SNAP projection/OOB Method

(Paraphrased from Session #291, pages 2 through 5,12,13,14)

1.  Decide on an objective:  another location, a person in another location, another dimension, another time, or another focus which you are greatly motivated to see.  Choose specifically.  Repeat this several times to yourself before beginning your visualization. Remind yourself that this is a wondrous adventure and this is FUN!

2.  Set a timer with a bell or alarm for ten minutes.

3.  Allow yourself quietness and relaxation.  Visualize yourself on the top of a mountain (or you may create a different location), and experience fully all the aspects of the visualization.  Engage all of your outer senses within this state.  Move into a total mergence of the visualization.

4.  The alarm bell will be your SNAP.  Think immediately of your intended direction and wait.  Do not allow yourself to drift into other thoughts.  It is unnecessary to repeat your direction over and over to yourself.  Wait and hold within the thought.  In less than five minutes a new visual will appear.  You may manifest an „astral“ body.  You may move freely about, and manipulate.

5.  Be accepting of however you project and your manifestation of that projection, and not anticipate or expect a certain „method“ for its accomplishment.  Recognize that you shall create the most efficient manner to be projecting without fearfulness.

6.  Do not be discounting if you experience a partial projection but also snap back to your physical form, for you have accomplished initially!  Do not be discouraged if you are not initially accomplishing!  Continue practicing; it offers familiarity, and familiarity offers ease and effortlessness.  Practice is quite beneficial to you.

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