Session 1887

Practice Intentionally Relaxing


“The Importance of Paying Attention in the Now”
“Opposition Creates Barriers”
“Practice Intentionally Relaxing”

Saturday, December 10, 2005 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Till (Arrol)

(Elias’ arrival time was not available.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon.

TILL: Good afternoon, Elias. This is Till from Germany, greeting you.

ELIAS: And I express to you, welcome.

TILL: First time to talk to you. I’m really excited.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?

TILL: Well, I’ve prepared some few questions. First of all, the usual thing, like essence family, or essence name, family and orientation, something like that.

ELIAS: Very well. And your impression as to essence family?

TILL: My impression is Sumari, aligned with Sumafi, I don’t know if I spell it correct.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. And your impression as to orientation?

TILL: I have not so much idea about orientation—intermediate?

ELIAS: Yes. Essence name, Arrol (AIR-roll). A-R-R-O-L.

TILL: Okay. Could you tell me the same for my wife, Barbara?

ELIAS: And your impression as to essence family?

TILL: The family I would say is Tumold, aligned with Sumafi.

ELIAS: Correct.

TILL: Wow.

ELIAS: And your impression as to orientation?

TILL: Well, good question. Also intermediate.

ELIAS: Common.

TILL: Okay. This explains something.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Essence name, Ruby. R-U-B-Y.

TILL: Okay. There was something like political, intellectual, or something like that? What was that?

ELIAS: Focus type.

TILL: Ah, would I be that, something like political?


TILL: Okay. And my wife?

ELIAS: Emotional.

TILL: Good. Well, my fourth topic would be from my job situation. I have the feeling…I have worked since eight years with this company, and my feeling is it’s time to move out, to quit that job. At the same time, I don’t see myself acting. It’s time for a new job, so this is kind of irritating. Could you say something about that?

ELIAS: I may express to you, this is quite common, actually, for you continue to move in what is familiar to you, for that provides a sense of safety and somewhat a sense of security. But another factor is not necessarily being clearly aware of what your preferences are and what you want.

In this, if you are allowing yourself to evaluate what avenues of creativity are preferred within you, that may motivate you to move in a new direction and inspire you to generate new avenues in association with creating money, and also allowing yourself to be freely expressive of yourself. Let me also express to you, if you are generating creativity in your preferences in what you like, you shall also generate more successfulness.

TILL: Okay. I know my future is not set. It depends on my choice, but is it something like moving on my own, being a freelancer? Is that kind of more probable than being part of a company? Could you say something about that?

ELIAS: That is a strong potential, and you do incorporate the ability to generate considerable success in that type of movement.

TILL: Could you repeat that? I didn’t get all of it.

ELIAS: It is a strong potential, and in this, you do incorporate the ability to be generating considerable success if you are allowing yourself to genuinely trust yourself and to freely express your own creativity.

TILL: Okay. The next question would be the old company I’m still on has a long record of not paying wages on time, of some not paying at all, so it’s always kind of a struggle. What did I create that for? What does it symbolize?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

TILL: Well, I have more than one impression. The one impression is I started in this company and it was kind of increasing my own power, or increasing my own awareness dealing with some clever guys, so, to learn that. And now I would rather say it reflects some belief around not trusting my ability, not creating richness or something like that.

ELIAS: You are correct in both of your impressions, for you have offered yourself an environment in which you have provided yourself with information and in which you have enhanced your own abilities in certain areas, but you also incorporate beliefs concerning money. In this, these beliefs concerning money are associated with work, and that you must generate work to receive or acquire money. And this also expresses another influence that you are not actually creating it; you are dependent upon other individuals to acquire it. In this, it may be quite beneficial to you to be incorporating a new avenue in which it would require you trusting your ability and trusting that YOU actually generate money, rather than depending upon other individuals to provide it for you.

TILL: Okay. I have certain moments in the last three years since reading your material, your sessions, where I was experiencing that I create everything, but I always switch back to the familiar, so, losing that awareness.

ELIAS: I am understanding. This is also quite common. Let me express to you, my friend, I am aware that I have expressed many, many, many times the importance of paying attention in the now, but I may say to you, I cannot emphasize enough how very important that is. Generally speaking, individuals pay attention to what they are doing if they are uncomfortable, or if they are experiencing conflict, or if they are experiencing pain, or extremes. But also generally speaking, if you are not experiencing any of these expressions that you would term to be negative, these are the time frameworks in which you do not pay attention. These are the time frameworks in which you generate your automatic pilot. And you do not pay attention if you are comfortable. If movement is being generated in status quo, you do not pay attention to what you are doing, and you are not aware of what type of energy you are projecting. This is the reason that it is ultimately important to be paying attention in the now to all that you are doing.

The small or what you would term to be insignificant actions that you generate repeatedly in each of your days are the same energies that eventually create large events or incidents or issues. Therefore, in not paying attention, what you do, figuratively speaking, is you generate an action which expresses a certain energy. That energy you figuratively place in a container, and you continue to generate the actions and continue to place the energy in the container. Once the container becomes full and begins to spill over, you notice and you match all of the energy that is in that container with one burst of energy that creates some conflict or issue. And subsequently you are confused, for you question yourself as to why you created this, or why can you not create what you want. All of these small actions that you incorporate within each day are familiar automatic actions that either create an issue or serve as an obstacle which prevents you from creating what you want.

How many times within one day do you express an energy of opposition? How often do you actually genuinely express an energy of cooperation? Cooperation allows you a clear avenue to create successfully. Opposition creates barriers. And opposition can be expressed in many, many, many forms. As I have expressed previously, one of the most obvious forms of opposition is expectation, and expectations are easily identified, for generally speaking, expectations are expressed in shoulds or should nots. You should create this. You should not create that. Or other individuals should do this or other individuals should not express in this manner. Each time you express an expectation, you are generating an opposing energy. Each time you comply, you are generating an opposing energy. Each time you compromise, you are generating an opposing energy. Each time you experience defensiveness in any manner, you are generating an opposing energy. Each time you generate personal responsibility, you generate an opposing energy. Therefore, you see, there are many manners in which you can be expressing an opposing energy, and many of them can be camouflaged in a manner in which you do not recognize that you are actually opposing. At times, you can be opposing and you can generate the perception that you are being helpful.

This is the reason that it is ultimately important to genuinely be paying attention. And although initially it may appear difficult, I may also express to you that it can become easily familiar, and in actuality shall require much less energy than you generate in your automatic responses now.

TILL: This is reality creation…you said doing [it] is really [an] important art. I never really understood fully what you mean with doing. So, doing—I understand action, but also [actions] are what kind of energy I’m projecting, right? Is there something more what you name this doing?

ELIAS: Very well. What are you doing in this moment?

TILL: I feel my body. I listen to you.

ELIAS: And what is your body consciousness doing?

TILL: A little bit tense right now.

ELIAS: Correct. And what position are you in?

TILL: Excuse me?

ELIAS: What position is your body?

TILL: In a sitting position, but a little bit bent in order to have that technical stuff here working properly.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Therefore, somewhat distracted. And what also are you doing?

TILL: What also I’m doing?


TILL: I try to look for my impressions for whatever you say, trying to bring it together with my experiences, what I do in life, so I’m looking inside just what you are talking, what rings a bell in me.

ELIAS: Therefore, you are also analyzing. And what surrounds you?

TILL: The office—an office desk, and outside is the street and shopping area.

ELIAS: And you are aware of sounds and you are aware of motion.

TILL: Yes.

ELIAS: And how are you responding within yourself to all of these different avenues of input?

TILL: Well, I can’t say something to that.

ELIAS: This is an example of being aware of what you are doing, not merely surfacely, but recognizing all of the input that you are presenting to yourself within your environment, recognizing how you are responding to all of it, what your body consciousness is expressing, whether it is relaxed, whether you are experiencing calm and balance, whether you are centered, whether you are focused, or whether you are distracted and scattered. Whether you are attempting to focus through the incorporation of a physical action, but also distracting yourself from what you are attempting to pay attention to.

Are you understanding?

TILL: Yes.

ELIAS: These are examples of paying attention to what you are doing. As I have offered previously to another individual, it may be beneficial for you to incorporate a similar exercise, merely for one day, to notice every action that you incorporate within one day. This shall offer you considerable information, my friend, for in this, as you notice each action that you are doing, allow yourself to evaluate what is motivating that action, even to the point of how you put on your shoes, or when you put on your shoes, how you incorporate consuming meals, how you interact with other individuals, how do you hold your fork. All of these actions may appear mundane and insignificant, but they are automatic responses that are motivated by different associations, and your associations are expressions of your beliefs.

TILL: Okay. I would like to come back a little bit on this job topic. In my company it was long years ago really easy for me to work there. And the last time it was really difficult, a lot of new restrictions were set. My impression is I did create that to give me kind of information that I should leave that company. Is that correct?

ELIAS: To motivate yourself, yes. To generate a process in which you would not overwhelm yourself, but that you would begin to view more of your own preferences, recognizing that the manner in which directions are expressed presently in this company are not your preferences. But this also has served to motivate you to move into a new direction which may have been somewhat unnerving previously.

TILL: Okay. I think that clears it up. Tonight I had a really long detailed dream. I think it had something to do with our session today. I was I in a new company. There were thousands of people and it was quite exciting. Actually I got a customer on the phone. It was not even my job, but I took him anyway, and he was wanting to place an order, and I was then checking in the company what to do with it and accidentally met the CEO and women which were really helping me out. Could you say something about the meaning of that dream?

ELIAS: It is an encouragement. It is imagery that you have offered to yourself in an expression of encouragement that change can be exciting and liberating, and that you can actually generate successfulness in a manner in which you also express fun.

TILL: I dream a lot about being in large groups of people, and on the other side, in my objective life, I’d rather stay by myself and be seldom with people. Could you say something about that? Why that difference?

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, this would be a quality of your orientation. Many, many, many individuals that incorporate the intermediate orientation generate employment in what would seem to be a contrary environment to their orientation, but in actuality, it is a complement. Many individuals that are of the intermediate orientation involve themselves in positions in employment that incorporate many, many, many other individuals. But in this, as they generate a position in that type of employment, it also provides an environment in which they actually are more interactive with themselves than all of the other individuals, for there are so many individuals that each individual must focus upon their own direction to generate the cooperation of the whole. Therefore, these types of employment serve well with intermediate individuals. Conversely, generally speaking, intermediate individuals are not drawn to large groups socially, but are more comfortable interacting with fewer individuals.

TILL: Okay, I think that wraps it up with the job situation. I would like to come to my body. It’s also kind of a symbol or kind of a creation, I think. The body was basically all my life really healthy. But there was one exception eighteen years ago or something like that. I had some spinal paralysis. I couldn’t move anything below some point of the spine. It was really a lot of pain for quite a few times and it left something. Can you say something, why did I create that in my life?

ELIAS: And what is your assessment, and what information have you offered to yourself in this creation?

TILL: I had an experience in the first few days that I’m not so much attached to the body. That was kind of new to me. On the other hand, I somehow could say it had to be related to sex, to be in flow, let go, something like that.

ELIAS: Partially. Partially it has been created to remind you to be expressing intimacy and to remind you to be present.

TILL: Could you give a few more details about that?

ELIAS: Presence is a natural action, but one that has been generally forgotten by most individuals. But it is an important expression. One of the most effective manners in which individuals generate presence with themselves is if they are experiencing discomfort or pain. In moments in which you experience these types of expressions, you are very aware of yourself. You are aware of your existence. You are aware of your body consciousness. Unfortunately, you focus upon one element of that, which is the discomfort, but it does hold your attention in the now, and it does create a type of presence with yourself.

Now; in association with intimacy, to be generating intimacy successfully, presence is a key element. If you are not generating a presence with yourself and with another individual, you are not genuinely expressing intimacy, for intimacy in some respect requires presence. You may create the façade of intimacy, but not a genuine intimacy. Therefore, this manifestation has been an expression that can remind you of your own presence, that you actually exist; you are here.

That may appear initially quite simplistic, but in actuality, my friend, for the most part, you and most other individuals may move throughout your day and not actually be aware of your mere existence and your mere presence with yourself. That is another indicator and manner in which you can gauge what type of energy you are projecting, for if you are present with yourself, you shall also be aware of your energy and how it fluctuates.

TILL: Good. From that incident at that time, today there is still tightness of those muscles around belly that are left still tight and contracted. You would say it’s the same creation?


TILL: Or some different?

ELIAS: No, it would be the same.

TILL: Same thing.


TILL: And is there a way to relieve that tightness or tension a little bit, because I’m really troubled with my bladder.

ELIAS: Practice relaxing. Practice intentionally relaxing. I may express to you, my friend, in recognition of your energy, you generate tension quite consistently. Even in excitement you generate tension. If you allow yourself to practice relaxing, and relaxing your body consciousness, and not pushing or forcing your energy, this shall be helpful.

I may also express to you, it may be helpful to you to be incorporating a visualization, perhaps at least one time within each day, and in that visualization, incorporate your physical senses. That shall be helpful to you in focusing—focusing your energy, and focusing and centering yourself. In this, choose a visualization of a location that is pleasing and that is calming, and while you are visualizing, incorporate listening to what is occurring within the environment of the visualization, incorporate your sense of smell, your sense of touch. Allow yourself to incorporate an awareness of your presence in that visualization, at the same time generating a calm, relaxed energy.

Now; I shall express to you also to insert into this visualization another manifestation. What do you view as your most pleasing creature?

TILL: Pleasing what?

ELIAS: Creature.

TILL: I’m blank.

ELIAS: What would you express as a playful creature?

TILL: Maybe some birds.

ELIAS: Very well, incorporate a specific bird in your visualization. Which type shall you choose? (Pause) Which bird shall you choose? (Pause)

TILL: Okay. Elias, you still there?

ELIAS: Yes, you have not responded to my question.

TILL: Then probably the question got lost.

ELIAS: Which bird shall you choose?

TILL: Can you repeat?

ELIAS: Rather I shall choose a bird for you. Perhaps we shall incorporate the bird of an albatross.

TILL: What about a swallow? Is that a bird you know?

ELIAS: Rather let us incorporate the albatross, for it is a large, majestic bird, and that shall provide you with a more obvious imagery.

Now; in the incorporation of this albatross in your visualization, do not attempt to anticipate what the bird shall do. Merely allow it to appear and watch what type of movement it incorporates, and notice whether the bird is exhibiting strength, or whether the bird is expressing playfulness, or whether the bird is being gentle and majestic.

TILL: Okay, got it.

ELIAS: For the bird is a symbol of you. Therefore, as you watch the bird, you shall offer to yourself indicators of what you are doing with your energy in association with this manifestation. If the bird is agitated, allow yourself to express a calming energy and watch how the bird responds. If the bird is displaying a gentle, majestic energy, it is indicating to you that you are relaxing, and you are being more nurturing with yourself. Allow the bird to express to you; do not attempt to manipulate it. If the bird is playful, that is an indicator to you that you are being successful.

TILL: Okay, I think I understood that.

ELIAS: Now; once you have incorporated this visualization for a period of approximately one week, change the scenario, change the scene, and change the creature, for incorporating the same visualization for an extended time framework loses its focus.

TILL: Okay.

ELIAS: But whatever creature you choose, incorporate one that will express strength, playfulness, and gentleness.

TILL: I will do. Could I move to the next question?

ELIAS: Yes, you may.

TILL: Good. Right now I have an inflammation of the bladder I never had before, so this is new to me. Has it still to do with all the stuff we were talking previously about my body or is that a symbol for something new?

ELIAS: Partially, but it also is associated with an escalation in tension within you and pushing your energy, which is somewhat associated with your situation relating to your employment, generating more of an anxiousness within you and more of a tension, which is aggravating the manifestation that you have already created.

TILL: So, relaxing more with my job situation could heal that, correct?

ELIAS: That would be quite helpful. And incorporating the visualization shall also be helpful.

TILL: Right now also I do a treatment, a natural treatment. Is that also helpful? A medical natural treatment.

ELIAS: Yes, for you incorporate the belief that it is helpful, and therefore, it is.

TILL: Yes. This year I was in Italy and I had really some unfamiliar experience I couldn’t really understand. It was kind of my life was getting smaller and smaller, and like a universe. And this got even smaller, and a really huge new universe came, and this got even smaller and smaller, so really the feeling was…or the experience beside that was kind of my life is totally meaningless, or like a movie, or whatever. And as I came back into my body, I really had trouble to somehow put the two things together. Could you say something about that? A really unfamiliar experience—what was that? Was that a kind of essence experience?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, and also allowing yourself to experience a type of threshold. It is a type of fork in the road, so to speak, in which you are preparing yourself to move in new directions, allowing yourself new opportunities to move into new adventures. The smallness is the association with what has been familiar previously, but there is also a recognition of an expansion into new adventures.

TILL: At the same time, I had kind of experience of really automatic reaction. It was so quick I couldn’t really do something about it—kind of inside, closing my objective awareness somehow that kind of a door closed that I interpreted as some kind of a belief of control or something like that—an automatic reaction. Control seems to be anyway a topic for me.

ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding.

TILL: Could you say something about that, how to…really quick automatic reaction—is it possible to somehow slow it, so that it’s away from automatic?

ELIAS: Yes, and I may express to you that this exercise of visualization that I have offered to you shall be helpful with that also, for you are transferring, in a manner of speaking, the control to the bird, and it is encouraging you to trust rather than to control and initiate.

This also, my friend, shall be somewhat affected in your allowance of yourself to be relaxing more. The more that you incorporate this tension, the more you reinforce this association with needing to be in control. But I shall express to you, control is actually not necessary. You shall naturally direct yourself. It is unnecessary to generate pushing of energy and forcing of energy in association with control.

TILL: I understand intent, if you’re talking about intent, that you can see it throughout your life. I have done that, so I would say my intent is something like bridging subjective and objective awareness, something like connecting the unfamiliar energy. Is it something in that direction?

ELIAS: I would express to you that is what you naturally do in association with your orientation. Your intent is associated with the theme of your experiences throughout the entirety of your focus. That is what creates the motivation for all of your directions.

TILL: Okay. Then I have a few quick questions because we are running short on time. I had a dream where I was in a really huge skyscraper and it seems to be in the future. What was that kind of a dream? What was this image telling me?

ELIAS: First of all, what was the feeling that you experienced in this dream imagery?

TILL: It was kind of a feeling that it’s a future focus, maybe, and kind of a real advanced, expanded feeling.

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.

TILL: That’s also the message of the dream.

ELIAS: Yes. You have allowed yourself a viewing of a future focus. You can quite easily connect with other focuses within dream imagery.

TILL: Well, dreams seem for me an avenue to connect to that because otherwise I’m not so much into other focuses. The only thing I come up with was my last focus, something like a German soldier in Russia in the Second World War?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

TILL: And did he call himself Frank Hermann?


TILL: That’s one question. I understand if the subjective awareness has some topic or some theme, it’s really precise, and the manifestation of the objective awareness is reflecting in quite different things.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

TILL: Could you tell me an example out of my life where one theme has two or three reflections outside, objective. Could you give me an example of that?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) That may be quite obvious, my friend. What have we been discussing this day? In this, you can incorporate the example of control. That is one subject, but it can be manifest in many, many, many different manners. Or as we have been discussing, one subject can be opposition, but it can be expressed in the abstractness of the objective in many different manners, but the subject is the same.

TILL: So the subject of opposition is one theme of the subjective, and even if I have, let’s say, throughout the day different situations, it’s still one of the subjective.

ELIAS: Yes. And you may be expressing it in many different manners, for the objective is abstract, but the theme remains the same.

TILL: Okay. With the dreams, is it for me a good thing for me to try to become aware inside that dream, to have lucid dreams, or what you call it? Would that be something which is helping me?

ELIAS: That is dependent upon your direction, my friend, and it is also a choice. If you choose, and if you want to be incorporating certain actions within dream imagery, you can express what you term to be lucid dreaming. That is, in actuality, merely a matter of incorporating the objective awareness in more clarity within the subjective action of the dream. The imagery that is presented in dreams are created by the objective awareness. The action that is created is generated by the subjective awareness.

If you engage the objective awareness more clearly in that which you term to be lucid dreaming, that allows you to manipulate within the dream intentionally, which, if you are generating specific directions, that may be helpful to you. For example, if you choose to be engaging a future focus and allowing for an exchange between yourself and a future focus within dream state, you can intentionally manipulate the dream imagery to allow yourself more flexibility in interaction with the future focus. Or as a different example, if you are generating some type of challenge within your experience now, you can incorporate that subject within dream state, and if you are generating lucid dreaming, you can intentionally manipulate and change the dream imagery in a manner that is more effective or more efficient for you, which shall also be helpful in waking state. But these are choices, and they are associated with what you want and what you prefer. Some individuals do prefer to be engaging much action within dream state and intentionally manipulating. Some individuals have less interest in that action.

TILL: Good. I thank you very much. Time is over.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.

TILL: It was really a pleasure to talk to you.

ELIAS: And you also. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy to you in encouragement and also in supportiveness in your new adventures.

TILL: Great. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. Remember my friend, incorporate playfulness. To you in great appreciation, au revoir.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 3 minutes.

© 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.