Noticing Creating A Probable Self
“Noticing Creating A Probable Self”
“Generating The Remembrance”
Sunday, November 13, 2005 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Marcy (Lylin)
(Elias’ arrival time is 18 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning.
MARCY: Good morning, again!
ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?
MARCY: Well, the first thing, which is sort of the big thing, is that this past week I created quite a large trauma to myself. But on the heels of that, as I was starting to feel kind of settled down about it, starting on Friday, which was two days ago, I started having a very odd sensation of not being myself anymore. And I sort of asked various people that are aware of your information and stuff, and some of them suggested that perhaps I’d created a new probable self.
It’s very odd because what actually happened, as you’re probably aware on some level, is that I was driving home at night, and a deer ran in front of my car, and I hit the deer with my car. The deer actually was killed. It was thrown to the side of the road, really smashed up my car, big expense, blah blah blah. And starting on Friday I sort of had this sense that some self of me was actually killed in this accident, but that it wasn’t this me. But it was some... I don’t know. I’m not making any sense, and it’s hard to put into words, but would you sort of give me some clarification on your perception of what I’m experiencing, or what I did experience?
ELIAS: You are correct.
MARCY: Okay.
ELIAS: In that moment, just as in other extreme or significant moments with all individuals, you did generate another probable self, and in that, created the scenario in which you also disengaged. What is significant in this experience is that you have been moving in the direction of becoming much more aware of you, and therefore, you noticed. You actually allowed yourself to experience the creation of that probable self and were aware to the point where you actually felt that in your experience, which is an indicator and a validation to you of how you are paying attention, and how you can actually be objectively aware of more actions that you are actually engaging than you would automatically or normally be aware of.
MARCY: Right, cool. Yeah, because the more I thought of it, Friday I was standing here doing what I normally do, and I was like, it was like I was watching someone else be me. And I thought, well this is very odd. This is an odd feeling. But, you know, I wasn’t upset. It just felt really, really weird. And then as I talked to people, what you just said, I started to feel like, whoa, if this did occur, that means that I am aware of it. And this is awesome! I’m so good! I feel so proud of myself! (Both laugh)
Yeah! Oh, good! Well, thank you very much. Sometimes I have these (inaudible) and I get an impression of something, and I tend to want to discount myself and say, “Oh, no. That’s probably not what it is.”
I actually wasn’t going to have this session. I cancelled it because of the expense of my car, and I thought, well, I can’t afford to spend more money. But then last night people encouraged me, and said, yeah, talk to Elias, it’ll be cool. He’ll talk to you about this. And so I was like, okay, that’s a good idea. So, yeah, I’m glad. I’m glad. Well, thank you!
ELIAS: For this...
MARCY: So then this me that is me right now is not the same me, so to speak.
ELIAS: It is, but...
MARCY: It is? But?
ELIAS: You have allowed yourself an example and an experience in which you are validating to yourself how you have widened your awareness.
MARCY: Okay.
ELIAS: Which is significant, for it is an acknowledgement of yourself, for now you also incorporate an awareness of other aspects of yourself, of generating a probable reality, of creating a probable self, which is an element or an aspect of you. Therefore, you are now aware realistically and experientially, not merely conceptually and intellectually, of more of an expansiveness of you.
MARCY: Right. Yeah, because every once in a while, I’ll get this little twinge, and I’m aware of a reality of where I did disengage and left my daughter, and she had no other family. And I don’t stay there very long, because that’s upsetting to me to think about that, but I’m aware of that, and I know that that is occurring somewhere else.
MARCY: Yeah, and I’m glad it’s not here because I like this reality. I’m having a lot of fun here! (Both laugh) And I know I’m trying to divide up a self that isn’t divisible, but I know you know what I’m talking about.
MARCY: Interesting! Wow! Actually, I wasn’t going to ask you the next thing that comes to mind, but it sort of seems to be a good segue into this, and that is my intent. I have never really wanted to ask you about it, because I think it is something that people should — there’s that should — or that it’s more beneficial if people can come up with it on their own.
ELIAS: Correct.
MARCY: But then I’m thinking, my intent, and maybe you can just help me to clarify this or put it in less words because I tend to want to put it in thousands of words rather than a few, but I feel in some way that my intent in this focus is to actually experience things, not just think about them. Not just say, “Oh, yeah, I believe that.” But, actually, I’ll learn a new concept and I’ll think that’s interesting, but then I want to do it. I want to be it. I want to know what it’s like in my body. I want my body consciousness to feel that in my physical self. And because when I look at all through my life, it’s like I’ve experienced so many things. You think this person just experiences random things, and so they don’t tie together, but to me they tie together because I’ve tried it all out. I don’t want to just hear what someone else did. I want to do that in my own way and see what it’s really like.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
MARCY: Does that make sense?
ELIAS: Yes. Let me express to you that every individual that participates in this reality is participating to be experiencing.
MARCY: Right, right.
ELIAS: In association with your intent, what your exploration is, is to be experimenting with concepts, experiencing those concepts in reality, and experimenting with how to fit what appears to be unlikely puzzle pieces together.
MARCY: Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you! (Both laugh) I could have probably gone on all day and probably would have never said it that succinctly, but that’s the sense I get. Because often times there will be a concept, and people are going, “Well, it means this. Well, it means this. Well, it means this.” And I’m like, not necessarily! That’s my favorite quote, actually. My favorite Elias quote is, “Not necessarily.”
ELIAS: Ha ha ha!
MARCY: And it’s like I want to take concepts and try them out in a different way. I feel like there’s never always just one explanation, so I always seem like I take off on tangents or something. People think I don’t know what I’m talking about, and say, “Oh, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” But I do! (Both laugh) I just don’t do it like other people do it and so...
ELIAS: There is much more interrelatedness than individuals generally recognize. And in this, as you are fitting together the puzzle pieces that appear to be unlikely to fit, you allow yourself to present different avenues in any particular subject matter, which allows you to explore in creative and unusual manners.
MARCY: Right! Yeah, cool! That sounds pretty interesting! I like interesting people and I guess I am one! (Both laugh) Oh, wow, thank you! That’s very clear. I appreciate that.
Okay, now, one of the things I was going to talk to you about is your focus, actually, of Ludwig. And ever since we talked back in August, I have fallen madly in love with, not only Elias, but I decided I would like to explore or get to know you better through some of your focuses, because, we know that the focus always exhibits traits of the essence. And so I’m like, I can’t talk to Elias every day, and so because I really appreciate music, and understand the communication of music, I’ve been listening to Ludwig’s music for hours every day for the past three months. And I feel like it has really broadened my understanding of not only him, but of you.
First of all, I just want to say it is magnificent music. I appreciate you so much, because I have this sense that through the music you were saying what you are saying in words now. It’s the same thing. I sense it’s the same truth, the same things you’re trying to tell us through words, but you were using a different avenue.
So then my next project was, since I was so successful projecting myself to Oscar Wilde’s bedside, I’d try it with Ludwig. And so I was thinking, okay, what would a gentleman of his time appreciate as an interaction? And so I thought, okay, I projected what I perceived to be a dream sequence — this was my intent — where I presented myself as this beautiful lady with red hair wearing a green dress, and we simply danced to his music. And it was just beautiful! I could feel myself being there, and so I guess I just want to ask you if... Did I do that?
MARCY: And he was aware of that?
MARCY: Awesome! Oh, that’s so nice! Oh, thank you for the dance. It was wonderful!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha!
MARCY: One of the things I really appreciated about him is because I’ve read a lot about him and people saw him as this crusty old curmudgeon that was grumpy and hateful and bipolar and mood swings and stuff, and yet he perceived himself as very misunderstood. And when you read some of the things that he wrote, he was deeply romantic and idealistic and stuff. And so in a way I sort of feel, yeah, I know what that’s like.
I also wanted to ask you... I’m sorry; I’m doing all the talking here.
ELIAS: That is entirely acceptable!
MARCY: Oh, thank you, I knew it would be! (Both laugh) But what I did want to ask you is, is I actually have an expression, a physical expression, during his time, of someone that was in his life.
ELIAS: In the time framework, but not actually interactive with the individual personally.
MARCY: Okay. All right. Well, I never felt like I did, because I feel like my connection with him is all coming from this focus, because I’ve decided to create it.
ELIAS: Partially, but in that focus you also incorporate a focus as an individual that is quite aware of that music and quite appreciative of the compositions and, also, studies music.
MARCY: Oh, okay! Awesome!
ELIAS: Therefore, you do incorporate a connection, but not an individual interaction.
MARCY: I see. Okay, that makes sense. Well, this leads to my next question. I’m basically self-taught on the piano, and I‘ve actually written, well, not actually written down, well, one of them sort of is, but, I’ve sort of heard music in my head at least twice and sat down to a piano and sort of plunked it out, and put notes and stuff to it. But sometimes when I’m sitting and playing a piano I have this sense of this tall person which I think is your energy or perhaps you were some kind of music teacher of mine or an influence in some way — maybe it was through this — but standing behind me and sort of helping me or assisting me or teaching me to play music on the piano. So would you speak to that?
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. In this, there is an influence for an allowance of connection to the energy of that focus that you incorporate in the time framework of myself in the focus that you are speaking of, but it is also an allowance of energy associated with another focus, in a different time framework, in which that is the scenario in which you incorporate a focus with myself directly in which you are the student.
MARCY: Ah! Cool. Okay, good. That’s interesting. That’s good. I am getting better! This is great! This is wonderful! Thank you so much!
ELIAS: Which I am acknowledging of you, for that is an allowance of yourself to draw upon those energies and also incorporate my energy now in allowance, and generate that in a creative manner to inspire yourself to be expressing your own creativity and generating that avenue of outlet of energy.
MARCY: Right. Oh wow! Well, thank you and thank me! (Both laugh) This is good. I’ve wanted to do this, and sort of my ongoing project is expand my awareness. I don’t want to just talk about it like people seem to do and they don’t ever actually do it. I want to actually do it because it seems interesting and fascinating and I would like to know what that feels like. So, this is great! Thank you for validating me in that. Yeah, cool!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
MARCY: Thank you. Okay, there’s something else that is totally on a different track now. I guess now it would be about a year ago in August, I began to... I don’t know what to call it. I don’t think it’s an energy exchange. It may be what’s termed channeling or whatever, but there appears to be, in my perception, a group entity that I have translated their name as The Lily, which I type for, I speak for occasionally, and mostly I sing their energy. And the essence, Kris, gave me their perception of what that is. And their perception was that these are not currently physically focused, close associates of my essence who have agreed to assist me in my expansion of awareness in this timeframe. And I would like to know what your perception of this energy is. So, that’s what I am asking, I want a second opinion.
ELIAS: Very well. I may, in part, concur with what you have presented to yourself already, but I may also express to you that that is not entirely consistent. At times that is an occurrence and an addition, so to speak. But what is consistent is you tapping into different aspects of your own essence that is non-physically focused, and allowing yourself to tap into that information and knowledge that you as essence incorporate in like manner to every other essence. In this, at times there is a participation of other essences to be supportive and to contribute energy to you in encouragement for you to allow yourself this openness and to continue to engage the action. But what is consistent in that is that you are allowing yourself to tap into yourself as essence, not merely as one focus, but as essence, and offering yourself information through that avenue, which is significant, for this also is an action of shifting.
MARCY: Okay. And really, I don’t really care one way or the other if it’s other essences or if it’s my own essence, because, I mean, essence is essence...
ELIAS: Correct.
MARCY: I mean, whether it’s my essence or someone else’s, it’s still all the same information. And if I’m allowing myself to actually do it myself — I’m kind of a do-it-yourselfer anyway — so, I think I’m kind of excited by that. That’s cool! Well, in fact, when they said the translation of their name was The Lily, I said, “That sounds a lot like Lylin. That sounds a lot like my own essence name. There’s something going on here!”
ELIAS: Yes, and I am acknowledging of you, for this is an action of shifting, for this is an action of generating the remembrance, which, remember, is not memory. It is a state of being. It is a state of awareness. That is the remembrance. And this is one of the points of this shift in consciousness, to be generating that remembrance, and that is what you are doing.
MARCY: Ah, cool! This is exciting because about a year ago I was on a discussion list and someone asked what do you really want out of life. And I was like, what I really want is to someday be to the point that everything that comes out of my mouth comes straight from essence. Now, I don’t know if that’s possible, because as a focus we have our beliefs and our perceptions, but of course we filter everything, we create our reality according to that, and there’s nothing wrong with it. I mean, that’s how it’s set up here. But I want to get to the point where I allow that all the time, and so, yeah, so I’m doing it. I mean, I’m getting there! (Both laugh) I’m great!
ELIAS: Therefore, now you offer yourself the experience and a realistic example, once again, of not expressing that you want to accomplish some day, but that you are already accomplishing now.
MARCY: Yeah! Oh, yeah! That’s great! I’m excited!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha!
MARCY: Yeah! This is great! This is wonderful! Oh, and by the way, we’re almost out of time, but I did want to tell you one last thing which I found very, very significant concerning my essence name of Lylin, which I really love that name. And I started creating this sort of a line of body oils to put on your skin. And they’re herbal infused and I take flowers and dried flowers and herbs, sort of intuitively put them together with different kinds of oils, and I’m calling my little company Lylin Botanicals and I’m using the white lily as my symbol and I just feel my essence name is all around me and somehow it makes me feel more connected to that, powerful in that.
ELIAS: I am understanding. And this is a significant example also of incorporating the energy of yourself as essence and channeling that into different creative expressions that benefit you in your explorations in this physical reality in a manner in which you are sharing and interactive and generating accomplishments, generating creativity, and creating avenues in which you are incorporating the energy of essence in a creative manner within your physical reality, rather than merely chanting your essence name and hoping for some miraculous manifestation to occur.
MARCY: Yeah, right. Yeah, that’s it. Nah, that doesn’t work for me. I’d rather get in there and do something. I’m a little more action-oriented, or something. I don’t know...
ELIAS: Ha ha ha!
MARCY: Yeah! Oh, wow, so, this is cool. Well, on our ending note, people say, “Where did you come up with this name?” because it’s not spelled like you would expect, and I’d say, “Oh, I have this friend, this French guy. He told me a couple of years ago that that name just sounded like me and I liked it, and so I decided to use that name.” So, you see, you get credit, too. I say, “Just ask my friend Elias. He’s this funny French guy that lives on the East Coast.” (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Or somewhere thereabouts.
MARCY: It’s close enough! It’s far enough away that they’re not going to want to come visit you. (Both laugh) Well, anyway, our time’s up. But this has been so wonderful to talk to you. You’re such a friend and I appreciate you hanging out with me. I feel your energy and see your little blue self all over the place, and it’s just so good to have a friend that’s so consistent. I appreciate that so much!
ELIAS: You are tremendously welcome, my friend. I express great appreciation for you, and tremendous affection and lovingness in our friendship.
MARCY: Thank you. I feel the same way as well.
ELIAS: In anticipation of our next meeting, my dear friend, au revoir.
MARCY: Au revoir.
Elias departs after 29 minutes.
©2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.