Session 1931

Shroud of Turin


“Shroud of Turin”


Thursday, February 16, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Maria (Phashka) 

Elias’ arrival time unknown

ELIAS: Good evening!

MARIA: Good evening, Elias.

ELIAS: Ha ha! And what shall we discuss?

MARIA: A lot of things. Elias, first of all, I’m very happy to talk to you, and second of all, I must say that it’s the second time that I’ve talked to you, and again, I feel within seconds of your arrival, I feel like a wave, a pulsation of dark. I close my eyes, because I’m trying to concentrate on the pulsation of dark lights, and I feel also, the first second I hear your voice, I feel a physical sensation like a warm wave or something physical. (Elias chuckles) Is it really your energy or what?

ELIAS: Yes. (Laughs)

MARIA: And how are you, Elias?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

MARIA: Pretty much as always! (Elias laughs) Now with my questions, of course. I’m going to ask a question for somebody else. I want to ask it first, okay?

ELIAS: Very well.

MARIA: I have a friend in Russia whose name is Alyona, and she wanted to know, because there is an issue of emigration from Russia in her life now and it’s very painful for her, she wanted to know what are the probabilities that it will be realized in the near future, because she doesn’t want it to happen.

ELIAS: (Pause) Clarify; offer explanation.

MARIA: She asked me to ask you that she’s considering, she and her husband are considering, leaving Russia for another country, probably for the USA. She’s unwilling to do that, but probably... It’s a very painful decision for her, and she wanted to understand. Is it going to be realized in physical reality, in objective reality? What are the probabilities for her to emigrate?

ELIAS: (Pause) This is somewhat of a difficult question to offer a response to, for…

MARIA: If you are unwilling to answer, we can maybe skip…

ELIAS: No, it is not that I am unwilling to answer. It is more associated with the choices of the individuals involved. As to probabilities, in this present now, the potentials are somewhat equal in association with remaining or with leaving. It is more associated with the individual and with her and her choices, whether she chooses to be acquiescing or whether she chooses to be directing herself and allowing herself to express her own choices.

MARIA: I see. This is a very appropriate answer. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MARIA: Now, can I ask, if we’re talking about this individual, what is her essence family and alignment?

ELIAS: And your impression?

MARIA: My impression is Tumold belonging, and alignment probably Sumafi or Milumet.

ELIAS: Milumet, yes, you are correct.

MARIA: Good for me! (Elias laughs) What is her essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name, Tajha, T-A-J-H-A (TAH jah).

MARIA: It reminds me very much of my essence name!

ELIAS: Similar tone.

MARIA: Oh, I see, because I asked you, the previous time, that we are very, very close. Now I see that we don’t have the same essence family, why are we so close? I mean, maybe we have very many focuses together?

ELIAS: Yes, and you do incorporate a similar tone, and in that, it creates an ease in connecting.

MARIA: How many focuses did we share, or do we share, in this dimension?

ELIAS: Shared focuses, 103.

MARIA: Oh, I thought more, okay. Now, the next question I would like to ask is about the phenomenon of an object which is called the Turin Shroud or Shroud of Turin. I hope you know what I mean.


MARIA: So, the question is how was that created?

ELIAS: (Pause) It was not created in the manner which is believed. It was created by what you would term to be an anonymous group of individuals. It was created in association with the legend of it, for that reason, but it was not a creation of the individual that it is associated with.

MARIA: It was not created by Jesus. I understand.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARIA: This I knew, but when was it created? In what century?

ELIAS: In that century.

MARIA: You mean when Jesus lived?

ELIAS: In a time framework that is closely associated to that individual’s focus.

MARIA: You mean Jesus?


MARIA: So it was created in the first century AD?


MARIA: According to the science nowadays, the scientists can’t understand how it was created because it’s based on the negative of photography, and at that time, as far as they know now, they didn’t have the technique to create it. So, again, I’m trying to understand how that was created. Were any, so to speak, supernatural powers involved in this creation, or technologies that we are not aware of?

ELIAS: Not a technology that you are not aware of, but more associated with perhaps what you may define as magic. (Chuckles)

MARIA: Oh, I see. Was it a dead man or someone who really died?

ELIAS: No, no.

MARIA: So, it’s an imitation, actually?

ELIAS: It is not an imitation; it merely is not what you suppose it to be, but it is not an imitation. It is quite real.

MARIA: No, I mean, the shroud itself, the story says a certain man that was dead – it’s not Jesus, okay – who was covered by this shroud, and then when he returned to life, was resurrected, there was some kind of...

ELIAS: Imprint.

MARIA: ...radiation from him, and that was the radiation that left some traces of him on the shroud.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARIA: More or less, I mean. So, if we’re talking that it’s not an imitation, this is to say that really, there was some man who died and was covered with this cloth?

ELIAS: No. It is not an imitation, but it is also not an imprint of an individual that died.

MARIA: And of whom is it an imprint? Again, so it’s just an imitation, actually. Maybe we have different interpretations of the word “imitation.” I mean it was trying to imitate Jesus’ face, but it was not. It was not even the death of any other man.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. It is associated with that, and that was the purpose, to further...

MARIA: To support the legend of the resurrection.

ELIAS: Correct, yes.

MARIA: I understand. Was Jesus crucified?


MARIA: But he didn’t die on the cross.

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes, he did.

MARIA: But you said that he didn’t die on the cross. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m sorry, I’m confused now. You said that he was... I mean, how did he die? You said that he didn’t die when he was young, but he escaped, and when he was in his sixties or fifties that he died peacefully in some other land, no?


MARIA: He died on the cross?

ELIAS: What I expressed is that many of the events that are recorded are stories, and those stories were generated by groups of individuals in creating a philosophy and generating a focal point as the example of the philosophy. In this, many of the occurrences were stories that were expressed to emphasize this philosophy. This is not to say that there was not an actual individual that was manifest and that his name was Jesus, for he did exist.

MARIA: And he died on the cross?


MARIA: At the age of 33?

ELIAS: That is an approximation.

MARIA: Okay, but he was young, pretty young, thirties.

ELIAS: In that time framework, the association of his age would not be that he was quite young – and the spectacle of the death was much overstated.

MARIA: Can we progress to more personal questions about myself?

ELIAS: Very well.

MARIA: I wanted to know my intent.

ELIAS: And what have you assessed?

MARIA: My impression is two different things. One thing I liked very much, which I read in a session with a woman named Pamela, I think, that she was trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.


MARIA: I felt affinity with it. Another one that I wrote today: pay attention to (inaudible) and look for and interpret symbolic views and meanings of objectively expressed phenomenon. Attempt to integrate multipleness into oneness, looking for the source and cause of everything.

ELIAS: That is more accurate.

MARIA: The last one?


MARIA: I see. So, I’m more Sumari, anyway, then Sumafi. Maybe both. (Both laugh) You think it’s accurate? Would you like to add something to this description?

ELIAS: It is an exploration of integration and combining ingredients, so to speak.

MARIA: What tone do I have? Can it be translated into sound or something like this?

ELIAS: It can be translated into a musical note. What would your impression be?

MARIA: Maybe (inaudible)?

ELIAS: E flat.

MARIA: Thanks. Am I religious focus?


MARIA: I thought so. Am I dispersed essence?


MARIA: No? But I am kind of dispersed! (Laughs)

ELIAS: No, you engage your empathic sense.

MARIA: Too much, I guess, no? (Elias laughs) I’m on the verge of sometimes losing my individuality because I’m so drawn to the experiences of other people. It’s not so good, I think. You don’t use those terms of good and bad.

ELIAS: You can choose to not be engaging that empathic sense; it is a matter of how you direct your attention. You can also choose to buffer the energies of other individuals.

MARIA: I see. Now, when I was a child, when I was left alone, I very often had a sensation that somebody was present in the room. I was frightened by this, and I often heard someone breathing. Probably my assumption is that it might be an observing essence; it was my translation of somebody, an observing essence. Or is it something else that I’m not aware of?

ELIAS: (Pause) Another essence, but not an observing essence.

MARIA: Am I compiled of several essences?

ELIAS: Are you being observed by several essences?

MARIA: No, I am one essence, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

MARIA: Was there someone else present in the room?

ELIAS: Yes, another…

MARIA: But I thought I was alone. (Elias laughs) Physically, you mean?

ELIAS: But you are never actually alone.

MARIA: I know, but why did I feel it?

ELIAS: For there was a presence.

MARIA: There’s always a presence, but other people don’t feel it.

ELIAS: That matters not; it is a question of openness.

MARIA: Was it anyone I know, who I have some connection with? It frightened me a lot. Was the intent of this essence to frighten me?

ELIAS: No. I am understanding that you responded with fear, for it is an unfamiliar expression, and some unfamiliar occurrences can invoke fear in the individuals, especially if there...

MARIA: Did it know me somehow? Any connections, any focuses shared? Why would it make its appearance clear to me?

ELIAS: Yes, it is another essence that you incorporate many focuses with and that generate a strong familiarity with you, and you, generating an openness, perceived it.

MARIA: Did I meet a focus of this essence during my lifetime?


MARIA: Is it my husband?

ELIAS: No, it is the focus of your friend.

MARIA: Nicholas?

ELIAS: (Pause) A female.

MARIA: Alyona?


MARIA: Funny! (Laughs) Okay, sorry for being so hilarious. (Both laugh) I’m very excited. It’s understandable, right? (Elias chuckles)

Now I have another impression. When I was young, about the age of 18, I was very lonely. I was very isolated, actually, all my life. I listened to the music of Bach, and I entered a meditative state but very deeply, like a trance. It happened only once in my life that I objectively remember, of course. I was thrown into some other world, and I was amazed and overwhelmed because there were no words and no language could describe it. It was very bright and very intense, and I was very happy there. That’s a description that is very, very different from what it actually was, but still. There were like geometric forms moving incessantly and reconfiguring. It was like a process of creation, a world; I don’t know. These forms were alive and intelligent and bright, and one of them I was inside. I didn’t see myself there; I mean, I don’t know who I was there. Then I was thrown back, all of a sudden, and I was very much puzzled by this experience and have been thinking about it for many years. Now as I analyze this, it was probably another dimension where my focus was. Can you confirm this?


MARIA: Is it true to say that I have more focuses in other dimensions than in physical dimensions, more than in physical dimensions?


MARIA: Because I’m not physically grounded, so to speak. I think I am probably more intense in my subjective reality than in my objective reality. Is that true?

ELIAS: I am understanding, yes.

MARIA: I don’t mean because I am intermediate. It’s like it’s my feature, because I’m like this, not because I am intermediate.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

MARIA: Now, I had a dream where I see some colorful layers, tremendous colorful layers, and I’m correcting some of them or I am removing some, and I’m actually constructing something; I don’t know. I am engaged in some kind of creation, and it was very, very exciting, very unusual, something which drew me very much to it. Was this also another dimension?


MARIA: I feel also that I’m a very, very powerful figure, and I have a lot of energy, absolutely. I mean, my potential is absolutely unlimited.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARIA: But when I’m here in this dimension, I feel so weak and so limited and so... Is this my purpose, to view my limitations, to experience these limitations and to know that I am actually very powerful and I have great potential?

ELIAS: That is an exploration that you are engaging, allowing yourself to become more familiar with yourself and generate more of an understanding of yourself and of your abilities, to be allowing yourself to express more and generate more freedom in whatever direction you move within.

MARIA: I see. Now, I’d like to ask about some focuses that I have been thinking about in connection with myself.

ELIAS: Very well.

MARIA: What about Marat, French revolution?


MARIA: And you were Robespierre?

ELIAS: I incorporate several focuses in that time framework.

MARIA: Were you Robespierre?

ELIAS: No, but engaged counterpart action.

MARIA: And with myself?


MARIA: I see. George Eliot, the writer?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

MARIA: Counterpart, okay. Now, maybe counterpart with regard to Bruce Lee?


MARIA: What about the Vivekananda Ramakrishna? Why am I so drawn to these images, and I feel such a recognition when I read the works of Vivekananda?

ELIAS: That you have also shared many focuses.

MARIA: With him? How many?

ELIAS: Forty-four.

MARIA: Is it Nicholas, my friend?

ELIAS: Observing.

MARIA: Who is observing who?

ELIAS: Your friend is the observing essence.

MARIA: Of Vivekananda?


MARIA: Because you said about Nicholas that I have 44 focuses sharing with him, but he’s not Vivekananda.


MARIA: What about George Michael, the singer, contemporary?

ELIAS: Observing.

MARIA: Do I have any contemporary focuses overlapping this one?


MARIA: How many?

ELIAS: Seven.

MARIA: Did I meet physically and objectively any of my focuses in this physical dimension?


MARIA: Is there any probability that I will meet one? I very much want to create this.

ELIAS: It is possible, but I may also express to you in this present now it is somewhat unlikely.

MARIA: I see. Is there anyone in Russia?


MARIA: In Israel?


MARIA: Within the forum there is no one, people drawn to your forum?


MARIA: Okay, I’ll drop it. Now, I wanted to ask about is there a really prominent philosopher among my focuses that I know his name?

ELIAS: Shall you not investigate?

MARIA: I tried to, but I don’t find. Is there? Or is it because there is none?

ELIAS: Yes, one.

MARIA: One. Not in the time of Plato?


MARIA: Later?


MARIA: In Germany?


MARIA: Is it probably (inaudible)?

ELIAS: Ah, that is a guess!

MARIA: But I’m drawn to his philosophy a lot.

ELIAS: That would not be a focus. That would be you and your personality resonating with certain philosophies.

MARIA: Can you give me some clue, what century or anything?

ELIAS: Eighteenth century.

MARIA: Do I know objectively his name?

ELIAS: You can research.

MARIA: But if I don’t know his name, I can’t find him also.

ELIAS: Ah, but you can! Allow yourself to listen to your impressions and where they lead you. In this, in your treasure hunt, allow yourself to feel the energy of the other individuals and which energy you resonate with as you. (Chuckles) It may be a fun exercise.

MARIA: I never find anybody. I looked at Marat, and I saw his face, and I saw me somehow; I saw myself. That was the only example.

ELIAS: Ah, but this shall be an avenue for you to practice.

MARIA: Elias, did I once have a focus as an inquisitor? How do you say it? Like when I read the “Great Inquisitor” by Dostoyevsky. I was very much drawn to this character.

ELIAS: You do incorporate a focus that is similar.

MARIA: What country?

ELIAS: (Pause) Italy.

MARIA: What about Bach’s family? Do I have a focus within this family?

ELIAS: A son.

MARIA: Carl Emanuel?

ELIAS: (Pause) Observing.

MARIA: What about Mozart? Do I have some focuses in his proximity?

ELIAS: In that time framework, yes.

MARIA: But not in his family?


MARIA: Do I have something to do with (inaudible) Hoffman? Because I’m very much drawn to this figure.

ELIAS: Counterpart.

MARIA: A writer, Mikhail Bulgakov?

ELIAS: Also counterpart.

MARIA: Is it true to say Maria (inaudible), also counterpart?


MARIA: (Inaudible)?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

MARIA: Was it (inaudible)?

ELIAS: Focus.

MARIA: My focus? Oh my goodness! Wow. He had such a tragic life. I’m sorry, about him and about myself. Do I have a focus as a ballerina or a dancer?


MARIA: Somebody famous?


MARIA: Now I’d like to ask about my husband. Is he in transition?


MARIA: Is there any probability that there will be contact between us?

ELIAS: You can generate that.

MARIA: Is he willing to?


MARIA: So it’s me who is blocking?

ELIAS: It is not necessarily that you are blocking.

MARIA: I’m not open enough?

ELIAS: It is merely a matter of allowing yourself to relax, pay attention and generate an openness.

MARIA: How can it be created, in a dream?

ELIAS: Yes, quite easily.

MARIA: I see him in my dreams, but it’s not contact.

ELIAS: Quite easily within dreams.

MARIA: I see him a lot in my dreams, but I think that it’s not contact. It’s not him; it’s my projection of him.

ELIAS: But it is. It is a combination of that energy that you are translating. Therefore, it is an actual interaction. Do not discount...

MARIA: Some dreams are very awful, and some dreams are comfortable, but some are not. These uncomfortable dreams, does it mean that he bears a grudge, or it’s me?

ELIAS: No, there is no grudge. I may express to you once again, this is your translation of energy.

MARIA: Anger, maybe frustration?

ELIAS: And loss – not with the other individual. There is no expression of these types of projection from the other individual. This is your insertion, associated with your energy.

MARIA: I’d like to ask about my father. What was the reason that our relationship was so difficult, especially for me? Can this be bleed-through from other focuses?

ELIAS: Partially, but remember, in bleed-through with other focuses, you draw the energy to yourself to enhance whatever you are creating in this focus or to emphasize it.

MARIA: So why would I create such a difficult relationship?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

MARIA: To experience being a victim? To experience being unloved, intimidated?

ELIAS: To offer you the experience of significant or extreme differences.

MARIA: Differences for what?

ELIAS: Differences in perception and differences in guidelines, which, in that, as you move now in widening your awareness and shifting, you can draw upon these experiences as examples to you of extreme differences, which if you are allowing, can be helpful to you in accepting differences with other individuals.

MARIA: I see. Is my relationship with Nicholas imitating the relationship with my father? In the same direction?

ELIAS: Somewhat, not entirely.

MARIA: What family did my father belong to?

ELIAS: Sumafi.

MARIA: And alignment Vold?


MARIA: Now I’d like to ask, am I in transition?

ELIAS: No, but that is a potential.

MARIA: The last time we spoke, you said yes, that I’m getting there, beginning the transition. So I reversed my choice?


MARIA: But why do I have so many symptoms that are very similar? Because I’m forgetting things, I’m all the time floating and slipping from this reality to somewhere. What is this thing?

ELIAS: That is a scatteredness.

MARIA: Of what?

ELIAS: Attention.

MARIA: What can I do to minimize it, because it’s very... What is the purpose for? What am I trying to create with this?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of trying to create. It is more associated with a scatteredness in your attention and your energy. You are not focusing.

MARIA: Why am I not focusing? What prevents me from focusing?

ELIAS: I would express that it is associated with distraction, that you have been generating considerable distraction, and that creates somewhat of a barrier to not engage some of your emotional communications and also to not engage too much of an exploration into the expression of exposure.

MARIA: I am afraid of being exposed?

ELIAS: It is not necessarily a fear but an unwillingness.

MARIA: And exposed to what? To other people?

ELIAS: Exposure of yourself.

MARIA: I’m hiding something from myself?

ELIAS: It is not necessarily a matter of hiding; it is more of an unwillingness to generate the action of exposing.

MARIA: Of exposing myself to myself?


MARIA: I don’t understand. I don’t understand what is exposing myself to myself.

ELIAS: Allowing yourself to genuinely generate an intimacy with you, genuinely paying attention to your energy, genuinely paying attention to what you are doing, allowing yourself to genuinely explore your own truths, your own guidelines and creating an acknowledgment of that. It is not that you actually incorporate a fear of what you shall discover, so to speak; it is more associated with an apprehension and an unwillingness to generate that exposure with yourself, and also somewhat of an unwillingness to allow yourself to receive.

MARIA: To receive what?

ELIAS: In general.

MARIA: I seem to be recently, more than others, to go in the direction of isolation, and it’s very hard for me. Probably also that is the reason that I don’t feel well in many ways. I don’t know how to break this circle, because I don’t see any choices. I don’t see any ways not to be isolated. Is there any potential of disengagement in the near future? Maybe I’m just closing over things, and I’m going to disengage soon.

ELIAS: That is not a potential presently.

MARIA: So, if it’s not disengagement, then what? I’m having such strange feelings that I’m wasting my time. Seth said that if we are not fulfilling our value, pursuing fulfillment of our values, we just disengage.


MARIA: I don’t think I pursue fulfillment of my values. I am detached from everything. I don’t understand why I’m still here, then.

ELIAS: I am understanding. You are correct, if you are no longer generating value fulfillment, you shall disengage. But value fulfillment is not just expressed in what you identify as comfort, and what you value is not always expressed in comfort.

MARIA: Okay, so I chose an uncomfortable experience.

ELIAS: At times, uncomfortable experiences can be quite motivating. For if you generate an uncomfortable experience, you begin to motivate yourself to change. At times, individuals continue to generate uncomfortable experiences to the point that they become so uncomfortable that the individual, in your terms, has backed themselves into a corner and shall force themselves to alter their experience. It is dependent upon how strong of a motivating force the individual perceives that they require to generate different actions.

In this, you are continuing to generate your value fulfillment, for you are creating situations that are motivating you to seek an avenue to change.

MARIA: Yes, I’m seeking an avenue, but I don’t find it.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, first of all, a simple action that you can incorporate as an exercise. Each day, once within your day, engage a walk.

Now; in this walk, you shall generate some action, it matters not what it is, but as you engage the walk, generate some action that will encourage you to laugh.

MARIA: With you I’m laughing always! (Elias laughs) Whenever you’re talking with me!

ELIAS: And I shall offer my energy to you also in this exercise, and perhaps that shall encourage you also to laugh.

MARIA: Absolutely! Oh, I do love you. I really do.

ELIAS: And I express tremendous appreciation to you. (Both laugh)

MARIA: May ask another question?


MARIA: About my son, is he a thought-focused individual?


MARIA: What is his color, his essence color and essence name?

ELIAS: Signature color, bright orange.

MARIA: Essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name, Gernno, G-E-R-N-N-O (JER no).

MARIA: That’s a strange name! (Elias chuckles) Am I right to say he has more focuses not in physical dimensions, in nonphysical dimensions?

ELIAS: Perhaps not more, but considerable, yes.

MARIA: How many focuses do we share together?

ELIAS: Sixty-eight.

MARIA: He is sometimes drawn to things that are strange, things that I perceive to be strange. I explain it like he’s drawn by other-dimensional things. Maybe I’m wrong; I don’t know. Do you confirm this?


MARIA: I see. Can you give some tips for him, because I don’t know what to ask, and I’m afraid my questions won’t be welcomed by you because you don’t like certain kinds of questions.

ELIAS: In what capacity?

MARIA: To make him feel more comfortable in this world. He has allergies, asthma; he has physical diseases and loneliness, isolation.

ELIAS: Be supportive.

MARIA: That’s it?

ELIAS: Be accepting and be supportive.

MARIA: I think I am supportive, no? Not enough, maybe?

ELIAS: To an extent. But in generating genuine acceptance of his choices, that shall generate a stronger expression of supportiveness.

MARIA: As a focus when I was killed in WWII, was I a girl or a boy?

ELIAS: Your impression?

MARIA: A boy.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARIA: Was I Jewish?


MARIA: Can I have my name?

ELIAS: Peter (PAY ter).

MARIA: Can you spell it?


MARIA: Why am I so excited when I listen to Mozart’s “Magic Flute”? It’s something that’s uncanny to my mind.

ELIAS: This is associated with the focus that you incorporate in that time framework, that being that focus’ favorite composition.

MARIA: The focus of the philosopher?

ELIAS: No, the individual that is manifest in the time framework of Mozart.

MARIA: Is he a friend?

ELIAS: No, an admirer.

MARIA: An admirer, I see. What was his profession?

ELIAS: (Pause) A clock maker.

MARIA: Oh, I see. That’s why I am so drawn to clocks! (Both laugh) Funny!

I’m reading a book now about past life regression, and there is a girl who is constantly speaking about the masters who give some advice. It’s Brian Weiss’ book. At first I thought the masters were somehow a perception of essence, she’s talking with her essence, but then I was in doubt because they seem to be too human as far as their advice and directions. What are these masters? Can you explain somehow?

ELIAS: Other focuses.

MARIA: Oh, they are her other focuses?


MARIA: Ah, yes, I had such a thought briefly. Why doesn’t she reveal any message from essence, and why is she so down to earth? I mean, no messages that are like your messages.

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the individual and how they are directing their attention.

MARIA: Yes, that’s right, a silly question. (Elias laughs) Elias, I’m always wondering, you said that you don’t incorporate emotion, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

MARIA: But what about sense of humor, you do incorporate?

ELIAS: This is a filtration of energy through layers of consciousness that allow me to generate expressions with each of you that are familiar to you. For in expressing interaction with each of you, were I to be expressing without the incorporation of emotional expression, you would not connect with the information or with the conversation, for it would appear to you to be flat and void.

MARIA: I think we are over, right?


MARIA: Goodbye, Elias. I was very, very happy, really happy to talk to you, and I hope I’ll talk to you again physically.

ELIAS: And so do I also, my friend. I express great encouragement to you. Remember to laugh with your walks. Ha ha ha! I express great affection to you, my friend, and in great lovingness, au revoir.

MARIA: Au revoir.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 9 minutes.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.