Mary's Talk 202110231

Saturday, October 23, 2021

“A Metaphor for Expansion”

Mary’s Talk
“A Metaphor for Expansion”

Saturday, October 23, 2021 (Group/Hinsdale, New Hampshire)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Ann (Vivette), Denise (Azura), Hazra (Lettecia), John H. (Lonn), John (Rrussell), Karen (Turell), Lynda (Ruther), Mark (Liam), Melissa (Leah), Sandra (Atafah), Val (Atticus), Veronica (Amadis) and Yvonne (Zarla)

MARY: I just thought I’d like to ask everybody here what they’ve been doing for the summer, because I’ve had a lot of construction going on. (Laughs) I have a lot of construction happening, and it’s really fascinating because it’s like a metaphor for… life. (Group laughter)

SANDRA: It’s a metaphor for expansion.

MARY: It IS. It really is. It’s so cool, and it’s a total testament to what you can do, what you can accomplish. Actually today, it’s really super, super exciting because…. I know you’ll all understand this, or at least the boys in the group will understand this, that I get to come here and hang out with you guys and charge you for a session (group laughter) – and get you to do manual labor for me, too! (Group laughter)

VERONICA: Are we going to put the door in today?

ANN: No, tomorrow. He’s going to put it in tomorrow.

MARY: Oh yeah. Right. He’s putting in a dog door for me. Isn’t that so cool?

SANDRA: That’s awesome.

MARY: I know. And I just got a table, and they’re taking it upstairs for me. It’s so cool! (Group laughter)

MARK: I’m taking that back to New York. It’s in my truck. (Group laughter)

VAL: See if YOU ever get a session again! (Group laughter)

FEMALE: Are you holding it for ransom?

MARK: That’s it.

MARY: Yeah. (Laughs) It really is a metaphor for expansion, because when I started this whole thing, I had no idea what it was going to turn into, and it just keeps growing. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and it’s like, wow! But it’s also a super-amazing exercise in trust, because it’s really… You know, after this summer with her [indicating one of her dogs, Sadie], and all of her surgeries and hospitalizations and all of that insanity, and how incredibly expensive all of that was – which I did have help with, but even still I ended up spending a ridiculous amount of money with all of it, to the point where… everybody knows about my cookie jars? Now my cookie jars are empty. (Group laughter)

ANN: And no one’s ate it.

MARY: Yeah. Sadie [inaudible]. So I ended up being in a position where I have NO idea how I’m going to pay my carpenter. But whatever, I’m still going forward. I don’t care. This really is an exercise in trust. It’ll get done and he’ll get paid, and somehow it’s all going to work out. I don’t know how it’s going to happen, but it’s going to happen, and that’s just all there is to it. It’s going to be super cool, and I’m just like in this perpetual state of being excited. (Group laughter and applause)

It’s so much I want to share with everybody, you know. It’s so amazing. What is so amazing is that if I can do this, ANYBODY can do this, because I come from a world where this has all been impossible; it just is NOT possible. For me to come from what I came from and my life – [to Sandra] like you, and like what you have accomplished this year, it is astounding. (Group cheers and applause). And you know, this is crazy like that. It’s just something that’s impossible. I mean, it just is mind-boggling.

What’s the most impossible part of it is the change in perception, that going from being afraid and totally not believing that I could do any of this and being terrified of even thinking about it, and going from there into considering it, and maybe, you know, okay, take one little step and talk to somebody, and then going from that into okay, maybe hiring them and oh my god, that’s really scary, but okay. And each step, changing my perception a tiny bit at a time, but how it feels like a huge leap at a time. It’s like going from a perception that I know lots of people have and understand, of they can’t do things like this because they don’t have that kind of money and they just can’t do it. And that’s understandable, and you just know how to live within your means, and you just know there are certain things you can’t do. And that’s okay, you settle for that in your life because that’s the way life is and that’s just reality.

And no, it’s not! It really isn’t, because reality is what your perception makes it, and your perception can make it way different. And I can say that over the course of the summer, I’ve gone to the idea of money, of $1000… $1000 in my perception has always been like it might as well be a million. It’s so much money. It’s an incredible, crazy amount of money. And it’s like, you know, anything that costs $1000 is way too expensive. I have gone from that, which was my whole life, to I’d say $1000 now in my perception is probably equal to about $100. It’s not that big a deal. It’s oh, that’s doable. It’s oh, $1000 – oh, okay, that’s reasonable, that’s not that big of a deal, that’s not that much money. And then, oh! $5000, that’s not that big of a deal. I mean, it’s not like it’s nothing, but it’s not astronomical. It’s not millions, and it’s not impossible.

And it’s like wow, where did that come from? (Laughs) I mean, I’ve known people... You know, I have talked about my friend Frank for years, and $1000 to him is like nothing.

FEMALE: It’s like a night out for a dinner.

MARY: It’s like a spit in the ocean and this is no big deal to him. And I imagine $5000 is like a spit in the ocean to him too. And I’ve known people like this in my life, but it’s always been amazing to me. I’ve always thought, “Must be nice to be THAT person.” (Mary begins coughing)

FEMALE: [Inaudible] Covid again. (Group chatter)

FEMALE: Mary, get those antibodies going.

MARY: I mean, I’ve thought about it for years, thinking I just don’t have a concept how these people live or what their perception is. And now, I don’t have the same perception as Frank (group laughter), –


MARY: Yet. (Coughs) I can’t think in that ballpark yet, or I don’t know if I ever will, but… BUT I’m definitely in a different mindset, and things aren’t so scary anymore, and things aren’t so restrictive. Things aren’t so much in that vein of “You can’t do.” I hate that. I hate that “You can’t do.” I just am big on that “Yes, you can do anything.” (Laughs) (Group chatter) And I never thought I’d be there!

It’s just amazing. I guess that that’s the one thing that I just really wanted to share with everybody, is this whole idea about perception, it really is a big deal. When you change your perception about something, it changes everything. Your whole world changes. Your whole life changes. It’s amazing, the difference that it makes. It’s life-changing. It’s life-altering, and I can’t even explain what a big deal that is. It’s just so liberating and so awesome and so fun! (Group laughter) I can’t even believe it.

You know, it’s taken me all these years to kind of get the concept of what Elias said to us in the very first year about… you know, one of those Elias statements, “If it’s not fun, don’t do it,” that everybody has been saying for you know, 26 years. I hadn’t had a CLUE what that means until now, and it’s like oh my god! (Group laughter) It’s all so fun!

And I don’t want to do anything else, because this is so fun! Why would you do ANYTHING that isn’t fun? I think this is all great.

And that doesn’t mean that every single minute is fun, but that’s like the undercurrent of everything, so it doesn’t matter, instead of the undercurrent of everything being that everything is hard and that you never have enough of what you need or that you have to settle, or that you have to limit yourself. Even though you might not be thinking about that every minute, that’s the running undercurrent. Well, now the running undercurrent is it’s so fun and I’m so happy.

Yeah, so when I’m driving down the street and I see a table, I’m like, “Oh my god, that’s so exciting!” (Group laughter) And the lady says, “Oh yeah, it’s $20,”and I’m like, “WHAT!?” (Group laughter) Because it’s so inexpensive. (Group laughter) I mean, before I probably would have just been like, “Oh, it’s a table, okay, whatever.” (Laughs)

So, I don’t what the dead guy’s going to talk about today, but—

FEMALE: Probably what you were just speaking of.

MARY: I think that what is super great is I am really excited about perception these days. And instead of thinking that it’s a bad thing or my enemy or something that I can’t change and I need to fix, it’s like this is so cool. (Chuckles) This is like the coolest thing we have. What a great invention. (Group laughter) We’re really smart. (Laughs) I think it’s pretty smart. (Laughs) [To one of her dogs] And who knew that I could get you? After all these years, there you are, in the flesh. (Laughs)

LYNDA: That was really big.

MARY: That is really big. I’ve wanted one of these for probably 30 years. And guess what, now we have one. (Laughs) And there she is.

But anyway, so I’ll let you guys hang with the dead guy and see what he has to say about everything and see what interesting things he’s going to talk about this time. But it’ll be interesting to find out, because [inaudible group chatter]. What?

MELISSA: Are you wearing all your normal rings?

MARY: Put it back on. Don’t take it off.

ANN: Oh, we’re going to be messing with it. (Group laughter)

DENISE: We are now.

MARY: (Laughs) I’ll just let you guys in on the joke. Yesterday they did a session together, the three of them. Melissa and Ann and Denise did a session, and they’re deciding to talk about what? Magic and teleportation. Oh yeah, my favorite subject. (Group laughter) Not! But anyway, they decided they were just going to talk about that like crazy, and I guess Denise noticed Elias do something weird – for a second. She said he did something for a second. She said he did something—

DENISE: He was making like a space. He was feeling it in the chair cushion, between the arm and the chair cushion.

MARY: Yeah.

DENISE: With a face thing.

MARY: And then they were asking him what was going on, and he what? Pointed to—

ANN: He said, “You’ve teleported an object.” And then he points down, and I peer down and it was your ring! (Group laughter and chatter)

MARY: It was off my finger. (Group chatter)

ANN: He felt it leap, he said. And then he wanted to see where it went. (Group chatter) He said we did it. Well, not on purpose. We were just—

MARY: They didn’t pick this – they just teleported.

ANN: And we were talking about the feeling of teleportation and getting excited, and then poof!

MARY: And they took my ring off. (Group chatter)

FEMALE: Well, at least it wasn’t your panties, Mary. (Group chatter)

MARY: Can you guys like just not be taking things off of me?

MELISSA: I wanted to take your bra off while you were going for a walk, but they said, “She doesn’t wear a bra.” (Group laughter)

ANN: And then we said see, we did it already! (Group laughter)

MARY: Yeah. Well, it was kind of creepy anyway, but I thought it was [inaudible due to group chatter]

DENISE: We’re checking her ring. But we don’t have permission to do it again.

MARY: No, you do not. (Indicating her rings) I have them all on now again, and you can leave them alone. And don’t touch anything else on my body. (Group laughter and chatter)

MELISSA: We don’t have to take things off. We can just move something from one table to another.

MARY: There you go, yeah. Just do that kind of thing, yeah. Leave things on people.

ANN: Well, until we figure out what we’re doing, it’s kind of hard to…

MARY: (Laughs) All right. Well, okay. I’m going to go away and let you guys talk to the dead guy, and hopefully they won’t mess with anything with anybody. (Laughs) Okay, everybody, I’ll talk to you later.

GROUP: Talk to you soon!

(Mary’s talk ends after 21 minutes)

©2021 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2021 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.