Linear time and Perceptions of Past and Future
”Creating Income and Generating Income via What you Enjoy with your Imagination”
”Final Focuses”
”Linear time and Perceptions of Past and Future”
”Simultaneity of the Action of Focuses”
”Increasing Interaction with Future Focuses”
”Soft Orientation and Sexuality”.
Thursday, March 16th, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Daniel (Cyrus)
Elias arrival time 6 seconds.
ELIAS: Good day!
DANIEL: Hello.
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
DANIEL: Well, I guess Id kinda like to start with, well actually I was going to ask about my Essence family and Orientation. Ive looked through the list and have come under the impression that Im not sure which is which, but maybe something to do with either Vold or Ilda or both?
ELIAS: You would be belonging to Vold. You would be aligning with in this focus, Ilda.
DANIEL: Ah! Interesting! Close to what I suspected. (Elias chuckles) Well, I had a discussion with Kris on I guess it was on Monday, and we talked about things relating to my work situation and I was interested by something mentioned in terms of looking at professions that arent quite so current, especially like body work and that sort of thing and, while its probably true to say thats definitely what I should be doing, Im kind of interested in it, and I was looking yesterday at things related to Chinese methods and I find those interesting and I find that Im kind of repelled by anything having to do with intellectual pursuits, like Rolfing, they just seem very technical to me, I felt like I would shy away from that, and Im wondering am I picking up correctly, well not correctly, but I tend to be getting the feeling that I want to get into more physically based, and maybe that would just be more in tuned with my intent perhaps, than something that requires more analysis.
ELIAS: It would more be associated with preferences.
ELIAS: In this, it is not necessarily a question or a matter of what you SHOULD or SHOULD NOT engage, but rather being aware of your preferences and allowing yourself to move in a direction that is in keeping with them, for if you are not opposing your preferences, you generate much more of an ease in your movement and generally speaking you also generate much more success.
DANIEL: Well then, that makes me curious to ask about well, my preference is not work, but as Kris mentioned, I couldnt figure out any alternatives to that, thats the kind of thing I want to ask about, like is this something that is possible for me to discover alternatives or is that just getting way ahead of myself for where Im at right now.
ELIAS: The alternative is the perception. It is a matter of allowing yourself to move into the perception of actions not actually being work. But, allowing yourself to generate an action that you appreciate that you view as fun and fulfilling, and also allow yourself to generate income in association with that action. Which, that itself, would be alternative, for it matters not what you enjoy doing. Money is one manifestation in your reality that is in actuality easy to generate.
It becomes difficult when the individual creates significant obstacles with themself, and does not allow for a free flow of energy. You generate successfulness automatically if you are appreciating what you do, and if you enjoy what you do. And in that the action is not actually perceived as work.
Work implies toiling, it implies effort and it can imply rigidity or structure. Now, dependent upon the individual some individuals appreciate structure and are more comfortable in generating actions that do incorporate structure. Some individuals enjoy more flexibility and enjoy allowing themselves more spontaneity.
This is also associated with preferences. In genuinely evaluating yourself and what your preferences are, and what your natural movement is; your natural flow of energy, you can choose a direction of action that you can incorporate and also generate money.
DANIEL: That makes sense.
ELIAS: There is (Intently) literally almost no action that you can engage that you cannot also incorporate generating money with.
DANIEL: I guess I kind of want to get into the area of how beliefs affect that, for example, again maybe this is me, I dont want to be say getting off track, but maybe Im going in a direction which is not…whats the word, maybe is kinda futile for me. Why isnt it enough to be walking downtown here doing nothing, just be walking and observing the buildings and appreciating the fact that Im free to walk around, and the sunlight during the day, and you know, something like that, while making money from that, I mean it sounds like within the realm of all possibilities that it is indeed possible to make money, make good money doing something that appears to be nothing, but it just seems to me that theres a wall or some sort of blockage between realizing doing that and actually making money at it, at least where we are right now, or maybe thats just me.
ELIAS: It is a matter of allowing yourself to engage imagination my friend. Not to be viewing different expressions in black and white, but to allow yourself, in engaging imagination to explore what you can engage that shall generate money in an action that you enjoy doing. You express you enjoy walking and appreciating what you view in your environment, structures or what is occurring within the street, so to speak. You can, in a manner of speaking, document your appreciation, you can incorporate photographs and do what you enjoy doing and also express that in a creative manner in which you can create an avenue to generate money. It is merely a matter of engaging your own creativity.
DANIEL: I presume if I were actually doing that and using my imagination, it wouldnt seem burdensome.
ELIAS: Correct! For you would be engaging your own creativity and you would be doing an action that is associated with your natural flow, and engaging actions that you enjoy. It is merely a matter of allowing yourself to engage your imagination and therefore spark and inspire your creativity.
ELIAS: And in that, it is not being associated with work. There are many individuals that may express that they are amazed that they can engage what they genuinely enjoy doing and that they genuinely incorporate fun in doing and they also generate money. Or in their terms they would express that they are PAID to do what they enjoy doing. This is NOT an unattainable expression; ANY individual within your reality can accomplish that. It is merely a matter of not perceiving in the black and white.
ELIAS: And allowing yourself to engage your own creativity and therefore imaginatively generating an action that you LIKE that is not WORK and also generates money.
DANIEL: Makes very good sense. I may re-touch upon that later in the conversation.
ELIAS: Very well and I shall also offer a suggestion to you. If you are so choosing, you may present this subject to Michael for he also may offer you examples in his experiences of precisely what we are discussing.
DANIEL: Okay, I will do that and speaking of Michael, what is my Essence Name?
ELIAS: One moment, Essence name: Cyrus (C-Y-R-U-S)
DANIEL: Interesting, you know I thought the name out of thin air Dezune and I wonder if that is connecting to anything in the grand total of my experiences.
ELIAS: Yes. That would be a naming of another focus.
DANIEL: I picked it out in association with this computer game I was playing and the character was some kind of magician, I was wondering if thats sparked my memory of it or if I just chose a name that was close to me but it doesnt actually reflect that character?
ELIAS: In actuality it DOES incorporate an association with regard to that other focus, which would not necessarily be considered a magician, BUT would be considered a type of shaman.
DANIEL: Hmm! Ive had this long running, I dont want to say the word fantasy, but among many a mental landscape was conjured and at some point I had decided to name Desert Imperian, and its just sort of maybe a kind of mish mash of different imagery of very large desert landscape, of towers, its hard to describe that I sort of see it very clearly, that I just wondered if that is anything within this particular dimension or if its elsewhere?
ELIAS: These are visualizations, this would not be associated with this particular reality. It would be associated with another reality.
DANIEL: Some people ask in the transcripts if this is their final focus I guess if I understand it right it just means a long timeline, in terms of time, theres a first and a last even though theyre all simultaneous, is that what the final focus is, being the last of a simultaneous one, in respect to time?
ELIAS: Not in relation to time, no, for a final focus can be the designated position in any time framework linearly. It is a designated position which, in that the initiating focus is what you would term to be the SPARK focus, which generates simultaneously ALL of the focuses participating in the particular reality.
The final focus is also a designated position in which at the time framework in which THAT focus disengages, it is the SIGNAL focus for all of the focuses of that Essence to disengage participation in the physical reality.
Although that is not an absolute, for as I have expressed many times previously, there is always choice in which ANY focus of the Essence which does not CHOOSE to disengage its participation in this reality CAN continue and fragment, and therefore create a new essence and continue to participate within the physical reality; which DOES occur.
In this, it is not a matter of how MUCH time has been incorporated in the physical reality or how many focuses there are, or whether there are future focuses and past focuses, the designated final focus may be a past focus or it may be you as an individual and you may also incorporate many future focuses; therefore to those focuses, the final focus would be a past focus. Therefore it is not actually associated with time.
DANIEL: Fair enough, I understand a little better now. I had an image conjured briefly when I was trying to figure out if I had known Valerie in a past life, and it was of like, two brothers and it was like maybe something to do with wagon trains going West, and maybe something like that, is that at all connected with her?
DANIEL: Interesting! Sometimes I have these weird, not weird necessarily, but these images of either losing a leg or like having my penis severed or generally gory kind of stuff and it seems to have kind of abated recently but, a couple months ago when I was first reading some of your transcripts, I was kind of seeing them very intensely, and I was just wondering what those ARE.
ELIAS: Other focuses also, other experiences.
DANIEL: (Laughs) Sucks to be them. (Elias cracks up) Well thats good, then I dont have to freak out about that happening to me, I kind of wondered about if I was just picking up on some probable future event. (Elias laughs)
ELIAS: No. (More laughter)
DANIEL: Okay. Interesting, and Im really happy to finally be talking with you. Its funny how I keep certain things distant from myself for whatever reason. This last week Ive created some sort of availability to be able to talk with you and Kris and I’m appreciating myself for allowing that. And with luck I will be open with that in the future with myself.
ELIAS: And I am acknowledging of you that you are appreciating and that you are acknowledging yourself.
DANIEL: When I was walking by I found that monument, the one that I read about. I saw this building out there and I thought immediately it reminded me of China and was that a picking up of something from a focus who lives in China?
DANIEL: And how about when I was at the pizza place in high school, I looked out the door, I saw these trees and I said they remind me of England and I said that (Inaudible)on?
ELIAS: These are not accidents. (Both laugh) They are indicators to you that you actually know more than you THINK you know. (Both laugh)
DANIEL: Do I have a focus in England sometime in the late seventies or eighties? I felt like when I was watching some TV shows I pick up on it, it seemed like it was something around that time period there was something about England that I was very fond of I think.
DANIEL: Is that focus still alive today, in my time?
DANIEL: Interesting. (Laughs) There are so many little things. When I was very young I saw this enormous spider in my backyard at the old house I guess it was like a Black Widow, it was huge, I just kind of re-interpreted it as being a dream because it was very vivid and I just wondered what that was.
ELIAS: It was not a dream (Elias cracks up) and I may express to you that you created that creature to be considerably larger than it would have expressed itself. (Chuckles) Perception is a POWERFUL tool and CREATES ACTUAL REALITY and it can alter what you view in your reality quite dramatically at times, and creates very different manifestations from what you would normally associate with. BUT, that also provides EVIDENCE to you that you CAN manipulate your reality, and that you can create ”outside of the lines” so to speak. (Chuckles)
DANIEL: Cool. I read this book and I got in touch with this guy, this UFO researcher and he had some part in it and I had this very interesting little incident that happened that I just wondered about 2109 and one, what they are. Or was that a one time incident; are these some sort of entities that were just channeling for very weird beings, probably by our standards, you know talking through Mary and Serge or something different?
ELIAS: Clarify.
DANIEL: Well, in the book there was this guy and he was at a computer terminal and he was getting these strange messages on the screen and the story involved the 15th century English and he was sort of playing around with this but aside from a person in the past, he seems to be communicating with.
Theres also this being that calls itself 2109 that says its conducting an experiment and theres another personality called One that seems to be playful and playing around with what they are doing. I just find that kind of interesting thinking wonder; 2109, were they from that year, is that something thats going on like I had past experience such that I agreed upon about it?
ELIAS: One moment. I am understanding. In THIS, yes, there are connections in what you are associating with, for it is a tapping into information concerning awarenesses and future awarenesses in relation to past awarenesses which is already occurring en masse.
BUT, in future awarenesses there is more clarity in tapping into what is viewed as past awarenesses and actually interacting with them. Now, individuals are already beginning to generate that action now. Not merely with past focuses; although generally they incorporate that action more easily in relation to your beliefs; for in association with your beliefs and linear time, you generate the association that past has already occurred and future has not occurred yet.
Therefore there is more of an ease in accessing PAST than future, BUT, individuals ARE beginning to generate interactions with future focuses also recognizing that they actually DO incorporate the ability to be accessing information concerning future focuses and can actually INTERACT with those future focuses. Once allowing themselves to move in that direction, there is an ease in that interaction for the future focuses also are aware of the interaction.
Generally speaking, you may be accessing information as to a past focus, but the past focus is not necessarily aware of your projection of energy. Whereas, future focuses ARE, therefore there is an exchange.
It is not just a matter of accessing information concerning the focus or a visualization of the other focus, but an actual interaction can occur with the awareness of the other individual participating.
In THIS the ”One” would be a representation of the central individual, and the other number is a representation of a future self, so to speak. Therefore there is an incorporation of a past, present AND future self that are all being engaged and expressed.
Which, you can do, in actuality, and may even offer yourself considerable information concerning yourself NOW, by allowing yourself to interact with other focuses. Some individuals do not incorporate much of an interest in that action, which is another preference, but some individuals may engage that direction as a playful action in which they can also access information.
DANIEL: Do I have a very notable, in terms of the impact on me, something very strong to do with Free Masonry in the past? Because that seems to be a very strong lurking in my life now after Ive sort of lost interest in it.
ELIAS: Yes. You incorporate several focuses that are involved in that movement, and one notable. I would encourage you to be listening to your impressions and paying attention to your visualizations; and in that, perhaps you shall offer yourself the identification of that individual.
DANIEL: I mean, it helps to pop it in so that I can sort of validate; I guess Id be more free with myself than just continuing with my major impressions like that.
ELIAS: I would be encouraging of that. Perhaps it may be somewhat fun (Daniel laughs) for you to discover which Freemason you incorporate the focus of yourself that is notable. (Chuckles)
DANIEL: I understand. I just got a kind of weird question that struck me just before the session, when youre talking through Mary, do you experience things through her with the same level of clarity as the focus itself or is it subtle in terms of like her sight and hearing.
ELIAS: Ah, let me express to you that as I engage this energy exchange, I do incorporate the ability to manipulate the physical body, but I do not necessarily engage the senses in the same manner, for it is unnecessary. I am interacting with you in relation to energy, therefore it is not necessary for myself to focus energy in relation to senses.
That would require more of a concentration of energy in relation to the physical body consciousness which is unnecessary to engage in association with exchanging with each of you. I am accessing your energy and therefore do not require a visual, and therefore it is not necessary to focus un-needed energy…
DANIEL: Right.
ELIAS: In the manipulation of the physical body consciousness. What I do focus energy with are the aspect of the physical body consciousness that accesses vocal chords to allow speech, in which individuals can audibly engage interaction with myself, and I with them.
But as to visual or touch or smell or taste or even hearing, to an extent; it is not necessary.
DANIEL: Well thats good for those of us with crappy phone lines at our houses for the time being. (Elias cracks up) Ive had a lot of not imagery lately but Im interested in my sort of sexual situation lately. I dont appear, at least most of the time, to really have any interest in sex like I said but first of all, let me ask, is my; is the word orientation, am I soft?
DANIEL: Okay. I havent read too much of the other things as far as emotional or political stuff so Ill do my research on that before I ask. (Elias chuckles) But, I seem not to have too much of a sexual interest as a whole although theres something that seems to be deeper or at least different at least in terms of my understanding, I see girls who I find myself attracted to but it seems very strange in terms of how I would explain it to people because it doesnt seem to be sexually based.
ELIAS: I am understanding, and I would express that that is quite natural in association with your orientation. For you do not necessarily automatically translate attraction in a sexual manner.
For the most part, most individuals with this orientation do not either. Attraction is more associated with energy and how you respond to that energy. It may be expressed in many different manners, it may be a visual energy, or it may be the energy of the individual themselves. But it is not an expression that you would automatically generate in relation to sexual expressions or sexual associations.
I have expressed recently in a conversation that was presented specifically in association with this particular orientation. The reason that individuals of this particular orientation do not incorporate a tremendous interest in sexual activity is that they generate an automatic association with sexual activity and passion.
But with the soft individual, they are continuously expressing passion in increments, throughout their day, every day in what they do and what they engage. Therefore there is always an element of passion being expressed, for the most part.
At times the soft individual may incorporate a time framework in which they may be restricting the expression of their own passion, and that shall create a type of burst, so to speak, in which the individual shall quite strongly and actively express that passion in a sexual manner but it shall be incorporated temporarily and not expressed for long periods of time.
The soft individual can move through LONG periods of time and express no interest in sexual activity at all and not even incorporate a thought process concerning it.
And if pressed to be performing in that manner but not experiencing a time framework in which they are experiencing one of those ”burst” time frameworks, the soft individual actually CAN view sexual activity as work (Daniel laughs) and too much effort.
DANIEL: That jibes with my experiences as well. (Elias laughs) I guess it might behoove a soft person perhaps as a starting point in terms of relationships maybe to seek out other soft individuals maybe so that theyd have the possibility that sexual relations wont be so strained.
ELIAS: Yes, I would express agreement, ALTHOUGH, it is dependent upon the individual. Soft individuals in association with sexual activity, can also be quite compatible with Intermediate individuals for they express somewhat similarly, but also in a different manner, or with different associations; but they generate less interest in sexual activity and more of an interest in merely expressing physical affection through touch and affection but not necessarily through sexual activity.
Although, I may express that there is a large propensity with soft individuals to perceive that type of interaction to be somewhat annoying. (Elias cracks up)
But it is actually dependent upon the individuals and the willingness of individuals to understand each others language. To understand each other’s natural expressions and natural movement, therefore it is not impossible or ”fated to be doomed” if a soft individual generates a relationship with a Common individual or with an Intermediate individual.
But you are correct and I have expressed previously, it may generate a type of ”double edged sword” with Soft individuals. In one respect it is beneficial to them to be interactive with another soft individual for they generate less expectations of each other in partnership for they understand the same language, BUT they also can generate considerable potential for conflict for they do not interact in a back and forth direction.
This would be associated with the analogy that I offered in ”Playing the game with the ball” and bouncing the ball. Soft individuals generally are not as willing to bounce the ball back and forth. They are more comfortable bouncing their own ball and allowing the other individual to bounce THEIR own ball.
Once you are aware, that would not create a conflict but I would express especially with soft individuals, it is important if they are generating a relationship with each other, two soft individuals, in a romantic capacity; it is ultimately important that they pay attention to self.
And not be projecting their attention to the other individual. Although that is important with any orientation, if soft individuals are generating a romantic relationship and are not paying attention to self; that can create considerable conflict.
DANIEL: I have a question about dealing with my father, sometimes well be talking and I just feel like hes…well, how do I know what youre saying in terms of paying attention to myself; its very easy for me to put my attention on the reactions of others.
I just wondered is that for practicing maybe not doing unto others, pause for meditation, you know, maybe theres ways that people practice not reacting to things and I wonder, is that a route that would offer some benefit to me at least done on my own or is there even a shorter way of or more immediate for myself that I could practice not reacting to people so much because its so easy.
ELIAS: I am understanding. First of all be noticing, which is challenging for, you are correct, the reason its easy is that it is an automatic response, and automatic responses require no thought, you merely DO. In this noticing can be challenging.
But once you become familiar with noticing by practicing, paying attention to what you are DOING, allow yourself to stop and in your perception momentarily pause and disappear the other individual. Remove the other individual from your reality momentarily.
ELIAS: Turn your attention to what is motivating your reaction, for the other individual is not causing that.
DANIEL: I can see that in for example with my father or people when I’m getting upset or something, I have a belief or an expectation that I need to be continuously interactive with them in a conversation and I can’t just stop or not say anything, that that somehow is a sign of aggression or not cooperating, is that what you mean by whats motivating me?
ELIAS: Cooperation is not teamwork. Cooperation is an action that you yourself engage to allow you to continue in your direction uninterrupted but also allows the other individual to express in whatever manner they choose.
THAT is cooperation. In this, when YOU react to another individual, generally speaking, you are either threatened or you are defending some element or position within yourself, or you are questioning some element within yourself and that creates a reaction.
If momentarily the other individual does not exist and you cannot express to yourself ”Of course I am reacting in this manner for this individual expressed this or DID this to ME”.
ELIAS: No, the other individual may have generated an action or an expression or a behavior but if you are reacting to it, there is some element within you, some association within you that is being triggered.
What you are reacting to is you, not the other individual. The other individual is providing a reflection. You are reacting to a trigger that they are reflecting.
Generally speaking, if you allow yourself to stop and pause, and eliminate the other individual from your reality momentarily, they do not exist. Although they may be standing before you, within your perception momentarily they do not exist. NOW you can move your attention to YOU and evaluate, what is this reaction, what is motivating this? What am I experiencing? Am I defending? Am I experiencing threat?
Expectation is threat. Am I perceiving an expectation from the other individual and am I generating hesitation? What am I expressing within myself?
It does not require a long analytical analyzation or evaluation. It may be accomplished quite quickly, in actuality it would incorporate much more of your time for me to explain than for you to actually engage the action. You can accomplish that in a moment.
Once you identify whether you are experiencing defense or threat in some form, or doubt of yourself in some form, you can also express to yourself what do you want to express in that moment? Not what do you want from the other individual or what do you want the other individual to stop.
But what do you want to express or to NOT express in that moment? For perhaps it may be you do NOT want to express any response. And you CAN express that, not in expectation that the other individual is exercising telepathy BUT in expressing ”I choose NOT to respond in this moment”.
DANIEL: Thank you very much Elias, our time is up and I will be paying attention to my impressions that I would like to look over this last part of the transcript especially.
ELIAS: Very well, I am greatly encouraging of you my friend. Pay attention to what you DO. What you DO is actually more important and telling than what you think. (Both laugh)
DANIEL: Okay, thank you Elias.
ELIAS: I express great appreciation to you my friend and in anticipation that we shall engage conversation futurely.
I shall be offering my energy to you in supportiveness and encouragement. In great affection... (The ”Au Revoir” was cut off in the audio)
(Session ends 1:01:52)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.