Value yourself and your time
”Value yourself and your time”
”Mass waves of energy”
Sunday, March 12, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Letty (Castille), Stella (Cindel) and Virginia
(Elias’ arrival time is unknown)
ELIAS: Good morning!
LETTY: Good morning, Elias.
STELLA: Good morning, Elias. (Elias laughs)
LETTY: Welcome to my humble home.
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
LETTY: I am going to start, and I have two questions, one actually of a confirmation or validation. Marta and I were talking about our friend in Mexico City, and we talked to you a little bit about him. We call him El Maestro, and he’s not doing very well and we know in his belief systems, but we were trying to figure out what our connection to him was, and what I came up with is when Cindel and I were in Mexico City that one time that we connected with a couple of other people there. I don’t know if there was a revolution or something where there was a lot of fighting and death — he was either our father or a father figure, somebody that was very close to us, and we were all children and he seemed to be like a guardian or something like that.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
LETTY: Okay. Is it a father figure?
LETTY: Okay. And then the other quick question I have is about Oscar. I guess there are no coincidences that his name is Oscar (Elias laughs) because I’ve never seen this in a dog before and he’s a beautiful creature, very good looking, and he has blue eyes, Elias, (Elias laughs), but not all the time. Is this your energy going through?
ELIAS: At times.
LETTY: Yeah? Oh good, I’m so glad to have you so close. I do love you a lot. (Elias laughs) Do you feel my hug?
ELIAS: I am aware.
LETTY: Oh good. Well, good — we’re so happy to have you here. We’re enjoying him very much. As you know, creatures have been one of my challenges and I created such a loving, easy one for me to reflect to.
ELIAS: Congratulations!
LETTY: Thank you. Okay, my question is I started an employment. I went a little bit back to the familiar, and then within the familiar the unfamiliar of the type of industry that I joined, the work that I do. I really am enjoying it, but there is this something that keeps happening. I do know that I still get conflicts with my own creations and acceptance of them, but in this case I want to get your help in understanding a little bit more, because when I’m working with all these people where in a way it kind of feels like I’m dependent on these people to get my work done and to do my work correctly.
ELIAS: In what capacity?
LETTY: In the capacity that they have to give me information because I’m new and still don’t know the projects that I’m tracking down in numbers, I need to know what happens, they need to tell me a little bit more, they need to look at the numbers and tell me if they are right or wrong, and I find myself struggling in getting information from them. Either they’re busy or they don’t have time or they’re out of the office — I’m always going out looking for them and they’re not there, and I know it’s me obviously creating that. I’m trying to figure why — is it within the belief systems of what a new job and your learning experience? I’m trying to figure out why I’m allowing myself to create such struggles. Or is it just to keep me busy?
LETTY: I didn’t think so.
ELIAS: It is more associated with your association of roles, and that in this time framework and in this position you are less than.
LETTY: Less than? I’m not sure I understand that one, Elias.
ELIAS: The other individuals incorporate more experience, therefore they are being associated as authorities and you are generating an energy of placing yourself in the position of being less than them.
LETTY: Ohhhhh. So I have to trust myself that I do know as much as them or understand what I’m doing.
ELIAS: Correct, and value yourself and your time and your tasks, and therefore generating the energy that what you are doing is no less important than what they are doing.
LETTY: Okay. All right, thank you very much. That really — that pins the tail on the donkey’s behind. (Elias laughs)
STELLA: Hi, Elias.
ELIAS: Good morning.
STELLA: Okay, Elias, let me see. First I have a question from Cossere and Larkshire. They were both very sick about two weeks ago. They both had stomach problems, they were really sick, throwing up with diarrhea and God knows. Cossere had a dream where he saw you and you told him that he had to do something with the dog, with Lucy the little one and he was trying to figure out what the message, what you were trying to convey to him but he couldn’t quite get it so he asked me to find out from you if can tell me what the message is for them?
ELIAS: How easily and strongly individuals can move into mass waves of energy, and allow that to influence them in very similar manners, and how the creature is not necessarily susceptible to that. And the reason that the creature is not susceptible to that is not merely that they do not incorporate beliefs, but it is more associated with how they direct their attention, that they are continuously present and are only responsive to what is directly occurring within their own environment with whomever they are directly interacting with and with what surrounds them within their environment in the present. Therefore, the creature can be an example and a reminder of paying attention in the now, being aware of your own energy, being aware of the energy in your environment and what you are allowing as influences.
I may express to you, this same illness has been incorporated and experienced in recent time framework with masses and masses of individuals.
STELLA: Is that like some sort of like; because I know it’s like an infection to the stomach but it’s, I mean sometimes it’s been deadly, no? Like some people have been really, really, really sick from that, but what would this disease be called?
ELIAS: It is merely a virus, but that is what each individual is creating within their own physical being. It is not what you think of as being transmitted between you; what is being transmitted is the allowance of the influence, the allowance of the influence of other energies and not paying attention, and in that, being influenced in a manner in which the individuals themselves create also the same type of manifestation that generates the same symptoms and the same distress in extreme.
All of the individuals that have incorporated this particular physical manifestation, which I have expressed there have been masses and masses of individuals that have generated this manifestation, and what they are incorporating in common is they are allowing an influence of energy and are unaware of that influence, for they are not paying attention in that moment.
STELLA: Thank you so very much about that.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
STELLA: Let me ask you one more thing. I connected with a future focus of mine, and her name Leanne. She lives in Scotland. I’m thinking it’s 2025. She has around her house yellow flowers, very pretty, very different than what I’ve ever seen. Right now I connected with her because I was actually looking for a focus of mine to help me right now with this shift in consciousness, and I think she has gone through it already and I think the help I’ve been getting is with the absoluteness of the beliefs, the rigidity, the familiarity, and the stuff that I’m grappling with and that I’m struggling with right now, and I think I have a sense of her energy where it’s been very, very helpful. So, can you validate that?
STELLA: Was the year correct, Elias? Because I was a little bit kind of like iffy on the 2025.
ELIAS: It would be somewhat more future.
STELLA: Okay. Okay, Elias, thank you so much.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome. And what are you grappling with?
STELLA: Well, Elias, you know all of the absoluteness of the beliefs. I gotta tell you I gotta give myself a lot of credit, because right now I think I was concentrating too much, or very much, on what I want, and I was wasting a lot of time and energy on what I want, and finally I think I realized that in paying attention to what I am doing, appreciating what I am doing, and somehow kind of that put me back into the moment, in living the moment. Then that keeps me okay, so I have my moments where I get away from that, so right now I’m doing a dance with it because it’s like I go back and forth, I go back and forth. But I am assimilating that concept much more where, you know I can want this to be the start of the waltz, I can want to be very wealthy, I can want, I mean all those things. But it matters not because I’m like living in the future, I had no idea that I was living so much into the future until I saw that, and now it’s like okay, whatever it is I’m doing right now, whatever I have right now, whatever it is, right this moment it’s okay. I have everything I ever need. In this particular moment I have everything.
ELIAS: Congratulations! (Everybody laughs) That is a significant revelation.
STELLA: Oh my God, yes. Yes, congratulations.
LETTY: Yes, but how long do you stay there?
STELLA: It doesn’t matter. It matters not, because I keep going back and forth, I keep going back. One moment I’m projecting, and then what I do is, because I already did; this concept is getting more familiar to me, I can come back really quite quickly and say okay. Many times I can be doing something that I think I should not be doing, I could be having a glass of wine that I maybe don’t want, or that I think I don’t want, and instead of saying I don’t think I want it, it’s like I keep on doing it, and it’s like it matters not about tomorrow or what anybody might think or any of those things. I’m looking for what the influences are about why I’m not satisfied with what I have right now.
ELIAS: Yes, which that is very significant and important. It is not that you generate a presence with yourself and hold your attention in the now to the exclusion of the past or future; that would not be a natural expression. But it is a matter of balance and being present in the now more so than you are projecting in memory or in anticipation of future actions.
It is not wrong or bad to incorporate ideals or goals or future wants, but merely to identify that and subsequently return yourself to being present in the now, recognizing what you are doing, appreciating what you are doing, acknowledging what you are doing as a choice rather than generating the association of habit or that you are being forced to engage some action or that you are being attacked or that you are the victim of some outside source, but recognizing that you yourself are engaging the choice to be doing whatever you are doing in the moment, and in that, to acknowledge yourself and to allow yourself to be present and appreciating and acknowledging, for that is what creates those ideals or those goals or those future wants.
STELLA: Thank you so much, Elias.
LETTY: Can I just say something? You know, Elias, Quinian and I got a mentoring program, that is maybe because we felt connected to this person and mostly the communication, letters or whatever, but there’s this whole ceremony we have to do in filling out all these forms and I’ve been having problems with that, in the sense that because a lot of it talks about your weekly goals, your monthly, your yearly, and I get a lot of it is trying to help us decide to do what we want to do to get where we want to go, but I think sometimes that lulls me too much into thinking about the future that I forget to be in the present.
ELIAS: I am understanding. The point is, once again, to generate a balance in which you may choose or set in position a particular goal or direction, but once you have identified that, it is no longer necessary to concentrate upon it. It is no longer necessary to continue to project your attention to the outcome; you have already set what you want for an outcome. Now what is important is to be focusing and present with the process to accomplish the outcome, but if you are projecting futurely and if you are continuously holding your attention upon the anticipated outcome, that distracts you and does not allow you to pay attention to the process, which is the action that creates the outcome. And in that, you can easily waiver in what you do and be engaging choices that may not necessarily be moving in a complementary direction to the outcome that you want, for you are not paying attention to what you are doing.
The outcome requires little. A goal merely requires an identification of a want. Once the identification of the want has been expressed, it is unnecessary to be paying attention to that any longer; you have already identified it. Now what is important is to be present and to be focusing upon the process in the now.
LETTY: Even though what you’re focusing on in the now may not necessarily be towards the end result of that goal?
ELIAS: That is a matter of perception, for you are continuously engaging choices. Every action that you engage, every moment of doing, and remember I have expressed previously, even not doing is a doing. Every expression that you are doing is a choice, and all of those choices may not surfacely appear to be related to your set goal, but if you are paying attention to your process, regardless of how unrelated some actions and some doings may seem surfacely, they may be moving you in the direction of accomplishing your goal.
Just as in a hypothetical scenario of an individual that wants to engage an intimate relationship with another individual, and the individual may engage conversation with myself and I may suggest exercises for the individual to engage themselves that the individual may think has no association with actively engaging the action of drawing another individual to them as a partner. But in actuality, although it may not surfacely appear in that manner, the exercises that I may offer to the individual are expressions that shall allow that individual to more fully express themself and appreciate themself, and in that action they generate automatically an attractive energy, which does draw other individuals to them.
It is not necessarily a matter of offering an individual suggestions as to what locations they can go to that they shall likely meet another individual, or what outward actions the individual can generate to actively attract a partner, but more so addressing to the individual themself and encouraging that individual to glow in their own appreciation and empowerment and confidence of themselves in their own allowance of themself to become more familiar with who they are and their own guidelines, and the acknowledgement and acceptance and appreciation and value of themself, which automatically projects an attractive energy which automatically draws other individuals to them.
Those actions may not surfacely appear to be efficient methods or active actions that shall be associated with their goal to create a partner, but in actuality they are more likely, more effective expressions, that allow them to accomplish their goal in a more lasting manner, not in a fleeting manner, for it also encourages the individual to be more aware of self and be more present with themself and therefore be more directing intentionally, rather than merely expressing in the position of the co-pilot.
VIRGINIA: Yes, that makes sense. I have a question for you, Elias. I’m in the process of changing not necessarily completely different careers but going from one area in the district to another area, and though I’ve been looking for a job since probably August of ’05, and sent out resumes to individuals with the experience I’ve had for the last 12 years; I’m not getting any response from people, whether it be positive or negative, and I’m wondering what kind of energy I am putting out, even though I have taken steps to go in a totally different direction and feel good about it but have yet to generate any financial gains from it. At times I’m okay and I feel good about where I am and what I’m doing, but other times I start to panic and get anxious, and am wondering if I’m doing the right thing. So, what am I creating?
ELIAS: First of all, once again this would involve appreciation and empowerment, generating a genuine energy of your own appreciation for the direction that you are moving in to the point in which that becomes attractive to other individuals.
In this, let me interject a recall in association with Castille. Are you incorporating a memory of our discussion in conjunction with your choice to be selling objects in the marketplace?
LETTY: Yes, and …
ELIAS: And what did I express to you?
LETTY: Oh God, Elias, I think …
STELLA: The belief system of us?
LETTY: Oh, well, that was not my preference. I wanted it to be, yet if I paid attention to what I was doing it was not what I wanted to do.
ELIAS: I am understanding, but what was my suggestion to you if you chose to continue in that direction? My suggestion was, for you to appreciate the …
LETTY: Oh, yes, I remember now.
ELIAS: The product itself, and as you appreciated that, other individuals would also be attracted to it.
LETTY: Yes, you’re right.
ELIAS: This is very similar. But you are not generating necessarily the offering of a product but rather the offering of yourself, and in this, the action is the same. The appreciation of what is being presented without doubt and without concern as to other individuals, but focusing strongly in your own empowerment and in your own appreciation of what you are expressing and your direction, and therefore presenting yourself as the product.
And in that, as you move in a direction of not doubting and genuinely valuing and appreciating you, your knowledge, your creativity, your enthusiasm, your ability, your capability, and generating an energy that is projected in confidence, that you are not asking another individual for some position. You are not asking another individual for permission to perform. You are presenting yourself not as a request but as an offering, as a presentment, almost as a gift. It is not a matter of waiting for the permission of other individuals regardless of what employment you are seeking, for it is not the other individuals that give you a position; it is you that creates the position. Correct, Cindel?
STELLA: Correct. Well, Elias, we’re going to become such prima donnas (Elias laughs) that everywhere we go it’s like here I am, so it’s like this is who I am. You know, I started to practice that a little bit where I work. I’ve been surprising myself with numbers, that I’ve become very good at numbers, Elias.
STELLA: Remember?
ELIAS: This is a tremendous alteration.
STELLA: Oh God, it is tremendous, yes. It’s mind boggling.
ELIAS: This from the individual that has expressed to myself repeatedly that you are stupid in relation to numbers? (Laughs)
STELLA: Remember those sessions?
ELIAS: I am quite familiar (laughs).
STELLA: Oh, Elias, I am such a pro at it.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I express tremendous acknowledgment and congratulations to you.
STELLA: Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: This is a significant movement.
LETTY: The key word is appreciation, huh?
LETTY: Which kind of goes back to my question about work, too. I don’t think I was appreciating myself, who I am, not what I may need to know. It just dawned on me that that’s why I’m not getting like ‘co-operation’.
ELIAS: For you are not generating it.
LETTY: Right.
ELIAS: Co-operation is not teamwork.
LETTY: Right, it’s all about me.
ELIAS: Correct. It is what YOU do that does not oppose you, and acknowledges you and allows you to continue, in your terms, to move forward in your direction; without generating expectations or demands in relation to other individuals.
And yes, appreciation is key, for this is the expression that generates empowerment. The acknowledgement of what you have accomplished, the acknowledgment of what you are accomplishing; the acknowledgment of your successes regardless of what they are within each day, and the appreciation of yourselves and what you do.
Who you are, the wonderment of yourselves, the value of yourselves, this empowers you and allows you to move in the perception that you are valuable and worthy to the point where it is unnecessary for you to ask of anyone anything. You shall direct your energy and you shall create whatever position you want. You are not subject to the choices of other individuals.
VIRGINIA: Well yeah, when you feel like that, and I do at times, I do value myself and I do appreciate what I have accomplished, and yeah, sometimes I feel like I am, I don’t know what I feel, not being realistic about where I am at the moment and what is happening.
ELIAS: And what is happening in the moment, and what do you appreciate now, this day, in yourself, and what can you acknowledge in what you have accomplished or succeeded in this day?
VIRGINIA: I think that considering where I come from and my background that I’ve accomplished a lot in my life, and that I have provided for myself in a way that has been very good for me.
ELIAS: This is not my question. My question is what do you appreciate this day, and what have you accomplished successfully this day?
VIRGINIA: I got up at 6:30 this morning to be here to speak with you!
ELIAS: Correct!
VIRGINIA: That makes me very happy.
LETTY: You know what you did? You brought some sunshine to this house, and I thank you for it (both laugh).
ELIAS: Correct! This is the point. The point is that these actions of genuinely acknowledging what you have accomplished in the day, and genuinely appreciating expressions of yourself in the day. These are the actions that familiarize you with value, continuous value, not past value, but now value of yourself. These are the actions that empower you and hold your attention present and hold at bay the doubt.
ELIAS: Appreciation is stronger than doubt. It can easily override doubt or fear, for it is a stronger expression of energy.
VIRGINIA: It’s nothing but appreciating the fact that I may get up tomorrow morning and make a phone call to a possible client, or you saying just appreciate whatever you’re accomplishing at the moment.
ELIAS: Correct. Or, you may awaken within your morrow and you may choose not to be engaging that type of action. You may choose to be engaging some action of allowing yourself to incorporate fun in some manner. And the acknowledgment of your allowance of yourself to do that rather than discounting yourself and generating expectations oh, I should not do that, I should be incorporating this action instead. That would be another example of how to be generating genuine appreciation in acknowledgment of your choices, and that you are engaging these actions for it is your choice and it is what you want, not what you should or should not do. These are expressions of empowerment.
ELIAS: It is you offering yourself permission to generate choices that you want and that are more associated with your preferences and that you appreciate yourself and your value in whatever you choose to do.
VIRGINIA: Yeah, I understand that. Sometimes it’s just hard to do.
ELIAS: I am understanding. It can be challenging, for it is unfamiliar. And it is very familiar to move in the expectations; the shoulds; the should-nots; the have-tos; the obligations; the associations with responsibility or being irresponsible. The strong associations with selfish actions or generous actions. Generally speaking, I may express to you as I have many times previously with individuals, the selfish actions are the more generous actions.
ELIAS: For they are the actions that acknowledge you, and that is of ultimate importance.
VIRGINIA: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. (Pause)
LETTY: Well, Elias I always have another one, you know? (Elias laughs) I never run out of questions.
ELIAS: And perhaps I would incorporate disappointment if you did. (Laughs)
LETTY: I’ve been validated by you and now validating myself a little bit more. One interesting thing, though is that it’s so easy for me to pick up on other people’s energy and say, you know they’re so wonderful, they really brighten my day. And I mean that sincerely, I absolutely mean that sincerely and genuinely. And it’s so hard sometimes for us to look at ourselves and say I really brighten your day.
STELLA: You brighten my day.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: My day and your day, I mean your friends. So whether I come into the room, but for me to feel that as I come into the room and say I am brightening the room, the day, whatever, whatever is here, because, but it’s so difficult to do that, Elias so many times.
ELIAS: Correct, for you generate an automatic association that you are being arrogant.
LETTY: Yeah! And it’s sort of like when you told me about being selfish, the selfishness, it’s sort of like …
LETTY: And I do give myself credit that I am saying that a little bit more, especially where we’re working where we are and by accomplishing stuff like Virginia saying, you know, going from one job to another, you know, different. And I’ve done the same thing and surprising myself in the process by knowing that I can do things and that I’m quite capable, and having the attitude that it really doesn’t matter, it really matters not. I just go there and I just give of myself whatever, and at the end of the day if I’m happy it’s what matters, if I had fun.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
LETTY: That’s what matters.
ELIAS: I would be in agreement.
LETTY: So like not even the money, I mean like what the hell, you know? It’s like it’s okay, at the end of the day it’s okay just be me. (Elias chuckles)
STELLA: Elias, can I ask you quickly, I have been having this week, actually a little more than a week, problems with my computer, and I know it’s me, so I just wanted to confirm it’s not the computer, I don’t need to get it fixed.
ELIAS: Correct.
STELLA: When that happens I see it as like to be paying attention to myself, and …
ELIAS: And that you are generating a scattered energy.
STELLA: Scattered.
STELLA: That was my question, thank you.
VIRGINIA: I do want to ask other questions, I just can’t think of them, you know? (Elias laughs)
STELLA: They’re probably all related.
VIRGINIA: Because some of the answers were related to some of the things that I was feeling but the anxiousness is what I wanted to get rid of.
ELIAS: And that is a matter of being present and moving your attention to the now, and acknowledging yourself.
VIRGINIA: Sometimes I get up and I feel that I don’t want to necessarily do anything.
ELIAS: And that would be horrible (laughs).
VIRGINIA: That’s not what I feel when I do it!
ELIAS: That is the reason that I expressed to you perhaps you shall awaken and your acknowledgment and your appreciation for yourself shall lie in acknowledging allowing yourself to choose to not engage the shoulds or the should-nots, but rather to choose to incorporate some action that is fun or that you view to be frivolous and actually allowing yourself permission to engage that and not discounting yourself for engaging it, and acknowledging that as a significant accomplishment.
VIRGINIA: Okay. I could do that. (Elias laughs)
LETTY: All right, Elias, thank you very much.
STELLA: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, and I express my appreciation to all three of you and my energy of encouragement to each of you.
In this, I shall be anticipating our next meeting and more congratulations.
(Everyone laughs)
To you each in great lovingness, au revoir.
Elias departs after 57:02 minutes
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.