Session 1968

Sharing Energy with Other Focuses


“Sharing Energy with Other Focuses”
“Feeling an Alteration in Motivation and Goals”

Friday, March 31, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Daniil (Zynn) and Natasha (Nichole)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

DANIIL: Good afternoon.

NATASHA: Good afternoon, Elias. How shall we proceed? (All laugh)

DANIIL: My question first, I guess. Some time back, I woke up one morning, and I said, “My name is Rosa Rosenblatt.” Is that a focus of mine?


DANIIL: I looked up “Rosa Rosenblatt,” and it’s a common name, I guess. I found one lady in Ukraine, an older lady. She went through a concentration camp. That was possibly the one?


Daniel: Is she still alive?


DANIIL: Some dreams I’ve had I relate to my homeless focus. In my dream, I walk into a building, some fancy, expensive building, a corporate building, where I hear people have been creating welcome or support. But when they pay attention to me and they say, “What is your connection to this institution?” I have to run away. I run out the back door. Is that my homeless focus?


DANIIL: What is the strong connection between me and that homeless focus? I periodically feel painful, as if I was scared that I would be kicked out, or I appreciate just sitting down somewhere in a café and not being kicked out, and stuff like that. What country and in what time is this focus?

ELIAS: And your impression?

DANIIL: Well, I think it should be relatively contemporary, judging by the places. I feel it is in New York or some big American city, but it could be in Europe.

ELIAS: America.

DANIIL: Was it New York?


DANIIL: Is it contemporary?

ELIAS: Overlapping. It would be more in the earlier years of your previous century.

DANIIL: When I had a session with Kris, he recommended that I send my love to this focus, not necessarily to be received. It will be accepted, but it may be difficult to be received, that was my sense of his advice. That influence that I feel, how do I deal with this? Just accept it and explore it, or…? I feel like I am partially homeless – and I’m not in this focus – but I feel it so strongly sometimes.

ELIAS: But this is quite purposeful that you draw this energy to you, for what it is doing is encouraging you to pay attention to the now and to appreciate. This is an encouraging energy that is helpful to you to be focusing and to be present.

DANIIL: And if I am present, that may be helping my other focus as well?


DANIIL: He may feel some comfort.

ELIAS: Yes. For if you are generating this appreciation of yourself and what you incorporate – being present with yourself, being appreciative of what you have and what you do – that reciprocates an energy to the other focus of appreciation also.

DANIIL: I recently visited a friend who showed us pictures of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and a couple of other cities. It feels like I can almost see that big monument in Rio that’s above the city, the cross. I have a focus in Rio de Janeiro, probably?




NATASHA: Are we in the same family in that focus?


DANIIL: Do we live in those poor neighborhoods? Are we very poor there?


DANIIL: So, a dream that I had where I felt like I am relatively young and I am part of some gang or some gang adopted me and I felt the fear and fighting mood and all that, that is maybe related to that?


DANIIL: As I am having those dreams and I feel that homeless person, it confuses me a little bit because it is a change for me. During one of our previous sessions, I told you I feel like I am waiting for someone to knock on the door and come in to battle. You suggested instead of waiting to fight windmills, I go into exploration. Now something changes, because those things at night are knocking on my door, and I’m like do I want to let it in. Do I know who I am anymore, or am I in Brazil, or am I homeless? I wanted to ask you how not to lose focus, or is it about focus, and also how not to lose the impression, how to stay... I guess I’m trying not to lose the integrity of who I am; maybe I’m afraid to look at their identity. How do I stay clear and motivated instead of just being overwhelmed with those impressions that are coming at me?

ELIAS: Refocus yourself. Focus your attention in relation to what you are doing. Accept these energies as energy that you are drawing to yourself as that encouragement to be helpful, not onslaughting, not to incorporate them as a distraction, but to be incorporating them as an encouragement to focus yourself and to encourage you to be present with yourself. You can notice that you may be receiving energy, but rather than distracting yourself and turning your attention to that energy, merely notice and refocus in what you are doing in the moment. Pay attention to whatever you are actually engaging and doing, regardless of what it is. It may be even a mundane action.

As I have stated, this is purposeful, for this is the manner in which you shall begin to discover your truths, by paying attention to what you are doing and paying attention in what you are doing [and] how you are responding to each action. That shall be helpful to you in identifying what is motivating you or what your association is with whatever you are doing, regardless of what it is, even if it is to be gazing into your icebox and noticing what your attention is drawn to within your icebox. Even a mundane action such as this is being motivated by some truth, and there is an association that is being generated. That is what motivates you to act. Every action that you engage is associated with some element of one of your truths. This is the reason that they are so very challenging to discover, for you are not paying attention to what you are doing while you are gazing into your icebox. You are merely doing, and you do not even realize what you are doing in that action or that it even is an action, but it is.

These energies are present to encourage you to be paying attention to what you are doing. Therefore, when you notice one of these energies, incorporate that as your trigger point to be paying attention: What am I doing now? What is my association with what I am doing now?

DANIIL: Now, parallel to that, I guess I can draw some confidence or various different motives or different aspects of behavior or feeling or whatever from those focuses, can I not?


DANIIL: So sometimes, if appropriate, if I have time, I can try to tune in to other energies.


DANIIL: Accepting whatever information I am getting.

ELIAS: But not as a distraction, not to be incorporating that to the point in which you are scattering your energy and distracting yourself and unmotivating yourself.

DANIIL: Right, that makes sense. As far as motivation, I always had a concept that I have to motivate myself, but now what you are suggesting is a discovery of what is in each and every moment…


DANIIL: …and in each and every action, there is a hidden motivation for what you are doing.


DANIIL: Well, I don’t have a long list of questions, just an impression. Do I have a focus that has something to do with movie making or directing or theatre director?

ELIAS: (Pause) Theater, a director; found in association with cameras, not director.

DANIIL: When I look at my life, I’m kind of, quote unquote, repeating part of what my focuses did, am I not? I was almost homeless for a very short period of time, I was studying movie directing for a short period of time, I was trying to play music for a short period of time, each one linking to various focuses that did it for a longer time with proficiency and as a main occupation.

ELIAS: Creating a mosaic, integrating all of these facets of yourself into one mosaic, and actually allowing yourself brief experiences associated with some other focuses to allow yourself to integrate them and interweave them more in reality than merely concept. You have also incorporated some experiences that generate more of a reality that these other individuals are also you, therefore creating the entire picture rather than merely this one piece.

DANIIL: I am contributing to those individuals who have strongly felt individual interests, so that they have a wider view and I have a more realistic view, is that…?

ELIAS: It is not necessarily what you are contributing in influence to the other focuses. It is more yourself in this focus in shifting, pulling together these experiences and these other focuses, integrating them into your awareness and experience, not mere concept, but generating actual experience to create a reality association with the larger you.

DANIIL: That makes sense – and I am not even a final focus.

ELIAS: It matters not. Final focus is merely a designation of position. (Chuckles)

DANIIL: So, doing designing software systems for a while, that is also a response to some engineer or architect or…?

ELIAS: In a different capacity, yes.

DANIIL: Well, Natasha, would you like to take over?

NATASHA: When we got here, we discussed what we would talk to you about. I have one question regarding nature or creativity, but I’m having a hard time formulating the other question.

I just can’t express what I’m feeling lately. I’m feeling that some change is happening within me, but I cannot pick up what it is. I feel like I gave up on something, or I feel different than me, like I have shifted, but where I shifted I have no idea. I would like to know what’s going on. I kind of lost interest in the sanctity of experiencing. We’ve talked about his lack of motivation, and I realized that I am lacking some motivation and probably need motivation to continue. So, I wanted to know what’s going on with me, what am I changing now? It feels in some ways I improved. I am more balanced. But in others, I have this scatteredness, other energy. I would like to know what’s new with me. Can you enlighten me, what I’m doing?

ELIAS: In this present now, which is not uncommon – which we shall be discussing further, subsequently – but there are many, many, many individuals that are experiencing a type of scatteredness or an alteration in motivation. It is not actually that most of you are unmotivated; you are merely not familiar with the alteration of motivation.

This also is associated with this wave addressing to truths, which, as I have expressed recently, is once again intensifying. In this, you are engaging a process of shifting. Most individuals associate motivation with goals or outcomes. Most individuals move in the direction of generating an ideal, a goal, a want, and motivate themselves to achieve that. In shifting, the goals or the outcomes are becoming less important; the process is becoming more important. But this is very unfamiliar, for generally speaking what you identify with motivation is generating some objective that you want to accomplish.

Generally speaking, most individuals do not pay much attention to the process that they engage to accomplish their objective, for they continue to focus upon the objective. What is shifting is that the objective is not as defined. It is not as clear, for it is becoming less important. The process of movement is becoming more important. Therefore, in not incorporating many times a clear objective to accomplish, you feel scattered and as if you are incorporating no direction.

NATASHA: It is like a moving thing within you.

ELIAS: Yes, for you are moving, and you are shifting. But this is a process of shifting perception, and shifting what you identify as important. In that, it is very unfamiliar to not necessarily incorporate a clear objective.

The point in this is that much of your movements are not associated with a clearly defined goal. They are, but not in the fashion that you are accustomed to. As we speak of truths or beliefs, and as you engage myself and this information, you each incorporate strong desires and objectives to become more intimately familiar with yourselves, to become familiar objectively with your energy, to become familiar objectively with how you create and what you create, what is the process that generates a creation, [and] what is the nature of creation.
That is a strong desire and a strong objective, but it is not an object goal. It is a movement goal; it is an awareness goal. Therefore, the outcome is unclear. You cannot incorporate an expectation of the outcome, for it is unknown.

Therefore, what you are noticing is this shifting in your perception. You have been generating this movement for a time. You have been engaging the process for a time. Now you are engaging the objective movement into that, not merely the subjective.

NATASHA: Probably not 100 percent objectively, but still it is registering with my mind, I am starting to notice how events are being created and how actually – I don’t know, I feel I cannot describe how I do it – but how actually I can direct some things.


NATASHA: I still don’t know intentionally how to do so, but I started to get little glimpses and pieces.

ELIAS: This is the point.

NATASHA: But is it correct, my observation?


NATASHA: I’m not delusional?

ELIAS: No. You are shifting, and this is associated with this wave. I have expressed from the onset of this particular wave that this particular wave addressing to truths incorporates the strongest potential for great freedom and awareness. In genuinely becoming aware of your truths, you shall begin to become aware of your choices, and it shall generate much more of a reality in your experience that you do create all of your reality.

NATASHA: But it is not subjective, this is the objective, conscious creation?

ELIAS: Yes. This is the point, and this is the reason that this particular wave is so powerful.

NATASHA: When I think about it, something tells me that I’m afraid sometimes of my own truths, that I don’t want to face them. I have this fear of facing my own truths.

ELIAS: For you are generating an automatic association that they are bad or that they are limiting, and they are neither. What is limiting in association with your truths are your automatic responses to them and your lack of awareness of their influences. But I cannot emphasize strongly enough [that] your truths are not bad, they are not the enemy, they are your guidelines.

NATASHA: I should accept them as… I don’t know.

ELIAS: As, in your experience, good. (Pause) Would you incorporate a stick and beat a creature?

NATASHA: I don’t think so.

ELIAS: No. That is associated with one of your truths, and it guides you in your behavior and prevents you from generating an action that you would incorporate tremendous conflict with. But it also influences you in relation to other individuals, and can influence you to generate judgment in relation to differences in behaviors of other individuals. But it is not bad, for it allows you to move in a direction and to behave in particular manners that you are comfortable with.

How you incorporate your home, how you interact with your environment, how you create a meal, how you incorporate socializing, how you incorporate engaging a drink with another individual, how you pour or stir your coffee or your tea, all of these actions are motivated by associations with your truths. They are your guidelines. This is not bad, and in the awareness of them, you begin to view choices. You begin to recognize what your automatic responses are in relation to them. You become aware of how they influence you in relation to other individuals and how they can, at times, influence you in a manner that prevents you from accepting differences, but how they also provide you with your own comfort of yourself.

In this awareness of them – which many individuals in this time framework now are beginning to emerge into identifying some of their truths – as you generate that action, you begin to open to genuine freedom, for you begin to recognize that you are creating your reality and you do incorporate choices, that if a truth is influencing you in association with judging another individual’s difference, you can incorporate different choices and incorporate cooperation, and that shall automatically dissipate that judgment, for you no longer concern yourself with the difference.

NATASHA: I understand this; I think I experience it. Do I really need to know the process of creating, how I am creating reality? Do I need to know the mechanics of it, if you wish, or it just happens flawlessly without any conscious interference?

ELIAS: It is not necessary to objectively understand all of the mechanics of how you create, but you do incorporate the desire to somewhat understand how you create and therefore allow yourself to intentionally create some expressions that you want.

DANIIL: You’re fascinated with methods, right?

NATASHA: Yes, I am. Bottom line, I want to know how to intentionally create.


NATASHA: When I come home, I want to know exactly where is my parking spot. When I don’t think about parking spots, it’s there, but when I start to concentrate, I cannot find a parking spot.

ELIAS: And what is the dynamic? What are you noticing?

NATASHA: I’m pushing, I guess.

ELIAS: Yes, for what are you concentrating on?

NATASHA: On the lack of the…


NATASHA: I understand, but how do I engage myself before I start pushing versus when I don’t think about it at all, I forget about parking problems?

ELIAS: If you begin to notice that you are concentrating upon that particular example, distract yourself.

NATASHA: Just distract what you’re thinking?

ELIAS: Yes. Distract yourself and interrupt that energy.

NATASHA: So, distract yourself and trust yourself that you’re going to do it for yourself.

ELIAS: It is not even a matter of generating that type of thought process, for in that type of thought process you are continuing to concentrate upon the lack. You are attempting to override it with positive thinking, but that does not necessarily interrupt that energy projection. What will interrupt that energy projection is to distract yourself and appreciate some element of yourself, in a completely different direction.

DANIIL: So, if my knee hurts, one way I can go about it is not try to fight with it but to appreciate, to notice my other knee that doesn’t hurt or my movement or my breathing or something, and it may and will generate a trust. That leads it to ease up and…

ELIAS: Correct. For the reason that the physical pain continues is that you are concentrating upon it. In that example, your knee can be incorporating considerable pain, and hypothetically, if your partner comes bursting through the door and is tremendously excited in relation to some trauma that has just occurred, you will not notice the pain in your knee. (Natasha and Daniel laugh) It shall not be hurting any longer, for your attention shall be sufficiently distracted that you shall interrupt the concentration, and you shall not be generating pain any longer. But you shall not notice, for your attention is moved to your partner, and you shall be running and not notice that your knee is functioning well.

NATASHA: So he’s very lucky to be with me! (Elias laughs)

DANIIL: One of the points here is that ideally I will both be aware of the knee but I will be aware of the knee as it stops hurting, as opposed to concentrating when it hurts.


NATASHA: Elias, about creativity, I wanted to ask you. Am I just a conductor of All That Is or divine essence? When a person makes a discovery or makes a new invention or creates a new discipline, is the person, the physical person, a conductor of information, a conductor of whatever, life in the greater sense? In other words, my question is do we typical human beings contribute to creation?

ELIAS: You generate creation. You are not a vessel.

NATASHA: That’s my question. Am I a vessel?

ELIAS: No. You are not a vessel. You are all of essence, and you, yourself, this physical individual as an attention, are choosing. You are creating the choices. You are creating all that is within your environment. You are not merely a vessel that is channeling some outside force.

DANIIL: But when we talk about inventors accessing some regional area where the knowledge has been deposited and grabbing something from there...?

ELIAS: It is their own knowledge.

NATASHA: Whose? Mine?


DANIIL: Because you are part of that library as well.

NATASHA: Let me rephrase it. What are the origins of this knowledge that gets manifested here in this physical universe?

ELIAS: Allowing yourself to tap into other areas of yourself.

NATASHA: So, it is tapping in, then.

ELIAS: But it is tapping into you. You already incorporate all information in every capacity that has been generated to each moment. For in each moment, all of consciousness is expanding for you are expanding, and therefore, it continues to incorporate new information.

But all of the information that can be or has been, to the point of any moment, you incorporate. It is merely a matter of tapping into that information, just as you do with impressions. You already incorporate all of that information. It is merely a matter of allowing it and where you direct your attention.

NATASHA: I don’t understand. To me, it still sounds like it’s just a matter of getting there, taking it in, manifesting it here. It’s like going to into a store and getting something.

ELIAS: No. For, all that you do has never been experienced before for you are unique. Therefore, every action that you do has never been experienced in consciousness before, for there is no other you.

NATASHA: So whatever I create, that’s mine.

ELIAS: Yes. If you incorporate the action of creating a sandwich, that sandwich has never been created before and is a new experience and is a contribution to the expansion of consciousness.

The significance of the individual is paramount. For, we have discussed other focuses, directing essences, observing essences, and what is the most significant is the individual. For if incorporating observing essences, it is the choice of the individual which essence it shall align with.

NATASHA: Which essence it shall align with? It’s a choice of the individual?


NATASHA: So in other words, me, Natasha, I have chosen to be aligned to Nichole?


NATASHA: It’s not the other way around?


DANIIL: It’s kind of a continuation of our discussion of what is the focus’s position and what is essence’s.

ELIAS: It is not a matter of what is what decision, for they are the same.

NATASHA: I’m sure you’ve been asked already the question about Albert Einstein, his discoveries. Was his technique accessing his library of knowledge?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but also stimulating his own curiosities.

DANIIL: It’s not that he was just the messenger who happened to know where the library is or where it is stored?


DANIIL: That was his life, and he expressed it in a way that no one has done before, even though he got some information from...

NATASHA: He initiated it.

ELIAS: Yes, in association with his own curiosity. Curiosity motivates invention.

DANIIL: And that’s going back to process versus goal.


DANIIL: As I was going home yesterday, I was thinking that sometimes I try to change my life by trying to pretend that I am at the last day of my life and what would be important and what would not be important. Many decisions that appear to be important right now, this car or that car, this house or that house, may not be as important as what was my life filled with. And what it is filled with is the present, and not whether I achieve this position or that position, but was I fulfilled, did I feel content.


DANIIL: I wanted to ask you, we got two interview letters, one about my sixteen-year-old immigration case and one about our common case. Is that an expression of something starting, something shifting in our life?


NATASHA: It’s very hard to believe that after all these years – we initiated one 16 years ago and initiated the other one 4 years ago – it all happened within a matter of 4 days, all these letters that came to make an appointment, canceling a appointment, getting a new appointment, all this mess. We created it for some reason, and we had this conversation...

DANIIL: I asked you what am I afraid of, why am I not getting naturalized? What is it in being naturalized that I am so afraid of? I couldn’t be sure, but I said I’m probably afraid of creating choices or freedom of movement, et cetera, and then it started happening.

NATASHA: We were so glad we got the invitation for an interview, and then in two days there was a cancellation of the interview. I got really upset, and I was wondering about my contribution to this all. It must be some part of my influence as well, talking about canceling, but later on it got scheduled, and we still had the interview. But this time, there was fluctuation.

DANIIL: Do I have counterpart action with one of my parents?


DANIIL: My mother? Is that part of the reason I was trying to stay away from her for part of my life, because I was afraid of the nonacceptance or judgment, and trying to be free to make my own choices?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking.

DANIIL: Because counterpart action, if you take it wrong it appears to be limiting, right? It appears that you can never understand the other individual, they can never accept you and...

ELIAS: It can be, but there is always a contribution of experience and energy within counterpart action. You always gain. Even if you generate a counterpart action that is repelling, you also gain.

DANIIL: Can that repelling be changed into cooperation?


DANIIL: By acceptance?


NATASHA: So, what was my contribution initially to this letter that we got about canceling the interview? Was there any of my contribution to it?


NATASHA: I suspected it. What was it? Was it fear, also movement?

ELIAS: Partially, and also partially with each of you a type of underlying expression, not necessarily a fear, but somewhat of a sense of loss.


ELIAS: [Of] identity in association with heritage, loyalty. The desire to move in new directions is overriding that and is stronger, but there is an underlying association with loss in relation to loyalty, and connection associated with identity. Individuals strongly identify themselves with culture. Part of how you generally define yourselves – it is merely an element, but it is an element – is associated with land, with the section of your planet that you chose to emerge into.

DANIIL: You are talking about the place of birth.


DANIIL: It’s not so much we are afraid to leave the United States for a tour, but it’s the still lingering separation with where we were born.


DANIIL: But the movement part, if I do get my papers, so to speak, etcetera, we will be able to go for a moment to visit her place of birth or even mine.


DANIIL: We are afraid to face the fact that we are separated already?

ELIAS: Loyalty.

NATASHA: Where is that loyalty? I’ve already bumped into this. I didn’t know that I had this still.

ELIAS: As I have expressed, it is not overwhelming, and as you have viewed, it has not stopped your process, but it has been a contributant.

DANIIL: Is it being afraid to face the intense feeling of loss, or am I afraid that I betrayed my place of birth?

ELIAS: More associated with the latter – and I would not express that any of these are intense, but there is a factor.

NATASHA: I still don’t understand the identity part.

ELIAS: That is associated with assimilating yourself into a different culture. Not identity in name or who you are, but identity in association with culture and assimilating yourself into a different culture. As I have expressed, it is not overt and it is slight. It is not an intense expression, but it is a factor.

DANIIL: Not necessarily associated in visiting the place of birth? Or it may be with some third country and realizing once again that you are neither here nor there?


NATASHA: I think I don’t care who I am, I’m just going to live wherever I am.

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding, but each individual – generally speaking, all individuals – do incorporate a factor in association with how they identify themselves with the culture and the section of earth that they chose to emerge in relation to. You chose the physical area in which you would be born. That is a choice that creates a factor in your identity, and in changing that, you may be shifting perception and not necessarily identifying your identity with a land mass and a culture, although you do to an extent. That is a factor in how you identify who you are. It may not be a large factor or an overwhelming factor, but it is a factor.

DANIIL: Now, when we are shifting, when we are in communication with you and we are changing some of our attitudes and moving, is this parallel to kind of losing identity, in moving to new expanded thoughts and ideas? We are kind of emigrating once again in movement?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

DANIIL: I guess the time is almost up. How are we doing with our pyramid?

NATASHA: What’s going on with our pyramid? Have we met another individual yet, or is it somebody who is going to be in a different dimension?

ELIAS: I shall encourage you both to continue investigating – perhaps incorporate some visualization.

NATASHA: And see what comes?


NATASHA: Thank you so, so much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I offer tremendous encouraging energy to you each and great friendship. In tremendous appreciation of you both and great lovingness, au revoir.

BOTH: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 3 minutes)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.