(Excerpted from Session122, pages 2 through 4)
Within the beginning elements of this exercise, I shall be asking youto be holding your field of vision, not closing eyes; for you are turningto this attention, this station, this channel. You are noticing andallowing clarity of this channel. Therefore, the purpose is not tobe altering your state.
In this, I will ask you to sit comfortably. Focus upon any givenobject within your room, but do not concentrate intensely upon this object. Allow for your vision to normally encompass the entirety of the room, withone main focal point. Do not strain, and do not force yourselvesto be concentrating very hard upon any given object. In this, nowtune your consciousness to your senses. Notice your vision. Allow your vision to be as clear as it may possibly be. Tune to yourhearing. Notice all of the sounds that occur. Many sounds areoccurring that you automatically tune out and pay little attention to. Notice your body, your physical feelings, your body temperature. Notice your sense of touch. The air touches your skin continuously. Your clothing touches your skin. These are all elements that area part of the clarity of your focus, to which you pay little attentionto. Notice smells. You pay little attention to your sense ofsmell throughout your individual, mundane day. Notice your senseof taste. You view that if you are not consuming something, you arenot tasting anything. Your senses are highly tuned, and respond regardless.They incorporate continuous stimulation. You only choose to not beclear upon these senses.
Take a moment to concentrate, unstrained, upon the activity of all ofthese senses that you incorporate throughout every moment of your physicalfocus. (Here there is a ninety second pause)
Now, I will be instructing each of you to be closing your eyes and allowingyour attention to drift. Do not be focusing upon your outer senses,so to speak. Allow yourself to feel comfortable, and calm, and quiet. (Here there is a thirty second pause) Enough drifting!
You will notice that with your eyes closed, you will drift. Youhave experienced, within your attempts at meditation at times, difficultyin holding your focus. You experience, much of your time within yourdream state, an inability to hold your focus and manipulate within thatfocus. This exercise of tuning your directed attention, your consciousnesswhich is tuned to this channel, will be very helpful to you in instructionalareas of developing your ability to be manipulating within alternate channels. Altered states, as you term these, are all alternate channels. Ifyou hold the ability to consciously manipulate within the consciousnessthat holds your attention, you will more easily learn to manipulate andunderstand within alternate channels of consciousness. Therefore,throughout this week, until our next meeting, I shall offer you the opportunityfor what you would term to be homework! I shall be instructing youto be practicing this exercise three times within each of your days. You may incorporate this exercise at any given moment, for your eyes areopen, and you are attentive to all those individuals around you and alsoany activity that you may be engaging, for you are tuning your consciousnessmore clearly. You are not drifting. You are not placing yourselfinto an altered state. Therefore, this exercise will not be interruptingof your normal activity.
In this, incorporate one time for initiating this exercise within yourevening time, while you are relaxed at your home, individually. Therefore,you may follow your directed „tuning in“ to your attention channel by closingyour eyes and allowing yourself to drift. In this, while you areallowing yourself to drift, you may incorporate this action briefly, onlywithin a time element to be noticing those events that are occurring. This may be color flashes, it may be feelings, it may be scenes. You may incorporate visualizations. You may incorporate mental images,as you term these. You may find yourself incorporating thoughts „slinging“by you rapidly. Notice what occurs.
Do not concentrate intensely upon the experience. It is only anexercise. It is unnecessary to be very serious and directed! You may incorporate this as fun, and it may be brief. It is not necessaryfor you to be setting aside hours of your time and very directedly concentratingon accomplishing! It is more important for you to be tuning consciously,eyes open, to the awareness that you are familiar with; for as you learnto be directed, and manipulating within that directedness, you shall alsolearn to be directing within alternate realities.
I express to you that you may be manipulating within your clarity; forwhat you have experienced presently within this exercise is only noticing. As our week progresses and you are incorporating this exercise, you mayattempt to manipulate these senses. Allow the clarity of your hearing,and then intentionally turn it off. Allow the clarity of your senseof smell, and then disengage. Allow yourselves the opportunity toview your own ability to manipulate your own consciousness and its functions;for in this, you may much more easily recognize how to be manipulatingwhen encountering different events within alternate focuses.