But it is more associated with another focus that you engage with that same individual. (Pause) In that focus you are the individual’s father and he is your daughter. In that focus the daughter experiences what you would term to be an accident and disengaged and you as the father were engaging business and then incorporated tremendous guilt in generating the association that you could have prevented that death, which is not the case, but that is the association that was being generated and that is the experience and the expression of the other individual expressing that guilt and that regret, which does influence you in this focus of being protective and wanting to be continuously present.

MAGDALENA: I don’t know. It’s something more, I don’t know how to clarify, classify but for instance sometimes I see or that I believe that I have this focus relating with something that has to be serviced, something that needs to be is important, like because sometimes for me when someone don’t attend me immediately or no need consideration with me I think he is important, he has to be, like a servant in some way. So it’s not my reality now, so sometimes it’s from another focus, I think maybe related with England...


MAGDALENA: ...very, very related with England. So I feel that I have something with them, but I don’t want to be, I want to be focusing now, because I am now.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but do not discount other focuses for the influences enhance your own experiences. It is merely a matter of how you associate with it. You can be acknowledging of the energy of another focus and also recognize that you can incorporate that energy in whatever manner you choose, you are not the victim of it. And you can incorporate that energy to enhance your own experiences in your own direction in what YOU want to express.

MAGDALENA: I feel more (inaudible). So I have a relationship with him, so why I feel so, so connected with him.

ELIAS: And you can incorporate that energy to empower yourself, to enhance your own strength.

MAGDALENA: Well I don’t know what else I want to (inaudible) (Chuckles) Well, meanwhile I have been staying here I have two dreams. Today I have the bad dreams and I wake up absolutely I know angry and disturbed and what is that related with the family of my husband and I was participating in a party, and in this party, in some moment, my sister-in-law threw over me a glass of wine and I was absolutely astonished, why she did do this sort of thing on me and I was angry with the situation and I wake up angry with the situation and until now.

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

MAGDALENA: I was punishing? I was punishing with myself? I was disqualifying, no, how you say, qualifying myself?

ELIAS: I am understanding. And what motivates that assessment?

MAGDALENA: It’s something related because I don’t know why I did what I want to do with my life because I am not, I am not know how to (inaudible) myself or direct, I don’t know.

ELIAS: It is imagery of discounting yourself in association with your own expectations of yourself, what you should do, what you should not do, how you should be, but also, in a manner of speaking, devaluing yourself somewhat in relation to other individuals, that you are less important than the other individuals, therefore they are more powerful and you restrict your power. You contain your strength and you don’t allow yourself to view it fully or to acknowledge it fully, and therefore you become a victim of other individuals.

Contrary to how it may appear, when you elevate other individuals above yourself, when you view yourself to be less than other individuals, you are not merely discounting yourself but you are also discounting them. (Pause) In this, the more you express appreciation for yourself the more you shall reflect that through other individuals.

Another exercise that may be helpful to you is to acknowledge your accomplishments within your day regardless of what they are. Periodically throughout your day allow yourself to stop and acknowledge some accomplishment, some success that you have generated within that day. That shall be encouraging with you to be valuing yourself more and trusting yourself more, for as you acknowledge yourself you begin to build that trust within yourself and you begin to express more confidence and that allows you to express yourself more comfortably and to not concern yourself with other individuals’ perceptions or other individuals’ behaviors or choices.

Also, I shall express to you another exercise for you. Acquire a glass vase.

MAGDALENA: (Laughs) (dog barking) Acquire a what?

ELIAS: A glass vase, a large glass vase. And each time you notice yourself comparing, each time you compare in any direction, each time you notice yourself comparing, place a colored pebble in the jar.

MAGDALENA: (inaudible)?

ELIAS: A stone, a colored stone, any colored stone, into the vase. That is the exercise.


ELIAS: Acquire the vase and each time you compare yourself with any expression or any other individual you place a colored stone into that glass vase.

MAGADALENA: Oh, I am going to fill it up! (Laughing)

ELIAS: And as you fill the vase it shall be colorful and it shall serve as an acknowledgment to you that you are noticing, and the more you fill that vase the more you shall be aware, the more you shall begin to stop yourself from comparing, for you shall be noticing. Incorporating a physical action in association with noticing encourages you to notice more, and more realistically, and in that it also automatically encourages you to stop doing that action. (Laughs)

MAGDALENA: What do you mean with realistic?

ELIAS: It generates more reality in the action. It is not merely thinking. You are also doing an action, therefore in doing the action the association and the thinking is more clear and you begin to offer yourself an awareness that it is not necessary for you to be comparing. You are equally as valuable as any other individual and your choices are equally valid as any other individual and it is not necessary to compare yourself. This also is a form of acknowledgment of yourself. Each stone is an action of acknowledgment of yourself. You accomplished noticing.

MAGDALENA: (inaudible) (dog barks) Oh! (dog barks)The other thing that I have to be, I don’t know, to be in a place and then appear a lion and tiger. And at this moment I begin to wake up because I feel very afraid and I don’t know if it was the focus of mine that I was to confront this situation or something that I wanted to tell myself, but...

ELIAS: Concerning fear and how powerfully it can be expressed.

MAGDALENA: (inaudible)

ELIAS: It shall also be affected by these exercises. In generating these exercises you shall be dissipating that fear automatically, for the more you acknowledge yourself and the more you generate trust with yourself, and allowance with yourself, the less there is to be afraid of.

MAGDALENA: Hmm. Could you offer some more advice in the game of I don’t know what else to offer?

ELIAS: I would express at this time framework this is enough for you to assimilate.

MAGDALENA: (Laughs) Ok.

ELIAS: I would encourage you to engage these exercises...

MAGDALENA: This with my stones, and I have to buy a lot of colorful stones I suppose! (Laughs) Another curious or practical, I would like to know question, I would like to know the essence name of my daughter.

ELIAS: (Pause) Essence name: Poshka.

MAGDALENA: And her family?

ELIAS: And your impression?

MAGDALENA: I don’t know but sometimes with relating with art, with family dealing with art?

ELIAS: Sumari.

MAGDALENA: Sumari. And the orientation? Soft?


MAGDALENA: Yes, because he is like my husband. And she has been in another focus with me?

ELIAS: Many. (Laughs) Very well my friend, we shall discontinue this day and we may continue subsequently and you may offer to myself your progress report in association with your exercises.

MAGDALENA: Yes, I want to. I love to. (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Laughs)

MAGDALENA: I love to. I will do it. Thank you.

ELIAS: In great affection and appreciation to you, and in wondered friendship, au revoir.

MAGDALENA: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 33 minutes, 45 seconds.)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.