Session 1935
Translations: ES

Trust Your Impressions


“Trust Your Impressions”
“Exercise: Relax and View the Stars”

Wednesday February 22, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Justin B. (Lakota)

ELIAS: Good morning!

JUSTIN: Good morning!

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

JUSTIN: To begin with, what is my essence name, family, alignment, orientation?

ELIAS: Essence name, Lakota, L-A-K-O-T-A. And what is your impression as to essence families?

JUSTIN: I don’t know. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Essence family, Sumafi; alignment, Ilda; orientation, common.

JUSTIN: Do I have a connection with the Dream Walkers?


JUSTIN: I have an impression that I have a famous focus that may be aligned religious or spiritual.



ELIAS: And shall you not investigate?

JUSTIN: I’ve tried, I have impressions, and but they’re vague impressions. I have tried investigating.

ELIAS: And what are your impressions?

JUSTIN: Apollonius of Tyana?

ELIAS: Correct.

JUSTIN: Okay. I believe I am a final focus.

ELIAS: Correct.

JUSTIN: Number of focuses incarnated on earth?

ELIAS: Numbering of focuses, 1471.

JUSTIN: What is my connection with a person that I know with the name Leona?

ELIAS: You incorporate many other focuses with this individual.

JUSTIN: I do not have any focuses shared with this entity?

ELIAS: You incorporate many focuses, yes.

JUSTIN: How many?

ELIAS: Shared focuses, 126.

JUSTIN: When I saw a photograph of her, I had resonance; I felt familiarity with it immediately. What is the essence name, family, alignment and orientation of Leona?

ELIAS: Essence name, Sarita, S-A-R-I-T-A; essence family, Sumari; alignment, Tumold; orientation, common.

JUSTIN: Is she a final focus?


JUSTIN: I project energy to her. Is she experiencing this?

ELIAS: Yes, but translates that into her own experiences.

JUSTIN: Right, from her own belief structures?


JUSTIN: How does she perceive the event? How does she perceive the experience?

ELIAS: As energy bursts.

JUSTIN: Would she like to meet me objectively in the future?

ELIAS: The question is, would you like to meet her?

JUSTIN: Yes, I would. (Elias laughs) So, I could meet her?

ELIAS: It is possible.

JUSTIN: It is possible, but it is up to me? She will not make the first move; I must make the first move?

ELIAS: Correct.

JUSTIN: Whenever I am lying on the couch and observe the fire alarm with the light, what is the difference between a green and a red flash of light, especially when I’m dealing with energy projection?

ELIAS: That would be associated with your energy and fluctuations with your energy.

JUSTIN: What about when I see a past photograph of something, does my now-focus affect that in the past by merely observing it or by projecting my energy upon it with some type of interaction, where what I do now affects the past essentially just by looking at a photograph?


JUSTIN: Yes, I thought so, because I’ve been looking at things and I feel like I have been affecting the past somewhat. It does seem that time is simultaneous with this interaction, is this correct?


JUSTIN: Interesting. It’s very playful to do this. (Both laugh)

What is my connection with Irwin? Is he a soul mate?


JUSTIN: Is Leona a soul mate?


JUSTIN: What is the essence name, family, alignment and orientation of Irwin?

ELIAS: Essence name, Tory, T-O-R-Y; essence family, Milumet; alignment, Sumari, orientation, common.

JUSTIN: Thank you. Let’s see. Being a final focus, you almost look at death as a transition. What would be my probable choice after death? What would be one choice I may decide to do?

ELIAS: That would be a challenging question to respond to, for there are infinite choices.

JUSTIN: Right. There are infinite choices, so that would be up to me.

ELIAS: Correct.

JUSTIN: So, being a final focus, would I decide to incarnate again on earth?

ELIAS: No. Let me express to you, regardless of whether you are an initiating focus, a continuing focus or a final focus, these are merely designations of position, so to speak. All of the focuses are simultaneous, and once any focus disengages from this physical reality, it does not remanifest. That would be redundant. For you are essence, and you are generating and experiencing all of your focuses simultaneously. The position of an initiating focus or a final focus is merely a designation of an action, so to speak.

The initiating focus is the focus that sparks all of the focuses of essence to be manifest within a particular reality. The final focus is the designation of the one focus that removes all of the focuses from that particular reality. Therefore, the designation of the final focus is that in the moment that the final focus disengages, all of the focuses of that essence also are removed from that reality, unless they choose to be fragmenting and creating a new essence. Therefore, these terms refer merely to a designation of position. They are not associated with remanifestation within this reality.

JUSTIN: So after the final focus dies, then the other ones will leave too?


JUSTIN: And they will decide to do other choices?


JUSTIN: That may not be related to earth?


JUSTIN: What is the physics of the consciousness links and how they link together and their initiating and their starting points and how they form our universe, the consciousness links and the physics behind them? It’s a very broad question.

ELIAS: First of all, it is important to understand that consciousness is not a thing. Therefore, links of consciousness are not things, either. They are an action, and in coupling the action of consciousness with time and space, that creates manifestation. In generating energy and filtering energy through time or in conjunction with time, in certain manifestations of time, that allows for the action of the links of consciousness to form manifestations as a manipulation of energy.

Essence is merely the designation of personality within consciousness. But essence is not actually a thing, either. It is an action, for it is consciousness, and within consciousness there is no separation. For, there is no thing; there is merely movement, action, energy.

JUSTIN: Infinite energy, infinite probabilities, infinite choices, infinite directions.

ELIAS: Correct, and in that, the action of consciousness directs energy in association with different configurations, and that creates manifestations in physical forms. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, physical manifestations, things, are created from no-thing. But to create physical manifestations, there is the element of time.

Now; as I have expressed, time is not a truth, for time does not translate within every area of consciousness. It translates in association with physical expressions of consciousness.

JUSTIN: Yes. Living on earth and being a final focus, I find that my energy, when I project my energy outward, it is sometimes very traumatic for a lot of people, and I’m trying to deal with that. I think I need to concentrate on myself more. I was wondering what your advice would be behind this, the fact that my energy projected outward is sometimes very traumatic for other people.

ELIAS: In what capacity?

JUSTIN: I assume that they’ve never experienced anything… It’s a new experience for them in terms of the interaction, in terms of their belief structures. It probably doesn’t coincide with their belief structures. I feel like I am localized in this body, but I don’t feel like I am localized anywhere, that I am infinitely located everywhere and I can affect anything anywhere.

ELIAS: Which you are correct, but offer an example of what you perceive to be an affectingness with other individuals that you define as traumatic.

JUSTIN: Right, or uneasy. Maybe traumatic wouldn’t be the word, but there’s some tension or uneasiness associated with it.

ELIAS: Offer an example.

JUSTIN: When I’m teaching and dealing with students, when I am teaching I get very, very, very enthusiastic about it, and my energy does project outward. I would like to learn how to control that more and my energy not to be so forceful. It seems like as I force my energy outward, I do that because of the way people perceive me.

ELIAS: I am understanding. First of all, recognize that this is an aspect of your orientation. It is a natural expression. In association with the common orientation, you naturally project outwardly, and you naturally move in the expressions of producing.

But I am also understanding of your energy, and in this, in being more aware of you and of your energy and how you are projecting and manipulating that energy, it allows you more clarity to be manipulating energy in a more efficient manner. At times, the reason that your energy may appear strong or somewhat overwhelming with other individuals is that it is somewhat scattered. You may be focused in association with your thoughts, but that is not an indicator of what your energy is doing, and it is also not necessarily an accurate mechanism to assess how your energy is being projected. Thought is a translation mechanism. But it only translates in association with your attention. Attention is not thought, and in this, where your attention is focused, that is what thought can translate.

As to energy, if you are not actually paying attention to your energy, it can become quite scattered, and in that…

JUSTIN: I mean, I can hear sounds, and those sounds, I can just project my energy to them immediately, and it almost seems habitual. It does drive me crazy at times, the fact that I’ll hear sounds or hear anything, hear a voice, and then my energy gets projected to them immediately.

ELIAS: I am understanding, for you incorporate an easy...

JUSTIN: It’s almost like I’m everywhere. I’m localized but I’m everywhere.

ELIAS: I am understanding, for you easily become distracted. This is the point of being focused and balanced, allowing yourself to focus your attention rather than allowing it to be so scattered. For in that scatteredness, you do not generate the clarity of what you are projecting in your energy, and that can create difficulties and even conflicts, for it pushes energy. In that, it is not actually directing of the energy, and when you are not directing of your energy, you can be projecting expressions of energy that are not actually associated with what you are engaging. As an example, you may be interacting with another individual and if your energy is scattered, you are not clearly aware of what energies are being projected, and in that interaction, you may be allowing energy to be projected to the other individual that is associated with an entirely different situation or scenario.

In this, you can engage some scenario within your morning hours, so to speak, as a hypothetical example, and in that, you may become distressed or frustrated, and you move through your day, and you are no longer engaging thought concerning the earlier scenario, but as you are not aware of how you are projecting your energy, and if it is scattered, within your evening hours you may be interacting with an individual and allowing a projection of that frustration or distress to be projected to the individual that you are interacting with, but that frustration does not concern the individual that are interacting with. Therefore, they are receiving an energy that is confusing, for they are receiving all of these energies that you are projecting, and they appear to the other individual as…

JUSTIN: Why do I have this ability? I was talking about the focus of Apollonius of Tyana, and is this a bleed-through from him?

ELIAS: No, although you do draw energy from that focus, which is quite natural. No, this is associated with you, and you becoming more familiar with yourself and with your energy and becoming more directed, and therefore allowing yourself to generate more balance and being aware of how you are interacting with other individuals. At…

JUSTIN: So, I really don’t need to be concerned about them. I just really need to concentrate on myself.


JUSTIN: Concentrate on myself; focus on myself. Returning back to Leona, when she was a focus, was she an apprentice of Apollonius of Tyana? Or did I meet her when I was…


JUSTIN: …when I was Apollonius of Tyana?


JUSTIN: Was she a male?


JUSTIN: She was a male; she was an apprentice of mine?


JUSTIN: I thought so. But I’ve interacted with her when I was her brother or sister or something else? There have been many variations? Is this correct?


JUSTIN: What was Leona’s most famous focus?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I shall encourage you to investigate.

JUSTIN: Any impressions, time frames? Egyptian, maybe?

ELIAS: (Pause) Aztec.

JUSTIN: I believe she does have an Aztec... She was a leader?


JUSTIN: A famous leader that I would know in the history books?


JUSTIN: I interacted with her when I was also an Aztec?


JUSTIN: I was a priest?


JUSTIN: And she was a leader?


JUSTIN: It always seems like magic, I’ve always been attracted to it, you know, M-A-G-I-C-K, the definition that they use, compared to “magic,” which is more parlor tricks, right? (Elias chuckles) I’ve had many focuses associated with that, is that correct?


JUSTIN: But in that, in that understanding in that interaction with that concept, I feel like it familiarizes myself of what I am, right?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

JUSTIN: Although there are belief structures associated with all that, but that’s okay. It’s a beginning point, I suppose. (Both laugh)

Let’s see what time... Well, I’ve been very focused with my questions, and we really went through them. Is there anything else you would like to continue with in terms of…?

ELIAS: Perhaps I shall offer you an exercise that may be helpful to you in practicing focusing. In this, the exercise that I shall suggest is a visualization, but what I shall express to you is this visualization shall be incorporated once within each day.

Now; you shall place yourself in water when you are engaging this visualization.

Now; in placing yourself in the water, physically within a tub, you shall allow yourself to relax in the water, and before engaging the visualization, focus your attention upon the physical sensation of the water. Do not allow any distraction. Do not allow yourself to engage thought. Merely focus your attention upon the physical sensation of the water upon your skin, and relax. Once you have generated that action for a few of your minutes and you are sufficiently relaxed, begin the visualization.

The visualization shall be placing yourself in a floating action within space. In this action of floating within space, you can see countless stars, billions and billions and billions of stars. As you view all of these stars, what you shall engage is merely focusing upon yourself floating in the midst of all of these stars, and all of these stars are a part of you. Every star is a piece of your energy; every star is a projection of your energy. In this visualization, there are so many stars that you cannot focus upon all of them. You cannot be projecting to all of them simultaneously. You can view them and experience them all as you and as a part of you, but you cannot be projecting energy to all of them simultaneously. Also in this visualization, if one star appears brighter to you and draws your attention, you may focus upon that one and experience that one star.

In this, generating this exercise shall be helpful to you in allowing yourself to relax, allowing yourself to center yourself. The sensation of the water is quite helpful in relaxation, but it also serves another purpose in practicing with focusing your attention – not thinking but focusing your attention upon sensation and physical expression. That does not require thought. It also allows you to practice focusing attention without distracting yourself with thought. It shall also be helpful in practicing focusing your attention, recognizing that you incorporate boundless energy but that it can be directed.

I may express to you, continue to incorporate this exercise for a time framework of one month, and in this, I shall project my energy to you in your visualization. I shall project my energy through alternating stars, and perhaps you may engage your treasure hunt to focus your attention to discover which twinkling I am manipulating. (Both laugh)

JUSTIN: I love a challenge! Yes, thank you very much. My concept is, and I’m hoping to change the subject a little bit... Thank you for the exercise.

ELIAS: Very well.

JUSTIN: They talk about dark matter, but the impression is that they believe that the physical constants like the speed of light and all these other constants that create the universe are constant throughout our universe, but this may not be correct. It may be that the physical constants that create everything are not necessarily constant, and it’s more like a quilt or a patchwork, instead. Dark matter may not be necessarily true. Is that correct?

ELIAS: You are correct.

JUSTIN: Astronomy is going to have some problems with measuring things, because they do not recognize this and that some of their data is erroneous?

ELIAS: As you progress within this shift, your sciences are changing and shall continue to change. For, facts are not absolute, and facts change as you offer more information. As your sciences incorporate more awareness in association with consciousness, your sciences shall change even more.

Also, as your sciences change, they shall begin to recognize that there are some expressions within your reality that you view as absolutes, and they actually are not that which you view as what you term to be “universal truths,” and they actually are not. They are associated with your reality but are not necessarily associated with other realities, and that which you view as the ultimate absolute language of mathematics as being a truth is actually not a truth, and is associated with your reality but does not necessarily translate in association with other realities.

JUSTIN: According to mathematics in terms of connecting it, I feel like I am connected to Pythagoras. Am I connected to Pythagoras in any way?

ELIAS: A student.

JUSTIN: So, I’m attracted to music, very much attracted to music. Was Leona involved in that?


JUSTIN: We were students of Pythagoras?


JUSTIN: And we’re attracted to music because of that? That’s maybe one reason?

ELIAS: Partially.

JUSTIN: Partially? But music also helps us to understand altered states of consciousness and the ability to create, right?

ELIAS: It can.

JUSTIN: It seems like it does open up a lot of doors.


JUSTIN: But is it a truth, music? Is it a truth? It is built on mathematical ratios, and it goes with the laws of physics, but in this reality it is built on mathematics.

ELIAS: You are correct. Is it a truth? No. For, truths are those expressions that are translatable in some form in every area of consciousness.

JUSTIN: So it’s broad based, it’s in everything, and it pervades everything.

ELIAS: Tone is a truth, and that can be translated into music. It can also be translated into color.

JUSTIN: Is this what they were discussing in the temple of Pythagoras? Is this what we were going to, the music, but we were talking about other things, right, and we were connecting it to the universe and trying to find it?


JUSTIN: What else was discussed in the temple of Pythagoras?

ELIAS: And I shall encourage you to investigate.

JUSTIN: To investigate. (Elias laughs) All right, I read your mind!

ELIAS: Trust your impressions!

JUSTIN: My impressions of the temple of Pythagoras?

ELIAS: Yes. Trust your impressions.

JUSTIN: Okay. And to trust your impressions, you need to relax, and when you start relaxing, that’s when those impressions will come more at ease?


JUSTIN: I think a lot of things were cleared up. So, what do I do? I do have a chance to meet Leona. Would she be interested? I would be interested in meeting her, so this could occur?

ELIAS: It is your choice.

JUSTIN: Why wouldn’t she do it? Was she scared of something?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

JUSTIN: Or is it just her belief structure that the man should pursue the woman? Or…?

ELIAS: That is not the point. The point is what you want and allowing yourself to move in that direction.

JUSTIN: I do. It is very possible that I could meet her and… Okay. Let’s see; well, I think it is about time. I think I am finished.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall express tremendous encouragement to you, my friend, and I express great appreciation to you.

JUSTIN: Yes, wonderful, and I do to you, also.

ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next meeting. And remember, I shall be twinkling some of your stars. (Laughs) And I shall also be reminding you to be playful. To you in great affection, my friend, au revoir.

JUSTIN: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 50 minutes.)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.