Session 1914

High Blood Pressure


“High Blood Pressure”
“Energy in Massage”
“Use of Essence Names”
“Genuinely Appreciating Your Own Expression”

Monday, January 30, 2006 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Rex (Ummbya) and Rex’s partner (Jaahal)

(Elias’ arrival time is unavailable.)

ELIAS: Good day!

REX: Good day!

REX’S PARTNER: Good morning!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we proceed?

REX’S PARTNER: (Laughs) Hi Elias.

ELIAS: Welcome.

REX’S PARTNER: I think he’s allowing me to go first, Elias.

REX: Yes, for sure.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.

REX’S PARTNER: But first of all, I really want to thank you for your support and encouragement for my day-to-day life. Since we talked the last time, I have been practicing. Sometimes I fall, but I get back and remember what you said. So I’m really appreciative of that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.

REX’S PARTNER: Okay, I have a question, which is not as important as it was four nights ago. I was formulating a question, and I felt like you helped me with that question, because I slept over it and I woke up feeling good. And um, right now, I don’t really um dwell on it, but I’m still requesting your answer, but perhaps only through thought communication, later on. But I just want to let you know that.

ELIAS: Very well.

REX’S PARTNER: And I appreciate that, too. If I give a thought about those three words, I don’t really want a verbal answer, but it’s fine also. So, like if I think now…That’s if you get it.

ELIAS: Very well.

REX’S PARTNER: Okay. And I feel that and I’m okay with it. It’s about you know, like relationships.

ELIAS: (Chuckles)

REX’S PARTNER: But anyway, I have another question, or some kind of issue. I’m starting to balance myself as a nurse, between myself as a nurse and myself as myself, end quote, as regarding the physical object, objective manifestation of my high blood pressure or sometimes chest pain, and not going to any doctor and taking a prescription for it, or at least, refusing to take prescribed pills. I just want to work on my mind and body connection.

ELIAS: Very well.

REX’S PARTNER: So, am I going to that direction right now? Like I’m realizing, I’m being aware of your suggestion of appreciating myself.


REX’S PARTNER: And I’m really, really, you know, working on it.

ELIAS: Yes, and I may also suggest that you incorporate a visualization also, which shall be helpful to you in relaxing and allowing you to focus in that relaxation, and that shall also be physically affecting. In the visualization, choose a physical location that is pleasant to you. What will it be?

REX’S PARTNER: You mean, in relation to my high blood pressure?

ELIAS: No. Choose a physical location that is pleasing to you.

REX’S PARTNER: Okay. I’m always dreaming about a little sweet home overlooking the ocean or some kind of water, and then I would do my painting.

ELIAS: Very well. In this visualization, you shall place yourself at the shore. You shall place yourself on the beach. And in that, you shall focus your attention upon your physical senses. Engage in the visualization your physical senses, allowing yourself to feel the sun and the air upon your skin, to taste the salt in the air, to smell the sea, to be engaging your hearing of the waves and the sounds about you as you sit upon this beach and merely watch the sea. The engagement of your physical senses in important, for this allows you to generate the visualization more fully, and it allows you to genuinely become focused and hold that focus in the visualization.

Now; as you continue with your visualization, you shall notice a whale off the shore. And this whale is a projection of my energy. It shall be presented merely to entertain you, as you continue in your visualization and focusing upon your senses. Engage this visualization once within your morning time framework and once within your evening time framework.

You may engage this particular visualization for the time framework of one week. Subsequent to the completion of that one week, continue with a visualization, but change it. Create a different location, a different environment. And in that, you may choose a creature that shall appear within that new environment, and whatever creature you choose, I shall project my energy to.

REX’S PARTNER: Oooo! That’s great. I enjoy that. I was really almost tempted to go to my doctor and say okay, take this and take that, but I’m thinking about the consequences in the long run, you know. Like, okay, I’ll get rid of my blood pressure as long as I take this pill, but what if I decide I don’t want to take them anymore. Then that would be more problem. At least that’s how I perceive in that environment of hospital and nurse and doctor relationship, which I respect, you know. Doctors have their own belief system and they try in a way they think they assist people, but I’m just a venue, but I don’t want to do that, you know. I don’t want to do what I’m doing to the patients, because I understand that I’m supposed to know better, like you, Elias, you know, telling us these things, and I appreciate that. I’m so glad that I got this suggestion from you and I am committed to doing it, what you told me.

ELIAS: Very well. But also remember that these are not absolute situations. Therefore, in future experiences if you choose to engage your physicians and medication, that is not bad and it is not a failure. It is a choice, and in that, you may be choosing to move in this direction now, and you may continue to choose to move in this direction, but it is not a matter in which you may discount yourself if you choose to move in a different direction futurely. For they are all methods that you engage to accomplish a particular action and in that, whatever method generates the most comfort for you and allows you to not oppose your own beliefs, that shall be effective.

REX’S PARTNER: Uh-huh. Yes. I understand, Elias. I completely, like you said, it’s not absolute because I’m learning this method coming from you and from Abraham and sometimes I tend to like completely trap what I have in mind which I thought will help me. And then I develop a fear, you know, what if I don’t follow, then I’ll develop high blood pressure and then stroke and I croak. (Laughs) And I said, am I ready to croak? Not really. So my next step, maybe I’ll take herbs, you know. And then, in that thought of taking herbs, oh this herb doesn’t really work, you know, but I’m speaking into the thought that herbs will work for me, and that maybe the doctor pills will come later on, but I don’t really want that. I mean…

ELIAS: I am understanding. And the visualization shall also be helpful to you in dissipating the fear.


ELIAS: It shall be helpful in interrupting your concentration in association with the fear, for that is a significant action to engage, to interrupt that concentration. For you do create what you concentrate upon. Therefore, if you continue to concentrate upon this fear that you shall create some uncomfortable manifestation, you create a tremendous potential that you will. But, whereas if you are interrupting that concentration and moving your attention in a different direction, which is reinforcing to you and empowering to you, your concentration shifts. And in that situation, you allow yourself to create other directions, rather than what may become the inevitable situation, for your concentration is so strongly held in one particular direction in association with the fear.

REX’S PARTNER: Right. And also, I also associate it because, I mean in the sense that when you grow old, you get old age crap. It’s like okay, it’s absolute that when you grow old you get high blood pressure or you get all these things. Which is, I’m learning from you, that it’s not naturally true.

ELIAS: Correct. It is not an absolute.

REX’S PARTNER: Yeah… So, okay, thank you. I have another question regarding my art. I’ve been using my imagination in my artwork, just as you advised me, and it opened up a lot of ideas. Yet I still wish to develop my own unique style. I’m so inspired with the impressionist era, you know, with Matisse and Van Gogh and other artists. And I thought I had an acquaintance with them during this period, but I’m not really sure about that.


REX’S PARTNER: So, I just want to get an input from that situation?




REX’S PARTNER: Okay. Thank you. And then my last question, I’d like to know the essences of my children and I’m just wondering if I met with them in my other physical focuses.


REX’S PARTNER: Oh, I did! Oh my goodness. I have three kids and my first daughter is named Kristine, K-R-I-S-T-I-N-E. My impression with her, her essence is Sumari and she’s aligned with Gramada.

ELIAS: Correct.

REX’S PARTNER: And her orientation is common?

ELIAS: Correct.

REX’S PARTNER: Ah! And what about her name, her essence, her focus name.

ELIAS: Essence name, SUNI (SOO-nee) S-U-N-I.

REX’S PARTNER: Oooo! Thank you. And then my second daughter, her name is Cynthia. And my impression on her, she’s also Sumari but with alignment Ilda.

ELIAS: Correct.
(Interference on the tape with another session renders a portion of this session inaudible.)

REX’S PARTNER: And she has a common… orientation, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

REX’S PARTNER: And her name?


REX’S PARTNER: Ehessyn. Oh. Ehessyn. E-H-E…






REX’S PARTNER: Like Cynthia. Okay.




REX’S PARTNER: Thank you, Elias. And my last, he’s Andrew, my son. And I’m also getting an impression that he is Sumari with alignment Gramada, or Zuli, I’m not sure about this.

ELIAS: Zuli.

REX’S PARTNER: Zuli. And he’s also common?

ELIAS: Correct.

REX’S PARTNER: And his name?

ELIAS: Essence name: DAINE (DAYne) D-A-I-N-E.

REX’S PARTNER: Say that again, Elias.

ELIAS: D-A-I-N-E. (Rex’s partner repeats each letter after Elias.)



REX’S PARTNER: Oh, like in pain?

ELIAS: Daine. D. D.




ELIAS: (Laughs) D as dog.


REX: As in dog?


REX’S PARTNER: As in dog. Okay.

ELIAS: Daine.





REX’S PARTNER: Okay. It sounds like…

REX: How do you pronounce it?


ELIAS: Daine.

REX: Oh. Like the dog, yeah.

REX’S PARTNER: Well, thank you very much, Elias. I have my partner here…

REX: You’ve got time. Why don’t you ask another question about something?

REX’S PARTNER: I don’t know what else to ask, really. It’s more…

REX: A point of prestige: how many focuses do you have? Or who’s your famous focus, so you could tell people that Matisse is one of my focuses, or something.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX: Hey, Elias, not funny. This is serious stuff.

ELIAS (laughs)

REX’S PARTNER: Was I close to them or just an acquaintance, with these impressionist artists?

ELIAS: An acquaintance.

REX’S PARTNER: Oh, an acquaintance. So I was just an observer while they were doing…

REX: No, he said “acquaintance.” Does that mean friend?

ELIAS: That would be in the capacity of a student.


REX: That’s cool. Of which one?

ELIAS: And shall you not investigate?

REX: Oh, you always do that!

ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX: We want it easy, on a platter.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX’S PARTNER: We went to Paris one time, and every place I walked with my friend, who is also an artist, and I always felt like something like “I’ve been here.” And my friend said she probably was one of the prostitutes during the time of Lautrec and she was a friend of Lautrec. (Both laugh) Anyway, I feel good now Elias, and I thank you very much. I shall be… taking your advice, and I appreciate everything about you. And myself, too. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Ah! And I am acknowledging of that.

REX: Why don’t you ask about your, your… body work thing?

REX’S PARTNER: Oh, my massage? I’ve been doing this, it’s called Asian body work, and I’ve had this little problem only because I’ve manifested it. Sometimes I don’t want to do it, and I’ve got into this Board massage telling me that the practice is… because I’m not, I’m a massage therapist.

REX: They are licensed by the state, you know.

REX’S PARTNER: I have one other idea with giving this service, you know, giving some kind of release or relaxation to other people, and they find it, like patients do it, because I’m not a massage therapist. But I resolved that, you know, I gave them all my qualifications and explanations.

REX: But how did you manifest it though, that’s…

REX’S PARTNER: Because at one point I didn’t want to do it. So I’m aware of it. But I can still listen to what is your input, Elias.

ELIAS: I may express to you, if you want to engage this action or if you express an enjoyment and fun in generating this action, I would be encouraging of you to engage it, but not to be forcing yourself.


ELIAS: If you do not want to engage it, do not force yourself to generate actions that are not necessarily your preference. Or do not engage the action in association with obligation. This is a type of action in which you are physically generating a connection and an energy exchange with another individual. If you are not engaging that action in fun and in a sharing with the other individual, it is not beneficial to either of you.

REX’S PARTNER: Yes. I’m aware of that, Elias. But sometimes when I don’t appreciate myself I say to heck with it, you know, I don’t want to do this.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

REX: But if you have an appointment you can’t…

REX’S PARTNER: But if I am aligned and appreciate myself, I really can do it with enjoyment…

ELIAS: I am understanding, for if you are generating a balance with yourself and expressing acknowledgement and appreciation of yourself, it allows your energy to flow freely and it allows you more of an openness, which allows you to connect with other individuals in a beneficial manner, for you both. But if you are not expressing your energy in that manner, what you create is a forcing of energy. And that is not beneficial to you or to the other individual, for it merely encourages you to be discounting of yourself.

REX’S PARTNER: Uh-huh. I also am thinking of doing this body work in the place where I live, so I don’t have to pay extra rent, because I’m not really getting enough clients at this time and I don’t want to get clients so I get some kind of income. Like you said, I want to enjoy it and I don’t want to feel obligated.

ELIAS: Correct.

REX’S PARTNER: And I don’t know if it’s feasible to just go ahead and use my house…


REX’S PARTNER: It’s far from town and my concern is the elderly people who come to me might not like the idea of driving that far. It’s not really that far.

ELIAS: But it is a matter of YOUR energy and what you draw to you.


ELIAS: Expressing the trust in yourself and the appreciation of what you do, and the desire to share that with other individuals and in projecting that type of energy, you shall draw individuals to you.

REX’S PARTNER: It’s exactly… I feel those wise words, and sometimes I just neglect to listen. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: If you are projecting an energy of concern, you create obstacles.

REX’S PARTNER: I see. Okay.

ELIAS: Whereas if you are projecting an energy of appreciation and trust, you do not create those obstacles and you allow yourself to draw other individuals to you freely.

REX’S PARTNER: Yes. Okay, Elias. One last question: the ancestors’ names, do they have meanings? Like situations or places? I can, if you want me to investigate, I know you will ask me to investigate. I just want to know, do they have certain meanings?

ELIAS: Meaning in association with what?

REX’S PARTNER: With the energy and importance of it. You know, why is it in a person, like in essence name, why is it so important? We have that kind of…

ELIAS: First of all, let me express to you, an essence name is a partial translation of the tone of each essence. In a manner of speaking, it is not necessarily important. But it is important to many individuals, for within your reality you generate a comfort with attaching a name to an expression and therefore it generates more of a reality association with it. In this, it is a translation or a partial translation of the tone of the essence, which is the energy, the vibrational quality of the essence.

And you can incorporate different actions with that tone to generate different manifestations. Some individuals incorporate speaking or singing the essence name as a manner in which they can connect with that vibrational quality and manipulate energy in different manners: some, in association with healing, some merely in association with allowing themselves to connect themselves as a focus of attention to the wider expression of themselves as essence. Some individuals incorporate the essence name to generate a calming effect in a meditation. Some may generate it association with dream suggestions and allow themselves to use that as a type of portal to be projecting to other areas of consciousness and offering themselves more information. But it is dependent upon the individual and the direction that they move in and what is significant to them in their expressions.

REX: Can I ask something about essence names? When you said Ummbya and Jaahal, and then some of the other essence names ring of, say of different racial backgrounds. You know, some of them are more like European or English, and some of them are more like, when you said Ummbya and Jaahal, it seemed like, well, Ummbya seemed like… What the question should be, I guess, is there a racial connection, at least worldly racial connection?


REX: There is, huh? So when I said, hey, it sounds like they’re from Africa, maybe, is my… ah… psychic focus from there or what? Or my essence would be… I guess the question would be how many focuses and how many are… The grouping of focuses, are there more than one race, then, for an individual?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. But the names that you choose within your physical reality are reflective of tones of essence.

REX: Tones of essence.

ELIAS: And that is reflected in different cultures, yes.

REX: Okay.

REX’S PARTNER: The essence name of Kristine, Suni, it sounds like Pacific or Hawaiian, to me.


REX’S PARTNER: Okay, Pacific. Also, my three kids, I mentioned them to you – are they part, am I part of them, I mean, part of bringing them to the shift consciousness, their awareness to shift consciousness?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

REX’S PARTNER: Like in the future they probably would be aware of your presence or other essences, so that they will also be…

REX: Sort of paving the way for that.

REX’S PARTNER: Yeah, paving, yeah, exactly. Thank you.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. They are participating in this shift, as are all individuals within your physical reality. You are not necessarily paving the path for them. They shall engage it and offer themselves information in whatever manner they choose. You can share information with them, if you are so choosing, but it is their choice in how they shall present their own information to themselves and how they shall engage their direction in association with this shift in consciousness. But they are already participating.

REX: So, would it be proper to say in a linear time sense they did choose your association, somebody does choose your association as a parent or a relative or whatever, or even a friend, so they are actually making the movement to expose themselves to something if you have the information.


REX: That’s a better way of saying it than saying, “Well I am going to heal someone.”

REX’S PARTNER: I don’t really think that way because I myself am trying to heal myself.

REX: I know. (Both laugh)

REX’S PARTNER: I’m not into that. I mean…

ELIAS: I am understanding.

REX: Well, you’re still learning, I’m still learning, and I get to ask a question.

REX’S PARTNER: Okay. I’ll stop now.

REX: You’ve already got your half.


ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX’S PARTNER: Thank you very much, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.

REX: I’ve got a couple of weird questions. The first, well, an overall is…Let me really just lay this on you, because it opens in a hundred different directions at least but I… You know, I’m working with my little script, my screen script here, and of course I’m kind of bogged down right now, but I think that’ll pick up. But I’m bogged down in… Well, I guess the big question I want to ask is, this seems to, maybe I’m getting too obsessed with it in the sense that it, you know I feel like I want a little success here with something to make me feel better, you know? And of course it wouldn’t hurt to have a few of those little green pieces of paper, you know, more homage I’d like to have, because I haven’t been that successful in my extensive metaphysical lifestyle with all of its benefits, I still… You know, I’ve got health, but I don’t got wealth. And so that’s why I’m… The main thing I want to ask is that right now… Okay, one of the specific questions is, I got dolphins in this thing and they’re shape-shifting into humans. You know, it’s kind of a sci-fi thing, if you want, but I’m trying to keep it at least accurate as to relying on some of your information and so forth, but dolphins, do they have the capability of shifting into human form and becoming human? I don’t know how to ask that question any better than that.


REX: No.

ELIAS: They are generated as a different species.

REX: Yeah. But are they more experienced in choice? Because they came into the choice lately and decided to say, well, I’ll stay in the ocean, in a linear time.

ELIAS: Are they more experienced? No.

REX: Okay.

ELIAS: Are they comparable to you? Yes.

REX: Are they more comfortable? I know this is…

REX’S PARTNER: Comparable.

REX: Are they more comfortable to us than we are to them? I don’t know, everybody is so taken with swimming with dolphins, and I just ran across a website of this gal that’s been doing it for years with groups and herself, and the exchanges that she’s had with dolphins, actual physical exchanges have been pretty awesome.

ELIAS: They incorporate a very similar curiosity of you as you do of them.

REX: Do they have an ability to, are they more, this is another… Are they more compassionate towards other species than we are? I don’t know if that, there’s not really an answer to that, probably. What would you say?

ELIAS: Are they more compassionate?

REX: It seems like they help mankind more, if he’s in the ocean, there’s instances of them helping. But this one gal talked about how they have helped them too, you know.

ELIAS: Correct, and I would express that it would not necessarily be a matter of comparison or of expressing whether they are more compassionate, for they are different. They express differently. Their experiences are different. And in this, it is a matter of interaction, for individuals of your species can express tremendous compassion and individuals of their species can express tremendous compassion.

REX: A question?


REX: Is there much variation between the dolphins and the whales? This one gal seems to think that the whales are more encompassing in their… overall ability to transmit or transmute energy in a way. What do you say about that, dolphins as opposed to the whales? Although some of them, like you’ve got the orcas, they’re just big dolphins, but if we talk about the larger whales, is there a difference in the essence there?

ELIAS: No. There is differences in the species and the manifestation and therefore there are differences of language and there are differences of qualities, but as to essence, no.

REX: Okay. Now here goes a real weird one again. Is there… If I went down with my characters, I’ve got a dozen or so main characters, and if I went down and tried to create their orientation, I don’t know, is that a possibility when you’re talking about characters in a script? Or is that too nebulous type of a thing? I mean, would that make them more real, if I started thinking in those terms?

ELIAS: To you?

REX: Yeah.

ELIAS: Perhaps.

REX: Then this leads to the next question…is um… I’m new in this field, but I’m familiar with some of the scripts that I’m reading. They have a certain…the dialogue rings true and I think that makes a difference, of course. What people say to each other in different situations, a reality in dialog. Do you have any hints into where I could approach that? I mean, an excessive illustration would be like you’ve got a gangster talks a certain way and you’ve got a doctor talks a certain way and then maybe a nurse or maybe a salesman or, you know, that kind of thing.

ELIAS: Correct.

REX: How do I get to my reality in dialogue?

ELIAS: What is your direction?

REX: Well, my direction is to really make it real, you know. This is, you know somebody’s reading it, like some of the scripts I’ve read, you go from this is the way people talk under those circumstances, and then sometimes you’ll hit, well, that’s not, they wouldn’t really say that, or nobody would really say that, or you know the other side of that.

ELIAS: And your characters are what?

REX: Well, they’re young people with one kind of the guru type who has more wisdom. He tends to guide them, but not any more than he actually…with as least interference as he can. And it’s a story about the shift, but I’m trying to put it in terms of having enough excitement in it, that the government is doing things to hold onto its power, like I can sort of assume will happen. It’s already happening, it’s like they’re finding…I could spend all this time talking about stuff, but it’s like say, for instance, the Bush administration pushed this whole election thing in Palestine, and they got the results of an election, they got what they term as a terrorist party elected. Now, they don’t know what to do with it, you know. And the rest of the world, so to speak…so it’s… I’m trying to put some of that reality in. I’m trying to put the shift reality into my script in the sense that…and yet making it real. So, I get the government as sort of the bad guy, you know, but you kind of have to have something to push against, and then…

ELIAS: My suggestion is that you allow yourself to observe interactions and expressions within your reality, and incorporate your experiences also.

REX: Okay.

ELIAS: Generate your experiences and your concepts into your characters.

REX: Okay. It would have to be that way, yeah. Okay. All right, how many focuses have I got? Is that… (Laughs) Why that is so funny is, I don’t know, the more focuses you have, the better you are, right?

ELIAS: Ah! Are you? (Laughs)

REX: Back on me.

ELIAS: (Laughs) The number of focuses that you incorporate in this dimension does not generate an indicator of whether you are wiser or better. It is an indication of your preferences. Some individuals incorporate fewer focuses in this physical dimension, for that essence may incorporate preferences to be generating more focuses in other dimensions. But some essences incorporate a fascination with this particular reality, for it is quite diverse, and therefore it expresses a complexity that offers tremendous avenues for exploration and expansion, for there are so very many directions that can be explored in this physical reality, as I have expressed many times previously. This may not be THE most diverse and complex reality of all, but it is certainly one of the most complex and diverse realities, and therefore, there are many essences that incorporate a fascination with it. In this, I may respond to your question. You incorporate 932 focuses of attention in this reality.

REX: You know, I’m reading a little bit of Seth and, off again…Unknown Reality was where he was getting into some of the things you concentrate on, and you clarify it more. I can see you took up where he left off, in the sense of some clarification. I’m still reading more. He’s easier to understand than you are, though.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX: You kind of like…you are very particular to get this straight. Are the kids going to be studying what you say, in times to come or what?

ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX’S PARTNER: Elias, may I intrude?

REX: No, you can’t.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX: Elias is all mine. (Both chuckle)

REX’S PARTNER: How many focuses do I have?

ELIAS: Numbering of focuses, 1461.

REX: You can’t give her more than me! That’s not fair.


REX: 1461?

ELIAS: (Laughs)

REX’S PARTNER: Am I going to be…

REX: That’s a lot!

REX’S PARTNER: …because when I work on my art, like in one room, in a studio, a small studio that I have, I’m so like feeling in a different world, like I’m really… And then I listen to Mozart. I’m completely different and I like the feeling. Do I have, at this point, this time, be able to really improve and get better, and really understanding my work? Because you know….

ELIAS: Yes. Allowing yourself to freely express. Allow yourself flexibility. Create what you like.

REX’S PARTNER: Okay. Will that mean also enjoying and not being obligated to paint, to bring me to some kind of financial whatever? (Laughs)

ELIAS: That is dependent upon you. Individuals that generate successfulness with their creativity in association with financial success are the individuals that genuinely appreciate their own expression, that allow themselves the freedom of their own creativity, that trust themselves, and that genuinely appreciate their own expression. This is evidenced in any forum of art, any creativity. If the individual genuinely incorporates an appreciation of their own expression and chooses to share that with the public, so to speak, your appreciation and your energy translates through the paint. And it becomes attractive to other individuals.

REX: Because I thought…I turned a corner when I started appreciating my script and not just wondering if it was good enough, and so that kept me going on it, but that’s still not over with. That’s a process, right?

ELIAS: That is a significant difference in energy. If you are comparing your creativity to other individuals, that is an energy of opposition, and you create obstacles, but if you are genuinely acknowledging your expression and you are genuinely appreciating of it, you shall project that energy outwardly in association with other individuals, and they shall reflect it and be attracted to what you are sharing.

REX: Way to go. Uh-huh. All right.

ELIAS: This is the reason that different expressions of creativity in what you identify as artists of any capacity are not necessarily recognized until they have disengaged, is that within the time framework that they continued within physical focus, they were not generating a genuine appreciation of their own expression.

REX: Good old Van Gogh, for instance, we know about yeah…

ELIAS: This is not to say that the energy was not translated into the creative expression, as the paint, as an example, for it is. But it may not necessarily be shared or recognized until a subsequent time framework, for the individual themself was not satisfied with their own expression, and compared and was continuously striving, rather than genuinely appreciating and accepting their own expression, and projecting that outwardly. There are other of your artists within your impressionists, as you expressed, that generated considerable successfulness.

REX: While they were alive.

ELIAS: Correct.

REX: They, you could do that if you were dead, too, in the sense that you could… Will they change their preference? Like say, did Van Gogh change his preference after?

ELIAS: No, but the energy was expressed in the medium.

REX: Yeah, oh…

ELIAS: Therefore, other individuals connect with that energy and they appreciate it.

REX: Would it make a difference whether your physicalized or you’re non-physical?

ELIAS: As to what?

REX: Well, like maybe they released that. Maybe they had a belief that says well, my stuff’s good but nobody’s going to want to buy it, and then when they died, they turned loose of the thing about nobody wanting to buy it or something.

ELIAS: Correct. Yes. You are correct, which is also a factor, for the individual is no longer blocking their own expression, and the individual…

REX: … going to have to die to make her painting… and then I could go sell them all afterwards? (All laugh)

ELIAS: You can generate that successfulness while you continue within physical focus and many of your artists have generated that successfulness, but the factor that was significant in that is that they appreciated their expression. THEY liked their product and they did not incorporate a doubt of themself and they did not compare.

REX: Way to go. That’s the key. The key!

REX’S PARTNER: I’m more into non-objective art. Like I splash colors according to my emotions and feelings, but also I want to try myself, or prove myself that I can do objects or draw pictures of persons or landscapes or faces, you know. I really don’t want to go into that. I want to prove more of my emotional expression of just splashing the paint, or drawing a line that has meanings in it.

ELIAS: Generating what is a genuine expression of creativity for you is what shall allow you to create an ease and much more of a potential for generating a successfulness in association with sharing your creativity.

REX’S PARTNER: Is there such thing as avant-garde nowadays, Elias?


REX’S PARTNER: You want to start something different.


REX’S PARTNER: Yes… Like the impressionists, they started that period.

ELIAS: And there have been many others in the interim time framework also. Let me express to you, what generates what you would term to be the avant-garde, or what generates new movement in association with art, is it reflects the time framework and the movement of societies. It reflects the movement of what is occurring within your world. That is…

REX: Would that apply to a script, too?

ELIAS: Yes. That is what generates new movement in association with artistic expressions.

REX: That’s what I’m trying to do with my, with the shift in my script. I’m trying to reflect the shift some way.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

REX: We’ve got to go pretty soon, Elias. I think our hour is up.

ELIAS: Very well.

REX: Don’t you have a watch, Elias?

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would express that would be entirely unnecessary.

REX: Laughs… Well I love you, Elias.

ELIAS: And I express tremendous affection and lovingness to you both. I shall be offering my energy and encouragement to each of you.

REX: Oh boy, thank you!

REX’S PARTNER: Thank you.

ELIAS: And I shall be anticipating our next meeting.

REX: All right. It’s going to just get better and better for us, anyway. I don’t know about you.

ELIAS: To you both in genuine appreciation and in genuine friendship, au revoir.

REX’S PARTNER: Thank you very much, Elias.

REX: Ciao!

(Elias departs after 1 hour, 2 minutes.)

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.