Creatures Are Genuinely in the Now
“In Accepting Difference, Generate the Action of Cooperation Rather Than Opposition”
“Pay Attention to Automatic Responses”
“Creatures Are Genuinely in the Now”
“Creatures Do Not Incorporate the Element of Emotion”
Sunday, January 15, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Deb C. (Oana)
(Elias’ arrival time is 10 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good day!
DEB: Hello! How are you?
ELIAS: As always, and yourself?
DEB: Well, I am not as always. It seems like Im different every day. (Elias laughs) At the moment, Im tending to be manifesting the symptoms of a cold, so Im going to try to get through this today without doing too much coughing and hacking around. (Elias chuckles)
I was going to ask you—and I have impressions—what is with my cold today?
ELIAS: And what are your impressions?
DEB: Because Ive been having some issues that Ive been dragging around with me for a while, things that have been kind of worrying me, and Im kind of looking on it kind of as a coughing up, spitting out, blowing out these things that I need to get past.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I would be in agreement.
DEB: Thank you. Thank you. Okay, shall we get started?
ELIAS: Very well.
DEB: All right. One of the things I wanted to start out talking to you about today was my little dog, and we have been thinking now for a while about getting another puppy. In fact, we have thought about doing this ever since weve had her, but she has always seemed to be so fearful and so uninterested in being around other dogs that we have kind of never decided to do it because we were afraid it would be quite too traumatic.
A couple weeks ago, my husband was out doing some work for the lady who rented the kennel where we got
DEB: ...and so Im just kind of at a cross path here as to what to do, and I wanted some kind of clarification from you as to, you know, what? I think shes not going to be incorporating the feelings that I think she may be incorporating.
ELIAS: Correct.
DEB: So how would would she be perceiving this new dog into coming into the house?
ELIAS: That is dependent upon you.
DEB: Uh-huh.
ELIAS: That is dependent upon the energy that you are projecting.
DEB: All right.
ELIAS: Therefore, if you want to be incorporating a new puppy, and you want to be creating an amiable atmosphere, it is significant that you pay attention to your energy and be projecting a calm and balanced energy: not anticipating, not projecting fear, not projecting worry or speculation, but projecting a balanced energy in confidence...
DEB: All right.
ELIAS: ...trusting that the creatures can express themselves quite adequately by themselves, and that it is not necessary for you to be manipulating the situation. It is important that you understand the differences of species.
DEB: Yes...
ELIAS: You...
DEB: ...and thats where Im having the stumbling.
ELIAS: incorporate one species; this creature incorporates another species.
DEB: Exactly.
ELIAS: You speak...
DEB: Okay...
ELIAS: ...the language...
DEB:, I think thats a lot what I have been doing. In fact, the other night, I had a dream in that I was in this house somewhere with the dog, and all of a sudden I saw a wolf walking up the front sidewalk, and he was not being aggressive in any way, but he walked up and stuck his head through the window, and my immediate reaction was I grabbed
ELIAS: That is correct, but also it is significant that you pay attention to your automatic responses.
DEB: Yes, and my automatic response was to be protective of her.
ELIAS: Correct.
DEB: Yes. Okay. All right.
ELIAS: And that generates an energy which creates a response or a reflection from the creature...
DEB: Right.
ELIAS: be fearful.
DEB: All right. All right. That’s quite typical.
ELIAS: Now; the reason that the creature is fearful is different from your reason. Your reason...
DEB: Thats my next question on the list: Why is she so fearful of other dogs?
ELIAS: Let me express to you, their expression of fear is different.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: Your expression of fear incorporates an element of protection, and you project that energy. The creature understands and pays attention to energy.
DEB: Yes.
ELIAS: The creature instinctively knows how it will interpret certain behaviors, certain actions, and certain energies. An energy of fear is an energy of weakness.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: An energy of fear is an energy of subordinance. Therefore, that invokes in the creature what you interpret as fear, but in actuality, it is an energy of uncertainness...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...for the creature views you in a particular manner. If you are projecting an energy of subordinance, the creature instinctively moves into an energy of control.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: For within their species, the structure of their species, whether you incorporate any other creatures within your home or not, you become the other creatures in their structure of their reality. Regardless of what type of species they interact with, they interact with them in the same manner that they would with their own species. Therefore, one must be in the lead.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: If you project an energy of fear or protectiveness, you are not viewed as in the lead.
DEB: Exactly.
ELIAS: Therefore, the creature shall look to another in its structure—another individual—and shall receive the energy from another and evaluate whether another is projecting some energy that is translated as leading. If not, if this creature does not receive energy from any other individual within its structure that is projecting an energy that it recognizes as leading, it assumes the role of leading. But it may be uncertain in how to express that in association with what you are projecting. Therefore, they reflect the energy that you project.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: If you are fearful, the interpretation of the creature is that there must be some threatening element...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...even if they do not necessarily perceive what that threatening element is. But if you are in a situation in which you present the creature with another of its species, and you are projecting fearfulness or projecting protection, that is received by the creature in its language, and it identifies what you are expressing as the threat. Therefore, it responds in accordance with the communication that you are expressing, that this other creature is posing a threat.
DEB: Okay. Well, you know, Ive been watching...Mary told me about a man on the television by the name of Cesar Millan who is very good at training dogs and reacting to them and, you know, understanding their behaviors, and thats exactly what he says, that they look to you to be the pack leader, and if youre not incorporating that calm, trustworthy-type energy that thats when their behavioral problems will manifest.
ELIAS: Correct, for they incorporate a different structure than do you...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...and they incorporate a different language than do you.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: They do not incorporate the element of emotion in their language; therefore, they translate what you express in energy in association with what they know in their structure and in their language, similar to: you may encounter another individual that speaks a different language than yourself. To an extent you can translate what they may be expressing to you through their actions and somewhat if you are allowing yourself an openness and the opportunity to tune into the other individual, you may also translate what they are expressing through their energy, but there is an element in which you are not entirely accurately translating what they are expressing to you, for they are incorporating difference in verbal communication.
DEB: Yes.
ELIAS: But you do share similarities in emotional language, and you understand the physical actions that can be communicated in association with that shared emotional language.
DEB: As is body language.
ELIAS: Correct...
DEB: Yes. Okay. Right.
ELIAS: ...and energy.
DEB: Yes. All right.
ELIAS: But there is some element of the communication that you shall likely misinterpret, and you shall translate that in the most efficient manner that you know...
DEB: Yes.
ELIAS: ...and generate associations with what is familiar to you and what you know in your structure.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: The creature incorporates the same action. You are speaking a different language. The difference with the creature is that they are much more in tune to energy than are you. This is a natural, normal action for them...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...and therefore, they respond immediately to energy in any form. You are less aware and less attentive to the energy that you project and how often it changes...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...and how slightly or subtly it can change from moment to moment. The creature is aware of all of those expressions and all of those changes, even if you are not...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...and therefore, they respond in action, which is their language.
DEB: Okay. So there is nothing really that ever happened to her prior to the time that she came to us, like in the kennel, that has caused her to be fearful of other dogs?
DEB: Okay. I just wanted to clear that up.
ELIAS: And I may express to you, even if some action had occurred, or some event had occurred that would have generated some element of apprehensiveness or fear within the creature, that would not continue and be ongoing...
DEB: Okay. All right.
ELIAS: ...for they genuinely are in the moment. They genuinely are present in the now continuously.
DEB: Not projecting pastly or futurely.
ELIAS: Correct. This is not to say that they do not incorporate memory...
DEB: Yes. Yes.
ELIAS: ...for they do, but they are not concerning themselves with memory.
DEB: They dont dwell on it.
ELIAS: Correct...
DEB: We do.
ELIAS: ...and they do not project in anticipation...
DEB: Okay. All right.
ELIAS: ...therefore, they do not project futurely. In this, what is occurring in the now is what perpetuates certain behaviors...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...therefore, what you want to accomplish with this creature can be accomplished, and in actuality, with little effort, dependent upon your energy...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...and what you do.
DEB: All right. All right. That’s good. Do our pets choose us?
ELIAS: Actually, as I have expressed with other individuals, you create them.
DEB: Okay, so its not that, you know, as with children choosing their parents.
DEB: Not that pets choose to come to us.
ELIAS: You choose to create them.
DEB: Okay. All right.
ELIAS: You create them in many different types of methods, but you have specifically created each individual creature that you incorporate as a companion or that you interact with.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: You configured that energy, in a manner of speaking, in the womb of its mother.
DEB: Oh, okay. All right. Thats a pretty fancy thing to be able to do. (Both laugh)
I wanted to ask you, this new puppy that we were looking at has tremendously blue eyes. Do you have any essence flecks in (inaudible) these days?
ELIAS: Several.
DEB: Oh, do you! Would this puppy happen to be one of them?
DEB: Oh, how wonderful, how wonderful. He seems like such a very special little creature, and he responded very specially to us, and the fact that he is so black and has such beautiful China blue eyes made me think of you, of course. (Elias laughs) Well, how wonderful! My dog right now has a tag on it that says, ”The Creature.” Are you aware of that? (Elias laughs) Last time we talked about her I was so taken with your remarking of her as ”the creature” that the next time we went to the pet store we had a tag made for her that said, ”The Creature.” (Elias laughs) Thats been our own little family joke.
I wanted to ask you, you know, she had been diagnosed about a year ago with this heart murmur thing that I was telling you about last time we had talked, and Im really getting the impression, you know, I have real doubts about that because Ive taken care of enough people who have heart problems and have seen, you know, how weak they are, how lacking of energy, and I look at her and, you know, the way she can be sleeping, and somebody comes to the door, and she takes off like a rocket, and I’m thinking, I dont think thats really whats going on with you. Can you give me some clues about that?
ELIAS: I may express to you, first of all, that once again, in relation to your energy and what you are doing with the creature and your projection of protectiveness and worry, they can create a physical reflection, and that can also quickly and easily alter if your energy alters, which...
DEB: Thats what I think has happened.
DEB: I dont think she has a grade 5 heart murmur anymore.
ELIAS: I am in agreement.
DEB: Okay. All right. One thing I did...
ELIAS: And in this, let me express to you, my friend, do not project an energy to recreate that.
DEB: Okay. All right.
ELIAS: Be aware...
DEB: Ill be more than happy to work on that. (Elias laughs) I really lived with the fear of her impending death hanging over my head for the last year, and you know, I would just look at her and the way she acts and, you know, pretty soon I just thought, I dont think so, I just dont think thats whats going on with you. So I am going to be very much working on that because I am in total agreement and understanding with what youre saying.
ELIAS: Trust your companionship...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...and trust that the appreciation that you express with her is reciprocated by her...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...and in that, allow yourself to relax and trust her ability to create the choices that she wants.
DEB: All right. Okay.
One thing that I had also wanted to ask you about, she had, a year ago had, several syncopal episodes which she would kind of almost pass out and act like she was going to die, and she hadnt done that for a year until this last Christmas, and is that related any way to all the hubbub going on around the Christmas holidays or the fact that we were at my moms house and there was bad energy between my mom and myself at times?
DEB: She had another episode, just once, this past Christmas.
ELIAS: Yes, and that is once again directly associated with the energy that you are projecting. The atmosphere, the environment surrounding her, is what she is responding to. If the energy is agitated and is projecting in opposition, this is threatening.
DEB: Well, it was definitely that. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And...
DEB: Okay, all right, well, that kind of clears that up then.
ELIAS: Let me express also to you, my friend, although these creatures are a specific species of dog, although they incorporate that commonality in their species, and therefore they generate the same language and the same associations, there generally are differences in the behaviors of smaller dogs; not that they incorporate different structures or different language, but generally speaking, most individuals that incorporate smaller dogs interact with them differently...
DEB: Yes.(Laughs)
ELIAS: ...and that creates different types of behaviors, and many smaller dogs do at times incorporate physical manifestations associated with anxiety, or what you term to be stressfulness. That is directly associated with how the individuals interact with them and how they project energy in a different manner. You expect, not in the manner of expectations, but you expect less of a smaller dog.
DEB: Yes...
ELIAS: You...
DEB: ...and we tend to be more protective of it.
ELIAS: Yes...
DEB: Yeah.
ELIAS: are more protective, and you incorporate more of a likeliness and potential and tendency to ”people-ize” more.
DEB: Okay. Can you tell me, is
DEB: Yes, because we are very bonded, and I really can hardly get up and go to the bathroom that she doesnt have to go with me. (Both laugh) We were quite...(Elias laughs)...were concerned about her, or not concerned, but interested in that.
Still once in a while at night, I wake up and be short of breath, as far as the asthma thing goes, which is much improved, but I still do it at times at night, and Im wondering is that because Im afraid Im going to wake up in the night and hear her having problems?
ELIAS: Partially...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...which is another expression of your protectiveness and your worry.
DEB: Of worry?
ELIAS: AND worry.
DEB: And worry, okay. Regarding
ELIAS: Yes...
DEB: ...or other issues?
ELIAS: relation to the creature, yes.
DEB: All right. That’s what I was feeling.
ELIAS: For if you awaken yourself you can check.
DEB: Yes. (Elias laughs) Yes, to make sure shes okay.
ELIAS: Correct. This is unnecessary.
DEB: You know, last time you had said to pay attention at what am I doing at the times that I have shortness of breath, and I found that 9 times out of 10, if it wasnt in the middle of the night, which I couldnt explain, it was in the morning when I was getting ready for work, and I came to realize that I was putting so many expectations on myself about getting up, getting ready, you know, getting there on time, that that is what was causing that to happen.
ELIAS: And...
DEB: And when I realized that and stopped doing that and started cutting myself a little more slack, it has gone away.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Congratulations!
DEB: Yes, yes, so I’m very, very happy about that. And I have to say that my dog does seem to enjoy the fact that I can keep (inaudible) and not sneeze. That has gone away too, (Elias laughs) so Im very happy about that.
ELIAS: I am acknowledging of you.
DEB: Oh, thank you. Was that your blue energy I saw this morning?
DEB: You know, I see you so much that sometimes I get to thinking maybe its not you, maybe its me. (Both laugh) But almost every night when I go to bed, if I close my eyes and think about you, I see your blue energy. Is that always you?
ELIAS: I am always present.
DEB: Okay, sorry. Well, that makes me feel good. All right. (Elias laughs)
A couple months ago, I had a very interesting incident happen with a blue jay. Are you aware of this incident?
ELIAS: Continue.
DEB: My husband and I were sitting out on our patio, and we noticed a blue jay standing down by a tree on our driveway, and we were leaving that night to go down to a football game to watch our son, so as we walked past this bird, he just continued to stand there, and I got within two to three feet of him before he moved away. And I thought, what a very strange behavior for a blue jay. And I would have thought more about the essence of Rose except that it was a blue jay, and it was very blue, and so I went on, and then a day or two afterwards my husband had found him. He had actually died or something had killed him, and he said, ”Oh, honey, I dont think it had anything to do with Elias, I think the bird was just sick.” Can you give me some clarification about that?
ELIAS: It was not associated with my energy.
DEB: Okay. All right. I did also a couple days ago have a dream about butterflies. (Elias laughs) Was that associated with you?
DEB: You know, I told my husband that I felt quite sad that down here in the winter season we dont see butterflies outside, and I was going to be missing that because I always think of you when I see them, and then in my dream I saw a butterfly! (Elias laughs) So, what was the deal, there were three of them stacked on top of each other.
ELIAS: Allowing yourself to incorporate my energy and image it in a manner that is playful and also encouraging to you.
DEB: Well, it was playful! (Elias laughs) It made me think of a ménage à trois. (Elias laughs) I thought, what are these butterflies doing? (Elias laughs) Anyway, I was quite sure that that was probably you. (Elias chuckles)
Elias, can you tell me what my essence color is, please?
ELIAS: And your impression?
DEB: I’m thinking maybe red?
ELIAS: A dark pink.
DEB: Dark pink. What about my focus color?
ELIAS: And your impression?
DEB: Would that be green?
ELIAS: A very light green.
DEB: Light what?
ELIAS: Green.
DEB: Green. Okay. All right. I have some more thoughts about focuses. Can I run that past you?
DEB: Is my native American focus of the Lakota tribe?
DEB: Okay, very good. My friend Shirley that I have done the Civil War reenactments—I feel very close to her—and Im wondering is she a mother in one of my past focuses?
ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.
DEB: Is that correct?
DEB: Was that during the Civil War time period?
DEB: Okay. Was my shared focus with you during the Civil War time period?
DEB: One of them? And were we friends, or intimates, or both?
ELIAS: Friends.
DEB: Friends. All right. The focus that you had...or the lady that you had told me about last time when I was asking you about the hair that I had in the small box that I was using for mourning customs education, you said her name was Leslie? My impressions after the clues that you gave me are that Leslie, was she a past focus of me?
DEB: Ah! You know, I wondered because I got to looking at that hair and I thought, my gosh, that hair is so fine and so babylike, that looks like something that I could have grown on my own head. (Elias laughs) And then I was looking at the picture of her on the box and her eyes are very much like me. Oh, I am so touched by that. All right! Excellent!
Do I have a focus as a Buddhist priest?
DEB: Yes. All right. I had done some work, I had been reading a book one time by a lady by the name of Sylvia Browne, who is supposed to be kind of psychic, and she was talking about how you get in touch with your spirit guides, and so I was following an exercise that she had said to try, and on the second night that I did it, I got the words ”Buddhist priest,” which struck me quite odd because I always think of Buddhists as Buddhist monks, not priests, so I thought that was quite odd so I had wanted to ask you about that last time and I forgot to do it. So, okay, well, that explains that.
My husband James told me a couple weeks ago that he thought he saw your energy.
DEB: Would that have been you?
DEB: Yes, good. Does he have a focus as a luthier or a builder of instruments?
DEB: Yes? And has he also shared focus with you in the past?
DEB: All right. Very good. Elias, do I have a seer aspect?
DEB: Because it seems like I had read something in a transcript the other day, and it seems like people who have the seer aspect are always searching, so I thought, yeah, thats me; Im always out there searching, so Im glad to know that. (Elias laughs)
Lets see, what do I want to ask you about here? My next question: The other night when I was doing some meditations, and I was seeing the blue, which was you, not shortly...after that there was also a very beautiful display of green. So I was wondering if that could have possibly been my essence color, but apparently not. Can you tell me who that would have been?
ELIAS: Otha.
DEB: Who?
ELIAS: Otha.
DEB: Otha? Okay. And I am taking it that that is another teaching essence?
ELIAS: It is another essence that is associated with this energy exchange.
DEB: Okay. All right. All right. Well, I have a confession to make which you probably already know; I’ve been asking you to do parlor tricks. (Both laugh) Have you been hearing me?
ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes.
DEB: I tried to get you to blink some lights on my Christmas tree but it didnt work. (Elias laughs) I have to admit I get jealous sometimes when I read in the transcripts about how other people are getting their ankles buzzed and alarm systems that arent hooked up in their house turned off and on and I’m thinking, dang, how come he doesnt do anything like that to me? (Both laugh) And I know you dont like to be asked to incorporate parlor tricks, but I couldnt help myself.
ELIAS: It is more a matter of noticing and allowing, and when you are not expecting, I may generate some manifestation.
DEB: Okay. (Elias laughs) And you dont do it when youre asked, you do it when you want to.
ELIAS: Correct. (Both laugh)
DEB: Well, that makes sense to me.
One thing I wanted to mention to you too, I am so amazed that in having left this physical dimension in the 1900s that now, you know, 90 years or 100 years or so later, you have shed all belief systems and that kind of stuff and have come back and are teaching and helping us remember, and it seems like that is such a short time for that to happen, and I would like to do that someday. I would like to be involved in helping people to shift. Is that part of my intent here in this focus?
ELIAS: It is an element of your passion, and in that, in a manner of speaking, yes, it would be associated somewhat with your intent, for it is associated with your desire.
DEB: Okay. Because I really would like to be able to be helpful to other people as far as they are wanting me to be helpful with them, with that type of thing.
ELIAS: And the most efficient...
DEB: And when my family was home over the holiday season I had my brother watch my tape of our last session together, and I have to warn you he is kind of a religious skeptic, and his comment was that he thought it was rather unfortunate that I would have to pay someone to talk to you, but I kind of related that to the fact that its like me going out and buying a book or spending money to attend a college lecture or that kind of a thing. I really didnt know kind of how to respond to that. (Elias chuckles) He wasnt disbelieving of it so much as he just said, ”Whenever moneys involved, red flags go up for him.”
ELIAS: Those are strong mass beliefs.
DEB: Yes, yes, very much so.
ELIAS: And they are strongly associated with religious beliefs.
DEB: Yes. Yes. Charlatanism, I would suppose.
DEB: Well, I have reached the end of my happy list here, and now the last thing I want to talk to you about is something that is not very happy to me, and that is my relationship with my mother, and I was going to talk to you about it the last interview that we had, and I just couldnt bring myself to do it, but it is something that continues to plague me, and so I do want to talk to you about it today, so hopefully I get some clues and impressions from you that will be helpful to me.
I guess my first question is, Why did I choose for her to be my mother? Because we are just about probably two of the most completely different people in our expressions that one could ever imagine.
ELIAS: And that is the reason.
DEB: So we are kind of a constant source of irritation to each other.
ELIAS: But that is the challenge...
DEB: Oh, yes, for sure.
ELIAS: ...that you present to yourself in motivating yourself to offer more information to yourself and to widen your awareness, and in this, it is a challenge that you are presenting to yourself in this manner associated with shifting; and one of the most difficult and challenging elements of shifting, other than accepting of beliefs and accepting of oneself, is to be accepting of difference...
DEB: Yes.
ELIAS: ...and offering yourself an awareness of self to the point that you can allow yourself to generate the action of cooperation rather than opposition. This is the reason also that this wave in consciousness addressing to truths is being so strongly expressed and continues to be ongoing, and it is very affecting of most individuals, for your individual truths are difficult to maneuver with, for they are so easily generated into absolutes, and therefore projected as absolutes to all other individuals that you incorporate your truths as your guidelines, and if they are your guidelines, they must be all other individuals guidelines also.
DEB: Yes, exactly. I had the thought come to me the other day that if I had a daughter like myself, I would not be disappointed in her, which is what I have always perceived from my mother. You know, I dont know what it was that she wanted me to do, but obviously I wasnt doing it. But then I also had the feeling that if I had been that kind of mother to my children that she has been to me, I would be disappointed. And I know that those are all just belief systems, that I have strong belief systems about parents and children, but it also is very, very hard for me to...I guess I dont know if the problem lies with me or with her, or with both.
ELIAS: Partially...
DEB: And so my question is: What is the best way for me to handle that? I mean, it usually just makes me feel like I wouldnt have any contact with her, but I also have belief systems that make me feel guilty if I am bad. (Laughs)
ELIAS: ..partially it is associated with both of you.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: Now; first of all, let me express to you: disappointment is never the source from another individual.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: Disappointment is an expression that an individual experiences in association with their own expectations.
DEB: Of themselves.
ELIAS: Or of other individuals.
DEB: This is always a tripping point for me.
ELIAS: But whatever those expectations are of themselves or of another individual, that is not the concern of the other individual. It is not your responsibility; you do not create their reality.
DEB: Yes.
ELIAS: And expectations create an energy of opposition...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...therefore, if you generate expectations, you may express to yourself the tremendous potential that you shall generate disappointment for they almost move together hand-in-hand.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: For as expectations are an opposing energy, if you are expressing an opposing energy what shall you reflect?
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: Another opposing energy. It is important to recognize what you are doing and what you are expressing, for in that, that allows you the freedom to choose differently.
In this, if one individual is projecting an opposing energy of expectation, it is quite likely that the other individual shall reflect that energy in defensiveness, which is another opposing energy. Therefore, what you create is a type of matching of energy...
DEB: Yeah.
ELIAS: ...and you perpetuate the cycle.
DEB: It’s almost like a matching of wits between us sometimes.
ELIAS: But you can alter that...
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: ...for if you are paying attention to you and what you are doing, you can choose not to match that energy, for you can evaluate what is the other individual actually doing to you in your perception; for they actually are not, but what do you perceive as the threat? What do you perceive as what the other individual is doing to you?
DEB: Can I ask you what her essence family and her alignment would be?
ELIAS: And your impression?
DEB: You’re going to know that I’m being flip, but Id say the family is probably murder and her essence...or her alignment is manipulation. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Not necessarily.
DEB: Okay.
ELIAS: I shall express to you that her belonging-to is Vold.
DEB: Vold?
ELIAS: Yes. Her alignment is Sumafi, which does generate more of an expression of rigidness...
DEB: Oh, yeah.
ELIAS: ...and less of a willingness to be flexible...
DEB: Oh, yeah.
ELIAS: ...or allowing. (Laughs)
DEB: She is one of the most bullheaded people I believe I have ever, ever met. (Elias laughs) But you know, Im not really feeling like just being aligned with Sumafi is the reason for that.
ELIAS: Correct. (Deb laughs) This is associated with her beliefs. And...
DEB: Yes, she has a plethora of them, as we all do. But I find it so interesting, you know, over this last holiday season when we were visiting, it’s just everything that comes out of her mouth is associated with belief systems. Which, you know, not that thats bad, but it just tends to be a lot more than it used to, and this last time that we had an interaction, we were talking about politics and minorities, she has very strong belief systems about minorities and whether or not they should be able to vote or they should have to take a test to prove that theyre worthy to vote, blah, blah, blah, and Im just thinking bang, bang, bang, bang, Im just getting hit in the head with all these belief systems, and...
ELIAS: They are her truths.
DEB: Oh, yes indeed, and I made the comment, I said, “Well, Mother, those sound like, kind of, racist statements,” and then she turns to me and said, ”You just called me a racist. That’s not at all what’s going on here.” I said, ”No, I didnt call you a racist; I said the things that you were saying were racist statements.” And I thought, I made a mistake here because Ive committed myself and I should just have kept my mouth shut. (Elias laughs) Because normally when I have interactions with her, thats how I come away feeling, I should have just kept my mouth shut.
ELIAS: It is not a matter of being silent; it is a matter of paying attention to what is occurring, and what is occurring is she is expressing her truths in the absoluteness of them...
DEB: Yes.
ELIAS: ...and you are responding with your truths and the absoluteness of them.
DEB: Of them.
ELIAS: Therefore, in your comment, what are you doing? You are challenging her truths; you are opposing them, and you are generating a judgment.
DEB: Yes...
ELIAS: And...
DEB: ...but sometimes I think its when I do that, because my own kids have done that with me, it makes me stop and think, hey, maybe theyre right.
ELIAS: Ah! But that is you.
DEB: Yes. And that certainly does not work with my mother.
ELIAS: Correct.
DEB: No.
ELIAS: Therefore...
DEB: I just think about doing that.
ELIAS: ...Therefore, therefore, what the key is, is for you to be paying attention to your own opposition and your own challenge and judgment, and how that is projected to the other individual. As I have stated, you can be accepting, and you can be accepting of your beliefs and of yourself and incorporate widening your awareness, but you are continuing in this reality and beliefs are an element of the blueprint of it.
DEB: Yes.
ELIAS: They are not being eliminated. And in this, you shall continue to incorporate your own truths, for they are your guidelines of how you move through your focus and how you behave, but other individuals may incorporate different truths. This is not to say that your truths are right and their truths are wrong or vice versa; it IS to say that your truths are right to you and this is the reason that you move in that direction and choose to incorporate them to influence your behavior and your choices, but another individual’s truths may be quite different and may appear to be quite in opposition to yours. But they are not necessarily actually affecting of you.
DEB: Okay, so I need to just let it go.
ELIAS: It is not a matter of, as I have stated, being silent, but not projecting and opposing or instructing.
(Audio stops at this point.)
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.