Money and What You Value
“Money and What You Value”
“Reflecting Versus Mirroring”
“Moments with Their Own Outcomes”
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Terri (Uliva)
(Elias’ arrival time is 18-seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning.
TERRI: Good morning, Elias. How are you?
ELIAS: As always. And yourself?
TERRI: Excellent.
ELIAS: Very well.
TERRI: I just had a long talk with Mary, and I’m always a bit surprised at how we’re dealing with things at the same time. Is that part of being counterpart?
TERRI: Yes. It’s very cool. (Both laugh) So, many things have been going on and actually one of the things I wanted to ask you about was how I keep creating postponing the sessions with Mary. And I know we talked about it before and part of it was my energy. And then I moved to holding a perception that if it didn’t happen, that it was somehow saying that we’re moving in the right direction and that sometimes if something big was going to become, was going to happen, between when my session was supposed to happen and when it actually happened, it was just kind of creating that time framework for that big thing to happen.
ELIAS: And did it not?
TERRI: And it did.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
TERRI: Which was good. But then the second time it got postponed, I’m like, okay. Then I moved into maybe I keep creating this because I’m avoiding dealing with it with Mary. Maybe that was like another layer of it. Because you know, in one respect I just don’t think that I have, even though I’m paying for it, I don’t have a right to say anything because I look at what she does as such a big favor for us all. So I thought, well maybe I keep creating this because I’m not addressing it with her.
ELIAS: And what is your assessment now?
TERRI: Well, I mean between the last time and this time, nothing really huge happened. I kept moving in the right direction. And you know I still think it’s a verification of things are continuing to meet, move in the right direction. But you know I also enjoy our sessions. (Laughs) So I still think that a part of it is that maybe now that I’ve addressed it with her, because I did send her an e-mail and say, you know, address it with her. And maybe now I’ve solved that layer of it.
ELIAS: And now you are experiencing more confidence with yourself.
TERRI: Right. Well, I am with talking with her. I guess, you know I guess I was putting her, like looking up to her.
TERRI: Not always, you know, talking to her as a friend or… kind of putting her on a pedestal and not being free expressing myself with her.
ELIAS: Which is a dangerous game, my friend.
TERRI: Right.
ELIAS: For when you elevate another individual, you set into motion strong potentials for disappointment.
TERRI: Which I did already quite well.
ELIAS: Correct. (Both laugh)
TERRI: So I think I resolved that by addressing it and then today talking to her more as a friend and kind of saying what I wanted to say. So I think that I overcame that.
ELIAS: I am acknowledging of you.
TERRI: Okay, good. (Laughs) Okay, so I wanted to verify that. Another thing I wanted to ask about, this was a while ago, before the first session that was scheduled. I was standing out back one night and I saw a shooting star and it just occurred to me that maybe that was a sign from you.
ELIAS: Your imagery of it, yes.
TERRI: Could you elaborate a little? What do you mean, my imagery?
ELIAS: You translate my energy into some form of imagery and you recognize my energy and my presence, but many times individuals shall translate that into some type of physical imagery to more emphasize the reality of my presence. Rather than merely incorporating a feeling, it emphasizes the realness of my interaction with you, if you translate it into some type of physical imagery. But yes, you are correct.
TERRI: Okay. Cool. Another thing I wanted to ask about was a dream I had the other night that was really cool. It was, I was with another couple in a store and something happened in the store that I thought that I was going to be in trouble for, and I was thinking, I don’t think I was actually talking, thinking that I was stressed out about my kids and I wasn’t really happy about my job. And they said, “Come with us.” And we got into a car and we were driving. And we drove into another dimension that mimicked this dimension, but like twenty to thirty years earlier. And they were saying, “You can choose to stay here and start all over again, and you’ll be assured of being rich because you’ll know all of the real estate pick-up that’s going to be developed, because it’s already happened where you’re at.”
And I thought, well that would be great. And I said, “Can I, will I still have all the people in my life that are in my life now?” And they’re like, “No, you won’t know any of those people. You’ll be starting over here fresh.” So after thinking about that, I chose to go back to the other dimension. But it was so, the dream was so crystal clear, as far as feeling like I was there, that it really lingered afterwards. And I think one of the messages was that money wasn’t as important to me as I thought it was, that the people that are in my life are more important than I give them credit for, maybe. Is that the meaning of the dream?
ELIAS: Yes, and that you do incorporate choices, but it is more a matter of value, what you actually value and what you actually appreciate. For in this, you are presenting to yourself information concerning the direction that many, many, many individuals move in, and yourself previously also, in which you generate ideas of what you think you want, and in that you focus upon certain goals concerning what you think you want. And you lose sight of what you already have accomplished or what you already have. And you do not acknowledge or appreciate what you have already generated. You do not acknowledge those manifestations or yourself and appreciate yourself and the manifestations.
This has offered you an opportunity to present yourself with an example, that you could engage different choices and your direction would change. But, is that what you really value? And this offers you an opportunity to genuinely evaluate what you have accomplished, what you do hold already, what you value and what is significant or important to you in genuineness rather than speculation.
Many individuals express that they would be happy if they were generating wealth, that incorporation of money shall automatically generate happiness and freedom. But that is an idea and that does not always actually materialize in how they fantasize. For it is not a matter of the money. It is a matter of what you value. Some individuals express that they value money, for if they incorporate money they would also incorporate freedom, for that would afford them time. But, conversely, if they present themselves with that situation in which they incorporate the time, they are not necessarily happy and they are not necessarily generating freedom. For they have not defined their preferences, and therefore incorporating time becomes a frustration rather than a freedom. For the individual expresses boredom, for they no longer incorporate the structure that is familiar to them and that allows them to function more efficiently.
This is the reason that it is important to become aware of your preferences and what it is that you actually value, rather than projecting in manners in which you are continuously attempting to attain some goal and generating frustration that you never seem to attain that goal, in the manner in which you conceptualize it. But the reason that individuals do not recognize, for the most part, is that there are other manifestations within their focus and in their directions that they actually value more.
TERRI: Yes, because I think that I do value the balance more of being able to have fun and spend time with my dog in the woods, and go on a bike ride if I want. I would always choose that over working. (Both laugh) Which is a good segue into what we were talking about last time, because I did want to review achieving what my idea of success is this year and I will keep that dream in mind. I want the success but I want it to be balanced as it comes.
ELIAS: And that is important.
TERRI: Right.
ELIAS: Generating…
TERRI: Usually as soon as I get off balance, it is such a heavy feeling that I know that’s going in the wrong direction.
ELIAS: Generating a balance is very significant and also generates a contribution to you creating that successfulness.
TERRI: Right. And then we were talking about last time, generating a cooperation and I do feel that I’ve moved heavily into that direction. I just wanted to get some verification on that.
TERRI: Any other advice, you know, how I can accept, or something else I could do regarding that?
ELIAS: Pay attention to your energy and how it is being projected, and how it fluctuates, for that shall also be helpful to you in being more aware of your own expression and your movement in that cooperation. I’m aware that you are paying attention to you, and you are paying attention to what you are doing. And you are generating much more of a focus upon yourself than other individuals, which is to be acknowledged. But also in that, pay attention to your energy and when it fluctuates. For that is also another involvement that shall be very helpful to you. For if you are aware of how your energy is being projected, you can manipulate that. If you notice…
TERRI: An example of that would be like the other night with Catherine and her son? Because I could definitely feel that the energy… it seems the more that I’ve been around her lately, I seem to be projecting more of an irritated energy each time. Is that what you’re talking about?
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: That would be an example.
TERRI: And I think that’s coming from my perception of her not paying attention, which I know doesn’t matter, because I keep trying to bring the attention back to me.
ELIAS: But let me express to you, my friend, it is not that it does not matter. For once again, it is a presentment of differences. This is the reason that I address to this subject so very often, for this is a difficult subject and it is presented in many, many different matters, in situations that you engage within each day.
And as an individual presents themself with differences with other individuals, your automatic response is to repel. That is what you would term to be normal. And it is not that it does not matter, for in the presentment of differences you are also presenting to yourself examples of your guidelines and other individuals’ guidelines.
This is the point that creates so very much conflict within your reality, for the association with it becomes confusing. As you have expressed in this example, you notice your energy changing and you notice yourself becoming more and more irritated. But there is also an automatic association that you should be accepting and you should be cooperating and you should be generating this and you should be generating that and you should not be expressing this or that. And that becomes confusing, for you piecemeal information, and in generating that action and pushing against what you are experiencing or what emotional communications you are offering to yourself, it creates obstacles, which generates much more difficulty in creating an awareness of what you are presenting to yourself and how to proceed.
In this, many times individuals, and yourself also, incorporating this information, may discover themselves in a situation, and what occurs is that the individual shall turn their attention to themself but not in an entirely effective manner. As I express to you to pay attention to yourself and pay attention to what you are doing and what you are generating and what you are reflecting, this is not to say that you are not participating with another individual and their energy, for you are. And in this, the other individual, in reflecting, is not necessarily mirroring.
Reflecting is a different action. That may be a presentment of an expression from another individual that allows you to evaluate your preferences, or to recognize some expression within yourself that may be lax or that may be rigid. It may be a presentment of your guidelines, and the difference between your guidelines and another individual’s guidelines. It may not necessarily be a situation in which the individual turns their attention to themself and begins to question and express to themself, “What am I doing that is the same as what this individual is doing? What am I doing that is creating this disturbing situation or frustrating situation, that generates this other individual to create this type of behavior?” It is not that black and white.
It is what you are doing, and you are reflecting, but you are also not creating the other individual’s expression. You draw specific individuals to you that shall express in the manner that they do naturally, for that specific individual shall reflect some expression within you. But it may be merely a situation in which you are generating that opportunity to gain more clarity, in relation to your guidelines and your preferences and what you choose to participate with and what you choose not to participate with. Are you understanding thus far?
ELIAS: Therefore, many times an individual may confuse themself in moving the attention to self in a less productive manner, generating an excess of analyzation, rather than allowing themself to relax, genuinely evaluate the situation, what is occurring, what is being expressed by the other individual, what your response to that is, what generates that response, what are the differences, and how do you actually want to participate with another individual, and how do you not want to participate with another individual. Are you understanding?
ELIAS: Therefore, what is your assessment and what do you view, in association with this particular individual?
TERRI: Well, my thought is that it has to do with my feelings of mother-child relationships. And also, my daughter, how out of control she seems to be over him, and how he just seems to just do whatever he wants. And she feels she has no control over it.
ELIAS: And there is a reflection there.
TERRI: Because I feel I have no control?
ELIAS: In many situations.
TERRI: Mm-hmm. Okay. So that, that right there would explain what’s the situation with Tom, that I gave him the control over whether he gives me a, his real estate agent or not. And I felt out of control with that situation.
TERRI: Okay. It also was the situation with Ed, where I’ve known over twenty, almost twenty years now, and he keeps going down this sexual path. And I feel out of control with that. Even, I keep telling him I have no interest in that and he just keeps running down this road. And I just don’t even deal with him when he goes down that road because I feel so out of control with it.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: So these are all examples trying to give me this message.
ELIAS: That you are presenting to yourself reflections in different expressions within yourself that you express some association with being inadequate and not accomplishing in the manner that you want. They are also all associated with judgments that you express with yourself and reflect those through other individuals.
TERRI: So, which would bring back to, I need to appreciate those areas more?
ELIAS: Appreciate yourself, which you are accomplishing more and more, and I am acknowledging of that. But in that appreciation of yourself also acknowledge your accomplishments. For you lean in a direction many times of generating a stronger association with what you assess as failures, or the lack of accomplishment, or a deviation from an accomplishment, and that type of expression you pay attention to much more.
In this, as you begin to acknowledge what you have and do accomplish, in association with what you value, that shall reinforce your confidence of yourself, for it shall reinforce your trust of yourself, that you actually can accomplish, which shall also be helpful in your goal in this year.
TERRI: An example of that would be my acknowledgement of my accomplishment of what I was thinking last night, acknowledging doing the yoga challenge and coming every day for thirty days and acknowledging that there really hasn’t been any other times in my life that I’ve done something like that, every single day. Would that be an example of acknowledgement?
TERRI: Okay. That’s the right track.
TERRI: Okay. Okay. Okay, a couple of other things that I wanted to… I wanted to ask about New Year’s Eve and the sexual encounter that I had New Year’s Eve with a man that wanted to play the female part and wanted me to be the male. Was I exploring role reversal?
ELIAS: Not entirely, but experimenting with different avenues in association with your own preferences. Exploring different actions to generate more clarity as to what your preferences are. But also exploring the idea of expanding your periphery and offering yourself more information in relation to the expansion of your own freedom, but in association with what your preferences are or what they are not.
TERRI: Well it really felt like it stretched what I thought my limits were, and I thought that, I often thought that I might want to try that experience with that person again. So I put out that I might like to talk to him again, but it wasn’t, I wasn’t generating that right away. And one thought that I had was, since it did stretch it, that I was kind of scared but kind of wanted to explore it again and maybe I just needed some time in between. And he did just respond to an e-mail that I wrote like a week and a half ago, so I thought that I was paying attention to how I felt about the situation. And it was kind of on the edge of what I found acceptable but kind of flirting with it, wanted to explore it further. So creating some time in between, I was able to generate that response. Is that accurate?
TERRI: Okay. Good. So, I don’t necessarily, it’s not that I’m necessarily expecting a relationship with this person or anything but I just thought that I might want to explore that experience a little bit further.
ELIAS: I am understanding. You are experimenting.
TERRI: Yes. Okay. Well I’m just confirming this, because I was, you know… (Both laugh) Okay, so going back to processes, when we were talking before you said that one of my processes was to look back to the past to move forward. And then I was thinking, trying to work on my success goal for this year, trying to figure out what my process was. So I was looking back and trying to feel, you know, trying to remember when I felt successful before. And I felt that when I was doing my theory I felt successful because I was investing time with other like-minded people and learning new things from people that I associated with being more successful than I was at that current moment. That I like to learn from people that I think are already where I want to be. So which led me to enrolling in other courses. So I’m trying to… I’m saying, that’s my process. That I put myself in position with more successful people and learn new things and that gives me the impetus to move forward. Is that a process?
ELIAS: Yes, for it is a method in which you inspire yourself.
TERRI: Okay, so recognize that, and following that, I had results a lot better this month.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Congratulations.
TERRI: Thank you. (Both laugh) I also wanted to, I wanted to ask about animals, too. When I’m driving, I seem to run across a lot of hawks. And I wanted to know if there was a specific message behind that. I had gone to a seminar with an Indian person one time, and he said that he saw hawks when he was driving and they were a sign to him of protection. I don’t necessarily look at them as a sign of protection. More I guess being open to more awareness.
ELIAS: And powerful.
TERRI: Powerful. Powerful within myself?
TERRI: Okay. And also, I seem to see a lot of deer, what I consider to be more than average. (Laughs) And a deer, I can’t quite remember what they were, but I thought one of the aspects was gentleness.
ELIAS: Gentleness and majestic.
TERRI: Majestic. Okay.
ELIAS: And in this, you offer yourself these symbols, so to speak, to remind yourself of you. Your own majesty, your own gentleness, and your own power.
TERRI: Okay. I also wanted to ask if a horse was my animal?
ELIAS: (Pause) No. Variation. A zebra.
TERRI: A zebra?
TERRI: And a zebra because it’s more different?
ELIAS: It incorporates different qualities. It incorporates more of an alertness. It also generates more of a stubbornness, but it also incorporates a stronger energy of playfulness and some of competition.
TERRI: That about sums me up. (Both laugh) I also wanted to ask if I was emotional and political focus?
ELIAS: You are not both.
TERRI: Oh, you’re, it’s either, okay, it’s either, it’s one or… well, somebody had said at one of the group sessions that they thought I was political.
TERRI: Okay. What exactly does that mean?
ELIAS: It is the lens in which you process information. It is the manner in which you process information and how you associate. And in this, a political-focused individual incorporates more of a leaning, so to speak, towards a thought-focused individual, but they also incorporate some elements that are similar to an emotionally focused individual. For a political-focused individual processes information through intuition, thought, and environment. Therefore, whatever you are processing in information, you shall also include what is occurring around you. You shall process that information partially in similarity to a thought-focused individual, but incorporate more of an intuitional element also.
TERRI: Okay. Along that line, was I a kind of… it’s a what comes first, chicken or the egg, kind of question. As far as when I’m going to do something, like say I’m going to go meet a client, and I start going in that direction, leaving the house, getting in my car and driving towards the client. And things start happening. Like I hit more than the average red lights, can’t find my car keys, I get stuck behind somebody going extraordinarily slow, these are clues to me that’s something’s not right. Either my client’s not going to show up at all or they’re running extremely late or something like that. So my question is, as we create in each moment, am I really giving myself these clues? Am I like tuning into a more likely probability? Or am I creating it as I go?
ELIAS: Both.
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: For you are tapping into the energy of the other individual and translating that into actions in your reality. The other individual is not creating your reality but you are interactive with the other individual’s energy, and therefore incorporating that energy and receiving that energy you translate that into your own imagery and your own occurrences.
TERRI: Okay, because that’s kind of cool, because if I think I’m running late, I really wanted to go by Starbucks, I can kind of pay attention to how my drive’s going to see if I have time to do that or not, without actually calling the other person?
ELIAS: Yes. In being aware of what you are creating. They are not sequences of events. They are moments with their own outcomes, but they can create a consistency that may appear surfacely as a sequence of events. As you have expressed in your example, you may incorporate difficulty finding your keys. That creates a delay. Then you may incorporate delays in association with the driving. If you continue to create those types of outcomes, one is not following the other.
TERRI: Right. They’re each individual moments.
ELIAS: Correct. But in paying attention to that, if you continue to translate the energy into those types of outcomes, that is an indicator to you that what you are generating is translating a consistency with the other individual’s energy and yes, you can relax and you can generate different choices once you are aware that this is your translation of the other individual’s energy. Therefore rather than creating a situation in which you are generating aggravation in your car, you can generate a similar delay in calm, in engaging your shop.
TERRI: Right. And that’s kind of the same thing I did in the bookstore with… I was looking for a particular book and I couldn’t find it on the shelf. And I asked the person and they said Thirteen was supposed to be in the store, but she couldn’t find it anywhere. So at the same time, I was trying to pay attention to myself but I couldn’t really find anything in myself that, you know, a reason why I wouldn’t be creating that book there. So I kind of had the confidence that the book was there somewhere. And then she did come up with another idea and find the book. So it’s kind of like looking inside myself to see am I generating obstacles that will prevent this book from being here and I came up with the conclusion no, it should be here. And then she was able to find it.
ELIAS: Now; what you did in that scenario was change your energy. It was not a matter of evaluating what you are doing that would create the book not being present. It was an example to you of how easily you can change your energy, how easily your energy automatically moves in a particular direction. It was a presentment of an example. You enter the bookstore. You request the book from the individual, subsequent to not discovering it yourself. You enlist helpfulness from another individual and you present a scenario in which it is not found. That immediately changes your energy to a mild expression of frustration, whether you recognize it or not objectively. What you did recognize was that you could engage the choice to trust yourself. And in that moment, you altered the energy that you were projecting from frustration to calm and trusting, and you presented the book.
TERRI: So it was a kind of that with… I’ve kind of been playing with that with Alan lately, too. Like something will happen that will really irritate me, but then it’ll go away and I kind of find a little change in my energy, and when he comes back like a few minutes later, I can tell that his energy is completely different.
TERRI: Okay. So that’s been kind of neat, to play with that and see the results right away. So to me, it’s telling me that my trust in my own abilities is growing.
TERRI: Okay. Yay! (Both laugh) On another line, I want to ask well, one quick question. My iguana swallowing that sock was pretty amazing. Was it a message that anything is possible? Is that what the message was?
ELIAS: Partially. And partially to allow yourself a scenario to pay attention to your automatic responses. And how you react.
TERRI: Of that situation?
ELIAS: It is merely an example being presented to illustrate automatic responses and what associations you automatically generate in certain situations, not merely that situation.
TERRI: Right. Okay. Another thing I wanted to ask about was my reliance on pills, because, for fixing just about everything. You know, I start sneezing. I’ve been trying to get away from the allergy medication for years, saying that, or trying to hold onto the perception that well, you know people sneeze anyway. It doesn’t have to necessarily mean it’s an allergy. But then it gets a little frustrating because I keep sneezing and then I take pills and feel better. And the same with the bleeding situation. The pills seem to make it stop. When I ran out of pills, it started again, so I got more pills. So am I just, keep presenting myself with these situations to give, just to keep practicing on bringing my attention back to myself, and eventually… because I know I can stop this without using outside influences? Because it’s not the pills that are keeping me from sneezing, it’s my belief in the pills. Is that correct?
ELIAS: Correct, but in this, what you are presenting to yourself is how automatically you oppose these methods, and therefore oppose yourself. For you are opposing what you assess as a reliance upon these medications and continue to express to yourself, “I know I can accomplish this without these medications.” But in moving in that direction, you create an opposing energy with yourself, rather than acknowledging that in this time framework this is the method that you have chosen to be expressing, and it accomplishes what you want.
TERRI: Okay, so…
ELIAS: In acknowledgement, you allow yourself to relax and not oppose what you are doing. And the more that you acknowledge and the more you do not oppose, the more you do not concentrate upon the manifestations, and the more you allow them to dissipate.
TERRI: So would a successful example of that be my need to always put face creams on to try to keep the wrinkles away, but when I started doing the yoga, I kind of substituted the cream. I still use them but not, I don’t feel as strong of a need to use them because I feel the sweat and doing the yoga every day kind of takes the place of that. Is that kind of a successful example of like appreciating how good my skin has been looking because of doing the yoga and not focusing so much on the cream?
ELIAS: Correct. But also, not opposing the cream.
TERRI: Right. Right. I still use them but I don’t feel as strong of a need to concentrate on them.
ELIAS: Correct.
TERRI: Okay. Okay.
ELIAS: For you have acknowledged that action previously in its successfulness, in your perception, and therefore you are not opposing the incorporation of these creams, but you are concentrating upon them less, for you are engaging other actions that you also appreciate. And in this, as you generate less of an opposition to the medications, and you acknowledge and accept that this is merely the method that you have chosen to accomplish a particular action, and that it is accomplishing that particular action, in that you are not opposing your own beliefs.
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: And in not opposing your own beliefs, you generate less concentration with them, and in generating less concentration with them, you dissipate their power in their influence.
TERRI: Okay. That’s cool. One other thing, why does my computer keep turning off? This seems to have been going on for a couple of years now and now it’s, I’m going to have to take it in again. Is it my own energy that’s affecting the electrical components of the computer?
TERRI: Okay, so how can I… what do I need to do to keep my computer working? (Laughs)
ELIAS: Be aware of your energy and be aware of generating a calm energy in your interaction with it. Also, I may suggest to you that you incorporate a daily visualization to generate more of a practice of calming energy.
TERRI: Okay, because so often when I go to use it I’m like in an energy frenzy, thinking, okay, I’ve got to check all my e-mail, I’ve got to do this, I’ve got to deal with… my finances are in there too, which, you know, makes me panic, so that’s what creating it?
TERRI: Okay. All right. Another thing on, we were talking about generating money as opposed to trying to acquire it?
TERRI: Trying to change my perception to more of… instead of finding bills such a burden and a struggle, I’ve been trying to look at it as playing with my money and more as a game. And I seem to have a lighter energy when I think of it that way.
TERRI: And I’m trying to have fun manipulating and managing it. Is that moving in the right direction?
TERRI: Okay.
ELIAS: For that also alters your energy.
TERRI: Right. I can feel it.
ELIAS: And altering your energy influences altering your perception, and in that, you begin to create very differently.
TERRI: Right, which I can see with, when I do that with Alan, too.
TERRI: And I’m trying to look at him along the same line. I’m trying to look at him as more of like my manager, like playing with it as him being my personal manager, instead of a son that should be doing all this stuff because I said so.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
TERRI: Is that a good way to play with him?
TERRI: Okay. Okay, good. Okay, whew! This has been a good session.
ELIAS: These are all actions that you generate within the day, my friend, that are to be acknowledged. They are accomplishments and they are worthy of acknowledgement.
TERRI: And it’s a lot more fun. (Both laugh) I thought that I orchestrated the police raid on my house quite beautifully. (Both laugh) It’s… you know I guess that it’s my, when I was trying to look at a situation that when I feel so hopeless about it and can’t resolve it, that it seems to build and build and build until it explodes into a solution.
ELIAS: Correct. Which I have expressed recently with other individuals in a type of analogy in regard to some individuals. They generate this action in a manner that they do not necessarily want. But other individuals incorporate the same action as a method to accomplish certain expressions that they do want.
In this, what I have expressed is hypothetically you all incorporate an enormous container that follows you throughout your day, each day, all day. And within the day, you generate different actions in mundane expressions that you do not pay attention to that require no thought. But every action that you incorporate also has an association attached with it. It is motivated by some association. Now, in that, many times within your day, hypothetically you are engaging an action that incorporates a certain association, and with that you are placing that energy into this container. And you repeatedly place this energy into this container. And you do this for extended time frameworks. And eventually, the energy in the container begins to overflow.
At that moment, when that energy in that container that you have not paid attention to begins to overflow, you, figuratively speaking, turn, view it, and with one enormous blast, match all of the energy in that container with one significant expression, one significant event that occurs. And that dissipates the energy, for you have matched all of that energy within the container.
For the most part, most individuals incorporate the preference to not be filling the container, for their preference is to not generate that blast of matching energy, which they view as uncomfortable and negative and at times even destructive.
TERRI: But I like watching the fireworks.
ELIAS: There are some individuals that incorporate this action as a method to accomplish. And in that, the blast of matching energy is not perceived as a negative or bad. And with those individuals, such as yourself, it actually is perceived as a release of energy and the point of accomplishment.
TERRI: Yeah, it was very cool. I thought I did very good on that one.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
TERRI: And with that, our time is up. Once again, I thank you very much. It’s been a very good session. I feel like every time we talk, I’ve just come leaps and bounds from where I was before, and I’m enjoying the ride.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well, my friend. And perhaps in your acknowledgement of yourself, you shall create the situation in which we shall interact with more ease.
TERRI: I look forward to that.
ELIAS: (Laughs) To you as always, my friend, in acknowledgement, encouragement and appreciation to you, I express great lovingness and friendship. Au revoir.
TERRI: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour, 5 minutes.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.