HOME                                    Family Intents

Taken From Session # 67

ELIAS:   I will preface first by explaining to you that each of the essences incorporated within our game has come together, within agreement, in representation of an essence family.  Each of these essences are within the family of the Sumafi, but they have each chosen to be representative of the other families.  This is why you may be connected, within our game, to a color which is not connected with your fragmentation.  In this, you display, within physical focus, traits and elements in your direction which align with other families; therefore you are aligned, within the game, to the corresponding color and essence.  Your intent, overall, is Sumafi.  Your individual focus may align with another family.

I will explain also that all of the families that I will be expressing to you incorporate all qualities of each other.  Overall, the majority of the essences magnate to the qualities of the specific family, but all essence families incorporate individuals who display action, partial desire, and manifestation of other essence families.  You within this group are diverse, and exhibit qualities of other essence families, although you are all Sumafi; this being the reason also why you are not all the same, why your interests vary, for you align vibrationally and through desire with other families, but your intent remains that of the Sumafi.

I will also begin by expressing to you that you are not "born into" an essence family.  You magnate to a family.  You are drawn through intent, as metal is drawn to a magnet; the family being the magnet.  You, within your individual intents, are the metals being drawn to the families.  This may change, if you are choosing.  Generally speaking, it does not.  This is not to say that it may not, for you always incorporate choices, as I have expressed.  Therefore you may, at any moment, choose to align more with another essence family.

Milumet  (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

I shall begin with your first color of red.  This is aligned with the essence representing the family of Milumet.  This family incorporates the focus of spiritualists, mystics. They manifest mainly within what you will view as primitives.  Your Indians of these Americas would fall into this family; many tribes within your continent of Africa; your aborigines also. This is not to say that all individuals connected with this essence family will manifest within a primitive tribe, for they do not.

Their focus is inward.  They do not concern themselves with political involvement, social involvement.  They generally do not involve themselves, to any great degree, with many other individuals.  Their communal focus is limited and small, for they are mainly interested in seeking; mark this word for Shynla; of truth. They are concerned with continuing and holding the remembrance. (Looking at Ron)

Remind yourselves, as I speak of these families, you will cross over these imaginary lines of families, within yourselves. You will identify with many elements of all of these families.  This does not mean that you align your individual desires basically to these families; this being why you are not connected with certain colors within your game.

These individuals are very connected with nature.  They hold an extraordinary connection with creatures.  It is quite easy for these individuals to exchange telepathically, and also empathically, with creatures, and with all elements of nature.  They are simple beings. They choose not to be complicating their focus with too much intellectualizing, for their desire is to be continuing with what they view as original.  They also incorporate great connection and affinity with elements such as stones, having an inner knowing of the energy that may be transmitted through stones, and radiated out through manipulation.  Many individuals manifesting not in primitive tribes may feel an affinity for plants or animals or precious stones, and may surround themselves with these things.  They may not understand why they collect these things, other than the idea that they "like" them; but within them there is an inner knowing of identification which aligns them to these families.  You will notice, the essences that are connected with each color will bear parallels to the corresponding family.

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Gramada    (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

We move to your next family, in your color of orange.  This will be the family of Gramada.  They are organizers.  They are initiators.  They bear great creativity.  They possess an ability to connect with world views of other essences.

I will briefly deviate to explain world views of other essences.  This is not how an essence views the world!  It is a tremendous energy put forth by any individual, which stands through time.

These individuals may be what you view to be great artists or musicians or architects or physicists; individuals whose ideas are initiating and original, individuals who express to your world information that they have connected with through essence and have the ability to translate into your physical languages.  Individuals within the family of Gramada possess the ability to connect with this element of consciousness, for these individuals disconnect from their physically focused accomplished consciousness and allow this to be offered to your world.  It may be tapped into at any moment, but few individuals possess the ability within their physical consciousness to connect with these world views; this being why certain individuals may feel a great affinity and an underlying understanding of concepts that have been expressed by previous individuals, such as our Einstein.  These individuals may not consciously understand the concepts that have been expressed forth, but they identify.  There is a connection.

They are also initiators in the modem of expressing original ideas for efficiency.  They may not always be focused upon by other individuals as being responsible for their ideas, for they choose not to be within the spotlight, so to speak.  They are comfortable being "behind your scenes", but they offer the originality of ideas.

These individuals, on a grander scale, are the ones responsible for establishment of your societies, your governments, your institutions, your religions.  Others "take up" the work and establishment of these elements, but this family projects the original; the idea; the concept; the information.

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Vold     (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

Your third color of yellow; this essence represents the family of Vold. (To Vicki: "V")  This family would be focused upon by you as being reformers.  They are not interested in the status quo.  Their main objective is change.  They are not satisfied with elements of existence continuing along the same direction.  They change themselves, they change where their location is, they change elements around them, they change societies, they change governments, they change your world!  They are a restless group.  They also are very, very emotional.  They are quite passionate, this being their motivating force behind their changing.  They are never satisfied with elements being what they are, for their passion and their emotion runs very deep.  They are great connectors with other individuals, for they also incorporate tremendous compassion and understanding.

These individuals are very strongly focused within their dream abilities.  They also possess very strong precognitive abilities.  They may not be aware, or acknowledge these inner senses that they possess, but in connecting with these inner senses, may develop them to great extremes.

They possess inner knowings of probabilities.  They possess an understanding of probabilities.  They will connect with information concerning the probabilities of all things, and how they work.  They do not incorporate this information intellectually.  They draw this information through feelings.  They may not always possess the capability of expressing to other individuals their inner knowing, for they may not understand how to be translating this into intellectual expression; but they know within their feeling.

They also, within this passion and great emotional focus, confuse themselves much; for they strive, within physical focus, to be translating elements that they may not translate into thought.  They are in many ways, within physical focus, trying to conform to accepted realities, especially within your present times, which allows small amount of room, within your civilizations, for the knowing that they possess within feelings.

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Ilda     (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

Your fourth color of green; this will be represented of the family of Ilda.  I shall offer spelling later.  These individuals are very likable.  They are extremely verbal.  They are communicators.  Their focus is exchange.  They are travelers.  They may be manifest as merchants, as gypsies, as seamen; any individuals that travel and exchange ideas of cultures.  They are the "mixers".  Without these individuals your civilizations, your cultures, would become stagnant.  They also incorporate, within physical manifestation, as slaves, as pirates.  They are quite colorful individuals!  They exchange ideas from one culture to another.  They bring infiltration of religion, of trade, to all areas within your world.  Some, in other times periods of your history, were great jesters of courts, having access to diplomats and kings, and exchanging ideas and concepts between these of high rank and peasantry.  I personally hold quite affection for this family. (Smiling)

The one essence family which will not be identified singularly within your game is that of Sumafi, for you all are Sumafi.  Therefore, it needs no representative with the game.  I will explain to you, this family incorporates the focus of teaching.  It incorporates teachers of every element and every subject of your existence.  Many who manifest being a part of this family will be individuals connected with universities.  They may be aligned with museums, they may be religious leaders, they may be within government; any area of society that incorporates any element of teaching, you will find these individuals.

In other time periods within your history, they have been "keepers of knowledge". They have manifest as scribes. Many have chosen religious focuses.  They are quite intent upon keeping truths.  Their intent also is in the direction of the least distortion.  Therefore, within any element of teaching, they strive to incorporate the least distortion, the most original, the most pure.

These essences also, of Sumafi, I will express, are playful.  They do not incorporate the seriousness that you think of, within physical focus, of "solemn teachers"!  They are quite flexible and incorporate much humor, for this is an asset to teaching.  They are also quite experiential, understanding the value of experience with teaching.  You learn through experience; therefore, they are quite directing of experiences, and hold much desire to be experiencing.

This family also is quite closely connected with the essence of  Sumari; teachers of Sumafi being those influencing of the family of Sumari, who are the "actors-out" of the teaching.

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Sumari     (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

In continuing, we move to my color of blue.  The essence family that I choose to represent is Sumari.  The Sumari are playful.  They are creative.  They are spiritual.  They are your artists.  They are not teachers of art; they are doers.  The Sumari are doers of everything!  They incorporate action. They materialize what the Sumafi and the Gramada initiate.  This essence family incorporates great creativity.

I have spoken to you of the initiators, these being the driving forces behind the actualizers.  Therefore, the initiators within the arts would be the manifest individuals who promote the individual artists. These of the Sumari are the artists. They do incorporate the spotlight. They enjoy being within the forefront of all action.  They are not introverted or shy individuals!   They are quite extroverted.  They also are quite independent.  They do not align themselves with groups.  They do not align themselves with societies or governments or religions.  They are your rebellious group.  They are the individuals that butt against everything!  They are your salmon swimming upstream!  They do not conform.  You will find, in movements of cultures, individuals who are refusing to conform to the norm.  These individuals belong to the Sumari.

Within your culture, within this country of yours, you have been exposed to a movement of the Sumari before you physically, within your time of great change, within this century; your young individuals, your students who revolted, who refused to conform; your "flower children".  These were Sumari.  They are great expressers of love and freedom.  They choose not to align themselves within groups, for they feel that this is constricting of their individuality and creativity.  They are tremendous expressers of individuality.  They are your triumphers for the individual.  They are focused upon the development, within all creativity,  of each individual.  They stress spirituality, but only within the individual, not within a religious focus.

They are connectors.  They connect essence to focus.  They are also temporary.  They are your physical "pop-ins" of cultures.  They do not establish cultures to be lasting.  They "pop-in" to established cultures, they encourage individual thought and creativity and spirituality, and they "pop-out"!  They initiate thought. They initiate remembering of connections.  You will not find Sumari in long-lasting cultural situations.  They will appear temporarily to be "stirring your pot," so to speak, and then they will, as suddenly as it may seem that they appeared, they will disappear.

Sumafi     (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

ELIAS:  Within the action of this shift in consciousness, the Sumafi draw themselves to this information in this manner, that they may be undistorting of the information.

As through all of your ages within this physical focus, the intent of the Sumafi remains the same: the holders of the information, those that hold to the purity of the information in the least amount of distortion, and those that are the teachers.  Therefore, individuals that draw themselves to this information that are of the Sumafi family move in the direction of incorporating teaching into their individual intent, in conjunction with their alignment of their particular focus.

This is the offering of this family and their participation in this shift in consciousness: to clarify, to offer information with regard to belief systems, to clarify the belief systems which are offered by other sources, that you may allow yourselves a clearer understanding and to be helpful in teaching areas, recognizing that the point of this shift in consciousness is to be accepting of belief systems, not changing belief systems, and in this, the Sumafi lend much energy to understanding, for they hold the clarity.  (Session #339, 11/13/98)


The one essence family which will not be identified singularly within your game is that of Sumafi, for you all are Sumafi.  (This is specific to the group present at this session)  Therefore, it needs no representative with the game.  I will explain to you, this family incorporates the focus of teaching.  It incorporates teachers of every element and every subject of your existence.  Many who manifest being a part of this family will be individuals connected with universities.  They may be aligned with museums, they may be religious leaders, they may be within government; any area of society that incorporates any element of teaching, you will find these individuals.

In other time periods within your history, they have been keepers of knowledge.  They have manifest as scribes.  Many have chosen religious focuses.  They are quite intent upon keeping truths.  Their intent also is in the direction of the least distortion.  Therefore, within any element of teaching, they strive to incorporate the least distortion, the most original, the most pure.

These essences also of Sumafi, I will express, are playful.  They do not incorporate the seriousness that you think of within physical focus of solemn teachers!  They are quite flexible and incorporate much humor, for this is an asset to teaching.  They are also quite experiential, understanding the value of experience with teaching.  You learn through experience.  Therefore, they are quite directing of experiences and hold much desire to be experiencing.

This family also is quite closely connected with the essence of Sumari; teachers of Sumafi being those influencing of the family of Sumari, who are the “actors-out” of the teaching.
You will find a great concentration of Sumafi as teachers within the elements of arts, all arts; art being that which they view to be quite important, placing a very high value upon aesthetic beauty.  We have begun our sessions originally by speaking to you of living artfully and incorporating beauty, this being aligned with your intent, as you are Sumafi.  I continue to incorporate these elements throughout our meetings, and when you are moving away and being forgetful of the beauty and the artfulness of yourselves and your creations, I am immediate to be reminding you. (session #67, 1/21/96)

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Tumold     (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

Moving to your color of indigo; this will be represented with the family of Tumold.  These are the healers.  These individuals may manifest within medical professions, they may be mystical healers, they may be cultural healers.  These healers incorporate a vast territory, so to speak, for healing may be incorporated within any element of focus.  It does not only incorporate physical healing of ailments.  It may be spiritual healing.  It may be psychological healing.  It may be physical healing.

These you will find in all walks of life, so to speak.  You may find your garbage man to be of the family of Tumold, for "it matters not" what their physical manifestation may be, or their occupation, for they possess the inner ability to be healing.  Many times, they incorporate merely vibrational qualities that are expressed by their very being, and need never implement any physical manifestation of what you view to be healing.  Their presence itself is healing to all they touch.

They also incorporate, within this healing family, alignments with organizations.  They do recognize the power of the collective consciousness.  They may not always understand this inner knowing, and they may not physically express this manifest within connections of the collective consciousness, but they possess an alignment vibrationally; which, if allowing themselves to be "tapping into," they possess great power in these areas.

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Zuli     (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

Your purple; this is represented of the family of Zuli.  These essences are primarily concerned with physical expression.  They are performers.  They are athletes.  They have a deep appreciation for beauty.  They appreciate physical form and the greatness manifest in the creation of your physical expression.  There is tremendous appreciation of every element of your physical bodies.

They are very preoccupied with the physical body.  They incorporate a tremendous understanding of its workings.  They understand the consciousness of the cells and the molecules that are incorporated within physical form.  They are excellent manipulators of physical form.  They incorporate living art.  They do not necessarily express art or artfulness through music, or painting, or sculpting.  They manifest this through their own bodies, expressing the capabilities of bodies and their functions, allowing other essences to appreciate the beauty and the magnificence of your physical expression.

As I have said, they are usually or generally adept at athletics.  Their bodies are connected with their consciousness, within a deep understanding of each other.  They listen to them.  They may choose to be performers, manipulating their bodily expression in mime, allowing others to view its beauty.  You will notice many of your players, your actors, take great care in adorning the physical body, enhancing their expression by allowing you exaggerated visualization.  This is their incorporation of living art.

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Borledim     (Click the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.)

Your color of pink, your new category; this essence represents the family of Borledim.  This family is concerned with your earth stock.  Their primary focus is to be creating of new individuals.  They are very family-oriented, this being their priority.  They are excellent parents.  They take great care in nurturing.  Their primary function, within physical focus, is to produce.  They stop at nothing to be accomplishing this goal, and they are quite accomplished at realizing this.  They produce balanced, centered individuals.  They produce directed individuals for essence families.  When essence families are needing of representatives within physical focus, they align within agreement with this essence family to produce the stock.

These individuals possess great affection, great understanding, and tremendous patience.  They may not always appear, as individuals, to be extremely patient within their physical expression, but within their intent, they may be quite patient; for although their intent is to be producing of this stock, they do not always possess physical capability of accomplishing this normally, or within what you term to be reasonable amounts of your time.  They incorporate tremendous patience in the pursuit of their accomplishment.  They are very singularly focused, and do not deviate. Once accomplishing, they produce tremendous individuals, quite crediting.  They also are not self-sacrificing, for they are quite understanding that this is defeating; for in being the good tree and exhibiting the example for their young, they produce individuals who possess an understanding, realistically balanced, of how to incorporate physical life.  They also possess, within this balance, a great fairness.

Many do incorporate bearing of these young quite easily, and produce many.  You will find many of these individuals possessing, so to speak, eight or twelve or fifteen young ones within one family.  They also are great believers in extended families, incorporating all aspects of family living to be allowing the experience, to the small ones, of all others within the family unit that may be contributing.  Many of your cultures that you view to be undesirable or backwards incorporate many individuals of this family.  You will find, within these cultures, that they do not express irritation with small ones.  They do not block impulses.  They are not concerned with "right" behavior.  They are allowing of experiences.  They direct, but they are not intrusive.

Therefore, you have now incorporated all nine of your essence families.

VICKI:  There's nine essence families, period?

ELIAS:  Correct.

CHRIS:  Eight of which are represented by a color?

ELIAS:  Correct.

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