Choose the Method that Allows You to Trust Yourself
“Choose the Method that Allows You to Trust Yourself”
“Intensity of Transcribers’ Experience”
“Reaction to Choosing of the New Pope”
“Expectations: A Beginning Point for Evaluating What Type of Energy You Are Expressing”
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Bobbi H. (Jale)
(Elias’ arrival time is 14 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning.
BOBBI: Hi Elias! How are you?
ELIAS: As always. And yourself?
BOBBI: As usual.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: (Laughs) You know, when I first scheduled this appointment, it was kind of a while ago and my issues were a bit more pressing.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: Yeah, well, I think it’s probably just as well that I calmed down about the whole thing now, and I can be more reasonable.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And what have you observed?
BOBBI: Oh, well, what I was going to ask you about was, I had a couple of things happen over the summer that have really affected me, that brought back all of my green energy center symptoms. One of them was my father was diagnosed with cancer. And the second one actually turned out to be temporary, but at the time it didn’t seem to be. My husband got a job, but it was a two and a half hour drive away. And he decided to take it anyway, and I was…I really just dreaded it, because I knew he was going to go back to being just extremely difficult to live with.
So, these things happened within a week of each other. All these anxiety symptoms, panic symptoms, all that stuff came flying back, and it seemed that I had very little…I could make very little impact on those. The symptoms are so overwhelming that any kind of reasonableness on my part is just lost. I’m just on a runaway horse. So, I made a decision to go back on Paxil, which is an anti-anxiety medication, which had helped me in the past. I had gone off of it, and I’d been perfectly fine off of it until these two things happened. I waited about a month and I just felt totally out of control. Now, I was going to speak to you about my decision to go back on Paxil, and now, as I say, that’s been a while ago, and it has been very helpful to me.
At the time I was thinking this is like masking my emotions. Is that a good idea? But on the other hand, the emotions and the anxiety and panic symptoms were so strong that it was sort of…you know? At this point I still feel…it doesn’t do away with my emotions at all. I still recognize many times those feelings of anxiety or even the slight panic. I do still have some of those symptoms, but they’re way more manageable, and I can actually hear the emotional message, you know, get the message and deal with it, without being overwhelmed. So, right now, my feeling about it was that it was a good decision, and it was appropriate for me for right now. Anyway, and I’d just like your thoughts on that.
ELIAS: And I would be in agreement. For many times individuals generate questioning of themselves in the incorporation of offering themselves helpfulness, for they move in the direction of generating associations of discounting themselves, that they SHOULD incorporate the ability to accomplish in a different manner. They SHOULD NOT need to be incorporating methods of helpfulness to themselves, especially in association with medications or physicians. That they SHOULD incorporate enough information and the ability and the trust of themselves to address to this situation individually without enlisting help, which is a distortion of understanding, for as I have expressed previously, regardless of what you do, regardless of what you incorporate, regardless of what method you engage, YOU are what is creating the effect.
BOBBI: Right.
ELIAS: And therefore, if you choose to engage a particular method that shall allow you and encourage you to trust your choices, and therefore, trust yourself and more calmly listen to yourself, the recognition that you present to yourself a method that is efficient is to be acknowledged, for that is an accomplishment in itself. Allowing yourself permission to engage a method that you trust and that you will allow yourself to trust yourself in, is actually efficient. It is you paying attention to you and addressing to whatever you are creating in an efficient manner for yourself that allows you to trust yourself.
BOBBI: And that was sort of the conclusion that I came to as well. Now, I had that this was simply a method…
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: …and putting a judgment on it that I should be doing it another way, but its bottom line is it’s just one method of many that I’ve chosen.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: And when I take this particular medication, I’m the one creating the effect anyway.
BOBBI: So I relaxed about the whole thing. I feel okay about it. (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: Okay. Thank you. That was…I’m just glad to have your feedback on that. I was, as I say, I really had a lot of questions before I made the decision to try that again, but I feel like I did the right thing.
ELIAS: And therefore you have accomplished and have been successful, and that is worthy of your acknowledgement.
BOBBI: Oh! Thank you. I’ll acknowledge me, too.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: I do have a funny…now that we’re talking about body consciousness stuff, I do have a kind of a funny symptom that I’m curious about. When I first found out that my dad had cancer, when he was diagnosed, I already planned to go down and have a visit with my daughter, who is living with my parents. It all coincided that it happened on the same day as his surgery to have this lump removed. Anyway, when I drove down there, it took four hours, and when I got out of the car, my left heel was so sore for some reason it made it difficult to walk. Now this particular symptom has carried on. It’s been six weeks and I can’t figure out what in the world…I mean, to me, obviously it’s associated there with what was going on, because I didn’t have it before. Nothing happened that I injured it. And all I could come up with is that it had something to do with an Achilles’ heel, that that particular situation, someone that I’m very close to, that I love, being…having a very serious illness, that’s sort of my Achilles’ heel. But that’s it. Do you have any…?
ELIAS: You are correct. And it is associated with projecting your attention past and future, generating associations with past—with past experiences—and projecting in anticipation of future experiences.
BOBBI: Oh yeah, I should…I know I’m doing that.
ELIAS: And therefore, the manifestation continues.
BOBBI: Aha! Okay.
ELIAS: Rather than moving your attention to now and incorporating distractions to interrupt that concentration of projecting your attention past and futurely, the manifestation continues as a reminder.
BOBBI: Okay. All right, that’s the part of the message that I was missing, the reminder part, and the past and future association, because I know I’m doing that. I’m definitely doing that.
ELIAS: Which is not limited to this situation concerning dis-ease, but is also associated with other directions that you are incorporating, in which you are generating a very similar action, generating associations of past experiences and projecting anticipation of re-creation of those in other scenarios.
BOBBI: Uh-huh, about what I was just talking about…was Ken getting the job and going back to being miserable to live with.
BOBBI: Uh-huh. Yeah. As it turned out, he didn’t keep that job, so I was off the hook there for a while.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: (Laughs) I have another question, as to what is going on with the transcribing team. We seem to have a kind of a poor track record here. We have a lot of people, quite a few, disengaging. It’s all green energy center related. So, what is that about?
ELIAS: There is somewhat of an association, but not entirely. There is one layer that is somewhat associated, for in this action, in the choice to be participating in that manner, there is somewhat of a different type of interaction that occurs and a different manner in which the individuals participate and assimilate the information. They also generate somewhat of a different type of interaction with my energy, which can and often does emphasize the individual’s intent, and can and often times does emphasize the individual’s issues, for you and these individuals are interacting with this information in somewhat of a different manner.
BOBBI: True.
ELIAS: And in that, you are also exposing to yourselves certain issues that have been ongoing and that are being addressed in somewhat dramatic manners.
BOBBI: So, it lends sort of an intensity?
BOBBI: Ah! Should I worry?
BOBBI: (Laughs)
ELIAS: But, even within yourself you have noticed…
ELIAS: …that you generate intensities in different manifestations that have been presented more strongly in the time framework in which you have been engaging this action.
BOBBI: Absolutely. Absolutely, and it’s all…and again, it’s green energy center related.
ELIAS: This is not to say that it is dangerous, or that you shall continue to create extremes, or that you shall be presenting yourself with tremendous challenges, but in the manner in which you connect with this information and you assimilate it, it emphasizes certain elements within each of you. In that, each of you generate similarities in your movements and in your presentment of different associations or issues or actions, and creating an awareness in different imagery, but similarities to Michael.
BOBBI: Oh. Sort of a counterpart kind of thing?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. It is the action that you are engaging. You are directly engaging the action of the phenomenon. You are directly engaging in a different manner the energy of the exchange.
BOBBI: Okay.
ELIAS: Therefore, that generates an intensity and an emphasis upon certain elements within each of you, which in actuality may be for each of you in different time frameworks somewhat uncomfortable, but what it creates is a type of circle of connection, which lends to a supportiveness, which is important.
BOBBI: Right.
ELIAS: The interconnectedness and the supportiveness that you share with each other is significant to the exchange. Just as I do not engage the exchange alone or singularly, there are several other essences that participate in supportiveness in facilitating the exchange, although they do not interact in the same manner as do I. It is a similar principle.
BOBBI: That’s interesting. I thought part of it, and maybe this is…that the people who are drawn to participate in this way knew on some level what they were—I don’t want to say what they were in for—but knew that in some way it would intensify their experience or accelerate it.
BOBBI: And that was sort of an underlying part.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
BOBBI: Uh-huh. So, they were drawn to it. Okay.
BOBBI: This all starts to make sense. So, any particular reason, then, why the green energy center? I mean, did we all just choose that independently or is there a particular reason why it would all…
ELIAS: That is a commonality between you.
BOBBI: Uh-huh. The specific commonality in that sense, that was all.
ELIAS: That each of you express energy in relation to that particular energy center, and there is more of an emphasis with that particular energy center. What is not accidental or coincidental is that each individual that is drawn to be participating in this action incorporates that expression, which becomes a commonality that you share with each other.
BOBBI: Interesting. Yeah, I could see there was something to it. It was just sort of…obviously it was more than a coincidence, you know. That’s why I was asking.
ELIAS: (Laughs) This is not to say that each individual that chooses to be engaging the action in participation with transcribing shall meet their end in death as a result. (Laughs)
BOBBI: (Laughs) Well, that’s fortunate, because it would get harder and harder to find people.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: (Laughs) It would be sort of a caveat. Well, you could be transcriber for a while….
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: It catches up with you. (Laughs) Oh, dear. Ah! Well, I have a bunch of miscellaneous questions, as usual. Oh, you know, something funny happened over the summer. We had a new Pope. The old Pope died, and I was very interested in the whole thing. It was kind of a neat ceremony, very elaborate. And I watched the funeral of the late Pope, and it was fine. It was very interesting. And then I was watching—for some reason I became really interested in the election of this new Pope—watching the process, when was it going to be announced? And with this new Pope, Benedictine was elected. For some reason spontaneously I just started sobbing. I mean really crying, hard. I’m not Catholic. I really don’t care. It didn’t bother me when the other Pope died. And I kept thinking, what in the world is this about? It was a really confusing emotion. The only coherent thing that kind of went through my head was this is the last Pope. Now, I don’t know if there’s anything to that or not or if that’s some kind of a skewed translation, but do you have any clue as to what I was experiencing?
ELIAS: It is not the last Pope per se, but it is the closing of what you would term to be an era.
BOBBI: Mm-hmm. Ah!
ELIAS: The dynamic and the power of that authority that has been held throughout time is dissipating and nearing the end of its reign, for…
BOBBI: The end of the religious era?
ELIAS: It is more so a movement into the genuine actualization of this Shift, in the dissipation of authority and the genuine turn to the directedness and the significance of the individual.
BOBBI: Which sounds like a good thing.
ELIAS: But it is a significant…
BOBBI: My emotions, or my physical reaction, then…
ELIAS: Whether you deem it to be a good expression or not, in actuality it matters not, for it is a significant change, and it is unfamiliar, and I may express to you that there is comfort in sentimentality. There is comfort in ritual and what is known. There is also comfort in the association of inspired divine leaders.
BOBBI: Oh, of course. There always has been.
ELIAS: Correct.
ELIAS: Therefore, it is natural, and it is quite understandable that you would express an energy of somewhat sadness in the alteration of that, for that generates the association of shifting or jumping from the comfort of a divine authority into the recognition of your own divine authority.
BOBBI: Okay. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
BOBBI: Oh, I have some other focus questions for you, mainly having to do with other people.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: So, we’ll start out with one of mine, just because. Ruther had verified with you that Theda Bara was a focus of mine. Now, I’m assuming that’s a directing focus?
BOBBI: It sure seems like it to me. (Inaudible due to distortion on phone line.)
ELIAS: (Pause) Repeat.
BOBBI: Was Theda Bara aligned with Borledim?
BOBBI: Aha! (Laughs) Okay. That wasn’t so obvious, being an actress.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: (Laughs) This one is about my niece, Christine. Was she the wife of Lenin, the communist? I think the name was Nadezhda Krupskaya.
BOBBI: Yeah, they even look alike. I have a really unexplainable impression that the essence of Myranda has a focus as the actress Joan Crawford.
ELIAS: That would be observing.
BOBBI: Observing. Okay. Yeah, I was watching a movie with Joan Crawford and something about it just…I thought, oh, that’s a gesture like Myranda. And I’ve never even met her. Okay.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: Yeah! Does the essence of Carol, that would be Paul, Paul Helfrich, have a focus as Ray Manzarek who played keyboard for the rock and roll group The Doors?
ELIAS: Also observing.
BOBBI: Observing. Okay. And is one of Michael’s focuses Queen Anne Boleyn?
ELIAS: That would also be observing.
BOBBI: (Laughs) I’m on a roll!
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: Okay, final one. Was Giselle—the essence of Giselle—the other attendant, who was named Iras, at Cleopatra’s death?
BOBBI: Three on board. There they were.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: That makes sense to me, too. Okay. Let’s see. Ah! This is a loaded question. Do I have a concurrent focus who is more shifted than my focus?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.
BOBBI: Ooo! (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Chuckles)
BOBBI: Okay. Well, it’s very tempting to ask who, of course. I have a feeling this is somewhat…this is a focus I’m not particularly aware of at this point.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: Yeah. That ties in with another question. You had mentioned a tribe that I believe was in South America—it was very remote—that pretty much has already shifted. And I’m assuming that part of the reason that they are so remote and in touch is all the stuff that we’re going through, the conflict in the world, they’re simply not aware of it.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: It’s not part of their reality.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: Okay. Would this more shifted focus of Jale be a member of that tribe?
BOBBI: Okay. That’s pretty cool. I’m going to see if I can, you know, kind of connect more with that particular focus. I think that would be fun.
ELIAS: And you can, if you are so choosing.
BOBBI: Yeah.
ELIAS: For they do incorporate an awareness and can easily be responsive.
BOBBI: That would be so neat, like, you know, a little shift help.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: (Laughs) Personal shift help. Okay. As far as…the popular question lately seems to be what animal would be an approximation of my essence tone? I’ve gone back and forth on my impressions on this, which probably means it’s not really an impression. (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: I first I came up was a mouse, but I think that would be more an approximation of my focus tone, this particular focus. As far as an essence tone, I was thinking, at first I thought a bear because I really like bears a lot, but in thinking about it, assessing it more, I think maybe a cat.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) That would more be a preference, with the feline, than an actual association of energy.
BOBBI: Okay.
ELIAS: I would express the identification of a manatee.
BOBBI: (Laughs and Elias chuckles) As my essence tone?
BOBBI: Holy mackerel! Okay, well I’ll have to look into that. Isn’t that one of those huge, ocean-going animals?
ELIAS: Significantly large, yes.
BOBBI: Yes. (Laughs) Good god! You surprised me with that one. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Ha ha ha!
BOBBI: Okay, one more cat question. We have two cats in the house, Molly and Dot. One of them, I suspect it’s Dot, the black cat, is using the hallway as a bathroom, is pooing in the hallway. My question is why? I can’t figure. Is it change? Is she upset about something? I mean, I used to think that she pretty much was sort of in tune with my husband’s energy, reflecting with him. But I’m not sure. So, any insight there?
ELIAS: And what is occurring with the energy of the individual?
BOBBI: Well, it’s a good question. And you know…and I’m noticing a lot of times, I’m not the one who’s dealing with it. Somebody else will come and say she’s messed in the hallway again, and I’ve dealt with it. Fine; I don’t have to. Which makes me think that maybe it’s not particularly…it doesn’t particularly involve me.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: Okay. Now, Ken is really wound up lately about the house, that’s not what he expected, it needs a lot more work, and he’s sort of upset with it.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: Yeah, he’s going through a lot of things, too, and I think he’s wanting change, but not wanting change at the same time.
ELIAS: And expressing an agitated energy.
BOBBI: Right.
ELIAS: And the creature is responding.
BOBBI: Aha. Okay. So, we have to calm him down first.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: Like, good luck! (Laughs)
ELIAS: Or allow him to incorporate that action himself.
BOBBI: Yeah, I don’t think he’s naturally a calm person. I don’t think that would be his…well, would he state it as his preference? I don’t know that it’s actually his preference, you know?
ELIAS: I am understanding, but there are manners in which an individual can express intensity without agitation.
BOBBI: Ah! Okay.
ELIAS: And therefore satisfy a natural flow of energy. You are correct. Some individuals do not naturally express a calm energy. Some individuals prefer an energy of intensity. But that does not necessarily mean that the individual automatically shall be translating that in agitation. You can generate intensity in many different manners which do not incorporate agitation.
BOBBI: Mm-hmm.
ELIAS: Agitation is an opposing energy.
BOBBI: Yeah.
ELIAS: And the creature is generating a reflection and opposing also.
BOBBI: Mm-hmm. Okay. I’m trying to formulate a question here, because that reminded me as far as what kind of energy that you’re expressing…Shoot! It had something to do with my dad’s illness and…oh, well. It escapes me now.
ELIAS: (Chuckles)
BOBBI: It just seems like so many emotions or feelings are sort of inadvertently opposing, you know?
BOBBI: Without even…you know, without having that intention or wanting to be opposing.
ELIAS: Yes. I am in agreement and aware.
BOBBI: Yeah.
ELIAS: This is the reason that it is significant to be paying attention.
BOBBI: Right.
ELIAS: And recognizing and also moving initially in directions that you are familiar with and that you know. And in that, beginning your evaluation of what type of energy you are expressing and whether it is opposing or not in evaluating whether you are generating expectations or not.
ELIAS: For as you offer yourself a beginning point, that allows you to be engaging the evaluation of the subject matter, and you can thusly expand that and evaluate whether you are generating other types of energies. But a sufficient and effective beginning point is to recognize whether you are incorporating expectations or not.
BOBBI: Interesting.
ELIAS: Of yourself, of the situation, or of the other individual.
BOBBI: Uh-huh. Okay, I see how that makes sense. Interesting.
ELIAS: And whether you are expressing defensiveness or personal responsibility, whether you are generating comparisons, whether you are generating compliances, compromises. These are all forms of opposition.
BOBBI: Wow! I didn’t know. That’s a whole lot of stuff. Yeah, and I’m really facing a lot of that with my dad’s illness being…I want to be helpful, although you know I have a lot of issues in that area.
ELIAS: I am understanding. And in this, as you allow yourself to evaluate what you are doing, in recognizing that you project to past experiences, you generate an association, and what do you do? You compare.
BOBBI: Yes. Yep.
ELIAS: And that also encourages you to move in another automatic direction of compromising or complying.
BOBBI: Yeah. Yeah.
ELIAS: And expecting of yourself in that compromising and complying.
BOBBI: Yeah, I can see all of those things, and really, it’s been a saving grace, I guess, that we have moved away. I mean, I’m really starting to see the big picture, how everything fits together—our move, several hundred miles away, and my daughter, Melissa, staying away. And at first all these things seemed not what I wanted at all. But at this point I’m seeing how it’s all…this is…these are generating things that I wanted.
ELIAS: And that are beneficial to you.
BOBBI: Are beneficial. Exactly.
ELIAS: And that are encouraging you to genuinely be evaluating what you are doing without tremendous distraction.
BOBBI: It’s true. Absolutely. Just the physical distance has made a difference. Well, it has to, you know—it’s a full four hours away. So, I can see, yeah, it’s just funny how it all works out. I can see now. If things had not worked out as we had planned, you know, to the letter, and nothing has gone—well, excuse me, very few things have gone along with that plan—and yet everything is falling into place, in a whole different way than we expected.
ELIAS: Correct. but...
BOBBI: And working.
ELIAS: … in a manner in which you actually want and in association with the direction that you are moving in. And one of those elements or factors in this direction is that you want to be expressing the freedom within yourself to not have to rescue.
BOBBI: Yes. Yes, absolutely. Which is a big factor with both my daughter and my parents, being around, just the physical proximity.
ELIAS: I am aware. And in this, you have provided yourself with an avenue to offer yourself permission to stop that action or to create a temporary obstacle for yourself that shall prevent you from engaging that action until such time in which you can genuinely offer yourself permission in comfortableness, without justifying and without judging yourself, to no longer engage that action of rescuing.
BOBBI: Right. It’s sort of an enforced practice session. (Laughs)
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, but it is effective.
BOBBI: Oh, very. It provides me with a lot of examples of how I don’t need to do those things. Things will work out. People will figure stuff out on their own.
BOBBI: And it provides a lot…it has been providing a lot of examples of that, which is very useful.
ELIAS: And also offers yourself information that in the action of rescuing, what you actually accomplish is perpetuating the expression that you do not want.
BOBBI: True.
ELIAS: You encourage them.
BOBBI: Exactly. Yeah.
ELIAS: And you offer a payoff.
BOBBI: True. That’s so true.
ELIAS: Therefore, if you remove the payoff and you remove the action, you are removing the reinforcement of what you actually do not want to be reinforcing.
BOBBI: Right. I can see this has been an enforced practice, which I think is what I needed. (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Laughs) My friend, they are all merely methods, and it matters not what method you choose. What is significant is that you allow yourself to accomplish.
BOBBI: You know, and this is what I have noticed, too. There has still been a lot of judgment as far as methods—which is the correct one, which is the best one? And it’s occurring to me, it’s all…they’re all just methods.
ELIAS: Correct.
BOBBI: They’re just all means to accomplish a certain end, or a certain, you know, whatever it is you’re doing, so a lot of that judgment about how I think things should be done or the best way to be done, I really let go of.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Which shall be…
BOBBI: And have a lot more trust in myself, too, that some of these things…that so many of these things that weren’t planned are working out.
ELIAS: Yes. And this is your establishment of your foundation of trust and freedom.
BOBBI: That would be nice. I’ll have that.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: You know, I just have one quick dream and I think I know what it is; it’s just a little part I don’t get. Back in August, I dreamed of my grandmother. She had disengaged, let’s see, two years before that. And anyway, in the dream she announced that she’s ready to die. We all go over to her house, we have a huge, fancy party, and we’re all taking pictures of each other. Now, my translation of that part is that she’s moving into transition now, and that’s sort of my translation of that. The question I have is that Donna, essence Luera, is there, too, having her pictures taken with my grandmother, with all of us, and my mother is concerned about Donna, and takes me aside and says, “How’s she doing? How is Donna doing with all this?” She’s worried about her. And then I woke up. That’s the part of that dream that I don’t get. What was that about?
ELIAS: It is associated with the subject of death and the presentment of death in a manner of celebration.
BOBBI: So, it doesn’t have to do with Donna in particular?
ELIAS: There is an element that is associated with that individual, for the concern is the presentment of the engagement, and the perception and the interaction surrounding the subject of death, and incorporating the subject [and the] individual that shall engage that action, and the atmosphere is presented in gaiety and celebration rather than sorrow and loss. And the concern that is expressed partially incorporates this individual specifically, but also incorporates another element, which is more general, in association with how individuals associate with this subject of death if they are actually engaging in physical proximity with an individual that is choosing that, and all of the associations that are generated by the individual that is not choosing death. And the presentment of that celebration and gaiety, which may appear to many individuals as confusing or inappropriate, for it does not match what they are experiencing in their own associations and feelings.(1)
BOBBI: Okay. Big light bulb just came on. I get my association now with that one also. Okay, on another layer then, was that a translation that she was moving into transition?
BOBBI: Okay. So, there are a couple of layers going on there.
BOBBI: Good. I get it. Thank you.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: Okay. I have one game thing, and then that’s it.
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: We were going to have this session around Halloween, and I was all set with my Halloween game thing….
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: I will run one by you anyway, and we’ll open up the category. It’s a new category of movie monsters.
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: I would like to associate vampires with Zuli.
ELIAS: One point.
BOBBI: Okay. Now, I tried to get hold of various forum members to see if we could change the ruling on the game.
ELIAS: It has already been altered.
BOBBI: It has!?
BOBBI: (Laughs) Well then, as we have a few more minutes…
ELIAS: Very well.
BOBBI: (Laughs) I’ll go on with some more. I would like to associate, in the same category, associate Ilda with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
ELIAS: One point.
BOBBI: Okay. I would associate Vold with space aliens.
ELIAS: Acceptable.
BOBBI: Okay. I would associate Gramada with Dr. Frankenstein. Not Frankenstein’s monster, but Dr. Frankenstein, a mad scientist.
ELIAS: One point.
BOBBI: That’s not Gramada’s image.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: I would associate Sumafi with ghosts, which is kind of in your honor.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Acceptable.
BOBBI: Okay. (Laughs) This is this week’s. A few that are…okay, I would associate Borledim with a haunted house.
ELIAS: One point.
BOBBI: Now we get into the more fuzzy area. I would associate Milumet with the mummy.
ELIAS: Less probable.
BOBBI: Okay, well then I would go Milument and Wolfman.
ELIAS: Acceptable.
BOBBI: Okay. All right. Tumold and a mummy.
ELIAS: Less probable.
BOBBI: Less probable. You know what? And after that my associations, they’re not as strong. So, we’ll just let it go. But thank you for that. That was very fun.
ELIAS: (Laughs) You are quite welcome. As individuals do not incorporate playing of this game as frequently or as consistently as we have previously, the request for altering the rules has already been expressed and accepted, and therefore, if you are so choosing to engage this game futurely, you may bear in memory that you may offer more than one entry. (Laughs)
BOBBI: Lovely. Okay. That suits me.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
BOBBI: I am done. I am done for today.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I offer to you as always great acknowledgement, appreciation and encouragement. And know, as you already do, that my energy is always with you. I am available to you always.
BOBBI: And that is so appreciated, Elias. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome. In great lovingness, my dear friend and comrade, I shall anticipate our next meeting. Au revoir.
BOBBI: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 59 minutes.)
(1) Originally stated as: "There is an element that is associated with that individual, for the concern is the presentment of the engagement, and the perception and the interaction surrounding the subject of death, and incorporating the subject individual that shall engage that action, and the atmosphere is presented in gaiety and celebration rather than sorrow and loss."
© 2005 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.