Session 1892

The Role of The Victim


“Expectations, Opposing Energy, and The Role of The Victim”
“Acknowledgment Exercise”
“Appreciation Exercise”
“Visualization Exercise”

Sunday, December 18, 2005 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Vivienne (Eliza)

(Elias’ arrival time is 14 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon.

VIVIENNE: Good afternoon.

ELIAS: Welcome.

VIVIENNE: Thank you very much. I’m very pleased to hear from you.

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

VIVIENNE: Well, first of all, could we discuss the orientations? I think I’m intermediate, but I’m not really clear about it. Is that correct?


VIVIENNE: Oh, good! (Laughs) Essence name, please?

ELIAS: Essence name: Eliza.

VIVIENNE: Oh! Okay. The essence family—I think it’s Sumafi and Ilda.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIENNE: Okay. And the last one would be the focus. I really don’t know which one that would be.

ELIAS: Political.

VIVIENNE: Political. Okay. Thank you. Okay, I’ll go right into the questions. I would like to understand what I gain from having had the conflict in my relationships, particularly with my mother, where there is so much blame and guilt, and there’s also my brother and his family, and a few in-laws. And yet, I have a wonderful relationship with my husband. So, I really want to know how I can stop feeling like a really horrible person who’s committed a terrible crime.

ELIAS: And in your assessment, what do you view?

VIVIENNE: Well, I mean, obviously, in a...broadly, there’s the elements of truth and lack of acceptance and being a victim, but I don’t understand how these experiences that I’ve had, these...these difficult relationships that I’ve had...I mean, I don’t...I don’t understand what the purpose of them is and why there have been so many, and it’s been so difficult, and I just don’t understand. And I’d like to.

ELIAS: And that is the purpose.

VIVIENNE: To understand?


VIVIENNE: Difficulties?

ELIAS: Not merely difficulties, but to understand you and to be becoming more familiar with you intimately and, therefore, allowing yourself more of your own freedom and allowing yourself to manipulate in beneficial manners intentionally in association with what you want. Many individuals present many different scenarios to themselves in difficulties or in conflicts to motivate themselves to be genuinely seeking out information within themselves to allow them to express their own power and their own directedness.

Let me also express to you, this allows you to be more aware of how your reality is created and that you actually are the individual that is creating all of it, not co-creating with it. In this also, it offers you the opportunity to become aware of your own truths, which are your guidelines, but also recognizing that other individuals incorporate different guidelines and different truths, but that does not discount your own. In this also, you present to yourself challenges and perhaps even difficulties in association with what you do.

Now; this is significant, which I have expressed many times previously, but am also aware that this is a difficult concept for individuals to genuinely pay attention to and understand. The actions that you incorporate each day, the choices that you generate each day in mundane actions that you generate repeatedly throughout your day, are the same energies that contribute to creating what you view to be large experiences of conflict or discomfort.

Let me express to you, figuratively speaking, as an individual, you incorporate a type of imaginary container, so to speak, a large, large, large jar which follows you. Wherever you move, it moves with you. Remember, this is figurative. In this, in automatic, mundane actions that you incorporate each day, without any thought process, you are projecting energy. And with many of these mundane actions, you project a particular type of energy which is placed in this large jar. As you continue to generate the actions, you continue to place the energy in the jar. As the jar fills, and it begins to spill over, at that point, that triggers a noticing point for you in which, in the moment, you turn and match all the energy that has been placed in that jar with one blast of energy which creates an incident. It creates a difficulty. It creates a scene. It creates an interaction which is uncomfortable, or it creates a conflict, or it creates an issue.

Now; the moment in which you notice is the moment in which it becomes the issue, the moment that you match the energy and create the blast. And in that moment, there is confusion and wondering and you question, what am I doing? Why did this occur?—


ELIAS: And you offer yourself no answer—


ELIAS: —for all of that energy that has been being stored in that large jar is all energy that you do not notice, for they are associated with actions that you do not pay attention to—mundane, small actions—such as generating a rigidness in a particular action of perhaps creating a sandwich—

VIVIENNE: All right.

ELIAS: —and in creating the sandwich, it must be created in a particular manner. You must create it in a particular order. Certain elements of the sandwich must be placed upon the bread first, and subsequently the next element, and subsequently the next element. But you cannot deviate from that order.

Now; in a mundane action such as this, you are not incorporating a thought process. You are also not paying attention to what you are doing or what is motivating that. You are merely doing it, for you are generating that creation on automatic pilot. You have created it so many times that it is automatic. You incorporate a knowing of how you do this and what to do, and, therefore, there is no noticing of what you are doing. Perhaps you incorporate toasting a piece of bread, and it must be toasted in a particular manner, and it must be flipped at a particular time, or it must be buttered in a particular manner, with a particular knife.

VIVIENNE: Right. And that causes conflict?

ELIAS: Or opening a door at a particular time. Or closing a door at a particular time. Yes, for these small actions are being influenced by certain beliefs—the same beliefs that create conflicts. These mundane, small actions that you generate upon automatic pilot are influenced by the same beliefs and generate the same energy as what occurs in certain conflicts with other individuals.

Now; let me offer a further example in association with the sandwich. You incorporate no thought with the sandwich, but now, enter another individual, and another individual shall be offering helpfulness and shall be generating the action of creating the same sandwich with you, but they incorporate the action of creating the sandwich entirely differently. You shall notice, and most likely, you shall incorporate a twinge within you. And even if you do not incorporate the actual thought, you shall generate an automatic association that they are incorporating a wrong action.


ELIAS: They are doing the action wrong, which shall generate a small, but present, irritation in which you shall create and project an opposing energy. It shall generate automatically. In this, you may not actually express in verbal manner to the other individual. You may not necessarily correct them in how they are creating the sandwich, but it matters not, for the energy is being projected regardless—


ELIAS: —for it is an automatic response. Therefore, you are already creating an opposing energy without ever even speaking. What generated that was the rigidity in your method. This is the manner in which this is accomplished—


ELIAS: —and any other manner is wrong.


ELIAS: That rigidity, that absoluteness, creates a narrowness. This is what I am expressing to you and to many individuals. These small actions that you incorporate within your day, that you do repeatedly, are the same energies and the same beliefs and the same influences that create large conflicts or uncomfortable experiences and situations, and also create the perpetuation of an individual being a victim.


ELIAS: For there are many actions that you can incorporate within a day that discount you.


ELIAS: If you are, throughout your day, questioning many of the actions that you incorporate or the choices that you incorporate—as an example, you want to go to a shop, and you are readying yourself to leave your home, and you stop, and you question, “Shall I go? Shall I not go? Should I go? Perhaps I should not go. Or should I do this action in this manner, or perhaps another manner would be better.” Questioning yourself, many times within a day, is a repeated action of discounting yourself, which generates an energy of devaluing yourself, which also projects outwardly an energy that you are the victim.


ELIAS: That you are incapable of actually creating your reality in the manner that you want, for other individuals are always directing of you.


ELIAS: Hesitation is another action that discounts you and sets you into the role of a victim—hesitation in the manner in which you are continually waiting for another individual to express before you do, for without the other individual expressing first, you do not allow yourself permission to express yourself. They must express first, therefore, offering you permission and approval for you to express. That is another manner in which you can easily generate many times, within a day, discounting yourself and creating the role of a victim.

Now; in this, offer to myself one example of an interaction with yourself and another individual that you view to be conflicting or hurtful or uncomfortable, and we shall evaluate it.

VIVIENNE: Okay. Well, the example I would say is of my mother, and it was about six months ago. And she decided to get a cat, and I didn’t want her to because I assumed that I would be held responsible for it. And she got a cat, and I told her I didn’t think she should get a cat, and then she got very upset with me, and she hasn’t spoken to me since, basically for six months. So, that’s...that’s the example.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; in this, what do you view as your participation?

VIVIENNE: Well, I thought I was angry with her. I didn’t want her to do this thing, and I told her as much, but I haven’t normally in the past—I never her told things—and I just am increasingly, perhaps, feeling the need to say things, and of course, it’s not taken very well.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

Now; let me express to you, my friend, this is a common situation with many individuals in which they generate an association, at some point, of attempting to allow themselves to be more freely expressive of themselves, and in your terms, to be more assertive of themselves.


ELIAS: But the snare with that is that does not necessarily actually provide you with a genuine avenue of expressing yourself freely. What has occurred, in your scenario, is more often than not what actually occurs, and the reason it occurs is that the individual is merely expressing their thoughts and their feelings without being aware of what is influencing that, and without being aware of what type of energy they are projecting—


ELIAS: —and without being aware of what they are actually doing.

Many times individuals have prevented themselves for a considerable time framework from expressing themselves and have allowed other individuals to be dictating to them and have allowed themselves to acquiesce to other individuals, for such a time framework, that what they create is a reverse of action, and the individual begins to express outwardly in all of the manners that they have prevented themselves from expressing previously, but they are not paying attention to what is motivating that, and that does not create liberation at all, for the individual is merely expressing in the reverse, but is continuing to project the same energy.

Let me express to you: acquiescing, compromising, allowing another individual to dictate to you, these are all actions that incorporate an opposing energy. They are all opposing expressions. Compromising is not cooperating. It is—


ELIAS: It is opposing. Acquiescing is opposing. Defending is opposing. In this, you move from those types of expressions of opposition to a different type of opposition. You move into a more overt, or more obvious, or less camouflaged expression of opposing, for you move into an expression of judgment, and expectations, and blame.


ELIAS: Therefore, you generate a stronger reflection of opposing energy.

VIVIENNE: So it gets worse?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.

In this, if we incorporate your example of your mother, and her acquiring the feline—


ELIAS: —what you expressed was, you did not want her to acquire the feline, for you generated an automatic association prior to her even acquiring the feline that you would be responsible.


ELIAS: Therefore, you are already generating expectations—


ELIAS: —which is opposing. In this action, you are not listening to the other individual. You are not listening to you and what is motivating your responses. You are discounting the other individual, and you are discounting yourself, for you are placing yourself in the role of the victim, and you are generating an association and discounting the other individual that they cannot adequately create their reality.


ELIAS: And therefore, you must be responsible for their choices, which is assuming personal responsibility for another individual, which is also another form of opposition.

VIVIENNE: But she has often made me responsible.

ELIAS: Ah, my friend, my friend, no other individual creates your reality. No other individual can make you do any action. It is your choice to acquiesce.

VIVIENNE: It didn’t feel like it when I was young.

ELIAS: I am underst—

VIVIENNE: It didn’t feel like I had a choice then.

ELIAS: I am understanding. But this is the point now to be offering yourself information, not to be continuing to reinforce that role of victim, not to continue to reinforce by dwelling in the past, but to allow yourself to move into the present, and not to be projecting in anticipation of the future, but to move yourself into the present, paying attention to you and your choices.

VIVIENNE: It seems so difficult sometimes, because sometimes I don’t know what they are anymore. I...I don’t...I was taught to put everybody first and do things like that, and it’’s difficult. It’’s a habit; it’s difficult not to do it—

ELIAS: I am under—

VIVIENNE: —to think, what do I want? I don’t know.

ELIAS: I am understanding, my friend, and you begin in increments. And let me also express to you, in actuality, once you begin to genuinely acknowledge yourself and genuinely appreciate yourself and value yourself, these actions of cooperating with other individuals shall become quite easy and shall incorporate tremendously less energy than what you are expressing now and what you have been expressing. What you have been expressing is exhausting.


ELIAS: Therefore, be greatly encouraged, for you are upon the threshold of moving into ease and perhaps balance.

Now; the manner in which you begin: you begin in one exercise of acknowledgment of yourself. I shall express to you, for the time framework of one week, you shall—each time you hesitate—you shall express some acknowledgment of an accomplishment in that day, regardless of what it is, it matters not.

VIVIENNE: In that day.

ELIAS: Yes. Each time within the day that you notice yourself hesitating—


ELIAS: —which is the beginning of acquiescing and the beginning of questioning yourself—therefore, each time you generate that action, you shall counter that with an acknowledgment of some accomplishment that you have created.


ELIAS: Whether it be that you brushed your hair nicely, (Vivienne laughs.) it matters not what the accomplishment is, but—


ELIAS: —it must be an acknowledgment of some accomplishment. Also, at least twice within each day—


ELIAS: —and this you shall incorporate for two of your weeks.

VIVIENNE: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: You shall express some genuine appreciation of yourself.

VIVIENNE: Isn’t that the same thing?

ELIAS: No. For an accomplishment may not necessarily be a genuine expression of appreciation.


ELIAS: You are acknowledging accomplishments, which are actions.


ELIAS: Some action that you have incorporated—


ELIAS: —a doing. The appreciation is some element of being.


ELIAS: Not doing.


ELIAS: Therefore, once again, the appreciation may not necessarily be a large expression. It may be, “I genuinely appreciate the shape of my lips.”

VIVIENNE: (Laughs) Okay.

ELIAS: But it must be a genuine expression of appreciation.

Now; each time you generate a genuine expression of appreciation, you shall place within a large bowl upon a table a piece of chocolate.

VIVIENNE: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: That can be displayed.


ELIAS: Therefore, at the incorporation of your two weeks, (Vivienne laughs.) you shall be displaying (Vivienne laughs.) quite a significant bowl of chocolate upon your table. (Vivienne laughs.)

VIVIENNE: Or not. (Elias laughs.) That’s going to be difficult. That’s going to be difficult.

ELIAS: Ah, but you can accomplish, my friend. I have every confidence. (Laughs)

VIVIENNE: I want to.

ELIAS: You shall. And I shall be with you, encouraging you and offering my energy to you in strength.

VIVIENNE: Thank you.

ELIAS: To be helpful that you shall accomplish.

VIVIENNE: Thank you.

ELIAS: Now; I shall offer you another exercise, also.

VIVIENNE: Oh, my goodness!

ELIAS: You shall be quite busy.


ELIAS: (Both laugh.) And perhaps you shall not incorporate enough time to be discounting yourself.

VIVIENNE: (Laughs) I don’t think there will be time to do anything else.

ELIAS: (Both laugh.) Now; this exercise, I suggest you incorporate once within your morning and once within your evening.


ELIAS: Within your morning, incorporate the exercise itself. Prior to incorporating the exercise in the evening, allow yourself to incorporate a brief walk.

VIVIENNE: A walk. Okay.

ELIAS: Now; the exercise subsequent to the walk is the same as the one in the morning.


ELIAS: In this, you shall allow yourself a quiet space, and you shall generate a visualization.

Now; there are two significant elements of this visualization. One is the place. What do you consider to be your most lovely or favorite place?


ELIAS: Imagined or real, in your terms, what would it be?

VIVIENNE: Okay, for me it would be Simpson Road, where I lived, I suppose. It was very special to me.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; upon this road can you visualize a particular area in which you can sit?

VIVIENNE: Well, it was a house I lived in. I call it Simpson Road—it was 433 Simpson Road—it was the name of the house. It was the address, so, yes, there would be furniture inside and everything.

ELIAS: Very well. In that, within the house, find the most comfortable and pleasing area.

VIVIENNE: Okay. That would have been my bedroom.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; in that, you shall incorporate your senses to generate more of a focus and more of an intensity in the visualization.


ELIAS: Therefore, you shall incorporate hearing sounds.


ELIAS: Incorporate smells.


ELIAS: Incorporate feeling in touch that you are aware of your skin, and perhaps even tasting in association with smell.


ELIAS: Now; the other element within this visualization shall be: what would you consider to be your most pleasing or favorite creature?

VIVIENNE: Within the...the room, what would I consider to be the most pleasing or favorite?

ELIAS: No, in general.

VIVIENNE: Oh, just in general.


VIVIENNE: Oh, an element.

ELIAS: A creature.

VIVIENNE: I don’t know.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall offer one to you.


ELIAS: A butterfly.


ELIAS: Now; this butterfly shall accompany you in this room.


ELIAS: But you shall not manipulate it. Allow it to appear itself and allow it to generate its own movement, and you merely watch it.


ELIAS: Therefore, do not anticipate what actions the butterfly shall generate, for that will be a situation in which you manipulate the butterfly, which is not the point.


ELIAS: Allow the butterfly to present itself and to generate its own movement, and you merely watch. The butterfly is an expression of you.


ELIAS: You shall watch the butterfly as it generates its movements, and it shall be your indicator of you. The butterfly can be quite delicate and majestic and beautiful and gentle, but it can also be playful, (Vivienne laughs.) and in its delicacy, it can also generate strength in determinedness. It can generate a strength of determination and focus.


ELIAS: In this, allow yourself to watch what the butterfly incorporates, and subsequent to your visualization, allow yourself to express that within yourself. If the butterfly is looping in circles and generating playful fluttering, subsequent to your visualization, allow yourself to incorporate some playful action. If the butterfly is soaring and gliding gently and majestically, it is expressing gentleness.


ELIAS: Allow yourself to express gentleness with you.


ELIAS: If the butterfly is lighting upon you or upon an object and is moving its wings in a definite determined manner, precisely and slowly and directedly, it is expressing strength.


ELIAS: And allow yourself to express a strength. Or allow yourself to feel your own strength. It is not necessary to incorporate an action, but merely to feel your own strength.


ELIAS: In this, the three most important expressions that you can generate are strength, gentleness, and playfulness.

VIVIENNE: That sounds very nice.

ELIAS: Subsequent to your incorporation of these exercises, perhaps we shall incorporate another conversation, in which I may express to you a next step—

VIVIENNE: (Laughs) Oh, okay.

ELIAS: —of generating cooperation, and that may be quite helpful to you also. But in this present now, this is enough for you to assimilate and to move in this direction to be more acknowledging of yourself and to be creating a foundation of more acceptance and more value—


ELIAS: —to yourself.

VIVIENNE: Okay. Can I ask about some of the...a couple of symptoms I have?

ELIAS: You may, yes.

VIVIENNE: I have sinus headaches periodically that bother me, and my eyesight is getting...well, I can’t see close up, which I always used to be able to, and that’s bothering me. Could you help me with those, please?

ELIAS: I may express to you, they are interrelated.

VIVIENNE: Are they?

ELIAS: The eyesight is associated with moving your attention more to you—


ELIAS: —rather than focusing so very much outside of yourself.

VIVIENNE: Yeah. I did...I do realize...or I did realize necessarily not that long ago that I do that, but I didn’t think I did (Elias chuckles.) because I’m so introverted.

ELIAS: That matters not. Many individuals that would classify themselves as introverted are expressing in that manner, precisely for the reason that they are paying attention outside of themselves so very much, and that becomes intimidating.

VIVIENNE: Oh, okay. And...And the sinus headaches?

ELIAS: The sinuses are associated with blocking your own energy, restricting your own energy, shielding yourself, and discounting yourself to the point in which you somewhat immobilize yourself.

VIVIENNE: Can I...these things will obviously help me with them, won’t they?



ELIAS: For as you allow yourself to relax (Vivienne laughs.) and to relax your energy, you shall not be generating such intensity of tension in your energy, which, as I have expressed many times: energy will be expressed. Therefore, if you are holding tightly to your energy, it will discover an avenue in which it can be expressed, and generally speaking, it shall be expressed through some physical element associated with the body consciousness.

VIVIENNE: Can I quickly ask before we have to go—I get along so well with my husband. (Elias laughs.) Everything’s so good there. Why...Why can’t all of it...why is there no problem there? I have so many problems, but not there.

ELIAS: For you trust yourself with this individual, and you allow yourself more of your own expression with this individual.

Now; let me express to you, my friend, this is associated with a very common mass belief that with a partner, you choose.


ELIAS: With family, (Vivienne laughs.) you do not. Family is thrust upon you, but the partner is your choice—


ELIAS: —which is not the situation, in actuality—


ELIAS: —but that is not to say that it is not very real, for they are very real beliefs, and they are strong. Therefore, there is less allowance of yourself. There is more discounting of your freedom with the other individuals, for you do not perceive them as being your choice.

VIVIENNE: Right. No, I don’t. (Elias chuckles.) I find that still difficult to understand, why I would choose them.

ELIAS: For the challenge.

VIVIENNE: I knew you were going to say that. (Elias laughs.) Is there any chance of it...will it be bad or is there a chance that it could improve, because my mother is not speaking to me, and I don’t know that she’s got that much longer to go. I don’t know. But...

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, you incorporate the ability to be genuinely altering all of these scenarios and generating ease and cooperation and amiable interactions. If you are not opposing, you shall not reflect opposing energy to you.

VIVIENNE: Okay. That’s...that’s the hard part, though, because there’s so much history.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but, remember, be present now.


ELIAS: It is quite easy to continue in judgment and blame—


ELIAS: —if you are holding your attention in the past, or if you are projecting in anticipation of the future.

VIVIENNE: But I didn’t imagine it all, did I?

ELIAS: No, but it matters not, for what is significant is what you are doing now.

VIVIENNE: Right. Can...I don’t know...I think we’ve still got a few more minutes. Can you...can you tell me about my father? Was he intermediate, too?


VIVIENNE: Is that why he had trouble connecting to people, too?

ELIAS: Partially. Not entirely.

VIVIENNE: Could you tell me the other reasons?

ELIAS: Some similarities to yourself. Not objectively understanding how to not acquiesce and compromise.

VIVIENNE: That’s the difficult part. And my mother, is she a different orientation? She she a common orientation?


VIVIENNE: Does that not cause conflict in itself, though?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It can create somewhat of misunderstanding, for you perceive in different manners, but that is not necessarily to say that it would absolutely generate conflict.

VIVIENNE: Okay. Well, I think...I think it must be the end here...I haven’t been told. Oh, I do know one more thing. What is the imagery with my father that I often get of Joan of Arc?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

VIVIENNE: He was a counterpart?


VIVIENNE: Oh, okay. Fine. That’s great, because that imagery keeps surfacing. Wow, is that why he was so interested in medieval history?


VIVIENNE: Okay. Fine. And why do I keep dreaming about a former high school friend who I haven’t spoken to in years—in over twenty years?

ELIAS: And what is your assessment?

VIVIENNE: I don’t...friendship? Is it because she was at one time a friend, a close relationship?

ELIAS: And also a reminder of you valuing you.

VIVIENNE: But she didn’t. That’s the problem. I didn’t feel that she did, is that why I use that imagery?


VIVIENNE: Oh, okay. Okay. Great. I think we’re at the end now. (Elias chuckles.) I really appreciate this. This has been very helpful.

ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I express great encouragement to you.

VIVIENNE: Oh, please, I need it. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And I shall be available to you, always.

VIVIENNE: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next meeting. To you, in dear friendship and in appreciation.

VIVIENNE: Thank you.

ELIAS: Au revoir.

VIVIENNE: Bye-bye.

(Elias departs after 59 minutes, 12 seconds.)

Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.