Forcing Energy
“Forcing Energy”
“Mass Energy of Polarization and Extremes”
Friday, December 9, 2005 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and John R. (Illianni)
(Elias’ arrival time is 23 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning.
JOHN: Good morning. Hello, Elias. Bonjour.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?
JOHN: Well, we shall discuss...I guess we’ll go through the preliminaries that most people go through that I find somewhat entertaining. The essence name, what is my essence name?
ELIAS: Essence name, Illianni (Ill-ee-AH-nee), I-L-L-I-A-N-N-I.
JOHN: Illianni. I like that. It sounds Italian almost. Illianni. (Both laugh)
Okay, my essence family. My impressions are, and I looked through all the other transcripts that you’ve talked and have given information on the families. I see myself in a lot of them, and it was really hard to weed through my impression, to have one big impression. But I sense that and, you know, of course, it may be incorrect, but I sense that it was Vold?
ELIAS: Correct.
JOHN: It’s correct? Ah! Interesting. And the alignment, Sumari?
ELIAS: Sumari, yes.
JOHN: Sumari. Okay. I was correct. All right! Interesting. (Elias laughs) And my focus is a thought focus?
ELIAS: Political.
JOHN: Political. I knew it was something. Political. Now, that doesn’t mean that as far as political focus that I think in political, as far as politics, because I’m not interested in politics – it has nothing to do with that, correct?
ELIAS: Correct.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: In actuality, a political focus is more similar to a thought focus, but the political focus also incorporates more of a processing through intuition and environment than does the thought-focused individual.
JOHN: I’m understanding of what you’re saying. Yeah, I do sense some sort of intuition when I do go through my thinking, I guess you would say, or impressions. (Elias laughs) Orientation, common?
JOHN: Okay. That’s what I thought. How many focuses do I have in this dimension?
ELIAS: And do you incorporate an impression?
JOHN: Oh, mercy. (Both laugh) I’ve seen all the answers from other people and you know they’re five, six, seven, eight hundred. And I figure, if there’s that many, I can’t even imagine...I would say, could there be more than a thousand?
ELIAS: Yes, quite.
JOHN: I’m going to say, and this number comes up for me a whole bunch and whatever it means I was going to ask you later, but maybe it has something to do with this - 1010. Meaning a thousand and ten.
ELIAS: Correct.
JOHN: That’s how many focuses I have?
JOHN: Wow! (Elias laughs) That’s amazing! That’s why it keeps coming up. Okay, in this time framework, the focuses that I have, my impression, possibly eight?
JOHN: Six. I was going to say six. (Elias laughs) I was going to say six. Okay, Elias, I want to ask you this. Do we share a connection in this a focus that you might have had, that I was in that time framework?
ELIAS: Quite a few.
JOHN: Quite a few. Okay. All right. Close connection?
JOHN: Okay. Hmm. Okay, that’s good enough for me. I don’t really need to know any more. It’s just that I had a connection with you. I knew there was something. Whenever I first found your website, not actually your website, but a website that presented statements you’ve made, I’ve felt a close connection to it. And I might not have understood it, at the beginning, but I knew something was there that felt right to me.
ELIAS: A recognition of familiarity.
JOHN: Exactly. And it kept me coming back. There were times when I’d be like, “Oh, this Elias stuff is so hard to understand.” (Elias laughs) Not so much hard to understand, it’s almost like there’s some effort there for me to have to take to understand it. I just want didn’t want to do it. You know it’s like, “Oh, it’s going to be: This is such a hard way to look at things that I’m not used to looking at it that way”. But, over time, I would still go back and read some. And I would slowly incorporate it into my thoughts, and I became understanding of it more. And, anyway, I just wanted to share that information with you. (Elias laughs)
Okay, now, am I a final focus?
JOHN: Yes, I am?
JOHN: No. Wow. No final focus. Hmm. I don’t know if that’s a great thing or a not so great thing.
ELIAS: In actuality, my friend, it matters not. For in literal terms, as to your participation in this physical reality, every focus would be considered a final focus, for you do not remanifest.
JOHN: Right.
ELIAS: But one focus is designated as the final focus and, in that designation, what that expresses is that when that particular focus chooses to disengage, that is the designation of the essence: that all of the focuses of that essence shall not be participating in this physical reality any longer, unless they are choosing to be fragmenting and generating a new essence and choosing to continue participation in this physical reality.
But at the moment in which any individual chooses to disengage or chooses death, you do not remanifest in this physical reality. You continue in other choices and may be choosing to participate in other realities or may be choosing to participate in other areas of consciousness. This is the significance of the individual and the importance that each individual is, in actuality, all of essence.
JOHN: Okay. I’m understanding somewhat. But, when I get the transcripts back, I’ll look over that even more.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.
JOHN: Okay. Let’s see. I’ve got many questions I’ve written down here; I wanted to see. Yeah, how are my energy centers in this present time framework?
ELIAS: And what is your assessment?
JOHN: My assessment is they’re off a little bit. I don’t know where or how, and I’m understanding of why certain things that I do, think, thoughts, actions...but I’m not certain where. But I sense that something’s a little off, because I feel tired, and I want to ask you. I didn’t know if it’s my energy centers or just The Shift that’s happening that may make or give me the sense of being tired.
ELIAS: And, also, holding to and pushing your energy. That, quite frequently, can generate fatigue. Holding to energy incorporates much more energy than allowing a free flow.
JOHN: Okay. I’m understanding somewhat. Are you saying that I push, maybe almost force my energy?
ELIAS: At times, yes.
JOHN: Okay. That’s correct?
JOHN: Okay. Forcing my energy instead of just...which would be more efficient, by going with the flow.
ELIAS: Correct.
JOHN: Okay. So, in that, my energy centers are somewhat out of an alignment?
JOHN: Because of that. Okay. In those terms, what would be beneficial as to allow the alignment to be in alignment, I guess you’d say?
ELIAS: You may incorporate the exercise that I have offered previously concerning aligning these energy centers which, also, may be helpful to you in allowing you to become more familiar with generating more of a relaxation with yourself. And I may, also, express to you another exercise that I suggest you incorporate, perhaps once within each day - that is to be generating a visualization.
Now; in this visualization, there are specific points to incorporate. It shall serve as an exercise to incorporate more relaxation, but also one that shall serve the point of focusing yourself more. In this, let me inquire of you.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: What would you express as an area or an environment in which you would perceive to be pleasant and relaxing?
JOHN: There are several. The first one that comes to mind would be lying on the beach, near the ocean, hearing the ocean waves.
ELIAS: Very well.
Now; in that scene, what creature can you incorporate?
JOHN: A creature?
ELIAS: Yes. Choose...
JOHN: A dolphin.
ELIAS: Very well. A dolphin.
Now; in this visualization, you shall generate placing yourself in this scene and incorporate this creature. This creature is, in actuality, quite effective for it expresses the three qualities that shall be incorporated in recognizing in your visualization. It incorporates playfulness, strength, and gentleness. These are three important qualities that shall help you to begin to pay attention to yourself in a more focused manner and to be allowing yourself to express these three qualities more effectively which shall also allow you a more effective method in not pushing your energy or forcing.
Therefore, in this visualization, notice what the dolphin is doing, whenever it appears.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: Whether it is being playful, whether it is expressing an assertiveness in strength, or whether it is demonstrating a gentleness.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: Merely notice. It is not necessary to incorporate any other action. Also in this visualization, incorporate the allowance of your outer senses: the visual, hearing, smelling, tasting; feeling the air, the sun, the wind against your skin. This is another important element, for this allows you to focus.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: And genuinely engage the visualization. Incorporate this visualization for merely a time framework of approximately one of your weeks. Subsequent to that, if you choose to continue to engage the visualization, change it to a different location, and choose a different creature.
JOHN: Got you. Understanding. Okay, thank you. That sounds interesting. And I may do it more than once a day?
ELIAS: If you are so choosing, yes.
JOHN: Okay. My color signature - I’m sensing it’s blue?
ELIAS: Be more specific.
JOHN: (Laughs) Ah, interesting. I’m going to say a navy blue, a dark blue.
ELIAS: Correct.
JOHN: Correct. Okay. Okay, now I want to get into a certain aspect that I think is one reason I found you. And this is, I don’t know if you know beforehand what I’m going to say, but last January, actually I believe it was the 21st or 22nd of 2004, so it was almost two years ago. I was watching a movie. I was very, very down for some reason, for many reasons. And I noticed...I was watching the film. It was a French movie. I got it as something different. And in this film, there was an actress. And I noticed some familiarity with this lady. She’s approximately ten years younger than me. But when I saw her, I really felt a close affinity to her. And something happened inside of me that I just...after I saw that movie, and I saw her, it was very weird. I’m like, you know, I’ve seen many beautiful actresses on the screen, and I’ve never had know, sure, they’re very attractive, whatever. But I’ve never had any close familiarity with any of them. And this one struck me in particular. It was very strange. It took me off guard. I wasn’t expecting it. And what it did to me was it seemed to awaken me.
And in that, I decided I wanted to be an actor. And I’ve had this close...and I’ve been drawn ever since then to France, wanting to go there, wanting to live there, wanting to even learn the language here and live there. I’ve just been really drawn to that area.
Now; my question is this to you, and I’ll give you my impression first, but my question to you is this: This lady in this film, I sense we have a connection somehow. I don’t know how it is, but I believe it’s there. For what reason, I don’t know, that I’m sensing this, or I saw this at this moment. That is my impression - that there is some connection.
Now; the question to you is: What is that connection?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Your impression is correct and it is understandable that you generate this familiarity with this individual, for this individual’s energy is very familiar to you. You incorporate many focuses with this individual and, in this focus, you also engage counterpart action with this individual.
JOHN: Ah. So in that counterpart action here, will there be a connection as far as me personally, physically meeting with her?
ELIAS: That would be a choice, my friend.
JOHN: A choice. Okay.
ELIAS: That would be dependent upon you and what direction you choose to move within and what you choose to initiate and allow yourself to accomplish.
JOHN: So it is a potentiality? It is a possibility?
JOHN: Okay. In your impression, a strong possibility?
ELIAS: That is dependent upon you.
JOHN: (Laughs) Okay. I’m trying to get as much out of you as I can, Elias. You understand.
ELIAS: (Laughs) I am aware, but these are your choices. (Both laugh) But in this, these are your choices, and it is dependent upon the strength of your desire and what direction you choose to move within. But also recognize, ultimately, the most important is your own direction, not moving in an expression of creating another individual as being the focal point.
JOHN: Ah. Thank you. That makes sense. Okay.
Now; in this, let me ask you: Do you find it beneficial, for this focus, at this time, to head in that direction of France? I’m very drawn to that area now. Do you find it beneficial for me to generate experiences in that direction?
ELIAS: Perhaps, yes. For in generating an overtly strong draw to any particular physical location, it can be quite beneficial to the individual to listen to those communications and to incorporate action in association with those communications. For the draw is not being expressed for no reason.
JOHN: Correct. Okay.
ELIAS: The draw is being expressed to offer you experiences and information and, many times, as individuals allow themselves to travel in association with these types of draws, they offer themselves more information becoming more familiar with themselves and what resonates with them and even what their preferences are, which is significant. For many individuals are not clearly defining of their preferences, and this generates confusion in many directions.
JOHN: I am understanding. And that brings me to a point of my current wife, in this time period. We’ve shared many focuses before; I’m sure.
JOHN: I sense that. I sense that, as far as this time period, this lifetime of these focuses, they’re not going to really...I’m sensing it’s done its course, basically. It’s done its course for a while. I think we’re still together for certain experiences yet to happen, but as far I’m not trying to project into the future, but I’m sensing that what has been experienced is somewhat of the final frontier, I guess you’d say, for us. I don’t know; that’s what I’m sensing. Can you confirm that?
ELIAS: What you are sensing is yourself and your direction. And in that, what you are presenting to yourself, although not entirely willing to be genuinely listening to it yet, is that you are choosing to be exploring new directions and new avenues...
JOHN: Correct.
ELIAS: ...but continuing to express within yourself somewhat of a sense of obligation.
JOHN: Ah. Elias, you are so correct about that.
ELIAS: For you have generated an investment, and although you are creating new vistas and moving in the direction of new explorations that you actually want, you also express and experience somewhat of a tie, so to speak, to this individual in expressing that obligation in relation to beliefs concerning responsibility.
JOHN: Yes. Yes, it’s a tough thing to pick up and go. We have three children and...yeah, my belief on that, which I’m aware of,’s almost like I’m fighting that belief. Like I try to rationalize...
ELIAS: That is the point, my friend, of the forcing of energy.
JOHN: Ah. Hmm.
ELIAS: Forcing and opposing yourself.
JOHN: Yes.
ELIAS: Now; let me express to you, my friend, in opposing yourself, you generate no favor to your family. For you oppose them also.
JOHN: Wow.
ELIAS: In this, you are not generating an expression of cooperation with the other individuals if you are generating opposing energy within yourself. Therefore, what you deem to be responsible is not actually helpful.
JOHN: (Laughs) Okay. That’s funny.
ELIAS: For helpful...
JOHN: Actually, that’s funny. I rack my brain trying to figure it out, and it’s not being helpful.
ELIAS: Helpful energy is supportive energy, accepting energy, and that is generated in cooperation. And that is created in association with your own acceptance of your own preferences and your own freedom, and acknowledging what you want; not in opposing yourself, in denying your preferences and denying your choices in association with responsibility and obligation.
JOHN: Which are just my own beliefs. Responsibility and obligation are just my beliefs that are...
ELIAS: Correct, but they are quite real.
JOHN: Right. But they are what are opposing what I’m wanting.
JOHN: Right, and I’m allowing that...
JOHN: happen.
JOHN: Okay. And so, in that, that’s where my tiredness is.
ELIAS: Yes, for you are generating this opposition quite consistently, and you have been expressing this opposition with yourself for a time framework.
JOHN: Right. You’re very correct.
ELIAS: This has not been generated recently.
JOHN: Right. Okay, so the visualization technique should help with that.
JOHN: And alignment of my energy centers, so I have choices here.
JOHN: One is to go with my desires, go where my heart wants to do and, at the same time, just go with that and let what may happen when I leave happen. That is not my responsibility.
ELIAS: Also remember, my friend, choices are not black and white.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: There are many different directions that you can incorporate. You can allow yourself to experiment and not, necessarily, generate extremes in which you can easily overwhelm yourself.
JOHN: Right.
ELIAS: Therefore, recognize in not viewing scenarios in black and white terms - either/or terms - you can allow yourself to express more of a middle choice, so to speak. For example, you may incorporate a choice to travel yourself to France, for a few weeks, and allow yourself that experience, and subsequently return to your dwelling that you incorporate now, and re-evaluate.
ELIAS: And evaluate, in that, what is genuinely valuable to you and what are your genuine preferences; allowing yourself the experience and the opportunity to explore and to offer yourself information, generating more of a clarity concerning your draw and what you want to explore, and how you want to explore, and subsequently re-evaluating all of the situation upon your return. And in that re-evaluation, pay attention to yourself in the moment in which you are expressing an obligation, or moments in which you are again experiencing that influence of the expectations of yourself in relation to responsibility.
This shall offer you a clearer manner to generate an evaluation in a more balanced manner, in which you shall incorporate more clarity and be aware of your own hesitations, of your own resistance, of your own opposition. Recognize also each time you incorporate any association with a “should” or a “should not,” that is an expectation, and that is opposition.
JOHN: Ah! Brilliant!
ELIAS: This is...
JOHN: Brilliant, Elias!
ELIAS: This is very significant, my friend, for the point is not to be opposing yourself and not to be opposing other individuals either, but expectation is opposition. There are many forms of opposition, and this is one, one of the most obvious to view.
JOHN: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
JOHN: That’s great.
ELIAS: Let me also offer you another obvious opposing energy, and that is defense.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: Which you also express, in association with other individuals. If they deviate from you, and if they do not agree with you, your automatic response is defense. It may be expressed in many different manners, but it is ultimately defense, and defense is another strong energy of opposition.
JOHN: Okay. Defense. Yeah, I sometimes can be defensive, for sure. I think I’m getting better in the awareness area of people’s differences than mine.
JOHN: I’m understanding that more. I’m experimenting with those, I want to say ideas, but I’m experimenting with that concept of beliefs and what your belief is different than mine, and that’s okay; I accept it. I may not agree with it, but that’s okay; no big deal.
ELIAS: Correct.
JOHN: I don’t take it personally, as a personal attack, that your belief is different than mine. And that I don’t find you any less of a person because your belief is different than mine. I see that I’m generating a lot of stuff around that.
I’m seeing people come to me with their beliefs, and especially my brother. We have really different beliefs but we’re still very...He’s a very awakened person, but his belief in...and I tell him it’s okay, your belief is different than me, and that’s what resonates with you, and that’s great. I respect you for what you believe. I don’t necessarily believe it, but that’s okay. I’m all right with that. So we have a pretty good understanding of each other now. It was tough, at first, because he came out being very preachy and didn’t really want to share the information. It was almost an attack on me. And I attacked back. Maybe that’s the defense part you’re talking about.
JOHN: Okay. But, in that, we are very understanding of each other now. It creeps in every now and then, but it just brings us back to the realization of that concept of beliefs being different, and it’s okay.
ELIAS: I am understanding and I am acknowledging of you in your allowance of yourself to be addressing to differences and genuinely allowing yourself not to be expressing threat but rather cooperation.
JOHN: Right. Thank you. Okay, let’s see what we can go on to now. Okay, fun stuff. (Laughs) I feel as though I have many, many talents in this life, in this focus, in this time period. Ever since I was little, I’ve always been good at things, doing things, sports. Things tend to come natural for me in a lot of areas. Which, in the same sense, I almost sometimes wish that I only had one really good thing I could do, (Elias chuckles) so I could just do it and not be distracted by many of the other things that I can do.
And it’s almost like I’m a jack-of-all-trades and not know, I’m like a general surgeon instead of a brain surgeon. You know? (Both laugh) But, at the same time, I feel like if I concentrate or focus on one area, I could become really good at whatever I’m focused in.
And, at the same time, I feel like, in this focus, in this lifetime, I feel as though I’m...There’s something big that I’m to do. There’s something. I don’t know if that’s an expectation. It’s a feeling that I am not so much like a chosen one, but more along the lines of there’s something really big that I’m to do, and almost in a famous focus kind of area. I’m sensing that and, at the same time, when I sense that, I try to find out what that is and, by doing that, I really frustrate myself, and there’s the forcing of the energy, most likely.
ELIAS: Again.
JOHN: Yes. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Now; let me offer an explanation to you, my friend. Most individuals that become considerably successful or well-known publicly, within their focus, do incorporate a knowing of themselves of that potential throughout their focus. They may not incorporate an objective awareness of what direction that shall be expressed within but, generally speaking, most individuals that become famous, in your terms, or well-known publicly, do incorporate a knowing which is generated in a sense or a feeling or an association or, dependent on the individual and their beliefs, they may define it as a calling or a mission or their destiny or their fate. But regardless of how they define it, they incorporate this knowing.
JOHN: Right.
ELIAS: And, in that, it is not, necessarily, a matter of precisely what you do, but more so that you allow yourself the openness for that potential in whatever you may experiment with and what you choose to incorporate to generate that avenue.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: It is not a matter of evaluating and analyzing all of your talents, and attempting to pick one talent, and move in that direction to the point in which you generate tremendous success and, perhaps, even fame, but rather it is a matter of trusting yourself and generating an openness to different possibilities that shall create a genuine passion within you.
JOHN: Yes.
ELIAS: The expression of the passion is what creates the successfulness.
JOHN: I feel a sense of acting as one. I feel some closeness to an actor and actually he was...later, turned out to be a very dynamic acting coach, as you would say. His name was Michael Chekhov. Did I incorporate...was I Michael Chekhov?
ELIAS: Observing essence.
JOHN: Ah, okay. I felt a close affinity with him.
ELIAS: I may also express an encouragement to you in the exploration of acting, for that may allow you to discover more of your preferences. It may allow you to discover an outward expression of your passion, and it may also provide you an avenue in which you can express your creativity but also incorporate focusing yourself.
JOHN: Right.
ELIAS: And may also be an effective exercise, in a fun manner, of becoming familiar with actually directing yourself.
JOHN: Ah. (Laughs) Interesting. Another thing - my brother - I’m very close to my brother. I feel we came into this focus...I feel as though he and I, we’re very close, and we’re supposed to do something together. Another one of those things where it’s a feeling, where he really wants to get into films, direct films; stuff like that. And...oh, do you...I know you don’t get out your crystal ball and tell the future. (Elias laughs) Do you see...Do you sense...Let me ask you...How can I put this? Is it beneficial for me to work with my brother in this lifetime?
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: For you can express together, providing a supportiveness and an encouragement to yourselves and each other.
JOHN: We do do that, for sure.
Okay, now one other thing. Another talent of mine that stands out is guitar playing: in particular, blues. I don’t know if I incorporated a focus in previous...or now, I guess you would say. Say in the 40s? 30s? 40s? Blues music? I’m sensing that. I’m not sure. I’m picking something up. I’m really tuned into the music of blues, and it was probably its biggest heyday in the 40s.
ELIAS: You do incorporate counterpart action with several individuals within that time framework, and you do incorporate the role of observing essence to some individuals that are also involved in that, but you also incorporate a focus, in a time framework of what you would term to be the turn of your previous century, in which you involved yourself with a group of other individuals creating beginnings of that type of music and composition.
JOHN: Okay. What else did I want to ask you? Let me think here. I’ve gone through all my...Okay, another one in the music area. I’m big on music. I must’ve had many focuses dealing with music. That’s my impression.
JOHN: Okay. Beethoven. I remember walking into a music store and there was an older man playing a piano. He was playing some music and I just...When I first heard it, I was in love with it. He was playing a tune called “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven, and he gave me...In fact, I walked over to him and I thought, “God, I love that!” And he gave me the sheet music to it, and I went home and learned it. I had access to a piano. Is there a connection with me and the old guy, Ludwig? (Chuckles)
ELIAS: Myself.
JOHN: Oh, really? You were Beethoven? (Elias laughs) And how so was I associated with you? A brother?
ELIAS: No, but you do incorporate a focus in that time framework that you would be classified as an admirer.
JOHN: Okay, an admirer. So I was in that lifetime. So I didn’t really actually know you. I just knew of you.
JOHN: Okay.
ELIAS: But you know me now. (Both laugh)
JOHN: In this “now” moment, you are correct. But I have known you in other focuses, right?
JOHN: Okay. Elias, that’s it for me. That’s all I have. There’s stuff I need to work on in a playful, gentle way. (Elias laughs) Not in a forceful way.
ELIAS: Yes. (Laughs)
JOHN: (Laughs) So my...I’m just going to take...I’m going to let it all absorb, and really think about what you said, and go from there.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. And I shall be offering my energy to you also in encouragement and some playfulness. (Chuckles)
JOHN: Thank you. I appreciate it.
ELIAS: Merely to be reminding you. (Laughs) In this also, my friend, be aware. Be aware of what you do, and be aware of your energy. Pay particular attention to opposition for, especially in this time framework, it is easily expressed. There is tremendous mass energy in the collective of polarization and extremes which lends to an ease in expressing opposition.
But I may express to you, you shall generate much more of an ease and successfulness with yourself if you are allowing yourself not to oppose and to be expressing cooperation and balance. (Chuckles) And remember: There is always more than one choice in every scenario. (Chuckles)
JOHN: Okay. Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: I express tremendous affection and appreciation to you, and shall be anticipating our next meeting.
JOHN: So will I. Thank you. Au revoir.
ELIAS: In friendship to you, au revoir.
(Elias departs after 56 minutes, 20 seconds.)
Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.