(Excerpted from Session302, pages 9 and 10)
Each of you now hold an awareness of yourselves. Allow yourselvesto relax your energy fields. Your energy field is that energy whichsurrounds your physical form. Attempt to be not holding in of theenergy field around you. To the best of your abilities presently,within each of your individual states in this present now, I instruct youeach to attempt to be noticing and viewing your own energy field that surroundsyour physical body. Allow yourselves to be connecting with your ownenergy fields. See your energy field around you. Allow yourselfyour own visual of your energy that you expel around your physical formin this very relaxed atmosphere.
(Long pause, and then shouting) YOU ARE ALL INADEQUATE! Now look to your energy fields and view how they have contracted, and viewwhat you experience within you, and view your own uncomfortableness. And why are you uncomfortable? For an energy has been projected toyou and has penetrated. It has moved through your energy field. It has been allowed to penetrate your energy field.
Now; in this example, let me express to you: you hold an actualenergy field around your physical form. This is a reality. It is real energy. It is tangible. It also functions. In this, let me express to you three words: allowance, penetration,and buffer. Be remembering of these words.
(Softly) I express to you lovingness. Although you have experienceduncomfortableness temporarily, this serves as an example to you as to howyou allow other individuals to penetrate energy into your energy field,and this automatically triggers your own belief systems as to protectionof yourselves and that another may be hurtful to you, and this triggersother belief systems, that you do not hold the ability to be manipulatingenergy as efficiently as you deem necessary. This is also a perpetuationof your own issues in duplicity.
Let me express to you that any other individual, any essence, any thingmay project any energy to you, and in your acceptance you create an allowance,a recognition that this is an energy ball that another individual expressesto you, and it shall move forcefully toward you, but that you hold an energyfield around you which is quite powerful, and this energy field holds theability to transform any energy which is projected to you. Therefore,as you visualize this ball of energy projecting toward you and it propelsforcefully and quickly to you, it also transforms into a bubble as it strikesyour energy fields, and this bubble shall pop and dissipate. Therefore,another individual’s expression has not penetrated your energy field, foryou have allowed your energy field to be a buffer.
This is not an expression of a lack of acceptance of another individual. This is an expression of the acceptance of yourself and your own abilityand also the acceptance of other individuals in the allowance of any oftheir expressions, recognizing that these are their expressions which aremotivated from their belief systems, but this needs not be affecting ofyou. For if you are accepting of self and of your own abilities andyour own energy, the ball transforms to a bubble, and the bubble shallpop as easily and as effortlessly as a physical bubble that touches yourfinger and pops.
This IS your ability, and you may exercise this continuously. It is merely your belief systems that dictate to you that you shall behurt or discounted or that you are inadequate or that you may not accomplish,and it is the perpetuation of these belief systems that allows you to acceptthe penetration of other individuals and the projection of their energy. You may be accepting in the allowance. It is unnecessary for thepenetration.
And in this, in what you would term to be the reverse action, you maybe remembering of this exercise also and recognizing that your expressionsare the very same energy forms that are projected to other individuals,and they may not hold objectively the information that they hold the abilityto pop the bubble, and your expression shall penetrate. Therefore,the circle continues.