Auroras and Other Dimensions
“Auroras and Other Dimensions”
“Dimensional Grid: Light and Time”
“Awareness of Opposing Energy”
“Dream Impressions”
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Paul (Paneus)
(Elias’ arrival time is 11 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning.
PAUL: Good morning, Elias, my friend. (Laughs)
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
PAUL: Oh, a bunch of stuff. How about starting with a friend of mine named Skye. What is her essence name?
ELIAS: Essence name Bette (bet). B-E-T-T-E.
PAUL: Interesting. Now, is she attracted to my energy?
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: I think she’s more attracted to my energy now than she was when... More so now than it was two weeks ago.
PAUL: I’m just trying to understand. What is her level of interest in me?
ELIAS: And what is your motivation?
PAUL: (Laughs) Oh, I don’t know. I’m trying to see if she’d be a potential girlfriend, down the road.
ELIAS: That would be your choice.
PAUL: Right. Right. But her choice could either be that or something entirely different, right?
ELIAS: It is dependent upon you, and what you choose and what you do.
PAUL: Okay. So she, in this moment, is not. Or is she considering me a potential boyfriend in this present moment?
ELIAS: That is not the point. The point is what do you want?
PAUL: Oh. I’m not sure what I want yet. I’m just sort of exploring, I guess.
Hey, I’ve got to ask. What was going on with last night’s dream? It was something with other world, maybe individuals that were doing some type of other-worldly connection, and how when they were in this probably like a trance or something like that time would have an aberration and they would be twelve hours later in an instant. And then later on this, what appears to be the same group or a different group, I had some type of cult following, but it was different than the knowledge I have on, you know, this material, like Seth and Elias material. It was different than that. What was going on in that dream? I don’t really understand it.
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: The best thing I can think of is it was an exploration of how individuals may connect with other teachings and they’re just different.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: That’s all, the whole...
ELIAS: Equally valid and equally offering information but in a different capacity.
PAUL: So, the whole message was just noticing that other groups have different paths to their knowledge, and it’s just different from mine.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Okay, I can buy that. Okay, here’s another dream question. I was in a dream where I was with these people and we were almost like a firm — an account vision of some sort — and we were interacting and we formed these, at the end, an integrated red weave. It looked like a fabric, red. It’s so hard... it’s probably because I’m having trouble translating the elements of the dream. What was that one about?
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: It’s something dealing with maybe people that I know on a forum and maybe have different, slightly different interests, but how we all eventually move together and are moving together to form a more integrated arrangement.
ELIAS: Yes and how you contribute to each other to generate more clarity.
PAUL: More clarity?
PAUL: Oh, because we’re each looking at it from a slightly different perspective, right?
PAUL: Okay, I can buy that. So that was all just imagery, right?
PAUL: Okay. Let’s talk about auroras. Fine structure patterns in flickering auroras, are they generated by a signal from another dimension or is that more of a natural process?
ELIAS: Both.
PAUL: Both?
PAUL: Can you explain that more, then?
ELIAS: It is a natural expression within a translation of your reality, but it also is a projection of energy from other realities.
PAUL: How are they... there’s a sort of confusion. They are manifesting this signal. I think you told people once before that auroras were some type of signal, but not a specific communication to our dimension, just a signal of their exploration. How are they manifesting this? So, they are using natural processes in the exploration, right?
PAUL: What are they doing to cause that or manifest that signal? They’re doing something. They’re taking some action.
ELIAS: That may be quite varied. It would depend upon what reality is generating a fluctuation and what is occurring in that reality that is creating a fluctuation of energy. These auroras, as I have expressed, are a type of portal. They are, figuratively speaking, a type of hole in your reality in which energies of other realities can translate into physical expressions within your reality.
PAUL: You said a hole, right?
ELIAS: Figuratively speaking.
PAUL: Okay. Because some of the traits associated with this type of aurora I have redefined in specific color, frequency, and time intervals associated with their mass, are fairly structured. So, it’s not like random. Are those three elements - color, frequency, and time - are they all part of a way to code the type of signal or a type of communication that would be broadcast by the other dimensions?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. This is merely the manner in which fluctuations of energy translate into your reality.
PAUL: So, it’s not like we could actually translate or decode the color, frequency, and time, right?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Oh, shoot! (Laughs)
ELIAS: Ha ha ha.
PAUL: Aw, heck. Well, here’s what I am trying to understand: about a week ago I read a report, a couple of weeks ago I read a report, whereby this scientific agency was saying, and the way I read it and interpreted it, it appears to be different today. When I first read it, it led me to believe that the sun and the solar winds from the sun no longer has a direct effect on the formation of auroras. And that also confirmed what you said. And then I read it again recently, like a few days ago, and I spoke to another person on the phone, and it’s like that’s not what they really meant. What they meant was the aurora still plays a... I mean, the sun and the solar winds from the sun still play a role in powering up the energy associated with aurora formation. And it’s like the information I first read changed. I’m trying to figure out what... I don’t know. I’m trying to understand. Is that still the case? Do the... What happened there?
ELIAS: (Chuckles)
PAUL: I don’t know how to phrase this into a question, so, I’m trying to understand it.
ELIAS: You have presented yourself with an example of no absolutes and also of how your facts change in association with what you know and what you do not know.
PAUL: But what you and I know today is the sun’s solar wind does not cause the formation of auroras.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: And it’s some natural process within the ionosphere that allows the so-called hole, if you will, to open and close?
ELIAS: Not necessarily open and close, but move. Figuratively speaking, you could liken this phenomenon, so to speak, or this manifestation, to a thin veil or fabric.
PAUL: What was that last word?
ELIAS: Fabric.
PAUL: Okay.
ELIAS: Now; as energy fluctuates it may move that fabric and cause it to ripple or to bow or to recede, dependent upon the intensity of the fluctuation of energy. In a manner of speaking, these are veils between realities, and therefore, if there is energy surges in association with either side of that veil it creates this fluctuation which generates an actual manifestation. You also generate similar manifestations in other realities. In this particular time framework of this year you have generated collectively several fluctuations of energies in association with all of the mass events that you have created. That creates a fluctuation and a surge of energy which manifests in other realities in their own translations of what you create in your reality with the auroras. Therefore...
PAUL: So they have something similar to auroras on their side?
PAUL: Okay.
ELIAS: Not exactly, but it is the same principle.
PAUL: Why is it, then, that scientists are saying auroras, you know, peak and recede? Apparently it’s tied to activity like sunspots on the sun. If they could draw a correlation to a major solar flare or something like that, will it cause a massive aurora shortly after that? Why do they say there is a direct correlation between all that sun activity and the formation of auroras?
ELIAS: It is speculation. They are speculating, which you all do.
PAUL: Even though they say that there is a statistical correlation, you’re saying that the solar wind does not act as a primary or even secondary cause for the auroras?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Okay. Well, you’ve given me enough incentive to probe further. If you can give me any more clues. (Laughs) I’m...
ELIAS: View within your own experiences. If you notice a particular action occurring consistently, repeatedly and you notice one other action that appears to you to consistently be occurring at the same time or in relation to a particular occurrence, you automatically generate an absolute association. You incorporate the belief of cause and effect. Therefore, you SEEK causes that generate effects. This is not to say that the belief or the expression of the belief is not real. It is real, but it is not necessarily true.
PAUL: Okay, how about this one? Photons can cross dimensional boundaries. Do they, when they cross dimensional boundaries, does the photon, or the light, go through any physical change like compression or decompression?
ELIAS: It is dependent upon the particle itself and what its action is. Yes, it can.
PAUL: So when it does cross, when light crosses dimensional boundaries, that you say we can... Here’s a question. I was talking to a scientist the other day about light crossing dimensional boundaries, you know, besides auroras, okay? First of all like light that you could see, like light flashes in the sky that some people see and recognize. And I mentioned this to the scientist and he goes, “Well, if that was the case, and we’re just not used to noticing it, then our cameras would identify it, and we’d see it on the film or photographs.”
ELIAS: Not necessarily.
PAUL: So it still could be happening, but because we believe that there’s no correlation...
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: We won’t see it on the film or the photographs?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Oh. Interesting.
ELIAS: And in this, at times that particle may disappear from this dimension and may merely disappear.
PAUL: Hmm. There may be a backdoor. Well, I had a dream a while back where I was dealing with some type of individual and later what was in me were, they’re taking some medicine, and there was room for them to ensure that they used the correct side of your mind, like the left or right side, for the medicine to work properly. Was that associated with my beliefs about choices? Or what was the meaning associated with that dream?
ELIAS: It is associated with the power of beliefs and the influence of beliefs.
PAUL: Anything else?
ELIAS: That all of your reality, all that you do, all that you associate with, all that you create, is filtered through your beliefs, and therefore, they are powerfully influencing of your reality for they are powerfully influencing of your perception. And your perception creates the actual reality and all of the effects within it.
PAUL: I’m not in this present moment choosing to incorporate any type of disease, am I?
PAUL: I didn’t think so. Do you know why I stopped? The last, one of the last sessions we talked about, you mentioned that I should be flexible and cooperate. When you said the word “cooperate,” I didn’t understand what you meant. Cooperate with a person or cooperate with myself or cooperate with who?
ELIAS: Cooperate with yourself and the energy of the collective.
PAUL: Energy of the what?
ELIAS: Collective.
PAUL: The last word I didn’t hear.
ELIAS: Collective.
PAUL: Oh, the collective. You mean the collective that are buying that stock, or...
PAUL: Oh. How am I supposed to cooperate with them? (Laughs)
ELIAS: By not opposing.
PAUL: So if the stock is going down, I shouldn’t oppose it going down?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Not opposing. Okay. And by being flexible, you mean like not having expectations about whether it’s going up or down?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Oh. If I just relax and allow, it may eventually move to where I’d like it to be, right?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: I can do that.
ELIAS: (Chuckles)
PAUL: You chuckle. If there’s anything else to say on that, tell me. (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Laughs) Practice.
PAUL: What was that?
ELIAS: Practice.
PAUL: I didn’t hear that word.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Practice!
PAUL: Practice?
PAUL: Okay. It sounded like you said “crap”. (Laughs) I’m like, well thanks! (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Laughs)
PAUL: Recently I have had objective imagery of a video card in my PC being broken, if you will, which caused me to buy a new computer. I’ve also had sore jaw muscles. Is this imagery that I am incorporating or choosing a new method of communication?
ELIAS: That is a potential, but it is also associated with paying attention to opposing energy.
PAUL: Opposing energy that I generate?
PAUL: When you say the potential to use a new method of communication, would that be a method that was more subjective, versus objective?
ELIAS: No, but altering the manner in which you communicate.
PAUL: Hmm.
ELIAS: Altering the expression of it, not necessarily the method of it, but the expression of it.
PAUL: Oh. Okay. Expression. Okay. I had a related dream to this where I was on my grandmother’s farm and there was these two communication towers, like antennas, that were being taken down and getting ready to be sold. They were old, but still in good enough condition to work. Was the imagery the same there? Was the meaning of this imagery the same?
ELIAS: Similar, in recognition that the form of communication is adequate but the expression of it may be new.
PAUL: Hmm. In that dream, or a related dream that night, I looked this one woman, who I don’t quite recognize or don’t remember, but I looked into her eyes and she was reluctant at this point in time to cooperate with me and leave the house, so I picked her up and carried her through the doorway to the outside. Was that another essence or was that just objective imagery or what?
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: Oh, I think it’s another essence. I think it’s another essence that I presently know, and I am offering that individual information, and that information I offer them is enabling them to journey more outside of their present beliefs.
ELIAS: Partially. But this is also partially associated with imagery of attempting to instruct.
PAUL: (Laughs) I do a lot of that!
ELIAS: And you are correct, this is another essence that you currently interact with frequently. This would be your daughter.
PAUL: Yeah, that was one of two choices. I figured it was either my daughter or that new friend that is called Skye or Bette.
I had a dream a while back about viewing this, what looked like a model ship, and it had around the pilot’s area of the ship, like a nametag or something that was wrapped around it, and it was sort of tangled, twisted, or wet, or something like that. I couldn’t get it straightened out. Was that something like imagery presented to myself that I’m taking command of my ship more so than in the past, or was that other imagery?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
PAUL: Oh, cool! So it’s like I’m trying to put my own recognition of control on my piloting of my ship.
PAUL: And it’d being... The reason why it was wet or twisted was because I was taking off the old one? Or is it the fact that I had trouble putting the new one on?
ELIAS: The latter.
PAUL: Trouble putting the new one on?
PAUL: Oh, that makes sense. How about a dream, same night, where I had... I was going up this massive tree, and at the top of the tree was what looked like a corporate office building, and I remember I was afraid of being that high up in the tree. Was that recognition of my, almost like a fear? I don’t want to say fear, but almost like a fear of going back into the corporate world?
ELIAS: Partially, but also partially an apprehension concerning success.
PAUL: Oh, why do I have an apprehension about success? I sure don’t want to.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
PAUL: Intellectually I would say there’s no way I would have any fear of success, so why... what’s? I don’t recognize that for some reason.
ELIAS: It is not that you incorporate an absolute fear of success, but that you generate comfort with a certain element of success, but not necessarily beyond that.
PAUL: Like I want to be financially wealthy, but not outrageously rich?
ELIAS: More to the point, you want to be successful, but not to the point that it incorporates tremendous responsibility.
PAUL: Oh, I would agree with that! I would agree with that. So is that apprehension then blocking my current method of success?
ELIAS: Partially.
PAUL: Well, how do I unblock that? How do I unblock that?
ELIAS: Recognizing that you shall naturally generate the type of success without the tremendous responsibility and demand upon yourself if you are paying attention to you and listening to your own communications and trusting yourself.
PAUL: And not force my energy.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: (Laughs) Honestly, I think I almost improve - although it’s not very fast — that I almost improve in that regard almost every month.
PAUL: Cool. I had a dream of a guy, kind of like an old company to work for, but he was based in Montreal, and he was writing up some letter to get me a job up there for something, and it paid a lot of money. Was this really more of a predictive dream of my one friend, Jeff, associated with doing a film documentary on auroras?
ELIAS: It is a potential. Yes.
PAUL: Hmm. Is there a clue that you want to give me that I need to... that will help me manifest this potential?
ELIAS: It is merely a matter of choice, my friend, and engaging your creativity and allowing yourself to play with imagination.
PAUL: Hmm. I’m good at noticing clues in the objective imagery, and clues in my dreaming state, too. What was the meaning of this dream back October of four types of people? You know, one was like leaders or kings, other ones were almost like engineer types, another one was people that were all concerned about the environment, and a fourth type was something like poor people, or something like that?
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: Well, since there was some fighting going on, and I was kind of like one of these kings, but I was willing to step down and work with others, I think that was just imagery of noticing and accepting of differences between the different types of people.
ELIAS: Yes, and also the distinctions that you generate in association with other individuals, and how you classify them, and categorize them, and how that perpetuates the separation in difference.
PAUL: Oh, that adds to opposing energy when I classify people that way?
PAUL: Oh. I should try not to classify, just accept that they’re different.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Well, who was the blonde in that dream? There was a blonde woman in that dream that I didn’t know. She was like a close friend that was, I don’t know if it was just real supportive, I guess.
ELIAS: Yes. That was the point of that imagery.
PAUL: What was the point?
ELIAS: Presenting an expression of support.
PAUL: Oh, the fact that she... So, she wasn’t another essence?
PAUL: Okay. She was just imagery. Okay.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: I had a dream back in September about this shadowy, goblin traveler coming into my room, almost surprising me, and he had some type of health issue with his stomach. But he was really friendly to me, and we visited for a while, and it was interesting that he was not perceived by my dog who in the dream showed up in the room and couldn’t even smell him. And my dog has a great sense of smell. Was this an other-dimensional focus of mine?
PAUL: Why did he show up? Was that in a dream or was this actually something where he was actually a form of reality? I don’t know.
ELIAS: An energy projection that you translated in the dream imagery.
PAUL: Why would he project himself to meet me?
ELIAS: To familiarize yourself with other manifestations that may initially appear threatening, for they are unfamiliar, but presenting the energy in a manner in which it is accepted and not generating fearfulness.
PAUL: Why did he say he had a stomach problem or issue?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) That would be your translation.
PAUL: (Laughs) You mean it was something I was generating?
PAUL: Oh. So, he has an interest. What’s his name? It begins with the letter “O”, I feel.
ELIAS: And I shall encourage you to continue and investigate.
PAUL: Well, what’s the first letter? Does it sound like an “O”?
PAUL: Okay, “O” something or other, like Octoad, or something like that.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
PAUL: (Laughs) What was the meaning... I had another dream where I met, I was viewing an Indian trail, and I kept getting a sense of receiving an information sheet that was real important. What was going on with that?
ELIAS: And your impression?
PAUL: Oh, that I was tapping into a past focus of mine, and they were doing something that was important to me, but I don’t know what was on the information sheet.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) It was not necessarily an information sheet. That is once again your translation. But more concerning being aware of and paying attention to the information that was being offered, and incorporating the awareness of information accumulated, to be effectively generating the direction of the individual, which also applies to you.
PAUL: Oh! Was my Egyptian architect focus name called Narvant? N-A-R-V-A-N-T?
PAUL: Oh. Cool. I had a dream back in September where I was dealing with all sorts of interesting imagery, but once in a while when I come across a name in a dream and it’s very specific, I generally try to pay attention to it when I wake up. And in that particular dream I was viewing a person by the name of Tim McMasters and how they were trying to fool him or something like that. Who was this Tim McMasters? Was that a real-life, you know, focus of someone?
ELIAS: Of you, yes.
PAUL: Of me?
PAUL: The dream did not appear to be in our reality.
ELIAS: That is also a translation.
PAUL: Oh. Was this an other-dimensional focus?
PAUL: So, this focus was somebody that was associated with some type of politics, right?
ELIAS: Temporarily, yes.
PAUL: What timeframe?
ELIAS: Shall you not investigate?
PAUL: (Laughs) Okay, I’ll have to have to, it looks like. Why am I still presently choosing job delays? You know, I kind of want to pick up a... I think I want to pick up a corporate job to lessen my concerns about finances, even though I know that’s a belief, and pick it up a while until I get financial income from other avenues, like this documentary and consulting. Why am I creating a job delay? Because I think I just want to pick up a corporate job, do it for a while and then drop it later on.
ELIAS: I am understanding. But you also incorporate resistance and hesitation, for it is not necessarily that you want to incorporate that action but that you view it to be necessary. Therefore it is more of a “should” than a want.
PAUL: Oh, exactly! Yes! I totally agree. I believe it’s a, “I should do this, just as a safety net until I’m more comfortable expressing beliefs of creating my own money more effectively.”
ELIAS: Correct. Which therein lies your hesitation.
PAUL: But why wouldn’t I, since I recognize that I have this... I haven’t utilized that new belief as effectively. Why wouldn’t I choose getting a job just as a safety net?
ELIAS: For you are resisting that, for you are generating the “should” and what is the “should”? It is pushing and it is opposing energy.
PAUL: Oh. So I shouldn’t even bother interviewing? Or I should just make the contact, do some of the actions, but try to, when I do it, try to stay in a very open and allowing center?
ELIAS: Yes. Yes and not opposing.
PAUL: Okay. Hey, my ex-wife has recurring epileptic seizures. Is that because she has a preference for connecting with, you know, other focuses of herself? Or why does she do the epileptic seizures?
ELIAS: This is associated with blinking out.
PAUL: Why does she want to blink out so much, then?
ELIAS: It is an action that many individuals, not all, but many, incorporate in association with fascinations with other realities and other areas of consciousness, and actually incorporating a time framework in which they interrupt their focus in this reality and blink out.
PAUL: With no memory, though?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: But they can remember it?
PAUL: Can I get the message behind what my genuine preferences are by just noticing the objective imagery clues? Whether it be in a waking state or a sleeping state?
ELIAS: Offer an example.
PAUL: Well, let’s say I want to buy a new car to replace my Saturn. And I would pay attention to clues such as something will be blocking my way. Let’s say I get stopped by something, and I would translate that to say that, well, I’m not ready to choose a new car, because I’m presenting myself with imagery around it being suddenly stopped, in my progress.
PAUL: Okay. So I can? I can find my genuine preferences that way?
PAUL: Okay, because I seem like it’s probably easier for me to do it that way than just trying to figure it out. I don’t know.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
PAUL: Egypt, ancient Egypt, tell me something significant about the archives that I presently don’t recall in this focus, so that I may investigate the details further. I feel like exploring some ancient Egypt stuff. I feel like if you would point me down to a topic or clue, I can go grab my proverbial shovel and investigate it in greater detail.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) What is your interest?
PAUL: Oh. Well, the fact that we’re not finding any objective clues out there presently of any civilization before the Khmet, so, we haven’t found any clues of the culture being called the Archons yet. I’m wondering, you know, how might I start to find out why we haven’t come across it yet?
ELIAS: For you are not incorporating your creativity and paying attention, and not listening to your impressions and following those.
PAUL: Hmm. Okay. So you’re not going to point me in a specific area, huh?
ELIAS: No, for this also is a practice for you to be incorporating. Listening to your impressions and following them. Generating your own treasure hunt and creating the discovery. Before any discovery is made, there is no actual evidence of an existence. The knowledge of the existence generally is expressed initially in speculation and curiosity, and thusly individuals actively participate in generating discovery. (pause) Therefore, you create it.
PAUL: Hmm. I had a dream a while back about being, seeing, or understanding that you can affect gravitons in other dimensions and those gravitons in other dimensions affects our matter, which our science knows that. But I don’t understand what it was meaning. It was trying to communicate something to me that you could do something to affect the gravitons in another dimension and those gravitons affect our matter. Is that method that we can use to affect the gravitons in another dimension, is that time, or is that something else?
ELIAS: Time.
PAUL: Time?
PAUL: And we can bend time to affect those other gravitons, either by using our own mind and slowing or speeding time up, right?
ELIAS: Not your mind. Perception.
PAUL: Our perception. Correct. Yes. Thank you. (Laughs) And the other way would be what Einstein advocated, that you can get to a spot where gravity is so much more different, compared to another location, like a high elevation, or something like that. Is there any other way to affect those gravitons besides perception?
ELIAS: That would be the manner in which you would be affecting.
PAUL: Only perception, right?
PAUL: So, if I want to allow myself to slip into another dimension where I’m presently at, the only method to do that is using my perception to slow or speed time up. Slow time or speed time up.
ELIAS: And projecting your energy.
PAUL: Okay. Would it be slowing my time, slowing time down, or speeding time up?
ELIAS: Either direction would accomplish.
PAUL: Oh, and so that dimensional gradient that I put together the other day, that is complete, right?
ELIAS: Complete in what sense?
PAUL: I’m not missing any element in that it’s almost like an equation. But it’s accurate. It’s accurate. Or am I missing some piece of it?
ELIAS: I would express to you that it is almost accurate.
PAUL: Ohhh!
ELIAS: And that I would suggest that you reevaluate.
PAUL: Elias, is the piece... Is it something I currently don’t have in the gradient, or is it something I have in there that needs to be changed?
ELIAS: Changed.
PAUL: Something I currently have, so...
PAUL: It’s either...
ELIAS: The components are correct, but not in correct form.
PAUL: Well, let’s explore this for a minute here. I have... The two major elements are time and the speed of light. Time changes in association with the speed of light as you go back and forth through dimensions.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: So, when you say I have to change something, is it the relation of how time relates to the speed of light? Like maybe they’re inverse proportional to one another instead of directly associated with a one-to-one relation?
ELIAS: That is more accurate.
PAUL: So they’re... Time is more inversely proportional to the speed of light? (Pause) Is that a yes?
ELIAS: Partially.
PAUL: Ohhh!
ELIAS: For it is not absolute.
PAUL: So, it’s roughly, if I look at putting this down as an equation form, it’s if you have a T and C elements paired up, like one-to-one relation, it would be more appropriate to list them as T over C?
ELIAS: (Pause) More so, but also simultaneously less than and greater than.
PAUL: Explain. Less than or greater than a unity? Like one?
ELIAS: Light and time generate in association with each other in certain situations and in association with certain realities. Therefore, each can be associated as less than or greater than in association with each other dependent upon which dimension it is associated with. They do not always bear the same relationship...
PAUL: Oh, I see.
ELIAS: ... within other dimensions as they do within yours.
PAUL: I see. Does this dimensional gradient then apply also specifically for the aurora formations?
ELIAS: Not entirely.
PAUL: Hmm. Oh. (Sighs) Okay. (Laughs)
ELIAS: (Chuckles)
PAUL: That’s one I have to think about.
I had this dream back in September where I was at this one job, and this person was on the phone and he basically gave the phone to me saying, “Can you take this call? I don’t understand it” or “You need to take it.” And this person on the other line had a very unusual name, and I don’t remember it exactly. But it was a female essence and would that be my essence, my one friend who I know as Skye today? Or?
PAUL: Why was I presenting myself with... The dream related to me taking a — if I understand it correctly — they were interested in what I had to say technically, and I think they offered me some connection to get a job with a bank in Paris or something like that. What was that imagery then?
ELIAS: And what is your impression?
PAUL: Oh, I would say, now I would say, that she has some connection that will allow me to provide some financial abundance for myself.
ELIAS: That is a potential, but what other impression do you incorporate?
PAUL: Well, we had - if I understand that dream and it’s been a while now - there was some strong romantic connection with that individual, and it was related to me going overseas and spending two years there. And I remember there was some concern about what I would do with my daughter during the process. I don’t know what else to say.
ELIAS: This imagery is more so associated with presenting to yourself potentials and becoming familiar with your preferences and your wants and your beliefs in association with that, and what potentially generates obstacles with you and hesitations with you in association with your wants.
PAUL: In association with her specifically, or this is just an exercise in noticing my genuine preferences?
ELIAS: Correct, not specifically with one individual. But in becoming more familiar with yourself and your genuine preferences and your wants, and also your beliefs, and how, at times, some of those expressed beliefs hinder your movement or present obstacles in which you hesitate.
PAUL: Really! Not necessarily in association with her, but just in general?
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: And she’s sort of assisting me in exploring that, right?
PAUL: Interesting. Ah, last question because it’s looks as though we’re almost out of time here. My one friend that has the essence name Raand, she went back to a phase of not being noticeable in communicating to me very much recently. Is she still very much interested in my energy to the point where she still wants to physically be with me on a more regular basis?
ELIAS: And what is your assessment?
PAUL: Oh, yes. (Laughs) And she just hasn’t figured out how to do that, on her end.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: So I would just, if I so choose it, just allow her to sort it out on her end?
PAUL: And not try to force...
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Just be open to the idea.
ELIAS: Correct.
PAUL: Okay. Is it also a little bit on Skye’s part, too, that she has an interest in connecting with me, more so?
PAUL: Physically or just remotely?
ELIAS: Somewhat both.
PAUL: Hmm. Okay, Elias, I think we’re officially out of time. We’re actually right on target, it looks like. Is there any closing statement you want to offer?
ELIAS: Pay attention and be noticing your energy in opposition.
PAUL: Well, I think I’m doing a better job of that than I was a few months ago.
ELIAS: I am in agreement, but continue. (Chuckles)
PAUL: I will continue. If I stray a little bit, feel free to provide me some little polite reminder.
ELIAS: Very well. I shall be offering a playful energy to you.
PAUL: Is that going to be electrical or other? (Laughs)
ELIAS: Other. (Laughs)
PAUL: Oh. Okay, good.
ELIAS: (Laughs)
PAUL: Okay, Elias. Well, I’ll wish you - well, not wish you — I’ll extend my fond association as always with your energy.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend, and I express great encouragement to you.
PAUL: Thanks, Elias.
ELIAS: In wondrous affection and appreciation, my friend, au revoir.
PAUL: Au revoir.
(Elias departs after 1 hour 5 minutes.)
©2005 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.