Session 1936

Soft vs. Common Ways of Processing Information


“Soft vs. Common Ways of Processing Information”
“Exploring Impressions”

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Participants: Mary (Michael), Anjuli (Myranda) and Gottlieb (Gottlieb)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GOTTLIEB: Good afternoon, Elias!

ANJULI: Good afternoon.

ELIAS: Ha ha! And what shall we discuss?

ANJULI: I have some small questions, and then Gottlieb will do his check-up with you.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANJULI: Elias, so far I have never played The Game with you, and now I would like to play it. Now we create a new category that would be “Opposition.”

ELIAS: Very well.

ANJULI: An entry would be “personal responsibility” for Borledim.

ELIAS: One point.

ANJULI: We can now have two entries or so?


ANJULI: Then the next entry would be “acquiescing” for Milumet.

ELIAS: One point.

ANJULI: I like it, I like it! (Elias laughs) That’s great. Is Nevio Passaro, that singer I am seeing each Saturday on TV, a current focus of Opan?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

ANJULI: Oh! Well, he did not feel it to be a focus of him. It was more from my side that I felt a similarity of essences. (Elias chuckles) Then a question about the fairy dimension. Margaret/Madison had an experience with a cat-like focus of herself, and there was another cat-like focus with her. I think that was me, that was Myranda essence, and the name of that focus is Mimi.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANJULI: I am curious about the animal that represents the energy of my focus. My essence animal is a cat, and the focus animal would be a winged unicorn?


ANJULI: Then the animal representing the essence of Gottlieb, is that a tiger?


ANJULI: We both are cats, only mine is a different one than his; he is a tiger. That is interesting! Now, two more questions about essence animals: The animal representing the essence of Patel, is that a ladybug?

ELIAS: (Pause) No, a monkey.

ANJULI: But many of us created ladybugs in an unusual season. We connected that with Patel.

ELIAS: I am understanding, yes.

ANJULI: Then your essence animal, is that a raven?


ANJULI: Greetings from my mother.

ELIAS: And you may express my greetings also.

ANJULI: Ja, and she would like to know how my father is doing.

ELIAS: (Pause) Quite well.

ANJULI: If we have to fill some more session time, I can ask more questions, but I thought I now hand over the conversation to Gottlieb.

ELIAS: Very well.

GOTTLIEB: Elias, good to hear you again. It’s been a long time. (Elias laughs) I think you are aware of my processing since the last session?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And what are you engaging?

GOTTLIEB: I think the last session was about my current focus, Francesca. Yes, and then came a time in which I was very frustrated, because I was feeling that I cannot manipulate or change my reality in any moment with full awareness. But then it changed, and I was able to let go. I think that this was a necessary time to get more balanced. Now I think that I am balanced, and I think that my energy is maybe different. That is my impression about it.

ELIAS: Correct.

GOTTLIEB: Would you say that this was a step ahead or a step back?

ELIAS: Ha ha! In your terms, I would express a step forward.

GOTTLIEB: And in your terms?

ELIAS: (Laughs) I do not view movement in a forward or backward motion! But I acknowledge the accomplishment.

ANJULI: I am curious as to how Gottlieb is processing information. I found out that Gottlieb and I are just very, very different in that. Sometimes, for example, when he was in a challenge or what and I tried to share how I create or how I view something, I discovered it seems to be that we do that so very different. The way he creates and moves seems to be tremendously different. I am a little bit curious.

ELIAS: And what would your assessment be, Gottlieb? How would you respond to that curiosity?

GOTTLIEB: I think there is not such a big difference. I do not know.

ELIAS: And what do you notice in relation to the difference?

GOTTLIEB: The difference? That it is just maybe only a difference. That is it.

ELIAS: How would you explain how you process information?

GOTTLIEB: With imagery, as a common.

ELIAS: Correct.

GOTTLIEB: Yes, and Anjuli /Myranda’s way of processing is soft, through energy.

ELIAS: Correct, but there are other differences also. For in this, with her orientation, in processing it is many times helpful to share information or to verbally express or to express in some manner in which she is being heard, for that allows her to hear herself.

You, with your orientation, for the most part process information through imagery, but you also process your own information singularly, and do not necessarily engage sharing information with another individual until the point in which you perceive you have already processed and understand what the imagery is that you have presented to yourself. Therefore, in another manner of speaking, you most likely will not share information until the point that you have expressed your own revelation.

Once that point occurs and you generate an objective understanding of what you have processed singularly, individually, alone, yourself, subsequently you shall be motivated or inspired to share information with another individual. But in the midst of processing and assimilating your own information, it becomes distracting or confusing to you to be sharing with another individual. Whereas with a soft individual, many times it is more clarifying for them to be sharing information within the time framework of processing, for that allows them to listen to what they are processing. It allows them to hear themself in a manner almost as if they were hearing another individual.

GOTTLIEB: But I think the problem in this is that before I am reaching the point of objective understanding, I am not able to verbalize it because it is mystical for me too in that time.

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding, for within your manner of processing – which is quite associated with the common orientation – within that processing time framework, it becomes distracting or generates confusion if you are sharing or discussing with another individual what you are processing.

It can also generate frustration at times, for many times the common individual is aware that they are engaging a process, and they are also aware that whatever they may be offering to themselves in one moment within that process may change in another moment as they continue to offer themselves more information. Therefore, in knowing that as they offer themselves more information their perception shall change or their idea of what is occurring shall change, they choose not to be engaging another individual and discussing that for that becomes a frustration, in that the individual thusly perceives that they must be explaining continuously and clarifying to whomever they are interacting with. For, what they may express in one moment may change in the next moment. Therefore, it is, in your terms, for most common individuals easier to not be engaging another individual in discussion concerning whatever they are processing with.

ANJULI: Very helpful to know that, Elias! (Elias chuckles) Now I understand much better.

GOTTLIEB: It’s good information for Anjuli, because I have no problem with it. I say only I am observing, I am trying to notice, and we will see what will happen.

ANJULI: I, for example, have many sessions with you and talk with you when I am processing, and Gottlieb, for example, he waited with a session.

ELIAS: Yes, for this is what I have expressed to you. If you are processing, it is helpful to you to engage the opportunity to be communicating and engaging in a way that that allows you to hear your own process. But when Gottlieb is processing, it is distracting to be engaging in a manner in which he is interactive. It is clouding of the process, for it generates a distraction. Therefore, it is more comfortable and more clear if he is interacting and discussing subsequent to the process, once he has offered himself an understanding of what he has presented to himself.

ANJULI: Oh, now I understand. That was so confusing for me, or not confusing but I could not understand.

ELIAS: I am understanding, for this can generate frustration, and also it can generate an open door for individuals to personalize. For if one individual naturally shares within their action of processing, you automatically assume that other individuals express in a similar manner, and if you do not incorporate information to allow you somewhat of an understanding of the differences, the individual may interpret the other individual that is not sharing as being aloof or not caring or being guarded or shielded, which the individual is not actually expressing that type of energy, but it can be interpreted in that manner and thusly lead to personalizing and misunderstandings.

ANJULI: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

ANJULI: Is my mother also in this type of processing, because she’s not yet having another session with you?


ANJULI: I personalized also when Gottlieb did not talk so much about his relationship with Sabine. Is that also the same, that he is processing?


GOTTLIEB: I will ask you about an individual, Elias, who I met two and a half weeks ago. Her name is Sabine, and I was very curious about her essence name. One afternoon I got an impression, but since the impressions around Francesca, I was a little bit cautious. Is something in process around her essence name? Is this possible?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes, it is possible for there is a process of fragmentation.

GOTTLIEB: Is it already accomplished since maybe one or two days?

ELIAS: Not yet.

GOTTLIEB: So is it correct when we say she has an essence name and in the future she will have another essence name?


GOTTLIEB: What is her old essence name?

ELIAS: (10-second pause) Friska (FREE ska).

GOTTLIEB: Could you spell it, please?


GOTTLIEB: The new essence name, is it fixed already?


GOTTLIEB: Can it be that it is an essence that I know, the new one? No or yes?

ELIAS: (Pause) No.

GOTTLIEB: So it makes sense when I am asking for the new one.

ELIAS: It has not been formed yet.

ANJULI: When we were talking about her essence, we were temporarily feeling or discussing if she had done a similar action as Yarea had, as Gottlieb had experienced with that other essence.

GOTTLIEB: With Eva, who was deciding to align with the essence Yarea.

ANJULI: I had the feeling if Gottlieb is exploring these interactions like it was with Yarea and then his relationship with Francesca, that with this new relationship there also could be something. I don’t know. Then I had in a moment the impression that Sabine probably was a focus of Yarea, then I even thought she might be a focus of me, and then I did not have any of these impressions anymore. So, I actually do not know what that was.

ELIAS: What you are generating in these impressions is associated with different energy qualities, and you are tapping into different energy qualities that are being chosen as associated with the new essence.

ANJULI: So I was connecting to the essences she, as essence, is investigating as probable essences to combine with for the new fragmentation?

ELIAS: To fragment.

ANJULI: For the new fragmenting?


GOTTLIEB: Which essences are engaged in this fragmentation?

ELIAS: All of those that you have mentioned, Myranda.

ANJULI: Myranda, Yarea, her old essence, and Gottlieb’s essence form the new essence?


GOTTLIEB: When will be the highest potential when this will be accomplished? Is it already clear?

ELIAS: (Pause) Quite soon.

GOTTLIEB: So this means maybe one week, two weeks?

ELIAS: Perhaps sooner.

GOTTLIEB: Because this afternoon, I have a strong impression that it may be even this day.

ELIAS: It is possible.

ANJULI: We will ask again at the end of the session, because probably she meanwhile fragments! Oh, that would be fun, Elias! Maybe she is right now fragmenting. (Elias laughs) I certainly right now have this experience of that merger of these essences, Myranda, Yarea, Gottlieb and Sabine’s old essence, Friska. That feels very intimate.


GOTTLIEB: I am very curious about the new essence name. At the moment, which family does she belong to and which alignment?

ELIAS: That will be determined also at the point of fragmentation.

GOTTLIEB: And on the old one, Friska?

ELIAS: Sumafi, aligned Vold.

ANJULI: Common?


ANJULI: But she could choose all of that differently, for the fragmentation?

ELIAS: Yes, but with the exception of orientation.

ANJULI: How will she experience this fragmentation? Is this something that she will objectively strongly feel a change or not so much?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

GOTTLIEB: Is she maybe a little bit distracted from this action through the encounter with me?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, for generally speaking the individual within physical manifestation is not objectively aware of this action of fragmentation.

GOTTLIEB: Do I know a focus from the past or the future of the old one, Friska?

ELIAS: Future, yes.

GOTTLIEB: How many focuses are we sharing together, close relationships?

ELIAS: Twenty-eight.

GOTTLIEB: Were they as child and father and mother and intimate romantic relationships, all together?


ANJULI: I think we are still investigating the meaning of meeting her. My impression would be that it is related with his processing information.

GOTTLIEB: Is there a certain purpose that we met?

ELIAS: (Pause) Explain.

GOTTLIEB: You have said that there is no accident, even when we are encountering people, meeting them on the subway. Is there maybe a reason that we met?

ELIAS: Yes, and what do you view that you have drawn this individual to yourself? (Pause) What are you reflecting? And what…

GOTTLIEB: No expectations. I think a total acceptance of all people I am meeting in the moment, and I am cooperating with them.

ELIAS: And how are you cooperating?

GOTTLIEB: I am not trying to fix somebody, because I am saying to me that I am going my way and... Elias, I will say it to you now, not verbal! (Laughing) It is easier for me. I am sending you my energy, my impressions.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I may express to you, my friend, I may view this as cheating!

GOTTLIEB: But I’m accepting this answer because I have learned to accept!

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well!

GOTTLIEB: No, I am not cheating, Elias. Okay, what was your question? Oh, how am I cooperating?

ELIAS: Correct. What are you doing that allows you to continue in your direction and not be distracted but also allows the other individual to express in whatever manner they express?

GOTTLIEB: Maybe because I am saying to me I am going my way, and sure I am wishing a relationship, intimate, but if it will not happen, it is okay. I am going my way, and if not, it is okay. I am maybe not forcing so much energy to reach a certain relationship from a certain individual.

ELIAS: Yes, that is what you are doing, and that is how you are generating an expression of cooperation, which is different from what you have engaged previously.

Therefore, the reason that you have drawn this individual to yourself is to be engaging that action and allowing yourself to experience the action of cooperation and a genuine recognition that you are not expressing the expectation of the other individual to alter themselves in any manner. Which is beneficial, for this has been a challenge for you for an ongoing time framework.

GOTTLIEB: So I am not as rigid in the moment as I was in the past, regarding relationships? Because you often told me that I am rigid!

ELIAS: Ha ha! Correct! And you are definitely incorporating widening your awareness and generating more of an understanding through experience, not concept, of what we have discussed. This is what generates the difference.

You can incorporate thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, which you do, but that holds the information in the area of concept. But when you actually allow yourself to engage and experience these concepts, this information, that generates it into reality. The experience is what creates the reality. In that, you generate a much clearer understanding of what you are doing, and in actuality, as you now understand, generating the experience of these concepts creates much more of an ease than generating all of the expectations that you did previously.

ANJULI: Would this then apply to all areas, like his magic games and stock market games, that he now generated an example with this relationship that he can use for all areas?


ANJULI: So, that includes changing something consciously in the moment?


ANJULI: Oh! I see again that he is doing the same as I do but he is doing that differently.

ELIAS: Correct, for the common individuals interact with imagery. Therefore, for the most part, they generate information and understanding through actual manifestations, through production, through physical imagery. But you as a soft individual do not necessarily incorporate physical imagery. You may at times, but for the most part this is not the manner in which you process and offer yourself information.

ANJULI: This means we both have in the meantime moved a lot in the direction of applying the concept about you create your reality into experience?


ANJULI: And the magic we want to do.


GOTTLIEB: A little question. Elias: I have an impression about a method which I can maybe use in the stock market game. There was an impression that I am going, figuratively speaking, against the market, so I am buying when it falls and I am selling when it is rising. But there is no progression with the amounts, but there is a progression on the movement. Sure, I have to try it a longer time, if it is useful, but what do you say, what is your impression regarding this method?

ELIAS: I am encouraging, for this also allows you more flexibility and allows you to generate somewhat more of an expression of playfulness. It allows you to challenge, almost generating a defiant playfulness, but that can be fun also. Ha ha!

GOTTLIEB: I tried to analyze it, but it is very difficult because I have to study a lot of charts and so on. Every time my impression was that it must finally result in a plus. It is correct?

ELIAS: For the most part, yes.

GOTTLIEB: It can happen that it will not come to a plus?

ELIAS: There is always a potential for a difference, for it is not an absolute.

GOTTLIEB: Yes, yes. But the probability is very low?


ANJULI: So that works for Gottlieb. Did you say that, or what?


GOTTLIEB: Do you have maybe a hint for me to improve this defiant playful method?

ELIAS: Perhaps merely to allow and not push yourself.

GOTTLIEB: So, it means to handle the method with no thoughts, with no doubt, give the orders and let it go.

ELIAS: Correct, and allow yourself to flow rather than push.

GOTTLIEB: Thank you. Okay, I have no more questions.

ANJULI: May I ask if there is still quite a potential that Gottlieb meets his current focus in Italy, Francesca?

ELIAS: There is a potential, although in moving into the direction that you have chosen now, offering yourself the information that you are offering yourself now, that decreases the potential, for it is decreasing the necessity.

ANJULI: Oh, for Sabine also fragments from Gottlieb, or what?

ELIAS: Correct, and the information concerning cooperation and intimacy without expectation is beginning to be experienced, and that was the point of generating that meeting.

ANJULI: So, in the past that was not so much experienced, and it was more necessary, so to speak, to meet his own focus?

GOTTLIEB: To be challenged by myself?

ELIAS: Correct. But as with any movement that you engage, with any subject, there are no absolutes, for you always incorporate choice. Therefore, the choices that you engage may alter your direction in any given time framework.

GOTTLIEB: What is interesting in this meeting with her is that there’s no challenge, it is more flowing, and it is maybe due to the fact that I am more relaxing?

ELIAS: Yes, and also you are not generating expectations.

GOTTLIEB: She told to me that she’s surprised that she’s feeling no expectations from my side.

ELIAS: Correct. As I have expressed previously, my friend, other individuals know. They understand the energy and they recognize the energy of expectations, regardless of what you express. But they also know, associating with your energy, when you are not generating expectations.

GOTTLIEB: Okay, our time is over – and I could talk to you one hour more.

ELIAS: And perhaps we shall engage another conversation futurely. Ha ha! Very well, I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall continue to be expressing my energy with you in great encouragement.

GOTTLIEB: Thank you.

ELIAS: To each of you in great affection and tremendous appreciation, my friends.

GOTTLIEB: Have a nice time in your area, Elias.

ANJULI: We love you, too.

ELIAS: Yes. In great lovingness, au revoir.

GOTTLIEB: Goodbye. We love you.

Elias departs after one hour.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.