Session 1927

Soft Orientation and Dispersed Combination


“Focus Impressions”
“Soft Orientation and Dispersed Combination”

Saturday, February 11, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jean-Baptiste (Araili)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Good afternoon, Elias. How are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Very, very well. Many things are in movement currently, so I’m having a lot of fun.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: So for this session, I want to begin with a question for a member of the forum, Liana, who wanted to know her numbering of focuses in this dimension and her numbering of future focuses.

ELIAS: Number of focuses presently, 1227; numbering of future focuses presently, 362.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I’ll ask the same question for me. I think my numbering of focuses in this dimension currently hasn’t changed since last time. It’s still 824?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And my numbering of future focuses, I have the impression of 324.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. My little sister Marguerite, whose essence name is Metra, she wants to know her number of future focuses.

ELIAS: Future focuses presently, 112.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you. I want to confirm the impression that I am a final focus.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. My little sister, is she a continuing focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I want to know some information about a friend of mine whose name is Elizabeth. She had impressions about her essence name and other things, so I tell you and you confirm. Essence name, she thought, it is Anastasia.

ELIAS: That is a focus.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: What is her essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name Maura, M-A-U-R-A (MAH ruh).

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I think it’s a very beautiful name. She had the impression of essence family belonging, Ilda...

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: ...and essence family alignment, Sumafi.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Her orientation, we think, is common.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Type of focus, emotional.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: She thinks she has very few focuses in this dimension. She had the impression of 141.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. Is she a continuing focus?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you. I think I want to ask you the essence name of my nephew, Enzo.

ELIAS: Essence name Luzak, L-U-Z-A-K (LOO zak).

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you. Essence family, I think, is Borledim.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Essence family alignment may be Zuli.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Orientation common.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Type of focus, emotional.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is he a continuing focus?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I also want to know the same information for my stepfather, whose name is Paul; in fact, it’s my boyfriend’s stepfather. Could you give me his essence name, please?

ELIAS: Essence name Ayad, A-Y-A-D (eye ODD).

JEAN-BAPTISTE: That’s a good one. His essence family belonging, I think it may be Sumafi?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: His alignment, I had the impression Borledim, but I think it’s not accurate.

ELIAS: It is accurate!

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Oh, he is aligned Borledim?

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I think his orientation is intermediate.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Type of focus – I did not get the focus.

ELIAS: Political.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is he a continuing focus?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: What would be his numbering of focuses in this dimension?

ELIAS: Numbering of focuses, 1006.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, I’ll talk to you about an experience I had a few weeks ago while I was experiencing my conceptualization inner sense. I was lying in my bed and letting go of everything. I was defocusing, and I saw an image coming before me. It was like the character Mystique in the movie ”X-Men,” and the color was a very dark blue. I could feel the energy. It was very, very strong, and suddenly the color and the form of the character changed. It was like a Japanese samurai. The color was black, and the eyes were glowing red, and I heard at that moment the name Basil, and it was also written before the essence. It continued to approach me, and there was like a mergence between us. It was very painful in my body to the solar plexus. I felt this energy, and it was very, very interesting.

Last night I had this experience with a member of the forum whose essence name is Opan, and we also were merging our energy. I told him about that essence named Basil. Actually, the essence showed up, and we merged, the three of us, and also with another member of the forum. I could feel the energy, and I was a bit overwhelmed by all that openness that I was allowing myself.

I’m continuing to practice that today and yesterday night also, and I can feel... I’m acknowledging myself, but I can feel the differences in energy of essences or people or focuses, and so I wanted also to know if that essence Basil, if I know currently a focus of that essence.

ELIAS: (Pause) No, but it is a potential, for that essence has participated in this forum.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: This essence is participating in the forum?

ELIAS: It has.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I feel a very strong feeling toward that essence. It’s like we know each other and shared many focuses together. Opan told me about some of them.

I’ll talk to you about other focuses that I have impressions, and I’ll ask you to confirm them. I think first the old impression is about a woman in Greece whose name is Cassiope. I think the time framework is 1300.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. The character of the book that I named Ellie, you told me last time it was one of my focuses, I think is manifesting in France in the Middle Ages, maybe at the same time period as Cassiope.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. I had two dreams recently. The first one was a Japanese woman, the age was 35, maybe; I’m not sure. I was in her bathroom, but when she entered the bathroom she didn’t notice me at first. At one moment our eyes met and she noticed me, but it was like she noticed me just for one second, and the next moment she couldn’t see me anymore. So is it a focus of me currently living in Japan?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I had the name Hiroko pop in my head when I was looking for her name. Is that accurate?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. I had another dream with a black young woman who was found unconscious and had seen a murder. She was almost accused of that murder, but she is innocent. She is working in a hotel. I think she is currently living in the U.S. I don’t know the real location, maybe Reno, and I had the name Rena popping in my head. Is all this information accurate?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great! The other character of my book that I named Salome or Solomon, I think maybe I translated several focuses of my essence. Is that the case?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is it two or more focuses?

ELIAS: More.


ELIAS: More.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is one of these focuses called Salome living in the 3200s and is a time traveler?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. You told me last time that the name Alanis I gave you as my essence name was a focus name. I think it’s a woman, is that correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is she living in Greece?

ELIAS: Not currently.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, she’s a current focus of my essence?

ELIAS: Not a current focus.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, when you say she’s not currently living in Greece, what does that mean?

ELIAS: It is not a current focus, but yes, that focus does reside in that area.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay. And she travels also?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have no impression of the time framework, maybe beginning of the 20th century?

ELIAS: And ending of 19th century, yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have another focus name of my essence. The name first came to my mind as a password for a computer account, and I finally used it as an email address. I feel currently very close to that focus. The name is Eschraiel. Is that a good translation of the name?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Opan told me that it’s a friend of his in the future.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Opan also told me that this focus has more than one directing essence, or that it has merged with other essences and fragmented.

ELIAS: Not fragmented, but is observed by several essences and has fluctuated in the choice of the directing essence; yes, that would be correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, I’m not the directing essence in the whole focus?

ELIAS: Correct. But in a manner of speaking, that matters not, for the role of a directing essence and the role of an observing essence are the same. It is the choice of the focus which...

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I’m thinking a lot bit about directing and observing essences currently, because I was thinking that it is the focus who is choosing which is the directing essence or observing essence and so on. Even with the fragmenting essence, if one focus chooses to change and align with another essence, it’s like the focus aligned with the previous essence is still...

ELIAS: Connected; yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: ...holding his own validity and existence, but it’s not very clear in my head. I think I’m not translating very well.

ELIAS: The focus, in choosing a different directing essence, continues to hold all of the association with the previous directing essence.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, it’s something I can feel, and I’m working on this to use my conceptualization inner sense. I was not very sure that I was using it before, but actually it’s becoming easier to me to let information come and arrive.

So, I’ll ask other questions. (Elias chuckles) You told me about tai chi last time. Actually, I’m incorporating the action of tai chi, letting the focus that I have in China who is practicing tai chi, letting his energy, drawing his energy. I’m just letting the energy express, and I’m doing my own tai chi. I can feel the energy release, and there are many things that I can do in the knowing of energy with that action. Can you confirm that?

ELIAS: Yes, and I shall also acknowledge your allowance of yourself to be engaging this action in association with the other focus, and this shall also be instrumental to you in balancing in many different manners.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I discussed that with Opan, and he told me that he was doing the same thing, allowing the energy of another focus to draw aspects and do things that he hadn’t himself learned in this current focus but that another aspect of him knows quite well. He was playing swords with a friend of his, and they were showing the techniques of samurai, and I find it quite cool. So, I told myself that it would be a good idea to use the same action to draw other aspects of myself and let them express themselves. I can relate that to my intent in that focus. I had the impression that my intent actually is to explore aspects of consciousness in relation to this physical reality and to express them in my own personal way, and to create my own picture, like you said last time, my own mosaic.

ELIAS: Yes. I am acknowledging of you in your expansion of your understanding and your allowance of yourself to be generating this openness in creating new avenues of exploration that also offer you information in this focus.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you. It’s very, not releasing, but it improves my trust in myself and in my abilities, and so I’m very happy to accept the confirmation session.

So, we’ll go on with other focuses. I have the name of the Chinese focus. I think it’s Li Ping, and he lived in the third century.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I think that—no, I won’t have that question, I have another focus impression. When I began to write on the forum with the other people, there is Ken, of essence Connor, that told me that we share many focuses together, and he had the impression of a death mask. When another person in that forum posted the picture of Mary Stewart, I was very startled. It incorporated a kind of familiarity, and I relate it to that focus of Mary Stewart.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Is it a focus of my essence?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: And which focus is Ken, actually?

ELIAS: I shall express that he may be investigating, for he is quite adept at connecting with other focuses.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I find that very interesting myself, so I’ll tell him that.

ELIAS: Perhaps together you may discover.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes. It’s a very interesting game. (Elias laughs) I had another impression of a French writer that lived in the late 19th century and beginning of 20th century. The name is Marcel Proust. What is my connection with that person?

ELIAS: Counterpart, and you also incorporate a focus that is a friend.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I had the impression of counterpart. I had also a strong, not a strong feeling, but when I was young, people always told me about the Louie XIV, king of France, and I imagined that I was related to that person. What is the relation with him?

ELIAS: With that individual in that time framework, you were also a friend, a close friend.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: A close friend - so I shall investigate! (Elias chuckles) That’s why it’s familiar. Opan told me that I share many focuses with Basil, and he told me that he had the impression of patron saints in Ireland in the 1800s. Is it correct?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I shall investigate for the name. He told me that we also share with Basil, me and Basil, focuses in biblical times.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Could you give me a clue to the time framework?

ELIAS: This would be within the time framework of the first 100 years A.D.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: The first 100 years described in the Bible?

ELIAS: The first 100 years within the time framework of the individual of Jesus.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I felt a strong connection with the character Salome in this time framework. Is it related?

ELIAS: In that same time framework?

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, with John the Baptist and...


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Am I Salome? Or am I a close-related friend or something like that?

ELIAS: A family member.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I may investigate! (Both laugh) I had impressions about other-dimensional focuses. People in the forum spoke about the Dune dimension, and they told that you can be translated as Leto II, who was the god-emperor in the desert of Arrakis. I was speaking with Katie, who told me that she can be translated as Jessica, the mother of Paul Atreides. When I was working, I had left the information for later, and there was the name Leto that came in my mind. Was it the name of the husband of Jessica, or is it another character of this dimension that is named Leto also?

ELIAS: Your first impression is correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, I can be related to Leto Atreides, who is the father of Paul Atreides?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I had impressions about the dimension of Valdemar. I think you may be familiar with it, where there are companions that look like horses but are not actually horses. I’m very attracted by these stories and this world, and I wonder if I could be related to an individual in the series written by Mercedes Lackey.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: May I be the character named Vanyel?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: So it’s why I’m so attracted by these three books of his life.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I think I have other focuses in that dimension...


JEAN-BAPTISTE: ...maybe related to the Hawkbrothers.

ELIAS: You are correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, I investigate for names or other information. I had also information about a series written by David Eddings which relates a great epic and maybe a religious event, The Belgariad and The Malloreon, and in that dimension there is a sorcerer whose name is Polgara. Am I related to that character?

ELIAS: (Pause) Yes.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: You told other people in other sessions that there are actually many individuals or focuses in this other dimension that can be related to the same characters in the books. I wonder if there are other people that I know that are related to that same character, Polgara?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: So, I may investigate. Do I know them in this physical location?

ELIAS: Some.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Okay, I investigate. (Elias chuckles) My sister also wants to know some information about her boyfriend, whose name is Juau, but his real name is Stefan. She has the impression of essence name Gulyat. Is that correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Essence family, she thinks he is Gramada for belonging.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And for alignment, she thinks he is Borledim.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: For orientation, her first impression was soft but she switched it to intermediate.

ELIAS: Soft.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: She thinks he is thought focused.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: And she has the impression of 1120 focuses.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Great. She will be happy. (Elias laughs) She had impressions of some focuses of hers, one who’s named Mathilde. She lives in the late 19th century in France, and I had the impression that she didn’t live to be very old. Is that correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: She had the impression that she was a housemaid in a house, maybe.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: She thinks that she has actually many lives where she incorporates the profession of housemaid or similar.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: She had the impression about a woman in the Isle of Zanzibar.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: She has an impression about an Inuit focus where she is a man, or maybe it’s just related to Inuit, where she is a missionary or something like that. Is she Inuit or a missionary?

ELIAS: The first.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: She had the impression about a woman in Japan where we are together, she and I, a geisha in Edo at the time period of Edo-Meiji with another friend of ours that’s called Benjamin. Is that correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: She has also the impression of a Mayan woman where she incorporates the profession of – I don’t know the word in English – but it’s potier in French. Do you understand the concept where you make pots or things like that?

ELIAS: Yes, she is correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: She had the impression that her totem animal is a puma. Is it correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I was looking for shared focuses with my sister, and the word prostitute came in my mind, and also I had the visualization of a Napoleonic soldier. She thinks that she is the soldier and that I am the prostitute. Is that correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: She also had the impression of a man in Italy. The time framework is... I don’t remember the term in English, but it’s a renaissance, like rebirth.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: She thinks that she manipulates people and that she has like a shaman or Merlin profession. Is that correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: She had many dreams about a shelter. There are no lights, there is a war outside, and there are many, many people sitting around. She is sitting with some people that are trying to solve things or organize things. She has also other dreams where she is with those people but they didn’t have the same faces. They are like explorers, maybe in Egypt. They are exploring pyramids or other monuments, and she has the impression that they are not the same people and that they are manifesting in different time frameworks together and do these things. Is that correct?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: Now the focuses and confirmations are over. I’d like to have some information about how I am currently using my soft perception in this focus, because I used to look at the world as if I was always looking at the world in all my focuses this way, but I didn’t understand that, it’s not the case. If I’m having other orientations, it can be completely different. I’d like to have more information about how I’m using my softness and how I’m merging it or uniting it with my dispersedness. Can you elaborate on that?

ELIAS: The manner in which the orientation interacts with the dispersed expression of essence is that the soft orientation can enhance the experiences of that dispersed expression. For in connecting with the subjective awareness, you can naturally tap into that dispersed element of yourself without engaging your empathic sense. You can naturally allow yourself to move into mergences with other individuals or other focuses or other essences, and in this, it in a manner of speaking enhances the experience. It generates more of an emphasized experience in which you can actually experience what the other individuals or essences or focuses are experiencing, which is also what is allowing you to connect in relation to the tai chi.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Was it the same thing that I felt when I was incorporating the courses of shiatsu and that it was easier for me to produce the movements of the teacher if I just looked at her or matched her movements...


JEAN-BAPTISTE: ...than if I was noting and writing all the movements?


JEAN-BAPTISTE: I couldn’t remember the order or anything.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. In this, it is not to say that other individuals of other orientations cannot create similar actions, but in this combination, it does generate an ease for you. You generate these types of actions more naturally without incorporating much effort and without, in your terms, attempting to learn how to engage your empathic sense, or practicing with that type of mergence. You do this automatically, naturally, and the orientation enhances the ease and the experience of that.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: It’s like a filter that stresses elements or aspects that I’m focusing my attention on. Is it a thing like that?

ELIAS: Yes, in a manner of speaking, for it allows you to be tapping into that dispersedness easily through your orientation. For your orientation allows you that ease in interaction with the subjective awareness, which allows you an enhanced or emphasized experience in an easy manner, in a natural manner.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I’m more and more noticing that it can be easy, actually, if I allow myself to open to what people are doing to reproduce the same actions, because it’s like I’ve already done that or it’s like I incorporate a similar energy.

ELIAS: Yes, and you allow yourself easily to move into the experience of other individuals or essences, and therefore, you can translate that into your own movements.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have another question about my openness or my allowance of the free flow of my energy. I had an outburst of sexual energy after the trip I did with my boyfriend in Hungary, and since the winter has begun, it’s completely gone. It’s like I’m in complete disinterest about sexual matters, It’s like it doesn’t really interest me, or I’m focusing my attention on other elements of myself and that I’m not ready to incorporate this energy.

ELIAS: I am understanding, and this is quite associated with your orientation. This is a natural flow of energy and a natural movement, for it is associated with your orientation. This is not unusual.

Most individuals incorporating this orientation of soft experience this in what you would term to be somewhat of a consistent or a regular occurrence, in which you experience time frameworks in which you express a tremendous output of this type of energy, but it is a temporary expression, for you express in tremendous passion in a temporary time framework, and subsequent to that, you generate little interest in that type of interaction.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Ken, of the essence Connor, told me that he has the same effects – sometimes is completely allowing of that movement, and sometimes his attention is completely elsewhere.

ELIAS: Correct, and I may express to you also, in association with this orientation, the less you concern yourself with that and compare yourself, and the more you allow yourself to accept that this is your natural flow of energy, and you recognize that it is not wrong, and it is not bad, and you are not malfunctioning. It is also not that you do not incorporate any interest. You incorporate interest in specific time frameworks, and those specific time frameworks are expressed in times in which you choose to be expressing tremendous passion.

Now; in this, let me also say to you, with some individuals of this orientation, in actuality many of them, there may be what you would term to be long periods of time in which they do not incorporate an interest or incorporate the direction of engaging this type of activity, for individuals of this orientation allow themselves to express that passion in increments in other areas, in many other areas. Therefore, there is a constant allowance and release of that passion.

It is in time frameworks in which the individual may be somewhat restricting the flow of their passion that shall generate these bursts, so to speak, in which their attention shall move to sexual interaction, and it shall be expressed in intensity, for this is a manner in which individuals of this particular orientation allow themselves to express in an intense manner. But generally speaking, the reason that there are time frameworks, and at times even lengthy time frameworks, in which the individuals are not as concerned with that type of action and in actuality incorporate little or no thought of it at all is that within your movement and within your constant interaction, whether it be with other individuals or not – for interaction with other individuals is not the only manner in which you interact; you are continuously interactive – but with, as I have expressed previously, what you perceive to be living manifestations – it matters not what type of living manifestation it is – and also yourself.

Therefore, in all of your directions and your expressions and your interactions, there are some elements of your passion that are continuously being expressed in less intense manners. Therefore, as you are continuously allowing yourself to express that and release that energy, the intensity of sexual activity becomes less interesting and less attractive, for that is an expression of intense passion, and it may not be necessary for you to incorporate that type of an expression, for you are continuously allowing yourself to release energy in association with passion in different manners.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I understand. That’s very helpful. Thank you.

ELIAS: In another manner of speaking, sexual activity, with soft individuals, at times can even be perceived as a chore.


ELIAS: A chore, as work.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I understand.

ELIAS: For many times with a soft individual, it may be perceived as work to develop that type of expression of passion if that energy hasn’t been being stored, in a manner of speaking.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Yes, I understand completely what you are saying. (Elias laughs) And now I will ask you just another question before I let you go, because it’s that time.

ELIAS: Very well.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: I have a friend, Jean-Bernard, who wants to know about his essence family and so on. What is his essence name, please?

ELIAS: Essence name Aasif, A-A-S-I-F (ah SEEF).

JEAN-BAPTISTE: His essence family, I think it’s Gramada.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: And essence alignment, he thinks it’s Milumet.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Orientation, I’d say intermediate.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: He is emotional focus.


JEAN-BAPTISTE: And numbering of focuses in this dimension?

ELIAS: Numbering of focuses, 1768.

JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you. So, it’s time to let you go now. Thank you very much for all the confirmations and for all that you said to me.

ELIAS: You are so very welcome. I express great encouragement to you and great appreciation. Until our next meeting, in dear friendship, au revoir.

JEAN-BAPTIST: Au revoir.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 1 minute.

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.