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? Sumafi 
Action of Tile                                         Action of Tile
Transformation Tile ?
Taken from Elias Session #365 Taken from Elias Session #395
DALE:  Hmm.  The tile that I saw, in I think it was a dream, was that a transformation tile? 

ELIAS:  You are correct.

KATIE:  Okay.  Okay, I had a dream a while back that Tom was in, and in it, I was shown what I think may be a tile.  There was an image on it of a black background with a yellowish triangle or pyramid on the right-hand side, and on the left-hand side a red ball, and then there was a light blue arc over the two, not touching them but kind of around them.  What was this about? 

ELIAS:  And are you wishing to be entering this into your game? 

KATIE:  Sure! 

ELIAS:  Then I extend to you one point! 

KATIE:  (Laughing)  My first point! 

ELIAS:  And which family shall you align this tile with? 

KATIE:  I would think Sumafi. 

ELIAS:  You are correct. (Chuckling)