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Hall Of Energy
THE CITY        A.S.I.        Pond 1        Pond 2
Taken from Elias Session #53
VICKI:  I have a question.  For example, Ron's energy hall ... 

ELIAS:  (To Ron)  Very good! 

VICKI:  Now, did we all create that, and only Ron perceived it? 

ELIAS:  This is correct.  I will now also express to you a difference in perception.   Each of you has offered an element to your city, and each of you looks to Elias and asks, "Is this correct?"  Elias responds to each of you expressing, "If you wish."  Therefore, each of your visualizations are still floating within probabilities.  This visualization exists, for it is trusted and has been expressed.  There has been no incorporation of doubt, therefore it has been created presently. (To Guin)  Your waterfall fades in and out, not knowing whether to become physically manifest, or to fade out. 

GUIN:   It should.  It's very beautiful! 

ELIAS:  Then create it! (Smiling)  I will express to you that another structure exists already also, this being your library; this being the same, as incorporating no conflict or doubt, and just being.