The Expression of Acceptance of Difference
“The Expression of Acceptance of Difference”
“Expressions of Opposition”
“Noticing What Type of Energy You Are Projecting”
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Tom (Malhai)
(Elias’ arrival time is 26 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning.
TOM: Good morning. How are you?
ELIAS: As always. And yourself?
TOM: I’m pretty much as always. (Both laugh.) It’s been a quite some time in linear time for objective content. (Elias chuckles.) So that’s...seems like only yesterday though. (Both laugh.) So what would you like to discuss today?
ELIAS: That would be your choice.
TOM: My choice? Well, I have some things that...for others and a few things for myself.
ELIAS: Very well.
TOM: Actually, I was going to ask you about essence animal for myself, colors, and focus type.
ELIAS: And what is your impression as to the latter of these?
TOM: Focus type?
TOM: impression is religious.
ELIAS: Correct. And what is your impression as to colors?
TOM: Well, I have actually three of them. I have a blue, a purple, and a gold. And I don’t know; I guess if one is a focus and one is for essence—
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: Essence seems like it’s purple to me.
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: And this focus is more blue?
ELIAS: Gold.
TOM: Gold?
TOM: Oh. So I got that mixed? (Both laugh.) And then essence animal...see what I’m doing is I’m crossing some of these between other focuses, I think. I see an eagle for essence animal that I’m not...I’m discounting myself there. (Elias chuckles.)
ELIAS: Similar. I would express hawk.
TOM: Hawk?
TOM: Close.
TOM: Flying anyway. (Elias laughs.) There’s also, let’s see, the parents in this focus, my impression is that my father is the same as my father in the Alexander focus? (Inaudible)
TOM: And my impression was my mother was my mother in that focus also.
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: So some of the same things that were taking place then are true in this one. (Both laugh.)
ELIAS: There are similarities.
TOM: Pardon me?
ELIAS: There are similarities.
TOM: There are a few. Let’s see...I had a visit since...well, I guess it’s been four or five years since they’ve died. (Inaudible) Since then, my mother has disengaged, and she visited me, oh, probably six months or maybe even a year after, and this was kind of a...I felt it was an energy projection that she sent in her translation to me to let me know all things are well.
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: I mean, that was very interesting. So, also, why my creation of last month? Even though I’ve created an accident, so to speak, was this more to undo what I was doing, so to speak?
ELIAS: Partially. And also partially offering yourself a practice or an experimentation with a possible avenue for disengagement, not actually intending to disengage, in that time framework, but more so experimenting.
TOM: Oh, so I feel like I want to create what people view as a miracle, at times, to...(Both laugh.) It’s kind of amusing since—
ELIAS: But this is also an avenue that you play with.
TOM: Maybe too much? (Both laugh.) I have a question also—oh, I’m supposed to send my greetings from Ionna.
ELIAS: And you may offer mine also.
TOM: Okay. She wanted to know, the TV that was going static, was that, she’s asking if that was (Inaudible) kidding with her the night she was alone? The TV station that kept switching and going static.
ELIAS: Partially, and partially her energy.
TOM: Oh, it was a combination?
TOM: She also asks why we all created the (Inaudible) meetings? Is this more of a Tumold thing?
ELIAS: And also a manner in which you connect in energy in an expression of understanding.
TOM: Okay.
ELIAS: Allowing for an objective expression of connection.
TOM: All right. Is the (Inaudible), she says is a focus of mine that you told me—actually, I’m not reading this right; it was something about telling her the focus of (Inaudible) is (Inaudible)...that (Inaudible)—I don’t know what I’m asking. (Both laugh.) Is (Inaudible), is that my focus?
ELIAS: Counterpart.
TOM: Pardon me?
ELIAS: Counterpart.
TOM: Counterpart. Okay. There’s a Native American that she was connecting with, that she got translation for herself. It was She Who Dreams. It’s the Sioux Lakota tribe near the Black Hills?
TOM: And for Malhai, (Inaudible)? And did the warrior husband have a daughter whose focus is (Inaudible) and translates as Little Dove (Inaudible)?
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: And my focus, Rides in the Wind, died at Little Bighorn fighting against Custer when he was 34, and she was 28, and their daughter was 12?
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: She was pregnant when he died, with a son, who was a focus of K.C., and she named the child, (Inaudible), which means “First Son”?
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: And (Inaudible) has a focus of Rolling Thunder who married her after his mother dies, bringing the children with her?
TOM: And Malhai and (Inaudible) sister is the focus of (Inaudible), called Running Deer, and she is married to (Inaudible)?
TOM: Okay. And she has a sister, called Walks on Clouds, who is a focus of (Inaudible)? And another sister focus of Madison?
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: And Dale has a focus as a medicine man called Speaks with Spirit?
TOM: So all our impressions are correct there. (Elias laughs.) She’s very good at that. (Laughs) Where shall I go? She has another one. Even though Ionna and Dale like each other, they feel a certain distance between each other, and Dale told Ionna she felt threatened by her, and she feels that it is related to the expression that Ionna allowed. Can you offer any insight into that and the distance that creates with each other?
ELIAS: This would be a matter of differences and somewhat of a lack of understanding of what the action of accepting differences is, and confusing expressing oneself with not actually clearly paying attention to what type of energy is being projected and what judgments are being projected. This involves individual truth and the differences of them and the expression of judgment more so in the expression of Jene (Dale).
TOM: Okay.
ELIAS: And in this, she is not entirely clear yet in the expression of the acceptance of difference.
As I have expressed, it is not necessary to be in agreement with another individual, and it is not necessary to like the choices or the expressions of another individual to be accepting of it, but in this also, what she is not paying attention to is the energy of opposition, for what is not being generated is cooperation.
Agreement and like is not necessary for cooperation or for acceptance, but in cooperation, that creates a very different type of interaction, which averts conflict. But if the individual is not clearly aware of their energy, they can easily be projecting opposition and thusly create conflict and create the reflection of that opposition. This is the reason that it is important for each individual to be paying attention to themselves and what they are actually doing.
In this, disagreement does not always generate conflict. It is dependent upon each individual and what type of energy they are projecting and what their association is with what they disagree with. If the individual is paying attention to themself, they may recognize that they may be generating some type of threat in association with how the other individual is expressing. That threat is not expressed by the other individual. It is expressed within themselves. And that is what is to be addressed to.
In this also, individuals, at times, move in an expression of attempting to instruct or correct, and that creates a strong energy of opposition also.
As I have expressed recently with many individuals, there are many, many expressions of opposition. And in not wanting to generate conflict, it is significant that the individual recognizes what creates an energy of opposition. In this, expectations create opposition, defensiveness, acquiescing, compromising, instructing, personal responsibility, doubt. There are many actions or expressions that can create an energy of opposition. Frustration creates an opposing energy.
TOM: Interesting.
ELIAS: And if you are not aware of your own energy and how you are projecting it, you may actually perpetuate the energy that you do not want, for opposition is easily fed. It easily moves into a cycle.
The reason that it easily can be perpetuated is that the energy of opposition blocks the avenue of communication of imagination. Imagination provides the individual with motivation, inspiration, and a creative avenue to offer solutions to challenges. But opposing energy blocks that, and therefore, it creates a cycle in which the individual can easily create more expressions of energy of opposition, for they are not offering themselves answers, for they are no longer listening to themself other than in that cycle of opposition, and it becomes a type of hamster wheel, and it perpetuates.
If the individual genuinely allows themself to stop and pay attention to self, temporarily removing the other individual from the scenario, removing any element of the other individuals participation to the point in which the individual is merely left with self to examine what they themselves are doing, rather than bouncing back-and-forth in association with what the other individual is doing and what they are doing themselves, which I am understanding can be quite challenging, for this is unfamiliar territory, and most individuals are not yet fully, genuinely practicing being present and aware and paying attention in every moment within their day to their energy.
TOM: Most of us are still doing the automatic thing.
ELIAS: Yes. And in this, many times, as individuals are not fully paying attention to what they are doing, but rather reacting or responding in association with another individual or a situation, they are not aware of their own energy and how it is being expressed and how it is being received.
TOM: Well, I can see that. That’s kind of what you’re talking kind of part of what I was getting to ask about this certain cycle that there’s certain areas that seem to be recreated. We learn all about how we create and things like, it’s so simple in many areas, but there’s certain areas that seem to repeat themselves over and over, and that’s because of the energy in those areas.
ELIAS: Correct. Individuals presently, for the most part, understand these concepts intellectually, but do not necessarily clearly understand them experientially.
TOM: That I see too. It seems so easy to do. I mean, energy is something that’s’s what we do every day. I mean, it’s something that seems so natural, easy. It is natural. It seems so easy. I’m trying to avoid the word “control,” because there really is no control; there’s just a direction.
ELIAS: I am understanding. But as easy as it may appear, intellectually, it is easier to be generating automatic pilot. It can become as easy to be being aware of your energy in every moment as it is to be expressing automatic pilot, but initiating that may be somewhat challenging, for it is unfamiliar.
TOM: Oh, definitely.
ELIAS: Are you aware of what energy you are projecting as you open a door? Are you aware of what energy you are expressing if you are engaging creating a sandwich? Are you aware of what energy you are expressing as you engage washing your dishes?
TOM: I understand that nobody really views the mundane things as the energy that we express.
ELIAS: Some individuals do. Not many, but there are some individuals that are moving in this direction and that are generating that awareness and paying attention. But, in this, as I have expressed previously, the point is that, in each day, you generate repeated actions that are mundane actions that you incorporate no thought in association with these actions; you merely do them. And many of these actions that you engage repeatedly within each day are the same energy that creates events that occur that are uncomfortable, or that generate conflict, or that are disturbing and that you do not want.
Recently, I have expressed a type of an analogy with another individual with regard to this subject. In each day, each of you, figuratively speaking, pulls beside you a significantly large container, and each time you engage one of these mundane, small actions, in your perception, that require no thought, you may be placing that energy in that container that you pull beside you throughout your day. You continue to place that energy in that container over and over repeatedly throughout a time framework. Eventually, the container begins to overflow. At that point, you turn, you notice, and you create some action or some event that shall match all the energy that has been placed in that container. And you create a significant disruption in your experience, one that shall be confusing or discounting or uncomfortable or conflicting. You create a type of concentrated projection of energy that matches all of that contained energy. But if you are paying attention, in each day, and you are aware of your energy and how it fluctuates, ever so slightly in different actions that you incorporate, and if you are aware of what motivates each action that you incorporate, what your automatic association is with the action that you are engaging, that offers you the indication of what type of energy you are projecting.
As an example, if you are engaging the action of creating a sandwich, and you are specifically constructing the sandwich, and you consistently create the sandwich in the same manner every time you create one, what motivates that? What may be motivating that is an association with structure or that there is a correct manner in which to create a sandwich, and there is an incorrect manner in how to create a sandwich. You are not thinking of these associations, but you are generating them. Therefore, you are also generating a particular type of energy, which may be structured; it may be somewhat rigid and inflexible.
And in that, there may also be an underlying judgment, which is acceptable, for it may be in keeping with your preference, and even creating a sandwich may be an action associated with one of your truths, with one of your guidelines of how you behave and the choices you generate, and your guidelines in how you create. But with all of your guidelines and all of your truths, you also attach a right and a wrong, which is also acceptable, for it is a right or a wrong for you. Therefore, it is your guideline, for it guides you in the direction that you prefer and that you shall express yourself, but it does not necessarily apply to another individual, and their truths or their guidelines are equally as real as your own.
In this, it is not necessary to agree with their guidelines or their truths or how they express themselves and how they behave, but in not recognizing your own energy and how it is being expressed, you can easily project that opposition. In creating the sandwich and not being aware of the motivation of how it is being created, you may be placing energy into your container of rigidness and judgment and opposition. It may not necessarily be being expressed in association with other individuals yet, but it is being contained, and, eventually, all of those small, mundane actions that generate certain types of energy that you are not aware of become a significant disruption in your experience, and one that, generally speaking, you do not want. Whereas, if you are aware, you can begin to empty the container without matching the energy contained in it, for if you are aware of the type of energy that you are projecting in every moment, you incorporate the freedom of choice. You can choose if you recognize that you are expressing an opposing energy to stop. You can choose to alter that. But you do not afford yourself that freedom of choice if you are not aware of what you are doing.
TOM: Interesting. So, even the little mundane things can build up into repeats of creations that you don’t want, that don’t even appear to be related, but are related to the energy that you are projecting.
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: So, (Inaudible) always relate to money, because money appears to be freedom here. Money is an energy that, if there’s a lack of it, it is because of the projection of energy.
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: Interesting. This is very interesting. It explains a lot. Of course, you always do. (Elias laughs.) That’s—
ELIAS: The challenge in this, my friend, is that individuals incorporate this information and view the simplicity of it and understand it intellectually, but do not implement it experientially.
TOM: You’re saying that I do not do that?
ELIAS: I am expressing that most individuals do not implement it experientially. They do to an extent, but merely partially. It is not fully expressed in genuinely being aware in every moment, and at times, individuals do not actually even clearly define what their energy is or how to notice it. I may express to you, as you are aware, one manner in which you can provide yourself with a strong indicator of your energy is by paying attention to your physical body consciousness, for your physical body consciousness immediately and automatically generates a response to what type of energy you are projecting.
TOM: Oh, definitely. And if you project a certain energy, there’s ways to reject it, so it’s almost an instant creation that appears.
TOM: Because even my situation was not there several months ago with my physical body, (Inaudible) what I created last month.
ELIAS: Correct.
TOM: And I actually noticed using energy in certain ways that I really wasn’t intending consciously, (Laughs) but yet I was. It’s really easy to say that we don’t consciously...we’re not aware, but we are.
ELIAS: I am understanding. And this, once again, is another example of that figurative container and creating a matching of all of that energy with one burst.
TOM: Oh, yes. Well, I’ve been feeling that for quite a while. (Both laugh.) So, why have I put off talking to you for so long?
ELIAS: Why have you?
TOM: Objectively?
ELIAS: Why have you?
TOM: (Both chuckle.) Well, I guess I have’s, again, the energy thing. Opposing my energy?
ELIAS: And perhaps not necessarily wanting to be engaging conversation, not wanting to expose, and not wanting to hear what the response may be.
TOM: Well, that could be partially, but Malhai’s reputation is more than it should be. (Both laugh.) I mean, everybody has the same ability.
ELIAS: You are correct. And let me express to you, my friend, this is more associated with your own apprehension than with what would actually occur, for it is more associated with not wanting to generate an exposure than any other reason.
TOM: Interesting. So, I’ve been basically hiding. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Somewhat.
TOM: Somewhat? Well, you can’t hide from yourself.
ELIAS: Correct. (Both laugh.)
TOM: Wherever you go, there you are, right?
ELIAS: Although some individuals do attempt that action. (Both laugh.)
TOM: They do. I guess I’ve been visiting you off and on subjectively.
ELIAS: Yes. And I am aware that you do allow yourself an openness to my energy occasionally.
TOM: Yes, I do. I guess—
ELIAS: But objectively engaging is somewhat of a different action, for many times that generates within the individual more of a sense of vulnerability.
TOM: Ah, yes, I understand what you’re saying there. Sometimes I think most of us do not want to say certain things for fear of being exposed.
ELIAS: Correct. And also, individuals generate a different association with engaging conversation with myself objectively, for if you are interacting with my energy, that is an action that you create in what you term to be a personal manner, and it is an action that you can engage and allow yourself that vulnerability but also incorporating a sense of safety. Whereas, in objective conversation with myself, there is an underlying association that although you are singularly interacting with myself in the moment, there is the possibility that it is not entirely an interaction merely between the two of us.
TOM: Well, they all become...well, like you said, everybody views that the sessions become public, and then everybody thinks...well, there’s more to it than that.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. But that generates this underlying association of more of a vulnerability and more of an exposure in what is perceived to be not entirely safe.
TOM: Yes, what is safe, though?
ELIAS: Precisely.
TOM: (Inaudible) safe where we are.
ELIAS: Precisely. But perception is very real.
TOM: It is.
ELIAS: And therefore, it matters not that you can speculate or postulate as to the validity of certain expressions, for they are experienced regardless, and that is very real.
TOM: Right. It’s all very interesting. I find other dimensions to be easier than this one. (Both laugh.) That’s another belief and perception, right?
ELIAS: Ah, somewhat, but not entirely, for as I have expressed many times, this particular reality is quite diverse and quite complex.
TOM: It is.
ELIAS: It may not be the most complex, but it is certainly one of the most complex.
TOM: It’s up there in the top five, I would think. (Both laugh.) Although, I’m not aware of all of them from this position. Now, are you aware of all dimensions from your position?
ELIAS: That is somewhat of a tricky question—
TOM: It is a very tricky question, isn’t it?
ELIAS: —for I may express yes and no, for consciousness is continuously expanding, and therefore, there are continuously new areas being created and explored. Therefore, there are also continuously new physical dimensions that are being created and explored. Therefore, I may express to you I am aware of those that have been generated, but not aware yet of those that have not yet been created.
TOM: That is a tricky question, isn’t it? (Both laugh.) Yes, consciousness is continually becoming.
ELIAS: Correct. Therefore, this question would be similar to inquiring of myself if I am all-knowing or all-aware, and I may express in this moment, yes, but no, for there is continuous change and expansion. And therefore, I am not aware or knowing of what has not been expressed yet.
TOM: So, that would pertain to all of us, correct?
TOM: So, we’re all like the Pope. We’re infallible. (Both laugh.) Now that I’ve verified my religious focus, I can use that, I guess. (Both laugh.) Yeah, it’s all very interesting. Definitely we’re going to have to do this more often than I’ve done, since I’m... actually making many different creations, that was like a part of my action with the physical was to start new creations, rather than go into the everyday energy that was being recycled.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Therefore, creating a new adventure.
TOM: Correct.
ELIAS: And in that new adventure, perhaps incorporating old friends.
TOM: Yes, that was part of my plan, (Both laugh.) because it’s been quite some time, and I guess it’s been enjoyable.
You know, I think our time may be getting close to the end here. Do you have anything else that you would like to advise me?
ELIAS: (Both chuckle.) To continue to generate what you do naturally in being playful, for you do incorporate a natural playfulness, my friend, and that is an attractive quality of you. (Chuckles)
TOM: Well, thank you very much.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And also is a very healing quality.
TOM: Yes, it is.
ELIAS: And I shall continue to be interactive with you, as always. (Chuckles)
TOM: And playful.
ELIAS: Quite!
TOM: I will enjoy it. I guess we’ll be more interactive—
ELIAS: Very well.
TOM: —in all areas, on all levels.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well, my friend. I express tremendous appreciation to you and great affection. In dear and genuine friendship, au revoir.
TOM: And I express the same to you. Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 56 minutes, 49 seconds.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.