Deane Kogelschatz: The Becoming

Interaction with Elias concerning my book
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A father and his adopted son become nationally famous evangelists. Their personal war with each other causes the empire they build to fall.

Religion and its fears are confronted by New Age values and discoveries of the self. These create a resounding clash as suspicions are confirmed in this gripping story of challenges to morals, ethics, values and today’s religious beliefs.  Questions that we ourselves fear to ask pierce this complex story of brutality, murder, love and hate, propelling the characters through a jungle of deceit, international financial dealing and personal danger.

Set in tropical Florida, this work of fiction blends intrigue and psyche shattering emotion with state of the art technology, and the most sophisticated levels of psychological trickery. Though it could pass as a mini-course in mind control, THE BECOMING reflects the greatest hopes, the greatest fears, and the dynamics of the human condition that we all experience today.


For those of you who are relatively new here or don’t know about this and Elias’ offer of help to have this book published, and how he was involved,  I have copied relevant portions of the transcripts below.  Please note that I didn’t ask for his help which was significant to me after I finished the book, because it fit so well with what Elias said my intent was. He also ‘confirmed’ a sequel:

From Session #342 11/24/98  (This was my very first session with Elias, and three days before I lost the sight of my left eye in an auto accident event. I was unable to write for almost a year.)

ELIAS:    …that, your intent within conjunction to this shift in consciousness is to be restoring elements to their natural state, and in this offering helpfulness to other individuals in a natural manner that may be beneficial to them, but not aligning with mass belief systems.

End of Session 342:

DEANE:  Elias, I thank you very, very much.  I will drink two cold beers for you this evening, in your honor and for your help, sir!

ELIAS:  Ah!  (Grinning)

DEANE:  And I will enjoy them very much for you too! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  Very good!  You may toast an ale for myself within your physical focus, and indulge in the pleasures of this physical creation! (Chuckling)

DEANE:  Thank you, Elias!

ELIAS:  You are very welcome.  I am quite encouraging of you, and you may express my warmth in regards to your partner also.  I anticipate our next meeting, and I shall be offering you much energy that you may be accomplishing effortlessly futurely.  I also offer to you that if you allow yourself objectively to be connecting and noticing in your endeavor with your manuscript, I shall lend energy to you and offer you some communications in helpfulness in altering the expression of this work, which shall lend to its publication, so to speak.  You shall notice my participation with you in objective terms, as you notice blue and also electrical occurrences during your participation with that manuscript.  (Chuckling)

DEANE:  Now, you know that calls for three beers instead of two!

ELIAS:  Ah!  Hear, hear!  (Deane laughs and Elias chuckles)

DEANE:  I thank you, my friend.  Thank you so very much!

From Session #383:

ELIAS:   As to your individual intent within this focus —as I have offered partially to you previously in relation to this book that you complete now— your intent in this focus moves in the direction of offering your creativity as an expression to be bringing to the mass more of an understanding of this shift in consciousness.

Regarding my interactions with Rose and this book:
ELIAS: This particular interaction follows within that same subject matter, and that essence has been interactive with you also, in different manner to myself, but has offered you energy expressions to be helpful in your accomplishment of your individual intent in this time framework.

DEANE:  How is it exactly that you help me write?  Do you move my fingers —give me thoughts, ideas— and have I resisted your efforts, for I sense that I have.

ELIAS:  Let me express to you that I do not offer you your own information. I am not manipulating your energy or your thought process.  I am merely lending energy to your own creativity, that you may be efficiently expressive in this area.  I am not intrusive to you in the manner of creating an expression FOR you. These are YOUR expressions which are created from YOUR creativity.

DEANE:  Okay.  How high a probability is it that I will do a sequel to this book?

ELIAS:  Within the line of probabilities that you are creating presently, this is quite a probable probability, for as you gain more information and as you allow yourself more of your own remembrance and more of your own widening of awareness and movement within the action of this shift, you shall also draw yourself into the creation of more of your own expressiveness within your creativity.

You hold a great ability in this area.  Within your intent, as I have expressed to you previously, you hold the ability to be affecting of many individuals objectively and subjectively through your creative expression.  Therefore, in following this intent within this focus, you create a line of probabilities which lends itself to this type of expression and creation.  Therefore, once again I express to you that this is quite a probable probability.

From Session 857  6/28/01 (Not yet transcribed)

DEANE:  Are the essences that I initially got together with, [1998] where we blocked the original publication of this book, will they be helping promote this revised edition?

ELIAS:  This is the agreement….  I shall express to you that there is a tremendous expression of energy in support of your movement and your successfulness in  your terms.


Search for my name ‘Kogelschatz’ at these sites instead of  THE BECOMING, which will return hundreds of books to sort through with the word ‘Becoming’ in the title; (Amazon returns over 1900 titles, B&N more than 1700.)

For those of you who wish to, I appreciate your lending energy to my continuing project.

My best to everyone here, and many, many thanks to Ron and Vic, Katie and Mary, and those of you who have personally helped me over the past two years, bring this project to fruition.

Love and hugs,

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