Pay Attention to the Process More Than the Outcome
“Pay Attention to the Process More Than the Outcome”
“In Widening Your Awareness, Some of Your Truths Become Somewhat
“Reinforce Yourself in Listening to Your Communications”
Tuesday, February 28, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra)
(Elias’ arrival time is unavailable.)
ELIAS: Good morning.
FRANK: Ah, good morning. Good morning. So glad to talk to you again. (Elias chuckles) I really look forward to these sessions.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And what shall we discuss?
FRANK: Oh, well, all sorts of things. Well, it’s interesting. I just read a transcript with another person that participates in these sessions regarding truth and beliefs, and it was really valuable to me, and so I want to spend some time—a lot of time probably—talking about that.
But first, let me ask you about—just this morning, I had a dream. I only remember a brief, brief snippet of it, but it seems like if I have a dream on the day I’m talking to you, it probably has some great significance. (Elias chuckles)
So the only part I remember of it is that my wife was trying to give me a shot, and I think it was probably some sort of a sedative, and we couldn’t, sort of, decide on, like, where should she give it to me, in my arm or where? And then, so she ended up giving it to me in, I think, in my hand, but then she couldn’t look while she was doing it, and pressed this thing down on the needle and then looked away, and kind of like she couldn’t deal with it.
Now; I know you will say: What do I think that is? And the only thing that I can think of is that she’s very concerned about me and what’s going on with my business, and looking for ways to help me, and certainly giving me a sedative would probably be one of those. So I think it’s somehow wrapped up with that, but that’s about as much as I can come up with here.
ELIAS: I may express to you, yes, partially, this is associated with the imagery, but also it is, partially, imagery concerning attempting to alter yourself in some manner to generate a more efficient movement in association with your business. But in the choice that you are generating, this is concerning to your partner.
FRANK: You mean in real life, in objective life, it’s a concern to her.
FRANK: Okay. So what is it she’s concerned about, that I’m changing or is she afraid I’ll change in a way that will affect her...
ELIAS: No. No......
FRANK: ...or make me different or something?
ELIAS: ...the concern is with how you are incorporating your direction and your own response in that, that you are pushing your energy to the point that it is stressful.
FRANK: Okay. Okay, so just the heavy stress on me.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Okay, well, that’s no surprise.
ELIAS: That is significant, my friend, for in association with you, you have created physical manifestations in association with pushing yourself and generating tension and stressfulness. Therefore, your partner also views that as a potential which generates discomfort.
FRANK: So she sees a potential that I’m going to somehow create some physical ailment.
FRANK: Okay. Am I doing that?
ELIAS: Not yet.
FRANK: Okay, I didn’t think so. (Both chuckle) Okay, so basically she’s concerned about me because I’m under so much pressure and stress.
FRANK: Okay. Well, that’s not a big surprise to me. So what is this dream—this is just sort of a way of kind of reminding myself that she’s concerned?
ELIAS: That and, also, imagery to yourself concerning how you are generating this pushing of yourself and attempting to alter your expression and, in that, not allowing for your natural flow of energy.
FRANK: Okay, so I’m working at this too hard.
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.
FRANK: Or maybe being too concerned about it.
ELIAS: Yes, which we discussed previously.
FRANK: Okay, again, as you’ve said, I need to relax more. (Elias chuckles) Right?
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Okay. Okay. Anything else? We should talk about that a little later, if I can relax more. (Elias laughs)
Well, okay, so the dream WAS significant. (Both chuckle) Okay, boy, where do I go from here? Okay, I read this transcript the other day regarding truths, and I don’t know, there have probably been others like this, but for whatever reason, this one really struck a chord with me probably because of what’s going on right now.
So, I guess I wanted to talk to you about two things. Number one, just to see if you can kind of help me identify some of the “truths” that are my truths, particularly those that are affecting the situation that I’m in right now with regard to my business. And, then, I also kind of want to talk about if there’s a difference—I’m not quite sure I’m going to phrase this properly—but, in terms of its effect on me, or the world, or whatever; truths that I have about myself versus things that I believe about other people.
Why don’t we start with the first one, if we could? What are some of the main beliefs—something you could you help me identify—some of the main beliefs that I have that are sort of affecting my situation in business right now? And I’ll start with some that we’ve sort of talked about, and then I’m hoping maybe you can help me to identify some of the influences of these beliefs.
I think one is the concept of, let’s say, the need to struggle to attain goals. This may or may not be the same thing: the need to work hard. Next is—I’m not sure how to phrase this exactly—but, let’s say, the idea of responsibility.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Next is the idea or the belief that I’m influenced by things outside of me.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Those are, kind of, the main ones that I’m sort of coming up with here.
ELIAS: Do you recognize the absoluteness of these?
FRANK: Yeah, I do. I do...
ELIAS: Goals...
FRANK: I must say, again, the session you had, it was with Rodney, and that was all about truths and beliefs and all that, and it was like I read that, and I was, like; wow! I mean, since then, I’ve thought of all sorts of other things, some significant, some not very significant, but, yeah, I do recognize the absoluteness.
But I guess maybe where...I guess I have two questions for you. I think these are sort of high level things, okay, and I think that I’m wondering if, number one, are any what I would, sort of, term high level truths that I’m not seeing that are also key to what’s going on? And then the other thing is: What are the influences of these things that filter down to things like it’s hard to find good employees—things like that? I guess those are my two questions for you, at this stage.
ELIAS: Do you recall our previous conversation concerning the container?
FRANK: Yes, where things kind of build up.
FRANK: Vaguely. I should go back and take another look at it.
ELIAS: This is significant, my friend, for this is how you are influenced in doing what you engage with your business in regard to any avenue of it. Goals are a significant truth with you which, as I have expressed: Your truths are not bad. And in some capacity, they are also associated with your preferences, for they are your guidelines. But in widening your awareness, some of your truths become somewhat altered. And that can generate confusion, and it can create, in some manner, what you would term to be a temporary instability.
FRANK: Yeah, well I feel a little unstable right now.
ELIAS: Now; in association with this truth of goals, this would be an example of a truth that is being somewhat altered. It is not that you are discontinuing incorporating that as a guideline, but changing it slightly. Not that you shall not or do not continue to incorporate goals or express goals, but that they are being approached somewhat differently.
This is also what we discussed, previously, concerning acknowledging the old and not opposing it, but also allowing for the new. It is somewhat of a transitional action in which you recognize old experiences, or old directions, or actions that you have incorporated previously, but you also allow for the new and the movement into the new without opposing the old.
Part of the old is associated with the goals, and part of the new is associated with the goals. For in the new, you are moving yourself into paying attention to the process more than the outcome. You continue to express the goal of the outcome, of what you want, but that is shifting from the primary focus of attention to the secondary, and the process is becoming the primary.
But, in this, you are struggling with both. You are opposing the process, and you are opposing the outcome.
FRANK: Okay.
ELIAS: For it is the issue of the goal that is creating the confusion and the instability. For you are unsure of how to be paying attention to the process as the primary function, rather than holding your attention upon the outcome, which is familiar to you. But you oppose yourself in paying attention to the outcome, for you are expressing to yourself, “I should not be concerning myself with the outcome. I should be paying attention to the process.” And, therefore, you generate this struggle, for you automatically pay attention to the outcome. It is not a matter of ignoring what the wanted outcome is, but to be allowing yourself the old expression, acknowledging that, in looking to your outcome, so to speak, but also shifting your attention to the process and paying attention to what you are doing now.
What you continue to do is you continue to semi-pay attention to what you are doing now, but you are always paying attention to what MAY be or what CAN be or what MIGHT be and what SHOULD be. Therefore, your attention is divided, but it is more heavily weighing in the direction of anticipation, in projecting, rather than paying attention to what you are doing now, and this is significant. For as we discussed with the container, those same truths that generate significant expressions or events or occurrences are the same truths that are associated with many actions that you incorporate within your day that you do not incorporate thought with. You automatically generate actions, but every action that you do, within your day, is associated with these guidelines in some capacity, and that is what motivates you to do them.
In this, the reason that it is important that you be paying attention to what you are doing now is that THAT is affecting of what you create. You express to myself that this conversation that I incorporated with Zacharie was impactful to you. One of the subjects that we discussed was associated with money and his association that he does not have money, period.
FRANK: That he doesn’t have any money, right.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Yeah, that was significant.
ELIAS: That is an association that he generates, and in that, as he continuously expresses that and concentrates upon that, he does not allow himself to generate what he wants. He exists in less than, for he creates obstacles, for his concentration is seated in lack. This is significant. For in association with lack, an individual may focus upon one significant expression that they perceive they lack, such as money, which you also are doing, but that is reflected in many other actions that you incorporate within your day. You may not incorporate enough paper. You may not incorporate enough time. You may not incorporate enough help. You may be lacking in resources. Whatever direction you turn, there is some expression of lack. You lack support.
It is expressed in mundane actions. You may move to your kitchen, and you may move to your refrigerator and open the refrigerator and gaze in at the contents, and you may express to yourself that there is not enough juice. There is not enough milk. There is not enough butter. This is the point of the container.
All of these actions that you generate within your day, that you do not notice, that you do not pay attention to, are all associated with the same truths, the same guidelines as are being expressed in what you view as significant expressions. You are not incorporating enough within your workforce. And I would express to you, that within your day, regardless of where you place yourself physically, you shall find some expression that you are also lacking—that there is not enough. But what you pay attention to is: there is not enough help; there is not enough money.
FRANK: Okay, so let’s say, those are two things that I have been expressing myself. So, the solution is to recognize that these are not, in fact, truths; they are just truths I’ve decided to adopt, that I don’t have to adopt.
ELIAS: They are associated with the truth of the goals. They are influences. And in this, how you alter that is recognizing and acknowledging what the truth is, which is that concerning goals, and allowing yourself to move your concentration and your attention. You can continue to acknowledge the goals, but the reason that all of these influences are being expressed is that you are concentrating, not upon the process and now, but you are concentrating in anticipation of future. Where your concentration moves is to the association of IF I accomplished this goal now, I would not be lacking. But this does not allow for the acknowledgment of what you are doing now, for you are continuously projecting in anticipation of future, regardless of what you are doing.
As you interact with another individual within your business, you are not genuinely paying attention to what you are doing in the moment. You are not genuinely paying attention fully to that interaction, for there is a constant underlying projection of what may or may not be in association with the individual futurely. As you interact with what you view as the business itself, or the mechanics of the business, you are not genuinely paying attention to what you are actually doing and how you are interacting with it in the moment, in the present, for underlyingly you continue to project in anticipation of what may or may not be futurely.
FRANK: Okay, well...
ELIAS: In...
FRANK: ...I’ll just say, don’t do that anymore.
ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, in generating this type [these types] of associations, in allowing yourself to fall into this pit of lack, you are not acknowledging what you are presenting to yourself. You push it away. You want to generate business, correct?
FRANK: Uh huh.
ELIAS: You are presenting yourself with business, correct?
ELIAS: You are pushing it away, correct?
ELIAS: The reason you are pushing it away is that you are generating this expression of lack. You cannot accommodate the business that you are generating for you are lacking.
FRANK: Uh huh.
ELIAS: And, therefore, what do you create? You create lack.
FRANK: Right.
ELIAS: But you are not actually creating lack. You are generating, but you are not acknowledging that. You are pushing it away.
You naturally draw to yourself, and you naturally express successfulness, but you are doubting yourself. You are concentrating futurely in anticipation; you are not being present now. You are not paying attention to what you are actually doing and, therefore, you are pushing away what you naturally draw to yourself. And you are opposing your own successfulness.
FRANK: Yeah, I’d say that sums it up.
ELIAS: (Laughs) This is the reason that I spoke with you concerning acknowledging your truths, to acknowledge the guideline that you incorporate to set goals, but to also allow for the new movement, which is to be paying attention to the process and remembering that YOU are the business.
FRANK: Uh huh. Okay, let me just back you up one second to make sure I understand something here.
ELIAS: Very well.
FRANK: When we talk about goals as one of my truths, let me make sure I understand what that really means. What I think that means is that I believe it’s important to set goals and to focus on the goal in order to attain the goal.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Is that a fair summary?
FRANK: Okay.
ELIAS: Which is a guideline, and you generate that guideline in many, many, many different capacities, even in what you term to be small, mundane actions. They are motivated by an association with goals.
FRANK: And let me make sure I understand what it would be good for me to express differently to be happier, let’s say, and that is that it is okay to set the goal, but once I set it, don’t focus on it, focus on the process.
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking. This is not to say that you shall entirely ignore the goal, for that is an element of your motivation—but not to be concentrating upon the goal. You have already set the goal. You already know what it is. It is unnecessary to continue to concentrate upon that.
FRANK: Okay.
ELIAS: Once that is set, it matters not. Now what is important to be concentrating upon and to be focused upon with your attention is the process and the now, for the now creates the future, which is the outcome, which is the goal.
FRANK: Okay. Okay. I think I’ve improved a little bit on this in the last couple weeks. I don’t know…
ELIAS: (Laughs) Somewhat.
FRANK: Yeah, I know, it’s minor, but every little victory helps.
ELIAS: Ah, and do not discount that, for this is actually the point. In that, you acknowledge the successes and the accomplishments that you generate in each step of the process, for that is the difference that shall interrupt the concentration upon lack. Rather than continuously, throughout your day, acknowledging what you are lacking, moving [move] your attention and continuously acknowledging [acknowledge] accomplishments and successes in the process, for that process is creating the goal.
Do you want to be creating the goal of lack?
FRANK: No. (Both laugh) No. No. No. No. No. A thousand times, no.
Okay. All right. So, I think if I understand correctly, this is the main thing I need to focus on, but what about all these other truths that I had sort of talked to you about earlier—the concept of the need to struggle, that I need to work hard, and the whole concept of responsibility? Are you saying that the main thing that’s affecting me now is this business of the truth of goals as opposed to these other things?
ELIAS: I would express to you, responsibility is a strong truth with you, also, which somewhat intertwines itself, at times, with the guideline of goals. The belief that you express in relation to struggle is not quite a truth with you. It is a strong belief, and it is an expressed belief, but you fluctuate with that belief. At times, you allow yourself to relax that belief, in a manner of speaking, by choosing different influences. That I would not express to you as one of your truths. A truth is a guideline. It is a belief that you have generated into an absolute and, therefore, is strongly influencing in any expression that you incorporate. Yes, responsibility would be another of your truths.
FRANK: Okay, so with regard to that, and I know that’s been affecting of me and...
ELIAS: Cause and effect is another one of your truths.
FRANK: You’re right. (Both chuckle)
ELIAS: Which you may be noticing with THAT guideline and, perhaps, even allowing yourself a time framework to be playfully examining that in how that influences you in almost all that you do.
FRANK: Yeah, well, I would say that that probably applies to most everyone, right?
ELIAS: Many individuals, not all.
FRANK: Okay. Okay. Well, let’s go back to the part about the goals because that seems to be the focus of what we’ve talked about here. So, really, I need to recognize...well, I need to determine...let’s put it this way, you’ve helped me identify that as a truth for me. And I guess what I need to determine is: Do I want that to be a truth for me? And is that in line with my preferences?
ELIAS: Yes, it is.
FRANK: Oh, you’re saying it DEFINITELY is.
ELIAS: Yes. And let me also express to you, do not move into the trap of viewing your own truths as bad, for they are not. They are, as I have expressed, your guidelines, and they serve to generate precisely that function—to guide your behavior and your expressions in association with your preferences.
FRANK: Okay.
ELIAS: It is merely a matter of recognizing what your truths are and understanding how that influences you in certain situations, and recognizing that you also incorporate choice, and that you can choose to focus your attention upon different influences WITH THE SAME GUIDELINE, but different influences of it.
FRANK: Okay. Okay. I have to think about that one, but I think I understand what you’re saying.
Okay, well, let’s talk about a small thing that occurred that I noticed last night, okay, and let’s see where that takes us in terms of the truths and all of this.
I was down in my rec room last night, and I don’t know what caused me to notice this, but I noticed that there’s a lot of dust by one of the tables. And so I went and got something, and I cleaned that up, and then I looked somewhere else, and I noticed there was a lot of dust there. All of a sudden, there was a lot of dust everywhere. So, what is that? I mean...(Elias chuckles)...I mean, I don’t feel like it was like a sign of saying there’s a lot of moss growing in your mind, you’re not seeing things, or some of these old things that are there that you need to clean up.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I may express to you: this is quite obvious imagery, and it is associated not, necessarily, with cleaning up, so to speak, but more associated with the abundance of what you generate that you do not even see.
FRANK: You mean, like, talking about how, like, I’m generating all this business?
FRANK: All right, as long as you’ve brought that up, the ironic thing, in the midst of everything that’s occurred in terms of my business, is that although the business is struggling, personally it seems like I’m generating more money than ever, and I’m generating—I don’t want to say more money than I know what to do with, but it’s kind of like that. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m so busy that I can’t spend what I’m getting, (Elias chuckles) but I have noticed that businesswise all this time that I’m really worried about it, but on the personal side it’s, like, exactly the opposite.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: So, what is that? Another little message to myself of what I’m not seeing?
ELIAS: Yes. It is emphasizing how much you are not paying attention to what is there before you, what is present directly in front of you, and you are not seeing.
FRANK: Now; all of this is because of this focus on this goal. Well, I don’t mean all of it, but a lot of this is due to the fact that I’m just focused on the goal, which I don’t have yet, and that’s making me feel a sense of lack, and that’s sort of coloring everything.
FRANK: Man, why don’t I get this stuff easier?
ELIAS: (Laughs) I may express to you, my friend, you are not singular in this direction, and there are many, many, many other individuals that generate struggle and considerable challenge in association with their truths also.
FRANK: Yeah, but we don’t care about that, do we?
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: There you go! (Both laugh) I want to express to you, my friend, it matters not.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Correct! (Both laugh) For what is important is you. (Laughs)
FRANK: Yes, there you go. That’s right. (Elias laughs) Okay, well, this is, at least, twice you’ve told me about this very bluntly, so...
ELIAS: (Laughs) Continue to remind yourself of the dust, (Laughs) for as abundant as you viewed the dust to be (Laughs)...
FRANK: And the more I looked, the more I found.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And this is what you are also generating in other areas. (Chuckles)
FRANK: All right. And the significance of cleaning the dust is what? That I’m seeing it or recognizing it or...
ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes, and acknowledging its existence. (Laughs)
FRANK: Wow, that’s weird, but okay. Okay.
Now, let me ask you; our time’s getting a little short here so, just briefly, one of the things that happened to me since we last talked is one of my employees, who has emotional problems, just was yelling and screaming and swearing at me over the telephone—was just kind of going crazy. So, I thought about it afterward and I said, okay, this is some kind of message from myself to myself, but I’m not sure what it is.
ELIAS: And what have we been discussing? What type of energy have you been expressing?
FRANK: Lack.
ELIAS: And what type of ENERGY have you been expressing?
FRANK: What TYPE of energy? I don’t know—negative energy?
ELIAS: Opposing.
FRANK: Oh, opposing. Okay.
ELIAS: And what are you reflecting?
FRANK: Oh, okay. I got it.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Congratulations—one point.
FRANK: That was a cheap point. I don’t think I deserve it, but...
ELIAS: (Laughs) Acknowledgment, acknowledgment!
FRANK: Okay, yeah, I deserve that point. Why don’t you give me two?
ELIAS: Very well.
FRANK: Okay, thank you. I deserve that. (Elias laughs) Okay. (Laughs) It’s always fun to talk to you. (Elias laughs)
Okay, now, here’s another one. I think I know what you’re going to say here, but let me try it anyway. For a long time I’ve wanted to lose some weight. And all of a sudden now, out of the blue, I’ve lost what is, for me, a fair amount of weight, and I was worried about that; you know, I’m sick or something. (Elias laughs) So, are we back to the same thing there?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking—the lack of acknowledgment. You, once again, set a goal, accomplished it, and now you question your own goal.
FRANK: Yeah. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And rather than acknowledging yourself in your accomplishment, you question yourself.
FRANK: Ah, okay.
ELIAS: Acknowledgment, acknowledgment, acknowledgment, acknowledgment. (Laughs)
FRANK: All right, let me write that down. Let me see if I got that. Acknowledgment...
ELIAS: (Both laugh) Perhaps, I shall be expressing my energy within your ear and be expressing this word repeatedly to you.
FRANK: Yeah, smack me in the face or something. (Elias laughs) I’d like to see you do that.
Okay, two other things here...maybe three...two other things. I went on a trip, a business trip, about a month ago, came back, unpacked my suitcase, and then, all of a sudden, the suitcase seemingly disappeared. And I said to my wife, “Where did you put it?” And she said, “I didn’t put it anywhere.” And she said, “Where did you put it?” And I said I thought I put it in the closet, but it’s not in the closet. So, anyway, it’s like this suitcase disappeared. So, what was that all about? (Elias chuckles) The only thing I can think of is I don’t like going on trips. (Elias chuckles) Business, at least.
ELIAS: Partially. And have you retrieved your glove?
FRANK: No. (Elias laughs) But I’m trying not to...I don’t want to focus on that, so...
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And perhaps the glove and the suitcase are together.
FRANK: Come on! (Both laugh) Well, I don’t think so, because the glove was missing before the suitcase.
ELIAS: Ah, once again, the impossible.
FRANK: (Both laugh) Okay, so they’re hiding out together, laughing at me. (Both laugh) Well, I’m looking forward to the glove reappearing but, like I say, I’m not looking, and trying not to focus on it. I don’t know, sometimes, I focus on things, and I don’t know it. (Elias laughs) But okay, you know, I mean, other than the business about don’t want to travel, what the hell’s going on with the suitcase? (Elias chuckles) Unlike the glove, I have no attachment to it.
ELIAS: I am understanding, but it is a challenge. For it is another presentment of the impossible and, perhaps, when you find the suitcase, you will find the glove.
FRANK: Okay. (Both laugh) Yeah, but you told me not to look, right?
ELIAS: I am acknowledging, yes. (Both laugh)
FRANK: Okay, so this is like a little puzzle for me here (Elias chuckles), right? Is that right?
FRANK: Okay. All right, well...
ELIAS: And a presentment of your own parlor tricks.
FRANK: Well, I’m assuming it didn’t completely disappear. It’s just somewhere; I don’t know where it is.
FRANK: Are you telling me it really disappeared?
FRANK: No kidding? Wow! (Elias laughs) Well, there’s got to be some truth behind what I’m thinking about that, that I need to examine—the truth that it can’t really disappear.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: I’d better write that down in the truths, right? (Laughs)
ELIAS: Of what is possible, and what is impossible, and what must always incorporate a logical explanation.
FRANK: Boy, you know, sometime, when I call you in the future, we’re going to have to talk about that (Elias chuckles), probably when I’m not worried about all these other things.
ELIAS: Very well.
FRANK: So, okay, last one for you here—I thought a lot about what you said last time, about how I had made some hiring mistakes because I did so out of desperation, and I thought about how significant that was. And so I’m in a position now to hire someone again, and as you can well imagine, to some degree feeling desperate, but aware of that. I’m aware of that I don’t want to make that mistake again.
ELIAS: Listen to your intuition, and listen to your communications. Pay attention to energy, and allow yourself to genuinely assimilate the energy. Genuinely pay attention to what you present to yourself. And rather than immediately leaping, allow yourself to pause and evaluate what you are expressing within yourself.
FRANK: Okay, I knew you would say that. One of the issues for me is that, given this—what did you say earlier—just kind of, in terms of the way my energy is, and the way I am right now, I’m not sure I’m hearing myself very well. I’m not sure I’m trusting what I’m hearing from myself or even my ability to interpret what I’m hearing from myself. Does that make sense?
ELIAS: Yes, but you do know within you. Incorporate your previous example. You knew and you chose to ignore. And you knew you were choosing to ignore. Even within this direction that you have been creating in association with lack, you chose another expression of lack. And you knew. In this, you can reinforce yourself in trusting that you do hear your own communications and that you do notice your own expressions of intuition.
FRANK: Okay, well, let me try it out on you. I mean, I think that even though we really can use this person, there’s something; and I can’t even put my finger on it, that I don’t like about it.
ELIAS: It matters not whether you can objectively identify what you express as some disturbing factor. The point is that you notice and that you are generating a communication to yourself. You are expressing your intuition, and you are listening to that. Pay attention to that. Regardless of how desperate you feel, reinforce yourself in listening to your communications, listening to your intuition and following that, knowing that, if you are not following it, you shall generate more of what you do not want.
Let me express to you, my friend, it is many times little consolation to most individuals but, generally speaking, when you are listening to yourself, and you are following your intuition, you avoid events; you avoid situations that you do not want. Many times, individuals continue to not listen or ignore their own communications to PROVE to themselves that they were correct, and that their communications are trustworthy. But my inquiry to you would be, how many times must you prove to yourself that your communications are trustworthy and are correct before you listen? My suggestion is that you begin listening now. (Laughs)
FRANK: I hear you. (Elias chuckles) Okay, so, as silly as this sounds, my intuition is there’s some problem with this guy. I don’t know what it is.
ELIAS: And it matters not whether you know what it is.
FRANK: I know, but I mean, can you confirm that that is...
FRANK: ...what I think I’m hearing from myself?
FRANK: Okay. Okay, things have been so rough lately that I’m not even...
ELIAS: I am in agreement.
FRANK: I’m not confident in whether I’m understanding my communications. I find that usually when I meet with someone, in a very short time, I just have a feeling about them.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: And a lot of times I say to myself, well, that’s just on a personality level, and it doesn’t really say much about this person one way or the other, but...I don’t know if I’ve expressed that right, but...
ELIAS: I am understanding, and I am also understanding how easy it can be to discount or dismiss certain communications or attempt to override them with some expression of logic.
FRANK: There you go. That’s it.
ELIAS: But that is an action of placing the energy into the container, once again.
FRANK: Okay. Well, I wish we could keep talking, but we’re kind of over our time here. (Elias laughs) Well, as always, thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
FRANK: Okay, now two things—now, stay on me on this stuff and give me that slap in the face every now and then.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.
FRANK: I am making a request of you...
FRANK: you don’t need to feel like you’re butting in. (Elias laughs) You’re invited.
ELIAS: I never feel as [if] I am butting in. (Laughs)
FRANK: Okey dokey.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend, I shall be compliant with your request. (Laughs)
FRANK: Good. I’ll be looking for you and, well, hopefully, our next session, I’ll be able to report all the positive things...
ELIAS: Ah, very well.
FRANK: ...that have occurred. I’ll have to stay in the moment.
ELIAS: And I shall be acknowledging of you.
FRANK: Thank you.
ELIAS: To you, in tremendous appreciation, my friend, and great affection, au revoir.
FRANK: Good-bye.
(Elias departs after one hour, seven minutes.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.