Exercises for Relaxation of Held Energy
”Holding Energy and Creating Physical Manifestations”
”Descriptions of Opposing Energies”
”Expectations and Discounting Self”
”Exercises for Relaxation of Held Energy”
Thursday, February 24, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Marj (Grady)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
MARJ: Good afternoon! Hello, Elias. Good to hear your voice again.
ELIAS: And you also. And what shall we discuss?
MARJ: Oh, many things. Its good to be able to talk to you verbally as I know I have been talking to you individually for quite some time. And Ill get to that later because Ive gotten an awful lot of information. I just wanted to ask you a couple of general questions to start off.
ELIAS: Very well.
MARJ: I wanted to know, am I a dispersed essence?
MARJ: Am I emotional focus?
MARJ: Am I an old soul?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.
MARJ: Okay, because sometimes I get confused; I had always believed that I was an old soul, but lately I have felt like maybe I’m not so much an old soul but one that has come into this focus with much awareness and open to many avenues of communication, and so its not so much old soul as awareness. Can you elaborate on that?
ELIAS: It would be more associated with what you generate in THIS focus, for …
MARJ: What I generate in what? Im sorry.
ELIAS: What you generate in this focus and the allowance of an openness or an awareness in THIS focus, for in actuality, it matters not, generally speaking, whether you incorporate many, many, many focuses in this reality or very few. It is each focus themselves that generate the type of awareness that they express.
MARJ: Could you tell me how many focuses I have had in this dimension?
ELIAS: Numbering of focuses: 1,928.
MARJ: Thank you. Well that answers a huge thing. Now, I want to really to get down to brass tacks here. (Becomes emotional) And whats going on with me is Im experiencing headaches every day and nausea and I have already been dealing with a lot of pain, and I know Im very emotional, so bear with me. I know that the pain Ive been dealing with that has been trying to show me something, but Im confused now with this new problem with the headaches and the nausea. And if you could help me with direction and what might be causing this.
ELIAS: And what is your assessment thus far?
MARJ: Im not sure. I know that I had been talking to you and I had been asking for direction and, lets say, a kick in the ass to get moving, so to speak, but Im not sure if Im missing the message and thats why I am experiencing this discomfort; this disease.
ELIAS: First of all, let me express to you that a significant factor in this is you not allowing yourself to discover and identify your preferences. You incorporate considerable time frameworks concentrating upon “the should’s” and the “should nots,” and that blocks your ability to recognize what you actually prefer. In this also, you generate a strong pushing of your energy; you express strong expectations of yourself and that creates a strong HOLDING of energy. Generally speaking, as individuals hold strongly to their energy, it is expressed in some physical manifestation for this is the most efficient manner in which the body consciousness can address to that held energy. I have expressed many, many, times, energy WILL BE EXPRESSED. You can hold tightly to it, but merely temporarily; it shall be expressed.
And, generally speaking, if an individual is holding very tightly to their energy, it shall be expressed in some manner physically. Generating an action of what the individual would assess as excessive weeping; generating physical manifestations; painful physical expressions; it can even be expressed in what you would identify as debilitating disease. In this, yes, you are correct, you have been interactive with myself but you also shield. And in that shielding you continue to concentrate upon the expectations that you express with yourself. That also creates somewhat of what you would term to be a domino effect. For the more that you generate these expectations the more you discount yourself. And all of these expressions create an energy of opposing. Expectations are an opposing energy; discounting yourself is an opposing energy; comparing yourself is an opposing energy; acquiescing and complying are opposing energies. Personal responsibility is an opposing energy; there are many, many, many forms of opposing energy. And in this, you are expressing and have been expressing for a time frame work opposing energies with yourself that are expressed to an extent that they are (pause) blocking imagination; which blocks inspiration, and which also dissipates motivation. And the less you experience motivation the more you concentrate upon the opposition.
MARJ: (Emotional) Well, I must admit (inaudible). It must be quite (inaudible) because I feel like Im in a whirlpool (pause) pulling down.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
MARJ: Almost drowning again.
ELIAS: I am I understanding.
MARJ: And at the same time, I know that I have lowered the veils again (inaudible) so much communication that it is ringing in my ears and I dont know how to quiet myself to listen to access the information or to pass it on—let it go. I also thought that I had made a move to make some changes; I made a choice to change career, thus go back to school and gotten myself physically moving again and… but I incorporated that with trying to help out family members. So, what good I was trying to do for myself I guess I… it got lost in the (pause) expectations for myself as well as for my family members. And I just dont know how to get out of this damned whirlpool!
ELIAS: First of all I shall express several exercises that shall be helpful in interrupting this familiar direction of opposition that you express with yourself. I shall express to you the first exercise is that within each day you shall acknowledge some accomplishment that you have generated within the day; FIVE TIMES WITHIN YOUR DAY. It matters not what the accomplishment is, but that you genuinely recognize and acknowledge yourself for an accomplishment—five times within your day.
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: Also, I shall express the next exercise of allowing yourself IN THE LEAST THREE TIMES within your day some expression of GENUINE appreciation. Once again, it matters not what you appreciate concerning yourself, but that is a genuine expression of appreciation. In conjunction with the appreciation I shall express to you to obtain a bowl. This bowl will be one of considerable size, and one of a pleasing color and one that is aesthetically pleasing to you.
MARJ: Same as you told Joe (inaudible).
ELIAS: Yes. In this bowl, you shall place water, and each time you generate an expression of appreciation, you shall place a flower petal in the water. (Pause) In placing the flower petal, not an entire flower; one petal - for each appreciation. As you place them in the water, it shall remind you of the genuineness of appreciation. For you can appreciate the movement of the petals in the water. The third exercise that I shall express to you also incorporates water. In this, once within your day, you shall incorporate water within a tub. This exercise shall incorporate a visualization but it is important that you place yourself in the water, physically, before beginning the visualization. In this, incorporate a few of your minutes to relax within the water, and incorporate NO THINKING. Merely allow yourself to move your attention to physical sensation. Allow yourself to feel your physical body relaxing; allow yourself to FEEL the water in association with your body. Subsequent to a few minutes of engaging the water; and NOT thinking, but merely feeling - begin the visualization.
Now; this visualization also shall incorporate physical SENSE experience that shall generate allowing you to focus. The visualization itself does not incorporate thought either. In this visualization you are floating - your body incorporates no weight - it is floating within water, and in that, allow yourself to physically FEEL the water upon your skin; allow yourself to HEAR the sound of the water as it moves; allow yourself to taste the water; allow yourself to smell the water. This water is perfumed. This water shall incorporate the perfume of rose and jasmine. In this, as you FEEL the water, in your visualization, I shall interact with you. I shall create a whirlpool within your water, and you shall be within the center of it; but rather than moving down, the water shall support you and shall lift you upward. This visualization is important, for it shall serve to be helpful in allowing you to focus, and to QUIET THINKING. It is not that you must not incorporate thought, but that you are generating scatteredness and you are thinking to the point of distraction. But all of that thinking is not actually generating much information— it is merely chatter — and that is expressed in relation to the scatteredness of your energy.
As you practice FOCUSING and NOT THINKING, this shall allow you to relax and allow you to generate an openness in which you can express a beginning point of clarity. It shall also be encouraging to you and reinforcing of you in BALANCING. You are not balanced. It shall also be helpful in allowing you to CENTER. In centering you can much more effectively FOCUS. I also shall suggest one more exercise that shall be incorporated within your morning time framework. That shall be to incorporate a brief walk. But, once again, there is an action to be generated in this walk. As you incorporate this walk within your morning time framework, pay attention to your physical senses, AND generate some action that prompts you to laugh.
MARJ: Prompts me to what? Im sorry.
ELIAS: Laugh.
MARJ: Laugh, okay.
ELIAS: It matters not what you do to incorporate that action, but each day, within your walk, you shall generate some action that show prompt you to laugh. All of these exercises shall interrupt familiar patterns and cycles that you have been generating. And they shall also encourage imagination. They shall encourage you to open to imagination. Imagination is important for that is what generates inspiration. And all of these exercises shall be helpful to you in relaxing you, and helpful in identifying what your preferences actually are, (pause) without distraction, for the exercises create the distraction themselves. (Elias laughs)
MARJ: Yes, they will!
ELIAS: In this also, remind yourself (said deliberately) it is not what you do for others that is important, it is what you do for YOU that is important. For in doing for YOU, the automatic byproduct is that you also do for others. In supporting YOU, you automatically support other individuals.
MARJ: Now; I have a question that kind of goes back to when I was younger, and correct me if Im wrong, I feel that I made a decision; that I came here with much knowing and I chose to forget again to experience in my years of addiction and… How can I practice to let the dreams and the visions that I used to allow to flow easily - to resume again? Will that come with some of these exercises?
ELIAS: YES! If you continue to generate these exercises, that shall also allow you, in relaxing, to begin to generate those types of expressions. But first we must address to what you have been doing and interrupting that. And generating actual actions that allow you the ability to move out of this whirlwind.
MARJ: Does knowing why I chose to do all this help?
ELIAS: In this time framework, not necessarily.
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: What is the most important in THIS present now is that you address to it and you allow yourself to move OUT of that whirlwind of opposition.
MARJ: Okay. On a lighter note, we discussed some time back what the doctors called a seizure, or epilepsy. We discussed that it was blinking out.
ELIAS: Correct.
MARJ: Was that blinking out to another dimension and, if so, can you tell me to what to mention, or was in Regional Area III or elaborate a little further?
ELIAS: It is blinking out to other realities, not merely one.
MARJ: Any one in particular that I enjoyed? Or that I might even be able to incorporate?
ELIAS: YES! One that also incorporates what would be translated in your reality as water. The actual substance is not quite water in YOUR terms; in relation to the type of water you that know within your reality, but it incorporates a similar consistency. But the focuses in that reality ARE the water. They are very fluid and generate the ability to create many, many, many different shapes and forms; reconfiguring themselves in any moment to generate different shapes dependent upon what they choose to incorporate in action.
MARJ: It reminds me of a movie, it’s funny, (inaudible name) just written it down on paper, theres a movie called ”The Abyss” in which an entity is of a substance like water, and it grows …
MARJ: … and it has no boundaries.
MARJ: And Im drawn to many things like that. And its funny because Ive wanted a what we call a hot tub or whirlpool bath for a long time because I thought it would be good for my aches and pains but now, what you’re saying is that I need it for more than just the physical aches and pains; I need it for many more reasons.
ELIAS: That may be quite beneficial, for it also shall generate an encouragement for you to relax physically. And in relaxing the physical body consciousness, it is easier to relax the mind, so to speak.
MARJ: I am sure I have other questions that I need to calm down (inaudible) go ahead and ask some (inaudible) questions on a later night, I hope. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Very well.
MARJ: Have I ever told you how much I loved you? (Elias cracks up)
ELIAS: Many times, my friend.
MARJ: Well, make that ditto, please! (Elias cracks up again) Just (inaudible). Okay. I need to ask you my cat Dickens. You know, I was having lots of fun after our last session; exploring a lot of things like tones, music, flying - really neat things - and then all of a sudden family responsibility and obligations poked its head up again and I could see the impact of the things I was doing; the cat was MIRRORING everything to me, and it finally got to the point where I wanted to run away from home and he DID! So, is he just out enjoying the freedom that I want? Or has someone taken him in and is caring for him, and one of these days Ill open the door and hell come back? (Elias laughs) Or has he…you know, he hasnt gotten hurt or disengaged or anything, has he?
ELIAS: I have answered this question.
MARJ: I know, but quite a few days went by.
ELIAS: I am understanding. It has not disengaged.
MARJ: Good.
ELIAS: And it is not hurt.
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: And I may express that it is “being a feline,” and generating natural movement and playfulness.
MARJ: Oh, good! So then I can too.
MARJ: I needed to hear that so bad. (Elias laughs) Because I got… right before he left, I felt obliged to take in another kitten and his name is Wolfie
and hes very different from Dickens. And at first I kind of resented him because I was thinking that maybe Dickens left because he didnt like the intrusion, and I thought; well, this is mirroring things; this is not the cat is creating his own reality so I began to look at Wolfie as a gift - and it’s really helped to get along without Dickens being around. I had this other playful creature here. (Elias chuckles) And I want to go back to having the fun I was having before. And I can just relax and I think the whole thing ended up being allowance and accepting.
MARJ: An example of it?
ELIAS: Yes. And addressing to how you associate with obligation.
MARJ: Yeah, I was doing so good then all of a sudden I just dug a ditch for myself again and I watched it happening, and I thought, “Look at this!” (Elias chuckles) Absolutely amazing! But anyway, what I started to do after the last time we talked was doing ”feel good” things; like reading a lot of sessions where you told us how wondrous we are, and at the time I read them I went, ”Yeah, sure!” (Elias cracks up) But suddenly they began to pop off the page and I read where Paul (inaudible) - I think was his essence name - met up with his essence in a dream and had this wonderful feeling of ”Wondrous Abandon,” I think he called it, and Ive been chasing that. And I read where Mary went to a place with … of transparent beings and heartbreakingly beautiful music, and I hope Im going there because things are changing; I listen to music and … and my vibration changes and Im kinda like transported someplace; I always end up crying because Im very emotional. But one of the things that happens is theres a group called Il Divo and their (inaudible) generally is the same; theres a song called Passera. Ive never learned to read music, and I dont even know what theyre saying, but theres one voice there, three minutes forty seconds into the song that, I dont know, its like a remembrance or something feeling, and in four seconds later a second note and I was wondering if that’s my tone that Im hearing - or whats happening to me?
ELIAS: Partially, and partially it is a type of memory.
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: In association with another focus of yours that generates this type of singing and it is partially widening your awareness and opening yourself through the avenue of music.
MARJ: It’s funny, you know I have trees; woods all around me and one day a truck pulled up, and all across the street from me, looking right out my front windows, they cut down all the trees and I felt like I was dying. All those beautiful trees just gone. And then I looked again, and everythings wide open, and I loved that too! And I thought, well thats a reflection that Im opening, yes?
MARJ: Okay! Wonderful! Have I ever played the piano?
MARJ: Classical?
MARJ: I have a focus thats done that?
MARJ: Okay. Famous, or just a regular person?
ELIAS: You incorporate several that generate this type of creativity.
MARJ: Really? Because I listen to this Nina Simone - she’s a singer; and theres this song called ”Wild Is The Wind,” and with all the hurricanes and everything that was going on, I got so caught up in that; the wind that was generated, and let the wind blow through my heart, and she plays the piano and those tones; those notes - they just drive me crazy inside! (Both laugh) And I love it! (Elias chuckles) What about that white being that Paul saw? Have I gotten anywhere near that?
ELIAS: Allow yourself to float within dreams. And as you float within dreams you shall allow yourself to move more into those types of experiences.
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: And perhaps another suggestion would be to allow yourself to SOFTLY play your music as you generate sleep.
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: For as you are sleeping, the tones of the music shall allow you a different type of relaxation, but shall also continue to engage an aspect of your objective awareness, and allow you to connect in those tones, incorporating music as a facilitator.
MARJ: Okay, just as Margie uses water.
MARJ: Okay. So my pain and (inaudible) say about Mary, and that heartbreakingly beautiful music, and reading about Paul; those things are whats driven my going off in that direction? Lets say, I didnt actually do those things, but they brought me to a place where I can experience them?
MARJ: Is that how it works?
MARJ: Yeah. Okay. Ooh, I love it!
ELIAS: And you incorporate your OWN method which involves the music.
MARJ: Yes. I told you I FLEW one night in my dreams. I flew so high, so fast, I broke the sound barrier and I heard it and felt it! (Elias laughs) And boy, was THAT something else! And then, I flew, I believe, a second time in the same dream, or else I picked up the dream shortly after the first one and I flew again and this time I not only flew way up in the air, but I also flew straight down into the ocean and looked at the ocean floor, and I remember thinking to myself, “I never knew there was this much trash down here,” and then up I came again. And I landed the plane, and I’ve never actually physically been on a plane in my life before; I went by a voice in my head telling me exactly what to do… was I translating that into my being in an actual physical plane when I wasnt - I was just flying?
ELIAS: No. You were offering yourself imagery that whatever you choose is possible. Regardless of whether you incorporate a knowledge of what you are doing or not, it can be accomplished.
MARJ: Okay. So that would (inaudible) imagination (inaudible)?
MARJ: Okay. Now; I had two really funny things happen to me. One day I was coming out of the supermarket and I heard this male voice say “Hello. Hello. Hello!” and I thought, “My goodness, why doesn’t somebody answer him?” And I turned around and he was looking at me. And he had a big smile on his face; he looked me up and down and said ”Hello!” And I said, ”Well hello to you, too!” And I turned around and I walked out scratching my head: ”Whats that all about?” And a week or so later I was walking into Wal-Mart and a young fellow coming out of Wal-Mart started to say “Hi” and hes laughing, and the two of us ended up saying “Hi” and “How are you?” and all this and that, and I was wondering if that happened, first of all, because I was feeling good about myself on both of those occasions, and the other thing is were they an aspect if you?
ELIAS: Yes to both questions. (Marj cracks up)
MARJ: (Laughs) I knew it! That was so good, that was so cool! (Laughs again) Great! Ive got to get back to that again. (Elias cracks up) These are all things that were happening before I stuck myself in the family responsibility thing again. (Elias laughs)
MARJ: The actor Brad Pitt; is he by any chance the same essence as my son Michael (Inaudible)?
ELIAS: Counterpart.
MARJ: Counterpart? Okay. Because they remind me so much when I look at his picture. Okay. Excellent. You told me once that I had a focus named Hercules, and when I was about ten years old my mother was sick - she was bedridden for a few months - and my dad hired a young girl to come in and watch over my sister and I and straighten up the house and she was just a skinny little thing, and her name was Hercules and I never forgot that because she was such a skinny little thing, and I couldnt have imagined somebody like that being named Hercules, but thats why I always remembered that name. Was she a focus of mine?
ELIAS: No, also a counterpart.
MARJ: Also a counterpart. Okay. So theres still another Hercules floating around! (Elias laughs) Okay. Rita Hayworth. Is she a focus of (inaudible)?
ELIAS: Observing.
MARJ: Observing, lifetime?
ELIAS: Partial.
MARJ: Partial? Okay. All right, Nefertiti. Nefertitis gonna drive me crazy because I had a dream where I was walking down a flight of stairs; my left hand was on top of what I believe was Akhenaten’s hand and the name Nefertiti very clearly said in my head. Marco had to ask for me if Nefertiti was a focus of mine and I got misunderstood because I just read the session not too long ago where Im an observing essence. I was very disappointed but at the same time, I dont think I was ever really comfortable with being this widely known world renowned beauty; it just didnt feel right to me. (Elias laughs) Anyway, I was in a gas station one day getting gas and I had a Nefertiti necklace around my neck and the young fellow that gave me the gas came to get the money and he said to me ”Nefertiti?” and I said ”Yes” and he started to walk away and he turned around and he said “Nefertite” again, and I said, ”Yes, are you Akhenaten?” And he said, No, but I KNOW Nefertiti.” (Elias chuckles) Now; what was all that about?
ELIAS: First of all, let me address to your comment that you generated disappointment in the discovery of being an observing essence of that individual. An observing essence is no different in experience than the directing essence.
MARJ: Is that only if you’re a lifetime observing essence?
MARJ: It doesnt matter, then?
ELIAS: Correct.
MARJ: Hmm! Okay. So I was still (inaudible). (Both laugh) I started to worry if maybe I saw myself in the wrong position in that dream, and that I was Akhenaten.
MARJ: No. Okay, Ill never figure out who that is! (Elias laughs) So what about the fellow in the gas station? Was that you again?
ELIAS: No. That was a recognition of energy.
MARJ: Ahhh! So he and I were known to each other in other lifetimes?
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: And that individual incorporates a focus which is also known to the individual that you are observing of.
MARJ: Oh, okay. Because it was funny the way he was ”No, he’s not Aktenahen, but I KNOW Nefertiti,” and I was thinking to myself, ”I wonder if he knows?” (Elias chuckles) And he KNOWS; I mean the way it really means.
MARJ: Yes, down deep inside somewhere?
MARJ: Elias; when you show up as those two young fellas outside the supermarket, that’s an aspect of you, correct?
ELIAS: Correct.
MARJ: Do these people realize how silly some of the things theyre doing are? I mean, do they have a realization and walk away saying ”Why did I do that?”
ELIAS: At times. (Cracks up)
MARJ: (Laughs) Because I was scratching MY head and I thought to myself ”Imagine how THEY must feel,” you know? (Elias cracks up again) Because its so cool! I love the games you play. (Elias chuckles) So my kittys okay and I can go have fun again.
ELIAS: YES. You are correct.
MARJ: And he has the choice too; to stop by some day, because you know, Im feeding every cat in the neighborhood (Elias cracks up) hoping to entice him! (Elias laughs) Oh, goodness. I have one other question: Do I remember the story of the Picture of Dorian Gray and also a movie called The Enchanted Cottage, which I feel is this house Im living in now. Is that because of my alignment with the Zuli family and my intent in this focus?
MARJ: Because you know I feel GOOD in this house, and I feel PRETTIER in this house. (Elias laughs) Then I go out and I doubt myself. (Elias chuckles) And its all symbology, isnt it?
ELIAS: Perhaps as you leave your house, bring with you some of the energy of what you have placed within the house.
MARJ: Okay.
ELIAS: And in that, you shall carry it with you.
MARJ: Okay. (Elias chuckles) I like that. You know, one morning I woke up and there was a bouquet of red flowers on my ceiling. Was that a validation I was giving myself because of my movements into unfamiliar and unknown things?
MARJ: Okay, great. I can be so nice to me, why am I mean to me? (Elias cracks up)
ELIAS: Very well, my friend.
MARJ: Thank you so much Elias!
ELIAS: I express great encouragement to you each, and shall be anticipating our next meeting. I shall be offering my energy to both of you.
MARJ: Okay, thank you so much.
ELIAS: In great appreciation, and in tremendous loving friendship to you each, au revoir.
Elias departs after 59 minutes.
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.